Class of 1962

Jun, 2024

Class copresidents Len Charney and Dale Burg continue to reach out to each other and other classmates through Zoom reunions, a custom started by Helene Schwartz Kenvin four years ago. “These virtual meetings usually start with a suggested theme, such as book recommendations, what kind of fitness routine do you follow, etc. (anything but politics!), though they often go off topic.” Len organized a Brown ’62 guys Zoom Reunion during the pandemic with Win Himsworth and Bob Saquet and hopes there is interest in more Zoom gatherings going forward. Any alumnus from ’62 interested in participating should contact him at

Apr, 2024

Linda and Gene Kopf continue their life in paradise: Jupiter Island, Fla. They are students three days weekly at Florida Atlantic University plus they attend serious drama biweekly and are on the treadmill at home daily and in the gym. Gene writes that they have had some contact with fellow grads, especially Helene Schwartz Kenvin who keeps them updated on other ’62 grads, and Ned Clayton ’63, who leads Delta Phi activities.

Mar, 2024
When the University Cadets Went to War
From the Archives Read More
Nov, 2022

Gene Kopf writes: “Still enjoying paradise in Jupiter Island, Florida, while several of our golfing neighbors have joined LIV for millions—we’re staying here with Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, etc. We are spending our time with grandkids that include a Navy Seal, a professional dancer, a teacher, a PR person, and a therapist, all sending thank you checks every month. While I don’t buy into everything Brown is doing today, politically correct, I’m impressed that two major publications rated us number two behind Harvard. When I went there we were rated number 5-6. So much for political correctness and diversity today. Apparently it’s a winner. Very impressed with our president.”


Aug, 2022

Sally Robbins Bilder writes: “After graduating with an AB as an English Literature major, I went to Washington, D.C., to work as an intern for the U.S. Treasury Department, subsequently working for President Kennedy’s Head Start Program. There I met my husband, Richard Bilder, who was a lawyer with the U.S. State Department. In 1965, we moved to Madison [Wis.], where he has since been a professor of International Law at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School. We have been married for 57 years. I have been involved in a number of different jobs and activities since then—as an assistant to several Wisconsin governors and their aides; working with the nuclear disarmament movement; working with university faculty organizations; serving on the board of directors of Wisconsin Public Radio and as a member and later chair of the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board; and serving on the board of directors of Friends of the University of Wisconsin Gardens. In addition, I have obtained a master’s degree in political science and a master’s degree in art education. I have likewise kept busy with my hobbies of gardening and oil painting, including holding several exhibits of my artwork. Richard and I have four children: Mary, a law professor at Boston College Law School; Anne, a lawyer for the University of Wisconsin-Madison; David, a professor of molecular biology at UC Berkeley; and Deborah, a producer at the Philadelphia Public Broadcasting station. In addition, we have ten grandchildren. I remember my years at Pembroke fondly, particularly my dear friends Dottie Pierce McSweeny and Pattie Percy Koshel, who I still occasionally see. I still treasure a Providence newspaper picture of myself and my two sisters, Kay (Katherine Robbins Frost ’64) and Nancy (Nancy Robbins DeLorenzo ’65), showing the three of us attending Pembroke at the same time. I send my very best wishes to all of my classmates.”

Jun, 2022

Ralph Steuer writes: “I am in my 41st year on the faculty of the business school (Terry College of Business) at the University of Georgia doing what I have been doing for the past 40 years.”

Apr, 2022

Bob McGuinness and his wife Sue, and Jim McGuinness ’56 and his wife Carole, organized a family reunion of 35 members at Wranglers Roost resort, New River, Arizona, in late September. Activities included line dancing instruction, corn hole competition, archery, dune buggy off-roading, and Ian Schoenherr’s family ancestry presentation. Bob retired from Shell Oil Company and is a consultant to SeaRiver Maritime; Jim from New York State Department of Transportation as airport director at New York Stewart International Airport.

Jan, 2022

Judy Wessells writes: “The good news is that I wake up each day instead of the alternative. I’ve been looking forward to a high school reunion in Hawaii—if we are allowed to travel.”

Jan, 2022

George Wales writes from Tucson, Arizona: “Unfortunately, health issues preclude my attendance at our 60th reunion. Some local good news: both daughters, Katie ’90 and Lauren ’90, live nearby here. Also, Katie married her longtime partner, Erika. Much happiness all around. Son Herrick continues as a special ed teacher in Marblehead, Massachusetts. He’s eyeing retirement out here in three years. I shall miss greeting my classmates in person.”

Jan, 2022

Katharine Pierce writes: “My husband and I live in Niagara County, New York, on the Canadian border, for proximity to children and grandchildren in Toronto. Until limited by COVID realities, I had been fully active in addressing issues of extreme poverty and violence in the City of Niagara Falls, enjoying the privilege of working with others, including on the streets, to provide safety, food, and encouragement. I’m maintaining commitments to lifelong interests, including libraries and literacy, improving the lives of children, and Planned Parenthood. I’m concerned about civility and kindness in society and I’m interested in expansion of access to technology, locally and worldwide.”

Jan, 2022

Gene Kopf and his wife Linda continue to enjoy the paradise of Jupiter Island, Florida. They regularly go to old residence areas in the North Carolina mountains and they went to Rhode Island in August/September for family and friend reunions. Gene regularly attends classes at Florida Atlantic University, and he attends plays and musicals at local theaters. He runs and exercises daily and loves it.

Jan, 2022

John Donovan writes: “I’m living in Boca Raton, Florida, with my wife Phyllis after selling our home of 35 years. I’ve been retired since 1998 and spending summers in the Hartford area visiting family, including two great-grandsons. We will be celebrating 60 years of marriage at next year’s Brown graduation.”

Jan, 2022

John Calhoun writes: “After graduating from Brown, I attended the Episcopal Divinity School. While obtaining my bachelor of divinity degree in Cambridge, I found myself deeply involved in anti-Vietnam War and civil rights protests in Cambridge, Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington. I taught in Philadelphia for a year then journeyed to Boston, where I joined the War on Poverty. I worked with kids in the Neighborhood Youth Corps, helped to coordinate recruitment for the Job Corps, and ran the Summer Work and Recreation Program for the City of Boston. I worked with prisoners through a private consulting firm, then started my own firm, Justice Resource Institute, which pioneered pretrial diversion and restorative justice programs. For my “RJ” work I received a major award from the U.S. Department of Justice. In 1974, Gov. Michael Dukakis appointed me to serve as the State’s Commissioner of the Department of Youth Services. DYS’s success prompted the Massachusetts Legislature to award me its Certificate of Commendation for ʻOutstanding Work on Behalf of the Commonwealth.’ The success of the ʻMassachusetts Experiment’ came to the attention of officials in the Carter White House, who invited me to serve as the U.S. Commissioner of the Administration for Children, Youth, and Families, a position giving me jurisdiction over such programs as Head Start, foster care, domestic violence, and family support initiatives. For 20 years I served as president of the National Crime Prevention Council. I’ve written and published Hope Matters: The Untold Story of How Faith Works in America; Through the Hourglass: Poems of Life and Love; and Policy Walking: Lighting Paths to Safer Communities, Stronger Families, and Thriving Youth. Following my 20 years at the National Crime Prevention Council, I joined the National League of Cities as a consultant, first helping to set up, then directing, the California Cities Violence Prevention Network. I continue to consult on occasion for the National League of Cities in addition to keeping up a fairly busy public speaking schedule.”

John Calhoun ’62 photo of himself
Jan, 2022

Leslie Armstrong writes: “The women in our class, and some of the men, owe a huge debt to Dale Burg and Helene Schwartz Kenvin for bringing us together far more often than we ever were before the pandemic—Dale with her gift for putting people together and making them laugh, and Helene’s for editing and publishing a Pembroke class newsletter (80 issues as of Oct. 1, 2021) featuring essays from any Pembroke classmate fool enough to set pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, plus Helene’s own research and commentary on the assigned topic of the week. For myself, I am lucky to be fairly fit and still working both as a writer and as an architect, although the latter at a much reduced scale as I am also caring for my 93-year-old husband, John Bowers. I’m still living in the small brownstone I bought and renovated in 1967. Kids are good. No one in jail. On the whole, life is good.”

Nov, 2021

Donald Friary concluded a 14-year tenure as president of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts in November 2020. The society has established the Donald R. Friary Annual Lecture in his honor. He was also elected an honorary trustee of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. At home in Salem, Mass., he has begun two new ventures; affiliating with the international firm Tours by Locals, he is leading in-depth walking tours of Salem on historical and architectural themes; and with Essex Heritage, he appears in character and costume as the diarist Rev. William Bentley (1759-1819) on Zoom and live on cruises of Salem Sound.

Aug, 2021

John Andes published Tail Whip of the Black Dragon with Havah Publishing. John writes: “In the book, David Drummer, senior analyst in charge of interagency communications in the FBI’s Kansas City office, is planning his upcoming retirement with his lover Rachel. Instead of enjoying his last few months at the bureau, he comes face-to-face with several powerfully evil scenarios: a scandal of far-reaching consequences within the bureau, two apparently unrelated police killings three thousand miles apart, and grassroots rallies designed to rile the voting populace against foreigners.”


Jun, 2021

Gene Kopf and his wife Linda have been residents of Jupiter Island, Fla., for almost 30 years, while also having a residence in the North Carolina mountains until 2020. He writes: “Enjoying 26 years of retirement with five grandkids, four in college, fifth a Navy Seal. This is paradise. Magnificent weather, gym, outdoors every day.” 

Jun, 2021

John Andes signed a 10-book contract with Danish publisher Mellemgaard. 

Apr, 2021

John Andes published Scruffs with Havah Publishing and it’s available on Amazon. In Scruffs, the mother of a murdered teen enlists her brother’s help to find answers explaining the girl’s death. Together they review the surveillance tapes from the crime scene, sift through news stories and analyze chat room postings all while an election year brings forth grassroots populism under the banner of S.A.F.E. (Secure America For Everyone) and war in the Middle East temporarily diverts the attention of American citizens. 

Jan, 2021

Tom McMullen writes: “Debby and I have eight grandkids and when each reaches age 13 we take them on a trip of their choice. When Ryan, now a college senior, was 13, he chose a safari in Tanzania. Debby and I thought a ‘trip’ was something like Disney World. However, the three of us went and had the best time ever. Obviously, Ryan set the bar very high for those to come. Next was Olivia and she chose London to see musical theater. Then came Lexi and Ella and their choices were Austria and Switzerland. Mattix and Mallory followed and the four of us traveled to the Galapagos. That’s six down with two to go. Jack’s now 12 and Sydney is 7 and when she’s 13, Debby and I will be 87. She’ll probably be pushing us in wheelchairs while we’re drooling.”

Nov, 2020

Gerald David Miller writes: “I constantly find the news of the classes jumping from ’61 to ’63. Hey, what’s new ’62? Okay, I figure I will fill that sandwich. Soon after graduation, I married my childhood sweetheart, Susan Gilson, started using my middle name (David), earned a couple of graduate degrees, and moved to Israel for several years. In 1970, Susan and I, with our two little kids, went to Morocco for a month for a research project. We found classmate Richard Holbrooke in Rabat serving as a Peace Corps director. As a result, we stayed on as Peace Corps volunteers for the next three years. From there, I became director of Peace Corps training in Afghanistan and then acting director for Peace Corps Tunisia. I was recruited into the U.S. Agency for International Development and the State Department. Once again, Holbrooke and I would cross paths at State. We often went to lunch together when we were both in town and not flying off somewhere. I left State to become deputy vice president for programs at Save the Children before becoming founding director of the International Community Economic Development master’s degree program at Southern New Hampshire University. Susan did her PhD research and taught Middle Eastern history at Harvard much of that time. For two of those years, I was also a research fellow at Brown’s Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International Studies. I spent the time at the ‘Rock’ catching up on all the things I missed as an undergraduate. In 2009, Susan and I joined the faculty of UC Davis. I founded the Global Fellowship for Agricultural Development program that takes research to action by connecting faculty and graduate fellows to organizations in developing communities all over the world. Susan and I have two prize-winning kids (RISD and Brown grads), each of whom have prize-winning children. Retirement is not among my plans.”

Nov, 2020

R. Brayton Bowen, ’65 AM, continues to consult in the area of human resources and is certified by the Society for Human Resource Management as a senior certified professional. He speaks on business related topics and teaches at the undergraduate level for Northwood University. He has published Recognizing and Rewarding Employees and Engaging the Heart for People, Performance, and Profit: Seven Competencies of Compassion@Work. He has produced the documentary series Anger in the Workplace, which aired on public radio stations nationally. He has written for the American Management Assoc., HR Magazine, and various other publications. Presently, he is leading the Howland Group, a strategy consulting and change management firm. He writes: “Believe it or not, I still am able to sing (thanks to my training with the Brown Glee Club and Professor David Laurent) and currently perform at two churches in Louisville. I have served on several boards, including the board of directors for the Louisville Committee on Foreign Relations. In 2012, I received the James E. Flynn Peace Award for community service and social justice. My connections with Brown are primarily through the Brown Club of Kentucky, where I serve as vice president for marketing. And I should add, after three tries, I finally got it right; I am happily married to Vaughn Bowen, who is a nurse practitioner and a wonderful partner. I enjoy living in Louisville, but I miss Rhode Island and sailing in Newport waters. If anyone cares to connect, contact me at; (502) 558-2154.” 

Aug, 2020

Leslie Armstrong announces the publication of her memoir, Girl Intrepid - A New York Story of Privilege and Perseverance. Leslie writes: “It covers the first third of my life: my upbringing in New York, my time at Brown, summers working at the Spoleto Festival in Italy, and my journey to becoming an architect at a time when there were few women in professions and fewer in architecture (See My husband, John Bowers, also a writer, and I live in Manhattan. I continue to work as an architect on small scale commercial and residential renovations. We and our five children (three of mine, two of his) and their families are well and safe.”

Mar, 2019

Randolph Steinen ’73 PhD volunteers with the Connecticut Geological Survey at the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. He is also involved with quadrangle mapping and the geology of local state parks. He has posted several Earthcaches, which are geocaches—or treasure hunts using global positioning software—that specifically indicate interesting geological formations or processes. These can be looked up on


Mar, 2019

Emily Mott-Smith MacKenzie writes: “2017-2018 was a memorable year, mainly because I survived a traumatic brain injury in December 2017 and was pretty much recovered by June 2018. We had to cancel a planned trip for January 2017 to Vietnam, but rescheduled to this January. We also enjoyed a two-week excursion in Portugal this past fall. I am still teaching an aerobics class, and I’m super involved in the Damariscotta River Association Conservation Land Trust and the Coastal Senior College program. My five granddaughters are grand. Coming to Maine? Come see us!”


Mar, 2019

John Andes published Vengeance in October with Black Opal Books.

Jan, 2019

Stephen J. Richman writes: “The dream became a reality when I purchased a Class C motorhome and explored this beautiful country of ours from sea to shining sea. I started before Memorial Day and returned on Labor Day. I’m planning another trip via different route next summer.”


Jan, 2019

Clyde A. Burkhardt and his wife, Mary, summered in Madison, Conn., and kept busy rowing, clamming, and gardening. They spend winters in Sanibel Island, Fla., cycling and would enjoy visiting with any Brown alums in the area.


Sep, 2018

Judy Hexter Riskind writes: “I had lunch with four old Pembroke classmates: Dale Burg, Roz Jacobs Koskoff, Val Brenhouse Mace, and Jane Halperin Willis. Lots of laughs and so much fun.”

