Class of 1991

Jennifer Reid writes that she enjoys expanding the worldviews and sociolinguistic skills of middle-school students by teaching them to speak French. Her specialty is transforming shy seventh-graders into gabby eighth-graders by embracing the awkwardness and silliness inherent in learning to talk like a toddler when you’re 12. Jen writes: “My husband, Luis Andrade (Columbia ’90), and our seven-year-old daughter and I moved from Oakland to the suburban wilds of Lafayette, Calif., and are still searching for decent pizza and Mexican food. We went on a holiday lunchtime adventure with Amy Jervis, Raymond Ku ’92, Charlene Ku ’94, and Tim Smith ’93, and frequently see Triane Chang, Rachel Leventhal, and Kitty Vieth ’93.” 

See more notes:
Class of 1991, Class of 1992, Class of 1993, Class of 1994

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