Class of 1949

Send your news to class secretary Harold Gadon or directly to the BAM at

Sep, 2024
A Challenge at the Outset
From the Archives Read More
Nov, 2023

Mark your calendar! Reunion 2024 will take place May 24-26. It’s essential to confirm that your alumni profile has the correct email address for updates regarding Reunion Weekend, which will be sent via email. Simply visit and follow the instructions provided to access your profile.

Jan, 2023
From Rugs to Writing
Read More
Apr, 2021

Norman B. Silk writes: “I’m semi-retired living in Clearwater, Florida, with my wife Martha. I’m playing senior softball and I am the only switch hitter. I’m also providing programs on the Big Band Era (based on my columns in the Daily Herald).” 

Apr, 2021

Walter N. Kaufman writes: “After service in the U.S. Navy during World War II, I attended Brown and was elected Phi Beta Kappa in my junior year. In 1952, I graduated from Harvard Law School and was a legal assistant to a member of the National Labor Relations Board. For many years I was a member of the Chicago Bar and was self-employed as a labor arbitrator in southern California and Las Vegas. I was a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators and didn’t retire until August 2018, following a heart attack. My wife, Nancy, predeceased me and I have a son, Dr. Paul Kaufman, a daughter Amy, and two grandchildren. I reside in San Diego.”      

Nov, 2020

Dolores Pastore DiPrete writes: “The social distance mandate has allowed me time to open my Pembroke ’49 file on my computer, where there were so many pictures that brought a smile to my face. In the photo below, left to right, we have Marjorie Logan HilesLois Jagolinzer Fain, Glenna Robinson Mazel and myself enjoying dinner at an off-year reunion. I urge all classmates to update current addresses with the Alumni Office since so many of us are making changes. Let’s continue our friendship via the BAM!”

Marjorie Logan Hiles, Lois Jagolinzer Fain, Glenna Robinson Mazel and Dolores DiPrete
Apr, 2020

Anne Day Archibald writes: “By the time you read this message the 2019 Reunion Weekend is long over. However, it’s not too late to list the 49ers who came to their 70th—Vivian Bergquist Clark, Delores Pastore DiPrete, Barbara Falconer Lofton, Lois Jagolinzer Fain, Rose Jamiel Falugo, Marian Stewart Wenzel, and myself. It was a wonderful opportunity to renew friendships, reminisce, appreciate the outstanding hospitality of the University’s staff and student helpers, and experience the excitement of campus life today. Also, Delores reports that in December, she and Marjorie Logan Hiles and Virginia Fitzpatrick Bainton joined other members of the Kent County Pembroke Club for their annual holiday luncheon at T’s Restaurant in East Greenwich, R.I. In the future, anyone who has a new address or news they’d like to share, please send it directly to the BAM for publication. As we start a new year, may we each do whatever we can to help make the world a kinder, safer place.”


Sep, 2019

Class secretary Hal Gadon reports: “We had a great weekend to celebrate our 70th reunion, including the weather which was superb and typical at Brown Commencements. We enjoyed meeting and greeting our former Brown classmates at the delicious dinners held at the Hope Club on Friday and Saturday evenings, as well as a very fine lunch at the University Club on Saturday afternoon. It all culminated in a number of gatherings at the College Green for the traditional commencement march down College Hill. A number of us marched part way or all the way behind our class banner led by our class marshal Alan Flink, who was leading us through the open Van Wickle Gates and proudly continuing down the hill twirling his marshal’s baton and cane through thunderous applause and high-five acclaim to the very end. Alan said this is something he will never forget and this unique Brown tradition is something we all continue to remember and enjoy. Our 70th reunion attendees included Class President Mars Bishop, Vice President Alan Flink, Secretary/Treasurer Hal Gadon, Robert Galkin, Sumner Alpert, Gerrit Sanford, Robert Fechtor, Ken MacLean, Morris Schwartz, William Clarke, and Rev. John Townsend. A class meeting was held with much praise given to class officers and directors who were unanimously reelected to continue serving for eternity. Our next class reunion will be our 75th in 2024. Save the Date!”


Hal Gadon ’49 with Commencement marshal Alan Flink
Sep, 2019

Dolores Pastore DiPrete reports: “Congratulations to all classmates whether you were able to attend or not. Many were with us in spirit but unable to attend due to physical limitations. Present for our luncheon were Anne Day Archibald and myself from Rhode Island, Rose Jamiel Falugo and Marion Stewart Wenzel from Florida, and Anita Powell Olson and Vivian Bergquist Clark from Massachusetts. Terry Arcand Hughes, Marjorie Logan Hiles and Ginny Fitzpatrick Bainton met with us and Lois Jagolinzer Fain for the 38th annual Dr. Carl and Dorothy O. Jagolinzer Memorial Concert and it was a stellar performance. The Brown reunion committee treated us royally with rides to and from all events and satisfied our every need. Thank you Ellamae Andrews Magee for your newsy note and donation; Marilyn Callahan Kindelan and Mardy Fox Rawls for notes; and to many who made calls to Lois and me. Unfortunately, many postcards were returned to me. Please keep your current addresses up to date with the alumni office. I was honored to serve as a class marshal but I must confess that I did not make it to the finish line. Walking through the Van Wickle Gates was humbling. Part way down the hill I sat in a wheelchair for an hour cheering the younger classes forward and then I realized that I could not take another step. My undergraduate assistant politely wheeled me back to my dorm.”


Sep, 2018

Morris Schwartz’s granddaughter, Adeline Schwartz, joined the class of 2022. Other alumni family members are Abraham Schwartz ’41, Elaine Revkin Rakatansky ’65, Barbara Revkin ’70, and Rebecca Haumann ’13.


Sep, 2018

Class secretary Harold Gadon reports: “Please mark your calendars for the class of 1949’s 70th reunion in 2019. Your very enthusiastic class board members are already planning for this momentous occasion. In fact, our class leaders met on May 16. Our president, Mars Bishop, generously arranged a luncheon for 16 classmates and their significant others at the Squantum Association. Class members who attended this year’s gathering were Mars Bishop, president; Alan Flink, vice president; Hal Gadon, secretary/treasurer; Sumner Alpert, and board members Robert Galkin, Ted Low, Ken Nanian, and Gerrit Sanford.”


Jul, 2018

Judge Phyllis Whitman Beck has been reappointed to the Ethics Board of the City of Philadelphia.

Jan, 2018

Ann Kline Cook '49 writes that after her husband, Bob Cook ’50, retired from his position as assistant director of information at the National Bureau of Standards and she retired as a NOAA public affairs officer, they moved to Linville in the North Carolina high country. There they enjoyed square dancing, editing a community newsletter, and many friends. However, after Bob passed away in 1999 and Ann had a stroke, she moved to a retirement community in Asheville, N.C.

From the November/December 2017 Issue

Send your news to class secretary Harold Gadon or directly to the BAM at

Rosalie Brendlinger Smith writes: “Oliver, my husband of 65 years, passed away in February 2016. We had dated all through high school and college, though he was a graduate of Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania. We were fortunate to enjoy many of the pleasant activities at Brown. We have five outstanding children, nine grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. We were blessed with a wonderful life together.”

Ken MacLean has moved back to Maryland after 16 years in Palm Springs, Calif.

From the September/October 2017 Issue

Send your news to class secretary Harold Gadon or directly to the BAM at

Lois Jagolinzer Fain reports: “In planning our traditional annual mini-reunion and as dyed-in-the-wool Pembrokers, our desire was to enjoy our mini-reunion at Brown on the weekend of the 125th Pembroke celebration, which unfortunately could not be scheduled on campus. On April 29, Anne Day Archibald, Virginia Fitzpatrick Bainton, Marcia Cohan Blacher, Dolores Pastore DiPrete, Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus, Marjorie Logan Hiles, Janice Howard, Therese Arcand Hughes, and I met at Gregg’s Restaurant in Providence for a delicious meal interlaced with much chatter and laughter. We discussed various ways to keep in touch with all of our classmates and decided that we should continue with snail mail. Thank you to all who financially supported our mail fund.”

Lois also writes: “Our idyllic Jupiter, Florida, 20-year residency ended in 2013 when Burt ’47 and I returned to our Rhode Island base. Sadly, Burt passed away on May 31, 2015, three days after we celebrated our 65th wedding anniversary. Burt and I had stayed close to Brown, attending all of our ’47 and ’49 major class reunions. I am now residing in Cranston, Rhode Island, and am enjoying my courses and renewed family connections. I also play Mahjong, hoping it activates the brain. I enjoy the camaraderie of new and old friends. The 36th annual Jagolinzer Memorial Concert, which my sister, Marion Goldsmith '43, and I have sponsored with the Brown music department since 1981, took place at Grant Recital Hall on May 27. It was a proud and joyous occasion for the performers, graduates, their parents, and faculty.”

Marcia Cohan Blacher writes: “My latest enjoyment is playing Mahjong with different groups of pleasant women—it’s a great pastime. I enjoy the newsletter about our classmates and seeing some of them at a class luncheon was really special.”

Kathryn Holland Van Buskirk continues to live independently, but the distance keeps her from attending events in Providence. She writes that she treated herself to the purchase of a new car with visual back-up feature.

Ann Kline Cook lives in a retirement community in the North Carolina mountains.

Dolores Pastore DiPrete celebrated her 90th birthday on June 14 with her children and grandchildren from Alaska, California, and Nevada. Cousins from Rome and Georgia and friends from Florida and Idaho also attended, as did former neighbors from her birthplace, Cranston, R.I.

Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus celebrated a four-generation family reunion last year.

Robert Galkin and his late wife, Wini Blacher Galkin ’52, were both inducted in May into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame, noting among other things Bob’s accomplishments as president of the international company Natco. Bob was also honored earlier that month with an honorary doctorate from the New England Institute of Technology, adding to the honorary doctorate he received from Rhode Island College in 2015. The couple are also Rhode Island Commodores.

Joan Dixon Keller relocated to the Boston area to be near her children. She enjoys her new housing and all the activities available there.

Judith Gellinoff Levy writes: “My last visit to the Brown campus was carrying the banner for our 50th class reunion, but I am delighted that we Pembroke girls are still in touch and visit one another. After retirement from teaching in the Scarsdale (New York) school system and at Marymount Manhattan College, I joined LIRIC (Learning in Retirement at Iona College) in New Rochelle, New York. I attend various classes there twice a week and my favorite is literature. When we discuss Shakespeare I use my Brown textbook with all the notes written in the margins. What a wonderful trip down memory lane.”
Jean E. Miller writes: “I had the pleasure of being the one member of the class of 1949 to attend the inspiring 125 Years of Women at Brown conference in May. I found myself being spotted by old friends from various classes, as well as meeting many new friends. What an amazing event. Shortly after returning to Vermont I flew to South Dakota for a mini family reunion in Lennox near Sioux Falls. What a spot. My cousin’s farm (1,500 acres in corn and soybeans) is very successful. I rode various machines, which all seemed to have their own computerized setup. The contrast with New England was remarkable: flat stretches to the horizon and clusters of very old trees sheltering houses and storage barns. Their youngest daughter was graduating from high school with all the bells and whistles deserving of a talented young woman who is off to study aeronautical engineering in the fall.”

John T. Townsend retired from Harvard Divinity School and continues to write. His latest work is an article on Rabbinic literature in the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Ethics. He writes that his Festschrift, entitled “Bridging Between Sister Religions: Studies of Jewish and Christian Scriptures Offered in Honor of Prof. John T, Townsend,” appeared in The Brill Reference Library of Judaism last year. He celebrates the Eucharist each Sunday at Grace Episcopal Church in Newton, Mass.

Henny Wenkart, who is living in New York City, regrets that she was unable to attend the luncheon and writes that her former husband, Henry David Epstein ’46, passed away.

From the July/August 2017 Issue

Send your news to class secretary Harold Gadon or directly to the BAM at 

From the May/June 2017 Issue

Send your news to class secretary Harold Gadon or directly to the BAM at

From the March/April 2017 Issue

Ken Mac Lean writes: “After 16 years in Palm Springs, California, I have moved back to Maryland, where I am minister emeritus of the Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church in Bethesda. I am in a new life in Gaithersburg.”

From the November/December 2016 Issue

Mars Bishop (see Allison Lombardo ’05).

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Class officers report: “Our 67th reunion was held at the Brown Faculty Club during Memorial Day weekend. Twenty classmates and guests enjoyed a delicious buffet luncheon. Secretary/treasurer Hal Gadon made all of the arrangements. Rev. John Townsend gave the blessing. Tribute was paid to those unable to attend and those who have passed away since our last reunion. Mars Bishop read letters from Bob Alexander, Bob Luce, and Howard Dutemple, who, though unable to attend, sent greetings and shared their thoughts about Brown. All wished a speedy recovery for Ted Low, who was recovering from a broken hip and a heart attack. Class officers Hal Gadon, Bob Galkin, and Sumner Alpert spoke of the warm and friendly feelings prevalent at our reunions, and all hope to be here for the next one.”

Dolores Pastore Diprete, Marjorie Hiles, Janice Howard, and Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus lunched at the East Side Market as a mini reunion. They write that they attended Chancellor Tisch’s Commencement forum and were again impressed with their alma mater.

Marge Hiles (see Joan McMaster ’60).

Jean Miller writes: “In the fall of 2014 I visited cousins in Scotland just after the vote for independence; it was a very interesting time. Last fall I hosted two sets of Scottish friends for Vermont foliage. Family history becomes even more of a commitment, as I am now the matriarch on both sides of the Atlantic. In 2015 I completed an oral history for the Pembroke Center archives. The project was spread over two years of meetings on campus. It’s now digitalized along with quite a number of others, including one by Nan Bailey ’74, who graduated from St. Timothy’s School, where I was formerly headmistress. Last June I went to the 50th reunion of my very first St. Timothy’s School graduating class! I continue my volunteer work on the boards of Maple Street School ( K–8 independent school ) and the Dorset Theatre Festival, and golf when weather permits (I use a cart now), trying to defend my nine-hole championship of 2015. I always enjoy my Pembroke Center Council meetings, which enable me to keep up with the latest on campus.”

Phyllis Burt Morton writes: “Volunteering is my therapy. I am on call to be a surrogate parent for any child in the area; serve on the Citizen Review Board for Lucas County Juvenile Court (I review cases for children involved in the court system due to neglect, abuse, or dependency); coordinate a program for seniors in the area called Christian Seniors Interacting, which offers Bible study, lunch, and a program; serve as a docent and fund-raiser for the Spafford House Museum (established by the Perrysburg Area Historic Museum Inc.); and am an ombudsman for a Toledo inner-city nursing home. I was given a Jefferson Award in 2014 for my volunteer efforts. I pray I can continue these volunteer opportunities forever. I have also been interviewing for Brown admissions—successfully, I might add.”

Adele Goodman Pickar writes: “I live in a wonderful continuing care senior community called Spring Lake Village, and I have an independent living apartment. I participate in many exercise programs and lead a weekly meditation group. I also participate in a Transitions Focus Group, where our committee plans monthly discussion programs for all of us. I am on a bocce team here and also do some hiking with younger friends.”

Norman B. Silk and his wife, Martha, live in Clearwater, Fla. Norman still has his law office in Randolph, Mass. He writes: “I enjoy playing softball on the senior team. It took 88 years to realize I can bat righty and lefty. I still play trombone with both hands.” He is the father of Stephanie Silk Abdo ’80, father-in-law to Rick Abdo ’78, and grandfather of Greg Abdo ’10, and Nicole Abdo ’13.

