Class of 1956

Jun, 2024

 Nancy Blacher Shuster is still teaching her writing workshop. She writes: “Brown has been in my family a long time. Happy 2024 to my classmates.”


Jan, 2024

Peter Corning writes: “My new book, Superorganism: Toward a New Social Contract for Our Endangered Species, written for Cambridge University Press with a “recipe” for our growing climate crisis, was published on August 3. I was a professor in human biology at Stanford.” 

Nov, 2023

Nancy Shuster taught two programs at Narragansett Library (R.I.) during the summer. She also enjoys teaching in Naples, Fla., during the winter months. Nancy has three children, six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. She is open to communication from her classmates and can be reached at


Aug, 2023

Steve Tice competed in the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament (ACPT) in Stamford, Conn. He won the Seniors (80 and over) age group, earning a $1,000 prize. In many years of attending the ACPT, he befriended crossword constructor and tournament judge Jim Page ’56. Steve continues to play his harpsichord with fellow Baroque musicians and enjoys spending the month of August in Watch Hill, R.I., with his wife, Diane. Steve writes: “Although I have slowed down considerably, I still finished in the top one-third. Sixty years of doing New York Times crossword puzzles finally paid off.”

Aug, 2023

Frank Yanni writes: “For the past 20 years at least, Jack Delhagen and I have had winter reunions in Fort Myers and Naples, Florida. Thanks to a very active Brown Club of Southwest Florida, these reunions usually include a Red Sox–Phillies game at “Fenway South.”  Until his passing, Bill Wescott was part of the reunions, as were our wives. This past winter we were joined by Jack’s son, Edward Delhagen ’83.”

Jun, 2023

Peter A. Corning, who is long retired from teaching in the multi-disciplinary human biology program at Stanford University, is still active. He’s currently publishing a new MIT Press book (his seventh) on Evolution “On Purpose”: Teleonomy in Living Systems (coedited with five colleagues). Another new (trade) book, now pending, is Superorganism: A New Social Contract for Our Endangered Species. Peter is also widely recognized for his theory about the causal role of cooperative effects (functional synergy) in evolution (as opposed to the competitive “selfish gene” model), most recently in his 2018 book, Synergistic Selection: How Cooperation Has Shaped Evolution and the Rise of Humankind (World Scientific). He and his wife, Susan, now live near Seattle, close to their three children and two grandchildren (so far).

Nov, 2022

Jennie Jones Hanson attended the reunion this year with her mom, Nancy Dawn Zarker Jones ’56, brother Wes Jones ’87, and son Christian Hanson ’17. All three generations walked through the gates during the parade. “A very special day!”

Nov, 2022

Peter Corning and his wife Susan are now living in Bellevue, Wash., near all three of their children and their grandchildren. Long retired from teaching (in the interdisciplinary human biology program at Stanford University), Peter is still actively writing professional journal articles and books. A groundbreaking new volume, coedited with four other biologists, will be published next year by MIT Press. The title is Evolution ‘On Purpose’: Teleonomy in Living Systems. Many more of his publications can be found at

Jun, 2022

Roger Hale writes: “I was thrilled and honored to be inducted into the Minnesota Chess Hall of Fame. This wasn’t because of any great chess playing ability, but rather for resuscitating the local chess club (Chess Castle of Minnesota) from life support to what became one of the most active chess clubs in America, hosting around 150 rated tournaments each year until the pandemic shut us down. Although I had played recreational chess off and on over the years, I played in my first rated tournament game when I was 72, which may have been the record for the oldest person playing in a first US Chess Federation rated game.”

Apr, 2022

Bob McGuinness and his wife Sue, and Jim McGuinness ’56 and his wife Carole, organized a family reunion of 35 members at Wranglers Roost resort, New River, Arizona, in late September. Activities included line dancing instruction, corn hole competition, archery, dune buggy off-roading, and Ian Schoenherr’s family ancestry presentation. Bob retired from Shell Oil Company and is a consultant to SeaRiver Maritime; Jim from New York State Department of Transportation as airport director at New York Stewart International Airport.

Apr, 2022

Jim McGuinness (see Bob McGuinness ’62).

Apr, 2022

Stafford Cohen writes: “Since retiring from my clinical cardiology career, I have been writing medically themed books. My third, We Live and Die By Electricity, was posted on Amazon. It is a medical murder mystery. I believe that the murder method is unique to the genre. I wrote the book to keep occupied while isolating during COVID-19. Best wishes to all classmates. Looking forward to our 70th reunion.”

Jun, 2021

Jenifer Morgan Massey writes: “I will look forward to seeing you all at our 70th when we’ll all be only 91! We should have a prize for who guesses the correct number of attendees. You can submit your guess for this at our Zoom 65th reunion. Winners to be announced May 2026. Love you ALL!”

Jan, 2021

Peter Corning writes: “It came as a jolt to see that our 65th anniversary is coming up! It’s long past time for me to do an update. After teaching in the Human Biology Program at Stanford for many years and then heading up the Institute for the Study of Complex Systems, my wife and I ‘retired’ to develop an experimental (biointensive) market farm on San Juan Island, Washington. We did that for a decade. Now we are truly retired (without scare quotes) in a Seattle retirement community, close to all three of our children and grandchildren. We feel very lucky. We both remain active and I’m still writing, including a trade book in 2018 (pictured in the June-August 2020 Fact, Fiction & Verse), a forthcoming new book—a cri de coeur called Superorganism: A Radical Proposal for a World at the Breakpoint—along with various professional journal articles and a weekly blog. My website is I also keep in touch (virtually) with a few old Brown friends. Here’s hoping we can be on campus for our upcoming reunion.” Contact Peter at

Aug, 2020

Justin Massey (see Jennifer Morgan Massey ’56).

Aug, 2020

Hilary Massey Billings (see Jennifer Morgan Massey ’56). 

Aug, 2020

Jennifer Morgan Massey writes: “My daughter, Hilary Massey Billings ’85, is chair of the San Francisco branch of Habitat for Humanity and spent two weeks with her husband building houses all over Nepal and loved it. My son, Justin Massey ’93, has been re-elected to a five-year term on the Hermosa Beach City Council, where he is currently mayor pro tem.

Aug, 2020

Nancy Blacher Shuster writes: “Still teaching life story writing in Naples and in Narragansett. I’m lucky to still enjoy teaching at both locations. Next summer I will teach for Beachwood Senior Center in Wickford. I’m looking forward to being a great-grandma and enjoy acting as a surrogate mother to friends and students who have lost their moms. (Several of my students and friends have lost their moms. I offered to fill the role, which means on their birthdays I send them cards and a present and on Mother’s Day they think of me as well as the mom they lost. It works well. No pregnancy involved, just caring and kindness.) Life right now is like a science fiction movie. I hope we can conquer our invisible enemy. I’d love to hear from classmates. Too few class info bulletins.” Contact Nancy at   

Aug, 2020

Tom and Phyllis Macchia Johnson sold their home and lived in an apartment until the new house was ready. Phyllis writes: “It’s quite an adventure trying to stuff a house’s worth of living into an apartment half the size.” Contact Phyllis at 11645 Monument Dr., #1125, Lakewood Ranch, Fla. 34211-1281; (941) 254-7949.

Apr, 2020

Jim McGuinness, Tom Holmes, and their families attended the Brown-Dartmouth hockey game. All were impressed with the rink and the pictorial display of men’s and women’s hockey, but were disappointed with the meager student turn-out supporting the team.


Nov, 2019

Nancy Blacher Shuster is still enjoying teaching. She writes: “What fun to work with students who are retired and love to connect writing life stories. Let me hear from others.” Contact Nancy at


Sep, 2019

Ann Matteodo Dupre writes: “Having the good fortune to have three brothers precede me at Brown (Sam Matteodo ’51; Maurice Matteodo ’53; and Eugene Matteodo ’56, ’78 PhD)—their mantra was that it was appropriate for me to graduate in 1961 because it could be read upside down, proving I did not know if I was coming or going. It always raised my love and awareness to think of that distinction.”


Jul, 2019

Professor Nancy Shuster writes: “I am still teaching in Naples, Florida, and also in Narragansett, Rhode Island. I enjoy living and teaching in both locations six months each year. Many of my students are seniors who are writing their life stories. It is a joy to be able to still do the teaching and I learn from my students as well. I have three adult children, six grandchildren, and a partner I have been with for 35 years. My tennis days are over, but I do enjoy daily swims in Florida. If anyone wants to connect, I love to hear from classmates.” Contact Nancy at


May, 2019

Mark Kessler writes: “Steve Cutler and I again upheld the honor of the class of ’57 against Bob Gordon ’56 and Steve Rogers ’56 on the golf links at Jupiter Country Club in Florida, in February. No one got injured.” This annual clash of the same foursome has been going on for 16 consecutive years.

Mar, 2019

Roger and Helen Heckel Stoddard ’56 sold their condo in Lincoln Ridge to move to Concord, Mass. Roger writes: “From three floors to three rooms. My books are scattered as far as Alfred, Maine, and Charlottesville, Virginia.”


Mar, 2019

Gretchen Wheelwright reports: “Classmates are interested in knowing what other classmates are doing so please send updates.”


May, 2018

Nancy Pollock Stavis writes that she and her husband Edward live in three places: Cape Cod in the summer, Key Biscayne in Florida in the winter, and Brookline, Mass., in between. They attend many different cultural activities in all three places. An avid tennis player for 45 years, Nancy is unable to play anymore because of a bad shoulder.

May, 2018

Richard Bower writes: “My granddaughter Emily Maenner ’16 makes the fourth generation of Brown alums in the family. My brother Jim Bower ’60 still lives adjacent to the campus. My daughter Sally Maenner ’84 is an active interviewer for Brown in the Minneapolis area. Ever true.”

May, 2018

Joanna F. Alden writes: “Harvey and I celebrated our 55th anniversary and 56 years since we met at the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) Language Institute for secondary teachers. We’ve also celebrated marriages and 50th birthdays of our three college graduates. Our two granddaughters are in school and visit frequently. I am a full-time caregiver to Harvey, who is blind and a candidate for a new implant device in his right eye to give him black and white images; he is also having a hip replacement. We enjoyed our 65th high school reunion, where a large percentage of the class was in attendance. How good to see old friends.”

May, 2018

Emily Maenner (see Richard Bower ’56).

Apr, 2018

Joe Soloway writes: “I have finally retired after 57 years of pediatric practice. I am happy with the newfound freedom, though I do miss the joys of being with and tending to kids and their families for all those years. My wife, Lorraine, a retired New York City school teacher, and I celebrated our 59th anniversary this past August. Our family is now three generations deep at Brown. Our eldest son, Greg Soloway ’82, and his wife, Linda E. Gray ’82; our daughter Liz S. Snider ’84; our son Andrew Soloway ’86 and his wife, Sabina Siani Soloway ’85; our granddaughter Sophie Soloway ’14; and our grandson Ari Snider ’18 all attest to the Brown effect on the Soloway clan. How fortunate we have been. Lorraine and I live in Jamaica Estates in Queens, but will be moving to East 56th Street in Manhattan.”

From the November/December 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at

From the September/October 2017 Issue

Professor Nancy Shuster still enjoys teaching in Naples, Fla., and in Rhode Island. She teaches writing programs and many of her students are writing their life stories. She lives six months in Naples and six months in Narragansett, R.I.

From the July/August 2017 Issue

Nancy Shuster writes that she and her husband enjoyed a good winter in Naples, Florida, and continue to split their time between Florida and Rhode Island: “I am still teaching in both locations and enjoy helping writers do their life stories. I now have six grandchildren and two are married. Hello to all my classmates. Sorry I could not make our reunion last year.”

Raymond Tortolani writes: “Thanks to those who wrote concerning my book The Last Nazi. I appreciated your views and comments on my depiction of Adolf Hitler and my comparisons with U.S. historical events. My newest book, The War The South Was Forced to Fight, is available at Amazon. It is a historical account of the simultaneous growth and sectional upheaval that produced the Civil War, focusing principally on the victimization of the South and a reappraisal of the presidencies of Lincoln and Davis. My next project deals with a historical critique of the U.S. Supreme Court and the American Civil Liberties Union.

Frank R. Yanni writes: “Just finished my 18th year as a snowbird in Naples, Florida. Under the leadership of Bob Sanchez ’58, the Brown Club of Southwest Florida has an active agenda, including its annual Red Sox outing. I see Martha and Jack Delhagen regularly, although our golf is now limited to the 19th hole.”

From the March/April 2017 Issue

Joanna F. Alden writes: “Harvey and I just celebrated our 54th anniversary. Although he’s totally blind and is extremely arthritic, he’s wearing a pacemaker and is looking to have hip replacement so we can get back to traveling after three and a half years of confinement. Our 21-year-old granddaughter graduated with honors from Bridgewater Univ. and has seen fit to opt out of teaching to go into management. Our eight-year-old grandchild is a bright light to our lives in more ways than one. I feel very distant from Brown because my lifestyle has not allowed me to go there, so the BAM has kept me in the loop. I also have a grandniece from New York who is in the freshman class.”

Diana J. Baker writes: “To my surprise, it’s been 36 years since a vacation prompted me to move from Cambridge to Santa Fe, and never a dull moment since. I’m currently renovating a townhouse in an attempt to downsize, but there is a guest room if any Pembroke ’56 alumnae are coming this way.”

David Durfee and Sandra Sundquist Durfee ’57 returned from a Road Scholar trip to London via the Queen Mary 2. A fellow scholar on the trip was Lauren Pennington ’56 AM.

Roger L. Hale is healthy and actively supporting various nonprofit causes. He is also playing tournament chess and enjoying time with his four daughters and their husbands and his 14 grandchildren.

Jenifer Morgan Massey writes: “We are so lucky to be fulfilling my lifelong dream of traveling almost half the year. We also feel lucky to have three wonderful kids and eight delightful grandkids. The two of our kids who went to Brown make us feel it was so worthwhile: Hilary Massey Billings ’85 lives in San Francisco and is on the board of Habitat for Humanity, and Justin Morgan Massey ’93 is an environmental lawyer and mayor of the City Council of Hermosa Beach, Calif. Come see us in San Clemente, Calif.”

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Jerry Mattka writes that, in addition to being a U.S. Army veteran, he also worked for nine years as a conductor/foreman with the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; worked more than 20 years in civilian law enforcement and is now retired from 55 years as a surgeon. He’s a proud owner of a ’56 Austin-Healey 100/4 Le Mans Kit and has enjoyed taking two trips by rubber raft through the Grand Canyon, the first as a “dude” and the second as a crew member/raft operator. He’s a Second Amendment supporter as an NRA Benefactor member and a California Rifle and Pistol Association life member, as well as a Sierra Club and Wilderness Society life member.

Sally Shaw Randall writes: “Ned has crippling arthritis, but he is holding his own. I am taking care of him, doing my artwork, and preparing for a talk on birds. Our lives have been enriched by Brown, and I miss all our old friends. Ned is going to give a talk on the marines in Korea during the war and his time with Ted Williams and John Glenn while he was there.”

Carl H. Seligson and his wife, Bonnie, enjoyed the 60th reunion and were delighted by the fact that so many classmates attended and for achieving an Annual Fund Class Participation of 50.9 percent. Carl was a member of the reunion gift committee.

Barbara Radulski Sickler writes that she was sorry to miss the reunion, but she was laid up with leg and foot problems and surgery and just couldn’t manage the trip. She hopes to be there for the next one.

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Ned and Sally Shaw Randall write that Ned had a serious fall last spring and is learning to walk again. They send their best wishes to their classmates.

John Worsley reports: “The class of 1956 had a highly successful 60th reunion, with 114 classmates attending, dinners at the University Club and the Hope Club, and a great Saturday luncheon at the Brown Refectory. The following officers were elected: Copresidents John Worsley and Joyce Marangelo Anderson; Covice-Presidents Robert Watts and Marjorie Jenckes Fleischmann; Cotreasurers Noel Field and Nancy Zarker Jones; and Reunion Cochairs Jenifer Morgan Massey and John Worsley. Ken Golder was re-elected Webmaster. Former Class President Hank Vandersip was appointed ‘Honorary Class President.’ A memoriam was extended to 70 class members who have passed. Those wishing to pay into the class fund may send any amount to Class Programs at Alumni Relations. Treasurer Field suggests $56. Those wishing to send information to the class website and the BAM may send it to Ken Golder.” 

From the July/August 2016 Issue

Dick Porter writes: “I was pleased to read the subject article about Bill Condaxis ’55, Don De Ciccio ’55, Vin Genua ’55, and Soc Mihalakos ’55. I was a freshman at Brown in 1952–1953, and a highlight of my year was when I pledged to Kappa Sigma and was privileged to socialize with those fine gentlemen. I left Brown after one year and went on to the U.S. Naval Academy and a 26-year naval career. I retired in Hawaii in 1983.”

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Gretchen Gross Wheelwright, cochair of the class reunion gift committee, writes: “Mark your calendars to attend our 60th reunion on May 27–29. In addition to campus-wide activities, we will have dinners on Friday and Saturday evenings as well as separate luncheons for the men and women of the class on Saturday. Class headquarters and rooms will be in Keeney Quad, which has elevators. Members of the reunion gift committee are calling classmates. Please welcome their calls and help us exceed our goal of $100,000 for the Brown Annual Fund.”

Carolyn Morgan Palermo (see Shelley Atwood ’67).

From the January/February 2016 Issue

Joanna Roche Alden writes: “It’s astonishing how the years have passed and many names no longer appear. We are now retired from teaching, from organ/choir directing, and from Harvey’s 20-plus years of affiliation with Cantella & Co. of Boston. We are free to play and enjoy our granddaughters, one 22 and one almost 7. Golden years must mean that doctors and lawyers make the gold and we just keep going. We attended Harvey’s 50th college reunion at Bridgewater State Univ. What used to be a few buildings now stands to fill most of the town. Comparatively, I drove through Brown recently and almost didn’t recognize it. I’m also amazed at many articles in our magazine.”

Ray Tortolani published his book The Last Nazi: A Tale of Passion and Sorrow. He writes: “It is a historical novel about a real-life infamous Nazi leader that contains an outpouring of historical information covering the Nazi regime and the period between 1918 and 1945, a topic I have long had a deep desire to write about in a manner that avoids the restrictions of standard historical texts. Currently I am completing the final draft of an orthodox historical book on Abe Lincoln, Jeff Davis, and the Unfair War, which should be ready for publication by mid-2016. After that, I plan to resume my retirement with a lot of reading and less tennis and golf, and perhaps one more book, or maybe two. This retirement business sure gets in the way of pleasure.” 

From the March/April 2015 Issue

Jim McGuinness met up with Phil Gerould, Tom Holmes, and Charlie Merritt at the Jazz Corner in Hilton Head, S.C. Jazz great and club owner Bob Masteller, a high school friend of Phil’s, acknowledged the presence of the Brown ’56 group.

Nancy Blacher Shuster still teaches in Naples, Fla., and Narragansett, R.I., living six months in each location. She writes: “What a treat it has been to be teaching for more than 40 years. My Brown major was philosophy and English, and, since I have never read an ad for a philosopher, I decided that English was the better career path. Regardless, what I learned in my philosophy classes has definitely helped to mold my teaching. As a professor of English, I have enjoyed teaching students at eight colleges. In addition I have taught kindergarten and at senior centers. I feel blessed to have found such a rewarding career. Love to hear from any of you reading this.”

From the January/February 2015 Issue

Dick Williams and his wife, Joan, celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary in December. Joan is the sister of Roger B. Williams and Mason B. Williams ’51. Dick writes: “We have been graced with excellent health during our 17 years in retirement. We are planning big for our 75th anniversary in 2033: our three sons will assist.”

From the September/October 2014 Issue

Stafford I. Cohen retired from clinical patient care after 40 years of academic cardiology practice. He continues scholarly pursuits at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School. Stafford writes: “The transition was from a highly satisfying career to a wonderful time of life. My wife, Debby, and I have more time to bond with long-term friends and to visit with our two sons and our four grandchildren. This year we were able to spend a month in New Zealand with son Matthew Cohen ’87 and his family. We also visited son Gregory and his family in Silicon Valley.” Since retiring from clinical care, Stafford in 2012 coauthored an article in Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology entitled “Death and Near Death from Cardiac Arrest during the Boston Marathon” and has written a biography, Paul Zoll MD; The Pioneer Whose Discoveries Prevent Sudden Death, published by Free People in July.

From the July/August 2014 Issue

Norman J. Cowen writes: “I’ve just returned from my twice-a-year ski trip to Vail, Colorado. Conditions were fabulous and I felt like an eagle soaring as I floated down huge deserted and recently groomed slopes with my skiing companion. I suspect I was the oldest person on the mountain that day. Now, nine years after retiring as a hand surgeon in the Washington, D.C., area, my wife, Diane, is planning some big parties for my 80th birthday, one in Northeast Maine and one in Pawleys Island, South Carolina. There’s plenty of duplicate bridge being played North and South. If any of my classmates would like to visit us or accompany me skiing, just say the word.”

From the March/April 2014 Issue

Nancy Dawn Zarker Jones and her husband, Bill, welcomed grandson Christian William Hanson ’17 to Brown during Convocation activities. Christian represents the family’s third generation to attend Brown, following his grandmother; his mother, Jennie Dawn Jones Hanson ’86; and uncle Wesley Jones ’87.

Nancy Pollock Stavis (see Sara Stavis Altman ’82). 


From the January/February 2014 Issue

Henry Vandersip (see Beatrice Wattman Miller ’35).


From the November/December 2013 Issue

Jim McGuinness, Charlie Merritt, Phil Gerould, and Tom Holmes, together with their wives, gathered in Pittsfield, Vt., in late September for autumn leaves and memories of Brown.


From the May/June 2013 Issue

Nancy Pollock Stavis writes: “My husband of 54 years, Edward, and I still live in three places: Brookline, Massachusetts; West Harwich, Massachusetts; and Key Biscayne, Florida. We’re looking forward to the graduation of our grandson Evan Altman ’13. He will be the fourth generation in my family and fourteenth relative to graduate from Brown, but he will be doing something on graduation day that I don’t think any other Brown graduate has ever done: he will be wearing the same cap and gown that the three generations before him wore. My mother, Ida Cohen Pollock ’31, wore it. I wore it. And Evan’s mother, Sara Stavis Altman ’82, wore it. My mother had to buy it in 1931 and kept it, hoping that I would graduate from Brown wearing it. I don’t think I’ll be around to see the fifth generation of relatives wear it, but hopefully my daughter and grandson will see that!” 