Jul, 2018

Stephen Sandell writes: “It might sound a little crazy, but I’m running as a first-time candidate for a seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives. This is a bright red district and I’m running as the endorsed Democrat, but I’m serious about the issues, optimistic about the outcome, and I won’t be out-worked. You can follow the campaign at”

Jul, 2018

Ernest Lampe writes: “I have retired from the operating room but continue an active outpatient practice. I am also the medical consultant for the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. Last summer we took a long voyage through the Baltic to St. Petersburg, Russia, and I selected a coffee cup souvenir from the official Russian government souvenir shops. I did not take the one with Putin with his shirt off.”


Jul, 2018

Barbara Feit Nair and her husband, Gopinath Nair, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sept. 28, 2017. She is retired and they live in Silver Spring, Md.

Jul, 2018

Carol Tarlin Harrington of Washington has been named a featured artist for Wearable Art for the 2018 show of a local guild. In retirement, she teaches couture knitting and garment design and embellishment. 

Jul, 2018

Marion Otis Barnes of Florida writes: “We weathered a direct hit of Hurricane Irma but all were safe. We were marooned in the Green Swamp for 10 days. There were 18 evacuees for the duration. We are so fortunate to have health and strength.” 

May, 2018

Dorothy Pierce McSweeny writes: “My husband, William, and I are actively involved in the arts in Washington, D.C. We are advocating that Congress increase funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and, as Chair Emerita of the D.C. Arts Commission, for increased local support—especially for a new children’s museum.”

May, 2018

Tim Fleming left Northern Arizona Univ. in December 2016, volunteered as a high school track and field coach during the spring, and then worked part-time as a staff family practitioner at the Four Corners Regional Health Center in Northwestern Arizona. His daughters and their families live in Denver.

May, 2018

Norby Fleisig writes: “The cities of Charleston and Mt. Pleasant in South Carolina and I hosted an eclipse party from Aug. 18 to 21. Spotty weather cleared up perfectly during the full passage. In attendance, mostly with significant others, were: Al Almonte Jr. ’62; Hal Chorney; Dave Connell; Joanne Rabold Connell ’64; Rick Croteau ’63; Bill Feinberg ’63, ’66 AM, ’73 PhD; Berge Gregian ’62; Guy Lombardo ’62; and Peter Papadopoulos ’62. All the gentlemen listed are alumni of the gone but not forgotten Plantations House. We try to get together yearly, and we invite others to join us.”

May, 2018

Susan Kamer Davis ’64 MAT (see’62).

Apr, 2018

Bernie Boylan has published approximately 150 books over the past 17 years of his retirement. He spent the winter revising four volumes of his poetry. His works range from fiction on love and loss to nonfiction about military duty and family bonds.

Apr, 2018

John Andes released a crime fiction novel, Hidden Agenda. John writes: “The novel is about Detective First Grade Tony Sattill of the NYPD, who is assigned the crime scene investigation of the gruesome, ritualistic Handyman Murders. Once the case is turned over to the homicide detectives, Tony is asked to dig into the past of fellow detective Elija Washington. Tony uncovers uncommonly large cash flows in Elija’s past and a possible major cover-up by the NYPD, but then the evidence in the Handyman case begins to incriminate Tony. Lab tests reveal a link between him and the murders, and he knew all the victims. Tony’s world is crashing in on him while, all around him, close friends are dying. Is Tony pegged to be the fall guy—or just the next victim?”

Jan, 2018

Bernie Boylan self-published Maureen and A New England Quatrain: Four Verses of Love, Discipline, Hard Work and Sacrifice.

Jan, 2018

Glenn Bower writes: “ My wife, Suzanne Griffiths Bower ’53, was suffering from Alzheimer’s and confined to a nursing home, so we could not attend the reunion. My daughters Pamela L. Bower-Basso ’77 and Priscilla S. Smyth ’87 were there. Pam has a daughter in the class of 2018. Our other two daughters, Elizabeth A. Hudgins ’79 and Emily Bower ’ 83, also were not able to be there, but Sue’s brother, Andrew Griffiths ’62, did attend. Sue’s father was in the class of 1927, so we have a lot of Brown connections. I was an Alpha Delt. I believe our survivors are down to three, Ralph Crosby, Norm Steere, and me.”

May, 2012
Letter to the editor about archivist Martha Mitchell Read More

From the November/December 2017 Issue

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Judy Hexter Riskind (see Patty Riskind ’88).

From the September/October 2017 Issue

Bernie Boylan writes: “Without the help of television, email, or smartphones, living a simple life, I attended cultural events, read, researched, exercised, ate wholesome meals at the Groton Senior Center and titled my latest book Four Squares Plus One: A Sense of Duty?” Bernie writes that he has been in the military, worked his way through Brown without help, had four children, chaired church committees, volunteered at a soup kitchen, and donated books to the local library history collection. His other published works are Passing the Baton: Father/Daughters and The Clam Digger.

Richard Kostelanetz’s new book, Kosti’s Foreman: Richard’s Richard was published on June 3 by Archae Editions and is available on Amazon.

Stephen Pizer hooded students completing PhDs for whom he was the principal adviser at the May commencement ceremonies of the Univ. of North Carolina’s Department of Computer Science. Two years ago the Univ. of North Carolina named a room in the department’s Sitterson Hall the Stephen Pizer Conference Room.

From the July/August 2017 Issue

David F. Trickey writes: “My wife, Caroline Street Trickey, and I sold our home in Charleston, South Carolina, two years ago and now live full-time in Brevard in the western North Carolina mountains. Caroline remains very active as an artist, and we will celebrate our 55th wedding anniversary in September. We enjoy the mountains and having our children and grandchildren visit.”

From the March/April 2017 Issue

Ernest Lampe writes: “I failed retirement. I am back practicing as a physician 30 hours a week in outpatient addiction medicine. It is a whole new specialty for me to learn.”

Judith Hexter Riskind writes: “I hope to see my classmates in May at our 55th reunion. I will proudly march down the hill with my daughter, Patty Riskind ’88, and her son/my grandson, Jeffrey Salvadore ’17. Three generations at Brown and proud.”

From the November/December 2016 Issue

Copresidents Len Charney and Dale Burg write: “Memorial Day weekend 2017 is our ninth reunion—if you’re talking medium-sized dog years. Actually, and unbelievably, it’s our 55th. We’d like to know if you’re planning to come and if you’d like to help us with planning or with suggestions.”

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Copresidents Len Charney and Dale Burg write: “Memorial Day weekend 2017 is our ninth reunion—if you’re talking medium-sized dog years. Actually, and unbelievably, it’s our 55th. We’d like to know if you’re planning to come and if you’d like to help us with planning or with suggestions.”

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Cyrus Miller Hoffman met fellow traveler and alum Devra Miller Breslow ’54 on a trip to Morocco. Cy writes: “The fact that we share middle names is pure chance—we are not related except for mutual fond memories of our time at Brown.”

Daniel J. Orsini ’74 PhD writes: “New editions of my books of metaphysical poetry, Galactic Pilgrim and On the Care and Feeding of Robots, will be available this year.”

From the January/February 2016 Issue

Cy Hoffman writes: “On a recent trip to Morocco, I traveled, unexpectedly, with Devra Miller Breslow ’54. We had a mini-mini-Brown reunion and talked about the Brown of our day(s).”

From the March/April 2015 Issue

John E. Andes has written 11 crime fiction novels, all of which can be found at . He mentors with SCORE and teaches creative writing.

Robert Ashcom ’69 MAT spends summers sailing the Chesapeake Bay singlehandedly and spending long weekends with his friends or his wife. Fall brings upland bird hunting with his German shorthaired pointer Zeva. Her half-sister, Kate, will be ready shortly. Foxhunting on horseback is still a winter sport. He writes: “Still getting around, although most body parts ache!”

Joseph Berland welcomed three new grandchildren in the past year—Fynne Shane, Miles Berland, and Robert Meyers.

John Donovan returned from a trip to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Romania. He writes: “The devastation from the wars is still visible. Good people, sad history in the entire region.”

Mike Farnum sold his residence in the French Quarter of New Orleans and will be dividing his time between Hope Valley, R.I., and Hollywood, Fla., where he plans to spend more time with his daughter Daisy and grandchildren Emily, 15, and Nicholas, 10.

John S. Irvine, a former general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, continues his private labor and employment law practice with Kirkland & Ellis LLP in Washington, D.C. He writes: “My wife, Dianne, and I have a son and a daughter and five grandchildren and continue to enjoy our summer visits to Switzerland. Free time is devoted to family and fly-fishing.”

Gene Kopf writes that he and his wife, Linda, continue to travel, most recently a trip to Eastern Europe and a return visit to Vietnam and Cambodia. He spends time with his grandkids, now all teenagers, who are helping him with his iPhone and computer. He writes, “It’s a new generation.”

Ernest Lampe retired from surgery four years ago and continues half time as a medical director. His three grandchildren occupy the rest of his time. He writes: “I don’t intend to totally retire anytime soon.”

Dorothy Pierce McSweeny announces the marriage of her son, Ethan McSweeny, to Nancy Anderson. Ethan directed The Tempest at the Shakespeare Theatre Company in Washington, D.C. Her daughter, Terrell McSweeny, was appointed a commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission by President Obama.

Stephen M. Pizer and his wife, Lyn Closson Pizer ’63, celebrated their 50th anniversary last summer. They spent a week on a New Hampshire lake with their children, Tonia and Ginger Pizer ’94, and their families, and with Stephen’s brother, Larry Pizer ’67 and his wife, Ann, and children, Tamara Pizer McDonald ’95 and Jonas. The Medical Image Display & Analysis Group, the multidepartmental research group Stephen founded at the Univ. of North Carolina, marked its 40th anniversary in October.

Raymond Rhinehart writes that he is a member of the Brown University Library Advisory Council.

Nelson Jack Rohrbach retired after 25 years as an operating partner with Kohlberg & Co., a private equity firm dealing in the middle market. He writes: “Over the years I have had the good fortune of serving as chairman of a variety of companies in the manufacturing sector producing paper and plastic packaging, building products, medical devices, and nutritional products. I will miss the activity, personal interaction, and challenges, but it is time to enjoy family, to travel, and to take the next step in life’s journey.”

Susan Budnitz Sokoloff writes that her grandson is sophomore Jonah Simon ’17. Jonah is the grandnephew of Sandra Budnitz Mosk ’62 and the great-grandson of Rebecca Gass Budnitz ’34, now deceased.

Sherri Malinou Spillane (see Martin Malinou ’55).

Ralph E. Steuer was a plenary speaker at an international conference on convexity held at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics in Rio de Janeiro in August. Ralph continues as a professor of finance at the Univ. of Georgia and is a trustee and member of the investment committee of the Teachers Retirement System of Georgia. With wife Judy, Ralph resides in Athens, Ga.; the couple also has a beach house in Ocean City, N.J.


Judy Wessells writes: “I am hoping to pass on my position as district director for SCORE in Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 2015. I need to have more time to go to museums, play duplicate bridge, and garden!”


From the January/February 2015 Issue

Daniel Orsini ’62, ’74 PhD (see David Orsini ’66 AM, ’75 PhD).

From the July/August 2014 Issue

Gene Kopf writes: “Enjoying Jupiter Island, Florida, and the alumni activities here. Star of the class is Helene Schwartz Kenvin, who now has an online class of ’62 blog that features photos and updates on all our classmates. Go, Helene!”

From the May/June 2014 Issue

Cyrus Hoffman and his wife, Jane, celebrated their 50th anniversary last summer with a family reunion in Vermont that included all ten grandchildren. Cy writes: “Not quite sure how someone as young as I am can have celebrated a 50th class reunion and a 50th wedding anniversary.”

George H. Wales Jr. writes: “Judy and I continue our pleasant retirement in Tucson, Arizona. We go to lecture series, the local theater, and the local symphony for enjoyment and to keep the brain cells active. We have a coterie of local ‘geezer’ friends with whom we socialize. Our three children, Henrick (Colby ’87), Katie Wales ’89, and Lauren Wales ’90, continue to impress us as responsible and intellectually curious adults. Needless to say, our four grandchildren are remarkable and a source of delight.”

Margery Goddard Whiteman works in New York City running the development office at Riverside Church. Her son, Stephen Whiteman ’97, will move to Sydney, Australia, in June to join the department of art and film studies at the Univ. of Sydney as a professor of Asian art. 


From the March/April 2014 Issue

Dale Burg reports: “Women of ’62: Our reunion last year was so wonderful that we are planning another: May 2–5, 2014, we will be together in Somers, N.Y., which is less than two hours’ drive (or an easy train ride) from New York City, and three hours from Boston. We’ve reserved rooms at Danbury’s Hilton Garden Inn, and Valerie Brenhouse Mace’s home in Somers will be our headquarters. For more details, contact Helene Schwartz Kenvin or Dale Burg."

Herbert B. Farnum III retired from the real estate business. He is planning on moving this year, spending six months in Hollywood, Fla., and six months in Hopkinton, R.I., where he hopes to be sailing.

Robert P. Hughes writes: “My review of Dead Evil by Candice M. Hughes appears on the book’s Amazon listing. Full disclosure: Candice is my daughter, and I was the pro bono editor. I would welcome those with an interest in thriller novels to add their reviews to mine.”

Cyrus Hoffman and his wife, Jane, celebrated their 50th anniversary this past summer in Vermont with a family reunion, including all 10 grandchildren. Cy writes: “Not quite sure how someone as young as I am can have celebrated a 50th class reunion and a 50th wedding anniversary.”

Ralph Eugene Kopf gave up his final venture with the sale of a natural cookie company to General Mills. He and Linda sold their Florida home and downsized to a condo on the ocean on Jupiter Island. Ralph writes: “Now it’s just the 5 F’s: Fishing, Fitness, Friends, Finance and…?”

Robert C. McGuinness and his wife celebrated their 50th anniversary in June.

Brent D. Moore enjoyed his annual reunion this September in Little Compton, R.I., with classmates Norm Barstow, Carl Hally, Henry Coe, Tom Wilson, and Tom Rutherford, as well as their spouses.

Raymond Rhinehart married Walter Smalling on Oct. 26, in Washington, D.C., at the historic Octagon.

Nelson Rohrbach is an operating partner with Kohlberg & Co., serving as chairman for three of their portfolio companies. He writes: “Work is stimulating and challenging, but the travel is grueling. Penny and I run hard to keep up with our five children, their spouses, and our 18 grandchildren. I am very proud that my grandson  Thomas Meeks ’17 is now attending Brown. Life is full and good.”

George H. Wales Jr. writes: “Judy and I continue our pleasant retirement in Tucson, Arizona. We go to lecture series, local theater, and local symphony for enjoyment and to keep the brain cells active. We have a coterie of local ‘geezer’ friends with whom we socialize. Our three children, Kathleen Wales ’90, Lauren Wales ’90, and Herrick Wales (Colby ’87), continue to impress us as responsible and intellectually curious adults. Needless to say, our four grandchildren are remarkable and a source of delight.” 


From the January/February 2014 Issue

Dale Burg reports: “A 52nd reunion for the women of ’62 is planned for May 3–5 in Somers, New York, an hour from New York City. We’ve blocked rooms at the Hilton Garden Inn in Danbury, Connecticut, and we’ll headquarter at Val Brenhouse Mace’s home.” Contact Dale or Helene Schwartz Kenvin.