John Townsend retired in 1994 as professor emeritus of New Testament, Judaism, and Biblical Languages from the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass. He taught Jewish studies at the Harvard Divinity School for the next 15 years. He writes: “Even though I no longer teach courses, I still celebrate the 8:00 a.m. Eucharist each Sunday at our local Episcopal Church. In addition, I continue to write. These are titles of a couple of significant essays which I recently wrote and a Festschrift in my honor: ‘Misunderstood New Testament Texts: Mark 2:23 and Galatians 2:1’ in Earliest Christianity; Within the Boundaries of Judaism: Essays in Honor of Bruce Chilton; ‘Rabbinic Literature’ in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Ethics; and Festschrift: Bridging Between Sister Religions: Studies in Jewish and Christian Scriptures Offered to Honor Prof. John Townsend.”

From the July/August 2016 Issue

Sumner Alpert (see Al Gerstein ’54).

From the May/June 2016 Issue

John T. Townsend retired in 1994 as professor emeritus of New Testament, Judaism, and biblical languages at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass. He then taught Judaic studies at the Harvard Divinity School for 15 years and writes: “Even though I no longer teach, I still celebrate the 8:00 a.m. Eucharist each Sunday at our local Episcopal church. In addition, I continue to write.” This year John published “Misunderstood New Testament Texts: Mark 2:23 and Galatians 2:1” in Earliest Christianity within the Borders of Judaism: Essays in Honor of Bruce Chilton. He also wrote “Rabbinic Literature” for the second volume of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Ethics, and was honored with a Festschrift titled Bridging Between Sister Religions: Studies in Jewish and Christian Scriptures Offered in Honor of Prof. John Townsend.

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Sumner Alpert writes: “Another year is slipping by, and I can’t wait to join classmates on the Hill in May. It is sad to see so many of our classmates pass away. This year my daughter, Sandra Sumner Pankiw ’76, will be celebrating her 40th reunion. My special girlfriend, Joyce Rosenthal, has a daughter, Marian Richter ’86, who will be celebrating her 30th reunion. We winter in Sarasota, Florida, for eight months and summer in Newport, Rhode Island, for four. As I approach 90, I look back at how lucky I’ve been, being on dialysis for 17 years and still going strong. As a three-generation Brown alum (my dad was class of ’19), I am proud to have had this long association with Brown. A navy vet from World War II, I belong to a lively war veterans group here in Sarasota and to the Brown Alumni Association, where we even invite other Ivies to our meetings. Hope to see my good friends in May.”

From the May/June 2015 Issue

Glenna Robinson Mazel writes: “My grandson, who is 15, is a basketball player, so I’m seeing a lot of games. One granddaughter is in Hawaii volunteering for the Honoka’a Peoples’ Theatre and a coffee farm. Another is returning to Reed College after an internship in New York City to help foreign students who want to attend her school. I have joined a history and current events class given by a UC Berkeley professor. I’m also going to Hawaii with my daughter, as she is representing her firm at a legal conference there. So things are ‘not too shabby,’ as they say.”

Hal Gadon writes that he and Mars Bishop, Lloyd Broomhead, Alan Flink, Bob Galkin, Bob Kotlen, Ken Nanian, and Gerrit Sanford enjoyed a luncheon at the Squantum Association in East Providence, R.I . He writes: “Our treasurer, Bob Kotlen, reported that we still have a treasury, and as requested will again plan a ’49 mini-reunion at the 2015 commencement.”

From the January/February 2015 Issue

Rosalie Adelman Beloff writes that she and her husband, Jerry, “had a wonderful five years [together] in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, before he died in September at 97 years of age. I was sorry to have missed our 65th reunion. However, Lois Fain was nice enough to send the class photo to me. It brought back lots of great memories of Pembroke ’49ers.”

Helen Herlitz writes that she is “alive and well, and living in Irvington, New York, after 61 years of marriage.”

Mary Serenna Foxall Day writes: “As a retired children’s librarian, I have seen the positive impact of Lois Lowry’s (’58) writings for children and young people. Loved the article about her and her days at Brown.”

From the September/October 2014 Issue

Class secretary Hal Gadon reports: “Our 65th reunion was a resounding success! We were well represented by 23 returning classmates, most of whom were able to march down the hill led by class marshal Gerrit Sanford in full regalia and wearing the top hat of his grandfather, class of 1911. Since we were one of the first reunion classes to march through the Gates, we walked past all the other classes to thunderous applause. It was also very exciting to be part of Brown’s 250th celebration. Our weekend was enhanced by getting together at the nearby Hope Club. Our Brown men and guests (numbering more than 40) were joined by our Pembroke counterparts, and we all enjoyed two special evenings of socializing and fine dining. At our class luncheon meeting led by our president, Mars Bishop, a new slate of officers was elected to serve—we hope—for the next five years: Mars Bishop (president), Alan Flink (first vice president), Lloyd Broomhead (second vice president), Hal Gadon (secretary), and Robert Kotlen (treasurer). Board members elected were: Paul Abramson, Sumner Alpert, Bernard Frechtman, Robert Galkin, Ken Nanian, and Gerrit Sanford. Other classmates attending our 65th were: Don Alden, John M. Barker, Marshall Eisenberg, Burton Fain, Robert Fechtor, Wally Henshaw, Bob Love, Ted Low, Ken Mac Lean, Carl Ostroff, Ronald Pritzker, Morris P. Schwartz, William L. Spillane, and John Townsend.”

Pembroke class president Glenna R. Mazel Fortier reports: “We had a great turnout for our reunion; 24 Pembroke classmates brought relatives and guests! Friday evening we met with the Brown men and had cocktails, dinner, and great conversations. Dolores Pastore DiPrete and I then went to Campus Dance and stayed for the a cappella singing on the steps of Sayles Hall at midnight. Saturday we attended various forums and then met for our class meeting and luncheon at the Faculty Club. In the afternoon we went to our classmate Lois Jagolinzer Fain’s annual concert of outstanding Brown musicians. We again joined the Brown men and other classes that preceded us for a really special dinner evening at the Hope Club. Sunday was the culmination and the most spectacular march I have ever seen in my 65 years at Brown. Anne Day Archibald, our reunion chair, accomplished this terrific event via telephone. The human voice proved to be more powerful than the computer. Our class gift was produced by Lois, a CD with songs from our college years. Those in attendance were: Anne Day Archibald, Marcia Cohan Blacher, Vivian Bergquist Clarke, Dolores Pastore DiPrete, Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus, Lois Jagolinzer Fain, Margaret Fox Rawls, Marjorie Logan Hiles, Muriel Broadbent Jones, Joan Dixon Keller, Barbara Falconer Lofton, Ellamae Andrews Magee, Glenna Mazel Fortier, Jean E. Miller, Phyllis Burt Morton, Marie Caporale Oddi, Adele Goodman Pickar, Doris Aitken Rolston, Rosalie Brendlinger Smith, Ruth Anderson Turney, Olga Glassman Weiss, Henny Wenkart, and Sally deVeer Whipple. All look forward to another great reunion!”

Dolores Pastore DiPrete writes: “Although the years have passed rather quickly since graduation, I still remember that day as clear as a bell. It was a hot, sunny day, and I cringed as I donned my robe. I had a terrible sunburn and the robe seemed to adhere to my flesh. Now, as the years have passed, I still feel very close to Brown. Relationships with classmates have intensified. I look forward to my 69th!”

From the March/April 2014 Issue [65th]

Adele Anthony (see John Bauman ’81).

Jim Cooney celebrated his 90th birthday in December. He spends the winter in Hutchinson Island, Fla., and enjoys playing bridge and watching sports.

From the September/October 2013 Issue

Class officers and committee members have been organizing a mini-reunion event each year, and this year was no exception. A bountiful lunch was provided on campus at the Sigma Chi House. Sixteen classmates and guests from nearby areas enjoyed the friendly get-together. Attendees included class president Mars Bishop, Lloyd Broomhead, Alan Flink, Hal Gadon, Wally Henshaw, Bob Kotlen, Gerrit Sanford, and Norman Silk, who was also celebrating his grandson’s graduation. Paul Abramson, too, has a grandson in the class of 2013, but unfortunately was unable to attend. May 2014 will be a big year for Brown—its 250th Celebration and, for the class of 1949, the 65th reunion. Class officers are planning a dinner in conjunction with the class of ’49 Pembrokers, to be held on Saturday, May 24, 2014. Please save the date. We hope many of you will plan to attend.

Class president Glenna Mazel Fortier reports: “The class of Pembroke ’49 celebrated its annual mini-reunion at the Faculty Club. Attending were Anne Day Archibald, Dolores Pastore DiPrete, Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus, Lois Jagolinzer Fain, Rose Jamiel Falugo, Glenna Mazel Fortier, Marjorie Logan Hiles, Jan Howard, Muriel Broadbent Jones, and Jean Miller. We had fun sharing memories of our college days. We also shared e-mails from classmates who were unable to attend, including Alice Agostinho Cardim, from Rio, who attended a Brown Alumni Club organized by Brown and the Catholic Univ. in Rio (PUC). She said she felt like a dinosaur among all the young exchange students, and she wished she could have joined us.”

Shirley Whipple Hinds writes that she is busy with the Questers, AAUW, and the Oconomowoc Area Historical Society and Museum. She recently helped plan and set up a replica of the former Strand Theater, where the Wizard of Oz premiered in 1939.

Joan Dixon Keller writes from Atlanta that she is sorry she hasn’t been to recent reunions. She has four children and is in good health, enjoying golf and bridge and spending four months each summer at the shore in Michigan. She is still interested in politics and distressed over polarization in our government. She would like to be part of the 65th reunion.

Anne Mackie writes that she was sorry to miss Commencement and Reunion weekend with the ’49 Pembrokers, but she didn’t leave Vero Beach, Fla., and head north to Maine until June 15.

Jean Miller writes: “When I returned home, I discovered that I had been awarded the Exceptional Retiree Award in the Arts from the local independent living organization. I knew I had been nominated, but was truly pleased and very surprised when I saw the award itself.”

From the May/June 2013 Issue

Marcia Cohen Blacher writes she enjoyed visiting classmate Margaret Fox’s art show.

Roland Clement celebrated his 100th birthday and is doing great.

Geneva Christie Goodwin lives in South Dennis on Cape Cod and finds returning for reunions difficult.

Frances Bell Griswold, of Sugar Land, Tex., retired from teaching dyslexic students two years ago. She spends August and September in Rockport, Me. Her family is scattered in London; Florida; Washington, D.C.; and Texas. She would like to help plan a reunion with classmates in her area.

Janice Eppler Hagemann, from Short Hills, N.J., enjoys traveling in the winter to Amelia Island, Fla. She also volunteers at the local hospital.

Anne Boyce Mackie from Westport Island, Me., winters in Florida and would like to help plan a reunion.

Glenna Robinson Mazel visited Doris Anderson Landeau in Alexandria, Va. Doris worked for the National Building Museum for a long time and now serves as a volunteer. Glenna urges classmates to attend lunch at the Faculty Club at 11:30 on May 25.

Anita Powell Olson writes: “After looking at different retirement communities for years, I finally moved into one less than three miles from my home of 52 years. I am finding it both stimulating and relaxing.” 


From the March/April 2013 Issue

Morris Schwartz writes about the nickel-and-dime poker game he attends every Tuesday afternoon. Usually present are Marshall Eisenberg, Norbert Fessel ’51, and Eugene Weinberg ’51. “Other friends attend as well, all octogenarians. The stakes are low, but the competition is high.”

From the September/October 2012 Issue

Class president Glenna Robinson Mazel reports: “The yearly mini-reunion of the Pembroke class of 1949 was held in June. We visited the home and gardens of treasurer Phillip ’48 and Muriel Broadbent Jones, followed by a luncheon at the Colonel Blackinton Inn in Attleboro, Mass. Attending were Anne Day Archibald, Jini Fitzpatrick Bainton, Dolores Pastore DiPrete, Lois Jagolinzer Fain and her sister Marion Jagolinzer Goldsmith ’43, Marge Logan Hiles, Terry Arcand Hughes, and Anita Powell Olson. We discussed meeting again soon and starting to plan for our 65th.

“On a personal note, Glenna visited her daughter Laura Mazel, son-in-law William Reed ’87 MD, and grandchildren—Isobel, who is attending Reed College, Olivia, and Emmett—in California for the winter. Glenna’s son Richard Mazel is in advanced linguistics studies at Columbia. Laura took a trip with her to Hawaii. Glenna is planning a trip to Nova Scotia to visit her son Gregg, daughter-in-law Natalie, and grandchildren. Daughter Nina returned from teaching ESL in Israel, and Lydia returned from working in South America. Glenna is also taking courses in Theatre Conversations and All That Jazz at BCLIR, a learning-in-retirement program.

Shirley Gfroerer Buck of Lexington, Mass., writes a column on senior volunteers for the Lexington Minuteman newspaper, and is also a cofounder of LexSA (Lexington Senior Advocates). She volunteers at the historic Buckman Tavern and serves as a librarian at Hancock Congregational Church.

Ann Kline Cook of Asheville, N.C., moved to a retirement home which provides a wide range of activities, including a theater group. She writes that she is curbing her international travel, and that two of her grandchildren will be attending colleges in the south this fall.

Dolores DiPrete attended the wedding of her oldest grandchild, Ryan, on Dec. 22, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Ryan is a graduate of U. Mass Amherst and lives in Wasilla, Alaska. She is active in the Social Outreach Committee for St. Francis of Assisi parish in Wakefield, R.I., and assists in the annual bereavement Mass, making personal contact with those who have lost loved ones.

Hal Gadon reports: “The class of ’49 held what has become our annual Commencement weekend mini-reunion on May 26. This time it was a splendid luncheon arranged by Bob Kotlen. It was also a perfect sunny day to gather outdoors at the Sigma Chi fraternity house, and the 27 people who attended were happily meeting and greeting each other. This much-anticipated event was planned under the leadership of Mars Bishop with the assistance of Bob Kotlen, Hal Gadon, Alan Flink, Bob Galkin, and Ken Nanian. Other classmates who attended, along with wives and guests, included Sumner Alpert, Wally Henshaw, Carl Ostroff, Ronald Pritzker, and Garrett SanfordHoward Saltzman and his wife, Leila, were there as well to celebrate the 2012 graduation of their grandson Jared Lafer. And last but not least, Rita and Malcolm Idelson were present with their two children, Doug ’92 and Janine ’83, as well as their son-in-law, Robert S. Cowan ’82. It was a great time to get together again, and nine of the above also marched down College Hill on Sunday morning.”

Geneva Goodwin, of South Dennis, Mass., continues to interview students who want to attend Brown through the Brown Alumni Schools Committees.

Florence Seid Harff of Baldwin, N.Y., is active as a volunteer, visiting nursing homes, a mental health clinic, and a center that uses pets for autism therapy. She also tutors Spanish-speaking women in English as a second language.

Ann Boyce Mackie writes that she winters in Florida and spends four months of the year at her 100-year-old cottage in Maine.

Phyllis Reynolds Manley of Duarte, Calif., traveled to Kenya and Tanzania with her daughter, Susan Manley Champion ’74. They did a home visit in Tumu Tumu; their hosts were part of the Green Belt Movement begun by Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai. They even planted a tree.

Jean E. Miller went to Turkey in May on a Road Scholar trip. She serves on the board of the Dorset Theater Festival, which has honored her by creating the Jean E. Miller Playwriting Competition for middle and high school students in Southern Vermont. In May, she participated in the Women’s Leadership Conference: 120 Years of Women at Brown .

Phyllis Burt Morton, of Perrysburg, Ohio, is an ombudsman for a nursing home, a surrogate parent, and a coordinator for Christian Seniors Interacting. She is helping to establish a Perrysburg area historic museum. She also volunteers for Reach for Recovery, the Brown Alumni Schools Committees, and is active in her church. She would like to help with the upcoming reunion.

Marie Caporale Oddi of Boynton Beach, Fla., writes that she is enjoying the sun seven months of the year, bowling, taking country-dance lessons, and leading book discussions. She also plays bridge weekly and enjoys The Met: Live in HD.

