Class of 1967
Send your news to class copresident Sharon Drager, co-president Glenn Mitchell, class gift chair and nominating chair Dave Chichester, or directly to the BAM at
Jennifer Kleeman Wall writes: “I look forward to reading the BAM each time it arrives in my mailbox, and especially learning about what my classmates and friends have been doing in the last almost 30 years. My husband Jon and I are honoring the legacy of our son, Zachary, who passed away in November 2021 at the age of 16 from osteosarcoma. Since his passing, I have returned to school to obtain an MSW (my second masters!) because Jon and I started a nonprofit, Zach’s Bridge, which provides peer support for families facing an advanced childhood cancer diagnosis. We’re fortunate that so many in our communities reached out during Zach’s illness. Two of our board members are also Brown graduates—my father, Stuart Kleeman ’67, and my roommate, Kate Egan Gilbane ’97—and have been an incredible support, as have so many of my Brown classmates. We’d love to connect more with the alumni community.”
Jessica Strom Rutherford writes: “Earlier this year, I joined Meister Seelig & Fein as a partner in the Intellectual Property and Commercial Litigation Groups. I continue to work with creatives and entrepreneurs to protect and enforce their intellectual property rights. My husband Jason (Grinnell ’93), our girls Melanie (Northeastern ’26) and Nina (American ’28), and I still live in Wilton, Connecticut. We visited my mother Jane Golin Strom ’67 in Tampa, Florida.” Contact Jessica at
Fraser Lang joined the board of the new nonprofit online weekly publication, The Providence Eye ( Created to fill the urgent need for reliable local news, The Providence Eye is community driven and boasts a growing list of subscribers. Contact Fraser at
David Chichester and his family are faring well. He writes that his daughter Lynn and her fiance Henry Wheaton plan to marry this August. His granddaughter Finley, 19, is a freshman at William & Mary, a midfielder on the lacrosse team, and has proven to be handling college really well. Harper, 17, is a senior in high school and a captain of the crew team. She has attended tons of concerts this past year, is applying to college, and is by far the best artist in the family. Lowell, 14, is in 8th grade, plays soccer, is president of the technology student association at school, and keeps busy with volunteer work at the church. Lindsey, 4, is tearing up preschool and J.P., 9, is in 3rd grade and busy with Taekwondo, soccer, and pranks. All the big kids are thriving in their respective lines of work. Hilde and David (who had a hip replacement in May) resumed travel in 2023. From New York City, they took the Queen Mary 2 Atlantic crossing to England, Belgium, Holland, and Scotland. After coming home, they traveled east to Providence (for Brown soccer alumni weekend) and Philadelphia. David and his wife were visited by two sets of friends, including classmate Brian Murphy and wife, Terry Simon Murphy ’67 MAT, as well as Lynn and Henry. They immersed themselves in the history of “this great country of ours.” Recently, they also saw lots of the Hoffman family branch and finished November with a wonderful Thanksgiving at the home of Ted and Whit. David continues to serve as copresident of the Sports Foundation, chair of the Men’s Soccer Association, and member of the Veterans Advisory Council.
Geoff Layton was awarded a PhD in writing and rhetoric from the University of Oklahoma. His dissertation was titled “Learning to Live a Rhetorical Life: A New Strategy for Teaching First-Year Composition.”

Michael Hutter writes: “Elaine Zimmer Davis passed away in May in Providence. She was the widow of Capt. Jerry Zimmer ’66, a Marine fighter pilot who was killed in action on August 29, 1969, in Vietnam. Since Jerry’s death, Elaine was dedicated to bringing home for a proper burial Jerry’s remains, including a visit to the crash site and keeping his memory alive. She spent much time at Brown since 1969 and kept in touch with Jerry’s Delta Tau Delta fraternity brothers. She attended the Class of ’66 50th Reunion. Her efforts are chronicled at At the May 2022 graduation weekend, her passing was noted and her devotion to Jerry commemorated at the Delta Foundation memorial procession attended by Jerry’s friends, classmates, and DTD fraternity brothers.”
Shirley Smith writes: “I have been researching American history the old-fashioned way, through a century of family letters people chose to keep. Our family tree now includes two new grandkids and two new great-grandkids. Until they can be vaccinated for COVID, my husband and I are avoiding large crowds. Regrettably we missed our 55th reunion. Best wishes to all.”
Ricker Winsor writes: “I still teach full-time in China and Japan. I am a permanent expat in Indonesia with my Chinese wife, Jovita, and two dogs, Sniper and Nana. We have a three-year-old grandson, Auron, who is a lucky boy. Most of what I have done is on my author page at Amazon: or my blog:”
Sharon Drager writes: “Commencement is scheduled for May 29, 2022, and your class officers and reunion committee are already planning for our 55th that weekend. Look out for further information as we get closer to the date. You can expect updates via email, so please be sure that Brown has your correct address. We also encourage you to visit the private Brown class of ’67 page on Facebook. We look forward to seeing you in May.”
Louise Vitiello Burroughs writes: “Mel (my husband of 52 years) and I just moved to a new home in Whispering Woods, an over-55 community in Middletown, Delaware, where we are just three miles from our daughter Rachel and her family (Dr. Greg Cannon, her daughters Brooklyn and Hazel, his son and daughter, and their three gorgeous ragdoll cats). This is the first new house we have ever lived in and we are enjoying its proximity to family and to woods, as well as its ease of living with all essentials on one floor. Our son Nathan ’00 lives with his wife Meaghan Benante Burroughs and their three children (Ava, Myles, and Preston) in Madison, New Jersey. Ava is a freshman at the Northfield Mount Hermon School, where she is on the crew team and has been cast with a speaking/singing role in the school play. During the COVID crisis we developed the ability to work remotely and so Mel and I are still able to work full-time. I work as senior vice president for development for CSMI, LLC, a charter school consulting company in Chester, Pennsylvania, and Mel works for Chester Community Charter School. I hope to attend our 55th reunion in May 2022. I missed our 50th because I had been in a car accident earlier in the spring. I am mostly healed from that trauma but will work out this winter to be ready to walk up College Hill.”
The Reunion Committee reports: “It's time to start planning to attend our 55th reunion, which will be held the last weekend in May (27-30, 2022) along with graduation. Once the class officers clear our planned activities with the University, we will inform you so you can make your plans. Watch for Bravo announcements, but most importantly, hold the date and prepare to come! Remember to pay your class dues: $67 or more, if you like, since this is what we use to cover our expenses while planning the event. Copy the URL into your browser bar to pay your dues:”
Laurence Pizer writes: “I retired as town clerk of Plymouth, Massachusetts, in June 2020 after 28 years. This year, when a group paid to gather the necessary signatures to seat a charter commission to turn Plymouth’s town meeting/select board government into a mayor/council form, I put my name forward for the ensuing election as a candidate to consider keeping our present form. I was elected as one of nine commissioners and was named vice chair of the commission.”
Judith Minno Hushon writes: “The class officers have begun planning for our 55th reunion in May 2022. We are looking at alternatives for activities and venues while the University has not yet determined its “official” plan. It is also not clear whether graduation will return to the traditional Memorial Day weekend or whether it will remain early in May as it did this year. We will keep you posted. If you have any special ideas, please send them to Sharon Drager, our president.”

Michael J. Hsu ’97 has been appointed by U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen ’67 as the first deputy comptroller of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and will assume the role of acting comptroller. He joins the OCC from the Federal Reserve, where he was associate director in the division of supervision and regulation.