From the September/October 2013 Issue

Dale Burg and Helene Schwartz Kenvin write: “The stormy weather had mostly cleared in time for the first-ever 51st reunion of the women of ’62 in Delray Beach, June 7–10, 2013. Howard and Helene Schwartz Kenvin welcomed Cobi Faller Camberlein, Dale Burg, Pat Street, Martha Reeves, Leslie Armstrong, Ruth Bailyn Spodak, and Judy Stamberg to a buffet dinner at their home Friday night. Elaine Remley Perachio and Anne Klotz Siviglia arrived on Saturday. Some strolls to the beach and dips in the hotel pool were involved, and Martha amused us with her comic monologues, but mostly we dined and talked. We agreed that sharing hours of intimate conversation, sometimes with classmates we knew only casually when our lives intersected some 55 years ago, was a remarkable experience—unexpectedly pleasurable, restorative, and rewarding. The weekend was such a huge success that we who attended have already started planning a 52nd reunion in 2014. We’ll keep you posted.”

From the March/April 2013 Issue

Bond by the sea at a laid-back 51st reunion for the women of ’62: June 7–10 at the Hyatt Place Hotel, Delray Beach, Fla. (steps to downtown, jitney to beach, near many attractions). Book by April 23 for great rates. For more details contact Dale Burg or Helene Schwartz Kenvin.

Linda and Gene Kopf joined 17 other Brown Travelers for two weeks in China. Gene writes: “Accompanied at all times by two Chinese guides and Brown Professor Dore Levy, who provided terrific daily insights as well as formal lectures on Chinese culture, history, literature, and poetry. The trip provided fantastic understanding of China yesterday, as well as today, visiting not only the major points of interest, but having intimate dialog with rural and urban families, hobnobbing in local markets, and travelling by rickshaw, bus, boat, and plane around the country. The tremendous modernity of infrastructure, roads, bridges, buildings, and airports made you think you were entering a Third World country upon returning to the U.S.”

Katharine Doyle Stanford is doing well in southern Oregon. She sees her grandchildren regularly.

Joanne Steele writes: “I am organizing from the grassroots: feminism, anti-hydrofracking, environment, real estate, anti-racism, democracy, LGTBQ, etc. I’m having a great time and doing well financially, having sold before the market went down and after it went way up. I’m active in my Unitarian Universalist congregation and serve on several boards, including our local historical society. I chair our area Sierra Club. I’m an active kayaker here in the foothills of the Catskills. What a life! So far, so good. I hope that’s true for you, too!”

From the January/February 2013 Issue


Dale Burg writes: “Bond by the Sea: The 51st reunion for the Women of ’62 will take place June 7–10 at the Hyatt Place Hotel, Delray Beach, Fla. Book by April 23 for a great group rate.” For more details contact Dale or Helene Schwartz Kenvin


From the November/December 2012 Issue

Copresident Dale Burg writes: “Announcing the first-ever 51st reunion of the former Pembroke (now Brown) class of 1962 for women who requested more chat time or missed the 50th. It will take place at the Hyatt Place Hotel, Delray Beach, Fla., June 7–10, 2013. We already have sign-ups! For more details about special rates and amenities, contact Dale Burg. 

From the September/October 2012 Issue

Class copresidents Dale Burg and Len Charney report; “A bigger-than-expected crowd of 227 alums came to our extraordinary 50th reunion. In addition to the usual University functions, there were mini-reunions for several Pembroke freshman dorms at class headquarters on Friday afternoon, and several classmates came up with other creative ideas that were enthusiastically received: John South ran a Friday golf tournament that attracted a couple of dozen players; Helen Nathan arranged for a Saturday morning tour of the RISD Museum; Susan Wheaton Ball organized a post-lunch ‘Reflections’ panel on Saturday that included Nancy Otto Low, Ron Barba, Gary Bowen, Tally Saltonstall Forbes, and Robert Zeff. Helene Schwartz Kenvin and Tally Saltonstall Forbes curated an impressive exhibit of classmates’ books and artworks. After dinner Saturday, Stanley Freedman entertained with a clarinet solo, Tom McMullen played bugle fanfares, and Steve Foote organized a choral entertainment (with 24 participants) that you can view online at thanks to Will Ryan. The Reunion Book, edited by Helene Schwartz Kenvin, received rave reviews. See some reunion pics at the class of 1962 page at, and keep your contact info updated in the online directory. Also, we encourage you to join the class of 1962 page on Facebook.”

From the March/April 2012 Issue

Class president Len Charney reports: “The big 50th for ’62 celebration—May 25–27, 2012—will take place in less than three months. So far we know of 200 classmates definitely planning to attend, as well as dozens of maybes. We expect a record turnout! Copresidents Dale Burg and I encourage you to return to Brown and to urge others to join the celebration. Make sure you get all the updates and info. Advise us or contact Brown with any new e-mail or snail-mail changes of address.”

Robert Traub retired in 2007 after working as a financial planner at MetLife for 25 years.

From the January/February 2012 Issue

Class president Len Charney reports: "More than 122 alums committed to coming to our 50th reunion May 25–27, even before the reunion mailing went out in January." Len and copresident Dale Burg encourage you to attend and to make sure that Brown has your current contact information. If you haven't received information from Brown about the reunion, contact Dale or Len.

Gail Cantini Gauthier writes: "We are enjoying quiet times, having raised two spirited children. Mark teaches algebra II honors at an inner-city high school in Orlando, and Lindsey is an operating room nurse in Boston. Both went to school in the North Country, breaking the physical ties to Brown. I would love to hear from any of my classmates."

Richard Kostelanetz has had individual entries about his work appear in various editions of A Readers Guide to Twentieth-Century Writers, Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature, Contemporary Poets, Contemporary Novelists, Postmodern Fiction, Webster's Dictionary of American Writers, The HarperCollins Reader's Encyclopedia of American Literature, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, Directory of American Scholars, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in American Art,, and, among others. He writes: "I survive in New York where I was born—unemployed and thus overworked."

G. David Miller writes: "In June I celebrated my 70th birthday in Vietnam, while working with my colleagues from UC Davis on a USAID–funded rural development project. Approximately 40 farmers and extension workers crowded into the room to sing 'Happy Birthday,' and I told the crowd how moving it was to be there on this birthday after having spent so much of my earlier life involved in the antiwar effort. I was quite surprised when this did not elicit any reaction from the group. Afterwards, one farmer approached me rather confused and asked what war was I talking about. When I answered that it was the American War, she shrugged and said, "There have been so many wars. Your war must have been way before I was born."

Linda Newman retired in 2007 after 29 years in student academic advising at the Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison. From 2007 to 2009 she was in a religious studies master's degree program at Edgewood College in Madison.

Carol Sheinblatt Press writes: "Our son, Matthew, a New York lawyer, married in 2010, and our first grandchild was born on Thanksgiving Day 2010. Meryl, an artist and designer in San Francisco, gave birth in 2011 to a daughter. Arthur and I live in Wynnewood, Pa."

Robert Saquet was reelected to his 25th one-year term as moderator for the town of Mansfield, Mass. Robert writes: "I am still not retired and enjoy the challenge of being a retailer in today's strange economy."

John South writes: "Martha and I plan to be there for the 50th reunion. Hope to see lots of our old (I guess) friends."

From the November/December 2011 Issue

Copresident Len Charney reports: "The big 50th celebration for '62 is May 25–27, 2012. Dale Burg and I encourage you to attend and to urge classmates to come along. It's a once-in-a-lifetime event. It's a chance to see old friends and make new memories. Based on initial responses, we're going to have a very big turnout! Contact us to volunteer for the reunion committee. Since future correspondence will be primarily by e-mail, advise us or the Alumni Office of your current e-mail address."

Judy Wessells was selected as a district director for the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), which counsels people in small businesses. Judy has been a SCORE volunteer since 2005, when she started her own small business, Organize This! Her district is Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Class copresidents Dale Burg and Len Charney write: "The big 50th for '62 celebration, May 25–27, 2012, is less than a year away. We encourage you to attend and to urge classmates to come along. Since future correspondence will be primarily by e-mail, advise us or Alumni Relations of your current e-mail address." Contact Dale and Len to volunteer for the reunion committee.

Len Charney (see Engagements & Weddings, Paul Charney '95).

Gregory E. Heath '65 ScM, a Brown electrical engineering professor from 1970 to 1976, was honored on Apr. 16 at the Heath Wing of Tatum Park Red Hill Activity Center in Middletown, N.J., for his 40-year career in teaching and engineering research and his contributions to family, friends, church, and community. Delaware Governor Jack Markell '82 presented Gregory with a proclamation, and the Bertha C. Heath Foundation gave him a Lifetime Achievement Award. Guests from across the nation and around the world included scores of Brown and Stanford alums, MIT colleagues and friends, and Omega Psi Phi brothers. Following the tribute, guests celebrated Gregory's 70th birthday at a dinner dance at the Lakeside Manor in Hazlet, N.J.

Dorothy Pierce McSweeny writes she has a new granddaughter, Madelaine, born Aug. 28, 2010, who joins 3-year-old brother Warren. Dorothy currently chairs the board of the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation.

Judy Hexter Riskind writes: "It's patch, patch, patch these days. Just had a revision of a 17-year-old hip replacement. Happy to report all is well. I'm looking forward to seeing all my classmates—bionic or not at our 50th reunion in 2012."

From the May/June 2011 Issue

The big 50th celebration (May 25–27, 2012) is only a year away. Copresidents Dale Burg and Len Charney encourage you to attend. Contact them to volunteer for the reunion committee. Let them know if you didn't receive the initial 50th reunion advisory sent in January. Update the alumni office with your current email address and check the website ( for updates.

Dale Burg coauthored Reclaim Your Nest Egg with wealth manager Ken Kamen. The book was named one of last year's top financial books by Library Journal. Dale writes: "Ken was great to work with, and it was nice to be singled out in such a competitive field."

Andy Dean is retired and painting. View his work at

James Dietz just published his four-volume autobiography. The first two volumes, Sidetracked and Scribbler, deal with his four years at Brown (1958–1962). All four volumes are available on

Gene Kopf spends summers in the N.C. mountains, while living on Jupiter Island, Fla., the rest of the year. He fishes, travels, attends courses at Florida Atlantic Univ., spends time with his grandkids, and serves on several boards.

Susan Miller Maguire and Paul Maguire '61 enjoy retired life playing golf and volunteering in various organizations. Susan is on the board of directors of their town's new community center. They took their two daughters, their sons-in-law, and four grandchildren to Costa Rica for Christmas. All enjoyed zip-lining, tubing down class-three rapids, and horseback riding. Susan writes: "Just trying not to admit to 70!"

Robert C. McGuinness retired to Sedona, Ariz., 10 years ago. He writes: "For several years, we have participated in a group that provides clothing, food, and blankets to the Hopi-Tewa Elders of the Hopi Reservation. A couple of years ago, we became active in Futures for Children, selecting a Hopi-Tewa girl to mentor. Encouraging students to complete their education is crucial to the success of Native Americans. Our daughters and grandchildren have even participated with us."

Martha Kees Orrick writes: "My husband, Bill, is retired from his contracting business. We are both full-time Jehovah's Witness ministers. We have traveled to Nigeria, Russia, and South Korea. Sons Jesse and Homer and their wives are also full-time ministers. Will has his PhD in physics and is doing research and teaching in the mathematics department at Indiana Univ. It would be great to see my classmates at the 50th reunion."

Randolph Steinen '73 PhD volunteers at the Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey and works part-time there when grants are funded. His wife, Derri, sells her paintings from a gallery in their house. They plan to move to their Newport (R.I.) condo in a few years.

Patricia Linder Teele spent two weeks over Christmas vacation in China with her daughter, Cindy Teele '83, and granddaughter, Caroline, 10.

Robert D. Traub and his wife, Patricia, write that, although they have been flying over or driving through Providence twice a year on their way to Nantucket to visit Bob's daughter and two grandsons, they haven't been on campus since 2002.

Ralph Watson retired in 2006 and sold his home in Providence in 2010. He now lives by the ocean in Little Compton, R.I., where he enjoys golf, sailing, visiting his kids and grandkids, traveling, and attending Brown football games.

From the March/April 2011 Issue

Copresidents Dale Burg and Len Charney encourage you to attend and to urge classmates to come along to the big 50th celebration: May 25–27, 2012. "Contact us to volunteer for the reunion committee. Let us know if you didn't receive the initial 50th reunion advisory sent in January. Check our website: for updates as we get closer to reunion. Because future correspondence will be primarily by e-mail, advise us or the alumni office of your current e-mail address."

David Casey (see Engagements & Weddings, Christopher Casey).

Len Charney and his wife, Marsha, announce the Oct. 16 marriage of their son Paul '95 to Amanda Margulies '96 at Taber Ranch, Capay Valley, Northern California. Many Brown friends of Paul and Amanda were present, as were Len's cousin Anne Berchenko Weisholtz '74 and her husband, Steve Weisholtz '74.

From the January/February 2011 Issue

John J. Donovan is enjoying worldwide travel in retirement. He will celebrate his 70th birthday with his wife in Antarctica.

Stephen Pizer, professor of computer science in the college of arts and sciences at the Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and adjunct professor in the departments of radiation oncology, biomedical engineering, and radiology, has been named a Fellow of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention Society (MICCAI). Among his other accomplishments, he is one of the founding members of the society and has authored or co-authored 287 papers and book chapters, including two textbooks on numerical computing. He also founded the Medical Image Display and Analysis Group at UNC.

George H. Wales Jr.'s daughter Kathleen Wales '89 is a social worker in Alaska, and his other daughter, Lauren Wales '90, is the mother of his two granddaughters in Conn. His son, Herrick (Colby '87), is the father of his two grandsons and teaches in Marblehead, Mass. George and his wife, Judy, enjoy Tucson and regularly see Shane and Charles Rood '61. George and Judy traveled to Europe last April and were stranded in Venice by the volcanic ash cloud.

Rosemary Rice Walton's husband, Bill, died in February 2008. She has returned to Boston after 42 years in Virginia to be near her children and Pembroke friends Charlene Stephens Brock, Helen Garretson Clinton, and Margaret Thompson.

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Emily Mott-Smith Mackenzie writes: "Our fourth granddaughter, Isla, was born in November 2009, helping perpetuate the family matriarchy. In May 2009, Pam Jackson Isayama and her husband visited us in Maine."

From the July/August 2010 Issue

Charlotte Tiedeman Feldman spent time in Syria in 2009 and 2010 and is currently taking small groups there on introductory tours. She writes: "The reality is quite different from what is reported in The New York Times. I would be happy to have classmates join me."

Donald Friary was elected to the Council of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. He was also appointed a member of the Massachusetts Historical Commission.

Dorothy Pierce McSweeny chairs the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation's board of directors.

Margery Russel Goddard Whiteman is consulting for nonprofit boards on governance, strategic planning, and fundraising. She writes that she enjoys being the grandparent of a 3¬Ω-year-old (see also Elizabeth Dickson '07).

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Steven Foote writes: "I am now Principal Emeritus in my Boston architectural firm, Perry Dean Rogers & Partners, which allows me to travel and paint with my wife, Josie. We divide our time between Cambridge and Kansas City, Kans., where much of her family is, and we have grandchildren in both cities."

Gene Kopf writes that he and his wife, Linda, spent August and September fighting off black bears in N.C. as weather inspired a bumper crop of cubs who enjoyed visiting their bird feeders. The cold and snow drove the sailfish south in record numbers for great fishing off the coast of Jupiter Island. Mike Reid visited to enjoy the weather.

William W. Porter continues real estate development and management in upstate N.Y. He also operates his family farm in Snow Hill, Md. He preached 20 Sundays in Presbyterian churches in upstate N.Y. in 2009.