Joanne Worley Rondestvedt is involved in a research project on healthy aging conducted by Yale and 15 other institutions. She is chapter president of P.E.O., a member of the DAR, and active in a garden club and her church. She says she no longer plays the flute but does enjoy going to musical events.

Kathryn Holland Van Buskirk of North Mankato, Minn., wonders if any classmates live near her. She was recently widowed and also was in a serious auto accident requiring major back surgery but is happy to report that she is now well and very active again.

Henny Wenkart published volume eight of the Jewish Women’s Literary Annual, had several pieces accepted in literary journals, and has an anthology coming out from St. Martin’s Press. She is also completing a novel.


From the January/February 2012 Issue

Paul Abramson writes: "My wife, Seena, and I celebrated our 55th anniversary on Aug. 25 aboard the Crystal Symphony, cruising from San Francisco to New York City via the Panama Canal. While visiting Miami, we invited Charlotte and Bob Gittleman, whom I have known now for 66 years, aboard for lunch. We had a wonderful afternoon discussing our times and classmates at Brown. I'm looking forward to visiting Providence again when my grandson Jesse Hertz '13 graduates."

Constantine E. Anagnostopoulos writes that he has published his first book, Athens in Black, an autobiographical novel based on his covert operations during the Nazi occupation of Greece in World War II. It is available through Amazon.

Anne Boyce Mackie writes that two 1949 classmates live near her in Florida: Ruth Horton Watkins and Marian Stewart Wenzel. They had a reunion and invited Anne Day Archibald, Jean Miller, and Phyllis Burt Morton.

From the November/December 2011 Issue

Alan L. Sack (see Martha J. Sack '79).

Glenna Robinson Mazel cohosted the 90th birthday of her sister Elaine Robinson Kaufman '43 at the Brown Faculty Club with her children, Sharon, Roberta, Ann, and Steven, and her sister Cynthia Thomas of Washington, D.C.

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Philadelphia's city council confirmed Phyllis Whitman Beck as a member of the city's ethics board. She is a retired judge of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

Rose Jamiel Falugo writes that she still enjoys traveling to see her daughter in the Netherlands and her grandson in Cornwall, U.K.

From the May/June 2011 Issue

Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus, of Fall River, Mass., volunteers at a Fall River food pantry and is a board member of the Fall River Women's Club, the Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El, and the Fall River Jewish home for the aged.

Rose Jamiel Falugo travels often to Europe, Alaska, and Hawaii and spends winters in her Florida home. She also helps her sons at the Bedding Center, a family business.

Sybil Finch Gilbert, from La Grange Park, Ill., spent three months on Bass Lake in Michigan sailing, weaving, and being with family and friends.

Frances Bell Griswold writes from Sugar Land, Tex. She has retired after 50 years of teaching dyslexic children and adults. She volunteers at the local library and travels.

From the January/February 2011 Issue

Men's Class of 1949: "It was just one of those nights that you'll never forget—and we were there! Along with 17,360 fans packing the stadium, we watched the Brown Bears in their historic night football upset of Harvard, 29–14. It was an amazing night to remember! The officers of the men's class of '49 publicized the event in advance and arranged free tickets for those attending, including Lloyd Broomhead, Marshall Eisenberg, Alan Flink, Hal Gadon, Robert Galkin, Bob Kotlen, Morris Schwartz, and their guests. Thanks to Paul Abramson for coming up with the idea, although he wasn't able to attend. This was such a great event that we hope to do it again on Homecoming weekend next year."

Phyllis Whitman Beck is chair and CEO for the Independence Foundation and mediator for the Superior Court (intermediate appellate of Pa.).

Raymond W. Houghton returned to the United States after 20 years spent teaching at Trinity College, Dublin.

Phyllis Burt Morton is a coordinator of senior activities for her church, a volunteer for the Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) in the juvenile court, an ombudsman for long-term care facilities, and the first vice president of the Perrysburg Area Historic Museum, which has purchased the 1823 house of an early settler. She is currently raising funds to renovate it.

Adele Goodman Pickar is living in Santa Rosa, Calif. She is a volunteer at the Children's Village, which looks after siblings in foster care. She also helps facilitate a solstice program for children four times a year, helping them adjust to loss and change, and she is a member of a committee that makes plans for long-term care. She is also an active planner and facilitator for Community in Conversations, which enables synagogues and churches to gain knowledge of each other and push for action on such needs as mental-health-care services, public transportation, and legal issues.

Ronald S. Pritzker writes that he had a great bus trip last May to Newport, R.I., for his 61st reunion. "We have a wonderful committee thinking of ways to get together. At our age, we can't wait for five years."

Joanne Worley Rondestvedt, a flutist, has been on the boards of the Connecticut Orchestra, a local garden club, and a hospice. She is a longtime subscriber to the Metropolitan Opera and a participant in the many Yale offerings to her community in Hamden, Conn.

Edward J. Saillant has sold his company, Mother Nature's Organic Plant Food, and is now retired. He celebrated 65 years of marriage on Jan. 25, 2010, with his wife, Hazel Cassidy.

Norman B. Silk is still involved in law practice. He swims, travels, plays the trombone, and lectures on music. He enjoys attending Brown functions with two generations of family, who are Brown graduates and students.

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Theodore F. Low is currently serving his third term as civilian aide to the secretary of the Army. Ted retains the rank of a three-star Army general (lt. general). His duties include a fair amount of travel. He also works as a senior consulting engineer for his daughter, Emily Low Boenning '85, who is the owner and president of an environmental engineering consulting firm.


From the July/August 2010 Issue

Constantine E. Anagnostopoulos sits on four biotechnology boards and chairs one. He spends his winters in Naples, Fla., and his summers in his new home in Bloomfield Hills, Mich.

Marge Hiles reports: "Join us for our class Newport tour on Wednesday, July 28. Our tour guide, Bob Galkin, is planning stops at the Touro Synagogue, the Redwood Library, Ochre Court at Salve Regina, Doris Duke's Rough Point, and other points of interest. Lunch at the Elms will be followed by a tour of the mansion and a second tour of the special service area. Dinner with a vegetarian option is at the Atlantic Beach Club. Family and friends are also invited. Please call Marge Hiles or Bob Kotlen for more information. Deadline for reservations is July 15."

Phyllis Reynolds Manley traveled to London in May with her local junior college for a weeklong London theater class. In June she returned to Europe for a cruise to the Dalmatian coast and to attend the production in Oberammergau. Morris Schwartz hosted an 80th birthday party in honor of his wife, Barbara Amber Schwartz (URI '52). Present were Marshall Eisenberg, Harold Gadon, Robert Kotlen, and Harvey Snyder '51 and their wives. Also present in spirit was Morris's brother, Abraham Schwartz '41, who celebrated his 90th birthday in March. Morris recently retired from his position as a chemical sales representative for NCH Corporation after 33 years. He and his wife have one daughter, two sons, and six grandchildren.

Soon after graduating, Lee Brendlinger Smith and nine of her classmates started a round-robin that has continued for 60 years. Participants write letters about their activities and families and share them with the others. Members of the group are Phyllis Whitman Beck, Louisa Copp Bergstrom, Ali Agostino Cardin, Dottie Moyer Gardner, Sybil Finch Gilbert, Anne Seaver Harrington, Anne Bradford McCartney, Marie Caporale Oddi, and Adele Goodman Pickar.

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Sumner Alpert is retired. He resides in Fall River, Mass., but spends his winters in Florida.

Mars Bishop writes: "A recent mailing was made to the men requesting some information which might connect them with former classmates and future class events. If you have not already returned your questionnaire and would like to be included, e-mail me."

Emil Berges is a sheriff on Long Island, Me.

Philip Denner Jr. writes he has been married for 60 years, enjoys gardening, and is active in his church. He lives in Nashua, N.H.

Raymond W. Houghton '57 AM returned to Lincoln, R.I., after 20 years teaching at Trinity College Dublin. He has written five books on education and philosophy.

Walter Lada is retired and living in Cranston, R.I.

Robert Love is retired. He lives in West Hartford, Conn., and has nine grandchildren.

Robert Luce lives in Hempstead, N.Y., and is a member of a church choir as well as an active cross-country skier.

Raymond Russell is an entrepreneur. He now lives in Hudson, Fla.

Frederick Smith is a church scholar and organist living in Greenville, R.I.

Clarence Soderberg is an active doctor and Mason living in East Greenwich, R.I.

From the March/April 2010 Issue

Robert A. Alexander is day trading in a home office, playing golf with his grandson, and going on local day trips with his wife, Shirley. He spent his career in agribusiness with General Mills and Pillsbury before retiring in 1978. He lived in St. Petersburg, Fla., for eight years and the Woodlands, Tex., for 21. Robert moved to Medina, Ohio, last October.

Constantine E. Anagnostopoulos is on the board of several biotechnology companies he helped start, including DYAX Inc., in Boston; Deltagen Inc., in San Mateo, Calif.; Zystor Therapeutics Inc., in Milwaukee; and Keveos Inc., in St. Louis, Mo.

Roland C. Clement lost his wife of 60 years in 1998. He retired at age 77, is a visiting fellow at Yale, and has become a watercolorist. He has three children and three grandchildren.

Charles A. Cooper is retired and now plays a lot of tennis and volunteers to keep order at the local clay courts. He tutors at the English Speaking Union and takes classes at Fordham Univ. and the New School. He enjoys going to the theater and the New York Philharmonic. Three of his four grandchildren went to college somewhere other than Brown, and he is hoping that his fourth grandchild will choose Brown and that Brown will choose him. He would be the third generation of Brunonians, after Charles's son Fred '79 and daughter Margery Cooper '82.

Marshall M. Eisenberg writes that he donated the money he would have spent on the 60th reunion last May to the Community Food Bank and Meals on Wheels. He reads, works on computers, golfs, plays poker, and manages his portfolio and some property.

Robert M. Fechtor writes: "I am enjoying my nine grandchildren, ages 15 to 32, along with my three sons and their mates. I still travel the world with my fiancée of six years (after a wonderful marriage of 53 years) and play tennis three days a week."

Robert A. Kotlen is curator of the R.I. Heritage Hall of Fame and has served on several historical boards and committees. He volunteers to drive cancer patients to Boston hospitals, dubs cassettes for audio books for the blind and the Frank Lloyd Wright Institute, and frames and mounts pictures for a cruise line. He also enjoys traveling in the United States and overseas and staying in touch with his four children and six grandchildren.

Robert Luce is involved in his church choir, the Merrick Chorale, and the Long Island Cross Country Ski Club.

Harold Ludman is a retired physician living in Florida after practicing internal medicine for 40 years in Westbury, N.Y.

Ronald S. Pritzker writes that he had a great time at the 60th reunion. He is volunteering part-time, working on his home, playing tennis and bridge, and spending winters in Florida.

William Seamans retired from ABC, where he worked as a news commentator.

Charles H. Schaeffer is retired and spends his time biking and boating.

Charles W. Thomas has been traveling, playing golf, and volunteering for church committees and programs. He writes that his daughter and grandson both attended Brown.

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Gene Ducati volunteers four days a week at the Indialantic Elementary School in Indialantic, Fla., reading character-building booklets to first-grade children and encouraging participation with prepared questions. He also tutors two children per class.

Steve Garratt (see Robert and Carol Taylor Carlisle '43).

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Marjorie Logan Hiles writes: "Opera, anyone? For our mini-reunion in the spring we plan to attend a simulcast of Rossini's Armida, starring Renée Fleming, on May 1." The simulcast of this performance at Lincoln Center in New York City will be at Patriot Place in Foxboro, Mass., followed by dinner. More information is available at (Also see Joan Hoost McMaster '60).

From the September/October 2009 Issue

Pembroke class secretary Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus writes: "The class reunion was a very spirited and successful affair from start to finish. The new slate was presented at the Faculty Club. Glenna Robinson Mazel was elected president; Anne Day Archibald, vice president; Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus, secretary; Muriel Broadbent Jones, treasurer; and Sally deVeer Whipple, Marjorie Logan Hiles, Dolores Pastore DiPrete, Lois Jagonlinzer Fain, and Jean Miller, members at large. The dinner ended in swing dancing, concluding with a request by Eloise Fleischer Pollack for the Dixie band to play 'When the Saints Go Marching In' as we marched around the tables. For the procession down the hill, Ruth Roseman Rochefort's daughter, Deborah Roseman Hopkins '77, marched in her mother's place. For a raffle to benefit Friends of the Library, Dolores Pastore DiPrete designed a commemorative pillow, which Marjorie Jones Stenberg '54 won. After lunch for all alumnae at the Refectory, we said our good-byes and left, promising to keep in touch and looking forward to our next big reunion."

Class secretary Gerrit Sanford writes, "As the class of '49 doffed our hats at the Van Wickle Gates, I was surprised at how sprightly our steps were. After all, many in the class have survived World War II, and all were born before the crash of 1929. The present recession seems tame by comparison, but nevertheless presented an obstacle in meeting our 60th reunion fundraising goal. Many stayed up to sing the Alma Mater at the Campus Dance on Friday night. On Saturday, 27 Brown men met at the Faculty Club to elect their officers. The men elected: president, Mars Bishop; vice president, Alan Flink; secretary, Gerrit Sanford; and treasurer, Robert Kotlen. We shared memories during dinner on Saturday night in the Chancellor's Dining Room and danced to our own six-piece orchestra. We are already looking forward to our 65th."




From the May/June 2009 Issue [60th]


Class of 1949 reunion chair Glenna Robinson Mazel reports: "Our 60th Pembroke reunion plans include an open welcome bar, early morning 'chair' yoga in our assigned dorm, complimentary breakfasts, and a class luncheon and meeting at the Faculty Club. There will also be a guided trolley ride around Providence, followed by entertainment and dinner on campus with the Brown men and an evening look at WaterFire downtown. Brown offers its excellent forums, as usual, and the opportunity to enjoy the Brown Bear Buffet and Campus Dance. Sunday is the traditional march down College Hill with our classmates and a rest at a complimentary lunch. Come back to Brown to enjoy our 60th!"

Constantine E. Anagnostopoulos is still active with biopharmaceutical companies at the age of 86, sitting on the board of four, and the chairman of two.

From the March/April 2009 Issue [60th]

Glenna Robinson Mazel writes: "Plans for our 60th reunion are off to a good start. We've had a meeting with both Brown and Pembroke '49 boards to promote a promising and special event. Brown men Sumner Alpert, Bob Kotlen, Gerrit Sanford, Mars Bishop, and Harold Gadon attended. Representing Pembroke were Marjorie Logan Hiles, Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus, Muriel Broadbent Jones, Anne Day Archibald, and me. Separate lunches and class meetings will be held at the Faculty Club, and a combined Brown/Pembroke dinner, as well as entertainment, are in the works. The Brown '49 website will post updates on reunion plans (

"Muriel Broadbent Jones, Marjorie Logan Hiles, Dolores DiPrete, and I recently attended a Pembroke tribute at the newly renovated Pembroke Hall, which features a garden with a brick-and-stone memorial. A bronze plaque depicts Pembroke's first campus: a must-see on reunion weekend!"

From the January/February 2009 Issue [60th] 

Ann Kline Cook and Bob Cook '50 write that they are happily retired in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Ann is on the board of the county education foundation, which pledges college scholarships as incentives to bright but disadvantaged students as they enter high school. The couple has been serving their community for years, but are "retiring" again to bridge and shuffleboard.

From the September/October 2008 Issue [60th]

Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus reports: "The Pembroke class of '49 held a mini-reunion on May 28 in New Bedford, Mass. We began with a lunch in the historic district followed by a guided tour of the New Bedford Whaling Museum. We concluded our trip with a visit to the historic Seaman's Bethel of Moby Dick importance. In attendance were: Ann Day Archibald, Dolores Pastore DiPrete, Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus, Lois Jagolinzer Fain, Glenna Robinson Mazel, Marjore Logan Hiles, and Muriel Broadbent Jones."