From the March/April 2013 Issue

Al N. Hakam hosted an alumni Thanksgiving dinner at Jerry’s BBQ and Grill in Singapore, featuring smoked turkey. Twenty alumni from various classes attended.

Gilbert Pemberton II (See Margaret E. Thomas ’79).

Albert Perrino is still fishing, downhill skiing, fox hunting on horseback, and enjoying life. He resides in Wilmington, Del. 

From the January/February 2013 Issue

Daniel Hardenbergh writes: “Retirement continues to be grand. I have visited my kids and grandkids in Alaska, Florida, and Virginia this past year. My granddaughter Lindsey just graduated after starring on the Univ. of Virginia’s varsity tennis team for four years, playing as the #1 spot for three years and All-American for two. I loved going down to watch her play. My wife of 56 years, Mary Ann, is still totally disabled after her tragic fall nearly four years ago, which caused severe brain damage.”


From the November/December 2012 Issue

Jennifer Morgan Massey (see Engagements & Weddings, Justin Massey ’93).

From the September/October 2012 Issue

Al Hakam celebrated his 27th wedding anniversary at Lujiang in Yunnan Province, China.

Roger Hale writes: “My very accomplished daughters are representing their alma mater well. Jocelyn Hale ’85 is the executive director of the Loft Literary Center, the most active center of its type in the country for poets, writers, and aspiring literary people, sponsoring hundreds of classes, lectures, and literary events each year. Leslie Hale ’87, a cross-country runner at Brown, just competed in the Arctic Circle Race, described as the toughest Nordic race in the world. She was the only American to compete and came in second in her 40–49 age group (female). Nina Hale ’89 is a very successful entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of a search engine optimization company, NinaHale Inc. All three live in Minneapolis with their husbands and kids.”


From the March/April 2012 Issue

Joel Davis’s son Chuck Davis ’82 was recently named as the International President of the Young Presidents’ Organization. Chuck is currently a Brown trustee, as was Joel some years ago.

Eveline Portnoy Hunt writes: “The 55th reunion was great fun. Especially gratifying was the chance to get together with several Pembrokers I hadn’t seen since graduation. They were terrific company during the weekend, and I miss them already!”

From the January/February 2012 Issue

Joanna Roche Alden writes: "This year we will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. I am a retired language teacher, retired church organist and choir director. I'm now secretary and office manager for my husband, Harvey, a financial advisor. Christopher is at home with 3-year-old Madison and doing computer tech business. Kathryn has an MEd in special education and is earning her certificate of advanced graduate study in school administration. Margaret has a pediatrics degree from Tufts and is doing workshops for schools in New Bedford."

From the July/August 2011 Issue

The Minnesota Assoc. of Development Professionals recognized Roger Hale as Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year for his many years working for Ploughshares Fund, Public Radio International, and Plymouth Congregational Church.

Daniel K. Hardenbergh writes that his wife, Mary Ann (Syracuse '56), who suffered severe brain damage due to a fall over two years ago, remains the same. He is still traveling to visit his four children and 12 grandchildren in Alaska, Florida, and Virginia.

Nancy Blacher Shuster continues to teach in Naples, Fla., and Narragansett, R.I. She enjoys helping students write their life stories. She works mostly with Learning in Retirement Programs sponsored by Florida Gulf Coast Univ.; in Rhode Island she teaches for the YMCA as well. She also helps students write books about various topics. In October, she connected with Gloria Fireman Goldenberg in California. Nancy would like to hear from fellow students. She is still enjoying her cochlear implant, and, if anyone needs a copy of her book, Hearing Loss and Winning Solutions, e-mail her.

Nancy Pollock Stavis writes that her grandson Evan Altman '13, is enjoying Brown. He is the fourth generation in her family to go to Brown and the 14th relative.

From the May/June 2011 Issue [55th]

Sheldon P. Siegel writes that he looks forward to the 55th reunion with his wife, Lolly, who will celebrate her 55th at Wellesley next year. Shel's son, H. B. Siegel '83, is chief technical officer at IMDb.

Richard E. Williams and his wife, Joan, celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary on Dec. 13. Richard writes that he is enjoying his 15th year of retirement after 36 years of service with Pennsylvania Gas & Water. He enjoys hunting, fishing, gardening, competitive shooting, and visiting his three sons and their families.

From the March/April 2011 Issue

Alan Levenson was recognized by the Maine Bar Assoc. at its summer convention in Rockland with a lifetime membership commemorating his 50 years practicing labor and employment law in Portland. Alan lives in Tucson part of the year and in Sebago Lake, Me., the rest.

From the January/February 2011 Issue

Nancy Willenbecher Dickinson has set up a website, a coffee-table book of photographs is available for purchase. She writes: "Come visit and let me know if you've been charmed."

Al Hakam is looking forward to a great 55th reunion. He writes: "The most important thing at our age is to be healthy and happy. My wife, Li Wen, who runs our restaurant, Jerry's BBQ and Grill, and my son, Joseph'13, will be there." He invites all alumni to visit his restaurant in Singapore.

Daniel K. Hardenbergh's wife, Mary Ann, is still recovering from a severe brain-damaging fall of over a year and half ago. Most of his traveling over the past year has been to see kids, grandkids, and other relatives in Green Valley, Ariz.; Anchorage, Ala.; and Fairfax County, Va. He hopes to get to central Europe next year, tagging along on a concert tour with the Dedham Choral Society, with whom he sang for 26 years.

Barbara Goodman Lees is hoping to attend the 55th reunion in May. Unfortunately, her husband of 30 years died in July after several years battling health problems. She plans to move from their large home to an apartment in San Luis Obispo, Calif.

Louis Ray has been elected as an at-large director on the board of the Mar Vista Community Council. Mar Vista is a community on the west side of Los Angeles. He has been appointed as a member of the advisory panel on the creation of an Office of the Ratepayer Advocate for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

Carl H. Seligson recently spoke at the Mid-Atlantic Conference of Regulatory Utilities Commissioners and the National Association of Regulatory Utilities Commissioners. He filed expert testimony with the Illinois Commerce Commission on behalf of Commonwealth Edison Co. He vacationed in northwestern Italy and Paris last spring and enjoyed his home on Fire Island, N.Y., in the summer. He has four married children and eight grandchildren. The eldest grandchild began college in August 2010 and the youngest turned 2 in April 2010.

Barbara Radulski Sickler traveled extensively with her children after the death of her husband, Hal (Rutgers '51) in December 2008. She attended a wedding in Germany with her son, Chris (Univ. of Texas '86); toured Egypt with her daughter Jennifer (Rice'83); and went on a cruise to the islands in the eastern Caribbean with her daughter Carol (Southern Methodist Univ. '83). An avid quilter, she goes to many quilt shows, retreats, and workshops, and collects fabric art from around the world.

John A. Smith and wife Elaine Lavault Smith '59 recently attended the wedding of classmate Robert A. Watts to a longtime friend of theirs, Charlotte De Serio. Elaine had introduced them earlier this year. Also attending were classmates Joel Davis and his wife, Carol, and Peter Shutkin and his wife, Tippy.

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Joanna Roche Alden retired from being a teacher and an organ choirmaster. Since her husband lost his sight a few years ago, she has been working in his brokerage office as secretary and reader. She has granddaughters aged 16, 14, and 17 months. She writes that she will be visiting her brother's villa in Tercera, in the Azores, and taking a trip to Fatima in Portugal. In September, she and her husband will celebrate their 45th anniversary on Cape Cod.

George Chapman writes: "After spending the majority of the last 35 years at almost two miles above sea level, Karen and I have become flatlanders in the almost too conservative Midwest."

Bonnie Eckenbeck Cobb moved into a high-rise condominium in the heart of Dallas's arts district in November 2008. She writes: "I can walk to theaters, the Symphony Hall, the Opera House and three museums. My view from the 24th floor is spectacular. There are even five restaurants downstairs. I am thrilled to be living in such an exciting environment."

Pauline H. Davis and her husband, Peter, spent last Christmas with her brother, John Davis II '63, at his house on the Olympic Peninsula. Last May, they took a river cruise through Peter's homeland in Holland and Belgium and visited relatives in London.

Jack Delhagen writes: "Our Southwest Florida Brown Club continues to flourish. I'm keeping the local medical establishment well employed. I gave up fishing and took up oil painting, with surprising success."

Edwin N. Forman writes: "After 41 years in Providence at Rhode Island Hospital's department of pediatrics and pediatric hematology/oncology, my wife, Sylvia, and I have moved to Manhattan to join grandchildren, children, and sisters." Edwin is currently at Mount Sinai Hospital, teaching and caring for children with cancer and blood diseases.

Al Hakam's son Joseph Hakam '13 is at Brown. Al and his wife, Li-Wen, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at Club Med in Phuket, Thailand, this past May. They met Joseph in Europe for a three-week holiday in Paris, Switzerland, and Italy in August. Al's American BBQ Memphis-style ribs restaurant continues to do well in Singapore.

Samuel A. Herzog writes that, after three grandsons, as of July 2009 he has a granddaughter: Jillian Morgan Herzog, daughter of Jonathan Herzog (Univ. of Michigan, '96). Samuel is also the proud father of Robert Herzog '90. In 2002, Robert formed Zog Sports LLC, a charity-focused, co-ed social sports club where young professional participants play touch football, soccer, volleyball, softball, and other sports. Since its formation, its charitable contributions have exceeded $850,000.

F. Jerry Mattka is now a retired oral and maxillofacial surgeon. He recently married and is a member of the Sierra Club, the Coroner Society, the National Rifle Assoc., and the California Rifle and Pistol Assoc.

Mary Jane Mikuriya writes that she enjoys hosting Servas Fulbright students, U.S. Department of State visitors, and foreign students attending UC Berkeley. "These visits require learning about values and cultural perspectives."

Mary Lou Couture Murphy writes: "I lost my husband of 52 years due to brain cancer in May 2009."

Gerald G. Norigian and his wife, Lillian, are now Florida residents but spend about five months of the year in Warwick, R.I.

Carl H. Seligson and his wife, Bonnie, enjoyed Venice, northeast Italy, Trieste, and Paris for three weeks this spring. Carl writes: "It's the start of asparagus harvest and there is no such thing as a bad meal in Italy or Paris."

Peter M. Shutkin's grandson, Alex Schwartz '10, became the sixth Brown graduate in the family this May. His brother, James Schwartz '13, is the seventh family member to attend Brown.

Dodd B. Wragg rows with the San Diego Rowing club six days a week. He won the Canadian Masters championship for the over-70 last summer in Victoria, Canada. He writes that he is doing well with his wife, Sonja, in San Diego. He runs a part-time coffee shop at the boathouse and trades stocks.

Frank Yanni writes: "I got to enjoy a Red Sox game in Fort Myers with classmates Jack Delhagen, David Reynolds, and Barry Blank."

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Last February, Dan Hardenbergh's wife, Mary Ann, suffered severe brain damage after an accidental fall down a flight of stairs in Cape Cod, Mass. The fall was related to a stroke. After brief stays at Cape Cod Hospital and the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, she has been at Brighton Rehab Center/Nursing Home since last summer. Dan writes: "Please send a good thought her way—they all help."

Joe Soloway writes that his granddaughter, Sophie Soloway '13, is now the fourteenth member and third generation of the Soloway family to attend Brown. Joe is enjoying an active pediatric practice in a seven-person group in Forest Hills, N.Y. He holds the position of clinical associate professor at the Weill Cornell Medical School, and is an attending physician at the New York Presbyterian and Long Island Jewish Hospitals.

From the March/April 2010 Issue

Bernard Iser retired Dec. 31 after 30 years in real estate management and 25 years in educational administration. He writes that he will be doing real estate management consulting as a home occupation, catching up on the opera and theater, and learning how to relax with his partner of 23 years.

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Al Hakam, who lives in Singapore, enjoyed accompanying his son, Joseph '13, on campus during orientation week in September.

Carl Seligson remains active in the electric industry financial space, which he has inhabited for more than 45 years. He is a consultant to the industry trade organization, the Edison Electric Institute, in its regulatory outreach program.

Nancy Shuster enjoyed connecting with Gloria Fireman Goldenberg in California last summer. Nancy has been teaching again in Rhode Island and Florida.

Nancy Pollock Stavis writes that her grandson, Evan Altman '13, who was accepted early decision, is enjoying Brown and is the fourth generation in the family to go there. He is the 14th of Nancy's relatives to attend Brown.

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Members of the Pembroke class enjoyed the annual summer reunion luncheon at the Rumford, R.I., home of Margaret Devoe Gidley on August 4. Sixteen classmates enjoyed catching up. Attending were: Joyce Marangelo Anderson, Margery Jackson Chambers, Judith Gagnon Davidson, Ruth Berkelhammer Fink, Linda Kessler Fishman, Marjorie Jenckes Fleischmann, Margaret Devoe Gidley, Sheila Monaghan Harvey, Katherine Cashman Hower, Nancy Dawn Zarker Jones, Dorothy Mancini LaFond, Jane Hamlett Malme, Jenifer Morgan Massey, Julie Petrarca, Barbara Perrino Piscuskas, and Nevann Winslow Smith. Caring thoughts and cards were sent to class president Geneva Whitney Courtright and classmate Miriam Maccoby Netter. Please send news to Jane Hamlett Malme.

From the July/August 2009 Issue

Joel Davis writes that his grandson Jared B. Davis has been accepted into Brown's class of 2013. He is the third generation in the family.

Nancy Blacher Shuster divides her time between Naples, Fla., and Narragansett, R.I. She is teaching for a learning-in-retirement program at Florida Gulf Coast Univ. This season she taught six courses, including Writing Your Life Story.

From the May/June 2009 Issue

Arthur M. Love Jr. writes that he is halfway through earning his master's degree in music performance at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N.Y., and that he is still playing the drums.

Jenifer Morgan Massey writes: "John and I travel half the year and look forward to living overseas in a couple of years. We plan to rent places for a month or more and will start with Venice, Paris, London, Istanbul, and Hong Kong. Our three kids and six grandkids are all great fun."

From the March/April 2009 Issue

Stafford I. Cohen writes: "Although I recently retired from my clinical consultative cardiac practice, I continue to be involved at my hospital and medical school. I am currently researching the modern history of electrocardiac therapy and intend to write a book on the subject. Other commitments are to family and to becoming acquainted with new ideas. The latter reminds me of the intellectual excitement I experienced from exposure to the liberal arts curriculum at Brown."

Edwin Forman writes: "After 41 wonderful years in Providence and in the department of pediatrics at the Rhode Island Hospital, I, along with my wife, Sylvia, am relocating to Manhattan to be near family (three granddaughters, two children, and three sisters). I will join the department of pediatrics at Mt. Sinai Hospital, and Sylvia plans to continue her psychotherapy/psychoanalysis practice."

Katherine Cashman Hower writes that she has gotten together with Nancy Zarker Jones, Marjorie Jenckes Fleischmann, and Margaret Devoe Gidley. She also writes that her daughter, Kathleen, bought a beach house in Narragansett, R.I., overlooking Bonnet Shores and will be renting it in the summer.

Joanne Dean Keane enjoys her job as the therapeutic-recreation director at a health facility. Her granddaughter, Megan, 15, lives only 30 minutes away.

Mary Irene Pett returned to Washington, D.C., after the death of her husband last June.

Ronald Schwartz writes that he is still working, still traveling, still married, and still acquiring grandchildren.

Nancy Pollock Stavis writes: "My daughter, Sara Altman '82, has two children: Jennifer, a junior at Brandeis, and Evan, a senior at Noble and Greenough School who sent in his early decision application to Brown. If he gets accepted he will be the fourth generation Brunonian in my family! I still live in one of three residences—Brookline, Mass., West Harwich, Mass., and Key Biscayne, Fla. Life gets a little complicated, but it's still lots of fun."

Robert L. Sterling Jr. lives in Palm Beach, Fla., with his wife, Joyce. His three sons, Rob, Bill, and Cameron, work and live in New York City and Greenwich, Conn. He also announces the Oct. 15 arrival of his granddaughter, Clair Robin.

Hank Vandersip (see Beatrice Wattman Miller '35).

John Worsley '63 MAT teaches at the Community College of Rhode Island and writes for newspapers. He was recently elected to the board of the Heritage Hall of Fame in R.I., and serves on the executive board of the Providence Federation of Musicians, the Entertainment Committee, and the University Club. He plays the piano and produces music.

From the January/February 2009 Issue

Dan Hardenbergh writes that he is still recuperating from an amputation of his right foot and leg last April. He writes: "The prosthesis is working well but it's still painful, and I expect it will be for several months or longer. I had fun, but all too short, fall visits with my freshman roommate, Pete Fuger (Zeta Psi) and my roommate of the next three years, Dave Willis (like me, Phi Gamma Delta). It was great to see them both. I am back to my job coaching those with disabilities—on a very limited basis—but still love it."

Mary I. Pett writes that her husband died in June 2008. After living in Idaho, she is returning to Washington, D.C., where she worked for the U.S. government for 33 years in international aviation.Carl Seligson and his wife, Bonnie, spent more than two weeks in Kenya in October visiting many sites, including Kilimanjaro (as seen from Amboseli) and Lake Nakuru with its hundreds of thousands of pink flamingos.

Nancy Shuster will teach the Learning in Retirement Program for Florida Gulf Coast Univ. She will be connecting with the Naples, Fla., Brown Club as well. She continues to conduct hearing seminars and establish hearing groups in Narragansett, R.I., and Providence. She is enjoying her cochlear implant.

Frederick Trost and his wife traveled to Thailand, where they spent several days with Jerry Jerome and his wife.

From the November/December 2008 Issue

Marilyn Taylor Browder writes: "We've been getting a lot of mileage from the celebration of our 50th anniversary, which was September 7, 2007. We're still using it as an excuse for fun! We first spent time with our family in Williamsburg, Va., then continued driving to the Canadian and U.S. Rockies, celebrating the day in a wee log cabin chapel in the Tetons, with those magnificent mountains as the altar backdrop. Eventually we made our way back to Florida. In March, we stood on the equator in Ecuador with two of our children (it was their gift to us). Now we've just returned from a month in Europe and are planning our fall tour north. Blessed, indeed, we have been, and are!"

Jack Delhagen writes that any snowbirds looking to join the Brown Club of Southwest Florida should contact him.

Janet Beery Owers and Jane Hamlett Malme met in Copenhagen, Denmark, for four days in June to mark the 50th anniversary of their year of graduate studies at the Univ. of Copenhagen. They attended a performance at the new Opera House, revisited old haunts, and caught up on family news, which included the April marriage of Janet's daughter Kate in Cambridge, England.

Barbara Perrino Piscuskas hosted the annual summer reunion of Pembroke '56ers at her home in Hyannis, Cape Cod, on July 15. Margery Jackson Chambers, Judith Gagnon Davidson, Marjorie Jenckes Fleischmann, Sheila Monaghan Harvey, Jane Hamlett Malme, and Mimi Winslow Smith enjoyed lunch and shared news of classmates, family, and travels. Next year's reunion lunch has been scheduled for July 14.

From the July/August 2008 Issue

Al Perrino is active in downhill skiing, saltwater fishing, boating, and fox hunting.

Nancy Shuster has been teaching in the Florida Gulf Coast University Learning in Retirement program. She teaches life-story writing and a writing workshop. She recently had two articles published in Tri-County Woman magazine's spring issue. She divides her time between Rhode Island and Naples, Fla.

Donald Uhl retired as CEO of In Store Media Systems, Inc. He now works on a four-seat jet aircraft project as vice president of corporate development for Excel-Jet, Ltd. in Colorado Springs. He writes: "I'm looking forward to bringing the aircraft to the EAA AirVenture 2008 in Oshkosh, Wisc., which is billed as the 'World's Greatest Aviation Celebration.'" He is very proud of his grandson, who graduated from the Univ. of San Diego after being on the Dean's list and lacrosse captain, and his granddaughter who completed her master's in education with honors at Whittier College this past May.

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Norman Cowen writes that he and Arnold Kritz continued their successful duplicate bridge partnership at the recent Palm Springs regional tournament where they earned 25 master points. This was followed shortly by another 30 master points at the Myrtle Beach Regional Competitions. The two have been close friends since their time at Brown, but only got interested in bridge recently; however, they are both life Masters. Arnold is a professor of physics at Lehigh Univ. and also a consultant to the United States government on its energy problem. Norman is a retired hand surgeon who is interested in gardening, tennis, and skiing out west. Norman enjoys summers in northern Maine and winters in Pawleys Island, S.C., with many stops in Washington, D.C.

Al Hakam, retired professor of international business and marketing at the National Univ. of Singapore and currently a Singapore restaurateur, hosted his Brown roommate Andy Wojcicki and wife Marba at his family home in December. Andy is professor emeritus of chemistry at Ohio State Univ.

Roger L. Hale was honored with a lifetime achievement award by Twin Cities Business. Roger also writes that his daughter, Jocelyn Hale '85, was named executive director of the Loft Literary Society, after a nationwide search.

Daniel Hardenbergh has spent the last two years trying to overcome what arthritis has done to destroy the cartilage in his right ankle. He writes: "Wanna talk? Write in."

Carl H. Seligson is beginning his sixth year on retainer for the Edison Electric Institute, representing investor-owned electric utilities. He and Bonnie went on safari in October.

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Roger Bensinger retired to Rancho Mirage, Calif., 12 years ago after a business career that took him to Brazil, London, and Mexico City. Three of his seven children went to Brown. He often sees classmate Paul Brenner, who lives in San Diego. Roger has been married for 39 years.

Barry W. Blank enjoys playing tennis and golfing in retirement. He continues as a board member of ARI Insurance Companies and a regional advisory board member for Peoples Bank & Trust Co. in Panama City, Fla. With the recent addition of twin grandsons, Barry now has 14 grandchildren.

Nancy Turner Bowers enjoys life in Greensboro, N.C., after 46 years in Florida. She especially loves the trees!