Judith Hexter Riskind is enjoying life in Tucson, Ariz., and Steamboat Springs, Colo. She writes that she will be turning 70 soon and is trying to live life to the fullest and stay in good health.



From the January/February 2010 Issue


Charles B. Swartwood III (see Peter Kocot '78).


From the November/December 2009 Issue

Emily Mott-Smith MacKenzie writes that she had a great reunion with her ex-roommate Pamela Jackson Isayama in May. Pamela and her husband visited Emily at her home on the Maine coast, where they watched the annual alewives' spring run upstream and rode in a lobster boat. Pamela and her husband live in Hawaii, so visits from them are few and far between. They hope to see Pamela again at the 50th reunion.

From the September/October 2009 Issue

Philip Makanna writes that after graduating from Brown he rode a BSA Road Rocket motorcycle from Providence to San Francisco, and has lived in Calif. ever since. He received an MFA from UC Berkeley in 1964, and taught art until 1973. He also raced motorcycles in the '60s and worked as an artist and a filmmaker. Currently he photographs antique aircraft and has created an independent publishing company called GHOSTS. Visit Philip's website at

From the July/August 2009 Issue

John Muldoon retired from government service after three years in the U.S. Marines and 30-plus years with the CIA. He is now a consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton and living in Va. with his wife, Karen. They have three children and two grandchildren. He'd like to hear from classmates.

Gary Richardson writes: "After many years as a real estate broker in Marin County, Calif., I have retired and live in Tiburon, Calif. While I enjoy the wonderful weather and lifestyle of the Bay Area, I admit that I miss the change of seasons in my home state of Conn. I return there often to visit family. My daughter and her family live in the nearby town of Mill Valley. Does anyone remember the wild days of living in Judson House dorm? It was a former frat house and had a huge martini glass with olives painted on the roof. I remember several of my dorm-mates, but cannot help but wonder about the best ragtime piano player that I have heard, Kevin O'Leary. I would enjoy hearing from classmates."

From the May/June 2009 Issue

Robert Ashcom '69 MAT writes that he farms, writes, fox hunts, and has five grandchildren. He and his wife, Susan, will celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary this year.

Class copresident Len Charney is a diversified entertainment and intellectual property lawyer in New York City. Len's wife, Marsha, is a retired teacher who tutors and works part-time for her former school district in Mamaroneck, N.Y. Their son Paul '95 is associate creative director at a San Francisco advertising agency. Son Rob is a client manager at VeriSign and lives with his wife in Waltham, Mass.

From the March/April 2009 Issue

Carolyn Dee Nash Bates and Avery Bates '61 live in the high desert of the Southwest and love it. Their four children are situated in great western cities, giving them opportunities for lots of beautiful road trips. Carolyn and Avery have six grandchildren, with the most recent addition twins born in Denver. Carolyn writes that she is happily painting and exhibiting locally. Ave is passionate about biking and did the 109-mile Tour de Tucson on Nov. 22.

Gene Kopf and Linda winter on Jupiter Island, Fla., and summer outside Asheville, N.C. Gene writes: "Florida is offshore fishing and courses at Florida Atlantic Univ.'s honors campus, catching up on everything I slept through at Brown. Highlight of the summer was four weeks in the Baltics."

Dorothy Pierce McSweeny writes that she has a new grandson, Warren Maverick Burns, who was born on Feb. 29, 2008—leap year day. Dorothy has also become chair emeritus of the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities.

Gerald Pouliot practices gynecology and recently passed the voluntary North American Menopausal Society exam for certification as a menopausal practitioner. He enjoys the company of his wife, Marjory, and their three daughters and four grandchildren.

David Rust has retired from the Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), where he led the solar physics research program for 23 years. He continues solar research while also trying to understand cubism and abstract expressionism by copying paintings by Picasso and Joan Mitchell. In May, David and his wife, Gail, vacationed with friends from the APL, touring Beijing, Xian, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. He writes: "It was sobering to see the people camped out on the streets after the May 12 earthquake that killed more than 70,000." In August David and Gail spent a week in Ann Arbor taking care of their grandchildren, Clare and Sean, while their daughter, Amy, and her husband, Peter Higgins, were in Vienna. Peter is a gastroenterologist at the Univ. of Michigan, and Amy is a soccer mom and part-time English teacher. David's son, Harlan, has two children and is a nephrologist in practice in Norfolk, Va.

Ira Steinman is a practicing psychiatrist in San Francisco. His book, Treating the Untreatable: Healing in the Realms of Madness, was published in February. The book details the benefits of intensive psychotherapy of schizophrenia in the most lost and disturbed schizophrenic and delusional patients. See more at

Patricia Linder Teele has returned from 3 1/2 weeks in Jordan, Israel, and Sinai.

From the January/February 2009 Issue

Dale Burg's son, Alden Nusser, and his rap group, Team Facelift, were among the entertainers on campus for the October Homecoming Weekend.

Matthew P. Fink's book, The Rise of Mutual Funds: An Insider's View, has been published by Oxford University Press.

Steve Pizer and his colleagues at the Univ. of North Carolina founded Morphormics Inc.and recently concluded an agreement for their software to be connected to the radiation-treatment-planning software of Accuray Inc. As a result, Steve spends half his time with Morphormics as vice president for science and half his time at UNC in the computer science and radiation oncology departments. His book, Medial Representations: Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, which he coauthored, was published by Springer in October.

From the September/October 2008 Issue

Earle R. Halsband writes: "I am still working as a maxillo-facial surgeon but spend most of my time in Florida perfecting myself as well as my golf and tennis games. I have become a student of the Yiddish language and literature. My wife, Carol, and I are proud parents of two, including Robin Halsband '92, and grandparents of three. Thanks for the memories!"

From the July/August 2008 Issue

Leonard J. Charney writes: "Thanks to those of you who sent in your $25 dues, which are still being accepted at: Class of '62, c/o Alumni Office, Box 1859, Providence, R.I. 02912. Check our Class of '62 Web site, which was updated in late April with lots of new class news and recent photos, and contact Dale Burg or myself if you are interested in a mini-reunion in Florida, D.C., California, or elsewhere."

Samuel G. Friedman writes: "I am still working in our family real estate company. My son, Geoff, a recovering lawyer, has taken over. He's a tough boss. I have five kids and eight grandchildren."

Michael Goldfield writes: "I am practicing psychiatry in San Mateo, Calif. I also spent time with Paul Choquette '60 on a Brown Travelers' trip to France."

Brent D. Moore, Nate Chace, Carl Hally, and Tom Rutherford have annual summer reunions in Rhode Island. Last summer they met in Little Compton at the summer home of former President Barnaby Keeney, which Brent and his daughter Martina de Avila Moore '91 recently purchased.

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Gene Kopf writes that he spends winters fishing off Jupiter Island, Fla., in the Gulf Stream and farming in the North Carolina mountains in the summer. He is still studying film, literature, and current events at Florida Atlantic Univ. Gene and Linda are also traveling to Russia and the Baltic countries this year.

Susan Miller Maguire writes: "Paul '61 and I are enjoying retired life in a golf community in the town of St. James, N.C. We are both active in community activities, volunteer work, golf, tennis, and entertaining friends. We have had visits in the past year from Alison Borton Libshitz; Doug Whitney '61 and his wife, Martha; and Chuck Rood '61 and his wife, Shane. We are also enjoying trips to Africa, China, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Peru, and Costa Rica."

Elaine Remley Perachio writes: "Adrian '61 and I are both retired now and spend summers in Grand Lake, Colo., and winters in Houston, Tex. We also enjoy visiting our daughter, Nancy, and her husband, Bret, in Tyler, Tex. Our other daughter, Elise, and her husband, Josh, are in Seattle, and our son, Glenn, and wife Sarah, and especially our grandson Carson, are in London."

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Kyra Taylor Carswell writes: “I’m still happily living in California with my husband, John. I retired from the probation department to pursue a second career doing arts and crafts and to spend time in our vacation home in Pacific Grove, Calif.”

Allen Parkman writes: “The last few years have had some noteworthy events. With a concern for the effects of age, I finally climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2004 and walked the Inca Trail in 2006. After thirty years of teaching economics at the Univ. of New Mexico, I shifted into semiretirement in 2006, which means less teaching. More recently, I published my third book: Smart Marriage: Using Your (Business) Head as Well as Your Heart to Find Wedded Bliss (Praeger, 2007). It provides insights about better decision making before and during marriage based on my teaching in a business school for 30 years and being married for a similar period.”

Katharine Doyle Stanford and her husband moved to southern Oregon to be closer to their children and grandchildren.

From the November / December 2007 Issue

Stanley Freedman and Harris Ullian ’50 of the jazz quartet Harris and the Boyz held a performance that was aired on the program Musica on Rhode Island’s interstate cable television network in late July.

Gene Kopf and his wife, Linda, write that they have sold their historic farm and downsized to a cottage in the North Carolina mountains.

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Sally Robbins Bilder writes: “We’ve been living in Madison, Wis., for forty-two years. Luckily global warming is making winter more tolerable. I recently went back to graduate school for another degree, completing it in December as the oldest student in my class. Richard is emeritus at the Univ. of Wisc. Law School but is still teaching and writing. Our four married children have pretty busy lives: Mary Sarah ’87 is a professor at Boston College Law School; Anne is an attorney for the Univ. of Wisc. college system; David is a professor at UC Berkeley; Debby a public-radio producer in Philadelphia. We have ten grandchildren.”

Joe Frankel writes: “My wife, Sue, and I recently traveled to Japan on a Brown Travelers trip. Professor of Religious Studies Hal Roth led the trip. We learned a lot and had lots of fun. Mike Goldfield and his wife, Ronnie, were on the trip, which made it even more enjoyable. We spend the winters in Florida and summers in New Jersey and spend lots of time with our two children and five grandchildren.”

Stanley Freedman (see Harris Ullian ’50).

From the July / August 2007 Issue

David B. Casey writes: “I retired in 2000 as CFO of the R.I. Department of Health, and my wife retired this year from teaching at Woonsocket Middle School. We have six children: one Brown grad, Chris ’03, and three from UVM, one from PC, and one from Emerson. Two live in Los Angeles, two in Fairfield, Conn., one in Garden City, Long Island, and one at William & Mary Law. Three are teachers, one is a lawyer, one is at William & Mary Law. We have one lab and one Jeep. My mom, Emma Warner Kershaw ’37 is looking forward to her 90th. We hope to take her down the Hill in a wheelchair. Hopefully, we’ll have three generations of Brown alums in May ’07.”

Don Friary has been elected president of the Colonial Society of Mass., an organization of historians that publishes original documents and conference proceedings in early U.S. history.

Natalie Saltonstall Forbes writes: “Since retiring as vice president of development at EQIR Water Institute, I have redirected my life to the arts. I have just opened my second solo show here in Concord, Mass., and love the change!”

Michael Goldfield writes: “My daughter, Debby, graduated from Brown in 1993, and my son, Ari, graduated from Harvard in 1990 and Harvard Law in 1993. I practice full-time forensic psychiatry. My wife, Ronnie, is a retired art-gallery owner. I also won the U.S. Masters Squash Championships.”

Carol Tarlin Harrington writes: “After forty years of management consulting, Harold and I retired to the Pacific Northwest to garden almost year-round. I earned my Master Gardener designation within a year of moving here so now I’m really clear about what I don’t know. My lifelong hobby of knitting led to part-time work at a local needlework store where I design knitted garments and teach, as well as sell. We are almost through our ordeal of building our ‘dream’ house and will move in soon. I am six chapters into writing a romance novel that will be continued once we’ve unpacked. I won’t come east for the 45th, but the 50th is tempting.”

Priscilla Parmakian Kirshbaum writes: “In May our son’s new wife and her 7-year-old triplet girls moved to Denver from Tex. A month later, our daughter in New York City had a baby boy. With some helpful lodging advice from native New Yorker Dale Burg, we were able to locate a great apartment sublet for a few weeks just seven easy walking blocks away. Meanwhile, back in Denver, I have retired from my research business and am doing some volunteer work and looking for a new avocation. Howard retired from senior judging but continues to work full-time, doing mediation and arbitration for the Judicial Arbiter Group.”

Dorothy Pierce McSweeny writes: “As chair of the D.C. Arts Commission, I just returned from South Africa and earlier West Africa as a member of D.C. Mayor Williams’s Cultural and Trade Delegation. We also managed a safari afterwards. It was a fascinating experience!”

Bob Murphy writes: “I still enjoy supporting the Department of Defense IT clients as a program manager with Apptis Inc. I am as passionate about the Washington Capitals Hockey as I was at Meehan Auditorium on the Hill. My current thrill is quality time with my two granddaughters, ages 2 and 9 months, with a third one on the way.”

Susan Budnitz Sokoloff writes: “I recently had lunch with my twin sister, Sandy Budnitz Mosk, and Dale Burg. We reminisced about our ‘old’ times and former classmates. My husband and I celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary in June and are expecting our sixth grandchild.”

Patricia Linder Teele writes: “I have retired to southern Calif. to be near my daughter Cindy ’83. I enjoy traveling and have been to Japan, India, Bhutan, Peru, and the Amazon rainforest within the past two years. I love Pasadena, Calif., and would love to have old friends visit my new city.”

Frances Vincentelli Verstandig writes: “In 1999 I retired as executive director of the Ala. School of Fine Arts Foundation. Since then I have been transitioning off boards and now serve only on the boards of the Ala. Symphony, public radio, and a statewide children’s advocacy group. I travel a lot.”

George H. Wales Jr. writes: “My daughter Lauren ’90 had a second daughter in Oct., and my daughter Katie ’90 earned her MSW in May—first in her class. My son Herrick (Colby ’87) has two boys and teaches in Marblehead, Mass. My wife, Judy, and I, now fully retired, travel and enjoy Tucson. We often see Chuck ’61 and Shane Reed, and Sally Campolucci, widow of Roger Campolucci ’61.”

From the May / June 2007 Issue

Leslie Armstrong is alive and well in New York City, still practicing architecture and interior design, and teaching at F.I.T. She remains in touch with Elizabeth Diggs ’61, Emily McCully ’61, and Joyce Reed ’61, ’65 AM.

Ernest Lampe and Susan have moved to downtown Minneapolis. Ernest continues to practice general surgery, now in a single specialty group of eight that allows him to keep his own pace. Their son, Ernest ’97, is an electrical engineer in San Jose, Calif. Both are planning on attending their respective reunions this May.

From the March / April 2007 Issue

Susan Chipman Kline writes: “I have officially retired from my job in senior management with the nation’s second-largest visiting nurse association, but continue to work on publications, which was always my favorite facet of the job. I recently completed a full-color publication devoted to the agency’s hospice and palliative-care program, for which I wrote the copy and took all the photographs. It has been a rich privilege for me to meet and interview patients and their families over the years. Rob ’61 is still working in commercial real estate appraisal, his second career. Our son is in the yacht business on the Chesapeake, and our daughter is an executive with the Home Depot in South Jersey. In our leisure we enjoy choral singing, sailing our Sanderling on the Shrewsbury River, duplicate bridge, and travel. We’re active in the local Brown club and would love to hear from other class members who live in central New Jersey.”

William W. Porter writes: “I’m privileged to be a lay preacher for the Presbyterian Church. I preach regularly in churches in upstate New York.”

Ralph E. Steuer, professor of finance and chair of business at the University of Georgia was a keynote speaker at the 21st European conference on operational research held at the University of Iceland July 2-5, 2006.