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Martin Mahdesyan writes: "I've reached the age of 82 and am still in relatively good health. I enjoy life with my two daughters, two grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. I wish my beloved wife was still alive to enjoy them with me."

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Alan L. Sack (see Martha Sack '79).

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Class president Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus reports: "On Wednesday, June 13, 2007, the Pembroke Class of 1949 held a mini-reunion at Sidney E. Frank Hall for Life Sciences, where we were given a very interesting and educational tour of a state-of-the-art research lab. We followed the tour with a private luncheon at Smith-Buonanno Hall attended by Anne Day Achibald, Marilyn Taft Blake, Lois Jagolinzer Fain, Marjorie Hiles Logan, Muriel Broadbent Jones, Anita Powell Olson, and Flora Castro Walsh. It is always enjoyable getting together with our old classmates."

Marjorie Logan Hiles writes: "In May three members of our class-- Dolores Pastore DiPrete, Anita Powell Olson--and I, traveled to Asheville, North Carolina, for an Elderhostel at Lake Junaluska. The main subject of the Elderhostel was to learn about and then visit the Biltmore Estate and the Vanderbilt Mansion or to learn about Appalachian family, culture, and songs. The music was played on a dulcimer, and the culture included contra, line, and square dances. After the Elderhostel, Dolores and I continued north through Great Smoky Mountains National Park to Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg, Winston-Salem's Reynolda House Museum of American Art and its gardens, and then back to Asheville to fly home to Providence."

From the July / August 2007 Issue

Sumner Alpert and Arline Goodman ’50 write: “Sumner has just finished his first year as class president. Arline is class agent. Daughter Sandra A. Pankiw ’76 is doing well in the Cleveland area. Two grandchildren are starting college in the fall in the class of 2011, but unfortunately, neither is going to Brown.”

Arsen Shamshoian ’59 MAT (see Mike Rubin ’00).

From the September / October 2006 Issue

Class president Marjorie Logan Hiles reports: “Thirteen members of the class came together for a mini-reunion in May at Concord’s Colonial Inn in Massachusetts. Attending were Janice Howard, Terry Arcand Hughes, Lois Jagolinzer Fain, Muriel Broadbent Jones, Dolores Pastore DiPrete, Sally deVeer Whipple, Florence Castro Walsh, Marilyn Taft Blake, Anita Powell Olson, Marilyn Silverman Ehren-haus, Anne Day Archibald, Mardy Fox Rawls, and myself. After much laughter and conversation, we set off on a literary tour, first to the Concord Museum and then to Orchard House, the home of Louisa May Alcott. We appreciated Florence, who came the day after she returned from California, and Mardy, who came the day after returning from Turkey.”

Norman B. Silk (see Stephanie Silk Abdo ’80).

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Class president Marjorie Logan Hiles reports: “Members of our class have been enjoying many travel experiences. Dolores Pastore DiPrete went to California over Christmas, to Florida in February, and later on a pilgrimage to Rome with the assistant pastor who went to school at the Pope’s seminary in Rome. She will go to California again in June for a grandson’s high school graduation. Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus went to Madeira Island over New Year’s and then to Estoril, Portugal. Then later, she went to Washington, D.C., to meet her new great-grandson, born to her grandson, Avi Gereboff, and his wife, Rachel. Avi’s father is Joel Gereboff ’77 PhD. Sally deVeer Whipple went to Florida in February. Glenna Robinson Mazel went to California to visit her daughter’s family. Muriel Broadbent Jones and her husband, Phil ’48, went to Kauai, Hawaii, in February to visit their son. Jean Miller and Phyllis Burt Morton traveled to Buenos Aires, Iguassu Falls in the Iguassu National Park, Tierra Del Fuego, and the Ushuaia National Park. They then sailed on the MV Discovery to Antarctica. They made three excursions on Zodiak boats to view the flora and fauna and the penguins. Jean says, ‘All one can do when viewing penguins is to grin and laugh. They are the most comical creatures as they clamber up over rocky cliffs and feed their young.’ ”

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Glenna Robinson Mazel, reunion chairwoman, writes that Doris Jardine Weller, of Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y., could not attend the reunion due to new medication she is taking for her MS. Doris wrote to Glenna that she is still very much alive and “growing inside, where I continue to be able to think. I am writing more, and am actually considering a book called Growing Up in the Twentieth Century. Although I have trouble remembering the sequence of events, I have kept a diary of sorts since age 12 to refer to.” Doris moved out of Manhattan in 2001, but she still gets back by train. She is now living in “a beautiful place full of trees, birds, deer, etc., and even nightingales that sing after midnight this time of year. I think we are still growing in ways, despite what might be going on with our outer parts.”

From the July / August 2004 Issue

Elizabeth T. Elliott, widow of Robert Fannin Elliott, writes: “We remain a Brown-loving family and always appreciate reading the interesting articles in the BAM. Bob and his brother Jim ’51 both left a great legacy of appreciation for their years at Brown. Our dear friends Ray Cross and Mars Bishop and their families were a great comfort as the first anniversary of Bob’s death on April 11, 2003, approached.”

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Pembroke reunion chair Glenna Robinson Mazel reports: “We are all looking forward to seeing everyone on May 28–31! We have planned many events for the weekend, including a special Pembroke luncheon at the Faculty Club. Please make your reservations now. You can register online at alumni. Any questions? Call or e-mail reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 or”

Brown class president Gerrit Sanford reports: “Our 55th reunion plans are complete and we hope to see you back at Brown on May 28–31! Join fellow classmates for a great reunion weekend that includes dinner at the Squantum Club, a clambake at Haffenreffer, and the traditional favorites like Campus Dance. Don’t wait to reserve your spot. Register online at For more information, call or e-mail reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 or”

Ray Cross writes: “I just received a letter from Bill ‘Pencil’ Case ’45. He was a fraternity brother of mine, along with Mars Bishop. He saw our names in the January/February BAM. At 80, Pencil had to give up softball and is now just a spectator!”

Bob Kotlen (see Nancy Schuleen Helle ’55).

Hazen Y. Mathewson writes: “I moved from the country (Benson, Vt.) to the city (Rutland, Vt.) for convenience and downsizing in June 2003. I had my second knee replacement in January. I have four sons and six grandchildren.”

From the March / April 2004 Issue

Pembroke reunion chair Glenna Robinson Mazel reports that 55th reunion plans are complete. Glenna hopes to see everyone back at Brown on May 28–31. Join fellow classmates for a great reunion weekend that includes a special Pembroke luncheon at the Faculty Club. Registration information will arrive soon, so please make your reservation early. Register online at and address any questions to reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 or

Brown class president Gerrit Sanford reports that an exciting array of activities are planned for the 55th reunion, May 28–31. On tap are dinner at the Squantum club, a clambake at the Haffenreffer, and, of course, Campus Dance. Register online at alumni. and address any questions to reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 or

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Report from Pembroke reunion headquarters: “Your class reunion committee is planning a spectacular reunion May 28–31 including receptions, dinners, and a Pembroke luncheon. Mark your calendars. Your registration information will arrive in the spring.”

Report from Brown reunion headquarters: “Reunion weekend, May 28–31, is quickly approaching. Plan to stay for the whole weekend, as your classmates are working on a slate of fun activities, in addition to the traditional annual events. Your registration information will arrive soon.”

Art Butler writes: “My wife, Edna, and I are enjoying life. We spend seven months a year in Florida and five months in northern New York on Lake Champlain in the Adirondacks. Can it be almost fifty-five years since days ‘on the Hill’? Our main activity is theater and we attend about forty plays or musicals per year.”

Raymond Cross writes: “In August I attended a memorial service in Wayland, Mass., for Bob Elliott. Four of my five children also attended. Also present was Mars Bishop. Mars and I each wrote a short remembrance of Bob for the service. Bob and I met at Brown in 1946 and were close friends for fifty-seven years. Following the service, recordings by the Brown Band and the Glee Club were played.”

Wendell G. Harris writes: “My wife, Gail, and I are spending many good times together with classmate Ted Low and his wife, Kay. Although ‘officially’ retired, I still enjoy operating our recognition awards/promotional products business. It keeps me young and alert.”

Thomas W. Pearlman was honored by the Rhode Island Trial Lawyers Association for his fifty-plus years of continued support to the Rhode Island Bar.

From the November / December 2003 Issue

William Kloner (see Zachary Goldberger ’98).

From the March / April 2003 Issue

Phyllis Whitman Beck, a senior member of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, writes that she traveled to Argentina in October at the invitation of the U.S. State Department to speak about civic participation in judicial reform. Phyllis has been active in the judicial-reform movement in Pennsylvania and has chaired the Governor’s Commission on Judicial Reform.

Ralph Magoon writes: “Alpha Delts and alumni of the Brown Travelers trip to Tuscany in May got together in November at the Yale football game. Edwin Deadrick came from New Canaan, Conn.; Laurie Benedict ’50 and his wife, Sally, came from Westford, Mass.; Bob Luce and his wife, Harriet, came from Hempstead, N.Y.; and my wife, Barbara, and I came from Marblehead, Mass. The Tuscany experience was also great. It included a brushup on Dante’s Inferno and a three-day visit to Rome.”

From the November / December 2002 Issue

Paul Abramson, Budd Schwartz '48, Elliott Dranoff, and Joel Kern held their annual tennis outing in Westchester, N.Y. The four have been playing matches together since the 1950s.

Tom Dinell, of Honolulu, has been inducted into the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners. Tom has more than forty years of experience in planning and is professor emeritus for the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the Univ. of Hawaii.

Marjorie Logan Hiles writes: "We had a delightful mini-reunion at the refectory in early May. Before lunch we toured the Smith-Buonanno Building (Sayles Gym to us), and after lunch we visited the new Watson Institute building. Attending were Dolores Pastore DiPrete, Janice Howard, Anne Day Archibald, Lois Jagolinzer Fain, Jean Miller, Rose Jamiel Falugo, Clotilde Sonnino Treves, Muriel Broadbent Jones, Alice Kirk Overton, Marilyn Taft Blake, Anita Powell Olson, and Glenna Robinson Mazel." Marjorie has been named secretary of the Brown Alumnae Club of Kent County.

From the July / August 2002 Issue

Phyllis Bogardus Bilhuber is still singing, tapping, and jazz dancing. She played in the USTA tennis league this past spring and fall but writes that the highlight of her year was being chosen as Ms. Maryland Senior America 2001. Phyllis will crown the next Ms. Maryland Senior America in October.

Victor J. Logan has been involved with the JETS?TEAMS engineering competition for high school students in Illinois for six years. He wrote in April: "We expect to receive eight to ten national awards this year."

Clotilde Sonnino Treves writes: "In October 2001 Marjorie Logan Hiles, Jini Fitzpatrick Bainton, Sally deVeer Whipple, Alice 'Kirky' Kirk Overton, Barbara Harrop Harrington, and Terry Arcand Hughes spent nine days at my house in Italy. We traveled and went sightseeing, but mainly we enjoyed one another's company. We have grown older but are still hale and hearty. We may repeat the trip in October. Call Marjorie or Clotilde for details."

From the May / June 2002 Issue

William Seamans writes that he retired as bureau chief and correspondent for ABC News in Tel Aviv and has taken refuge in New Hampshire. He works as a commentator for Vermont Public Radio and continues with freelance writing.

From the July / August 2000 Issue

Virginia Chivers Greis, of Holden, Mass., writes: "The spring Pembroke class of ’49 newsletter incorrectly printed a notice of my death. I want everyone to know that this news is not true. I am fine, still in this world, and looking forward to a good many more years."

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Paul C. Abramson, of Teaneck, N.J., writes: "I spent Memorial Day weekend up on the Hill celebrating my 50th reunion. A great time was had by all. My two children, Richard '84 and Nancy Abramson Hertz '81, also attended Brown."

Ronald Wilson '50, a graduate of the Veterans College at Brown, wishes to contact fellow alumni of the program to collect their memories and to document the effect it may have had on their subsequent lives. If you entered Brown through the Veterans College (earlier known as the Veterans Extension Division), please contact Ron.

From the July / August 1999 Issue

Raymond Cross, New Smyrna Beach, Fla., writes: "I now have eleven grandchildren. The oldest is Peter, 18. His father is a Dartmouth graduate, and I, of course, am a Brown graduate. Acknowledging this, Peter is going to Penn in the fall. His early-decision acceptance cut off the Dartmouth-Brown family tug of war!"

Gloria Markoff Winston (see Samuel Gourse '40).

From the May / June 1999 Issue

Robert B. Watson, Providence, writes that Harold C. Kinne, Richardson, Tex., and his wife, Sally, will be attending the 50th reunion with side trips to Connecticut, Cape Cod and the islands, and Washington, D.C. Sally is secretary of the Poodle Club of America. The show in Washington is a command performance for her.

Kenneth MacLean, Boston, will travel to India, Japan, the Philippines, Hungary, and Vancouver, British Columbia, as part of his work as head of international relations for the Unitarian Universalist Association. In between those trips, he looks forward to the 50th reunion.

Ellamae "Twinnie" Andrews Magee, Great Barrington, Mass., writes: "Looking forward to our 50th reunion and our wedding anniversary. Since retiring in 1992 (Bob from Union College in New York and I from elementary education in Pittsfield, Mass.) we have enjoyed traveling abroad. We're lucky to have two children in New York and the Easthampton, Mass., area. We're especially enjoying our grandkids: three girls and two boys. I still keep in touch with education - tutoring reading all summer at Berkshire Country Day School, where our youngsters went years ago and where I first began teaching." She keeps in touch with Annie Seaver Harrington.

From the March / April 1999 Issue

As the time for our 50th reunion, May 28-31, draws closer, your final registration mailing will arrive soon. We have a gala weekend planned. Come back to Providence to share college memories and update our lives. Stay through Monday for the traditional walk through the Van Wickle Gates and down College Hill. If do not receive a reunion mailing soon, please call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947.

Samuel M. Genensky received one of the American Foundation for the Blind's 1998 Migel Medals in San Francisco in February. Samuel has promoted access to the visual world through development of the closed-circuit television in 1971, through advocacy for stair and restroom markings in public buildings, and through the creation of comprehensive rehabilitation services. He lectures in the department of ophthalmology at U.C.L.A. and is a trustee emeritus of the Southern California College of Optometry. He has received numerous honors, including the Low Vision Distinguished Achievement Award from the American Optometric Association, and he was the first inductee into the California Governor's Hall of Fame for People with Disabilities.

From the January / February 1999 Issue

The reunion planning committee asks you to save May 28-31 for our 50th reunion. Details are being finalized, and you will soon receive registration information for this great weekend. In the meantime, do not miss the opportunity to be in the 50th-reunion yearbook. You will receive this memorable book whether you are attending the reunion or not, so become a part of it by filling out your biography form and sending it back to reunion headquarters. If you have any questions, or you did not receive the fall mailing with the biography request, please call (401) 863-1947. We look forward to seeing you all back on campus!

Ross Castagna, Stamford, Conn., has retired and is looking forward to the 50th reunion in '99. Ross spent most of his work life at International Playtex Corp. and Anvil Knitwear. He retired as president of Anvil in June 1997.

From the September / October 1998 Issue

Our "Nifty Fifty" reunion is gathering momentum. Besides Campus Dance, the Pops, forums, and our class luncheon, we've planned a New England clambake and a cocktail hour at the Bacchante Room at the Biltmore. There will be plenty of time to talk, renew old friendships, and relax. Won't you join us! If you have time to help, please let us know.

- Glenna Robinson Mazel, chair; Doris Anderson Landeau, cochair

The class of '49 held a mini-reunion and luncheon on May 6 at the De Cordova museum in Lincoln, Mass. Twenty-one Pembrokers from far and near signed up for a day that included a wonderful portrait exhibit of watercolors presented by Mardy Fox Rawls, in conjunction with fellow artist Steve Coit. Following a delicious lunch in the new library building, president Dolores Pastore Di Prete presided over a business meeting where plans for next year's 50th reunion were discussed. Further advisories will follow. - Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus, class secretary

Ruth Kenworthy Bergeron retired from the law department at Schenectady (N.Y.) City Hall in February 1997. She now works part-time at a local law firm, doing estate work and some litigation. She still loves to quilt and garden and now has more time to travel. Recent trips have included visits to Turkey, Israel, and Britain.