John Golden writes: "My 16th grandchild arrived on schedule and rounds out eight boys and eight girls, ages 20 to 6 months. I'm starting a new medical manufacturing company in the first quarter of 2008. This is my fifth start-up over the past 40 years. I am loving the south, and winter in the Florida Keys."

Dan Hardenbergh writes: "After a wonderful Brown Alumni Travelers trip to Sardinia, Corsica, and Rome, Mary Ann and I returned to Boston for a fun-filled end of summer. After a long, slow recovery from ankle surgery, I've been able to get back into my post-retirement job coaching individuals with disabilities. It can be frustrating at times, but in the long run it is extremely rewarding. We planned a trip to Arizona in late December, then to San Miguel de Allende over St. Patrick's Day with our sister Barbara."

Samuel A. Herzog reports that he has two new grandsons: Mason Jeremy Herzog, the son of Jonathan Herzog (Michigan '95), was born on January 31, 2007, and Jackson Wyatt Herzog, the son of Robert Herzog '90, was born on April 27, 2007.

Phyllis Stickell Lary writes: "If you don't mind cold, windy winters, and a muddy March, northwest Vermont is a comforting place to live in year-round retirement. I find enjoyment and friends in my garden club, in Master Gardener volunteer work, and in the 'Head Smart' spinning class at my athletic club. One of my eight grandchildren, a six-year-old boy, has been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. I'm interested in hearing from classmates who have had a similar experience."

Jenifer Morgan Massey writes: "I had a fabulous year traveling to the Hawaiian Islands, Paris, and the Loire Valley. I stayed with Bonnie Eckenbeck Cobb at her gorgeous home in Provence, then went to Valencia for the America's Cup, and Barcelona, Menorca, Mallorca, and Maine. I'm now back from a month-long Elderhostel in China and Tibet and on the Yangtze. Don't ever stop this world, I don't ever want to get off!"

Carl Seligson writes: "Bonnie and I spent three weeks abroad in October, visiting London and Kenya, where we went on a six-day safari. Kenya is a fantastic bird and animal paradise."

Hank Vandersip thanks all who have sent along words of encouragement.

Dodd Wragg writes: "I retired eleven years ago and married (second try) Sonja seven years ago. I am living well at Mission Beach in San Diego. The best of my many jobs as a wrangler on horseback in Washington's Cascade Mountains. I'm rowing for exercise and fun, and our crew won the 60-year-old category in the San Diego Crew Classic this year. I climbed Mount Whitney last year because it was there. Best wishes to all."

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Dan Hardenbergh writes: “I retired from Jewish Vocational Service in Boston as a job coach. Five minutes after I got home from a retirement party, the program director for Services to Individuals with Disabilities called to urge me to continue job coaching as a part-time consultant. I accepted! I thoroughly enjoy working with clients with disabilities who have job-related concerns and issues. In retirement I’m working ten to 15 hours per week, and it’s great. Otherwise, I’ve traveled to Alaska, Arizona, and Florida to visit family and celebrate Mary Ann’s and my 50th anniversary. Also great trips via Brown Travelers to Sicily, Tuscany, Sardinia, Corsica, and Rome. Life is good!”

From the November / December 2007 Issue

Margaret Devoe Gidley hosted a reunion of Pembroke ’56ers at her home in Rumford, R.I., on July 20. Eighteen classmates enjoyed lunch and catching up on one another’s lives. Attending were: Margery Jackson Chambers, Alice Clemente ’67 PhD, Judith Gagnon Davidson, Linda Kessler Fishman, Marjorie Jenckes Fleischmann, Ruth Berkelhammer Fink, Christine Holmberg Freiberger ’59 MAT, Margaret Devoe Gidley, Rosalie Greenberg Goldman ’66 MAT, Sheila Monaghan Harvey, Katherine Cashman Hower, Nancy Dawn Zarker Jones, Jane Hamlett Malme, Jenifer Morgan Massey, Geraldine Weicker McCann, Barbara Perrino Piscuskas, Nevann Winslow Smith, and Hazel Kingsley Turley.

Patricia Hales Laidlaw writes: “Our lives are substantially circumscribed by my husband’s advanced Parkinsons. We do see our four grandsons and their parents from time to time. We are still in our home, forty years now, where I garden assiduously.”

Sheldon Siegel and Marvin Wilenzik celebrated their 50th class reunion last year. Then, on June 30, Marvin and Nancy Wilenzik joined Shelden and Lolly Siegel (Wellesley ’57) at the Seigels’ gala 50th anniversary party at the Bethlehem Club in Bethlehem, Pa.

Gretchen Gross Wheelwright traveled to Santa Barbara, Calif., to speak at the July 27 celebration of the life of classmate Phyllis Rannacher Dodson. In addition to making her own remarks, Gretchen read remembrances of Phyllis’s freshman roommate, Geneva Whitney Courtright. Phyllis’s sudden illness had forced her to cancel plans to join classmates Bonnie Eckenbeck Cobb, Jenifer Morgan Massey, Geneva Whitney Courtright, and Gretchen Gross Wheelwright, as well as Nancy Schuleen Helle ’55 and Alice Wheelwright ’81 at a May gathering at Bonnie’s home in Provence, France.

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Joanna Roche Alden writes: "Fifty-year synopsis: I taught English, French, and Latin in public schools for twelve years. I have been organist and choir director at various Catholic churches since 1952. I stayed home to raise my family for ten years while working as a Coppercraft Guild counselor and manager for thirteen years. I am currently office manager at Harvey's Financial Office, a branch of Cantella & Co., in Boston. I've been married forty-nine years to Harvey, a now-retired English teacher and a financial planner and broker representative. Because he is now blind, he does the brainwork while I do the reading and writing. Meanwhile, I dote upon my thirteen-year-old granddaughter, Kaitlyn, a high-honors student and competition dancer."

Beth Zalusky Finkelstein writes: "All is well in Chappaqua, N.Y., where we have been living for the past thirteen years. My husband, Stuart, is a partner at Skadden Arps in New York City; our son, Sam, 15, is an avid lacrosse player; and Julia, 13, is a lover of musical theater and dance. I spend most of my days trying to keep up with them, though I often feel as if I am just running in circles with my hair on fire sometimes. When I do get a minute, I knit, of all things! Would love to hear from old friends!"

Jane Hamlett Malme writes: "Margie Jenckes Fleischman, Dazzle Devoe Gidley, and Noel Field represented our class at the annual all-class-leaders meeting on April 28. For one week at the end of May classmates Geneva Whitney Courtright, Jenifer Morgan Massey, Gretchen Wheelright Harris and daughter Alice, and Nancy Helle '55, were guests of Bonnie Cobb in Provence, France. It was a glorious house party without any spouses! Some husbands met their wives at the end of the week for additional travel. Hank Vandersip is continuing his rehabilitation under the excellent care of Phebe Phillips Vandersip '98. Hank would love to hear from any and all."

Nancy Shuster will teach in Florida Gulf Coast Univ.'s Lifelong Learning Program in 2008. She is a professor emerita and taught at the Brightview Commons facility in South Kingstown, R.I., this summer. She is starting a cochlear-implant support group in R.I. Nancy divides her time between Narragansett, R.I., and Naples, Fla. She is doing ongoing seminars from her book, Hearing Loss and Winning Solutions.

From the July / August 2007 Issue

Nancy Turner Bowers writes: “After years of threatening to run away from home, I finally did in Jan. 2007. I picked Greensboro, N.C., because of the wonderful cultural opportunities and natural beauty, and it is where my best friend from childhood lives. I am pursuing many new interests, plus a few old ones. If your curiosity is piqued, send me an e-mail and I will provide details.”

Richard H. Bower writes: “My wife and I just returned from three weeks in Thailand and Vietnam. It was a wonderful trip!”

Margaret “Dazzle” Devoe Gidley writes: “I’m still teaching at the Community College of R.I., and I have many private students at my studio at home. I have four trunk shows a year selling Doncaster clothes. I’m very involved in Republican politics, trying to restart a Republican Women’s Club. Since there is no two-party system in R.I., corruption is rampant. We are controlled by the unions.”

Jerry Jerome writes: “We had a wonderful reunion—many thanks to the committee, which has a thankless job. It was great to see my fellow classmates, but sad for the ones who passed on. This winter, Pat and I cruised through the Panama Canal—what an experience.”

Dorothy Mancini Lafond writes: “We’ll be celebrating our fiftieth anniversary July 4. Our children are planning a ‘surprise’ party for us.”

Alton Ryder writes: “I am deeply involved with cemetery management in southern N.H., both on the local and state level. Betty and I celebrated our fiftieth this June; three children and four grandchildren live nearby and visit frequently. Life is good.”

John Worsley ’63 MAT writes: “I’m continuing to teach in the Human Services Department at the Community College of R.I., and write for the weekly jazz column. I also produce major jazz shows.”

From the May / June 2007 Issue

Joan and Bruce Bartsch hosted a mini-reunion in February in Bradenton, Fla. Attending were Peg and Barry Blank, Elizabeth and Caleb Boggs, and Missey and Dick Sackett. John Hines, Jim Lohr, and Bill Pringle were unable to attend, but were there in spirit. Conversation related to Brown included the football Ivy League championship, the great 50th reunion, and the continued absence of NROTC.

Roger Bensinger writes: “I have retired after a forty-two-year career that allowed me to live in Brazil, England, and Mexico working in the sporting goods industry (Brunswick), pharmaceutical industry (G.D. Seale), and communications (Edleman). My wife, Beatriz, and I divide our time between Rancho Mirage, Calif., and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.”

Geneva Whitney Courtright writes she has stayed in touch with Phoebe Phillips Vandersip ’98 on Hank’s progress following his stroke last June. She also will be attending Bonnie Eckenbeck Cobb’s house party in Provence, France, this summer along with Gretchen Wheelright Harris, Jiffy Morgan Massey, Phyllis Rannacher Dodson, Nancy Schuleen Helle ’55, and Gretchen’s daughter Alice Wheelright ’81. She visited with Barbara Perrino Pisculkas during her annual visit to Sarasota this past March.

Samuel A. Herzog has a new grandson, Mason Jeremy Herzog, born Jan. 31, 2007.

Andrew B. Martin writes: “My wife and I, through our church, are involved in projects providing hurricane relief to New Orleans. In September we will have a jazz band from New Orleans come to Milwaukee for a fundraiser for the H.O. Musicians Clinic. The clinic provides health care for street musicians. While conditions have improved somewhat, it’ll be years before the city fully recovers. I would be pleased to share information if anyone is interested.”

Herbert Rakatansky writes: “I’m still practicing and teaching full-time. I am a clinical professor at the Brown Med School, and the chair of the Physician Health Program in R.I. I am also serving on the board of the Rhode Island Philharmonic. My ‘blended family’ includes six children and eight grandchildren.”

Carl H. Seligson writes: “I continue to serve as a consultant to the Edison Electric Institute, the organization representing virtually all investor-owned electric utilities, and have decided to return to my own practice as an expert financial witness in electric utility rate proceedings before regulatory bodies—a field I have been involved with for over forty-five years.”

Nancy Shuster had an article on “The Miracle of the Cochlear Implant” published in the January issue of Prime Time Magazine. The author of the book Hearing Loss And Winning Solutions, she is doing seminars on the subject and would be happy to do a program for your organization as well.

Peter M. Shutkin writes: “I am very proud of my grandson Alex Schwartz, now the class of 2010. He is the third generation. I’m looking forward to the 55th reunion.”

Gail Scott Sleeman writes: “I’m working full-time as a reporter/photographer for the Berlin Daily Sun in New Hampshire—fascinating! We cover everything from weekly selectmen’s meetings to U.S. presidential candidates. Life is splendid, with four beautiful seasons treating our eyes with the constantly changing natural world of northern New Hampshire. My three children are doing well as a lawyer in Denver, a consultant in New York, and a mother/housewife in Mt. View, Calif.”

William A. Wescott writes: “Rosa and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary on June 10, 2006. Our son, Drew, and daughter, Pam, had a beautiful anniversary party for us at the Molly Pitcher Inn in Red Bank, N.J. Frank Yanni, our best man and my roommate, was present with his wife, Dolores. We have one granddaughter, named Mackenzie. I have been retired from trust and estate banking since 1999.”

From the March / April 2006 Issue

William Wasco writes: “Back in the United States after living in the Bahamas for eight years. We just moved into our home on Leesville Lake, Va. It’s great to be back. We’re very much out of the loop.”

From the September / October 2006 Issue

Jane Hamlett Malme writes: “As we gathered together at the 50th reunion gala dinner in Sayles Hall on Friday evening to hear words of welcome and appreciation from President Simmons and other Brown leaders,Roger Hale, class reunion gift cochair (with Gretchen Gross Wheel-wright) greeted the class with, ‘There are three stages of life—youth, middle age, and you’re looking great!’

“And we did look great—all 203 of us, setting a 50th reunion attendance record and joining in an extraordinary weekend planned by reunion chairs Jiffy Massey and John Cutler and their hardworking reunion committee. Ever true to Brown, our class gift to the annual fund had reached close to $494,000, with a remarkable 57 percent of the class participating—the highest participation rate the class has ever achieved. The comprehensive total of gifts from the class exceeded $2 million.

“With a total of 346 (including guests) participating in the 50th reunion activities, we were quite a presence on campus, overflowing class headquarters at Goddard (Delta Phi) House in the Wriston quadrangle and at Andrews Terrace for our Saturday class picture.

“The 50th reunion program began on Friday afternoon with an exclusive presentation to the class on long-range plans to meet the campus needs of the University for the next fifty years, followed by an opening reception at class headquarters, the gala dinner, and Campus Dance. On Saturday, classmates enjoyed being part of a vibrant campus and attending stimulating Commence­ment forums. At a moving all-class memorial service at Sayles Hall, in which classmates Ken Golder and Rev. Ann Nelson took part, candles were lit by Geneva Whitney Court­right and Donald Lowry in remembrance of 145 of our classmates known to have died since graduation.

“Always a happy tradition, the Pem– broke Class luncheon was followed this year by the dedication of a Pembroke class of ’56 memorial garden in a shaded corner of the Pembroke campus. A memorial bench and plaque were made possible by Pembroke class funds and the efforts of class president Geneva Whitney Courtright.

“A unique highlight of the reunion was the hilarious performance of classmate Joe Bologna and his wife, Renee Taylor, in If You Ever Leave Me I Am Going With You for our reunion dinner theater on Saturday evening. Many thanks to Joe and Renee for a wonderful show—a truly special gift to all of us there. WaterFire Providence and schmoozing at Goddard House kept us up well past our usual bedtimes as the revelry continued until the wee hours.

“The condensed two-day Commence- ment weekend resulted in a significant number of the class joining in the 238th Commence­ment procession through the Van Wickle gates on Sunday morning. They were led by chief marshal Roger Hale; his aides Henry Baer, Noel Field, Jane Hamlett Malme, and Gretchen Gross Wheelwright; and class marshals John Cutler, Dorothy Mancini Lafond, Jenifer Morgan Massey, and Hank Vandersip. Many others shared in carrying the class of 1956 banner through the ranks of cheering new graduates shouting, ‘You look great!’

“More than sixty stayed on for a dinner organized by Dorothy Lafond Sunday evening at the Faculty Club. The final event was Hank and Phebe Vandersip’s annual Sunday brunch at their delightful seaside home in Cranston, R.I. The class reelected Geneva Whitney Courtright and Hank Vandersip as copresidents and elected a full slate of class officers to keep us in communication and to plan for the 55th reunion in 2011 (to be chaired by Dazzle Devoe Gidley and John Worsley).

“There is too little space to thank all who contributed to this extraordinarily successful reunion, including those who submitted photos and reflections to the reunion yearbook. But thanks to classmate Ken Golder, we now have a Web site, www., which includes reunion committee members, a reunion picture gallery, class news, and a class blog where we can all post messages of appreciation. Special thanks is due to Paula DeBlois and Brown’s alumni relations office for their superb support and assistance for our 50th reunion and for our 50th reunion yearbook, printed courtesy of Brown and sent to all classmates before the reunion. The lasting memories of the 2006 reunion will be the time spent in renewing ties with old friends, reminiscing about treasured college experiences, and reconnecting with a great university. A splendid time it was, and we did look great. Keep in touch with your new communication class officers, Joel Davis and Jane Hamlett Malme.”

James Griffin writes: “Received my BA in English from California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). On to an MFA!”

Nancy Shuster writes: “Hi. Just an update—we are running out of copies of my book Hearing Loss and Winning Solutions. If you need any additional copies, please send me an e-mail and I will be happy to mail you a copy. The cost for each book is $18, but if you order three or more copies I will cover shipping costs. Thanks!”

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Reunion ’06 weekend is almost here—May 26– 28. Return to campus to renew ties with old friends. Start with Campus Dance and finish the weekend by passing once again through the Van Wickle Gates. Visit the reunion Web site for complete details:

From the March / April 2005 Issue

Nancy Turner Bowers writes that she “experienced an amazing recovery from a major illness last spring. Feel (and look) twenty years younger! Am embarking on an entrepreneurial project with great enthusiasm.”

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Class president Hank Vandersip reports: “On July 20, several members of the 50th reunion committee held a breakfast meeting at the Hope Club. As was the case earlier this year with our other cochair, John Cutler, we took advantage of Jiffy Morgan Massey’s being on the East Coast to hold the meeting. Others in attendance were Geneva Courtright, Jane Hamlett Malme, Margaret Devoe Gidley, Paula DeBlois ’89, Phebe Phillips Vandersip ’98, Jiffy’s husband, John Massey, and I. We were fortunate that Paula was able to attend, since she is our 50th reunion contact in the alumni relations department and came with much valuable experience. We also toured the Hope Club’s new dining facilities, which give the class more options for its dinner arrangements. Jane, Geneva, and I will be working on the 50th yearbook and the multimedia event, and will have a report in the future.”

Katherine Cashman Hower writes: “My husband of forty-four years, Kenneth S. Hower, died on April 10. I’m traveling with Nancy Zarker Jones and her husband, Bill Jones, to Italy in late October for a Brown Travelers trip.” Katherine, Nancy, and about twenty other Pembrokers will attend an annual Pembroke mini-reunion this year at Margaret Devoe Gidley’s home in Rumford, R.I.

Nancy Dawn Zarker Jones (see Jennie Jones Hanson ’86).

Professor Nancy Blacher Shuster will be the luncheon speaker at the November meeting of the Pembroke Club. She will do a program based on her new book, Hearing Loss and Winning Solutions. Her book focuses on strategies for the hearing-impaired, their families, and friends.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Jim Lohr reports that he and his wife, Pat, attended the 48th reunion of his marine corps basic training, which was held in Arlington, Va. “We witnessed the sunset parade by the president’s own drum and bugle corps and the silent drill team on the field adjoining the commandant’s residence, which was attended by some 400 U.S.M.C. officers from our era. We attended a reunion dinner with the assistant commandant as host speaker and had as our guests Capt. Charlie Mead ’58, a U.S.M.C. buddy and DKE fraternity brother, and his wife, Mary Jane, who live in Alexandria. We then moved on to visit with Col. J. Caleb Boggs, also U.S.M.C. and a DKE brother, and his wife, Elisbeth, in Lewes, Del.” Jim also attended the dedication of the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.

Nancy Blacher Shuster reports that she has been busy with book signings for Hearing Loss and Winning Solutions, a consumer-oriented book she wrote from her own experience with hearing loss and from interviews with audiologists, doctors, and therapists in five states. Nancy continues to teach the Writing Workshop in Naples, Fla. Many of her students are now published, and one recently won a book award in Mississippi. Nancy would love to hear from anyone having hearing problems.

Class president Hank Vandersip reports: “As many of you know, Reunion 2004 had the total cooperation of the weatherman, from beginning to end—truly a glorious weekend. Our annual mini-reunion on Sunday afternoon was filled with sunshine and alums celebrating a seventy-five-year range of classes—from Ruth Bugbee Lubrano ’23 to my wife, Phebe Vandersip ’98. Not too far behind Ruth were Homer Smith ’29, ’33 PhD, celebrating his diamond 75th, and Maury Caito ’34, enjoying his 70th with his daughter, Eleanor. Other reunion classes were represented by Peg Porter Dolan ’39, ’43 AM (65th), and Charlene Ingraham Underhill ’59 (45th). Also in attendance were Pat Shea ’30; Helen Cusick, wife of Alan Cusick ’32; Beatrice Wattman Miller ’35; Devara Abramson Poll ’42; Edwin Wattman ’45; Pauline Longo Denning ’50; Mary Holburn ’50; Sheila and Nick Pliakas ’53; Kae and Gene McGovern ’53; Arthur and Janice Swanson Post ’53; Margaret Going Settipane ’55; Linda Kessler Fishman and David Fishman; Marjorie Jenckes Fleischman; Walter and Christine Holmberg Freiberger ’59 MAT; Margaret ‘Dazzle’ Devoe Gidley; Jeanne and Tom Holmes; Dorothy Mancini Lafond; Carole and Jim McGuinness; Emmet and Hazel Kingsley Turley; John Worsley ’63 MAT; Judy and George Rollinson ’57; Mary Beth and Barrett Barnard ’58, ’70 MAT; Ann Thorndike ’58; Rebekah Hill Eckstein ’60; Ernest Evans ’72; Alana Thorpe-Bender ’91 PhD and Tom Bender, and Natalie Fuqua.

“Monday morning, more sunshine greeted the participants in the Commencement procession, with Homer Smith proceeding without assistance (and wearing his traditional beaver stove-pipe hat down College Hill for the 75th time). In due time, Homer was followed by the class of ’56 contingent. Carrying the 1956 banner were Dazzle Gidley, Tom Holmes, Jim McGuinness, and Hank Vandersip.”

From the July / August 2004 Issue

H. Boyd Cameron, of Osterville, Mass., writes that he would be glad to hear from anyone. He’s listed as H.B. in the Osterville phone book and can be found at 23B South St., Osterville 02655.

William Pringle writes: “Enjoyed reading about Florida, Vermont, and Delaware classmates in the March/April BAM. We have lived in Southern Pines, N.C., for about six years—a peaceful place except when the U.S. Open is played, multiplying the population. (The Open will be here again in 2005.) Our last trip abroad was to Brussels to visit our son. Dolores and I keep busy with volunteer work, helping second and fourth graders with their writing skills. I enjoy golf, but have learned that more play doesn''t automatically translate into lower scores.”