John R. South writes: “The big item is the marriage of our baby, Julie (now 35), to Matt Gerstle on Memorial Day weekend 2006. They now live in Haverhill, Mass. Julie is a marketing manager with IBM (Web Portal software). We now have two grandchildren. Will is six, born very premature (at week 26, weighing one pound, nine ounces) and is doing well. Laura (his mom) got out of the production business, but ‘outsourced’ by adopting a beautiful girl from Korea. Abigail was two in October. Martha and I just returned from my high school reunion in Rio de Janeiro. We had a wonderful week in a beautiful place, but one that’s a lot less safe than when I was growing up there. Aside from having our camera slashed off my shoulder, we enjoyed ourselves immensely. By the way, Peter Franaszek attended Julie’s wedding with his wife, Ann. Hope to see many of our classmates at the reunion in May.”

From the January / February 2007 Issue

Bob Traub and his wife, Pat, journeyed to Nantucket Island to visit Bob’s daughter Anne-Marie as they usually do in late September/early October, but this year the occasion was special: Anne-Marie was married to Bruce B. Conlin, as witnessed by approximately 135 friends and relatives from all over the U.S. and various international locales.

From the September / October 2006 Issue


Steve Foote writes: “I married Josie Pickard (Vassar ’65) on April 22. Tris Coffin was at the wedding. I met Josie in France in 2001 on a painting trip, actually over 9/11. She is a former librarian at the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum in Kansas City, Mo. She is an accomplished painter and has work on display and for sale in Kansas City galleries from time to time. Josie has a son and daughter living in Kansas City, along with her one-year-old grandson. Our families fit together beautifully, as her children are just months different in age from my two daughters, and my grandsons are 5-months- and 5-years-old respectively. We live in Cambridge, Mass., but will be dividing our time between Shawnee Mission, Kans., and here in the future. My architectural practice at Perry Dean Rogers|Partners in Boston is thriving, and what with music, painting, and sailboats filling in the extra time, life seems busier and better than ever before.”

From the May / June 2006 Issue

William E. Boutelle writes: “So, after almost forty-four years, I’m getting around to writing to BAM. The occasion is my recent (December) retirement from the VA health care system after thirty-three years of federal service. After graduation I earned my MD at the New Jersey College of Medicine, and then trained in psychiatry at both the New York Hospital and Boston’s Beth Israel Hospital. After two years in the Navy, I joined the VA and became interested in the administration of health care. Since 1994, I had been the chief of staff of the 300-bed VA Medical Center in Northampton, Mass., as well as a practicing psychiatrist. During my tenure at the VA, I found time for some research, as well as clinical teaching at Boston University, Harvard, and Yale medical schools, turning in my last faculty appointment a couple of years ago. It’s fair to say that my family qualifies as a Brown family. My father, also William, was class of ’31. My three children—Jonathan ’97, Laura ’98, and Alexander ’05—have all profited from their experiences at Brown. Jonathan and his wife, Rashmi Sinha ’99 PhD, were married in India in 1999, and have founded a software consulting business,, based in Mountain View, Calif., and Delhi, India. Laura trained in architecture at UC Berkeley, and now works in that field in Berkeley, Calif. Alexander works for Goldman Sachs in New York City. The only non-Brunonian in the family is my dear wife of thirty-eight years, Annie Boutelle, a poet (Becoming Bone and Nest of Thistles, two volumes published in 2005) and English professor at Smith College. Together, we spent over twenty years on a farm in the Berkshires raising animals and children, but have now moved to a less labor-intensive lifestyle in Northampton. Retiring from the government does not mean retiring from life or from medicine. I’m currently working in two different psychiatric clinical positions in the Northampton area, and I very much hope that my strength and health allow me to continue trying to help people for some time to come.”

Bob Traub and his wife, Pat Stewart, will journey as usual at the end of May to Nantucket Island to visit Bob’s daughter Anne-Marie and their two grandsons. In addition to the family visit, Bob will be assigned to garden and border duty in preparation for summer boarders at the main house. Pat will be assigned cooking and child-care duties to give her daughter-in-law a break. A shipment of blueberry bushes is expected to augment the extensive raspberry patch.

From the March / April 2005 Issue

Members of the classes of ’61, ’62, ’63, and even some representatives from ’64 and ’65 gathered Oct. 17 at Harbour Lights in New York City’s South Street Seaport. There are plans to organize similar gatherings this spring in Washington, D.C., and/or Boston. Contact Dale Burg if you’re interested in participating.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Class officers are planning a mini-reunion brunch in New York City on Oct. 17. If you plan to visit Manhattan, make us part of your weekend. We’d like contiguous classes to join us. RSVP and send suggestions, comments, or questions to Dale Burg.

John Seely Brown has been elected to serve on’s board of directors. He is the eighth board member and the seventh independent member.

Bob Traub and his wife, Patricia Stewart, visited Bob’s daughter Anne-Marie and first grandchild, Ellery, over Memorial Day weekend. Anne-Marie has been a resident of Nantucket for the past twelve years, following her graduation from Virginia Commonwealth Univ. and Northeastern.

From the July / August 2004 Issue

Class president Dale Burg writes that the class of ’62 will hold a New York City reunion at noon on Oct. 17, with brunch at a restaurant to be announced. “We would love to have contiguous classes join us,” he says.

Don Friary retired on Dec. 31, 2002, after twenty-eight years as executive director of Historic Deerfield Inc. He is now director emeritus and senior research fellow at the Western Massachusetts Museum and has established a consulting practice called History for Hire.

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Kenneth Blackman, Alan Grace, and Neal Kurk (see Karen Grace ’94).

From the March / April 2004 Issue

Jane Levin Mallow and Helen Nathan (see Heather Mallow ’91).

Carol Markovitz Raskin (see Eve Raskin Anderson ’91).

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Marion Otis Barnes writes: “After twenty-five years, I’m retiring from teaching at a small, artsy elementary school. I’m looking forward to having blocks of time to create, but I’ll miss the daily contact with those kids.”

Randolph Steinen ’73 Ph.D. writes: “I retired from the geology department of the University of Connecticut in 2002. I work part-time at Sharpe Hill Vineyards in Pomfret, Conn., as a stonemason and vineyard help.”

From the November / December 2003 Issue

Rosemary Shea Caputo (see Lisa Caputo Morris ’86).

From the March / April 2003 Issue

Joe Frankel writes that he recently retired from Prudential Financial after thirty-three years at the company. Joe was vice president and New Jersey counsel. Joe and his wife, Sue, live at the Jersey shore and Jupiter, Fla. Their two children have made them the proud grandparents of four.

Randolph Steinen ’73 Ph.D. writes that he became an emeritus faculty member in June after thirty years at the Univ. of Connecticut. He works part-time at a local vineyard, Sharpe Hill, doing vineyard and winery chores and rebuilding old stone fences.

From the November / December 2002 Issue

Harvey and Peggy Snyder Hinman (see Page Sargisson '97).

Stuart Sargisson (see Page Sargisson '97).

Barbara Bromer van Achterberg (see Meg van Achterberg '93).

From the September / October 2002 Issue

Martha R. Reeves writes that she was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree at the New England School of Law's ninety-first commencement on May 24. Reeves, who has served as an administrative law judge for the Social Security Administration since 1991, was recognized for her advocacy work in her criminal defense practice and for her active involvement in social security issues.

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Report from reunion headquarters: "Reunion plans are complete. We hope to see you at Brown for a great weekend May 24-27. Join us at your class events, Campus Dance, the Pops Concert, and the Commencement March. Register at If you haven't received your reunion mailing, please contact (401) 863-1947;"

Leslie Armstrong writes: "I am teaching design at Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City and practice architecture and interior design part-time. I divide my time between New York, Springfield, Mass., and London. I continue to serve Robert College of Istanbul as trustee and cochair of its building committee and the Helicon Foundation as an adviser."

From the November / December 2000 Issue

Donald R. Friary, executive director and secretary of Historic Deerfield, celebrated his twenty-fifth year at the helm of the western Massachusetts museum village. Donald also serves on several museum and academic boards and lectures throughout the country about Historic Deerfield, American history, and American decorative arts.

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Joe Frankel writes that he celebrated thirty years at Prudential. He is vice president and New Jersey counsel in charge of New Jersey government relations. He has also served five terms as mayor of Eatontown, New Jersey. Joe and his wife, Sue, have two children and two grandchildren, Sarah and Will.

Ray Rhinehart has published Princeton University: An Architectural Tour (Princeton Architectural Press), a 198-page guide to the university’s architecture. Ray writes that the guide, which includes a foreword by Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, is the most recent installment of a series that highlights college campuses of unusual architectural distinction. A guide on the architecture of Brown is in the planning stage.

John Sedgewick (see Rose Whelan Sedgewick ’25).

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Bob Ashcom ’69 M.A.T. published Lost Hound (Derrydale Press), a collection of foxhunting stories and poems. Bob is an assistant professor of English at Lord Fairfax Community College in Warrenton, Va. He has a 116-acre farm, on which he runs a cow and calf operation with his wife.

Carol Cargill writes that she continues to teach at the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg. She researches language acquisition and language attrition, especially in the case of Alzheimer’s disease. She is working on three more books: Americans Crossing Cultures, French Stories for Children, and Insights into Teaching American English. Most of her work involves arranging for student and scholar exchanges through U.S.F. or through her research and consulting group, the Pan American University Foundation in Largo, Fla. Alhough Carol lives in Florida most of the time, she maintains a home in Narragansett, R.I. She has two grandsons, ages 9 and 6, and a daughter in Cambridge, Mass. She writes: "To any of you in Florida, keep in touch."

Robert Herstoff, of Huntington Beach, Calif., writes that he retired after twenty-five years with the Southern California Permanente Medical Group. He now devotes his time to sailing, woodworking, and other interests.

Richard Kostelanetz has published Political Essays (Autonomedia). A second edition of his Dictionary of the Avant Gardes (Schirmer) is slated to be published this season, as is his Thirty Years of Visible Writing (BGB Press) and reprints of his Another E.E. Cummings (Liveright) and John Cage, Writer (Cooper Square). He writes: "An East Village Barnes & Noble recently exhibited my Word Prints."

Neal Kurk (see Kendra Kurk Anderson ’89).

John Payne, of Los Angeles, writes that he celebrated his twenty-fifth year on the faculty of the California Institute of the Arts, where he is assistant dean of the music school and director of the program in music technology.

From the March / April 2000 Issue

Michael Davis (see Jon Davis ’90).

From the November / December 1999 Issue

Kenneth Blackman (see Susan Blackman Tilson '89).

Barbara Bromer Van Achterberg (see Meg Van Achterberg '93).

Richard Holbrooke (see Jennifer Lewis Yamron '90).

From the May / June 1999 Issue

John Andes writes: "Well, it seems that our classmate, Richard Holbrooke, has done it again. First he ends a war that continues to kill hundreds, and now he becomes two people in one. Working for Credit Suisse First Boston and the State Department, he arranged, via the U.S. Embassy, meetings with South Korean officials within a year of stepping down as assistant secretary of state for European and Canadian affairs. This clearly violates the conflict-of-interest laws. Mr. Holbrooke has a long way to go to reach the multiplicity of Eve, who had sixteen faces. This violation cost Mr. Holbrooke only $5,000. Now Mr. Holbrooke can take the Clinton brand of honesty into the United Nations. Ah, ain't politics grand? Stay tuned for more of 'See Dick Ruin'."

Ray Merson (see Dave Merson '89).

From the September / October 1998 Issue

Eugene Straus has published Rosalyn Yalow, Nobel Laureate: Her Life and Work in Medicine (Plenum). Eugene, formerly a professor of medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University, is a professor of medicine and chief of digestive diseases at the State University of New York Health Sciences Center. He lives in New York City and is a contributing editor and columnist for the Earth Times newspaper.

From the July / August 1998 Issue

Richard Kostelanetz, New York City, edited the anthology Another E.E. Cummings (Liveright). Richard writes: "It is dedicated to S. Foster Damon, my great teacher some forty years ago, who should not be forgotten. I also edited a Virgil Thomson reader that is dedicated to Damon for the same reason. It should appear in the next year or two."

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Michael D. Shapiro and his wife, Ann-Louise Sticklor Shapiro '80 Ph.D., bicycled on Coastal Highway 1 from San Francisco to Santa Barbara this fall. From there, they traveled to Los Angeles, where they visited Michael's sophomore roommate, Joel A. Cassel, and his wife, Lise. They were joined for dinner by Anthony Rosenthal and his wife, Lyn. "Our California friends were shocked that we undertook this trip without a support van or even a cellular phone," Michael writes. Michael continues to practice law in New London, Conn., and Ann-Louise is a history professor at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Conn.

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Michael D. Shapiro and his wife, Ann-Louise Sticklor Shapiro '80 Ph.D., bicycled on Coastal Highway 1 from San Francisco to Santa Barbara this fall. From there, they traveled to Los Angeles, where they visited Michael's sophomore roommate, Joel A. Cassel, and his wife, Lise. They were joined for dinner by Anthony Rosenthal and his wife, Lyn. "Our California friends were shocked that we undertook this trip without a support van or even a cellular phone," Michael writes. Michael continues to practice law in New London, Conn., and Ann-Louise is a history professor at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Conn.

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Don Friary's son Richard '97 graduated last May. Since 1975 Don has been executive director of Historic Deerfield Inc., a museum of New England history and art located in Deerfield, Mass. He also serves as president of the trustees of the Williamstown Art Conservation Center. Don was elected to resident membership in the Massachusetts Historical Society last April.

Earle Halsband is happy to announce the engagement of his daughter, Robin '92, to Jeremy Spector (Yale '92). Jeremy is the brother of Adam Spector '90, who is married to Sylvia Katzner (RISD '89), daughter of Louis Katzner. Robin is studying for her master's degree at the Yale University School of Management. A June wedding is planned, and all the Brown alums are looking forward to a reunion.

Richard Kostelanetz reports that a chapter about his fiction appeared in Larry McCaffery's Some Other Frequency: Interviews with Innovative American Authors (University of Pennsylvania). The Medicine Show in New York City staged a reading of his Minimal Audio Plays in May. Richard's work also was featured in a visual poetry exhibit at the John Hay Library last winter, and Schirmer Books has published his Writings on Glass, A Frank Zappa Companion, and A B.B. King Companion. "Individual entries on me appear in both A Reader's Guide to 20th Century Writers (Oxford) and the Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature, where my name is one of ten thousand from all time," he writes. "The only other Brown alumnus I can find in either of these last two books is Nathanael West."

Lillian Robinson '62 A.M. has published In the Canon's Mouth: Dispatches from the Culture Wars (Indiana University Press). She is a professor of English at East Carolina University.



Aug, 2024

Peter A. Papadopoulos ’62, of Windsor, Conn.; Jan. 21. After Brown, he had marketing jobs at Procter & Gamble and the Heublein liquor company, where he rose to vice president of marketing, overseeing a portfolio that included Smirnoff vodka. During his five-decade career he also was a marketing consultant for Bacardi Rum and developed a taste for an early evening martini ritual that he carried out until his health deteriorated last year. He enjoyed gambling, particularly horse races held at Saratoga Springs (N.Y.) and Lincoln Downs (R.I.). He documented all the obstacles that arose in his life in his 2012 autobiography Against All Odds, Memoirs of a Longshot. He ran marathons, rolled dolmades, tended to his tomato garden, made hand-crafted Christmas gifts for his kids, enjoyed pickup basketball games, solved crossword puzzles, and played cribbage, bridge, and chess. He is survived by his wife, Claudia; five children; 13 grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; and his former wife, Josephine Marchetti.