Dell Petke LaBorde is retired and living in Macon, Ga. Her son, daughter, and grandson live nearby.

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Art Butler Jr. and his wife, Edna, spend summers on Lake Champlain in the Adirondacks and winters in Punta Gorda, Fla. Art is active in church and civic activities, and is serving as newsletter editor and president of the Golden Agers. "We're both busy volunteers at Westport Theatre, a local summer stock theater. We attend about thirty plays and musicals a year. It can't be fifty years coming up in 1999," Art adds. "Like Jack Benny, I'm staying at age 39. So far my health is great."

Martin Miller's daughter, Pamela B. Miller '80, received her doctorate in human development and psychology from Harvard in June. A licensed clinical social worker, she received her M.S.W. from the University of Chicago.



Aug, 2024

Geraldine Segal Foster ’66 MAT (see ’49).

Aug, 2024

Rev. Marjorie Logan Hiles ’49, of North Scituate, R.I.; Jan. 22. She was a graduate of Boston University School of Theology and ordained a United Methodist minister and active member at Shepherd of the Valley UMC in Hope, R.I. Following her ordination, she was pastor of several United Methodist churches in Massachusetts and Connecticut until her retirement. She worked with the Girl Scouts of America for 20 years in many councils, including the Girl Scouts of Rhode Island. She was president of her Pembroke class and past president of the Brown Alumnae Club of Kent County. She was a member of the Brown Learning Community in Retirement and volunteered at the food emergency program, Project Outreach, at the Open Table of Christ UMC in Providence for many years. She is survived by two cousins.

Aug, 2024

Geraldine Segal Foster ’49, ’66 MAT, of Somerset, Mass.; Feb. 12. She was a teacher and chair of the English department of Nathan Bishop Middle School. She researched and wrote extensively about the history of the Jewish people of Rhode Island, including being a coeditor of Jews of Rhode Island, 1658-1958. She served as president of the women’s division of the Jewish Federation of Rhode Island, the Bureau of Jewish Education of Rhode Island, the Devorah Dayan Chapter of Na’Amat and the Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association. She was a lifelong member of Temple Beth-El. She is survived by four children and their spouses, eight grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren. 

Aug, 2024

Virginia E. Baker ’49, of West Hartford, Conn., formerly of Westfield, Mass.; Jan. 22. She was employed with Travelers Insurance Co. in Hartford, and after many years with the company retired as an underwriter. She was a member of the Unitarian Church of  West Hartford and the Second Congregational Church of Westfield, where she sang in the choir. She is survived by a niece, a nephew, and cousins. 

Jun, 2024

Wendell G. Harris ’49, of Cumberland, R.I.; Jan 1. During World War II, he was enrolled in the Navy V-5 flight training program. After graduating from Brown, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lt. in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves and served as a 1st Lt. during the Korean War. He was active with the Boy Scouts of America in Providence and for a number of years was on the staff at the Yawgoog Scout Reservation in Rockville, R.I. He had achieved the honor of Eagle Scout in August 1943 and received the Daughters of the American Revolution Medal. While at Yawgoog, he learned to sail, and it became a lifelong passion with adventures that included years sailing on Lake Winnipesaukee and as a longtime member of Sail Newport. In 1970, he and his wife, Gail, founded Creative Rewards, a promotional, recognition, and awards company. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. He is survived by his wife, Gail; three daughters; two granddaughters; and three great grandsons. 

Jun, 2024

Alan S. Flink ’49, of Providence, R.I.; Jan. 4. He received his Juris Doctor from Boston University School of Law, where he was a member of the Law Review. He was admitted to both the Rhode Island and Massachusetts bar associations and began his legal career with Letts Quinn & Licht, and later became a partner and legal ethicist with the law firm of Edwards & Angell. He was a director of Common Cause of Rhode Island beginning in 1999 and the 2021 recipient of Common Cause’s John Gardner Fellow. He was active in community activities, including the Jewish Federation of Rhode Island, United Way, and Rhode Island Supreme Court Ethics Reform Commission, a former director of both Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island and Justice Assistance, and former president of John Hope Settlement House. He also served as president of the Rhode Island Bar Association (1991-1992) was a commissioner on the Rhode Island Judicial Nominating Commission (1995-1999) and editor-in-chief of the Rhode Island Bar Journal (1971-1973). He frequently expressed views in letters to the editor and op-ed pieces published by the Providence Journal. He was a World War II Navy veteran. He is survived by three sons, two daughters-in-law, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

Apr, 2024

Arsen Shamshoian ’49, ’59 MAT, of Little Compton, R.I.; Jul. 28. After earning degrees in both chemistry and physics, he taught for 45 years. He enjoyed good conversation and a lively debate. He is survived by his wife, Joan; two sons, including John ’00; two daughters-in-law; and four grandsons. 

Apr, 2024

Charles H. Schaeffer ’49, of St. Louis, Mo.; Jul. 23. He was a partner and project manager for Carl I. Schaeffer Electric Company. He held two U.S. patents. He was a member of the American Legion, the Jaycees, Crestwood Elks, Chautauqua Lake Yacht Club, and Delta Xi Kappa. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He is survived by four children, 10 grandchildren, a brother, seven sisters, and two brothers-in-law. 

Apr, 2024

Robert M. Gittleman ’49, of North Palm Beach, Fla., formerly of Providence; Jun. 28. After graduating, he joined the family business, Lincoln Lace and Braid, and operated it until he retired. He enjoyed playing golf, tennis, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Charlotte; three children, including son Rick ’77; four grandchildren; and two great-grandsons. 

Apr, 2024

Edna Brownlee Bush ’49, of Avon Lake, Ohio; Sept. 6, on what would have been her 71st wedding anniversary. She was a homemaker and active volunteer, having given her time to  Community Hospice and RedCoat at Playhouse Square and been a past member of Aquarelle Watercolor Society, the Children’s Board of Lakewood Hospital, and Lake Erie Nature & Science Center. She traveled to six continents and enjoyed knitting, water aerobics, and genealogy. She is survived by three children and their spouses, five grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, a sister, and a brother. 

Apr, 2024

Joan Pollen Arms ’49, of Deerfield, Mass.; May 9. She was active at St. James Church and sang in the Pioneer Valley Symphony Chorus before moving to Deerfield and starting a family. In 1968 she became an assistant speech therapist with the Greenfield School Department and tutored many students. In 1998, she began volunteering with local nonprofit Adopt-a-Family and soon took on a leadership role that lasted 16 years. She was presented with the St. James Cross Award from the bishop of her Episcopal diocese in recognition of her significant contributions to the church. She enjoyed the outdoors, especially camping and skiing. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two sons, a daughter-in-law, and five grandchildren.

Nov, 2023

Clarence H. Soderberg Jr. ’49, of East Greenwich, R.I.; May 15. While at Brown his education was interrupted by service during World War II. He attended Tufts Medical School and completed his internship and surgical residency at Rhode Island Hospital. In 1959, he began his private surgical practice at Rhode Island Hospital, and by 1960 he became a board certified specialist. One of his proudest accomplishments was being part of the team that performed the first open heart surgery in Rhode Island. Later he became the chief of Rhode Island Hospital’s second surgical service and also taught at Brown’s Warren Alpert Medical School, where he was a clinical associate professor and recipient of the Medicine Emeriti Award for outstanding service to medical education. He was active in national and international clinical research groups and he wrote/cowrote more than 30 papers published in surgical journals. He was chief of the Cancer and Acute Leukemia Study Group at Rhode Island Hospital, served as the secretary and treasurer of the Rhode Island Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, and was on the Executive Committee of the New England Cancer Society. He retired in 1995 and began oil and watercolor painting, eventually becoming an exhibiting/artist member of the Providence Art Club. He was also an active leader in Rhode Island Freemasonry, was medical director of the Palestine Temple Shriners, a member of the Board of Governors at the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital and a Knight Commander of the Temple. He enjoyed playing tennis at the Warwick Heights Tennis Club, going to the beach at The Dunes Club, going to the movies, and having a Bombay Sapphire martini every evening at 6:30 p.m. He is survived by three children and their spouses, and five grandchildren. 

Aug, 2023

Adele Goodman Pickar ’49, of Santa Rosa, Calif., formerly of Albany, N.Y.; Feb. 18. While at Brown, she met her future husband, Irving Pickar ’43, and after marrying and settling in Albany they started raising a family. In 2000, they moved to Santa Rosa and enjoyed six years there together before Irving’s passing. She was known for her ability to connect with all people. She is survived by four sons and daughters-in-law, including Joel ’73, Daniel ’78, and Andrew ’81 and his wife, Judith Levine ’80; eight grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; and many nieces and nephews.


Aug, 2023

Theodore F. Low ’49, of Providence, R.I.; Mar. 13. He was the former president of the Sims Corporation and worked in alternative energy for the Widmer Ernst Company and Blount Energy before retiring from his own company, TFL and Associates. He was a state representative from 1966 to 1976. He served during World War II and the Korean War, as well as in the R.I. Army National Guard. He was the recipient of the Bronze Star. Low was instrumental in the development and construction of the Korean War Monument in Providence and he was appointed Rhode Island Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army from 2005 to 2017. He was a member of the University Club of Rhode Island and enjoyed sailing, swimming, and football. He is survived by his wife, Kay; two daughters, including Sara B. Low ’83; a son-in-law; a sister; and nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2023

Ralph F. Gossler ’49, of Seekonk, Mass.; Mar. 5. He was the founder of American Trophy in East Providence, R.I., a family business still operating. During high school he was an elite swimmer and by his senior year at Pawtucket High School he ranked first in the nation. He defended his national freestyle record and, in doing so, set a new national record for a long course pool, a record held at Pawtucket High School for 27 years. After the war, he resumed his education at Brown and set a New England intercollegiate record in the sprint events. In 1984, he was inducted into the Rhode Island Aquatic Hall of Fame. After college he began designing and casting trophies out of post-war scrap metal in the basement of the house he grew up in and his wife, Virginia Gately Gossler ’50—whom he met at Brown and who predeceased him—made hand-engraved plates for the trophies. American Trophy grew through the years, headquarted in a building in East Providence, and they ran it for 48 years before selling it to their son and son-in-law. Ralph continued to stay involved part-time in the business but also enjoyed riding his bike 20 miles each day, writing, and painting. At the time of his death he was completing a memoir, and some of his artwork had been shown in a Warren (R.I.) gallery. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, and a son and daughter-in-law.


Aug, 2023

Joan Daly Ceglarski ’49, of Middletown, R.I.; Mar. 15. She met her husband, Frank ’48, who predeceased her in 1987, while attending Brown. They married and she became an active community member while raising three children. She was a Cub Scout den mother and Girl Scout troop leader, taught catechism at St. Lucy’s Church, and volunteered at Newport Hospital and for Meals on Wheels. A member of the Viking Bridge Club for 40 years, she achieved the status of Ruby Life Master through the American Contract Bridge League and played in tournaments all over the country. She taught bridge at the Clambake Club, Swinburne School, and the Misquamicut Club, and in private homes on Aquidneck Island. She also enjoyed solving the New York Times Sunday crossword puzzles. She is survived by three children, four granddaughters, and several nieces and nephews.


Jun, 2023

Kathryn Holland Van Buskirk ’49, of North Mankato, Minn.; Oct. 19, of cancer. She received her master’s degree in social work from UConn and completed PhD coursework at the Fielding Graduate University, additionally receiving training both as a psychotherapist and a family life educator. She was employed by family service and mental health agencies in Boston, Pittsburgh, Dayton, and Duluth. After moving to Mankato, she joined the faculty at Minnesota State University as a fieldwork coordinator. She was a member and leader of many professional, civic, and community organizations, task forces, and committees. A recipient of the Mankato Area Service to Youth Award in 1977 and 1988, she also received a YWCA Outstanding Volunteer Service Award. She is survived by two sons, including Erik Moore ’84, and her sister Jean Foxman ’52.

Jun, 2023

Rosalie Brendlinger Smith ’49, of Lansdale, Pa., formerly of Worcester, Pa.; Dec. 15. While at Brown, she was elected president of her junior class and president of the student council her senior year. She played field hockey, basketball, and tennis, and received the Outstanding Athlete Award. She was featured in Who’s Who in American Colleges. Once married, she became active in her community by organizing charity community drives and serving in local organizations, schools, and churches. She was recognized by the American Red Cross for her outstanding service organizing and managing four bloodmobiles per year at the church for more than 30 years. She was also a member of Sunnybrook Golf Club, where she served as chair of ladies golf, served as captain of the JV golf team, and helped plan many social activities at the  club. She played many golf courses with her husband throughout the United States and England and she enjoyed knitting and painting Frakturs for family and friends. She is survived by five children, nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.


Jan, 2023

Janet Rutstein Bangser ’49, of Westport, Conn.; June 4. Travel was always an important part of her life and after her children were grown she worked as a travel agent for Minute Man Travel before founding her own agency, Pathfinder’s Travel. She was active in the business well into her 90s and she and her husband traveled to six continents and visited many countries together. She was also active in the Westport community and served as president of the local chapter of  the National Council of Jewish Women. She is survived by four children, including Andrew ’76; eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and a sister-in-law.


Jan, 2023

Eleanor Nadler Schwartz ’49, of New York City; June 18. She had been a researcher at Time, Life, Fortune, and Reader’s Digest magazines. She traveled extensively and was a volunteer in the library of the American Museum of Natural History. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, three grandchildren, a brother and sister-in-law, and four nieces and nephews, including Julie Nadler ’83, David Nadler ’96, and Saul Nadler ’99.

Jan, 2023

Ruth Kenworthy Bergeron ’49, ’52 ScM, of Schenectady, N.Y.; July 19. While working on her graduate degree, she met her future husband. After graduating, they married and moved to Long Island. In the mid-1960s, she and her family moved to Schenectady and she taught science at a local high school. She was a long-time member of the League of Women Voters, serving as vice president for a time, and she became the first woman to run city-wide as a Democrat for a seat on the city council in the early 1970s. She lost by a very narrow margin but eventually became the deputy city clerk in the City of Schenectady. She then decided to become a paralegal through the Paralegal Institute of Philadelphia, after which she worked at a law firm in Schenectady for a couple of years and  then moved to the law department at City Hall, where she worked until her retirement at the age of 70. She was an active resident of Schenectady and served on numerous boards, committees, and organizations. An avid reader, she also enjoyed gardening and travel. She traveled the world and for nearly 30 years she took an annual week-long sailing trip out of Camden, Me., on a variety of windjammers that sailed all over Penobscot Bay. She is survived by her husband, John ’51; three sons; two granddaughters; and a great-granddaughter.


Oct, 2022

Walter N. Kaufman ’49, of La Jolla, Calif.; Mar. 20. He graduated from Harvard Law School and was a legal assistant to a member of the National Labor Relations Board. For many years he was a member of the New York and Chicago bar associations, and he became self-employed as a labor arbitrator in Southern California and Las Vegas. He was a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators, Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by a daughter, a son, and two grandchildren.

Oct, 2022

Vivian Bergquist Clarke ’49, of Paxton, Mass.; Apr. 22. While at Brown, she met her husband on a blind date and they were married after graduation. They moved to Paxton in 1965, where they raised a family and Vivian worked as a teacher’s aide at Paxton Center School and as an assistant librarian at Richards Memorial Library. She was a quilter and enjoyed sharing her creations among her family. She is survived by her husband, Edward ’46; a daughter; three sons; many children and grandchildren; and a sister.