At press time, these alums were appointed or awaiting appointment to the Biden administration: Jennifer Daskal ’94, deputy general counsel (cyber & technology), Department of Homeland Security; Elisabeth Donahue ’86, chief of staff, Council of Economic Advisers; Marc Etkind ’87, associate administrator for communications, NASA; Ruby Goldberg ’17, special assistant, Office of Land and Emergency Management, Environmental Protection Agency; Suzanne Goldberg ’85, deputy assistant secretary for strategic operation, U.S. Dept. of Education ; Roberta Jacobson ’82, coordinator, U.S. Southern Border, National Security Council; Jennifer Klein ’87, cochair, White House Gender Policy Council; Daniel Kohl ’87, director of government relations, AmeriCorps; Letise Houser LaFeir ’00, senior advisor, NOAA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce ; Emma Leheny ’92, principal deputy general council, U.S. Dept. of Education; Suzan Davidson LeVine ’93, interim political head, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Dept. of Labor; Sean Manning ’18, press assistant, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Dept. of Commerce ; Ben Miller ’07, senior advisor to the chief of staff, U.S. Dept. of Education; Melanie Nakagawa ’02, senior director, climate and energy, National Security Council; Victoria Nuland ’83, undersecretary of state for political affairs, State Dept.; Daniel Parnes ’10, special assistant to the ASD for energy environment & installations, Office of the Secretary of Defense; Tanya Sehgal ’06, special advisor and senior counsel, U.S. Dept. of Personnel Management; Stefanie Tompkins ’93 ScM, ’97 PhD, director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; Christina Tsafoulias ’04, supervisory congressional liaison specialist, Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs, USAID; Janet Yellen ’67, Secretary of the Treasury; Todd Zabatkin ’10 MPP, deputy director for research (White House Communications Dept.) ; and Maria Zuber ’83 ScM, ’86 PhD, cochair, President Biden’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.
Jack and Kitty Walker Keane, along with Elissa and Bob Bernius; Joni and Bob Cohan; Mary and Richard Grant; and Alan ’67 and Janet McClendon Vaskas were participants on a Brown Travelers cruise in the Greek Islands in September.

Richard Arneson writes: “I teach full-time at the University of California, San Diego, where I hold the rank of distinguished professor (not a big deal) and also hold the Valtz Family Chair in philosophy. I am currently president of the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association. My wife Sheila and I have been married since 1979. No children, but magically, two quasi-grandchildren (via Sheila’s previous marriage). My embarrassingly inept career as a rock climber is now in steep decline. I am grateful for the opportunities for scholarship and friendship that my Brown education provided and regretful that while at Brown I did not make better use of these opportunities. I missed the 50th anniversary of graduation sharing of information with classmates in 2017 and want to register the fact that I’m not, so far as I can tell, dead yet.”
Vicki Robin writes: “Your Money or Your Life, Revised and Updated for 2018 was published a year ago to help another generation with money, career, and life. I’ve been active with Sound Defense Alliance in challenging the expansion of navy training and testing out of Whidbey Island Naval Air Station and over the Olympic National Park. I’m blogging at and and welcome Brown friends to join me there.”
Bruce McIntosh and Margot Lynn Gedert ’90 organized a workshop titled “Fun with Paint” for a program called Diffendoofer Day in Chama, New Mexico, this past March. The program, which Bruce operates, is named after the Dr. Seuss book Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! and encourages new ways of seeing and thinking through a series of workshop experiences for children and adults of all ages. “Dive into Books” followed “Fun with Paint Day.” Contact Bruce at to learn more about his art programs. Contact Margot at or go to to learn more about her intuitive painting process.

Gloria Markoff Winston writes: “Since 2008 I have been living at Laurelmead. I have spent my winters in Palm Beach, Florida, since 1982 and fully returned to Providence (no more ‘snow birding’) in 2015. I have everything I need in life except Florida sunshine so I take my vitamin D pills every day. I play duplicate bridge every week and join the poker game at night and still find time to volunteer at Miriam Hospital. Many of my life-long friends that I followed to Laurelmead are no longer here, but I am surrounded by new friends, many of whom are also members of the Brown family, including Paul Alexander ’67, ’69 ScM; Janet McWain Colby ’60; Rosemary Mizener Colt ’84 PhD; Abraham Ehrenhaus ’45; Marilyn Silverman Ehrenhaus ’49; Deborah Mulcare ’68; John Schultz ’62 ScM,’68 PhD; Daniel Siegel ’57; Eugene Weinberg ’51; Robert Wood ’58; Louise Wood ’75 MAT; and Lucinda Dohanian-Welch ’00. We also have many esteemed Brown faculty members, past and present, including Lewis Lipsitt, Robert Davis, Laura Durand, Frank Durand, Francis McNelis, Gordon Wood, John Coleman, Annette Coleman, Robert E. Lanou, Richard Yund, and Nancy C. Rhodes, who was an associate director of admissions at Brown.”
Ira Cotton retired in June after a long career in information technology consulting and management, the last 20 years of which were with IBM. Some years ago, as a hobby, Ira started writing and self-publishing philatelic handbooks in the area of fish and game license stamps. He released his 8th handbook under a PaperQuest Press imprint titled Texas Fish & Game Stamps. For information on all Ira’s handbooks visit Ira writes: “Six years ago my wife and I relocated to Naples, Florida. We would welcome meeting classmates who may be visiting the area.”
David Chichester writes: “In the spirit of downsizing and seizing an attractive housing opportunity, Hilde and I moved on Bainbridge Island from a large home with a great view on the southwest side of the island, to a lovely condo right on the Eagle Harbor Marina with a view of Seattle. We are now walking distance to the village and the ferry. Disposing of five rooms of furniture was a liberating experience. We welcome classmate visitors (and we still have a guest room). I attended a shipmates reunion for the USS Ponchatoula. What a great time...50 years since we were refueling and reprovisioning all the naval ships in the Gulf of Tonkin and along the coast of South Vietnam. The bonds of mutual service remain strong. I continue with my volunteer activities as copresident of the Sports Foundation, member of the Advisory Council on Athletics and a trustee of Bloodworks Northwest (Blood Bank and Research Institute). I play tennis, hike, and visit the gym from time to time. Our family is happy and healthy, and we are blessed.”
Delvyn C. Case Jr. began writing columns about religion and medicine for the Portland Press Herald in Maine in 1992. In 1994, he became director of drama for First Baptist Church in Portland. He retired from active hematology/oncology practice in Portland in 2008. After moving to Bonita Springs, Fla., he continued to write and direct, serving as director of drama at First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs. He also writes about international, social, and women’s issues and has had plays produced at festivals around the U.S. and abroad. He’s a member of the Dramatists Guild of America and the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers. He and his wife Carole are healthy and have three children, five grandchildren, and another grandchild on the way.
Ricker Winsor published a photographic biography, Francine, in December. Ricker writes: “I have sold almost 200 paintings over the years to good people. I am happy about that. My production of paintings is slowing down naturally because of my busy teaching schedule, something I didn’t expect. But I will keep drawing, which is a great pleasure.”