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Class president Hank Vandersip reports: “John Cutler, our 50th reunion cochair, was in town recently for a Brown Corporation meeting. We took advantage of his cross-country trip to have breakfast at the Hope Club, which is undergoing major renovations. John and Jiffy Morgan Massey are considering the club for our Friday night festivities.

“My wife, Phebe Phillips Vandersip ’98, and I will again be holding our annual Commencement mini-reunion at our home. The party is held immediately following the Sunday memorial service, which ends approximately at noon. Our guests of honor will again be the early reunion classes, but all members of the Brown community who are in town for Commencement are welcome.

“Thanks to all those who contributed to our recent class dues drive in order to be in good financial shape for the 50th.”

Jack Nesbitt writes: “I retired to the heart of Dixie—Dothan, Ala. Family, religion, poverty, the good ol’ South! I love it.”

From the March / April 2004 Issue

John J. Hines writes: “This fall, Dick Sackett and his wife, Missey, toured Eastern Europe with Barry Blank and his wife, Peggy. At the same time, Caleb Boggs and his wife, Elizabeth, were in St. Petersburg, Russia, to celebrate its 300th anniversary and then went by riverboat to Moscow. Following these meanderings, Dick, Barry, Caleb, and I met to dissolve our functioning engineering enterprise, passing the torch to a new generation. Dick and his wife will now spend most of their time commuting between Naples, Fla., and Danby Four Corners, Vt., while Barry and his wife reside in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., enjoying its high culture and laid back lifestyle.” John reports that Caleb is essentially a full-time student at the Univ. of Delaware in Lewes, where he is taking the courses he intended to take while an undergraduate at Brown. John continues to live in Atlantic Beach, Fla., which has been his home for forty years. “We all hope to make it to the 50th reunion,” he says, “and wonder what happened to the intervening years.”

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Joel Davis (see Jon Davis ’89).

Phyllis Rannacher Dodson rented a house in Antigua, Guatemala, for the month of July. She and her daughter Holly, a professor of geology and oceanography, attended Spanish language classes at Escuela San Jose El Viejo. Phyllis was also in Central America in January 2003 on a study tour of the Mayas.

Joe Donahue had the opportunity to meet Charles Rushmore ’38, whom Joe discovered was a fraternity brother of his cousin David McGovern ’37. David gained notoriety as Rhode Island’s first World War II flying ace. He later became treasurer for the city of Providence. Charlie retired as medical director for Indiana Bell and resides with his wife, Mary, in Carmel, Ind.

Jim Lohr writes: “Pat and I attended the Princeton homecoming game. It was great to see teammates Dick Carolan ’58 and Jerry Haverty ’54, as well as fraternity brother Hugh Mainelli ’58. We visited with Joan Cronin, the widow of Bill “Crunch” Cronin, my DKE roommate and a three-sport letterman. We spent the next week on the Cape.”

Frederick F. Trost writes: “My wife, Joan, and I have spent the last few winters near Brownsville, Tex.”

From the November / December 2003 Issue

Nancy Blacher Shuster writes that she published “12 Tips for Writing Your Memoirs” in the October Outreach Magazine. She enjoyed seeing many of her classmates at the luncheon at the Dunes Club on July 30.

Nancy Whitney Smith (see Maxwell Howell ’51).

From the November / December 2002 Issue

Nancy Blacher Shuster writes: " I just received notice that two articles I wrote will appear in the TIAA-CREF magazine, Outreach, in February. I will be teaching a writing workshop in Providence next October. My book, Hearing Loss, Winning Solutions, will be published in the fall."

From the September / October 2002 Issue

President Hank Vandersip writes: "The following alumni and spouses, spanning seventy-five years of Brown classes, attended the annual mini-reunion at our home on Sunday, May 26: Ruth Bugbee Lubrano '23 (as young and beautiful as ever); Homer Smith '29, '33 Ph.D.; Pat Hogan Shea '30, '35 A.M.; Byron Waterman '32 and his wife, Marion; John Waterman '49 and his wife, Elizabeth; Beatrice Wattman Miller '35; Francis T. Eddy '37; Lois Colinan Counihan '45; Mary Holburn '50; Jan Drake Box '51; Janice Swanson Post '53 and her husband, Arthur; Gene McGovern '53 and his wife, Kae; Nick Pliakas '53 and his wife, Sheila; Margaret Going Settipane '55; Hazel Kingsley Turley and her husband, Emmet; Christine Holmberg Freiberger '59 M.A.T. and her husband, Walter; Margaret 'Dazzle' Devoe Gidley; John Worsley '63 M.A.T.; Hank Vandersip; George Rollinson '57 and his wife, Judy; Charlotte Lowney Tomas '57, '65 A.M.; Ann Thorndike '58; Charlene Ingraham Underhill '59; Caryl-Ann Miller Nieforth '59 and her husband, Dexter; Joan Hoost McMaster '60; Sandy Chang '98; Phebe Vandersip '98 R.U.E.; and Phyllis Hudek '06 R.U.E. and her husband, Dean.

"Many thanks to the following classmates who contributed annual dues: Alan Atwood, James Berrier, Justin Biddle, Peggy Clute, Edward Damutz, Pauline Davis, David and Linda Kessler Fishman, Marjorie Jenckes Fleischmann, J. Robert Foley, Christine Holmberg Freiberger Ô59 M.A.T., Margaret 'Dazzle' Devoe Gidley, Carol Jordan Hamilton, Katherine Cashman Hower, Jerry Jerome, Judy Preston Kimball, Nancy Dawn Zarker Jones, Dorothy Mancini Lafond, Alan Levenson, Bruce Lovell, Jenifer 'Jiffy' Morgan Massey, David Merson, Inabeth Rabinowitz Miller, Ann Nelson '59 M.A.T., Mary Pett, Charles Sandler, Fred Trost, Hazel Kingsley Turley, Hank Vandersip, and John Worsley '63 M.A.T.

"On Commencement Monday, Phebe and I had just swung out onto George Street carrying the 1956 banner when we heard, ÔHey, Hank, wait up!' Sure enough, here came John McGinn and Tom Holmes, fresh from a white-water rafting expedition in Vermont. Five minutes later, more huffing and puffing announced the arrival of Dazzle Gidley, and down the hill we went."

From the July / August 2002 Issue

Mary Jane Mikuriya, of San Francisco, writes: "I am an active volunteer in U.S. Servas as a host, traveler, and board member. I also host for U.S. State Departmentгsponsored travelers for the International Diplomacy Council. Life in retirement is exciting."

Nancy Blacher Shuster writes that she has published Hearing Loss, Some Solutions. She has been appointed professor emerita at the Community College of Rhode Island. She still teaches the Writing Workshop in Naples, Fla., and also teaches writing to Rhode Island seniors.

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Class president Hank Vandersip reports: "Just a reminder that our class get-together during Commencement will resume again this year, following our 45th reunion last year. As usual, it will be held at our home by my wife, Phebe '98, and myself on Sunday, May 26, immediately following the alumni memorial service in Sayles Hall. For more information, feel free to call Phebe or myself."

From the November / December 2000 Issue

Class secretary Margaret “Dazzle” Devoe Gidley reports: “Due to the death of John Peterson, we have new cochairs—Geneva Whitney and Art Love—for our 45th reunion to be held May 25–28. Save the date! We’d love volunteers to help make this the best reunion of all. If you have ideas or would like to be on the reunion committee, e-mail Geneva or Judy Kweskin Greenfield. Judy has agreed to cochair and edit the class survey with a yet-unnamed alumnus. Please come forward. We need your help! Classmates should e-mail Judy about your comings and goings of the past forty-five years so we can put out a class survey booklet.”

George Caffrey writes: “On Aug. 21, 1999, my daughter, Siobhan, married David Monahan in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. A reception following the ceremony was held at Tavern on the Green in Central Park. Despite the misty day, the festivities were attended by Joe Bologna; Dick Harris; Pete Kohut ’55; Larry Corcoran ’55 and his wife, Donna Hanley Corcoran ’58; and Bud Brooks ’55, ’65 M.A.T. and his wife, Isabel. A fun time was had by all.”

John J. Hines writes: “There was cause for celebration at the Saratoga Race Course on Aug. 9. When Delta Kappa Epsilon brothers Dick Sackett, Barry Blank, and I reviewed the program for the seventh race we found a gift from the racing gods: one of the entries was Class of Fifty-Six. Class of Fifty-Six went off at very long odds, and while it did not win, it was in the money, finishing third. After the race everyone returned to Dick’s new, elegant summer home in the boondocks of Danbys Four Corners, Vt., for a few libations in memory of DKE brothers Breck Chapin ’55 and Reuben Patey.”

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Class president Hank Vandersip reports: "Commencement has come and gone, but as usual the memories linger. My wife, Phebe ’98 R.U.E., and I were honored to be invited to the class of ’55 reunion (thanks, Margaret Going Settipane ’55). While we could not attend all events, we enjoyed immensely the class dinner at the beautiful home of Martha Sharpe Joukowsky ’58 and Art Joukowsky ’55. Before the dinner we had the honor of escorting Ruth Bugbee Lubrano ’23 and Pat Hogan Shea ’30 to the Brown Bear Buffet. After dinner we picked up Ruth and Pat, then dropped off Phebe, who, after a Clark Kent change of clothes, reported for Campus Dance duty with the Brown Rescue Unit, with which she is now a volunteer emergency medical technician.

"The usual mix of alums and friends attended Sunday’s mini-reunion: Bob and Marie Petrarca; Dazzle Devoe Gidley; Nicoletta Barbarito Alegi ’63 A.M.; Homer Smith ’29; Judy and George Rollinson ’57; Dottie Mancini Lafond; Walter and Christine Holmberg Freiberger ’56, ’59 M.A.T.; Bea Wattman Miller ’35; Dexter and Caryl-Ann Miller Nieforth ’59; Devara Abramson Poll ’42; Chelis Bursley Baukus ’42; Joan Wernig Sorensen ’72; Arthur and Janice Swanson Post ’53; Mary-Beth and Barret Barnard ’58, ’70 M.A.T.; Teresa Gagnon Malone ’39, ’62 A.M.; Pat Hogan Shea; Charlotte Lowney Tomas ’57, ’65 A.M.; Ed Wattman ’45; Ann Thorndike ’58; John Worsley ’56, ’63 M.A.T. and Ginny Hebert; Joan Fitzgerald Golrick ’47; and Tom Brady ’51. Sorry if we missed anyone; we’re sure some did not sign the guest book. Though the skies were threatening, the rain held off and once again we enjoyed our annual Brown day-on-the-bay.

"On Commencement morning Dazzle and I carried the class banner down College Hill while Phebe marched with the class of ’98. Commencement’s pageantry, of course, is legendary, but what I find inspiring year in and year out are the likes of Homer Smith ’29, marching for the seventy-first year and Chet Worthington ’23, marching for the seventy-seventh year!

"Kudos to the following classmates for sending in that old bugaboo — annual dues: John Worsley, Christine Holmberg Freiberger, Dottie Mancini Lafond, Jack Arovas, John Cutler, Donald Uhl, Bruce Abbott, Gilbert Pemberton, Theodore Zinn, William Dyer Jr., George Allgair, Gilbert Alexandre, Henry Baer, Joseph Bologna, Priscilla Strang Clute, Winifred Sibley Coleman, Edward Damutz, John Delhagen, Neil Dickerson, Thomas Doherty, Lewis Eigen, Christa Buhler Fagerberg, David Fishman, Linda Kessler Fishman, J. Robert Foley, Roger Hale, Carol Jordan Hamilton, Sheila Monaghan Harvey, Eveline Portnoy Hunt, Jerimiah Jerome, Phyllis Macchia Johnson, Nancy Zarker Jones, Alan Levenson, Elizabeth Morse Lucas, Leo Marcoux ’64 Sc.M., Jenifer Morgan Massey, David Merson, Ann Nelson ’59 M.A.T., Charles Sandler, Roberta Shakis, Sarah Holyoke Smith, Margery Fagan Tippie, Fred Trost, Dick Williams, Frank Yanni, and Lyman Gutterson. With the 45th reunion less than a year away, it is a big help to get the books in shape beforehand."

Bob Burnham (see Lyndon Burnham ’32).

Carl H. Seligson writes: "I recently retired as senior adviser to Andersen Consulting in New York City and began receiving both Social Security and a pension from Merrill Lynch, where I was an investment banker for sixteen years. This, plus the desire of my wife, Bonnie, to keep me out of the house after 7:30 a.m., has led me to join a start-up e-commerce firm,, which will help utility companies start e-commerce ventures. I have opened a New York City office for this Washington, D.C.—based firm, and I continue to maintain my contacts of nearly forty years in the electric-utility industry. We are blessed with three daughters, all of whom are married, and a son, who is engaged to marry a doctor in November. We have three grandchildren, ranging in age from 7.5 years to 10 months (the baby lives just across town). We missed our 40th reunion due to a daughter’s wedding, so I’m particularly looking forward to our 45th. Gads — can it really be that long?"

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Margaret "Dazzle" Devoe Gidley reports: "I am busier than ever teaching at the Community College of Rhode Island. I also teach in my studio, accompany singers and instrumentalists in recitals and auditions, and accompany various choruses. I am president of the Rhode Island Federation of Music Clubs, and in general am trying to promote classical music. I urge classmates to join the boards of musical organizations and schools. Our audiences are shrinking.

"Geneva Whitney married Robert Courtright (Yale ’48), on Oct. 2 in a small church wedding in Wilton, Conn. Bob, a retired self-employed manufacturer’s representative, plays the oboe and English horn in several quintets and orchestras in Connecticut. Attending the wedding were Pat Okin Pace, Judith Preston Kimball, Nancy Zarker Jones, and Sally McCarthy Kolber. Geneva and Bob spend winters in Sarasota, Fla., and the rest of the year in Ridgefield, Conn.

"In August Barbara Perrino Piscuskas hosted a luncheon at her home in Sandwich, Mass., for Marjorie Jenckes Fleischmann, Judy Gagnon Davidson, Carol Jordan Hamilton, Dorothy Mancini Lafond, Marilyn Aneyci Stiles, Deena Brodsky Liffmann, Kay Cashman Hower, Anne Murphy OBrien ’55, and me.

"Kay Cashman Howers daughter, Kathleen, who attended our last reunion, married Peter Munter on June 12, 1999, in Hawley, Pa. They now live in Sydney, Australia. Kay works full-time and travels between her homes in Teaneck, N.J., and Lakeville, Pa.

"Last summer Dotty Mancini Lafond and her husband, Dick, traveled to Hawaii and spent nine days visiting Oahu, Kauai, and Maui with their son, Richard, who lives in Maui. Next they visited their daughter, granddaughter, and great-grandson in Riverside, Calif. Does anyone else in the class have a great-grandchild?

"Marjorie Jenckes Fleischmann still happily works in the reference department at the North Kingstown (R.I.) Free Library. She spent a wonderful summer at the beach with family.

"Marilyn Aneyci Stiles retired from teaching first grade in Needham, Mass. She will divide her time between homes in Brookline, Mass., and Orleans, Mass. After a trip to France in September, Marilyn and Curt visited their four children and grandchildren at various spots in the United States.

"Deena Brodsky Liffmann retired in 1998 after twenty-nine years teaching science at Providence Hebrew Day School. She is a docent at the R.I.S.D. Museum, gives walking tours of the sculptures in downtown Providence, and gives tours of the history of Benefit Street and the John Brown House for the Rhode Island Historical Society.

"Judy Gagnon Davidsons daughter, Anne, gave Judy her first grandchild, Allison Rose, in February. Judy and her husband, Mal, who has retired, have spent much of their time traveling to California to visit two of their sons in Claremont and San Luis Obispo."

Al Hakam (see Sue-Yin Goh 92).

Dan Hardenbergh writes: "Mary Ann and I enjoyed our best-ever First Night in Boston with our five kids, their spouses/etc., and most of their eight children. It was a wonderful celebration and a thoughtful looking-ahead."

Jim Lohr, of Fort Wright, Ky., writes: "My wife, Pat, and I took the perfect trip to see the Brown-Cornell Homecoming game. We arrived a week early. The weather was gorgeous for our stay on Block Island and in Newport, R.I.; then we spent a rainy day in Boston, and a beautiful weekend in Providence. We said hello to Dave Zucconi ’55, who presented me with a Brown Key cap to wear to the game. We toured the campus, including the fabulous athletic complex, and thoroughly enjoyed the food and atmosphere of the new cosmopolitan city of Providence. On game day I had a great time seeing old teammates Dick Carolan ’58, Richie Crews ’58, Jim Coukos ’55, John O’Brien ’55, and Dave ‘Mr. Brown’ Zucconi. I also ran into the brother of the late Tommy ‘T.D.’ Thompson ’50, a football and hockey great. Post-game, we spent a delightful evening at the home of Gordon Perry ’55 in Barrington, then spent a wonderful afternoon with Joan Cronin, widow of Bill ‘Crunch’ Cronin, my fraternity roommate and a standout in baseball, hockey, and football, who earned nine varsity letters. My congratulations to the Bears’ historic Ivy League victory! My best to my friends and classmates. My daughter, Lece Lohr Albanese ’79, is a division manager for Limited Too in Columbus, Ohio."

Andy Martin (see Margaret Trostel Ayers 87).

Charles Merritt (see Elizabeth Merritt 89).

From the March / April 2000 Issue

John Robinson (see Chase Robinson ’85).

Dan Semel (see Jennifer Semel-Concepcion ’88).

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Class president Hank Vandersip reports: "The Leadership and Homecoming Weekend was held Oct. 1-3 with class secretary Dazzle Devoe Gidley and I in attendance. This was the first year that the association of class officers held its annual meeting during Homecoming rather than Commencement weekend, and the meeting was very well attended. The annual Nan Tracy '46 Award was presented to Caryl-Ann Miller Nieforth '59, a regular at the 1956 mini-reunions. Class of the Year Award went to the Pembroke class of 1937. After the breakfast meeting, Dazzle and I attended two very informative workshops. "Making Your Class Connection," chaired by Associate Director of Alumni Relations Paula DeBlois '89 R.U.E., highlighted the positive impact of computers in creating virtual reunions and Web sites. "Event Planning: What's Hot for the Millennium," led by Randy Sherman '75 and Jeanne Lee Cantrill '68, focused on their most successful and unsuccessful programming ideas. After lunch and a heartbreaking loss in the football game, it was time for the annual alumni recognition celebration. This is always a stellar event and a fitting climax to the weekend's festivities. One other item: on Sept. 26, my wife, Phebe '98 R.U.E., and I had the honor of attending the hundredth-birthday celebration of Jack Lubrano '24. Jack and his wife, Ruth Bugbee Lubrano '23, who are also regulars at the '56 mini-reunions, are living examples of the power of positive thinking and action."

William L. Demchak writes: "I met with my legendary four-year roommate, Zane Anderson, at center court at the Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, R.I., last July. Since they wouldn't let us play tennis in football cleats, we regaled each other with the obvious lies we must tell to make our dreary lives seem more interesting. Zane claims to have been an architect, a professor, and a world traveler who just returned from Cuba. I claimed to be a weight-lifter, a published poet, and a religious zealot. Who knows? That we are still alive is the miracle!.

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Nancy Pollock Stavis (see Hyman L. Pollock '30).

Gretchen Gross Wheelwright married Louis Mayer Harris Jr. (University of Minnesota '57) in Minneapolis on June 26. Gretchen's daughter, Alice Wheelwright '81, was matron of honor. Bonnie Eckenbeck Cobb and her husband, Allen, as well as Lalla "Honey" Peterson Goodwillie and her husband, John, traveled from Texas for the occasion. Gretchen retired from public-school administration in California and has subsequently worked as an adjunct professor of educational administration for Troy State University on overseas military bases. Gretchen and Lou live in Minneapolis. She would love to hear from classmates.

From the September / October 1999 Issue

Class president Hank Vandersip reports: "Brown's reputation for beautiful Commencement weather was fulfilled again this year, with blue skies and seventy- to eighty-degree temperatures dominating all four days. Mild weather certainly puts a positive spin on all reunion events, and the mini-reunion my wife, Phebe '98 R.U.E., and I hosted on Sunday afternoon was no exception. As usual, the guests were celebrating their 65th, 70th, and 75th reunions. However, even the 75th reunion class, represented by Jack Lubrano '24, was not the most senior. That honor went to the 76th reunion class, represented by annual attendees Ruth Bugbee Lubrano '23 (Jack's wife) and the indomitable Chet Worthington '23. Mathematics department manager Phyllis Hudek '03 R.U.E. represented the most junior class at the party. Many others attended the get-together, including Gus Anthony '26, Elizabeth Rose '29, Doris Seagrave Warren '29, Louis Miller '29, Ted Giddings '29, Homer Smith '29, Pat Hogan Shea '30, Maury Caito '34, Beatrice Wattman Miller '35, Chelis Bursley Baukus '42, Ed Wattman '45, Joan Fitzgerald Golrick '47, Mary Holburn '50, Janice Swanson Post '53, Mort Gilstein '55, George Caffrey, Margie Jenckes Fleischmann, Dorothy Mancini Lafond, Dazzle Devoe Gidley, Linda Kessler Fishman, David Fishman, George Rollinson '57, Charlotte Lowney Tomas '57, Ann Thorndike '58, Caryl-Ann Miller Nieforth '59, Joan Wernig Sorensen '72, Alana Thorpe '91 Ph.D., Sandy Chang '98, and Tracey Tebrow '98.

"Representing the faculty were Leonard and Barbara Lesko of Egyptology; Ted Morse of engineering; his wife, Edelgard, of chemistry; and Dean Hudek of physics. Peggy Lippka, Bob Petrarca, and I represented the Faculty Club. Including spouses, more than fifty people joined in the great afternoon. Dazzle and I carried the 1956 banner in the Commencement procession, as we do every year. We saw Homer Smith '29, who wound up on the front page of the Tuesday morning Providence Journal. Dressed in his class marshal finery, Homer was pictured walking up, not down, the hill. Homer's comment: 'I wanted to go for the whole ball of wax!' Kudos to all who sent in class dues."