Aug, 2024

Linda H. Newman ’62, of Madison, Wisc.; Dec. 28, following a stroke. After graduation she moved to Madison to pursue a graduate degree from the University of Wisconsin. While there, she met and married Kenneth R. Bowling, a fellow graduate student. After earning a master’s degree she began a long career as an academic advisor in the UW history department. She later joined the School of Education academic services office as assistant dean and advisor. In 2000, she was the recipient of the school’s Ann Wallace Academic Staff Distinguished Achievement Award. She was an active participant at the university and served on many committees related to academic staff issues, including a term as the chair of the Academic Staff Executive Committee. After retiring in 2007, she worked part-time with the campus ombuds office and worked toward a graduate degree in religious studies at Edgewood College. She served on the steering committees of both Grace Episcopal and Lake Edge Lutheran churches and was involved with Just Dane (formerly Madison Urban Ministry), where she served as both board member and chair. She is survived by her longtime partner, Barbara Gerloff; a son and daughter-in-law; two grandchildren; a great-grandson; a brother; two nieces; and Barbara’s family. 

Aug, 2024

Samuel G. Friedman Jr. ’62, of Saint Simons Island, Ga.; Jan. 3. He worked for Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company in New York before joining the New Jersey Air National Guard. After finishing basic training, he moved to Atlanta and worked for Amoco Oil Company. He continued his education, earning an MBA from Georgia State, taught as an adjunct professor and developed a passion for real estate. He worked with Cousins Properties for several years and in 1971 founded a commercial real estate company named AFCO Realty. He served on and eventually chaired the Atlanta Housing Authority Board. He was a founding chairman of the Path Foundation. He served on the board of the Atlanta Kiwanis Club and was awarded the Kiwanis Golden Rule Award. He also chaired the United Service Organizations committee for many years. He was a founding director of the National Infantry Museum in Columbus, Ga., and upon his retirement from that service he was awarded the Order of Saint Maurice, which is the highest award the U.S. Army gives to civilians. In his 40s he earned his pilot’s license and enjoyed flying, running, hiking, biking, fishing, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Susan; five children; and eight grandchildren. 

Aug, 2024

Ronald A. DeLellis ’62, of Providence, R.I.; Feb. 10. Emeritus professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at Brown and consultant in pathology and laboratory medicine for Lifespan. He joined the Brown faculty in 2001 after serving as vice chairman and director of anatomic pathology at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center and professor of pathology at Cornell University Medical College. He received his medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine and completed his residency training in pathology at Mass General and the National Cancer Institute. His subspecialty was in the area of endocrine pathology. He was an author and collaborator on numerous journal articles and book chapters and served in a senior editorial role for the 2004 World Health Organization classification of endocrine tumors. He lectured and was regularly invited to speak at conferences. He served in leadership roles in various scientific organizations, including the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, and was a contributor and board member of the American Registry of Pathology. Additionally, he was a founding member of the Endocrine Pathology Society, which honored him with the society’s lifetime achievement award in 2021. A perpetual learner, he and his wife, Dolores Capobianco DeLellis ’62, participated in online courses through the Lifelong Learning Collaborative. They were generous supporters of the arts and education. He enjoyed cooking with his grandchildren, gardening, and music, especially opera. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two children and two grandchildren.

Aug, 2024

Tristram D. Coffin ’62, of Lakewood, Colo.; Jan. 18, of congestive heart failure. When he wasn’t working as a management consultant, he enjoyed entertaining others. He played the accordion well into his 70s and it was said that he played at parties while at Brown and never had to pay for a beer. He was a member of Sigma Chi and remained friends with several of his fraternity brothers throughout his life. He enjoyed outdoor activities, including downhill skiing, hiking, camping, and canoeing. In his later years, he liked going for drives in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, playing Scrabble, and attending Sunday services at the Mile Hi Church in Lakewood. He remained actively involved with the Colorado Chapter of the Institute of Management Consultants, where he served as a member of the board of directors. He is survived by his wife, Jennifer; a daughter and son-in-law; two sons; two stepsons; and his brother Howard ’61.

Aug, 2024

Kenneth D. Burrows ’62, of New York City; Dec. 14, after battling Parkinson’s disease and lung complications. He graduated from Fordham Law School and was admitted to the New York State Bar in 1971 and to the Connecticut Bar in 1993. He practiced family law in New York City for more than 50 years and was a member of the New York City Bar Association, the Connecticut Bar Association, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and numerous other committees and associations. He had a love for languages, was fluent in French, and enjoyed traveling the world. He is survived by his wife, Erica Mann Jong; two stepdaughters; four grandchildren; and a brother. 

Jun, 2024

John N. Flint ’62, of Highland Park, N.J., formerly of Evanston, Ill.; Nov. 24, from lung cancer. After graduating from Brown, he married, started a family, and moved to Evanston to attend Northwestern for his master’s in sociology and a minor in military history. He was a vocal anti-war advocate during the Vietnam War and led teach-ins. After graduation, he remained in Evanston working as an engineering liaison at Signode stainless steel piping company, then as a marketing manager. In 1976, after separating from his wife, he relocated to Chicago, where he refurbished rooms for the Art Institute and found work building architectural models for major Chicago firms. He moved to New Jersey in 1983, married again, and eventually built his own small business doing home renovation and designing kitchen remodels. Throughout his life he enjoyed playing hockey, tennis, baseball, volleyball, basketball, handball, fencing, racquetball and, later on, pickleball. He had many hobbies, including drawing, woodworking, photography, travel, cooking, listening to classical music, and solving the New York Times crossword puzzle. He designed, built, and refinished furniture and collected art and antiques. He is survived by his wife, Lynne; three children; five grandchildren, a great-grandson; and a sister.

Apr, 2024

Kenneth H. Walker ’62, of Shelter Island, N.Y.; Jul. 2. After graduating, he began his own architectural business and in 1970 founded WalkerGroup, later becoming WalkerGroup/CNI, which was acquired by WPP Group in 1987. In 1980, he also established WalkerGroup/Designs for product development, licensing, and strategic design services. In 1993, he founded Retail Options, Inc., a retail consultancy. He taught at RISD, Harvard, MIT, and the Architectural Association in London. He received many honors and awards throughout his career. He was elected a fellow of the American Institute of Architects and was a charter member of the Interior Design Hall of Fame and a member of the Young Presidents’ Organization. He also served on the Architectural Design Committee of the Museum of Modern Art and the Advisory Committee of the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum. He was chairman of the board of advisors for the College of Creative Studies in Detroit since 2011. He is survived by his wife, Mary; a brother-in-law; two nephews; and a cousin.

Apr, 2024

John R. Snyder ’62, of Indianapolis; Jul. 11. He went on to earn his law degree from the University of Michigan Law School and accepted a position at Ice Miller Donadio & Ryan, later Ice Miller, in Indianapolis. He spent his entire career with the firm and served as a managing partner for a period of years before retiring in 2003. He did legal work for Tony Hulman and for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in 1977 and later was asked to be on the Speedway board of directors, serving in that capacity until 2019. He also served as general counsel to the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States, Inc., until 1995. In 1992, he served on the board of directors of Marian University, was chair from 1999 to 2004, and was  named chairman emeritus in 2009. He was involved in several school committees, including chairing the steering committee that brought the medical school to Brown’s campus. During his career he also served on the board of directors of the Flanner House of Indianapolis, the Regenstrief Foundation and Regenstrief Institute, the Indiana Academy, and the FBI Citizens’ Academy. He enjoyed running and participated in the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon each May and the Paavo Nurmi Marathon in Wisconsin. He also enjoyed reading, photography, fishing, and auto racing. He is survived by his wife, Jennifer, and his children. 

Apr, 2024

Charles B. Keenan Jr. ’62, of Kingsville, Md.; Jul. 1. After Brown, he attended the University of Michigan Law School. He moved to Kingsville in 1965 and began practicing law in Harford County. He practiced law in Bel Air from 1966 until shortly before his passing. He was an active volunteer in the community and with many organizations including Ladew Topiary Gardens, Springboard Community Services, Harford Day School, St. John’s Episcopal Church, and the Close Foundation. He enjoyed traveling the world. He is survived by his partner, Laura T. Spadone; three sons and daughters-in-law, including son John ’94; four grandchildren; a great-grandson; a brother; and his former wife, Carolyn Wilson Keenan. 

Apr, 2024

William G. Waldau ’62, of Fort Myers, Fla., formerly of Fairfield, Conn.; Sept. 11. He was commissioned in the U.S. Marine Corps and served in the USMC Reserves followed by employment at DuPont as a programmer. Deciding to change careers, he matriculated at Villanova School of Law and practiced in Darien, Conn., until his retirement in 2002. In retirement he and his wife sailed for three years on the Intercoastal Waterway and finally settled in Fort Myers. He enjoyed gardening, woodworking, photography, and sailing. He is survived by his wife, Mary; a daughter and son-in-law; two sons and daughters-in-law; and five grandchildren, including grandson Maxwell Waldau ’22.

Apr, 2024

Theodore R. Colborn Jr. ’62, of Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.; Sept. 30, of pancreatic cancer. His career included positions at the Detroit Port Authority and the Greater Detroit Chamber of Commerce. In his later years, he worked at Barnes & Noble, was a crossing guard for the Grosse Pointe Woods Department of Public Safety, and was a gate guard at the Grosse Pointe Woods Lakefront Park. He was also a member of the Grosse Pointe Woods Tree Commission. He took on leadership positions and was a member of several fellowship groups at St. Michael’s Church, including having served as the junior warden of the St. Michael’s Vestry. He is survived by his wife, Kate; four children; six grandchildren; sisters Deborah Colborn ’60 and Ann Colborn Herrick ’68; a brother; nieces and nephews; and his former wife, Margaret Colborn. 

Nov, 2023

Raymond P. Rhinehart ’62, of Washington, D.C.; May 7. He taught English at the University of Virginia, George Washington University, and Virginia Commonwealth University. He was the arts correspondent for the Richmond NPR station for two years and drove the Arts Mobile for the Virginia Museum for a year. In 1980, he began a 35-year tenure at the American Institute of Architects and for three years was vice president of the American Architectural Foundation. He was a member of the Cathedral Choral Society of Washington for 35 years and also served on its board. He authored four books during the course of his career. He is survived by his husband, Walter R. Smalling. 


Nov, 2023

Gary Bowen ’62, of Malibu, Calif.; May 10. He was a television director and longtime member of the Directors Guild of America. He is survived by his wife, Ruth, and a daughter. 

Aug, 2023

Denis J. FitzGerald ’62, of King of Prussia, Pa.; formerly of Worcester, Mass.; Mar. 25. After Brown, he graduated from New Jersey College of Medicine and New York Eye & Ear Infirmary. He served as lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy, chief of ophthalmology at the Fallon Clinic, CEO & president of St. Vincent’s Hospital, and New England Regional Medical Director of Veterans Affairs. He is survived by his wife, Joan; two sons, including James ’91; daughter Julie FitzGerald Hess ’93; a son-in-law; and five grandchildren.

Jun, 2023

William Bryant Rawls Jr. ’62, of Pleasant Valley, N.Y.; Dec. 6. After Brown, he continued his graduate work at Columbia University, where he focused on production management and operations research. He then joined the U.S. Navy and rose to the rank of lieutenant in the Naval Reserve. Following military service, he began working at Norton Company in Worcester, Mass. In 1982, he and his family moved to Pleasant Valley and he became the president and cofounder of William B. Rawls and Sons Developers Inc. His greatest joy in life was growing Christmas trees. He would win numerous ribbons for his trees at both the New York State Fair and the Dutchess County Fair, where he was also honored as the Grand Champion many times. His love of John Deere tractors, Caterpillars, Mack trucks, and his classic Pontiacs would bring him a lifetime of enjoyment attend-ing auctions and car shows. He is survived by two stepsons, a brother-in-law, nieces, and nephews.


Jun, 2023

George Gurney ’62, of Center Harbor, N.H., formerly of Arlington, Va.; Oct. 28. He spent the year before entering Brown in England and developed a passion for art. Upon his return from England, he matriculated at Brown, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Delaware. He taught at the University of Hartford and Sweet Briar College before entering the museum profession as a fellow at the National Gallery of Art. He worked as a curator of sculpture at the Smithsonian American Art Museum for more than 25 years and was named curator emeritus at the time of his retirement. After retiring, he and his wife moved to New Hampshire and he volunteered with several environmental causes and served on the town’s Conservation Commission. He enjoyed a glass of bourbon and a game of cribbage nightly. He is survived by his wife, Susan, a daughter, and a son.


Apr, 2023

Jane French Tatlock ’62, of Lincoln, Mass.; Oct. 3. She had an adventurous spirit and after meeting her husband Dick at Brown, they could be seen riding their vintage motorcycle with their cat in the sidecar around Cambridge before settling in Lincoln. In the 1970s, after reading in the Boston Globe about a women’s hockey team, she bought skates, learned to skate and joined what became the Mother Puckers. When her children were young she helped create the Lincoln Day Camps. She was a coach for Lincoln Youth Soccer—despite originally knowing nothing about the game—and later she worked with the Council on Aging, organizing field trips to museums. Actively involved in First Parish Church, she dedicated years to gathering and editing the weekly Parish News. She also enjoyed playing the church handbells and became one of the Lincoln Handbell Ringers. She is survived by her husband, Dick ’62; daughter Dana Tatlock ’91; a son; four grandchildren; a sister; and several nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2023

Rose-Marie Hidu Loughnane ’62, of Lafayette Hill, Pa.; Oct. 16, from complications of uterine cancer and Parkinson’s. She was a homemaker and a lifelong flight A bridge player. She was a member of the Hamilton Club and enjoyed spending time with family at the Jersey Shore. She also enjoyed skiing, playing tennis, and flower arranging. She is survived by her husband, Michael ’60; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; five grandchildren; and a brother.

Apr, 2023

Martin B. Epstein ’62, of Andover, Mass.; Oct. 7. He and his family owned Snyder Leather. Originally, the company was a tannery in Haverhill, then shifted to a factory outlet, growing into a chain of 10 stores. In retirement, he volunteered at Massachusetts General Hospital and with the American Red Cross. He was an avid golfer. He hit his first hole in one at age 14 and would hit four more over the years. He enjoyed the outdoors and gardening. He is survived by his wife, Joan; two sons; a daughter-in-law; three grandchildren;  a great-granddaughter; a sister and brother-in-law; a brother and sister-in-law; and nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2023

Anita J. Bonney ’62, of Altamont, N.Y.; Sept. 14. She worked at MONY life insurance company as a computer professional before working at KeyBank, from which she retired. In retirement, she enjoyed being a member of book clubs and traveling. She is survived by two sisters, a brother, and several nieces and nephews.

Jan, 2023

Nancy Otto Low ’62, of Chevy Chase, Md.; July 5, of a heart condition. After college she joined the Diplomatic Corps of the Foreign Service with posts in Buenos Aires and Manila. Upon returning to New York, she joined the staff of Gov. Nelson Rockefeller and was an integral part of the founding of the Women’s Political Caucus, where she worked closely with Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, and others. In 1972, she was appointed the director of public information at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. She then became the director of public affairs for the Office for Civil Rights for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Post government service she moved to the private sector and founded Nancy Low + Associates, a marketing and communications firm. She was named Ernst & Young’s entrepreneur of the year and twice named to Maryland’s Top 100 Women before retiring in 2002. She served on numerous boards and with several local, national, and international organizations. She was an active member of the Blue Hill Troupe (NYC) and the Washington Savoyards. She enjoyed being a mosaic artist and creating beauty out of brokenness. She is survived by her husband, David; a daughter and son-in-law; a son; and five grandchildren.