Brian Murphy and members of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity held a reunion in mid-October in Gettysburg to celebrate the 55th anniversary of when they met as freshman in the Fall of 1963. Sherill Moyer and his wife, Mary, arranged all the activities for the three-day gathering, including tours of the museum and battlefield at the Gettysburg National Military Park and the Eisenhower National Historic Site, and the home and farm of General and President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The Moyers also arranged a special talk by Professor of History and the Director of the Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College, Peter Gallagher. He has written several books on the Civil War and is considered an expert on the Battle of Gettysburg. Attending the reunion were Frank Langworth, Sherill Moyer, Brian Murphy, Bob O’ Day, Dave Olson, Jim Rooney, Mike Rubinger, Joe Ruma, Jim Van Blarcom, Butch Wilder, and Steve Wiley.

Albin Moser writes: “My introduction to the Narragansett Boat Club came in February ’64. I was in search of a good way to stay in shape for football. I got what I wished for and ended up adopting rowing as the sport that has occupied a good deal of my free time throughout these many years. I rowed with many excellent Brown crews, coached Brown freshman crews, and developed many scullers at the Narragansett Boat Club. The sculling program I started in 1971 continues to this day. Its cumulative effect has led to more NBC members, more activity, more equipment, and a larger boathouse. I retired as the club’s director of rowing in September. In my honor, the Boat Club has named its River Road boathouse after me. My thanks to NBC and all of the many persons I have coached.”
Steve Sumberg was elected to the board of trustees of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden for a four-year term in June. The museum is located on the national mall in Washington, D.C.
Joel and Jane Golin Strom attended their grandson’s graduation from Sussex Univ. in Brighton, UK, this past summer. They also visited Antibes, France, and toured Bletchley Park and Chichester in England.
David Riedel is still practicing law in Providence with Adler Pollock & Sheehan and still playing the organ in church.
John Hall writes that on the weekend of Sept. 15, five Brown ’67 alumni (part of the Olney House group) assembled on Cape Cod for a weekend of good memories, good food, and good conversation. David Bojar, Ken Brown, Ron Clark, Dan Grocer, and John Hall all missed last year’s 50th reunion, but managed to put together a more personal mini-reunion that was “successful in every way.”
Gregory Fritz retired in January 2018 after 33 years on the Brown medical faculty. He was director of child and adolescent psychiatry at Rhode Island Hospital and Bradley Hospital for most of that time. Gregory writes: “Nine months into retirement still seems like a vacation. When I’m not traveling, I still live in Rhode Island, and hope to see classmates any time they are in the area.”
Ricker Winsor ’67's new book, Thinking Out Loud, was published on July 4 and is available on Amazon.
Jane Golin Strom ’67 writes: “Joel and I headed to England in July to celebrate our grandson Joss’s graduation from Sussex University in Brighton.”
Robin Green ’67 writes: “After a long career, first as a journalist; then as a television writer and producer, most notably on The Sopranos; then creating, with my husband, Mitchell Burgess, my own show, Blue Bloods; I have now written my first book, a memoir titled The Only Girl: My Life and Times on the Masthead of Rolling Stone, published by Little, Brown and Company and available on Amazon. It’s pretty good, I think.”
Bruce McIntosh visited the College for Creative Studies in Detroit to conduct a workshop for students in the Interactive Design master’s program that explored documentation strategies for their project recreating cybernetics guru Gordon Pask’s Colloquy of Mobiles. Bruce is a mentor for this project. While there, he also conducted a seminar for the Art Education Department. He writes that he “finds it rewarding to continue to be involved with students and learni
Michael Joseloff writes: “I am now retired from a career as a television news and documentary producer and have published my first book, Chasing Heisenberg: The Race for the Atom Bomb. I became interested in the subject around 30 years ago when I produced a story about J. Robert Oppenheimer, the ‘father of the atom bomb,’ for The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour on PBS. In the years that followed, researching the history of the bomb and the competition between Allied and German scientists to build it first became a sort of hobby. Retirement afforded me the time to write, but it was a 1939 photograph of scientists at a University of Michigan physics symposium, taken a month before the launch of World War II, that gave me the one thing I lacked: a compelling, untold narrative that would breathe new life into an old story. My book is available on Amazon.”
Dean Alexander writes: “I had the wonderful opportunity in October to visit with family and friends from Brown. My cousin, Paul Alexander ’67, ’69 MMSc, showed my wife and me around campus, which I had not seen since graduation. I also had a chance to talk to Paul’s daughter, Rachel Alexander Levy ’95, about her exciting work abroad, as well as spend time with the rest of the family. Later I visited the Cleveland area with former freshman roommate and dear friend Don Sayre and his lovely wife, Nancy. Hope to be back in 2018; definitely 2020 for our 50th.”
Gene Newman, Gil Messing ’63, Rene Murai ’66, and Dean Vegosen ’65 met for a round of golf at Miami Beach Golf Club in Florida. Gene writes: “Great weather, some good shots, and some poor ones. Fun, enjoyment, peace, nature topped off with KE brotherhood. What could be better?”
Glenn Mitchell ’69 ScM, ’75 MD writes: “I finally received the 15 minutes of fame that Andy Warhol promised. My recent TED talk is now on YouTube. It is about the positive direction in which clinical medicine is hopefully headed in the near future. I failed at retirement and now I am professor and chair of healthcare informatics at Harrisburg Univ. of Science and Technology in Pennsylvania. I’d be happy to have your comments.”
Ricker Winsor writes: “Mud Flat Press has published my first poetry collection, Tik Tok, 36 poems and 32 ink drawings done with reed pens and brushes. My relationship to poetry began with an epiphany in 1973. Only poetry spoke to me during the intensity of that experience. I had left Brooklyn, New York, and started life over again close to nature in the deep north. The collection is available at Amazon. My previous books, Pakuwon City: Letters from the East and The Painting of My Life, are also at Amazon.”
From the November/December 2017 Issue
Class copresident Sharon Drager reports: “Thanks to everyone who was there in person or in spirit for making our 50th reunion so amazing. Going forward, your officers are already starting to make plans for our 55th. In the meantime, use these notes to keep all of us up to date on your activities and achievements. Have a wonderful holiday season and a great 2018.”
Gene Newman writes that on July 9, Bob Rice and his wife, Dede, hosted a barbecue for Brown and Pembroke alumni and their spouses/guests at their home in Barnstable, Mass. He noted that the fraternities and athletic teams of the classes of ’66, ’67, and ’68 were represented. In attendance were Steve Bettencourt (Lambda Chi Alpha, ice hockey) and his wife, Barbara; Buzz DiMartino ’68 (Kappa Sigma, baseball); Pat DeCou LaMountain (lacrosse) and her husband, Tex; Gene Newman (Kappa Sigma); Bob Rice (Delta Upsilon, lacrosse); Gerry Shugrue ’66 (Kappa Sigma, football); and Dick Trull (Kappa Sigma, lacrosse). Gene previously organized a Brown Kappa Sigma fraternity reunion in Sunny Isles Beach, Fla., in February. Attending were 34 Kappa Sigma brothers from eight classes (’63, ’64, ’66, ’67, ’68, ’69, ’70 and ’71) along with 26 spouses and guests, a total of 60 attendees. The brothers and guests played golf and tennis, went fishing, swam, shopped, gambled, toured South Beach, and had several group dinners. The highlight was the Saturday Gala Dinner Dance with open bar, buffet dinner, and a five-piece band. Gene was the master of ceremonies. A representative from each class spoke and described his experiences at Brown in general and at Kappa Sigma in particular. Many brothers had not seen each other in 50 years. Gene writes: “It was an awesome experience, and as gratifying as the turnout (from all over the country, with one brother flying in from Brazil) was the interaction among those who did not attend. Using a contact list from the Office of Alumni Relations, non-attendees telephoned, emailed, and texted brothers, reconnecting them after many decades. Our special guests were family members of two brothers (John Pate ’66 and George Armiger) who had passed away. A moment of silence was held in their memory and the memory of all brothers who have left us over the years. The dinner dance was videotaped and pictures were taken and are now being shared by all, both those attending and not. Questionnaires were emailed to all, and the completed and returned questionnaires, numbering more than 100, are being compiled and soon will be forwarded to all.”