The Association of Connecticut Library Boards named Joel Davis, of Westport, Conn., the 1998 Outstanding Trustee of the Year. Joel has presided over the Westport Public Library's governing body since 1997 and has been a trustee since 1992. During the library's recent capital campaign, Joel arranged a $1 million challenge grant to the library's expansion and renovation project. He is president of Architectural Designs and a partner of Davis/Herschbein & Associates, both in Westport. Joel is trustee emeritus at Brown and a former national chairman of the University Fund, as well as chairman of the Alumni Schools Committee.

John J. Hines writes: "One highlight of spring in Wilmington, Del., is the annual point-to-point races held at the Winterthur Museum at the beginning of May. This year J. Caleb Boggs participated as one of the gentlemen riders. Caleb was able to negotiate all the jumps without mishap to himself or his mount. Cheering him on were two of his fraternity brothers, Richard Sackett and me. After the meet I headed to Ireland with anoth- er fraternity brother, William D. Pringle, where, among other things, we planned to enjoy a pint or two of Ireland's finest at the pub owned by Trevor O'Driscoll '97 (see The Classes, Sept./Oct. 1998). It may be of note that neither Caleb, Richard, William, nor me were tattooed or otherwise physically marked while at Brown, notwithstanding Maureen Dowd's allegations to the contrary in a recent New York Times column about George W. and a school down the road in New Haven."

From the July / August 1999 Issue

Nancy Turner Bowers, Apopka, Fla., writes: "I have finally semiretired to the status of human-resources consultant. I now have time to travel, cruise, and spend more time with my four grandchildren."

Rudy King retired from the office-products industry and is moving from Madison, Wis., to Longboat Key, Fla., with his wife of forty-two years, Nancy. He looked forward to visiting Brown in May.

Pat Libby and Phil Lutes (see Jennifer Cooperman '82).

Louis Ray and his wife, Sandra, have returned from Sofia, Bulgaria, after volunteering one month with Top Management Advisors. Louis assisted the management consulting firm in preparing software for quality standards. He conducted the project under the auspices of the International Executive Service Corps.

From the May / June 1999 Issue

Class president Hank Vandersip reports: "Save the date! Sunday, May 30, right after the Hour with the President (10-11 a.m.), my wife, Phebe '98 R.U.E. and I will be resuming our annual reunion at our home (72 Seaview Ave., Cranston, R.I.) and hope to see as many of you as possible. We had to forgo this occasion last year because of Phebe's graduation schedule. Remember, this reunion also honors the graduates celebrating their 60th, 65th, and 70th reunions, so come on down and cheer them on! There are many other members of the Brown community who attend this event, so there's no telling who you might run into. Hope to see you there!" A shuttle bus will leave the Faunce House arch at 11:30 a.m. It will be marked "Vandersip Picnic" and is primarily intended for the 60th-, 65th-, and 70th-reunion classes.

Phyllis Stickell Lary has retired from public service work in employment and training, moved to Vermont, and gotten married. Phyl has six grandchildren, as does her new husband, Carleton Tatlock, a retired school administrator. Phyl and Carl live in Charlotte, a community of about 3,400 people. They recently visited Marilyn Beemus Buzzard and her husband, Jon, in Richmond, Va. Phyl writes, "Marilyn's work in nutrition analysis has been internationally recognized, and she's just as hard-working, funny, and generous as she was forty-six years ago when we first roomed together at Pembroke." An enthusiastic gardener, Phyl collects and sells antiques when she is not volunteering at the local newspaper.

From the March / April 1999 Issue

Report from Class President Hank Vandersip: "Fred Trost and Dick Williams continued their tradition of mini-reunions at each other's homes with Dick and his wife, Joan, traveling this fall from Pennsylvania to the New York State home of Fred and his wife, Joan, for a several-day visit. Sometime in the New Year, Fred and Joan will do the driving, continuing a long-standing Brown friendship. Hank and his wife, Phebe '98 RUE, continued their own tradition of visiting Alan Atwood and Pauline Healey at their beautiful home on Nantucket during the Thanksgiving holidays. All these visits have one thing in common: the conversation always begins with some current matter but always ends with Brown!"

Polly Betts Seifert (see Stephen Smeulders '93).

From the January / February 1999 Issue

Dick Buck and Anne Wivel Buck '57, Wyndmoor, Pa., stayed at the Inn at Brown on their way to Cape Cod last summer. They were visited on the Cape by all six children and six grandchildren. Anne is president of their local heart association and Dick is president of their local historical society. Dick writes: "There is not enough time to do what has to be done!"

Joe Donahue's son, Rob (Northwestern '97), is the director of Northwestern's Chicago civic education project, a program that identifies and develops diverse Chicago high school students in the areas of community involvement, civic responsibility, and leadership.

Nancy Dawn Zarker Jones and husband Bill announce the birth of granddaughter, Sara Dawn Hanson, born to Jennie Jones Hanson '86 and Jeff on Sept. 17. The family, which includes a son, Christian, 31Ž2, lives near Los Angeles. Jennie's brother, Wes Jones '87, and wife Kim live in Chesapeake, Va., and have a son, Connor, and a daughter, Taylor.

Hank Vandersip, class president, writes: "Homecoming weekend proved to be a jam-packed series of events, which, when coupled with the absolutely perfect weather, resulted in a truly enjoyable experience. One of the Friday night events was an evening of jazz at Alumnae Hall, which my newly graduated wife, Phebe Vandersip '98, and I were unable to attend. Instead, we went to a dinner at the president's house celebrating fifty years of Egyptology at Brown, the only university in the country with a full-time department. President and Mrs. Gee are truly gracious hosts, and their newly refurbished home is beautiful. Saturday morning began with a pre-game brunch at Pizzitola Sports Center. Also attending was our class secretary, Dazzle Devoe Gidley, and the indefatigable Pat Hogan Shea '30. President Gee and members of the Watson Institute for International Studies presented a most interesting program, and then we all shuttled over to the stadium, where Brown beat Penn in the last four seconds of the game, resulting in what must have been one of the loudest cheers in Brown football history. The annual alumni recognition ceremony was held in the evening at Salomon Hall, where I was reunited with one of the award recipients, Ed Giberti '54. Ed and I, who were fraternity brothers, reminisced about 'old Brown.' After this, we agreed that we were just too tired to attend the Fall Dance, sponsored by the Key Society."

Richard Williams and his wife, Joan, spent four days visiting Fred Trost and his wife, Joan. Richard writes: "It was a fine visit that we are looking forward to repeat again."

From the November / December 1998 Issue

Class secretary Hank Vandersip reports: The July outdoor wedding of Dazzle Devoe Gidley's son, David, served as a mini-reunion for Deena Brodsky Liffman, Marjorie Jenckes Fleischmann, Judith Gagnon Davidson, and Vandersip. It was a beautiful setting at Beechwood, the former residence of the Astor family in Newport, R.I., overlooking the ocean. Classmates and spouses enjoyed themselves immensely and wish David and his bride the very best.

Judith Gagnon Davidson went on a six-week cross-country automobile trip with her husband, Malcolm. They visited twenty-eight states, including California, where they visited two of their sons living in Claremont and San Luis Obispo. Judy has been coordinator of visitor services at the Rhode Island School of Design museum for thirteen years.

Margie Jenckes Fleischmann works at the reference desk of the North Kingston (R.I.) Public Library and the Willett Free Library in Saunderstown, R.I. "Both jobs are challenging and fun," she writes. "One of my daughters will be moving to Rochester, Mich., for a year or so. Any alums near there?"

Dazzle Devoe Gidley, Providence, still teaches piano and accompanying singers and instrumentalists. She also sells Duncaster clothes and Mary Kaye products. Dazzle has just finished a two-year term as president of the Rhode Island Music Teachers Association and is now president of the R.I. Federation of Music Clubs.

Carol Jordan Hamilton, North Attleboro, Mass., recently traveled with her family to Beaver, Pa., to see Phil Hamilton's mother. "We returned home to a flooded basement, thanks to heavy rains," Carol writes. "We spent the rest of the summer beaching it and seeing friends."

Dorothy Mancini Lafond is a docent at the South County Museum in Narragansett, R.I. "We went to California in June for a granddaughter's graduation," she writes. "Then we went back to San Diego in August for a wedding and more visiting with our daughter, granddaughters, and great-grandson in Riverside."

Mitchell Leaska has published Granite and Rainbow: The Hidden Life of Virginia Woolf (Farrar, Straus and Giroux). He scrutinizes Woolf's memoirs, letters, and diaries, in addition to her novels and short stories, to uncover the "granite" of fact behind the "rainbow" of her writing. Mitchell is the author of numerous articles and books on Virginia Woolf, including A Passionate Apprentice, which was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. He is a professor of humanities at New York University.

Julie Petrarca enjoyed hosting the mini-reunion at her home in Wesguage, Narragansett, R.I., in August. She is still involved in commercial real estate with her two sisters in Warwick.

Barbara Perrino Piscuskas retired in June from the Lawrenceville, N.J., school where she has been library director since 1986. Her work upgrading their library services culminated in the opening of a new building in June 1996. Barbara now lives in Sandwich, Mass., and has taken a part-time position as a reference librarian at the Sandwich Public Library. She's glad to be back in New England and is keeping busy planning for a daughter's wedding in June 1999.

Martha Day Quinn, West Warwick, R.I., got reacquainted with classmates at Julie Patrarca's mini-reunion in August. Martha is keeping busy with her five children and six grandchildren.

Rita Albanese Simonette recently retired from the real estate business. She enjoys activities such as tennis, aerobics, piano, and visits with her five sons. Two are attorneys and another is a commercial banker in New York City; one is an architect in Boston, and the oldest, Anthony '82, is a doctor in Florida. "Visit me in Cranston, R.I., when you're in the area," Rita writes.

Mimi Winslow Smith still lives in Waccabuc, N.Y., where she enjoys golf, bridge, and her work at the library. She spends the summer in Charlestown, R.I. Mimi had a great time on her May trip to Tuscany, "even if we had to go with a University of Washington group," she writes. "The Brown group was full."

Hazel Kinglsey Turley is retired and lives in Jamestown, R.I., with her husband, Emmet, a retired engineer. They are now on year ten of their twenty-year plan to finish their house. They pray that they can begin year one of a new five-year plan and be around to see the house finished. Hazel is also busy working on two books. One is about the summer of 1958, when Hazel, a nurse on Nantucket Island, was involved in the identification of victims of the Northeast Airways crash. The other will be about the history of the Narragansett brewery in Cranston, R.I., which is scheduled for demolition. Anyone with stories or memorabilia should contact Hazel.

From the September / October 1998 Issue

Hank Vandersip writes: "This was a special commencement for me. My wife, Phebe Phillips Vandersip (the class mascot of 1956), graduated from Brown with a degree in biology. It was quite a weekend. A party held in her honor at the Hope Club on Saturday night was attended by a host of friends, fellow students, professors, and alumni ranging from the class of 1923 (Chet Worthington and Ruth Bugbee Lubrano celebrating their 75th year out of Brown) to the class of 1998. The class of 1956 was represented by Dazzle Devoe Gidley, Geneva Whitney, Dottie Mancini Lafond, Christine Holmberg Freiberger, and myself. The tributes given to Phebe by those who knew firsthand what was required for her successful six-year journey through Brown were truly moving. I was extremely proud.On Monday, the class of 1956 held its annual march down the Hill, with

the class banner being proudly held by Dazzle Gidley, Geneva Whitney, myself, and Barry Gottehrer, whose son, Kevin '98, also graduated this year. One classmate who was greatly missed this year was our recently deceased reunion chair and former president, John Peterson. Our class certainly felt his presence, however. Judith Gagnon Davidson, Marjorie Jenckes Fleischmann, Carol Jordan Hamilton, Dorothy Mancini Lafond, and Barbara Perrino Piscuskas purchased a brick in memory of John for the brick walkway at the Maddock Alumni Center. Perhaps this could be the beginning of a tradition by the class of 1956 in memory of its departed classmates."

Dorothy Mancini Lafond is cochair of the 50th anniversary celebration of the Brown Alumnae Club of Kent County (R.I.). (See Eunice Bugbee Manchester '52 for more information.)

From the July / August 1998 Issue

Norman Cowen and Arnold Kritz had a mini-reunion in Cozumel, Mexico, in early January. Together they explored the Mayan ruins at Tulum. Norman writes: "Old reunion hats were the order of the day. Other activities included very competitive tennis tournaments, snorkeling, and reminiscing. Arnold continues as the chair of the physics department at Lehigh University because they just won't let him quit. I continue to reconstruct hands in the Washington, D.C., area. Many of my patients come from outside the United States, where they are unencumbered by managed care. I thank Ira Magaziner '69 for redirecting my patient population abroad."

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Frank C. Dorsey (see Sarah Dorsey '89).

Daniel K. Hardenbergh writes:"Our supported work program for individuals with disabilities at JVS-Boston is expanding into services for chronically mentally-ill people. Old psych majors never die! As most of our Brown friends from the class of '56 have moved south, we'd love to hear from any of you living in or visiting Boston. Mary Ann and I are in the Boston phone book, so look us up and give us a call."

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Frank C. Dorsey (see Sarah Dorsey '89).

Daniel K. Hardenbergh writes:"Our supported work program for individuals with disabilities at JVS-Boston is expanding into services for chronically mentally-ill people. Old psych majors never die! As most of our Brown friends from the class of '56 have moved south, we'd love to hear from any of you living in or visiting Boston. Mary Ann and I are in the Boston phone book, so look us up and give us a call."

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Several members of Pembroke '56, plus Ann Murphy O'Brien '55, had a luncheon reunion in August at the home of Barbara Perrino Piscuskas in Sandwich on Cape Cod. Those attending were Dazzle Devoe Gidley, Judy Gagnon Davidson, Margie Jenckes Fleischmann, Dorothy Mancini Lafond, Margie Jackson Chambers, Jeanne Maxwell Clark, and Julie Petrarca.

Barbara Piscuskas is director of the Bunn Library, a new 47,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art library at the Lawrenceville School in New Jersey. .

Julie Petrarca owns and manages a family real estate business.

Carol Jordon Hamilton has built a new house in North Attleboro, Mass., and invites everyone to visit.

Margie Jenckes Fleischmann loves her work as a reference librarian at the North Kingstown (R.I.) Free Public Library.

Judy Gagnon Davidson is coordinator of visitor services at the Rhode Island School of Design's museum.

Margie and Ken Chambers '55 are authorities on legal, medical, and estate planning for the elderly after handling the affairs of seven octogenarian relatives during the past ten years.

Jeanne Maxwell Clark, Scituate, Mass., has retired from nursing and is self-employed, selling vintage clothing and antiques.

Dotty Lafond and her husband, Richard, are retired and enjoy spending more time with their children and grandchildren.

Dazzle Devoe Gidley teaches piano privately and at the Community College of Rhode Island. She is president of the Rhode Island. Music Teachers Association and the Rhode Island Federation of Music Clubs. "Now that the NEA has cut its funding for the arts, I urge you all to support your local arts organizations." - Dazzle Devoe Gidley, secretary



Aug, 2024

Stephen T. White ’56, of Brunswick, Me.; Feb. 23. Shortly after earning a master’s degree from UC Berkeley, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy, serving for two years. Upon discharge, he taught for a short time in the Scituate public school system. In 1961, he accepted a position at Bancroft School in Worcester, Mass., teaching English literature to upper school students, and he retired 47 years later at the age of 74, having taught some of his former students’ grandchildren. He enjoyed traveling, hiking in the San Juan Mountains, horseback riding, and spending time at their condo in Colorado and cottage in Maine. He is survived by his wife, Clare Hayden White ’56, and daughter Elizabeth Kelsey ’83. 

Aug, 2024

John A. Smith Jr. ’56, of Palm Harbor, Fla.; Feb. 7, of congestive heart failure. Having been in the NROTC program at Brown, he was commissioned an officer in the U.S. Navy upon graduating. He served for 24 years and rose to the rank of Commander. During his military career he was awarded many medals, including the commendation medal. He and his family lived in many states, as well as in Japan for three years. During his last tour of duty in Philadelphia he bought a home in Cherry Hill, N.J., where they lived for 33 years. After retiring, he had a second career in the aerospace industry for 16 more years. He owned a sailboat and enjoyed sailing in the Atlantic Ocean and the Delaware Bay near Cape May, N.J. He was a member of the Corinthian Yacht Club of Cape May for 30 years and a former member of the Union League of Philadelphia, where he participated in the glee club. He enjoyed singing and had an amazing memory for lyrics. His wife especially enjoyed his love songs that he continued to sing to her right up to his last few days. In 2005, while vacationing in Florida, they bought a condo. A lifestyle of golf, cocktail parties and dances, making friends, and enjoying the sunshine ensued for 19 years.They leased an apartment in N.J. to see their family frequently and be with their friends at the Weston Club, as well as with old friends in and around Cherry Hill and Philadelphia. He is survived by his wife, Elaine; three children and their spouses; 10 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

Aug, 2024

Philip R. Mehler ’56, of Manalapan, Fla., formerly of Scarsdale, N.Y.; Mar. 11. He had a long career in the commercial real estate industry that began at Cross & Brown and led to him starting his own firm, Philip Mehler Realty, Inc. He was a former member of Brown’s tennis team and remained involved with Brown’s Sports Foundation. He is survived by his wife, Carol; a daughter and son-in-law; son Rick ’93 and his wife; and five grandchildren. 

Jun, 2024

Lewis A. Schaffer ’56, of Delray Beach, Fla., formerly of Ridgefield, Conn., and Armonk, N.Y.; Jan. 19. He was a retired pediatrician. For 37 years he practiced in Armonk. He was an avid cyclist and enjoyed reading. He is survived by his wife, Deborah; two sons, including Michael ’83; and six grandchildren. 

Jun, 2024

Edward V. Randall Jr. ’56, of Pittsburgh; Jan. 27. He was the president and CEO of PNC Bank, Pittsburgh, chairman of the PNC Bank Foundation, director of the Federal Reserve Board of Cleveland/Pittsburgh branch, and a director emeritus and founding chairman of the Pittsburgh Partnership for Neighborhood Development. He was a U.S. Marine Corp veteran of the Korean War. He is survived by his wife, Sally Shaw Randall ’56; three children and their spouses; seven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. 

Jun, 2024

George A. Otto ’56, of Park Ridge, N.J.; Jan. 2. He was a member of the ROTC at Brown and upon graduation served in the U.S. Air Force, attaining the rank of lieutenant. He was bilingual in English and Spanish and worked at the Insurance Office of America in New York and Lima, Peru, for many years. The last 20 years of his career he worked as a sales executive and regional manager at Mineria Pan Americana and Construccion Pan-Americana, Latin America’s leading construction and mining publications. He was an avid beekeeper and took pleasure in sharing his honey with others. He enjoyed spending time outdoors, reading, sailing, and traveling. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law, five grandchildren, a sister and brother-in-law, and two nieces. 

Jun, 2024

Richard B. Nashel ’56, of Ridgewood, N.J.; Dec. 22. After Brown he graduated from Columbia Law School and NYU. He worked for the IRS in New York City, at the Newark law firm of Pitney, Hardin Kipp & Szuch for several years, and then joined his father’s law firm Nashel & Nashel. He practiced until his passing. He enjoyed music and considered himself an audiophile and wine connoisseur. He also enjoyed watching sports, especially college football and the New York Yankees. He had been a member of Brown’s men’s baseball team. He also bird hunted in Montana, was an avid gardener, and enjoyed fly-fishing. He is survived by his wife, Susan; three children; six grandchildren; and brother David ’60.

Jun, 2024

Herman Freese ’56, of Sarasota, Fla., formerly of Boston; Nov. 25. He was a district manager for New England Telephone in Boston. He enjoyed going to Fenway Park with his family, playing poker with his friends, and cruising with his daughters before retiring to Florida. He is survived by two daughters, a sister and brother-in-law, a niece, and three nephews. 

Jun, 2024

Denny N. Bearce ’56, of Birmingham, Ala.; Jan. 1. After graduation he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and upon discharge, returned to school for a master’s degree in geology at the former Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. He worked at Mobil Oil Corp. for a few years before returning to school to earn a PhD at the University of Tennessee. He then taught at Eastern Kentucky University for a year before moving to Birmingham to teach geology at Birmingham Southern College for seven years. He was offered the opportunity to start the geology department at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, from which he retired in 1997 after 25 years. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, woodworking, and volunteer work with church groups, including Community Ministries at Highlands Methodist Church, Habitat for Humanity, and Carpenters Hands Ministries. He traveled for mission work to Paraguay, where he installed community water wells and traveled with the youth of Highland Methodist Church for the Appalachian Service Project each summer for seven years. He is survived by his wife, Judith; a son; and three grandchildren. 

Apr, 2024

William E. Jacobsmeyer ’56, of Grantham, N.H., formerly of Dalton, Mass.; Jul. 25. He graduated and was commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Air Force stationed in Germany. He served on active duty until 1960 and in the Reserves until 1966. Upon return to the U.S., he and his family settled in Dalton and he worked as an electrical engineer at General Electric for 30 years and obtained his master’s of science degree from Union College. He was an active senior member of the GE Elfun Society and served on the Dalton Planning Board. In 1993, he retired to Grantham and served on the Eastman Community Environmental Control Committee and was a volunteer at the Dunbar Free Library in Grantham. He enjoyed canoeing and sailing in the summers and skiing in the winters. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law and four nieces and nephews. 

Apr, 2024

Pauline H. Davis ’56, of West Orange, N.J., formerly of California and Massachusetts; Aug. 8. She earned a master’s degree in music education from Harvard and was a lifelong music educator. She taught at the Winsor School (Mass.), Park School (Mass.), and Buckley School (Calif.). She was also a church organist. She enjoyed traveling, visiting the national parks, and the outdoors. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a stepdaughter and son-in-law, a stepson and daughter-in-law, five grandchildren, two siblings, including brother John Davis II ’63, and nieces and nephews. 