Aug, 2022

Richard H. Lyman ’49, of Chatham, Mass.; Feb. 1. He worked at Hancock Financial Services and retired in 1987 as director of underwriting policy and research. He was an avid boater and active with the Chatham Anglers and the Monopoly Yacht Club, where he served as treasurer for 14 years. He also enjoyed playing bridge. He is survived by his wife, Connie.

Aug, 2022

Janice S. Howard ’49, of Providence, R.I.; Jan. 28. After earning her master’s from Rhode Island College, she began her teaching career, which included a decade-long stint as head of the math department at Scituate High School before she moved to the Community College of Rhode Island, where she was instrumental in the growth of the college, serving as assistant professor and registrar under two presidents. She retired in 1990 and was inducted into the CCRI Hall of Fame in 1998. She was involved with the Girl Scouts of America as a troop leader, outdoor trainer, camp counselor, and assistant director; she also held the position of waterfront director at Camp Mohawk in England, serving U.S. Air Force children during the summer of 1960. She enjoyed traveling and collecting memorabilia to share with her 17 nieces and nephews who survive her.

Aug, 2022

Sumner Alpert ’49, of Sarasota, Fla., formerly of Fall River, Mass.; Apr. 10. He attended Brown for one year then enlisted in the Navy. After his discharge from service, he returned to Brown to complete his education. After graduation, he worked in the family wholesale candy and tobacco business until he bought the mill housing the business and started Alpert’s Storage Center. After nine years, he sold the business and retired. He was president of his Brown class for five years, was an active member of Temple Beth El in Fall River—where he served on the board for 25 years—and was also active in the Jewish War Veterans of Sarasota. He was an avid tennis player and golfer and also enjoyed playing the saxophone. He is survived by four children, including Sandra Pankiw ’76; and four grandchildren.

Jun, 2022

Henny Wenkart ’49, of Chelsea, Mass., formerly of New York City; Dec. 4. She was rescued from the Holocaust; her story is featured in the 2013 HBO documentary 50 Children: The Rescue Mission of Mr. and Mrs. Kraus. She earned a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia and a doctorate in philosophy from Harvard. At Brown, she was involved with Hillel, where she met her late husband Henry David Epstein ’46. She would later found the Jewish Women’s Poetry Workshop in New York, become editor of the Jewish Women’s Literary Annual, and edit an anthology of Jewish women’s poetry: Sarah’s Daughters Sing: A Sampler of Poems by Jewish Women. She coedited the anthology Which Lilith?: Feminist Writers Recreate the World’s First Woman and published her own book of poetry, Love Poems of a Philanderer’s Wife, in 2005. She was a mother of three, grandmother of five, and sister-in-law to Thomas Epstein ’50.

Jun, 2022

Lincoln F. Ladd ’49, of Wayne, Me.; Dec. 2. He left Brown to serve in the U.S. Navy during World War II, completed his degree, then attended the University of Virginia and Duke University. In 1976, he settled in Wayne and became the chair of the English and foreign languages department at Maranacook Community High School in Readfield, Me., where he taught until his retirement in 1987. He also taught at the University of Maine at Farmington and at the senior colleges of Augusta and Lewiston into his early 90s. He was actively involved in his community and served on numerous boards. He enjoyed lecturing and reading and proudly marched in the annual Wayne Memorial Day parade, for a short time as the oldest Wayne resident. He is survived by his wife, Gloria; four children and their spouses; a stepdaughter; nine grandchildren; and a great-grandson.

Jun, 2022

Betty Usher Grover ’49, of Williamsburg, Va.; Dec. 8. She worked for the John Hancock Insurance Company before marrying and starting a family. She lived in several places and traveled with her husband, who was in the Coast Guard, before settling in Williamsburg. She enjoyed time volunteering at Colonial Williamsburg. She is survived by two daughters and three grandchildren.


Jun, 2022

Robert M. Fechtor ’49, of West Hartford, Conn.; Jan. 11. He owned and operated Hartford Lumber Company. He was active in his community and a member of various boards. During World War II he served in the U.S. Air Force. He enjoyed playing tennis and was known for his quick wit. He is survived by his partner, Jill Sheketoff Brock; three sons and their spouses; nine grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; and a sister-in-law.

Apr, 2022

Zenas W. Bliss ’49, of Rumford, R.I.; Sept. 4. He spent his entire career working as an engineer with Factory Mutual Global. In retirement, he enjoyed traveling the world with his wife before her passing and in recent years with his grandchildren. He visited six of the seven continents several times. He was a decorated World War II Army veteran and served in the Rhode Island National Guard following the war. He enjoyed sailing off the Rhode Island coast. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. 

Jan, 2022

Marilyn Taft Blake ’49, of Groton, Mass., formerly of Needham, Mass.; July 6. She was an active member of the First Baptist Church in Needham and had served on many committees for the church. She enjoyed swimming and was an avid lover of cats. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, a daughter and son-in-law, and four grandchildren. 

Aug, 2021

Milton H. Zara ’49, of Park Forest, Ill.; Apr. 2. He attended MIT and was drafted into the Army during World War II. Following his discharge from the military he attended Brown, where he played on the rugby team. In 1965 he and his family moved to Illinois, where he was hired by De Soto. Eventually he began his own building product consulting firm, Zara and Associates, which allowed him to travel all over the U.S. During that time, he established two U.S. patents. He had an interest in coin collecting, stamp collecting, and playing the piano and the mandolin. He was a member of the Mensa Society and active with the family ancestry. He is survived by his wife, Louise; and three children and their spouses.

Aug, 2021

Leonard J. Triedman ’49, of Narragansett, R.I.; Mar. 19. He earned his medical degree from Harvard Medical School and upon graduation joined the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War and was stationed at Otis Air Force Base in Hyannis. After his military service, he moved to Boston, married, completed his residency in surgery at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston and did a fellowship in head and neck surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He later returned to Providence and for more than four decades served on the surgical staff of many Rhode Island hospitals, including Miriam and Women & Infants, and was a clinical associate professor of surgery at Brown’s Warren Alpert Medical School. He was an avid New England sports fan and became a team physician for both the Rhode Island Reds and the Pawtucket Red Sox. He enjoyed playing golf and was also a ski patrolman and an avid runner who finished the Boston Marathon numerous times. He is survived by his wife, Cynthia; five children, including daughters Kim Triedman ’81 and Julie Triedman ’86; son Scott ’82, ’85 MD; daughter-in-law Mary Jo J. Kaplan ’82; son-in-law Eric Oldsman ’80; 15 grandchildren, including Charlotte Oldsman ’11 and Cole Triedman ’21; and six great-grandchildren.

Aug, 2021

Mary Dure Johnson ’49, of Akron, Ohio; Apr. 14. She was a homemaker and for a short period of time she worked in real estate during the 1970s. A sports and animal enthusiast, she enjoyed playing tennis, skiing, and taking her dogs to the dog park or riding one of her horses. She became an accomplished equestrian, winning many ribbons for dressage in her later years. She also enjoyed the Cleveland Orchestra and solving the New York Times crossword puzzle. She was well read and received three papers daily to stay updated on current world affairs. She is survived by three children, four stepchildren, seven grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.

Aug, 2021

Lois Jagolinzer Fain ’49, of East Providence; Apr. 17. She was a teacher at the Rhode Island School for the Deaf from 1970 to 1988. Active in the Brown Association of Class Officers, she served as president and vice president of her class, chaired several reunions, and was the 1994 recipient of the Alumni Service Award. Along with her late sister, she was a cofounder of the annual Dorothy and Carl Jagolinzer Commencement Recital and Concert of Brown’s Music department and Camp Dotty, part of the Tomorrow Fund at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. She was involved in many civic and service activities and was a Save the Children sponsor of a child in Bangladesh. She was a volunteer at RISD and a member of the National Council of Jewish Women, Temple Emanuel, the Narragansett Bay Quilters, and the Chaminade Club in Providence. She enjoyed baking, playing card games, and traveling, especially to China with her late husband. She is survived by a son, two grand

Jun, 2021

Werner R. Britsch ’50 ScM (see ’49).

Jun, 2021

Bradford W. Wild ’49, of Tigard, Ore.; May 6, 2020.

Jun, 2021

Morris P. Schwartz ’49, of Greenville, R.I.; Dec. 23. He was a World War II Army veteran and member of Temple Emanu-El and the Rhode Island Jewish Historical Society. He was known for his banana bread, enjoyed his weekly nickel-and-dime poker game, and was an avid Boston Red Sox fan. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; three children; and six grandchildren.

Jun, 2021

Barbara McAdams Hoyt ’49, of Northfield, Ill.; Jan. 18. She was a homemaker and volunteer with Benton House in Chicago and the Indian Hill Club. She is survived by five children and their spouses, 12 grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.

Jun, 2021

Christina Gartaganis Gargas ’49, of New Bedford, Mass.; Jan. 20. She was a retired teacher in the Framingham (Mass.) school system. She was a member of the New Bedford Garden Club and St. George Greek Orthodox Church, where she was a member of the Ladies Philoptochos Society. She is survived by cousins.

Jun, 2021

Werner R. Britsch ’49, ’50 ScM, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Dec. 24. He was a NASA aeronautical engineer from 1962 to 1988. He served in the U.S. Army and was a member of Holden Arboretum. He was the recipient of a 1978 NASA award for stage fan casing treatment and a 1983 NASA energy efficient engine project team (Colombia Space Shuttle) contribution to mission success. He enjoyed skiing, hiking, dancing, music, photography, and playing golf. He is survived by a daughter, a son, and nieces and nephews. 

Apr, 2021

Louise Lisiecki Wesolowski ’49, of Suffield, Conn.; Sept. 18. She worked in the pathology lab at Hartford Hospital for several years prior to getting married and raising a family. Later, she taught biology at Bristol Central High School (Conn.) for 17 years and tutored children whose first language was Polish. She was active in civic organizations and enjoyed solving crossword puzzles and playing bridge and Scrabble. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two sons and daughters-in-law, and six grandchildren.

Apr, 2021

John D. Pittenger ’49, of Wall, N.J.; Nov. 8. In 1953 he founded a home building business known as Pittenger Builders. He was a member of the Wall Township Lions Club, the Freemasons Asbury Park Lodge and director and longtime treasurer of the Shore Builders Association. He was a U.S. World War II Navy veteran and is survived by his wife, Rosemarie; four children and their spouses; 11 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren.

Jan, 2021

Irene A. Wilkinson ’49, of Charlotte, N.C.; Aug. of COVID-19. She was a retired librarian. She is survived by a sister and nieces and nephews.

Jan, 2021

Donald M. Nolan ’49, of Mansfield, Conn.; Aug. 4. He attended RISD prior to joining the U.S. Army during World War II. After discharge, he attended and graduated from Brown and was hired by the American Screw Company in Providence. He moved to its Willimantic, Conn., division in 1949. In 1963 he started his own company, Stick Screw Manufacturing, and was its president until he sold the business in 1987. He was a founding member of the Mansfield Lion’s Club, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and a volunteer for the Mansfield Senior Center and Committee on Aging. He enjoyed playing golf and traveling with his wife in the U.S. and in Europe. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, four grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandson.

Jan, 2021

Walter Lada ’49, of Cranston, R.I.; Aug. 9. After serving during World War II, he graduated from Brown and had a successful career as a mechanical engineer at Grinnell Corporation in Providence. He retired and cofounded Corner and Lada Company in Cranston, where they designed and fabricated pipe support systems for power plants worldwide. He was a generous supporter and volunteer for the Hope Alzheimer’s Center in Cranston. He is survived by a daughter; son, Walter ’76; a daughter-in-law; and three grandchildren.

Jan, 2021

Sybil Finch Gilbert ’49, of La Grange Park, Ill.; Mar. 4. She is survived by her husband, John; three children; five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Jan, 2021

Leroy D. Aaronson ’49, of Providence; Oct. 14, 2019. He graduated from Albany Medical College in 1952, and following an internship at Rhode Island Hospital he spent three years serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force. He retired with the rank of captain. Upon his return to the U.S., he completed a residency in dermatology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He began practicing in Rhode Island in 1959 and was affiliated as a board certified dermatologist at Kent County Memorial Hospital. He was appointed clinical assistant in dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital in 1961, was an assistant in dermatology at Harvard Medical School in 1962, and received an honorary degree from Harvard Medical School for his work there. He retired in 1998. He enjoyed nature and animals and in 1980, while speaking at a medical conference in Kenya, he went on a safari and was able to observe wild animals up close in their natural habitat. In 1984, he bought a second home in Chatham, Mass., where he and his family enjoyed the outdoors, walks on the beach, and life in a small seaside town. He is survived by two daughters; two sons-in-law, including John Lawless ’91 PhD; and two grandsons.

Nov, 2020

John T. Townsend ’49, of Newton, Mass.; Apr. 22. After Brown, he studied theology at Wycliffe College and was ordained to priesthood in the Episcopal Church. He entered Harvard Divinity School and earned a doctorate in 1959. Following two years of parish work, he taught at the Philadelphia Divinity School. During his teaching years he also studied at Ulpan Etzion and Hebrew Union College, both in Jerusalem. He retired in 1994. He published numerous papers and was a contributing member of the Christian Scholars Group on Christian-Jewish Relations, serving one year as its chairperson.

Nov, 2020

Lilliam Barlowski Runyon ’49, of Marietta, Ga.; May 10. She is survived by a daughter, two grandchildren, and a great-grandson. 

Nov, 2020

Joanne McKeever ’49, of Milford, Conn.; May 26. After Brown, she enrolled at Boston College Law School, where she met and married her husband. They traveled extensively in Europe after college and once had an audience with Pope Pius VII at the Vatican. She taught Sunday School in Milford, was well read, and was a member of the board of directors of Milford Mental Health. She enjoyed many types of music, including opera, classical, and heavy metal. She is survived by three children, four grandchildren, a brother and sister-in-law, and a niece.

Nov, 2020

Muriel Broadbent Jones ’49, of Mansfield, Mass., formerly of Attleboro Falls; May 10. Her husband was president and owner of Lyons Advertising in Attleboro Falls, where she worked part-time. During the 1960s she was a substitute teacher at North Attleboro High School. She became an accomplished sailor on their 37-foot sloop Dauntless, sailing along the coast of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Maine. In 1983, she helped prepare Dauntless for an ocean yacht race from Marion to Bermuda, and then sailed the boat back from Bermuda. She was a longtime member of Angle Tree Garden Club and the North Attleboro Historical Society. She enjoyed gardening and travel and is survived by her husband Phillip ’48 and a son.

Nov, 2020

Shirley Whipple Hinds ’49, of Oconomowoc, Wisc.; June 6. She was a homemaker and volunteer. She had a passion for history and conservation and helped to secure the preservation of many of Oconomowoc’s original landmarks and buildings, most notably the 1886 Oconomowoc City Hall. Following her husband’s death, she went back to working outside the home after 40 years, first as the bookkeeper for the Waukesha County Red Cross and then as the innkeeper for the Inn at Pine Terrace, finally retiring at the age of 80. She continued her work with the Oconomowoc Historical Society and Museum as a member of the board of directors, as well as volunteering for many committees and projects for the American Association of University Women and the Heritage Trails (Oconomowoc) chapter of The Questors, an international organization dedicated to historical preservation and restoration. Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by five children and their spouses, 10 grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, a brother and sister-in-law, and 15 nieces and nephews, including Richard Whipple ’77.