Pat DeCou LaMountain and her husband, Tex, perform Americana folk music for audiences mostly in New England but they occasionally tour the South and the West Coast. Their latest CD, Rivers, Roads, & Bridges, is available on
From the September/October 2017 Issue
Send your news to class copresident Sharon Drager, co-president Glenn Mitchell, class gift chair and nominating chair Dave Chichester, or directly to the BAM at
Elaine Decker reports: “If you were among the 282 classmates who joined us on the Hill over Memorial Day weekend to celebrate being ‘forever young,’ you already know that we shattered the attendance record for a 50th reunion class at Brown. Almost a third of us were there (vs. previous levels of about 25 percent), and we raised an all-time-high Brown ***Annual Fund dollar amount for our class of more than $830,000. Our BAF participation figure of more than 53 percent was also an all-time high for our class. Our new officers are: copresidents Glenn Mitchell and Sharon Drager and co-vice presidents Keith and Margery Attwater Mosher. We also have new communications cochairs: Judy Minno Hushon and Jim Van Blarcom. Treasurer Rick Smith and nominations chair David Chichester are continuing in their officer roles. By all accounts the reunion was a success, despite the rain on Friday, when Jim Naughton shared personal recollections of his acting career and special friendships at our class dinner. At Saturday dinner, a group of classmates entertained with the Brown ’67 version of Bob Dylan’s song ‘Forever Young.’ Photos are on our class Facebook page: .”
Randy Thummel retired after 44 years as a professor of organic chemistry at the Univ. of Houston where he held the John and Rebecca Moores Chair of Chemistry. His work involved the design of catalysts for solar energy conversion and was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation, among others. Randy will continue part-time, working with postdocs and undergrads. He hopes to spend more time with family, continue worldwide travels, and indulge in surf fishing at his beachfront home on the Bolivar Peninsula, east of Galveston.
Joan Tomaszewski writes that the women of the class of ’67 who spent some of their time at West House (a commuter dorm) met for a pre-reunion luncheon at Café Nuovo in Providence. In attendance were: Elaine Addessi Gambardella; Cheryl Adams Gherardini; Bob and Elaine Hutchings Hodgson, who won the trivia contest; Barbara Roitman Holt; Leslie Kramer Burt ’65 and Karen Wells Lamont; Liz Johnson Prevost; Dave ’66 and Elaine Cesaretti Prior; Joan Tomaszewski; and Joan Bartlam Turner-Coven ’69 AM. Several other members of the house were unable to attend but sent their best wishes.
From the July/August 2017 Issue
Send your news to class copresident Sharon Drager, co-president Glenn Mitchell, class gift chair and nominating chair Dave Chichester, or directly to the BAM at
Elaine M. Decker writes: “As of the end of April, we had more than 200 classmates plus guests registered for our reunion. We were looking at setting a 50th reunion attendance record and pushing for 67 percent Brown Annual Fund participation, also a record. We’d exceeded our original dollar goal and had already raised more money for our class gift than for our 35th and 45th reunions. We hope you were among those who celebrated being ‘forever young’ over Memorial Day weekend. Looking ahead, help us continue our youthful enthusiasm by congratulating our new class copresidents Glenn Mitchell and Sharon Drager. A full list of class officers will appear in a future issue of the BAM. If you were on the Hill with us, please share some memories in a future issue. Post photos on either of our class Facebook pages: (private group; ask to join if you haven’t already) or
From the May/June 2017 Issue
Send your news to class copresident Sharon Drager, co-president Glenn Mitchell, class gift chair and nominating chair Dave Chichester, or directly to the BAM at
A message from your Brown ’67 reunion committee: “There may still be time to register for our 50th reunion. Contact Brown’s alumni relations office at (401) 863-1886 for information. We appear to be headed to record-breaking attendance for a 50th, and we hope to see you on the hill, but if not raise a glass in a ‘virtual’ toast to join us. We’ll be led by classmate Jim Naughton as we celebrate being forever young at our class dinner at 7 p.m. Providence time on Friday night, May 26. Take a picture of your toast and post it on either of our class Facebook pages: (private page for sharing more personal info) or (public page; anyone can see this). Look for photos from the on-campus event there too.”
Larry Allen writes: “Shortly after I left Brown, I went back to school for orthotics and prosthetics and became American Board-certified in 1972. In 1977, while I was doing an immediate post-surgical fitting of a prosthetic leg in the operating room, I met my wife, Joan, who was managing the anesthesia for the patient. We were both divorced; she had three children. We were married in 1978 and eventually settled in Cleveland. I worked for a family-friendly company that has a great local reputation for taking care of people and keeping up with all the latest technology. When I went to school for prosthetics, the teaching was around wooden legs and cable-controlled arms. It is all different now. I have worked with this group for the past 33 years. Everything we do is one-of-a-kind and custom-made for the individual, and intended to restore the person to as near a normal life as possible. It is a very rewarding and interesting field. Practically everyone is happy to see me because they are anxious to get back up on their feet and to continue their lives. Many of them stick with me for the balance of their lives and become friends. It has been a wonderful life. Each day brings in something new. One day I made a prosthetic leg for a relative’s pet chicken, and then, at the other end of the spectrum, I made a prosthetic arm for a doctor who had lost an arm above the elbow in a traffic accident. That prosthesis was very unusual and it allowed him to continue his career in the operating room. I am 72 now and plan to keep working. I imagine that I will eventually be run over by technology because health care is changing very quickly. Joan is retired. The kids are gone; they have done well. We have three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. When I’m not working, I read (history, for the most part), I garden (flowers, mostly), and I tinker (remote-controlled toys). I also play the trumpet in the Euclid Symphony Orchestra, a local group of about 50 members. We play five times a year in concert and rehearse once a week. We are off in the summer to enjoy the nice weather and Lake Erie.”
David N. Chichester writes: “Life continues apace for Hilde and me, and I can’t wait for our 50th reunion. We had a great photo safari in Southern Africa last summer and a wonderful Thanksgiving family week in Philadelphia with West Coast kids/grandkids joining the East Coast kids/grandkids and assorted relatives. I continue to serve on corporate and nonprofit boards. I am active with tennis, travel, hiking, biking, etc., despite a hiatus for a knee replacement in January. Hope to see many of you at reunion.”
The American Psychiatric Association chose Allen R. Dyer ’70 MMSc, professor and vice chair for education in the George Washington Univ. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, to receive its 2017 Bruno Lima Award in Disaster Psychiatry. The award is given each year to honor the contributions of an APA member who has made exemplary contributions to the care and understanding of the victims of disaster. Most recently, Allen organized two humanitarian relief teams that responded to different phases of the refugee crisis in Greece, both including George Washington psychiatry residents as team members.
James W. Fanning writes: “I have completed 45 years with State Farm Insurance as an agent. I’ve lived in Newburgh, Indiana, along the Ohio River, for 46 years. I plan on working a while longer, as long as the bod holds up. I’ve been married to Mary for 45 years, with two sons scattered hither and yon. I am looking forward to a great reunion.”