Apr, 2024

Donald M. Wolins ’56, of Wilmington, N.C., formerly of France, Vermont, and New York; Sept. 16. After Brown, he attended medical school at the University of Paris, married, and started a family. He and his family returned to the U.S. for his residency and they settled in Vermont in 1964. He was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, stationed in Belgium. Upon discharge, he returned to Vermont and began a private ob-gyn practice. In 1989, he and his wife moved to New York and he practiced at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital until his retirement in 2004 to Wilmington. He was an avid tennis player, a life master duplicate bridge player, and enjoyed playing golf. After his wife’s passing in 2016, he later met and married Sophie Hilburn Massengill, who survives him. He is also survived by three sons and daughters-in-law, seven grandchildren, a stepdaughter, a step-grandson, two sisters, and many nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2024

Frederic C. Espey ’56, of San Francisco; Sept. 26. After college he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and was stationed in San Antonio, Texas. While in Texas, he taught mathematics to Air Force cadets and learned how to pilot small airplanes. After he was honorably discharged, he worked as a salesman for an air conditioning company, married, and settled in the San Francisco Bay Area. He returned to night school to become an attorney, graduating from San Francisco’s Golden Gate University School of Law, and was admitted to the California State Bar in 1974. He practiced law for 38 years, eventually passing his law practice on to his two attorney daughters. He enjoyed playing golf, reading history books, flying small planes, gardening, working on cars, and countless handyman projects. He was a devoted Giants and 49ers fan and attended many games at Candlestick Park, including Game 3 of the 1989 World Series when the Loma Prieta earthquake struck. He is survived by his wife, Jean; and two daughters and their spouses.


Apr, 2024

Howard Elliott Jr. ’56, of Hobe Sound, Fla., formerly of St. Louis, Mo.; Oct. 12. After graduating from Washington University School of Law, his career included service on the Missouri Public Service Commission, the Postal Regulatory Commission, and years at Laclede Gas Company. He retired to Florida and enjoyed swimming, biking, boating, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Susan; two daughters; a son-in-law; five grandchildren; and a brother. 


Apr, 2024

Thomas G. Doherty Jr. ’56, of Southport, Conn.; Oct. 20, of a pulmonary embolism. After graduation, he became an Air Force navigator and enjoyed traveling around the world. He then spent many years working at PerkinElmer and eventually retired from United Technologies. In his early years, he enjoyed playing baseball and later could be found enjoying tennis, golf, and the beach. He was a fan of the New York Yankees and UConn basketball. He is survived by his wife, Eileen; daughter Sarah Doherty ’86 and her husband; son David ’83 and his wife; two grandchildren, including granddaughter Caroline Doherty ’15; and many nieces and nephews, including Mary Drakeley Heath ’80.

Nov, 2023

Richard G. McKenney ’56, of Rye, N.H., formerly of East Longmeadow, Mass.; May 12, from end stage effects of Alzheimer’s. Upon graduation, he served two years in the U.S. Navy and then had a 32-year career with Northwestern Mutual. At the time, he was the youngest general agent and built the Springfield (Mass.) office into an award-winning office. He retired in 1988 to Deer Isle, Me., then moved to Rye in 2002. He and his wife enjoyed adventures together including biking 4,000 miles to raise funds for the Deer Isle food pantry and teaching English in Vietnam and China. He loved sailing, the Boston teams, and doing yard work. He is survived by his wife, Amelia; three children and their spouses; and four grandchildren. 

Nov, 2023

Geraldine Weicker McCann ’56, of Hopkinton, Mass.; May 26. She was a teacher for a period of time and then worked in the banking industry. She valued her time as a homemaker as well. She was an active member of St. Mark’s Parish in North Attleboro and served as a Eucharistic minister and lector. She enjoyed traveling with her husband, reading, solving crossword puzzles, and spending time with her children and grandchildren. She is survived by three sons and daughters-in-law and nine grandchildren. 

Nov, 2023

Leo Marcoux ’56, ’64 ScM, of Lincoln, R.I.; May 23, of Alzheimer’s. He was a mechanical engineer at Texas Instruments (then Metals & Controls), in Attleboro, Mass. Throughout his career, he specialized in automotive temperature controls and some of his many patents for the firm are used in applications today. His work frequently took him to other locales such as Detroit, Sydney, Beijing, and Johnson City, Tenn. Early retirement afforded him and his partner the opportunity to boat, hike, camp, and attend music festivals. Throughout his travels, he was known for his ability to repair almost any broken appliance or device. As a true Rhode Islander, he enjoyed sailing in Narragansett Bay, rooting for the PawSox, and slurping up littlenecks on the half shell. He is survived by three daughters including Paula Marcoux ’82 and two grandchildren. 


Nov, 2023

Sanford Kluger ’56, of Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; July 1. He graduated from New York Law School and practiced law in Paterson for 22 years and in Englewood for 23 years. He served as municipal prosecutor in Englewood Cliffs for 16 years. He was a member of CommonCause. A Brooklyn Dodgers fan, he enjoyed baseball, and later became an avid Mets fan. He also enjoyed stamp collecting, solving crossword puzzles, reading about history, and playing chess. He is survived by his wife, Mildred; two sons and daughters-in-law; and four grandchildren. 

Nov, 2023

William S. Bivens ’56, of Taos, N.Mex.; May 18. He had a varied career after Brown beginning with the U.S. Navy, where he had assignments in cryptography and secure communications, after which he worked for Traveler’s Insurance Company in New York. Next he taught Classics at the Roxbury Latin School in Boston and  was the assistant headmaster of the Wheeler School in Providence and the vice president of Hood College in Frederick, Md. At Hood, he headed a project to computerize the campus, which led to a career in the computer business when the company on the project, Digital Systems, recruited him. He eventually founded his own company, Image Data Systems, which was responsible for projects in the Washington, D.C., area and for government agencies. After moving to Taos in 2000, he started the Mountain Home Repair business and worked to support Taos community organizations. He was the vice president and on the Board of Directors of the Taos Chamber Music Group and coproduced the Art of the Book project for the Millicent Rogers Museum. He was also an amateur photographer and enjoyed hiking. He is survived by his wife, Shirley; daughter Frances Bivens ’84; a son; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and five grandchildren.


Nov, 2023

Richard C. Fredette ’56, of Castle Rock, Colo., formerly of Reston, Va.; June 16. He attended Brown through the ROTC program and served for four years in the U.S. Navy upon graduating. After he was discharged, he worked for the Department of Defense. He enjoyed sailing the Chesapeake Bay, dabbling in the stock market, and cheering for the Boston Red Sox. He is survived by his wife, Terry; a daughter and son-in-law; a daughter-in-law; and four grandchildren. 


Aug, 2023

David Pascal ’56, of Cumberland, R.I.; Feb. 6. He was a technical writer for more than 35 years at Raytheon Technologies. He served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War and was an original member of the Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club. He biked and enjoyed classical music. He is survived by three children and three grandchildren.


Aug, 2023

Eugene A. Matteodo ’56, of Providence; Feb. 26. He taught at Bryant College and Rhode Island College. He is survived by his sister Ann Matteodo Dupre ’61 and nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2023

Eleanor Norton MacQueen ’56, of Lexington, Mass.; Apr. 28. She was a water color artist. She served two terms as a member of the Lexington Historical District Committee and was a former president of the Lexington Arts and Crafts Society. She is survived by her husband, Duncan; two sons and daughters-in-law; and four grandchildren.


Aug, 2023

I. Joel Kane ’56, of Waban, Mass., and Key Biscayne, Fla.; Jan. 30. He worked for Elm Farm Foods, a family business, before joining the investment firm of Hayden Stone; he later became a member of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange. He was an accomplished skier, cyclist, and golfer. He also enjoyed kayaking, swimming, and sailing. He traveled widely. He is survived by his wife, Sara; daughter Gwen Kane-Wanger ’84 and her husband; son Jon ’86 and his wife; and five grandchildren.

Aug, 2023

Edward B. Brown ’56, of Cherry Hill, N.J.; Feb. 15, after a long battle with Parkinson’s. He was a pediatrician with multiple offices in the Cherry Hill area and at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. During the Vietnam War, he was a captain in the U.S. Army stationed in Hawaii. He enjoyed traveling the world, beekeeping, pottery, and making pickles. He is survived by four children and their spouses, five grandchildren, a sister, and a niece.

Aug, 2023

Robert M. Balas ’56, of Vail, Colo.; Feb. 19. He was a pharmaceutical salesman for Ayerst Laboratories before enrolling in the Chicago College of Osteopathy and becoming an anesthesiologist. He worked at Chicago Osteopathic Hospital. In 1979, he moved to Denver and began practicing emergency medicine. He practiced at the former Humana Hospital in Thornton, Colorado, from 1979 to 1988. In addition, he opened a general medical practice in Thornton. He maintained a vacation home in Vail and enjoyed skiing, fly-fishing, hiking, rafting, and camping. He collected paintings and was a donor to both the Colorado Symphony Orchestra and Bravo Vail Music Festival. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; two stepsons and their spouses; and four grandchildren.

Jun, 2023

John Occooch Vanderhoop ’56, of Henderson, Nev.; Sept. 24. He was a proud member of the Wampanoag tribe of Aquinnah and shared many stories of his childhood growing up in Martha’s Vineyard. He served two tours of duty in the U.S. Air Force and was the recipient of numerous awards and honors. After retiring from the Air Force, he worked as a commercial real estate agent and as a manager at McDonald’s restaurant. He was an avid golfer. He is survived by his wife, Gaby; three grandchildren; a daughter-in-law; and a son-in-law.


Jun, 2023

Peter J. Tutless ’56, of Olive Branch, Miss.; Dec. 18. While at Brown, he played baseball and hockey and received All-Ivy honors in his junior and senior year in hockey. In 1956, he appeared on the cover of the official NCAA Hockey Guide. He was inducted into the Brown University Hall of Fame in 1981. He enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and became a Lt. Colonel upon graduation in 1956. He retired from the Air Force in 1982 and began a successful career in real estate. He was a season ticket holder and supporter of the River Kings hockey team and Memphis Tigers football and he was a member of Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Olive Branch. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter; a son; three stepchildren; three grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Jun, 2023

Nicholas M. Stephens ’56, of Hopkinton, Mass., formerly of Portsmouth, R.I.; Dec. 22, following a short illness. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy after graduating from Brown and rose to the rank of lieutenant commander. After military service, he worked as a human resources manager at Filene’s Department Stores for 40 years. He volunteered with the East Bay Food Pantry and delivered food for Meals on Wheels. A passionate gardener, he voluntarily tended the gardens at Blithewold Mansion and was a member of gardening clubs. He enjoyed photography and his work was exhibited in the Art Association of Newport, the Carl Siembab Gallery in Boston, and as a part of the Fuller Craft Museum’s permanent collection. He and his wife regularly attended the Boston Symphony Orchestra and  Boston Ballet and were fans of the Boston Red Sox and New England Patriots. He is survived by his partner, Phyllis Brooks; two daughters and their spouses; three grandchildren; four siblings and their spouses; and many nieces and nephews.


Jun, 2023

James R. Kelley ’56, of Hyannis, Mass.; Jan. 9. He received his Master of Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School in 1959 and did additional graduate study at Harvard Divinity School and Boston University. He was ordained to the ministry of the United Church of Christ (Congregational) in Manning Chapel at Brown in June 1959. He was a member of the staff at Old South Church in Boston prior to being appointed to the chaplaincy at Mount Hermon School in Gill, Mass., where he was a member of the faculty until 1969. He later was headmaster of Blair Academy in Blairstown (N.J.), retiring in 1989 with the title of headmaster emeritus. Following his retirement, he was appointed to the Barnstable Police Department as chaplain to the department and member of the domestic violence unit. He served with many local and national organizations and churches. He is survived by his wife, Elaine; a daughter; a son; a sister; a sister-in-law; and nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2023

James G. Ewing ’56, of Fairfield, Conn.; Jan. 30. He taught history and social studies at Roger Ludlowe High School in Fairfield for nine years, at Kenmore East High School (N.Y.) for a year, and at Stratford High School (Conn.) for 27 years. He served as an adjunct lecturer at the University of Bridgeport for 20 years, Sacred Heart University for two years, and Sacred Heart Academy for five years. He also substituted in the Fairfield Public Schools and taught courses in the American presidency and related topics at the Fairfield Senior Center. He was a consultant for Fairfield Public Schools social studies curriculum revisions for three years. During his career, he was Stratford Education President, he led the Stratford High School accreditation team twice and was active in state, regional, and national education and accreditation organizations, including serving as a judge for the national “We the People” competition in Washington, D.C. He enjoyed spending time at Penfield Beach with his wife, Judith, who survives him. He is also survived by two sisters-in-law, a brother-in-law, and eight nieces and nephews.


Jun, 2023

George P. Clayson ’56, of St. Pete Beach, Fla., and Newport, R.I.; Nov. 4, after an illness. Following his graduation from Brown, he joined the Industrial National Bank in Providence, where he spent his career rising to executive vice president. He spent his last ten years with Fleet Financial Group managing their London branch. He had an adventurous spirit, was an artist and an inventor, enjoyed telling stories, and was an avid collector of English antiques. He is survived by his wife, Brenda; three daughters, including Hillary Loeb ’82; two sons-in-law; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and two sisters and brothers-in-law, including Nancy Forster ’63 and Alan Forster ’62.

Apr, 2023

Raymond M. Tortolani ’56, of Hutchinson Island, Fla.; Aug. 29.  After graduating from Brown, he entered the Navy Officer Candidate School and was commissioned an ensign in May 1957. He served aboard the USS St. Paul and USS Oriskany and was later commissioned a lieutenant junior grade. He followed his military service with a business career in market research at Dow Chemical in Midland, Mich. He later worked for an advertising agency in Manhattan, taking a position as executive vice president of marketing and market research. Eventually he and his family relocated to Stamford, Conn., and lived there for 20 years. There he started his own business, Market Forum. He retired in 1990 to Hutchinson Island and enjoyed tennis, golfing, swimming, and boating. He was able to pursue his lifelong dream and love of writing and published two books: The Last Nazi: A Tale of Passion and Sorrow and The War the South was Forced to Fight. He is survived by his wife, Lorraine; two sons; and eight grandchildren.


Apr, 2023

Rosemary “Posy” Chandler ’56, of Newbury, N.H.; Sept. 13. She taught at Croydon Village School for many years and was a social worker for Concord Community Action. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law.

Jan, 2023

Joseph Solimine Jr. ’56, of Somers, N.Y.; June 25. He was a retired professor of English. After Brown, he pursued studies in Victorian literature at URI and at the University of Pennsylvania. He taught primarily at Youngstown State University in Ohio and more recently at Monmouth College in New Jersey and the New School in New York City. He is survived by his wife Ann Hayes Solimine ’59; a son; a daughter; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandsons.


Jan, 2023

Joseph W. Kinter Jr. ’56, of New Baltimore, Mich.; Nov. 11, 2021. He taught junior high school science and math. He enjoyed the outdoors, fishing, canoeing, gardening, coaching, refereeing wrestling, and timekeeping for the basketball and football games. He was passionate about his family and took multiple trips back home to Pennsylvania as well as fishing excursions in Canada. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; five children: 13 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; a sister; and two brothers.

Jan, 2023

W. Philip Gerould ’56, of Arlington Heights, Ill.; June 24. During the course of his career, he and his family moved several times while he worked for SRA (Calif.), Crisp Publications (Ill.) and Rand McNally, where he was a salesman in the textbook publishing division. In retirement he worked as a ranger for Palatine Hills Golf Course (Ill.) At Brown he was a member of the baseball and basketball teams and continued to enjoy sports all of his life. He began running as an adult and competed in marathons in his 40s. He also enjoyed music, reading, and solving crossword puzzles. He is survived by his wife, Toni; four children and their spouses; six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and two sisters.


Oct, 2022

Eugene “Nick” Tower ’56, of South Weymouth, Mass.; May 25. He was employed as a project manager in the information technology industry and had worked with the Honeywell company in Billerica for many years. He served in the U.S. Army as a sergeant during the late 1950s and he enjoyed military history, stamp collecting, painting, and bird-watching. He is survived by two sons; a daughter-in-law; two grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.

Oct, 2022

Paul H. McKay ’56, of Simsbury, Conn.; Apr. 10.  He had a career in investment banking for more than 40 years, moving from Greenwich to Hartford and surviving many bank mergers along the way. He enjoyed reading and was a fan of the Dodgers, New York Giants, and UConn basketball teams. He was involved in town organizations, including serving as president of the ABC House, treasurer of the Simsbury Rotary, and treasurer of the Powder Forest Homes. He enjoyed gardening, classical music, playing bridge, tennis and spending as much time as he could with his family. He is survived by his wife, Linda; three sons; a daughter-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.


Oct, 2022

Clifford “Kip” J. Luther ’56, of East Windsor, N.J., formerly of Plainsboro, N.J.; Feb. 14, after a short illness. He was civic minded and was a member of the Plainsboro Planning Board and served as chairman of the board for 11 years. He was also the chairman of the Plainsboro Republican Club for many years. A lifelong member of the First Presbyterian Church of Plainsboro, he served as Elder for six years. He was an avid outdoorsman and took pride in training his hunting dogs. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; four grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Oct, 2022

Richard E. Harris ’56, of Trumbull, Conn.; Apr. 26. He was a teacher for 37 years, a musician, and a photographer. In 1958, he got married and was conscripted into the U.S. Army. He was stationed in Würzburg, Germany, where he served for two years. Among other roles, he served as director of the education center, where he helped service members complete their high school degrees. He also sang in the glee club and entertained his compatriots. Upon discharge from the Army, he resumed his teaching career in Old Saybrook, Conn. For a decade following, he taught math at Roslyn Junior High School on Long Island while earning a master’s degree and developing side careers in entertainment, portrait art, and photography. In the early 1970s, he ran and entertained at the Olde Inn (once the Southward Inn) on Cape Cod. Following this venture and returning to Connecticut, he was a math teacher for 20 years at Branford High School. He was a gifted musician and would visit nursing homes to sing. He is survived by four daughters and their spouses, including daughters Susan Harris ’82 and E. Harris Sagaser ’83; son-in-law John Sagaser ’83;  and seven grandchildren.

Oct, 2022

Doris Cordts Brunschwig-Peake ’56, of Essex, Conn.; Jan. 20. She worked as a substitute teacher in the Old Saybrook (Conn.) school system for many years and was a store clerk at Silk Worm, a women’s clothing boutique in Essex. She was known for her laughter and generous spirit, good friends, and strong family ties. She is survived by three children and their spouses and five grandchildren.

Aug, 2022

Gail Glover Vince ’56, of Villa Park, Ill., formerly of Birmingham, Mich.; Jan. 28. She went to graduate school at UC Berkeley and was an active volunteer in the early disability rights movement. Following a long career teaching middle school math and English, she completed her masters in divinity at Seabury Western Seminary and became the first female rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in northern Michigan, where she established a food pantry and fought for those in need. She is survived by a daughter, three grandchildren, and two brothers.

Aug, 2022

Francis C. Rego Jr. ’56, of the Villages, Fla.; Jan. 9, of kidney failure. He was an engineer with Norden Systems, a subsidiary of United Technologies, until his retirement in 1991. He was a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and he enjoyed playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Beatrice; four children; 10 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Aug, 2022

Patricia Okin Pace ’56, of Dallas; Mar. 17. She went on to have professional experiences in public relations, fundraising, and insurance living and working in several Texas cities, New York City, Mexico City, and Sao Paulo. She traveled extensively throughout the world and enjoyed art collecting, opera, theater, and the symphony. She was a member of numerous organizations and boards. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, a son, six grandchildren, and eight great-

Aug, 2022

Rudolph H. King ’56, of Bonita Springs, Fla., formerly of Madison, Wisc.; Feb. 8. After Brown, he began a sales career and served in the U.S. Army Reserves. In 1972, he and his family moved to Madison and he began a successful career as the president of Wisconsin Office Supply Company until he retired in 1997. He served on several boards over the years and was an AAU Stroke swimming official. He was known to many for his corny jokes and magic tricks and he enjoyed cooking and playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Nancy Jo; three daughters; 11 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

Aug, 2022

Andrew S. Dragat ’56, of Dalton, Mass.; Mar. 2. He was an architect for more than 40 years practicing in both Connecticut and Massachusetts. The last 20 years of his career he owned and operated his own firm, Andrew Sack Dragat Architect. An avid downhill skier, he was a 28-year member of the National Ski Patrol. He is survived by his wife, Linda.

Aug, 2022

Richard A. Borjeson ’56, of Berwyn, Pa.; Jan. 27. After being honorably discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps as a second lieutenant, he spent his career in the metalworking industry. For 20 years he owned and operated his own company and provided services for manufacturing up and down the East Coast and internationally. He enjoyed the ocean, including family vacations to Cape Cod or the Jersey Shore, body surfing, and fishing. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; and four grandsons.

Jun, 2022

Richard J. Vesely ’56, of Cherry Hill, N.J., formerly of Cleveland; Nov. 11. He had a career in marketing for several corporate entities and later owned Reader’s Choice Bookstore in Haddonfield, N.J., before retiring in 1994. He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. He is survived by his wife, Eileen; five daughters and their spouses; a stepdaughter and her spouse; and five grandchildren.


Jun, 2022

Henry “Hank” Vandersip ’56, of East Providence, R.I.; Nov. 8, after a long illness. He owned and operated Heatron Inc. in Warwick, R.I., until his retirement due to illness. He was an active volunteer at Brown, serving as president of his class for many years and hosting reunion gatherings at his home commencement weekends. He was awarded the Nan Tracy ’46 Class Officer Award and the Brown Alumni Service Award. He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. He is survived by his wife, Phebe Phillips Vandersip ’98; two sons; a sister; and a brother.

Jun, 2022

Arthur K. Stedman ’56, of Old Saybrook, Conn.; Dec. 27. After military service, he pursued an acting career in New York City. He returned to Hartford, Conn., and appeared in local theater productions at the Canton Show Shop and the Hartford Stage Company. He joined the family business, Stedman & Redfield, and eventually established a landscaping business in West Hartford. He enjoyed gardening, woodworking, reading, and playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Betty; a daughter and son-in-law; four grandchildren; a sister; and several nieces and nephews, including niece Dorothea Stieff ’72.

Jun, 2022

Armin H. Frank ’56, of Loveland, Ohio; Nov. 15, of COVID. He attended Brown through the ROTC program and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps upon graduation. He and his wife lived in Hawaii, California, and North Carolina before his service ended in 1969, when he was put on the temporary disability retired list at the rank of major, based on severe service-related injuries. He and his family moved to Bavaria, then returned to the U.S. in 1971. He entered law school at the University of Cincinnati and practiced law throughout Southern Ohio, retiring in 2005. He was a published author (The Flesh of Kings), an avid scuba diver, and a competitive shooter in long-range black-powder cartridge rifles. He is survived by his wife, Geneva; four children, including sons Erich ’81 and Rainer ’87; nine grandchildren; and a brother.