Jan, 2023

John K. Lane ’62, of Chicago; June 20. After Brown, he earned an MBA from the University of Michigan and for the next 50 years had a successful career in the investment and financial services industry, serving as a senior executive at numerous firms. He retired from William Blair & Company in 2015. His professional achievements were numerous and his leadership and mentorship left an impression on many. A fierce competitor, he enjoyed racing sailboats on Lake Michigan and Powers Lake. He traveled to all 50 states and six continents. He was a trustee and president of the University Club of Chicago. He is survived by his wife, Phyllis; two sons; two granddaughters; and brother William ’58.


Jan, 2023

Charles A. Banks ’62, of Gloucester, Va.; June 27. He entered Brown’s NROTC program and at graduation was commissioned an ensign. He served three years active duty and then five years in the reserve. Also while at Brown, he was captain of the lacrosse team his senior year, played football, and joined Delta Tau Delta. He worked for Cameron Brown mortgage company and was transferred to Newport News in 1966. He then worked for the Peebles Supply Company, moving to Washington, D.C.; he moved to Atlanta to set up the regional headquarters for Ferguson PLC; then back to Newport News, where he became president of Ferguson. He held that office for 12 years, during which time he also served as president of Southern Wholesalers Association, and then as the board chair of the National Association of Wholesalers-Distributors. He and his wife lived in England from 2001 to 2006. After returning to Gloucester, he was involved with many state and local charities and organizations, including the College of William & Mary, where he was inducted as an honorary alumnus. He was also given an honorary degree from Christopher Newport University and an honorarium from Oxford University. He was instrumental in the founding of the Ferguson Center for the Arts and was honored by the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce as citizen of the year, along with his wife. He is survived by his wife, Mari Ann; a daughter and son-in-law; two sons; a daughter-in-law; and seven grandchildren.

Oct, 2022

Winslow “Win” Tweed ’62, of Schnecksville, Pa.; Apr. 8, after a lengthy illness. He taught sociology and social psychology at Penn State’s Allentown campus in the 1970s and early 1980s. In his spare time he enjoyed bird watching, following the Boston Red Sox and visiting major and minor league baseball stadiums, watching classic films, and growing butternut squash. An active member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lehigh Valley for 36 years, he served on the board of trustees and was chair of the social action committee. He is survived by his wife, Marie; two daughters; a son-in-law; two grandsons; a sister; and several nieces and nephews.

Oct, 2022

Walter O. Dow ’62, of Green Valley, Ariz.; Feb. 7, of kidney cancer and after a brief illness. He was in the NROTC program and after graduation he completed Naval aviator training and was assigned to Florida, followed by Vietnam combat carrier deployment in 1966, then transferred to NAS Lemoore, Calif., in 1968 as an instructor pilot. After his military service, he started a nearly 40-year career with Continental Can Co. in the Chicago area and its successors, surviving mergers and takeovers until retiring in 2002. He and his wife then enjoyed the snowbird life between Green Valley winters and summers in Winter, Wisc. They enjoyed social life in Green Valley with choral and other groups and summer solitude in Wisconsin. He was a member of Kappa Sigma and is survived by his wife, Jackie; a daughter; a son; four grandchildren; and a sister.

Aug, 2022

Stephen D. Wolanske ’62, of South Hamilton, Mass.; Jan. 18. He had a long career in obstetrics and gynecology. He is survived by three children, a sister, and a brother.

Aug, 2022

Guy Lombardo ’62, of Providence; Mar. 21. Professionally, he evolved from a physicist to an operations research expert, to a corporate executive in car manufacturing, to an independent venture capitalist. He was the chair of the Brown Library Advisory Council and a member of the board of trustees of the Providence Public Library. He enjoyed traveling. He is survived by daughter Maryanne Speroni ’99 and her spouse, son Nicholas ’97,  two grandchildren, three brothers and sisters-in-law, and 16 nieces and nephews.

Aug, 2022

Reet Kilkson ’62, of Wilmington, Del.; Mar. 10. Upon graduation, she worked as a chemist for the DuPont Company in Delaware. Later in her career she worked in the library at Wilmington Friends School. She volunteered with the Food Bank of Delaware. She is survived by two children, three grandchildren, and a sister.

Aug, 2022

Walter O. Dow ’62, of Green Valley, Ariz.; Feb. 7.


Aug, 2022

John R. Craggs ’62, of Marlborough, Conn.; Feb. 27, of Alzheimer’s. After Brown he served in the U.S. Navy for five years. Following his military service, he settled into a career as a computer programmer. After retiring, he volunteered at the New England Air Museum. He is survived by his wife, Betsy; two sons; a sister-in-law; a brother-in-law, and several nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2022

Robert C. Ripley ’62, of Attleboro, Mass.; Jan. 22. He earned a PhD in anatomy from UCLA, then returned to Brown as a faculty member in the department of biology and taught courses in cell biology and histology through the mid-1990s. In 1974, he was appointed associate dean of the college for health careers, a position he held until retiring in 2005. He enjoyed traveling, eclectic culinary experiences, sailing on Narragansett Bay, and music of all kinds. He is survived by his wife, Helen; two children and their spouses, including son Alexander ’99; two grandsons; and a sister-in-law and brother-in-law.


Jun, 2022

Peter C. Kenney ’62, of Needham, Mass.; Jan. 9. Upon graduation, he began a career in sales and marketing at Gillette, then moved to Braintree Labs, where he retired as executive vice president of sales and marketing in 2016. He was an active participant in the Center at the Heights in Needham, taking classes each semester while enjoying the center’s many social opportunities. He is survived by his wife, Chris; four children; and eight grandchildren.


Jun, 2022

Joseph J. Brenckle ’62, of Whitman, Mass.; Dec. 27. He received his master’s and doctorate in Slavic linguistics from Stanford. He loved music and had a wealth of knowledge related to polka music and its history. He enjoyed gardening and trips to the Maine coast. He is survived by his wife, Victoria; four children; two stepchildren; and eight grandchildren.


Apr, 2022

Arthur B. Shattuck ’62, of Newport, R.I.; Sept. 16. He had a career in the field of computers working for such companies as Sperry, IBM, Lucent, the Hartford Courant, Coopers & Lybrand, and Stratus. In retirement, he enjoyed working with the Newport Preservation Society and Fort Adams. He also
enjoyed visiting battlefields, researching his genealogy, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Marianne; four children and their spouses; three grandchildren; a brother-in-law; and two nieces. 

Apr, 2022

Sara Glock Peiter ’62, of Chelsea, Mich.; Oct. 25. She taught many years as both a private and public school elementary teacher. She authored the first iteration of A History of Chelsea, a storybook for elementary students. She enjoyed reading, especially mysteries, as well as gardening and and walking her dogs in the country. She is survived by two sons, a daughter-in-law, and four grandchildren. 

Jan, 2022

Robert C. Wachter ’62, of Grosse Pointe, Mich.; Aug. 10, following a long battle with dementia and cancer. After graduating, he joined his father’s family business, Eastern Box Company in Detroit, where he remained for 40 years. He served in the U.S. Naval Reserve, was a board member of Ascension Brighton Center for Recovery, and was a member of the Rotary Club. He enjoyed fixing things. He is survived by his wife, Bonnie; three daughters; two sons-in-law; and 14 grandchildren. 


Jan, 2022

John D. Holbrook ’62, of Bethel, Conn.; July 12. He worked for a short time at Procter & Gamble before founding Marketing Action Group and American Family Crafts, both in Danbury, Conn. Later, he pursued a lifelong passion and opened Holbrook Farm in Bethel, a premier organic farm and market. He served Bethel on the town Zoning Commission, helped to get the Francis J. Clarke Business Park established, and attempted a bid at First Selectman. He coached Bethel soccer teams to state championships and was a founding member of the Walnut Hill Community Church. He also helped the Cambodian New Life Church and Jericho Center in Danbury get established by selling them his old factory building for one dollar. He is survived by his wife, Lynn; a daughter and son-in-law; two sons; a daughter-in-law; five grandchildren; and a sister. 

Jan, 2022

Margaret “Peggy” Snyder Hinman ’62, of Atherton, Calif.; July 4. She worked at New York Bell Telephone and Cornell University until her husband, whom she met at Brown, graduated law school and they moved to California. Once in California, she raised a family and was active with the Junior League of Palo Alto. She was also actively engaged in the San Francisco Colonial Dames, Atherton Garden Guild, and the Garden Conservancy, where she served on the San Francisco Board. After her children left for college, she returned to school to become a landscape architect and opened her own business, Peggy Hinman Landscape Design. Eventually she refined her watercolor skills and became a botanical artist. She enjoyed being a member of the Stitch and Bitch group, playing tennis, horseback riding, hiking, skiing, and spending time with her family in the mountains around Sun Valley and the beaches of Carmel. She is survived by her husband, Harvey ’62; three children and their spouses, including son George ’87 and daughter Sarah Whittle ’90; nine grandchildren, including Phebe Hinman ’19 and Alexandra Whittle ’21; a sister; and a brother. 

Jan, 2022

Joseph Golouski ’62, ’72 ScM, of Smithfield, R.I.; July 20. He was employed by General Electric and later Brown & Sharpe. He enjoyed country dancing, playing golf, and traveling. He is survived by lifelong friends. 

Jan, 2022

Norman Barstow ’62, of Hartford, Conn.; July 31, after suffering for several years with frontotemporal dementia. He sang in the Brunaires while a Navy ROTC student at Brown. Following graduation, he spent two years serving on a destroyer in the Mediterranean, then returned to Mystic, Conn., where he worked for a book importer. For the next five years he worked as a group insurance underwriter and eventually became an elementary school teacher in Simsbury, Conn., where he spent his last ten years as the science curriculum coordinator. He served as president of the Connecticut Science Teachers’ Association. Music was a big part of his life and he sang in glee clubs and church choirs, taught sea shanties to girl scouts at Mystic Seaport, and was a member of the Spare Parts a cappella group. He enjoyed travel and foreign languages, acquiring enough vocabulary to interact with anyone he encountered through the years he lived in Greece and Bulgaria. He also liked taking photographs of interesting faces and beautiful landscapes and was a tinkerer who liked to create collages and mini sculptures out of a variety of found objects. He is survived by his wife, Jane; two daughters, including Amanda Barstow ’00; two grandsons; a sister; and a brother; and he will be mourned as the King of Limericks by his fraternity brothers, as W.H. Snapper by his Navy buddies, and as Stormin’ Norman by his neighbors.

Aug, 2021

Charles Caperonis ’63, of North Andover, Mass.; Feb. 28, of Parkinson’s disease. After graduation, he joined the U.S. Navy serving as a communications officer. He earned his MBA at Columbia University and held positions with Procter & Gamble, Lever Brothers, and Berol Corporation. In 1980, he bought K.P. Thompson Co., a stationery and office products company in Andover and Lawrence, Mass. After selling his stationery company, he volunteered with the State Department and spent time getting an office products company started in Russia. He retired as an investment advisor with Fidelity Investments. He was a member and past president of the Lawrence Rotary Club, where he was elected a Paul Harris Fellow. He served as treasurer of the Congregational Church of Topsfield and served on the Boxford Personnel Board. He was an avid sailor and enjoyed travel and is survived by his wife, Serena; daughter Daphna Cox ’94; a son; and four grandchildren.

Aug, 2021

James J. Leonard Jr. ’62, of Phoenix; Feb. 20. After Brown, where he was a member of the football team and captain of the baseball team, he was admitted to the University of Notre Dame Law School. He was admitted to the Arizona Bar in 1966 and practiced for nearly five decades representing injured victims of medical negligence, particularly birth-injured children. He was a professional mentor to other attorneys, a lecturer at professional conventions, a coach in youth sports, and a volunteer delivery driver for St. Vincent DePaul. He is survived by his wife, Sue Ann; four children and their spouses; 10 grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; a sister; and four nieces and nephews.

Jun, 2021

John R. Simpson Jr. ’62, of Dalton, Pa.; Jan. 20. He attended the Yale School of Drama before starting his acting career at the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, Minn. He worked at many national repertory theaters, appeared in several Broadway productions, including Find Your Way Home and Sly Fox, and played a judge on Law & Order for more than 10 years. He was a member of Psi Upsilon, Actors Equity Association, SAG-AFTRA and the Clemo Hunting and Fishing Club and served as president of the Cherry Ridge Corp. He enjoyed telling stories and cooking. He is survived by his partner Dawn M. Richards; two daughters, including Phoebe Simpson Bean ’93; a stepson; four grandchildren; and a sister and brother-in-law. 

Jun, 2021

G. Arthur Padmore Jr. ’62, of Cary, N.C., formerly of Wilmington, Del., and Monrovia, Liberia; Jan. 7. After graduating from Brown, he returned to Liberia and obtained his law degree from the University of Liberia. Because of his lifelong love of music, he became a member of Monrovia’s Crowd 18 and cofounder of the WAVE, a popular nightclub in Monrovia at the time. He also hosted the popular jazz radio show, Music for Moderns. Before leaving the country in 1980, he owned and operated a law practice and was general manager of Liberia Amusements Ltd. Once in the U.S., he settled in Delaware and sold insurance. Eventually, he served as an administrative law judge for the Delaware Public Utilities Commission for 15 years. In 2001, he was appointed by the Governor of Delaware to serve as the public advocate for the State of Delaware. He retired in 2010 and moved to Cary. He is survived by his wife, Pairlene; three daughters and their spouses; and four granddaughters.

Jun, 2021

A. Michael Honer ’62, of Asheboro N.C.; Feb. 9. He was an engineer in manufacturing and quality control. He had a private pilot’s license and owned his own airplane and logged more than 2,200 hours in the air traveling throughout the U.S. He was involved in amateur radio for 65 years and also enjoyed metal working, photography, and motor camping. He is survived by his wife, Anne; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; five grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; two sisters; and a brother-in-law.

Jun, 2021

Archie Q. Frost ’62, of Gwynn, Va.; Feb. 14. After serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, he worked in sales and retired from Tredegar Industries, formerly known as Crown, Cork & Seal. He is survived by his wife, Pamela; a daughter; a son; a stepson; five grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; and a brother and sister-in-law. 

Jun, 2021

David B. Casey ’62, of Pawtucket, R.I.; Dec. 10. He received his master’s degree from Columbia University Graduate School of Business in 1964 and served as an administrator and chief financial officer for the Rhode Island Department of Health for 40 years. He is survived by his wife, Virginia; six children and their spouses, including son Christopher ’03; 10 grandchildren; and a sister.

Jun, 2021

Nelson P. Bowsher II ’62, of Washington, D.C.; Jan. 4, of complications from COVID. While at Brown he was co-editor-in-chief of the Brown Daily Herald and worked as a reporter for the Providence Journal. In 1966 he moved to Washington, D.C., to write for Congressional Quarterly and the National Journal. In his professional life he advocated for affordable housing and community-based economic development. He worked for NeighborWorks, served on the boards of national nonprofits, and volunteered with local housing groups. After retiring, he became a master gardener and volunteered at the Polly Hill Arboretum on Martha’s Vineyard and at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. He is survived by his wife, Sally Steenland; son David Bowsher ’95; a daughter-in-law; and two grandchildren.