Daniel Lewis has been elected twice to the New York State Supreme Court and is still serving.
From the March/April 2017 Issue
Your class officers want to remind you of the 50th reunion May 26–28. There’s still time to register for our milestone event, for which we’re anticipating record attendance. We’ll be celebrating the fact that (in the words of Nobel laureate Bob Dylan) the Brown Class of 1967 remains “forever young.” We hope you’ll join us to see which of our classmates have stayed especially young. In the meantime, please share what keeps you young. Send to Paula Allemang Turner and she’ll post on the class Facebook page. The generosity of classmates is enabling us to offer a first-class reunion that will be one of the most affordable in decades. Be sure to visit our class Facebook page for news and the latest class schedule: (private page for sharing more personal info) or (public page: anyone can see this).
Wendy Harford Arandale writes: “My husband, Bob, and I continue to enjoy living in Alaska. My clinical psychology practice keeps me very busy treating primarily trauma survivors. Bob is also very busy writing a book on human communication theory for Oxford University Press. Our daughter, Amy, who is a physical therapist with a focus on sports medicine, should finish her PhD in biomechanics at the University of Delaware in May. Our son, Roberto, who is a cellist, is halfway through his Doctor of Musical Arts at the Univ. of Colorado, Boulder.”
Gerry Boyle writes: “Life is good, health is good, family is good! Married for 46 years to a wonderful, committed woman, a retired school principal in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I have three adult children living in Dallas; Taos, New Mexico; and Boston; with four grandsons. I am currently living on Cape Cod and in Naples, Fla., enjoying the beach and the golf course.”
Gerald Brody retired after serving as vice president of Student Life at South Western Univ. (Georgetown, Tex.), Alfred Univ. (Alfred, N.Y.), and San Jose State Univ. (San Jose, Calif.) for a total of more than 40 years in higher education. He and his wife reside in Georgetown, Tex., and their son is a first-year student at Trinity Univ. in San Antonio.
Martha Ames Burgess (Muffin) continues “in retirement” to teach, harvest, and blog about native, wild, and heirloom desert foods and work for food security in Baja, Ariz. (website and blog ). She is the primary caregiver for her 102-year-old mother, Virginia Wade Ames, assisting her mother to publish books on Amazon. With her partner, Rod Mondt, she made a recent geological and family roots trip to Scotland and Iceland.
Ann Whitney Cleaves writes that she enjoyed attending the 2016 American Association of Editorial Cartoonists’ Political Cartoon and Satire Festival at Duke Univ. in June.
Clarke Cochran writes: “Staying active in retirement by baking more bread and trying newer recipes. I have also taken up photography again. In addition to my ministry as a Catholic deacon, I am on the boards of the American Red Cross serving Texas South Plains and of the Purpose Medical Mission.”
Mary Stephania Conrad writes: “My younger daughter, Christina Conrad (Georgetown Univ.), married Martin Bernstein (Dartmouth) last June. The wedding was in front of Teton Mountain in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.”
Seth Finn writes: “Upon the occasion of the Nobel committee just having made its choice for the 2016 prize in literature, I want to congratulate my freshman roommate, Marc Ryan, who came to Providence in 1963 with a record player and a set of Bob Dylan records plus a guitar and a harmonica on a neck holder with which to play along. ‘So don’t fear if you hear/A foreign sound to your ear/It’s alright, Ma, I’m only sighing.’ Time has proven that Marc was an uncannily prescient creative writing major.”
Greg Fritz writes: “Looking forward (sort of) to our 50th. I remember looking at the 50-year classmates at graduation during undergrad years thinking they were so old, and now they are us. Beats the alternative I guess. Thanks for all the effort to make it happen.”
John R. Hall Jr. writes: “I retired in 2014 and have quickly blown up my new leisure time in becoming active with local groups and committees, including the town library (Board of Trustees), the art association, and a downtown revitalization group. Would love to hear from Brown ’67 friends with similar activities.”
William Harley writes: “I want to share the news of the release of our new book, Now That I’m Here, What Should I Be Doing? Discover Life’s Purpose, written in collaboration with my wife, Jean Harley, and available on Amazon. In this book we survey the scriptures of the world’s major religions—humanity’s common faith heritage—and identify the three ultimate purposes of life; the social, intellectual, and spiritual growth patterns designed into life by the Creator: the nature of the tailored growth curriculum that exists for each person; and how each person can take action in their personalized curriculum to better fulfill the purposes of life.”
Philip A. Helgerson writes: “Carol and I celebrated 48 years of marriage in September. We are now enjoying summers in Damariscotta, Maine, and the cooler months in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. Our travels back and forth give us time to visit children and grandchildren in Philadelphia; Chelmsford, Massachusetts; and Bath, Maine.”
John and Judith Minna Hushon are active volunteers. John is on the board of the Naples Art Assoc. and teaches scripture. Judy is on the board of the Conservancy of Southwest Florida and is active in the League of Women Voters and the Culinary and Hospitality Education Foundation, and is the costumer for Opera Naples. They have two sons living with their families in Northern Virginia, including Jeremy ’93, and have three grandchildren. They travel in the summer and last year visited Thailand; Iceland; Santa Fe, New Mex.; and the Utah National Parks.
Terry Mood Leopold writes: “My husband, John, and I enjoyed a three-week trip to Europe. The first week was in Florence, Italy. We saw some friends there and visited as many of Florence’s beautiful spots as possible. The second two weeks consisted of a coach tour of Portugal and Spain, starting in Lisbon, visiting Seville, Marbella, Granada, Cordoba, and Madrid. After doing previous European visits on our own, we’ve converted to the joys of escorted travel and having someone else do the driving and carry the luggage. I plan to attend our 50th and would love to hear from classmates in the meantime.”
Larry Philbrick, Jr.’s younger daughter, Rachel ’16, received her PhD from Brown in classics and has a one-year teaching position at Georgetown Univ.
Ray Risner writes: “I am looking forward to our 50th this year. Hope to be there in Providence for the celebrations and festivities. My career has had many twists and turns. I left electrical engineering after serving as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army Signal Corps in Vietnam in the late ’60s. I finished my MBA at Harvard in 1971. My first couple of jobs were failures, but in 1975 I found a good home and stayed for 14 years. I finally ended up as president of a publicly owned company in 1995 and retired in 2000. Always wanting to be an entrepreneur, I started an insurance agency in 2004 and I’m still working today, with everyone in the office younger than me. I’m also very proud of my children and grandchildren.”
Barbara Allen Sanderson writes: “My husband, Bob, and I continue to run Jonathan’s Sprouts (40 years), selling our product to retail and food service in New England and mid-Atlantic areas. Of course, we would like to retire, but are looking for a succession plan, in the form of a chief operations officer who can balance out our succession team.”