Jun, 2022

Thomas L. Flynn Jr. ’56, of Edgartown, Mass.; Jan. 9, after a brief illness. He worked in the investment field in New York City and then in real estate for Pilgrim Management of Boston. In the 1970s he moved back to Martha’s Vineyard to assume management of Anna B. Flynn Real Estate, which was started by his mother, and he continued the conservation work of his father, becoming president of the Marine Research Foundation. He enjoyed sailing, singing, reading, antique vehicle restoration, hunting, and fishing. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn; a daughter; two sons; and six grandchildren.

Jun, 2022

Marjorie Jenckes Fleischmann ’56, of North Kingstown, R.I., formerly of Palo Alto, Calif.; Dec. 8. She served as president of the Pembroke Club of Kent County. She was employed as a librarian with Mountain View Library in California and with Rhode Island libraries: North Kingstown Library, Willett Free Library, Davisville Library, and Jamestown Library. She was involved with churches, museums, and theaters, and, as a lifelong learner, took classes at URI into her 80s. She enjoyed sports, especially the Boston Red Sox and New England Patriots. She is survived by her husband, Andreas; three daughters and sons-in-law; a son; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law; and former husband Edward Everett.

Apr, 2022

Stuart Terrill ’56, of Brookfield, Conn.; Sept. 9. He was an accountant and retired from Nuclear Services of Danbury (Conn.) in 1996. He was past president and a 62-year member of the Brookfield Volunteer Fire Department and was honored for his service to the community in 2021. He was an active member of the Brookfield Historical Society and a veteran of the U.S. Army and enjoyed gardening, golfing, and watching football. He is survived by a sister and brother-in-law, and several nieces and nephews. 

Apr, 2022

Jayne Partridge Oliver ’56, of Baton Rouge, formerly of Amarillo, Tex.; Oct. 12, after 15 years battling cancer. She worked for United Airlines in New York and later in San Francisco. She and her family moved to Baton Rouge in 1976 and she worked as a substitute teacher in both public and private schools, then spent many years working in the travel industry at Pearson’s Travel World. She enjoyed volunteering in the women’s ministries at Broadmoor Methodist Church. She is survived by her husband, Tom; a daughter and son-in-law; two grandsons; and nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2022

David W. Merson ’56, of Boynton Beach, Fla., formerly of Lewiston, Me.; Sept. 28. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Army in Italy. Upon discharge, he earned a master’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh and worked for a short time in New York as a buyer for Bloomingdale’s. He then worked at the family business, Ward Brothers, an upscale women’s retail store. Under his tenure, the business grew to three locations in Maine. Business and travel were a constant in his life to buy merchandise for the next season or to meet with his buying group. He retired to Florida in 1987. He enjoyed reading multiple newspapers daily, traveling, and playing bridge, achieving the title of life master. He is survived by three children and their spouses. 

Apr, 2022

Christa Y. Buhler Fagerberg ’56, of Binghamton, N.Y.; Sept. 21. She was a lifelong learner, a teacher, and an artist. She was involved in village theater productions and enjoyed raising her family. She is survived by four children and their spouses; three grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law; and a niece. 


Jan, 2022

Richard E. Williams ’56, of Shavertown, Pa.; Sept. 3. He came to Brown through the NROTC training program and in his junior year was initiated into Phi Delta Theta. Prior to his death he was granted Phi Delta Theta True Blue status and received a brick in his name at Phi Delta Theta’s founding campus. He graduated with a civil engineering degree and, after military service, worked at the former Pennsylvania Gas & Water Company for 36 years in various engineering and operating positions. He enjoyed fishing trips to Quebec, a tradition started by his father, and singing in the Shavertown United Methodist Church choir and Orpheus Choral Society. He was the recipient of military commendations and the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal with two bronze stars. He fired in sanctioned .22 caliber prone rifle matches until age 81 with competitive proficiency and held a lifetime master classification in four position indoor rifle shooting. He was a member of the Wilkes-Barre Rifle and Pistol Club and the Harveys Lake Rod & Gun Club. He is survived by his wife, Joanie; three sons and daughters-in-law; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a sister-in-law; and many nieces and nephews. 

Jan, 2022

David W. Reynolds ’56, of Estero, Fla.; Feb. 16, of declining health related to Parkinson’s disease. After Brown he was commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. Navy and served until 1962. He earned an MBA from Boston University and thereafter began a 26-year career with IBM Corp. He maintained a dual career with the U.S. Navy Reserve and, among other commissions, served as commander of the Naval Reserve Iceland Defense Force, for which he received a Defense Meritorious Service Medal. He retired with the rank of captain to Florida but spent summers at the family home in Chatham, Mass. He enjoyed sailing and is survived by his wife, Catherine; a son, two daughters, including Andrea Reynolds ’94 AM; five grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and his former wife, Cecily Reynolds Mermann. 


Jan, 2022

Harold Resnic ’56, of Longmeadow, Mass.; Aug. 25. He graduated with an MBA from Cornell University and a law degree from Western New England Law School. He practiced law in Springfield for more than 40 years. He enjoyed playing the saxophone, tennis, golf, and traveling the world. He is survived by his wife, Sally; two sons; a daughter-in-law; two grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law; and nieces and nephew. 

Jan, 2022

Linda Kessler Fishman ’56, of Bloomfield, Conn., and Charlestown, R.I.; July 23, of pancreatic cancer. She rejoins her husband of 64 years, David Fishman ’56, who passed in January, and whom she deeply missed. They met in the Brown bookstore on the first day of their senior year. Their fate was sealed in an English class they shared when David sat down next to her on the day the professor declared that these were now assigned seats for the semester. They were married shortly after graduation. After a brief time in Buffalo, N.Y., they moved to Bloomfield and (mostly) lived there and in West Hartford, except for summers, which they spent at their beach house in Green Hill, R.I. She and David loved that house and that beach and gathered family and friends there for most of the rest of their lives. She was an excellent cook, baker, and gourmand. She was always game for lobster rolls, oysters, and dessert, especially cookies. Linda and David were inveterate world travelers and lovers of opera. She was generous, kind, and slyly funny. During her last illness she was lovingly cared for by her son Douglas, his wife Dena, and grandchildren Zoe and Lili Fishman, who loved their grandma very much (it was a mutual love-fest). She is survived by her son, Douglas Fishman ’81 and his wife; daughter Sarah Boyle ’89, ’96 MD and her partner; four grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; siblings and in-laws; and numerous nieces and nephews.

Oct, 2021

Robert A. Watts ’56, of Yardley, Pa.; May 13. He owned and operated three businesses during his career: manufacturing company Sherwatt Wire Cloth Co., Allen Products importing company, and Murray Street Associates real estate. A member of Brown’s ROTC, he served two years as a lieutenant JG in the U.S. Navy with active deployments. He is survived by his wife, Charlotte; two daughters, including Sandra Watts-Courtney ’90; son John ’84; a daughter-in-law; two sons-in-law; and four grandchildren.

Oct, 2021

Henri E. LeBlond ’56, of Pawtucket, R.I.; Oct. 22, 2020. He was a retired teacher from the East Providence School Department. He was a life member and past president of the LeFoyer Club in Pawtucket and past president of the American-French Genealogical Society in Woonsocket, R.I. He enjoyed reading, writing, and studying genealogy. He is survived by two sons and three grandchildren.

Oct, 2021

James B. Greer ’56, of Wellington and Vero Beach, Fla.; June 2. He had a long successful career in banking beginning with a position at Harvard Trust in the early 1960s, eventually holding the position of president of Chase Bank of Florida and later founder of Cypress Trust Company. He was a pitcher in college, an avid tennis player, and remained involved with both sports over the years by coaching his three sons in Little League, playing softball, and becoming a certified tennis umpire. He was involved in charitable work that included the Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adults in Palm Beach, Indian River Community Hospital, the Community Foundation of Palm Beach, the 19th Hole Club, and the Boys and Girls Clubs. He was a U.S. Navy veteran and he is survived by three sons, including Jeffrey ’86; two daughters-in-law; and a granddaughter.

Oct, 2021

Richard A. Gallotta ’56, of Southport, N.C.; June 17, of heart disease. He earned a master’s degree in national security strategy from the Naval War College. From 1956 to 1984 he served in the U.S. Navy as a cryptologist and Russian linguist. Highlights of his naval career included commanding an intelligence unit in Karamursel, Turkey; submarine deployments to the Barents Sea intercepting Soviet communications; service in Saigon during the Vietnam War; and military assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Affairs. He retired in 1984 with the rank of captain. Following his career in the Navy, he began a second career involving deep sea research and marine science. As part of this work, he had the opportunity to ride a submersible to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. He retired for a second time in 1998. In 2019 he published an autobiography entitled What Manner of Man Is This. He is survived by his wife, Kay; two sons; three stepchildren; 16 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Oct, 2021

Thomas E. Favero ’56, of Brentwood, Calif.; May 1. He spent a year at Brown before being drafted into the U.S. Army. Following his military service, he transferred to Arizona State University and was a physical education teacher and coach. After college he married and began a 36-year career as an educator and coach. He retired in 1994 and was proud to be the recipient of the 1993 Coach of the Year award. He is survived by his wife, Wendy; a daughter; two sons; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and six grandchildren.

Oct, 2021

Edwin L. Bevins ’56, of Wells, Me.; Mar. 12. He taught at Leland & Gray Union High School in Townshend, Vt., for 22 years before moving to Wells. He enjoyed reading, baking, and traveling with his wife, visiting 49 states. He is survived by his wife, Janet; a daughter and son-in-law; three sons; two daughters-in-law; two grandchildren; and a sister.

Aug, 2021

David S. Fishman ’56, of Bloomfield, Conn. and Charlestown, R.I.; Jan. 31, of Parkinson’s disease. He married a few months after graduating and settled in the Hartford, Conn. area. Engineer by day and law student by night, upon graduation (first in his class), he established what would be the first of several patent law firms. Not only a patent attorney, he was also a named inventor on at least five patents, a fact of which he was quietly proud. David and Linda were inveterate world travelers and lovers of opera, and he was honored to share the Met stage with Luciano Pavarotti one evening. His bouillabaisse was celebrated around the world, as was his warmth and generosity. He enjoyed his family and the R.I. shore, where he had a beach home for 35 years, and where he looked forward to spending most of the summer with visits from his children, and grandchildren. He was a father figure to his younger siblings, mentor to younger attorneys, including his son, and dear friend and trusted advisor to many. He gave great toasts, was unabashed in his enjoyment of life, and set a spectacular example for those following him.He is survived by his wife, Linda Kessler ’56; son  Douglas ’81; daughter Sarah ’89; and their spouses; four grandchildren; and two step-grandchildren.

Jun, 2021

Ann J. Nelson ’59 MAT (see ’56).

Jun, 2021

W. Bradford Schultz ’56, of Kingstown, N.H., formerly of Allentown and Lafayette Hills, Pa.; Jan. 8. After service in the U.S. Army, he moved to Washington, D.C., where he worked in a series of technology companies. From that experience he and four of his best friends created their own computer consulting company, Macro Corporation, near Philadelphia. The company grew to be a leading international corporation in the energy industry. He was an avid reader, historian, social justice advocate, and athlete and enjoyed creating green peaceful spaces and gardens. He is survived by six children, including son Neil ’76, and many grandchildren.

Jun, 2021

Gerald G. Norigian ’56, of Warwick, R.I.; Oct. 17. He was a retired attorney. He is survived by his wife, Lillian.

Jun, 2021

Ann J. Nelson ’56, ’59 MAT, of Colorado Springs, Colo.; Dec. 12, of Alzheimer’s. She taught high school English in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York before moving to Colorado Springs in the late 1960s and working at Mitchell High School as a high school counselor for many years. Following her call to ordained ministry, she studied at Bishop’s School of Theology in Denver, then attended the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas. She was ordained a priest in the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado on June 27, 1985, and finished her counseling career at Coronado High School in Colorado Springs while assisting as part-time priest at Grace and St. Stephen Church. She accepted a call to serve St. Andrew Episcopal Church (Colo.) and was a rector there for several years. Upon retirement she joined the Episcopal Chapel of Our Saviour, Colorado Springs, where she also sang in the choir. She is survived by cousins. 

Jun, 2021

David S. Fishman ’56, of Bloomfield, Conn. and Charlestown, R.I.; Jan. 31, of Parkinson’s disease. He married a few months after graduating and settled in the Hartford, Conn. area. Engineer by day and law student by night, upon graduation (first in his class), he established what would be the first of several patent law firms. Not only a patent attorney, he was also a named inventor on at least five patents, a fact of which he was quietly proud. David and Linda were inveterate world travelers and lovers of opera, and he was honored to share the Met stage with Luciano Pavarotti one evening. His Bouillabaisse was celebrated around the world, as was his warmth and generosity. He enjoyed his family and the R.I. shore, where he had a beach home for 35 years, and where he looked forward to spending most of the summer with visits from his children, and grandchildren. He was a father figure to his younger siblings, mentor to younger attorneys, including his son, and dear friend and trusted advisor to many. He gave great toasts, was unabashed in his enjoyment of life, and set a spectacular example for those following him.He is survived by his wife, Linda Kessler ’56; son  Douglas ’81; daughter Sarah ’89; and their spouses; four grandchildren; and two step-grandchildren.

Jun, 2021

Jerome S. Cline ’56, of New Bedford, Mass.; Jan. 18. He spent his career in corporate sales. In retirement, he volunteered as a docent for the Washington National Cathedral and more recently as a docent at the New Bedford Whaling Museum. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran and is survived by a daughter, four sons, five grandchildren, two sisters, and six nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2021

George Boulukos ’56, of Freeport, N.Y.; Jan. 23, from a blood infection. Following graduation from Brown, he owned and operated Nick’s Marina in Merrick, N.Y., a business he and his brother built from a fishing station to a fully operational marina. He was involved with the Boy Scouts of America for 80 years and was the recipient of their Silver Buffalo Award for distinguished service. He worked on several programs for the Scouts on a local, district, and national level, as well as with the Greek scouting program (Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting), which he chaired for many years. He was an avid sailor, raced in the Long Island Regatta many times, and held the title of Commodore of the Port Washington Yacht Club. He is survived by his wife, Kathy; two children; and two grandchildren. 

Apr, 2021

Wesley M. Vandervliet ’56, of Canton, Conn.; Dec. 6. He had a long career in public education beginning at Bloomfield High School, where he taught from 1963 to 1968. In 1968 he assumed asocial studies teaching position at Bulkeley High School in Hartford and became Social Studies Chairman for the city in 1971. Later in his career he became a school administrator and retired in 1994 as vice principal at Quirk Middle School. He enjoyed being on the water, either canoeing or sailing. He is survived by his wife, Anne; a son and daughter-in-law; a brother and sister-in-law; and a nephew.

Apr, 2021

George A. Midwood III ’56, of Sandy Springs, Ga.; Oct. 15, from stroke complications. After Brown, he entered the U.S. Army, where he served for two years as a counterintelligence analyst, then returned to civilian life for his doctorate studies at Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He left Fletcher and began an executive position at Exxon, living in Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, and Pakistan, and rose to the position of comptroller. During those years he became a competent speaker in German, Japanese, French, and Russian. In 1979, at age 45, he joined American Cyanamid as treasurer. In 1987 he was signed as treasurer and executive vice president by RJ Reynolds Nabisco and presided over one of the largest leveraged buyouts in U.S. corporate history. He moved his family to Georgia and in addition to golf, he enjoyed fishing, skiing, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; a son and daughter-in-law; a stepdaughter and her husband; five grandsons; and four nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2021

Joseph B. Donahue ’56, of Noblesville, Ind.; Dec. 23. He was a sales representative for Anaconda American Brass in 1956, rising to regional sales manager before retiring in 2001. His career took him to Cincinnati for 22 years and eventually to Indianapolis. He volunteered at Handicamp (a Lutheran disabilities ministry) and was active for some time with the Miracle Place in Indianapolis. He worked with inner city youth tutoring after school and with the Boy Scouts of America. He was an avid runner who accomplished three marathons and enjoyed backpacking throughout the U.S. He is survived by his wife, Linda; five children; four grandchildren; two stepdaughters; and four step-grandchildren.

Jan, 2021

Walter M. Westcote ’56, of Lexington, Ky.; June 15. After serving in the U.S. Army, he worked as a pension actuary. He was a Civil War expert and book collector, as well as the author of the book American Civil War Era: A Critical Bibliography. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn; four daughters; nine grandchildren; and one great-grandson.

Jan, 2021

Robert P. Knauff ’56, of Old Lyme, Conn.; July 2, after a short illness. He had a 20-year career as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Coast Guard, serving as a marine inspector in many areas of the country. Subsequently, he spent 23 years as the financial manager and corporate secretary for the Fishers Island Ferry District. Occasionally, he would captain a tour boat on the Connecticut River or at Mystic Seaport. He was an active community volunteer and a lifetime member of the Old Lyme Volunteer Ambulance Association, serving as president, secretary and treasurer, as well as an EMT. He also served on the Board of Finance for the Town of Old Lyme, and during many holiday seasons, Phil could be seen as Santa at the Silver Skate Christmas Shop in Niantic. He is survived by his wife, Constance; three children and their spouses; and three grandchildren.

Nov, 2020

Joanne Dean Keane ’56, of Stamford, Conn.; May 15. She had a 35-year career working for the Department of Education for the Town of Stratford, Lord Chamberlain Elderly Care, and the Westinghouse Corporation. An accomplished artist and art historian, she enjoyed painting, sketching, and visiting museums and galleries around the world. She is survived by two sons, a daughter-in-law, and a granddaughter.

Nov, 2020

Ronald E. Foster ’56, of Princeton, N.H.; Apr. 13. After serving in the U.S. Army, he began a 30-year banking career with Bankers Trust Company (now Deutsche Bank) in New York City. He retired in 1989. At Brown he was a member of the baseball and basketball teams and Lambda Chi Alpha. He enjoyed reading, playing golf, traveling and was a fan of the New York Yankees and Giants. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; two daughters; a son-in-law; two grandsons; a brother-in-law; a niece; and two nephews.

Nov, 2020

Joseph Focarino ’56, of New York City; Apr. 21, of lung cancer. Before retiring, he was the editor of books and catalogs for the Frick Collection in New York City. He had a lifelong interest in the arts and frequently visited the theater, art museums, the opera, and ballet. He is survived by a sister, a brother and sister-in-law, and a niece and nephew.

Nov, 2020

Nevann Winslow Smith ’56, of North Kingstown, R.I.; Feb. 13. She is survived by a daughter, two sons, two daughters-in-law, eight grandchildren, and a sister.

Nov, 2020

Charles W. Merritt Jr. ’56, of Boonton, N.J.; June 1, after a brief illness. While at Brown he was captain of the men’s basketball team and a member of the football and golf teams and was named to Brown’s 100th Basketball All-Decade Team. After serving in the U.S. Army, he took over the operations of the family business, Merritt Mounting & Finishing in New York. He was a member of Rockaway River Country Club, where he was a multiple time club golf champion. He also enjoyed playing cards and spending many hours watching his children and grandchildren participate in activities. He is survived by five children and their spouses, including son Wesley A. Merritt ’85 and daughter Elizabeth H. Merritt ’89; 18 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a sister; and nieces and nephews.

Sep, 2020

Ruth Fried Schetman ’56, of Glen Mills, Pa., formerly of Wilmington, Del.; Jan. 29. She assisted in the operations of her husband’s dermatology practice, volunteered at Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, and taught reading skills to inner-city children. She enjoyed reading and playing tennis, bridge, and mahjong, but especially spending time at her second home at Rehoboth Beach. She is survived by three sons and their spouses, including Richard ’79 and Bill ’81; and five grandchildren.

Sep, 2020

Quentin G. Kraft ’56, of Granville, Ohio; Mar. 24. He had a 36-year teaching career at Denison University in Granville. He retired from Denison in 1997. At age 70 he began writing poetry and titled his collection On Getting Too Damn’d Old: Free Speech Poems for Free Readers. He competed in road races in Ohio including the Columbus Marathon and twice qualified for the Boston Marathon. He enjoyed playing tennis and golf. He is survived by his wife, Ellen; a son and daughter-in-law; a sister; five sisters and brothers-in-law; nieces and nephews.

Sep, 2020

Robert Ise ’56, of Calabasas, Calif.; Mar. 17, of congestive heart failure. He had a long career working at the Atlantic Richfield Company and later at Lyondell Petrochemical, where he was vice president of marketing. He retired in 1998. He enjoyed gardening and is survived by his wife, Armelle; two daughters; a granddaughter; and brother Richard Ise ’54

Sep, 2020

Harry F. DiZoglio ’56, of Johnston, R.I.; Feb. 16. He was a civil engineer for many years and served in the Rhode Island Army National Guard. He is survived by his companion Lucille Waidalowski; a daughter; a son; a grandson; a sister; two brothers; and two sisters-in-law.

Sep, 2020

William A. Cooper ’56, of The Villages, Fla., formerly of Wolfeboro, N.H.; Mar. 19, of cancer. He was a member of Brown’s hockey team all four years and went on to be a math teacher and coach hockey, football, and baseball at Trinity-Pawling School in Pawling, N.Y. In 1959 he moved to Connecticut to work as an engineer for Southern New England Telephone, but in 1962 he returned to Trinity-Pawling to serve as chair of their math department, head of the Disciplinary Committee, and coach of the varsity hockey, junior varsity baseball, junior varsity football, and intramural tennis teams until his retirement in 1981. Trinity-Pawling inducted him into its Athletic Hall of Fame in 2003. An appointment as an educational consultant based in Avon, Conn., followed. Concurrently, he began working at the Wolfeboro Camp School as a teacher in 1967 and became head of school in 1977. He retired in 2005 and became a trustee. He enjoyed swimming, biking, sailing, tennis, golf, traveling, and cheering on the Boston Red Sox, Boston Bruins, and New England Patriots. He is survived by a daughter and her spouse, two sons and their spouses, six grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, a sister, four nieces and nephews, and his former wife, Joan Cooper.