Nov, 2020

Joan McWeeney Geary ’49, of Jamaica Plain, Mass.; Apr. 25. She taught in the Pawtucket (R.I.) school system. She was also a remedial reading volunteer at St. Pius School in Providence and a volunteer for Meals on Wheels. She enjoyed playing bridge, solving word searches, and playing bingo. She is survived by three children, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

Nov, 2020

Elizabeth Stone Ellis ’49, of Manchester, Conn.; May 4. Her husband bought two weekly newspapers and in 1967 she went to work in their circulation departments. The two merged into the daily Journal Inquirer a year later and she became the publication’s assistant publisher in 1970. She rose to publisher in 1973, overseeing the newspaper’s expansion in a time when the industry was mostly run by men. The New England Newspaper and Press Association honored her in 2000 with its prestigious Yankee Quill Award in recognition of her contributions to both journalism and the communities the Journal Inquirer covers. The newspaper also won the association’s Newspaper of the Year award under her leadership in 1987. She is survived by her husband, Neil ’48; two daughters and their spouses; four grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Nov, 2020

Paul C. Abramson ’49, of Teaneck, N.J.; Apr. 23. Upon his honorable discharge from the U.S. Army, he became president of the United Travel Agency in Manhattan, which he helmed for most of his adult life. During his lifetime he went on innumerable cruises and became an expert on the cruise industry and an icon in the luxury travel business. He was active with many travel organizations and a board member emeritus and vice chair Masonic brother. He retired from the travel business in his 80s, but never stopped his quest for new experiences. He continued to commute from Teaneck to Manhattan for activity-filled days, including visiting museums. He is survived by daughter Nancy Abramson ’81 and her spouse; son Richard ’84; and two grandsons, including Jesse Hertz ’13.

Aug, 2020

Joanne Worley Rondestvedt ’49, of Cheshire, Conn.; Mar. 15, from complications of COVID-19. She worked with troubled teens at Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute in San Francisco before moving to Connecticut in 1974. She was a lifelong flutist and enjoyed orchestral music. She played first flute with the Hamden Symphony Orchestra and she also played with Orchestra New England. She was a member of Spring Glen Congregational Church and the Spring Glen Garden Club. She enjoyed traveling and is survived by a sister, nieces, and nephews.

Aug, 2020

William H. Hubbard II ’49, of Bethlehem, Pa.; Feb. 3. He was retired from Bethlehem Steel Corporation’s credit department in New York City. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, a junior champion sailor, and a volunteer for years at St. Luke’s Hospital. He is survived by two daughters, a son-in-law, and three grandchildren.

Aug, 2020

Helen Loughlin Herlitz ’49, of Alexandria, Va., formerly of Irvington, N.Y.; Feb. 4.  She was a homemaker and longtime member of the Thursday Club in Irvington, the Junior League of Westchester (N.Y.), and the Garden Club of America. She is survived by her husband, Fred; three children and their spouses; four grandchildren; a brother; and several nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2020

Rose Jamiel Falugo ’49, of Cooper City, Fla., formerly of Attleboro, Mass.; Feb. 7. She was a teacher before she and her husband opened a bedding business in 1969, now run by their son. She enjoyed traveling with her husband and being with family. She is survived by her husband, Jay; four children; eight grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; and three sisters.

Jun, 2020

Ellamae Andrews Magee ’49, of Great Barrington, Mass.; Dec. 29. She taught elementary education over the course of 25 years, first at Berkshire County Day School in Lenox and later at Pomeroy Elementary School in Pittsfield. In addition, along with her husband she ran a summer camp in North Adams, Mass., for 20 years. She was involved in religious and civic organizations and was a founding member of the Berkshire Quilt Guild. She enjoyed reading, ballroom dancing, yoga, and gardening. She is survived by her husband, Robert; five children; and eight grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus ’49, of Providence, formerly of Fall River, Mass.; Nov. 11. She taught school in Fall River and worked in the family business with her husband. She was twice president of the Fall River Chapter of Hadassah, she was on the board of directors of the Ninth Street Day Nursery, and she volunteered for the Fall River Food Pantry, in addition to being an active member of the Pembroke/Brown class. She enjoyed spending time at the beach with her family, solving crossword puzzles, traveling, and writing skits that she and her friend performed for years on New Year’s Eve. She is survived by three daughters, including Ellen Ehrenhaus Pasch ’78; two sons-in-law; eight grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Anthony D’Antuono ’49, of Naples, Fla.; Oct. 17. He was a high school principal in Cohasset, Mass. He later moved to Brockton, Mass., and was superintendent of public schools for many years. He followed that position by moving to Falmouth, Mass., to work as superintendent of the Sandwich/Mashpee public schools. He began wintering in Naples in 1979 before moving permanently in 1986. After retiring, he accredited colleges and universities for the government and eventually ended his long educational career by becoming a founder of Schiller International University in Dunedin, Fla. He is survived by two daughters, a son, a daughter-in-law, two sons-in-law, five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Shirley Gfroerer Buck ’49, of Bedford, Mass., formerly of Lexington, Mass.; Oct. 25. She was a former writer for the Lexington Minuteman. She is survived by a daughter and a son and their spouses, two grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Eloise Fleischer Pollack ’49, of Coconut Creek, Fla., and White Plains, N.Y.; Aug. 21, after a short illness. She is survived by three children and four grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Charles H. Keenoy ’49, of Hackettstown, N.J.; Nov. 25. His education was interrupted by his service in the U.S. Army during World War II, for which he received the Bronze Star and citations. He returned to Brown and upon graduation worked as a sales executive with McCall’s Corp. He lived in New Jersey, North Carolina, Vermont, and Massachusetts. He volunteered with Meals on Wheels, was a past member of the board of directors of Latham Centers (Mass.), and worked with the Governor’s Commission in Vermont for the employment of individuals with disabilities. He enjoyed baseball, football, listening to jazz and classical music, attending grandchildren’s sporting events, and building dollhouses for his grandchildren. He is survived by seven children and their spouses; 13 grandchildren and their spouses; two step-grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and a sister.


Jan, 2020

John B. Lynch ’49, of Vero Beach, Fla., formerly of New Canaan, Conn. and Watch Hill, R.I.; Aug. 6. He was a member of the New York Stock Exchange and retired after a long career in the financial world. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II and the Korean War. He was the recipient of several medals and commendations. He had been a member of the Brown men’s basketball team, served as head of the Brown Football Assoc., and was an active supporter of the Brown Sports Foundation. He enjoyed solving the New York Times crossword puzzle and playing golf, having achieved two holes-in-one. He is survived by his wife, Marguerite; three daughters, including Suzanne Lynch ’90 and Michele Matzinger ’92; a son-in-law; four grandchildren; brother Gerard ’66; sister-in-law Phyllis Gushae Lynch ’55; and several nieces and nephews, including Susan C. Lynch ’82, Jennifer Lynch Seemar ’87, Allison Lynch Longfield ’98, Robert K. Lynch ’90, Brendan B. Lynch ’92, and Coley M. Lynch ’95.


Jan, 2020

Carol-Ann Lantz ’49, of Warwick and Wakefield, R.I.; Oct. 1. She served in the U.S. Marine Corps for five years and rose to the rank of captain. After returning to civilian life, she joined a local chapter of the Women Marines Association and was treasurer of the organization for more than 20 years. She became a licensed dog handler while a teenager and enjoyed breeding and showing Dalmatians, Italian Greyhounds, and Salukis throughout the years. In the 1970s she assisted the editor of the international dog magazine Saluki World. For 21 years she owned and operated Wecochaconet Boarding Kennel in Warwick. She was a member of the Saluki Club of America and for 16 years served as its secretary. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, a stepdaughter, a sister-in-law, and two nieces.


Jan, 2020

Charles A. Cooper ’49, of New York City; Sept. 16. He served in Germany during the Korean War and later had a career in law, primarily title insurance. He was a founder of the Riverside Park Clay Court Tennis Assoc. He is survived by his wife, Beatrice; daughter Margery Cooper ’82; son Frederick Cooper ’79; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and four grandchildren.


Nov, 2019

Paul L. Sunderland ’49, of Westport, Mass.; July 19. He was a retired engineer who had worked as superintendent of engineering for Montaup Electric Co. in Somerset, Mass. He was an avid Boston Red Sox fan, a World War II U.S. Army veteran, and enjoyed spending time with family. He is survived by his wife, Jean; three sons; seven grandchildren; a great-grandson; and several nieces and nephews.


Sep, 2019

Joan Dixon Keller ’49, of Westwood, Mass., formerly of Atlanta; Apr. 18. After college, she joined the junior executive training program of Filene’s department store in Boston. In 1967 she moved to Florida and later to Atlanta, where she lived for 40 years, before returning to New England in 2017. She participated in the Junior League, garden clubs, and the Colonial Dames. She enjoyed reading, swimming, tennis, golf, and playing bridge. She is survived by two daughters and their spouses, and six grandchildren.


Sep, 2019

William Seamans ’49, of Spofford, N.H.; Apr. 21. He began working at CBS News as an editor for the morning radio news, then moved to the evening news as an editor and writer for Walter Cronkite, which earned him an Emmy. In 1963 he joined ABC News as a correspondent and producer. He spent 22 of his years at ABC as Tel Aviv bureau chief, covering the Gulf War and receiving a second Emmy for the news special Nightline in the Holy Land, as well as Overseas Press Club awards for radio reporting on the invasion of Cyprus in 1974 and for a television documentary on Yitzhak Rabin. He retired to Spofford in 1991 and shared his expertise through commentary and editorials for Vermont Public Radio and the Keene Sentinel. He donated his working papers and other related materials to the Mason Library at Keene State College. He was a member of the Writers Guild, the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the Overseas Press Club of America, the National Press Club, and the Foreign Correspondents Association. In his personal life he enjoyed playing tennis and golf, target shooting, and attending summer performances at the Peterborough Players. He is survived by three children, three grandchildren, and a niece.

Jul, 2019

David A. Turnquist ’49 of Aurora, Colo., formerly of Narragansett, R.I.; Sept. 23, of bile duct cancer. During his career he worked as an engineer with fire protection system companies in New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, including Grinnell Fire Protection in Newington, Conn. He retired in 1992. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and a former member of the Verandi (the Rhode Island unit of the American Union of Swedish Singers). He enjoyed traveling and spending time with family on Salt Pond in Narragansett. He is survived by three children and their spouses; seven grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and brother Nelson Turnquist ’60.


Jul, 2019

Kenneth B. Nanian ’49, of East Greenwich, R.I.; Mar. 7. He was a cardiologist at Rhode Island Hospital for 40 years. In addition to his medical societies, he was president-elect of the Rhode Island Society of Internal Medicine, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and a member of Kappa Sigma. He enjoyed sailing, skiing, and spending time with family. He is survived by his wife, Pat; three sons, including David ’83; three grandchildren; and a sister.


Jul, 2019

Phyllis J. Morton ’49, of Perrysburg, Ohio; Feb. 20. She was the founder of Abundant Life of Perrysburg and Abundant Life II, an elderly housing authority for which she received a national award from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. She was a court appointed special advocate for children for more than 35 years. In retirement she volunteered with several organizations until a few months prior to her passing, including Perrysburg Area Historic Museum and Advocates for Basic Legal Equality. She was the recipient of numerous awards, including the Mayor’s proclamation of Phyllis Morton Appreciation Day, 2012 Distinguished Citizen of Perrysburg Award, and a Virginia Secor Stranahan Citizenship Award from the League of Women Voters, a 2013 Jefferson Award honoring her for her positive efforts, the 2015 Access to Justice Community Advocacy Award, and the 2018 Bentley Historic Preservation Award. She enjoyed traveling to all seven continents and was a member of Zoar Lutheran Church in Perrysburg, where she organized monthly preparation and serving of meals at a homeless shelter in Toledo and helped build a home through Habitat for Humanity. She is survived by two daughters; four sons; 14 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

Doris Anderson Landau ’49, of Alexandria, Va.; Feb. 27. She worked in the U.S. Navy Department, then later at the Department of State until marrying and starting a family. She was interested in architecture and the preservation of America’s historic buildings and for many years volunteered at the National Building Museum. She enjoyed figure skating and ice dancing and skated until the age of 87. She is survived by her husband, Sherman; a daughter; a son; and two grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

Howard J. Kennedy ’49, of Rockville, Md.; Jan. 9. He was a retired director of engineering at ARINC Research Corp. in Annapolis and active in the St. Jude’s Choir and the Rockville Men’s Chorus. He is survived by three children; 11 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

Claire Davis Harrison ’49, of Wrentham, Mass.; Mar. 10. She taught music at Plainville Elementary School until retiring in 1989. She was both a cub scout den mother and a girl scout leader and enjoyed reading.


Jul, 2019

Allan R. Bellows ’49, of Pawtucket, R.I.; Feb. 9. After working at Amica Insurance for two years, he joined the family mortuary business of D.W. Bellows & Son in Pawtucket. He was a World War II veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps, past president of National Selected Morticians, past president of the Rotary Club of Pawtucket, past chairman of the advisory board of the Salvation Army of Pawtucket, a trustee of the Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket, a member of the Rhode Island Funeral Directors Association and of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, where he served as senior warden. He is survived by his wife, Lois; a daughter; a son; eight grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and a brother.


May, 2019

Jeannette Silberman Roth ’49, of Davie, Fla., formerly of South Dennis, Mass., and Providence; Jan. 14. She was a social worker for the State of Rhode Island before starting a family. She later tutored students of all ages in math. She enjoyed reading and is survived by a daughter and a son.

Mar, 2019

Carl R. Ostroff ’49, of Canton, Mass.; Oct. 28. He was the former president of Abrams Bros., Inc, a carpet distributor in Natick, Mass. An avid Boston Red Sox fan, he passed away peacefully minutes after watching the Red Sox win the 2018 World Series. He also enjoyed traveling and his friendships with his Pi Lambda Phi fraternity brothers. He is survived by two sons, including Michael ’76; two daughters-in-law, including Joanne Topol ’77; and four grandchildren, including Alexander Ostroff ’14.


Mar, 2019

Helvi Olen Moyer ’49, of South Windsor, Conn.; Nov. 11. She retired from The Travelers Insurance Co. in South Windsor in 1983 as assistant manager. She is survived by her husband, Robert A. Moyer ’50; two sons and their spouses; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.


Mar, 2019

Richard A. Dodge ’49, of Gloucester, Mass.; Sept. 6, after a brief illness. After obtaining a law degree from Boston Univ., he owned and operated his own firm, working with multinational companies for more than 40 years. He was a World War II U.S. Army Air Corps veteran and enjoyed sailing. He is survived by his wife, Joyce; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and two grandchildren.


Jan, 2019

William J. Falk ’49, of Narragansett, R.I.; Sept. 7. A notable track and field coach, he began full-time teaching and coaching in 1952 at Attleboro (Mass.) High School. Within three years his track team won a state crown. In 1956, he joined the faculty of Hope High School in Providence, also teaching and coaching track, and piloted Blue Wave teams to six successful seasons. He was both head and assistant coach of track at URI for 18 years, during which time he won five New England Coach of the Year awards while coaching five All-Americans, five IC4A titlists, and 20 New England champions. In 1960, together with Brown University trainer Jack McKinnon, he founded M-F Athletics, marketing molded heel protectors. His “athletic heel” was not confined to track and field athletes, but for a time was also used by members of the Cleveland Browns, Baltimore Colts, and Boston Celtics. He attended the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome to observe Olympic activities in his field of coaching, but also to ensure that the device was available to all who wanted it, eventually supplying several countries with the M-F Athletic Heel. He started M-F Track & Field catalog in 1968, which grew to become a leader in its field. His son now runs the company. During his career, he received numerous coaching awards, including induction into the URI Athletic Hall of Fame and the Rhode Island Track Coaches Hall of Fame. He is survived by a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; and three grandchildren.

Jan, 2019

Theodore A. Hagios ’49, of Flemington, N.J.; Sept. 3. He was retired from the New Jersey Department of Transportation in the office of land acquisition. During World War II he served in the U.S. Navy. He is survived by a son and brother, Fritz ’54.