From the January/February 2017 Issue
Cochairs of the 50th reunion, Bill Turner and Paula Allemang Turner, report: “Our reunion on Memorial Day weekend, May 26–28, is fast approaching. We’re reaching out to all our classmates for a record-setting attendance, which will ensure fun for everyone. Our goals are: to enjoy quality time for mixing and mingling in comfortable surroundings and with good food and drink; to take advantage of the usually excellent University forums and events; and to keep your costs as low as possible. Updated dorm rooms (in Archibald House) are available free of charge and have gotten good reviews from other classes. If you prefer a hotel, book early and consider Seekonk, North Providence, Lincoln, and Warwick. Uber and Lyft are active in and around Providence, and we’ll be sending tips on using them and on where to park if you drive. Thanks to the continuing generosity of classmates over the years, we’ll be subsidizing more than half the reunion costs (which is unprecedented). We expect to keep the cost of attending all class activities below $200 per person and $347 per couple, but you can choose à la carte. This estimate includes registration; Friday’s Welcome Reception and Dinner and Campus Dance; breakfast, lunch and reunion Reception and Dinner on Saturday; and Sunday’s breakfast and Grab ‘n’ Go lunch, which will bracket the Commencement procession. Make your plane reservations, watch for more information, and check our class Facebook page and Brown’s website: ;
Rula Patterson Shore’s husband of 29 years, Nathan Barrie Shore, passed away on June 28 after a protracted illness. He is also survived by their son William T. Shore ’09, ’09 ScM.
Jane Golin Strom traveled with her family to Costa Rica in August. Family members included Jane’s husband, Joel; daughter Rebecca Strom Trenner and her husband, Justyn, and son Joss (sophomore at Sussex Univ., U.K.); daughter Helena and daughter Mira (first-year at Magdalen College, Oxford); and daughter Jessica Strom Rutherford ’94 and her husband Jason, and their two girls, Melanie and Nina. Jane writes: “My Spanish came in very handy. Thanks, Professor Kossoff.”
Susan Kantor Zepeda has stepped down as president/CEO of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, but she remains as a consultant during the transition to the new president/CEO and looks forward to consulting to other foundations that are forming or in transition.
From the November/December 2016 Issue
Class officers report: “As we turn the corner into 2017, your class leaders encourage you to mark your calendar with our 50th reunion in May 26–28, 2017 (Memorial Day weekend). In case you need encouragement, here are the top 10 reasons to attend: 10. Catch up with old friends (and make some new ones). 9. See how Brown and Providence have changed since we graduated. 8. Revisit Brown “institutions” from the sixties (like the Rock, the Ratty, and Barrett Hazeltine). 7. Catch a glimpse of the elusive Josiah Carberry. 6. Brag about your grandchildren. 5. Compare joint replacement stories. 4. See why folks get so excited about Brown’s commencement procession. 3. Stimulate that gray matter (your brain, not your hair…). 2. Eat, drink and ____________. (Fill in the blank.) And the number one reason to come to Brown ’67’s 50th reunion: 1. Make your class reunion team extremely happy.”
Ellen T. Harris was elected as one of 33 new members at the American Philosophical Society’s annual spring meeting in Philadelphia. She is president of the American Musicological Society and has been a major force in bringing the music of Handel and many other composers from Europe’s past to new audiences through her books and performing editions, and by offering musical and historical advice to artists and performing arts organizations internationally.
Jon Turk writes: “After graduating from Brown, I went on to get my PhD at the University of Colorado and then became a professional adventurer. In 2011, at age 65, National Geographic nominated me and my 27-year-old partner as one of the ‘Top Ten Adventure Teams’. I don’t know of any other athlete, in any sport, and especially in an endurance sport, who has attained that high a global ranking, at that age.” Jon published Crocodiles and Ice: A Journey into Deep Wild, in September.
From the September/October 2016 Issue
The class officers report: “We’re in the final months leading up to our 50th reunion in May 2017. We have a goal of having as many of you come to the event as possible. To that end, let us know which classmates you’ve missed and would like to see again. We’ll reach out to them. We’re getting the ball rolling with our own list here. Please send the names of your hope-to-see-there classmates to our communications officer. Shout-out to RSVP to come to our 50th reunion: anyone who sang with the PDQs, Irene Buchman’s ‘Group of Eight,’ and anyone who lived in Metcalf freshman year.” Reunion cochairs Bill and Paula Allemang Turner report: “Over the last five decades we have stayed close to a few classmates, attended a few reunions, and read the class notes in the Brown Alumni Magazine. But there are dozens of Pembroke and Brown friends and acquaintances from our campus years with whom we have not crossed paths or caught up, or even heard about. Perhaps you, too, have had the same nagging desire to catch up with classmates of yore. Our class’s 50th reunion next Memorial Day weekend—May 26–28, 2017, will be the ideal opportunity to do that. Please mark the weekend on your calendar and make a point of planning the trip to Providence. The more of us that attend, the more fun and interesting it risks being. Curiosity alone should be sufficient. Look for future messages from us with details on 50th reunion plans.”
Rula Patterson Shore (see Joan McMaster ’60).
From the July/August 2016 Issue
Reunion cochairs Bill and Paula Allemang Turner write: “Over the last five decades we have stayed close to a few classmates, attended a few reunions, and read the class notes in the BAM. But there are dozens of Pembroke and Brown friends and acquaintances from our campus years with whom we have not crossed paths or caught up—or even heard about. Perhaps you too have had the same nagging desire to catch up with classmates of yore. Our 50th reunion next Memorial Day weekend (May 26–28, 2017) will be the ideal opportunity to do that. Please mark the weekend on your calendar and make a point of planning the trip to Providence. The more people who attend, the more fun and interesting it will be. Curiosity alone should be sufficient. Look for future messages from us with details on 50th reunion plans.”
John T. Barrett Jr. (see Jonathan and Abigail Barrett Bloom ’03).
From the May/June 2016 Issue
Class president Brian Murphy writes: “One year from now, Brown’s class of 1967 will celebrate our 50th reunion on Memorial Day weekend. Mark your calendar now and plan to join your classmates to celebrate what we know will be a memorable event. Planning begins in earnest this summer. Your class officers would like to know what activities would lure you back to the Hill. E-mail your ideas to our co–vice presidents, Glenn Mitchell ’69 ScM, ’75 MD, and Sharon Drager, or mail your ideas to our communications chair, Elaine Decker. Be sure to check our class website and our class Facebook page from time to time to see what’s going on.”
J. Laurence Allen started his career in orthotics and prosthetics in 1970. He settled in Cleveland and married Joan, a nurse anesthetist with three children, after meeting in the operating room. He writes: “I have enjoyed the one-of-a-kind creativity of my field. I have made a prosthetic leg for a relative’s pet chicken and a prosthetic arm that allowed a doctor to continue his career after losing his arm in a traffic accident. When you make a prosthetic replacement limb for someone who has lost an arm or leg, you usually form a long-term relationship with the recipient. I have met some very interesting people. It has been a wonderful life. I plan to continue working for a while as long as I can keep up with the rapidly moving technology. When I’m not working, I play my trumpet with the Euclid Symphony Orchestra and cheer on the grandchildren.”
David N. Chichester spent Thanksgiving with kids and grandkids—12 in all—on the Big Island of Hawaii. He writes: “Constant entertainment and great hiking, snorkeling, swimming with dolphins, etc. My mom just turned 97, is faring well, and now lives 10 minutes from us on Bainbridge Island, Washington. By the time this goes to press, I will have finished a six-month stint as acting CFO of Central Garden and Pet Company, on whose board I have served for many years. Hilde and I lived in Walnut Creek, California, for that time.”
Philip Helgerson writes: “We are happily situated in Maine for the summer and Maryland for the winter. When not in one of those places or visiting kids and grandchildren in Maine, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, we are catching up on deferred travels and discoveries.”