Jun, 2020

Arthur Weddell ’56, of Stanton, Calif.; Feb. 25. He was an aircraft design engineer of military aircraft and worked for Northrop Aircraft for 30 years. He owned and operated Sandbar Sporting Dogs kennel, which consisted of breeding, training, and showing Brittany spaniels and Labrador retrievers. He enjoyed hunting upland game and waterfowl and was also a licensed falconer. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law.


Jun, 2020

Richard L. Thompson ’56, of Brewster, Mass., formerly of Providence, and Westfield, Mass.; Nov. 19, after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. After graduating from Yale Law School, he began working as an associate for the Providence law firm of Tillinghast, Collins, and Tanner. In 1963 he moved to Westfield and became a corporate lawyer for the then Stanley Home Products company, specializing in labor and real estate law. He became an assistant secretary of the Corporation. Following his retirement, he moved to Brewster on Cape Cod and joined his wife in her antique business, Bayberry Antiques. He was a member of the Cape Cod Antiques Dealers Association for many years and a longtime member of the First Congregational Church of Harwich, where he had served as a trustee. He enjoyed skiing in Vermont and traveling to Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and Williamsburg, Va. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; four grandchildren; and nieces and nephews.


Jun, 2020

Donald S. Cohen ’56, of Pasadena, Calif.; Jan. 9. He was one of the first faculty members recruited for Caltech’s newly formed applied mathematics program in 1965, earning tenure in 1971. His research covered a variety of topics, including early work in the theory of reaction-diffusion equations and later on nonlinear differential equations, pattern formation, stability, and bifurcations that had a significant impact on mathematical biology and chemical engineering. At Caltech he was a popular teacher who received awards for undergraduate teaching excellence in 1979, 1987, and 1998. In 2000, he was awarded the Richard P. Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching. He served as the executive officer of applied mathematics from 1988 to 1993 and was chair for the Division of Engineering and Applied Science in 1990. He also served as chairman of the faculty from 1983 to 1985 and from 1986 to 1987 he chaired the faculty advisory committee of the Caltech Board of Trustees. In 1998 he was named Charles Lee Powell Professor of Applied Mathematics. He retired in 2003. He was a member of numerous organizations, including the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the American Mathematical Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. From 1993 to 1995, he was the director of the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He is survived by his wife Natalie and daughter Susan Cohen ’89, ’91 AM.


Apr, 2020

Allen W. Whittmore ’56, of Boynton Beach, Fla.; Oct. 20. He is survived by his wife, Terry.


Apr, 2020

James H. Rogers III ’56, of Wareham, Mass., formerly of Castine, Me.; Oct. 5. He taught English at the Collegiate School in New York City for five years before attending Harvard to earn his master’s in education. Upon graduation, he accepted a position in Brown’s Admission Office, where he was later promoted to the director of admissions, a post he kept until 1988. During his tenure he was proud that Brown’s applicant pool was the highest amongst the Ivy League as reported by the New York Times in 1983. After leaving Brown, he and his wife moved to Italy, where he opened an educational consulting business called The Rogers Group International. He worked with families outside the U.S. as a private secondary school and college consultant. In 1993, he and his wife moved back to the U.S. and settled in Maine. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and is survived by three daughters, including Whitney Scholfield ’88 and Jessica Mellon ’93; and six grandchildren.

Apr, 2020

Lewis W. Petterson Jr. ’56, of New York City; Oct. 30. He had a career in advertising. A longtime member and former president of the Amateur Comedy Club, he acted in and directed numerous productions. He enjoyed sailing, football, oil painting, and solving the New York Times crossword puzzle. He is survived by his companion, Hillary Ghertler; three daughters, including Lisa Petterson ’84; and seven grandchildren.


Apr, 2020

Deborah Shupert Nimick ’56, of Sarasota, Fla.; Nov. 18. After receiving her master’s degree in educational psychology from Duquesne University, she entered the professional world as an advocate for children, focusing her attention on testing and counseling. She was also a curriculum writer in the emerging field of game theory, the use of games to help youngsters understand how to overcome specific learning deficits. She is survived by her husband, George; three children; three grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.


Apr, 2020

Alexandra “Sandy” McCain Morgan ’56, of Annapolis, formerly of Houston, Tex.; Nov. 6., of advanced mesothelioma. She ran the microbiology lab at the Fourth Ward Clinic in Houston. She was a longtime dedicated cancer research volunteer at MD Anderson Hospital and continued her volunteer research work at Johns Hopkins Oncology Center after moving to Maryland in 1990. She participated in sailing on the Galveston and Chesapeake bays and was an avid bridge player and member of The Book Club of Annapolis. She is survived by her mother, two daughters, a son, four grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and a brother.


Apr, 2020

Janet Price Falsgraf ’56, of Tucson, Ariz.; July 5. She taught elementary school prior to starting a family. Once her children were born, she became deeply engaged in the social and civic life of her community. She served as president of the League of Women Voters of Cuyahoga County and executive director of the Criminal Justice Information Center. She traveled the world with her husband, visiting six continents. She is survived by her husband, Bill; three children and their spouses; four grandchildren; and two sisters.


Apr, 2020

Thomas F. Dacey ’56, of Agawam, Mass.; Nov. 18. He worked at the Agawam Junior High School as a geography teacher for several years and then took a position as a guidance counselor at the middle school. He retired in 2005 after 42 years of service. He was a 44-year member of the Agawam Lion’s Club and served as its secretary for more than 20 years. He was also a member of the Brown Faculty Club and a veteran of the U.S. Army.


Jan, 2020

Alden R. Walls Jr. ’56, of Jamestown, R.I., formerly of Wilton, Conn.; Sept. 5. He was a marketing manager for Monsanto Company in New York City for 20 years. He later worked for Unifi Company as vice president. He retired in 1985. After retiring, he worked in real estate for 15 years in Jamestown. He was a senior warden at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Jamestown and a volunteer with the Jamestown Ambulance Assoc. He is survived by three sons, including Jeffrey ’83; two daughters-in-law; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a sister; and a brother.


Jan, 2020

Gordon L. Parker ’56, of Little Compton and Providence, R.I.; Sept. 21, after a long illness. After serving in the U.S. Navy, he joined Rhode Island Hospital Trust National Bank’s investment department and retired after 30 years as head of the Investment Management and Trust Division. Upon leaving the bank, he took courses at RISD and became an artist member at The Providence Art Club. He was involved in numerous organizations and served as past president of The Boys and Girls Clubs of Providence and on several boards, including the Providence Preservation Society and the Rhode Island Philharmonic. He enjoyed reading, classical music, gardening, sailing, tennis, fishing, and duck hunting. He is survived by his wife, Jane; son Gordon L. Parker III ’15; a daughter-in-law; two nieces, including Tuppett M. Yates ’97; and a nephew.


Nov, 2019

John A. Worsley ’56, ’63 MAT, of Lincoln, R.I.; Aug. 4, after a long illness. He taught at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and at the Community College of Rhode Island for 49 years. Early in his career he worked as a reporter for the Pawtucket Times and for the last twenty years he wrote a column about jazz and jazz musicians for the Times. Additionally, he was the primary grant proposal writer for the City of Central Falls School Department. He served on the executive board of the Providence Federation of Musicians from 1998 until his death and was a life member of the Musicians Union. He produced several jazz concerts at the Providence Marriott hotel and the University Club, and he was a strong supporter of the Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra. He also was on the board of directors of the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame. He is survived by his wife, Rhoda; and a cousin.


Nov, 2019

Nancy Willenbecher Dickinson ’56, of Leeds, Mass.; Aug. 12. After graduating from Brown, she earned a master’s in fine arts from RISD and began welding, carving, and casting bronze life sized sculptures. She had a series of shows across western Massachusetts. In addition to her art, she also had a small business named Tiddly Products Inc., which manufactured doll-house-sized goods for toy stores and retail outfits. But she was known to most as The Acorn Lady because of her project, The Acorn People. She built an entire community based on acorns and nature, which included dioramas and photography of her creations. In 1985 she received the Hitchcock Center for the Environment photography award and in 2005 The Acorn People were showcased on the WGBY TV show Making it Here. Over the years she donated several of her displays and dioramas to schools, libraries, and museums. Her work can be viewed at She is survived by two daughters, including Nina Lesher ’81; three sons; two daughters-in-law; two sons-in-law; 12 grandchildren; a brother; and brother-in-law.


Nov, 2019

Maurice C. Davitt ’56, of Barrington, R.I.; June 20. He served with the Southport, Conn., fire department in the 1950s. Later he worked at IBM and eventually became president and CEO of Academic Management Services. Subsequently he founded Student Resources, providing guidance for students and families navigating the college search process. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and was an avid golfer. He was inducted into the Rhode Island Golf Association Hall of Fame in 2018. He is survived by three daughters and their spouses, including Kristin Davitt ’88; and six grandchildren, including Kellan Barr ’19.


Sep, 2019

Gretchen Reiche Terhune ’56, of Falmouth, Maine, formerly of Darien, Conn.; Apr. 24, of a stroke. From 1983 to 1994, she was the executive director of the Darien United Way and Community Council. Always active in volunteer activities over the years, she had been a district chair of the Darien Representative Town Meeting, the director of volunteers at Darien High School, and a director of the Fairfield County Pembroke College Club. She is survived by her husband, Richard; three sons; three daughters-in-law; six grandchildren; and a brother.


Sep, 2019

Bruce W. Lovell ’56, of Agawam, Mass., formerly of Enfield, Conn.; Apr. 13. He was employed with Aetna Life Insurance for 28 years before retiring and was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He enjoyed Austin-Healy racing, boating, model railroading, and watching his children’s and grandchildren’s participation in sports. He is survived by three children, four grandchildren, and a sister.


Jul, 2019

May N. Stone ’56, of Sleepy Hollow, N.Y., formerly of New York City; Dec. 21. She was employed in the membership department of the Museum of Modern Art prior to obtaining a master’s degree in library science and a master’s in historical preservation, both from Columbia University. She went on to be a reference librarian at Avery Architectural Library of Columbia University.


Jul, 2019

Gilbert Pemberton II ’56, of Rumford, R.I.; Feb. 21. He worked for more than 45 years for Bell Atlantic, New England Telephone, and then Verizon. He was also an amateur softball umpire with the Blackstone Valley Umpires Assoc. for more than 40 years, serving as the treasurer for many of those years and umpiring in a World Softball tournament. During the Korean War he served in the U.S. Marines. He served two terms as governor and treasurer of the Rhode Island Society of Mayflower Descendants and was a member of Emmanuel Church in Cumberland and St. Stephen’s in Providence. He enjoyed cooking, sporting events, and telling long stories. He is survived by his wife, Margaret E. Thomas ’79; three sons and their spouses; three grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.


Jul, 2019

Kenneth C. Morley ’56, of Lebanon, N.H., formerly of Alpine, N.J.; Feb. 23, of cancer. He was a retired physician. He served in the U.S. Navy as a naval medical officer from 1961 to 1964. From 1964 to 1972 he was employed as a surgeon at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. In 1972 he moved to Vermont and joined Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center and additionally joined an existing surgical practice at Valley Regional Hospital in Claremont, N.H. He was known to make house calls to many who appreciated his services. After retiring from medicine in 1999, he moved to Lebanon and began a second career as a volunteer member on the Lebanon City Planning Board. He enjoyed summers on Goose Pond in Canaan, N.H., building model wooden boats, and creating Lionel train layouts. He is survived by seven children; nine grandchildren; a sister; two stepbrothers; and several nieces and nephews.


Jul, 2019

John H. Jeffers ’56, ’63 MAT, of Melbourne, Fla.; Feb. 18. He was a science teacher, department head, and coach at Berkeley Preparatory School in Tampa for more than 20 years. Later in his career he was head of Holy Trinity Episcopal School and also worked at Brevard Learning Clinic in Melbourne. He was active in his community and enjoyed camping, sailing, lapidary work, and silversmithing. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; son, David ’82 and his wife; and granddaughter Rachael Jeffers ’12 AM.


May, 2019

Charles R. Flather ’56, of Coronado, Calif.; Dec. 25. He retired from the U.S. Navy in 1982 after 26 years of service. He went on to work for several years at Computer Sciences Corporation as a systems analyst and then he and his wife opened and ran two retail stores in Seaport Village. He was an avid tennis player and past president of the Coronado Tennis Assoc. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; three children; four grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and sister  Beverley Edwards ’69.

Mar, 2019

Arnold H. Kritz ’56, of Bethlehem, Pa.; Apr. 16. After receiving his PhD in physics from Yale, he spent several years in the research industry before joining the faculty of Hunter College in 1969, where he later served as chair of the department of physics. He was recruited to the department of physics at Lehigh Univ. and served as its chair from 1991 to 1998. At the same time, he led his own research program at Lehigh on nuclear fusion. He also led large multi-institutional collaborations that included research centers across the world. For many years he was a visiting research fellow at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and held several visiting appointments at major laboratories in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Denmark, and Germany. He served on the International Advisory Committee for the Center for Magnetic Fusion Theory in China and for four years he worked at the U.S. Department of Energy in charge of the modeling and simulation branch of the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. He was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society and published numerous articles and wrote two books, including Introduction to Problem Solving. In 2005 a two-day Symposium on The Future of Integrated Modeling was held in celebration of his 70th birthday. He was an active member of the Jewish communities in which he lived and was a board member of the Jewish Federation. He volunteered with the Boy Scouts of America and enjoyed hiking, camping, skiing, traveling, gardening, and playing duplicate bridge. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter; two sons, including Barry ’84 ScM; two daughters-in-law; a son-in-law; nine grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter.


Mar, 2019

Thomas E. Hazlehurst ’56, of Wakefield, R.I.; Nov. 17. He was president and CEO of Potter Hazlehurst, an advertising public relations firm in East Greenwich, R.I. He was an avid sailor, having served in the U.S. Navy, was president of the Narragansett Bay Yachting Assoc., founding secretary of Save the Bay, commodore of the East Greenwich Yacht Club, a trustee and fleet captain of the New York Yacht Club, fleet captain of Cruising Club of America, chairman of the Newport to Bermuda Race, and a member of the Rhode Island State Yachting Committee. He was a finalist for selection in sailing in the 1956 Olympics. He was inducted into the Brown Athletic Hall of Fame and the Intercollegiate Yacht Racing Hall of Fame. He is survived by three daughters, six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.


Mar, 2019

Walter J. Weber Jr. ’56, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Oct. 18, after a brief illness. He joined the faculty at the University of Michigan in 1963 as a professor in the departments of civil and chemical engineering. He was internationally known for his contributions to the field of environmental science and engineering, in particular the development of new and advanced technologies for treatment of water and wastewater and for water pollution control. He was the recipient of numerous awards and honors during his tenure at the Univ. of Michigan. He was named a Diplomat in the American Academy of Environmental Engineers in 1975, elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering in 1985, and named the Gordon M. Fair and Earnest Boyce Distinguished University Professor of Environmental and Ecological Sciences and Engineering in 1994. The International Science Index recognized him as the fifteenth most highly cited and quoted scientist in the world, seventh in the United States. He authored or coauthored more than 200 technical publications and mentored many engineering students and PhD students. He was a member of many professional societies, including the American Chemical Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Water Works Assoc., Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control, and the Water Pollution Control Federation. He was a devoted Michigan football fan who served on the University of Michigan Athletic Advisory Board. He enjoyed traveling, yard work, and the Jersey Shore. He is survived by Iva Corbett; four daughters; six grandchildren; and a brother.

Jan, 2019

Raymond R. Cooke ’56, of Raynham, Mass.; Sept. 15. After serving in the U.S. Navy for two years, he was employed as a marine service engineer at Babcock & Wilcox of New York City and as a works engineer at ICI America prior to joining Hart Engineering in East Providence, R.I. After 15 years with Hart as project manager and later vice president of the mechanical division, he moved to Herzog-Hart Corp. in Boston as vice president of construction management, retiring in 1997. He settled in Raynham and was appointed a sewer commissioner, where he helped to establish the Raynham sewer system. He was a member of the town’s Industrial Development Commission. He enjoyed playing golf at his vacation home in Myrtle Beach, S.C. He is survived by three daughters, two sons-in-law, and five grandchildren.


Nov, 2018

Ned P. Baugh ’56, of Indian Rocks Beach, Fla., formerly of Indianapolis; May 28. He worked for Dow Chemical Co. for many years and had a second vocation as a career counselor. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and Naval Reserves and member of Alpha Delta Phi. He enjoyed gardening, boating, traveling, and singing in church choirs. He is survived by his companion, Polly Leibe; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; and two grandchildren.


Sep, 2018

Donald I. Trott ’56, of Wayne, N.J.; May 4, of pancreatic cancer. He was a retired financial analyst and founder of the Consumer Analyst Group of New York. He had a 50-year career on Wall Street. He was active in his community and enjoyed mentoring future analysts. He is survived by his wife, Frances; two daughters; and two granddaughters.


Sep, 2018

Seymour G. Karnes ’56, of Palm Coast, Fla., formerly of Warwick, R.I.; May 11. He was a retired textile chemist for the former Sequoia Chemical Co. of Providence. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, a 1996 heart transplant recipient, and a member and former two-term commander of the Jewish War Veterans of Palm Coast. An avid New York Yankees fan, he enjoyed all sports, playing bridge, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Charlotte; two daughters; a son; two sons-in-law; and three grandchildren.


Sep, 2018

Charles H. Eden Jr. ’56, of Saunderstown, R.I.; Apr. 14. He was an area sales manager for Nicholson File Co. in Providence. He retired in 1996 as vice president of sales for the former Russell Harrington Cutlery Co. in Southbridge, Mass. During the Korean War, he served in the U.S. Army. An avid golfer, he was a founding member of Clinton Country Club (Connecticut) and a longtime member of Wannamoisett Country Club (Rhode Island). He enjoyed building and flying remote controlled aircraft and was a member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics. He is survived by his wife, Paula; a daughter; a son; a son-in-law; a sister; and several nieces and nephews.


Jul, 2018

Daniel H. Morrissey Jr. ’56, of Chevy Chase, Md.; Jan. 31, after a long illness. He was retired from the U.S. Office of Education and was a U.S. Coast Guard veteran of the Korean War. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter; two sons; and eight grandchildren.


Jul, 2018

Edward P. Kelly ’56, of Aberdeen, Miss., formerly of Chicago; Dec. 22. After working briefly as an assistant district attorney for New York, he moved to Chicago and worked for Apollo Savings and Loan. He was promoted to president in 1962. At that time, he was the youngest member of the U.S. Savings and Loan League Legislative Committee and the Illinois Savings and Loan League Advisory Board and he was subsequently elected to membership in the Young Presidents’ Organization. He was an accomplished public speaker involved in several political campaigns and instrumental in developing the Plaza of the Americas flags on Michigan Ave. He enjoyed traveling. He is survived by his wife, Susie; three daughters; a son; and seven grandchildren.


Jul, 2018

Joseph M. Daley Jr. ’56, of Fort Worth, Tex.; Feb. 18. He was president of J.M. Daley & Associates, an equity investment firm. He had been director of investor relations at Kalan Gold Corp. He earned a master’s degree in economic development and Japanese labor relations from Sophia Univ. in Tokyo while working there for the Japanese subsidiary of an American specialty chemical company. His career included achievements in international enterprise management, investments, adult education, technology, and public service. He lectured at more than 125 technology conferences and authored numerous economic development studies. He served in the U.S. Navy and retired as a commander, U.S. Naval Reserve. He also was a director of the Japan America Society. He is survived by his wife, Grace Wessels Daley ’59; four children and their spouses; and nine grandchildren.


Jul, 2018

Bruce N. Abbott ’56, of Oxford, Me., formerly of West Springfield, Mass.; Dec. 23. In West Springfield, he began his career working at IBM, transitioned into insurance, and retired after 31 years with Travelers Insurance in Hartford, Conn., as a data analyst. He was a longtime member, Sunday school teacher, and choir member at Mittineague Congregational Church in West Springfield. After moving to Oxford, he joined Oxford Congregational Church and served as treasurer. He enjoyed playing cribbage and was an avid Boston sports fan. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter; three sons; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; 16 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; two brothers, including Douglas ’61; and two sisters-in-law.


Jul, 2018

Nancy W. Maker ’56, of Manchester Center, Vt., formerly of Wrentham, Mass.; Feb. 11. She taught kindergarten and worked as a unit coordinator in the ICU of Massachusetts General Hospital. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and enjoyed creative writing and reading. She is survived by a sister, a nephew, and many cousins.

May, 2018

James D. Kalloger ’56, of Lynn, Mass.; Dec. 11. A U.S Army veteran of the Korean War, he joined the Lynn Police Department as patrolman for several years. He joined the Massachusetts State Police and retired as a member of its Harbor Patrol. In addition to his police work, he was a cement finisher and bricklayer for many years. He was a lifetime member of the Danvers Fish & Game Club, where he won many awards for both skeet and trap shooting, and was a member of VFW Post 1240. He played football at Brown. He is survived by his wife, Lillian; children; and grandchildren.


May, 2018

Bruce N. Abbott ’56, of Oxford, Me., formerly of West Springfield, Mass.; Dec. 23. In West Springfield, he began his career working at IBM, transitioned into insurance, and retired after 31 years with Travelers Insurance in Hartford, Conn., as a data analyst. He was a longtime member, Sunday school teacher, and choir member at Mittineague Congregational Church in West Springfield. After moving to Oxford, he joined Oxford Congregational Church and served as treasurer. He enjoyed playing cribbage and was an avid Boston sports fan. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter; three sons; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; 16 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; two brothers, including Douglas ’61; and two sisters-in-law.


Apr, 2018

Frances Evans Justin ’56, of Clarks Summit, Pa.; Nov. 1, from Alzheimer’s. She was an organist and choir director at churches in New Brunswick, N.J., and Scranton and Ransom, Pa. She also taught piano and was an office manager for Weichert Realtors in East Brunswick, N.J. She is survived by her husband, James; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and three granddaughters.

Feb, 2018

Frederick F. Trost ’56, of Victor, N.Y.; June 18. He was a retired senior sales representative for Sandoz Pharmaceutical Corp. in East Hanover, N.J. He is survived by his wife, Joan; four children, and nine grandchildren.

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