Jan, 2019

Evelyn Pierson Gotschall ’49, of Sarasota, Fla.; Aug. 1. She received her master’s from UCLA and taught in the Santa Monica private school system. A former director of the Laguna Beach Art Association, she exhibited her work at Laguna Art Museum and in Southern California businesses. She also published several books of her poetry. She was active in the healing arts movement in Southern California and was certified as a practitioner of alternative medicine. She retired in 1990, moving to Florida. She is survived by longtime friend John Milligan; a daughter; a sister; and brother, Walter Pierson ’53.


Jan, 2019

George S. Doolittle ’49, of New London, N.H., formerly of Floral Park, N.Y.; Oct. 6. After receiving a master’s from Columbia Univ., he taught for one year at Glasgow High School in Montana, followed by 29 years at Sewanahaka High School in Floral Park. In both 1958 and 1961 he participated in the New York State Regents television project teaching English on channel 11. He was a professor of English, adjunct faculty at Nassau Community College from 1964 to 1983; and an associate professor of English, adjunct faculty at Adelphi Univ. from 1974 to 1976. In addition to teaching, he was the director of the Ruth M. Knight Summer Theater Workshop from 1962 to 1983. He retired from teaching in 1983, moved to New London and was active in the community volunteering with Meals on Wheels and as chairman of the board of trustees of the Tracy Memorial Library. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy, a prisoner of war, and the recipient of the Purple Heart. He is survived by four children and their spouses; 10 grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter.


Jan, 2019

Lawrence M. Bugbee ’49, of Gardnerville, Nev., formerly of Fair Oaks, Calif.; Aug. 25. He was a retired pediatrician. During his career he held many positions at Mercy San Juan Hospital, including chief of staff, chairman, vice chairman, and secretary of the department of pediatrics. He was actively involved with St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Carmichael for more than 35 years. He was a World War II U.S. Navy veteran and enjoyed writing and woodworking. He is survived by four children; 13 grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren.


Jan, 2019

Warren Averill ’49 of Amherst, Mass.; Aug. 8. He continued his education at UMass Amherst, where he obtained a master’s and doctorate degrees in food science and analytical chemistry. In 1951 he was appointed assistant professor in agricultural and biological chemistry at the Univ. of New Hampshire. He later worked as a research chemist for Perkin-Elmer in Norwalk, Conn. He was a U.S. Army Air Forces veteran of World War II and a member of the American Chemical Society and the Institute of Food Technologists. He enjoyed fishing, sailing, clamming, woodworking, gardening, and traveling. He is survived by six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.


Nov, 2018

Joseph W. Munnis ’49, of Glen Mills, Pa.; May 30. He was employed with Westinghouse as a sales engineer for 39 years, retiring in the early 1990s. In retirement, he was called upon by Henkles & McCoy to serve as vice president of marketing. He was an active member of St. Thomas the Apostle Church and enjoyed golf, gardening, and the Jersey Shore. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; four grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and a brother.

Nov, 2018

Philip F. Denner Jr. ’49, of Nashua, N.H.; July 2. He was employed as a sales manager for the Nashua Corp. for 37 years before retiring in 1990. After retiring, he spent 14 winters in Florida before returning to Nashua full-time. He was an active member of First Church Nashua U.C.C., where he had been chairman of the board of deacons, a Sunday school teacher, superintendent of the Sunday school, and president of the Fellowship Club. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and a member of Phi Kappa Psi. He enjoyed camping in New England. He is survived by his wife, Roberta; four sons; four grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.

Sep, 2018

Jean E. Miller ’49, of Arlington, Vt.; May 21, of a stroke.  She taught English for seven years in the public high schools of Westbrook, Maine, and Marshfield, Mass., followed by two years at Mount Vernon Seminary in Washington, D.C. She went on to teach English and become assistant to the headmaster of the Masters School in New York. She was later dean of student personnel at Bennington College in Vermont, headmistress of St. Timothy’s School in Maryland, and headmistress of Vivian Webb Schools in Claremont, Calif. She served as director of development at Poly Prep Country Day School in New York and was chairman of the National Association of Independent Schools—the first woman to serve in this capacity—before retiring. Active in Pembroke affairs, she joined the Pembroke Center Associates Council in 1989 and served as chair from 2002-2004. She endowed the Edith Goldthwaite Miller Faculty Fellow Research Fund in 2002 for the Pembroke Center and was a 1998 Brown Bear recipient.  She is survived by two brothers.

Sep, 2018

Muriel Hendrick Krauss ’49, of Post Falls, Idaho; Mar. 5. She served in the U.S. Naval Reserve, then continued her studies in psychology and earned two master’s degrees. She enjoyed doing volunteer work, studying history, and traveling. She is survived by four daughters and a son.


Sep, 2018

Albert J. Jacobs ’49, of Boca Raton, Fla., formerly of Cranston, R.I.; May 27. After a brief career in engineering, he founded three fashion jewelry and findings import companies (Princess Fashions, Eastern Import Co., and Pegasus Import Co.) and served as president of each. He enjoyed jazz music, fishing, Asian art, home aquariums, and traveling. He is survived by a daughter, sons Bradley ’79 and Theodore ’84 MD, two daughters-in-law, a son-in-law, six grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, a niece, and two nephews.


Sep, 2018

Barbara Dinkel Dillon ’49, of Darien, Conn.; Mar. 28. She worked as an editorial assistant at the New Yorker magazine in Manhattan, while also doing some freelance writing. She sold her first story, “The Grand Champion Peanut Racer,” to Woman’s Day magazine at the age of 23. Over the course of her career, she authored nine children’s books, including A Mom by Magic, which was made into an NBC TV movie, A Mom for Christmas, produced by Walt Disney Productions in 1990. She spoke at several local schools about her writing and remained an avid reader of children’s literature and the New York Times Book Review. She enjoyed attending the Darien Playhouse and New York City theater. She also played tennis, golf, paddle tennis, and bridge. She volunteered in several organizations, taught pre-reading skills to underprivileged children in Stamford, Conn., and was a volunteer for 25 years at Person-to-Person in Darien. She is survived by three daughters and their spouses, eight grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and a brother.

Sep, 2018

Edward A. Vincent ’49, of Springfield, Ohio; May 12, following a brief illness. He worked at Interstate Department Stores for 26 years before owning and operating the Downtown Specialty Store in Springfield for 14 years. He served on the Chamber of Commerce and was a member of the Downtown Merchants Assoc. He is survived by his wife, Carol; three children; five grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren.


Sep, 2018

Ronald S. Pritzker ’49, of Hyannis, Mass.; May 15. He worked in the family outerwear manufacturing business, A. Pritzker and Sons, and later in beer, wine, and liquor sales and distribution. He was active in civic life and served as president of the Oak Hill Park Neighborhood Assoc. and Temple Mishkan Tefila. He volunteered with the Barnstable (Mass.) police department and enjoyed acting and singing. He is survived by his wife, Avis; a daughter; a son; their spouses; and four grandchildren.


Jul, 2018

Paul F. Hood ’49, of Salt Lake City, Utah; Mar. 17. After serving in the U.S. Navy, he lived and worked in various places, including jobs in the financial, pension, retirement areas with Aetna Life & Casualty, Equitable Life, Marsh & McLennan, Merrill Lynch, Watson Wyatt & Co., and Rhode Island Hospital Trust National Bank. He was listed in Who’s Who in Finance and Industry and enjoyed reading about the Civil War, watching golf, and playing tennis. He is survived by a daughter, Tracy Hood Golden ’85; a son; a daughter-in-law; four grandchildren; and a brother, Ralph ’57.


Jul, 2018

William S. Capozzoli ’49, of Ellicott City, Md., formerly of Old Saybrook, Conn.; Jan. 26. He was a retired sales manager for Exide Battery and a U.S. Army World War II veteran. He is survived by his wife, Sally; three stepdaughters; and two nephews.


Jul, 2018

Constantine E. Anagnostopoulos ’49, of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., formerly of St. Louis; Jan. 20, after a brief illness. He joined Monsanto Company in 1952 as a research chemist. In 1954 he transferred to the organic chemicals division in St. Louis and was appointed a Monsanto Fellow in 1957. He served as vice president of Monsanto and vice chairman of its Corporate Development and Growth Committee and later was president and CEO of its Europe, Africa, and Middle East division. He retired from Monsanto in 1987 and began a second career as managing director of Gateway Ventures, headquartered in St. Louis. He was the author of numerous papers on technological entrepreneurship and corporate venture capital and, over the course of his career, developed several patents related to organic and polymer chemistry. He served on the Presidential Council on Innovation, the Industrial Research Institute, the National Inventors Council, and the European Government Business Council. He enjoyed watercolor painting and writing poetry. He is survived by a son, Paul ’74; a daughter-in-law; and two grandchildren.


Apr, 2018

Barbara Forbstein Arnstein ’49, of Dallas; Dec. 13. She worked for Neiman Marcus before becoming a full-time wife and mother. An accomplished pianist, she volunteered at the Jewish Community Center playing for the senior choir and at the Temple Emanu-El Judaica Gift Shop. She enjoyed playing golf and traveling. Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by three sons, a daughter-in-law, and a sister.

Apr, 2018

Gala Connell Barker ’49, of Portland, Conn.; Dec. 3. She worked for a short time as a librarian at the Providence Athenaeum and worked in the back-office operations of Barker Trucking. She eventually earned her Class 1 driver’s license and enjoyed traveling the country by truck with her husband. She was an active member of the Portland Methodist Church, where she sang in the choir and played piano. She was an avid reader and could read, write, and speak five languages. She is survived by her husband, Gordon; a daughter; two sons; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; two sisters; and several nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2018

Harold Ludman ’49, of Seattle; Nov. 28. An internal medicine physician, he was on the clinical faculty of the SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine until his retirement in 2004. He served in the U.S. Army and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and Alpha Omega Alpha. He enjoyed gardening, traveling, reading, going to the theater, and visiting art museums around the world. He is survived by daughter Evette Ludman ’83; sons Neil ’79 and Mark ’76, ’79 MD; three grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and a sister.

Apr, 2018

Daniel Moore Jr. ’49, of Providence; June 25. He was a cardiologist in private practice until retiring in 1998 and a staff physician at Butler Hospital and St. Elizabeth Home in Providence, where he was medical director and chief of staff from 1978 until his retirement. A clinical instructor at Brown, he served as president of the Rhode Island Medical Assoc. and the Rhode Island Society of Internal Medicine and was a member of the American Medical Assoc. and St. Sebastian Church. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II and earned the Distinguished Flying Cross. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Nancy McKenna Moore ’50; four daughters; a son; three sons-in-law; and 14 grandchildren.

Apr, 2018

Gloria Negri ’49

Covering History

On a whim, Gloria Negri ’49 would sometimes hop a plane to a place she’d never been—Bangkok or Cairo, Saigon or Singapore, or Guatemala alone on a Christmas Eve.

“My experiences have not all been pretty,” she once wrote. “On more occasions than I care to remember, I have arrived in foreign lands in the middle of the night with no hotel reservations.”

During 53 years at the Boston Globe, Negri, who died last December 10 at 91, watched countless historic moments unfold, always returning to write a well-told tale. She was at Cape Kennedy for the launch of the first moon landing and in South Africa when apartheid’s grip began to loosen. She was in Fenway Park when Ted Williams hit his last home run and in Hyannis as Rose Kennedy wept in church the day after John was assassinated.

Arriving at the Globe in 1959, when the few female reporters on the staff were relegated to soft feature assignments for what was then called the women’s pages, Negri insisted that she be sent out to cover news. Through her determination, she broke ground for generations of women who later joined the Globe.

“All the women in the newsroom owe her a debt of gratitude,” says Patricia Nealon, a friend and an editor at the Globe. “She really decided that all of the news pages would be open to her. All of us who followed, followed in her footsteps.” Janet Walsh, the Globe’s weekend editor, says, “I am grateful to Gloria as one of a very few women who waged battle every day decades ago in a very male newsroom to make their voices heard.”

Gloria Negri was born on November 23, 1926, in Providence, where her father, Philip Negri, was an Italian immigrant, a carpenter, and a mason. Her mother and namesake, the former Gloria Louise Tella, was hobbled by diabetes, though Negri would share with close friends her tender memory of dancing with her mother in the kitchen when she was a girl.

Her parents had both died by the time she entered Pembroke College. “I think she worked her way through,” says her longtime friend Loretta McCabe. “I’ve always thought of Gloria as being the exemplar of true grit, because that’s what she needed.”

Negri told friends that after a summer bicycling trip in Europe she took a slow route home because the college dorms weren’t open yet, and she would have no place to stay. “I stayed on several weeks more after the other members of my group flew home,” she wrote in 2000 about the experience, “exchanging my airline ticket with a stranger I met in Amsterdam for a trip home on a freighter. While I waited for the ship to leave, I slept in hostels and other less-than-luxurious emporiums for wanderers like myself. I had several proposals, not always of marriage.”

After graduation, she worked first at the Jewish Advocate and then at the Daily Hampshire Gazette in Northampton, Massachusetts, the New Bedford Standard-Times, and the Miami Herald, where she produced a feature story every day. (She was also required to sweep the Palm Beach bureau office every night.)

Along the way, Negri, who had no immediate survivors, remained close to a trio of college friends and, later, to the children of Globe colleagues who lived nearby, who considered her an aunt whose freezer always contained ice cream for them. 

Stephen Kurkjian, a former Globe reporter and editor, says that as Negri regaled him with anecdotes about her reporting assignments, “I realized that she had covered the history of the end of the 20th century. It was always the same Gloria—notebook out, asking questions, getting as close as she could to where history was being made, whether it was in Vietnam or across the street from the Public Garden at The Ritz.”

On the event of the launch for the first moon landing in July 1969, she wrote “In daylight, standing a mere 1,500 feet from this big white behemoth that will take man to the moon, the overwhelming emotion is awe. The overwhelming urge is to pray … at dusk, as small lights round the spacecraft made it twinkle like a castle in fairyland, and again in the blackness of night, when floodlights cast Apollo 11 in a celestial halo.”

Rubbing shoulders with the Fenway faithful on September 28, 1960, while watching the Splendid Splinter’s last game, she noted that “Theodore S. Williams, baseball’s last angry man, the pride and sometimes the bane of the Sox, refused to tip his hat to the crowd throughout the game. ‘An individual to the end!’ a fan said in admiration.”

At the LBJ Ranch in October 1964, Negri was shown around in a station wagon by “a slender woman in bright pink slacks, silk blouse, and a pink chiffon scarf around her head.” Her driver was Lady Bird Johnson, the first lady. “The skin on her nose was beginning to peel from the Texas sun and there was a spring to her step that is restrained when she is in Washington,” Negri wrote. “The land is dear to Lady Bird Johnson, just as it was to the women who came West to settle years ago. And it is on the land that she can be most herself.”

Negri could cover an earthquake that killed thousands in Italy on one day and head off on vacation for her own adventure the next.

“As a longtime traveler,” she wrote, “I have always observed a few rules: Travel alone, travel lightly—just a knapsack, if possible—and never plan ahead.”

—Bryan Marquard

A longer version of this story was published in the December 12, 2017, Boston Globe.

Feb, 2018

William Kloner ’49, of Manhattan; Oct. 12. He was ordained in 1954 and for more than 50 years was Rabbi at Temple Beth Emeth of Flatbush, Brooklyn. He served 32 years in the U.S. Naval Reserve, attaining the rank of captain and was appointed rear admiral in the New York Naval Militia. His ministerial capacities spread across a range of institutions, including the Navy League of the United States, the Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A., and the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of New York. He was the head chaplain administering to rescue workers at Ground Zero. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; two sons, including Ken ’93; five grandchildren; and two sisters.

Feb, 2018

William A. McKibben ’49, of Hingham, Mass.; Sept. 16. He was a commercial pilot for Eastern Airlines until his retirement in 1984. He was a World War II navy veteran and member of Delta Upsilon. In addition to flying, he enjoyed genealogy and investing. He is survived by four daughters, three sons-in-law, and seven grandchildren.

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