From the March/April 2016 Issue
Shelley Atwood writes: “I had a very wonderful time on the Danube River trip from Sofia, Bulgaria, to Prague, Czech Republic. Professor Duncan Smith ’61, ’63 AM, ’67 PhD was a delightful leader with both intelligence and wit. My favorite fellow graduate was Carolyn Morgan Palermo ’56. Steve and I hope to go on the river trip from Budapest to Amsterdam, in June 2016.”
Elaine M. Decker reports: “This spring will be our final ‘virtual’ event before our real reunion on Memorial Day weekend 2017. As a lead-up to this milestone 50th reunion, we’re doing things a tad differently this year. Our virtual theme is ‘Favorite Memories of Brown ’67.’ Our target dates are the entire months of April and May 2016. Send us a picture of one of your favorite Brown ’67 memories, especially those of classmates, either from your undergraduate years or from a reunion you attended on campus or elsewhere. As always, be sure to let us know where the photo was taken, and please identify all the class members in the picture. This year, please also provide a sentence or two about why this is one of your favorites. Mark your calendar for our 50th: May 26–28, 2017. Photos from last year’s virtual event, ‘The Creative Side of Brown ’67,’ are up on the class website. We’ll post this year's contributions on our class website: . Selections will also appear on our class Facebook page: .”
President and CEO of the Jewish Healthcare Foundation, Karen Wolk Feinstein, was honored as 2015 Pittsburgher of the Year by Pittsburgh Magazine.
Mary Shimkus writes: “My daughter, Christina Conrad, is the inventor of the Boobypack and owner of . She will marry Martin Bernstein of Washington, D.C., on June 25 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.”
John B. Crosby Jr. writes: “After 37 years, Betty and I have left Summit, New Jersey, and are now living in Westerly, Rhode Island, and Vero Beach, Florida. This gives us the best of both worlds.”
Ross Marlay was named Volunteer of the Year by the Arkansas Health Care Assoc. for taking his three-legged dog, Foxy, to a nursing home once a week during the seven years (so far) of his retirement.
Margot White was interviewed by Sean Stone, son of Oliver Stone, about her experiences in Iran and her book, Waking Up in Tehran: The Untold Story of Iran’s Revolution.
From the January/February 2016 Issue
Class president Brian Murphy writes: “As we head into 2016, your class officers are getting energized about our upcoming 50th reunion. Our first step is to remind all of you to mark your calendars with a bold ‘Save the Date’ for Memorial Day weekend 2017. Events begin on Friday, May 26, and continue through Sunday, May 28. The University has already slotted our headquarters in a convenient and recently renovated dormitory. We will also have the premier location for both our Friday and Saturday night dinners. Because of the generosity of our classmates over the past five years, we’ll be able to subsidize many of our class events. Simply put, our 50th reunion is one that you should not miss! As our reunion plans develop, we’ll update our class website, , and our private class Facebook page .”
Elizabeth Feroe Bakst continues to volunteer for the Lifelong Learning Collaborative in Rhode Island, often with classmate Sidney Okashige.
Douglas C. Franke and his wife have moved to Delaware after nearly 40 years in New Jersey. He writes: “Last year both of our sons were married, bringing great happiness to our family. I am fully retired after about 43 years in a variety of engineering, technical marketing, product management positions, as well as in the telecommunications and data marketing industry. At Bell Laboratories I achieved the position of Distinguished Member of Technical Staff.” Douglas looks forward to the class of ’67’s 50th reunion.
Thomas Gaffney continues to work in private equity with his own firm, the Anderson Group, now based in St. Petersburg, Fla.
John Hall retired in April 2014 at the age of 66. He has kept active since then, serving as a Town Meeting Member, president of the Friends of Norwood Center, a member of the Library Board of Trustees, and a member of half a dozen committees dealing with different issues. He also supports his wife, who is active in the local food pantry and the town’s art association.
Fraser Lang joined the board of directors of Rhode Island Public Radio. He also serves as vice chair of the Metcalf Institute for Environmental Journalism.
Gene Newman writes: “Since the announcement of the First Annual Ten-Class (1960–1969) Brown Kappa Sigma Reunion, 11 more classes (1955–1959 and 1970–1975) of Brown Kappa Sigma have been invited to participate. Now, a total of 21 classes of Brown Kappa Sigma and its successor, Toad Hall, will get together for a weekend of fun, memories, and foolishness in North Miami Beach February 4–7. E-mail me for full details (reunion hotel at special rates, travel information, activities, and who plans to be there).”
Elaine Cesaretti Prior writes that she and David Prior ’66 hope to attend their 50th reunions.
Saul Rothman writes that his twin granddaughters, Stella June Bird and Charlotte June Bird, will turn 1 on June 15. Stella and Charlotte live in western Connecticut with his daughter Maggie and her husband, Nathan.
Barbara Allen Sanderson reports that on March 26, 2012, her good friend Mara Chibnik passed away due to complications from pancreatic cancer. Barbara and her husband, Bob, are celebrating the 40th anniversary of their company, Jonathan’s Sports, located in Rochester, Mass.
Judith Sockut Silverman ’69 ScM, ’85 ScM (see Ying Yu ’03 ScM, ’07 PhD).
Bill Turner writes: “As this year’s auto racing calendar draws to a close, we note the 40th anniversary of the passing of an exceptional and accomplished race driver and automotive engineer, Mark Donohue ’59. He was a unique combination of top-flight engineer, a creative student of putting the laws and forces affecting motor vehicles into practice, and race driver extraordinaire, dedicated to speed and winning. Manufacturer engineering teams welcomed Mark into their design skunk works to collaborate on problems and new ideas. In winning the 1972 Indianapolis 500 for Roger Penske, he set a record for that race—162 miles per hour—that lasted 12 years. Following a decade-long championship-level career—in all types of vehicles and on both road and track courses—Mark retired as a driver in 1973. On Aug. 19, 1975, at a practice in Austria, a tire blowout threw his car off the track into catch fencing, where his head struck a post. Although he walked away with only a headache, an unknown cerebral hemorrhage pushed him into a coma, and he died the next day at age 38. Only 10 days earlier, Mark had set a world closed-course speed record of 221 miles per hour in a Penske Porsche 917-30 at Talladega Roadway, a record that would stand for 11 years.”
Alan Vaskas writes: “My wife, Janet McClendon, and I attended Commencement Weekend last spring, when our daughter-in-law, Heather Marshall ’15 EMHL, was awarded an Executive Master in Healthcare Leadership from Brown’s School of Professional Studies. After 11 years practicing emergency medicine in Tacoma, Wash., Heather was appointed associate regional medical director, southwest region, for Island Medical Management. In this position, she is establishing an integrated emergency department and hospitalist medicine contracts in New Mexico. She and her husband, Doug, have moved to Roswell, N.M., with their children, Axel, 3 and Lucy, 1.”
From the November/December 2015 Issue
Class president Brian Murphy reports: “Most of you know by now that my Brown ’67 copresident and good friend, George Armiger, passed away suddenly this summer. He suffered a heart attack July 13 while on vacation at the Maryland shore. George was an All-American lacrosse player and was inducted into the Brown Athletics Hall of Fame in 1972. Our class website has more information on his accomplishments, as well as recollections from other members of our class. George’s warmth, his humor and his leadership will be missed, but he will be ever in our hearts. His loss is felt deeply by all who knew him and it reminds those of us he left behind that our ties to our Brown classmates are a special part of our lives. Pilar Johnstad, George’s cherished companion, said it best: ‘As long as we remember him, he will be alive in our hearts.’ As we get closer to our special 50th year reunion in May 2017, I hope that you will return to the Hill to reconnect with those old friends who have been in your thoughts over the years but you just haven’t been able to see them. Ever true.” View George’s obituary in the Obits section.