Apr, 2021

Gilbert Peirce ’62, of Vero Beach, Fla.; Sept. 8. He worked briefly for the State Department before entering a 31-year career as an international banker, almost all of it with Bank of Boston. His work was mostly overseas, taking his family to Brazil, England, and Spain. In 1999, he retired to Vero Beach and pursued a lifelong dream of becoming a teacher at St. Edward’s School, from which he retired in 2003. He was a deacon at both Community Church in Vero Beach and Trinitarian Congregational Church in Wayland, Mass. He also served on the boards of Scripture Union, the Cleveland Foundation, and Project Impact. He is survived by his wife, Erika; a daughter; two sons, including Jay ’90; and nine grandchildren. 

Apr, 2021

Bruce W. Huffine ’62, of Stamford, Conn.; Nov. 29. He served in the U.S. Navy and then went on to earn an MBA from NYU. After working for JCPenney for many years, he started his own sales business until he retired in 2001. In retirement, he kept busy in the Stamford community. He volunteered at the Neighbor to Neighbor food pantry, was an avid curler at the Ardsley Curling Club, and was a member of the Stamford Men’s Club and Delta Phi. He and his wife enjoyed traveling with friends and especially enjoyed the trips they took with each grandchild when they turned 12. He was an avid collector of both stamps and political pins and enjoyed solving crossword puzzles and gardening. He is survived by his wife, Betsy; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; and four grandsons.

Apr, 2021

Robert B. Auchy ’62, of Agawam, Mass.; Oct. 24. He was a successful stockbroker and eventually transitioned to become a local business owner in Springfield, Mass. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and loved to laugh, travel, play sports, read, and spend time with his children and grandchildren. He is survived by his wife, Rita; two children; six grandchildren; two stepchildren. 

Jan, 2021

Barry E. Miller ’62, of Bernville, Pa.; Aug. 1. In the 1960s and 1970s he worked in urban economic development and affordable housing programs in Philadelphia and Reading. In the late 1970s he founded the Barry E. Miller Company, consulting with national trade associations to help small business owners more fully understand their financial statements to help them make better business decisions. He volunteered with numerous programs and organizations, including his church’s food bank, Meals on Wheels, an urgent care center in Strausstown, various library and zoning hearing boards, and a program in which he mentored underprivileged young people. He enjoyed hiking in the Blue Mountains and taking road trips throughout the United States and Canada with his family. He is survived by his wife, Karen; a son and daughter-in-law; and two grandsons.

Jan, 2021

Jane Goodwin Ferrigno ’62, of Great Falls, Va.; Aug. 14. She worked as a geologist at the Smithsonian Institution prior to working with the US Geological Survey, spending nearly 50 years studying Landsat imagery, and authoring and editing many works published within the field of glaciology. The Ferrigno Glacier in Antarctica is named in honor of her extensive contributions to glacial research. She was an avid explorer and visited more than 40 countries. She was active in the Great Falls United Methodist Church and enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren on intergenerational adventures, sailing, camping, solving puzzles, and playing bridge. She is survived by her husband, Jim; three children and their spouses; nine grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; a sister; a brother; two sisters-in-law; and a brother-in-law.

Jan, 2021

Dennis C. Erinakes ’62, of Murphy, Tex.; July 29, from COVID-19. He was an engineering geologist and vice president of one of the largest water boards in Texas, as well as an avid goose hunter and fisherman. Dennis was the youngest commercial pilot on the East Coast when he earned his credentials in 1956 and spotted swordfish off the coast for fishermen. He was an Eagle Scout and first warden at the area summer camp. He is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren.

Jan, 2021

James S. Dietz ’62, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., formerly of San Diego; Feb. 13, 2020. He started a career as a high school teacher but found his true calling in real estate sales and redevelopment, and then in small business and entrepreneurship. In 1975, he moved his family to San Diego and developed some businesses, including Baja Frame, Art Leasing, Cinemania, and Jim Dietz Vintage Posters, an internet-based poster store. In retirement he continued to serve as a movie poster appraiser and consultant for museums and collectors. He enjoyed jazz, poetry, art, travel, movies, sailing, dancing, and telling stories. He is survived by his wife, Eleanor; a daughter; a son; three grandchildren; two stepdaughters; two sisters; and three nieces and nephews.

Nov, 2020

Philip M. Reed ’62, of Litchfield, N.H.; May 24, of cancer. He worked for Travelers Insurance Company across the Northeast in senior management and commercial lines insurance. He later owned his own agency in Manchester, N.H. He served on various boards, including the Litchfield School Board, the Advisory Council of the Independent Services Network, and as president of the Pastoral Counseling Services in Manchester. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and enjoyed playing golf. He is survived by his wife, Shirley; two sons and their spouses; four grandchildren; and a brother.

Sep, 2020

Paula Fitzpatrick Budinger ’62, of Monona, Wisc., formerly of Palo Alto, Calif.; Feb. 8. She worked in research labs at Stanford University and the Palo Alto VA Hospital. Years later she earned a degree in interior design at Canada College and  in 1980 moved to the Seattle area, where she worked as a nursing assistant, then an occupational therapy aide at a nursing center for young people with disabilities. She returned to school again and became a medical assistant and worked in several clinics before retiring as a medical transcriptionist in 2007 and moving to Wisconsin. She became an avid quilter and started a blog called Paula B. Quilts. She was a member of the Monona Quilt Group and the Garden Club. She is survived by a daughter, a granddaughter, and a sister.

Jun, 2020

John J. Monnes ’62, of Westbrook, Conn.; Dec. 27, of dementia. He spent his entire business career with Connecticut General Life Insurance Co. He is survived by his wife, Suzanne; four children; three stepchildren; and 18 grandchildren.


Jun, 2020

Henry Biller ’62, of Warwick, R.I.; Dec. 30. He was a professor of clinical psychology at URI, where he taught for more than 30 years. He authored many books and was a passionate baseball fan. He is survived by his partner, Suzette, and her daughter; five sons, including Jonathan ’85 and Kenneth ’86; eight grandchildren, including Conor Biller ’12; a sister Euda Fellman ’54; and nephew Richard Fellman ’80.


Apr, 2020

Harry F. Whiton ’62, of Norfolk, Va.; July 6. He was a mechanical engineer. He served on board the U.S.S. Traverse County and at Fleet Computer Programming Center. After naval service, he worked for several years in Ohio, then returned to Virginia. He is survived by three brothers, a sister-in-law, a nephew, and several cousins.

Apr, 2020

Peter H. Gould ’62, of Chevy Chase, Md.; Sept. 21, from a brain bleed. He earned a PhD from Georgetown in 1973 and a JD from the University of Virginia in 1979. After 29 years as general counsel at the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation writing briefs and representing the government before the Supreme Court, he retired in 2008. He served in the U.S. Air Force and was a national chess master. He is survived by a son and two brothers.

Jan, 2020

Ann R. Leven ’62, of New York City; June 26. She worked at the Colgate-Palmolive Company before becoming treasurer of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1972. She left the Met in 1979, and after a brief tenure as vice president at Chase Manhattan Bank, she became staff director on Ronald Reagan’s Presidential Task Force for the Arts and Humanities in 1981. From 1984 to 1990 she was treasurer and chief financial officer at the Smithsonian Institution. Under her leadership, the Smithsonian’s endowment fund nearly doubled in value as she oversaw numerous exhibitions across the Institution’s collection of museums. In 1990 she became deputy treasurer of the National Gallery of Art and financially engineered dozens of famed exhibitions. For a majority of her career she also served as an adjunct professor at the Columbia University School of Business, where she taught courses in business strategy and administration (1975-1993). After retiring from full-time work in 2000, she remained active serving institutions, including  being a trustee of the Corporation of Brown, as an executive-in-residence at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business, as a member of the visiting committee at Harvard Business School, and additionally served on numerous boards, including the Andy Warhol Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the New Leadership Division of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies. She is survived by a brother and sister-in-law, six nieces and nephews, and numerous cousins.


Jul, 2019

David M. Rust ’62, of Columbia, Md.; Feb. 12, from complications of Parkinson’s. He was a pioneer in the field of solar physics. His 40-year career included posts at Mount Wilson Observatory in Calif., Sacramento Peak Observatory in New Mexico, American Science and Engineering in Boston, and Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. In 1983 he joined Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Lab, where he worked until his retirement in 2007. His career was distinguished by breakthrough advances in both experiment and theory. He considered the Flare Genesis Project in Antarctica the pinnacle of his professional career and the greatest adventure of his life. Flare Genesis obtained unique data on the early magnetic evolution of solar activity. He enjoyed sailing the Chesapeake, hiking the Rockies, and spending a year in Paris. He was an avid art collector and also enjoyed the opera. At Brown he was yearbook photographer and editor. He is survived by his wife, Gail; a daughter; a son; a son-in-law; four grandchildren; and a sister.


May, 2019

Gary A. Richardson ’62, of Naugatuck, Conn.; Oct. 31, after a lengthy illness. A Naugatuck native, he lived most of his adult life in the San Francisco Bay area where he was a sales executive and outdoor enthusiast. He is survived by a daughter; two grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law; and three nieces.

May, 2019

Philip J. Schwarz ’62, of Richmond, Va.; Dec. 15. He became a professor of history at Virginia Commonwealth Univ. in 1972 and served as chairman of the Department of History. He won several teaching awards, was the author of six books, and served on the Richmond Slave Trail Commission. He is survived by his wife, Janet; two children; two granddaughters; and two siblings.

Nov, 2018

Eugene M. Pfeifer ’62, of Alexandria, Va.; June 10, of pancreatic cancer. During the 1960s he was an ardent civil rights activist and attended many marches and demonstrations in Washington, D.C. He began a legal career at the Food and Drug Administration. He was a law partner at King & Spalding in Washington, D.C., and prior to that was a law partner at Burditt, Bowles & Radzius. He was instrumental in the development of the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984. He provided regulatory advice and representation on a wide variety of FDA, FTC, and DEA-regulated activities, including product approval and compliance issues. He served for a year in the General Counsel’s office of the Federal Trade Commission, where he represented the FTC in federal court to enjoin violations of the Federal Trade Commission Act. He had served 10 years in the Chief Counsel’s Office at the FDA as Associate Chief Counsel for Enforcement, Associate Chief Counsel for Drugs, and Deputy Chief Counsel for Regulations and Hearings. He volunteered at Habitat for Humanity in Easton, Md., and served on the board of Elite Pharmaceuticals. He enjoyed sports and was himself a gymnast, a former Brown hockey player, a biker, a sailor, and a winter skier. He is survived by a daughter, a son, a stepdaughter, a daughter-in-law, and six grandchildren.


Sep, 2018

Andrea Jacobson Grant ’62, of New Haven, Conn.; Apr. 4. She worked as a special education teacher. She enjoyed reading, gardening, and attending movies. She is survived by two daughters, two grandchildren, and two brothers.


Jul, 2018

Anne Jacobson Schutte ’62, of Chicago; Feb. 26, from a cerebral hemorrhage. She was a history professor at Lawrence Univ. (Wisc.) until joining the faculty at the Univ. of Virginia in 1992. She spent 14 years at UVA and retired in 2006. In retirement she lived in Venice, Italy, returning to the United States in 2016. A recipient of Fulbright and National Endowment for the Humanities fellowships, she held several administrative positions during her career, including director of the Distinguished Majors program at UVA and director of the Associated College of the Midwest’s Florence Program while at Lawrence Univ. She authored more than 80 scholarly articles and five books, including Pier Paolo Vergerio: The Making of an Italian Reformer, which was honored by the Society for Italian Historical Studies with its Howard R. Marraro Prize. She was working on her sixth book at the time of her death. In 2012 she was awarded the Bodo Nischan Award for scholarship, service, and civility by the Society for Reformation Research. Phi Beta Kappa. She is survived by a brother.


Jul, 2018

Michael S. Saper ’62, of Wilmette, Ill.; Feb. 23, after a long illness. He was a retired attorney, a former class president, and active in alumni affairs. He is survived by his wife, Marcia; a daughter; and a sister.


Jul, 2018

Robert L. Dillmeier ’62, of Hobe Sound, Fla., formerly of Garden City, N.Y.; Feb. 6. He began his career at Paine Webber as an investment banker. From there he cofounded Campbell and Dillmeier, a real estate investment trust consulting firm. He retired as president and CEO of Dillmeier Enterprises. He served on several boards over the years. At Brown he was president of Delta Kappa Epsilon and played lacrosse. An accomplished seaman, he was commodore of Loblolly Bay Yacht Club in Hobe Sound and enjoyed spending time on the water with his family. He is survived by his wife, Margaret; three children and their spouses; and eight grandchildren.


Jul, 2018

Christopher V. Brown ’62, of Cicero, Ind.; Jan. 12. He was a self-employed attorney for 50 years. He was president of Festival Music Society (known now as the Indianapolis Early Music Festival), a board member of Broad Shoulders Productions, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Lambda Phi. He is survived by his wife, Sylvia; three daughters; and a brother.


May, 2018

John F. Morse III ’62, of Boston; Dec. 30. He was the founder, president, and CEO of Global Access Telecommunications and worked in the broadcast and satellite industries for 30 years before retiring. He is survived by his wife, Sonya; a daughter; and a son.


Apr, 2018

James L. Thompson ’62, of Grosse Pointe, Mich.; Oct. 17. He was a civilian employee of the U.S. Army, working as a supervisory mechanical engineer in Warren, Michigan. He was active in his local church and enjoyed time with family. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn Williams Thompson ’60; a daughter; a son; and three grandsons.

Feb, 2018

James H. Higgins III ’62, of Washington, D.C.; July 7. He was a faculty member at Governor Drummer Academy prior to working in corporate communications and marketing. He was an avid boater and traveler due to his passion for wooden boats. As a member of the Antique and Classic Boat Society he served as president from 1984 to 1985 and again in 1991 and was the recipient of the society’s highest honor, the Founders’ Award. He lectured both nationally and internationally and wrote articles about classic boats. He organized tours for boating enthusiasts and in 1987 led a trip to England’s Lake District. He was a founder of the annual Clamato Regatta (renamed the Lake Placid Regatta), a veteran of the U.S. Army, and a board member for several organizations. He is survived by a sister, a brother, three nieces, and a nephew.

Feb, 2018

Robert D. Klarsch ’62, of Lewisburg, Pa.; Aug. 30. He taught and coached at Winchendon School and at Cushing Academy, both in Massachusetts. He became dean of students at Wyoming Seminary in Kingston, Pa., in 1972 and in 1983 was headmaster at Annie Wright School in Tacoma, Wash., from which he retired. He served as president of the Pacific Northwest Association of Independent Schools, was on the board of the National Association of Independent Schools, and was active in community service programs. He is survived by his wife, Ellen; a daughter; a stepson; a granddaughter; a sister; a brother; a niece; and two nephews.

Feb, 2018

Lolt D. Proegler ’62, of Brooklyn, Mich.; Sept. 20, of brain cancer. He had a career in computer science doing statistical analysis at Landis Tool Co. in Waynesboro, Pa. He served in the U.S. Army from 1962 to 1977 and retired from the U.S. Army Reserve in 1983 with the rank of major. From 1974 to 1977 he was a programmer and systems analyst at the Army’s Operational Test and Evaluation Agency in Falls Church, Va. In 1977, he left active duty and worked for Vector Research Inc., where he was named vice president in 1991 and from which he retired as CFO in 2001. He continued to work as an independent computer consultant. He enjoyed solving puzzles and playing bridge. He is survived by his wife, Gwennie; daughter Heidi Proegler Chay ’86 and husband Dan Chay ’92; a son; a daughter-in-law; five grandchildren, including Maya Chay ’13; four brothers and their wives; a sister; and 14 nieces and nephews.

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