From the September/October 2015 Issue
Class communications chair Elaine M. Decker reports: “By the time this BAM reaches your mailbox, most of us who are Brown ’67 will have celebrated yet another milestone: our 70th birthday. The rolling over from one decade to another is often a time to take stock of where we’ve been in our lives and where we’d like to be going—both literally and figuratively. Let us know what is special about your 70th year. What did/will you check off your bucket list? Any place you hope to travel? I’ll start. This October (our 25th wedding anniversary), Jagdish and I will visit the Taj Mahal. It will be my fifth trip to India (second this year) but first time to Agra. I’ll post what you share on our class website, , and on our private class Facebook page, . Happy birthday to each of you, belatedly, right on time, or even a few months early!
From the May/June 2015 Issue
Sidney E. Okashige writes: “Belated thanks to the class for allowing me to serve as its president. As your class leader, I was able to serve six years on the ACL Board of Advisors. I completed those two terms last June and thoroughly enjoyed it. I am happy to report that new ACL board members—class co–vice presidents Glen Mitchell ’69 ScM, ’75 MD and Joe Petteruti—have been collaborating to bring reunion planning onto a new plane. Stay tuned for developments. For the first time in decades, the class has a full slate of officers and alternates, preparing the class well for 50th-reunion planning, which is already in full swing in the capable hands of Bill and Paula Allemang Turner and copresidents George Armiger and Brian Murphy. David Chichester will lead the class gift effort and serve as liaison between the reunion planners and the Office of Advancement. We are so lucky. It’s going to be great. On a more personal note, I have especially enjoyed my connection and friendship with Pembroke classmates Gene Armstrong and Elizabeth Feroe Bakst during 2014. In my mind, there is nothing better than friendships among Pembrokers. If you have stayed in touch with a small group of friends over the years, I would like to know about it. The reunion committee would like to map out the network of these informal but powerful connections. It’s especially important because Pembrokers did not have sororities. If we develop enough of a ‘map’ we may be able to plan a special Pembroke event for the 50th reunion.”
Class copresidents George Armiger and Brian Murphy report: “With just two years until our 50th reunion, the class notes section of the Brown Alumni Magazine is a great place to share news with other members of Brown ’67. Submit your notes online or by e-mail (see front of this section for contact info). For those who want more frequent updates, join our class Facebook group. You can lurk without posting anything, but we’d like all of you to share your own news. It’s a private group; that means only classmates may join, view, or post. The Brown ’67 Facebook group is also a place to catch up on what’s happening at our alma mater. Recent posts included: a link to Rosetta Stone, a free service of the Brown Alumni Assoc. to help us learn a language; a photo of the Pizzitola roof that collapsed under the weight of Providence’s extreme snowfall; several stories from the BDH; and (sadly) information on classmates we’ve lost recently. Simply put, it’s not your teenager’s Facebook. Join and visit us soon and often at .
Joseph Ruma writes: “After 31 years, I am winding into my last year as senior vice president for acquisitions at Fresenius Medical Care. Bigger news is that two new grandchildren were born in 2014, Norah and Joseph. They join my oldest, Ryan. Helaine Benson Palmer ’68 and I are pleased and blessed.”
Kenneth Scher closed his general and vascular surgery practice in April 2013. He then taught at the Medical College of Wisconsin before retiring in May 2014. He and his wife, Kimberly (Mount Mary Univ. and Loyola Univ.), have relocated to Lexington, Ky. He writes: “We love the Bluegrass region. We are busy exploring our adopted state, gardening, decorating our new home, and finding lots of theater and music to enjoy. Kim has lots of volunteer projects, and I am enrolled in courses at the Univ. of Kentucky (nothing medical). I send best wishes to all my classmates, especially the Littlefield House guys.”
From the March/April 2015 Issue
Elaine Decker writes: “A group of class of ’67 leaders met during Brown’s 2014 Fall Celebration to discuss ideas for our upcoming 50th reunion on Memorial Day weekend, 2017. We want every classmate we can locate to attend. To that end, we’re asking affinity groups to help with communications (via telephone, e-mail trees, or even the USPS). Think fraternities, sports teams, Pembroke dorms/houses, singing groups, and other clubs. If you were active in any of those, and especially if you’re in touch with other members of your group, let us know. We can use your help in motivating our classmates to come back to campus to celebrate our time together and to share our post-Brown lives. Contact class co-president George Armiger or class co–vice president Sharon Drager.
“In addition, it’s time for our annual invitation to participate in Brown’s class of 1967 ‘virtual’ event. The theme this year is ‘The Creative Side of Brown ’67.’ Our target dates are the weekends of Apr. 25–26 and May 2–3. Send us a picture of whatever creative activity you’re involved in on one of those weekends (or anytime—we’re not picky). Feel free to be creative in how you define creative! Let us know where the photo was taken, and please identify all the members of Brown ’67 in the picture. Photos from last year’s virtual event, ‘Brown ’67 and the Great Outdoors,’ are up on the class website.”
John R. Hall retired on Apr. 30, 2013, at age 66. Along the way, he has received awards from the Fire Protection Research Foundation, the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the International Organization for Standardization. He was also named a fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences and of ASTM. Since retiring, he has become much more active in his town, serving as a town meeting member, as a member of the library board of trustees, and on four committees.
Janet Levin Hawk writes that she and her husband, Dave Hawk, traveled to Australia and New Zealand with Joan Scott Clark and her husband, Bill, during February and March 2014. She writes: “We took pictures on the ‘Pembroke’ deck of the ship at Milford Sound, New Zealand. Joan and I were roommates for three years at Brown and have been friends ever since.”
Peggy Blanke Henderson writes that she loves being a grandmother. She also writes of her “great concern about the loss of natural habitats and climate change. I do what I can on those fronts.”
William E. Olewiler, a retired United Methodist pastor, has been appointed interim pastor at Georgetown United Methodist Church in Georgetown, Fla., through the end of June 2015.
Larry Pizer (see Stephen M. Pizer ’62).
Eric C. Smith writes: “After 35 years, we have decided to live in one house. We sold our house in Columbus, Ohio, in August and are now residents of Hilton Head Island, S.C., for most of the year. We are renting a townhouse in Columbus until our renovation in Hilton Head is complete. After that, I plan to develop a taste for grits and talk real slow. See everyone at our 50th.”
James W. Wells writes: “My daughter, Whitney, is an oncology RN in Irvine, California, where our son-in-law is a medical student. At 32 years old, he is the oldest in class, but undaunted by the long road ahead. Whitney left law school to pursue nursing, and we are glad she did.”
Susan Zepeda announces the November marriage of her daughter, Paloma, to Moses Ahmadi, in Georgetown, Tex.
From the January/February 2015 Issue
Class communications officer Elaine M. Decker reports: “A group of class leaders met during Brown’s 2014 fall celebration to discuss ideas for our upcoming 50th reunion (Memorial Day weekend, 2017). We want every classmate we can locate to attend our 50th. To that end, we’re asking affinity groups to help with communications (via telephone, e-mail trees, or even USPS). Think fraternities, sports teams, Pembroke dorms/houses, singing groups, and other clubs. If you were active in any of those and especially if you’re in touch with other members of your group, let us know. We can use your help in motivating our classmates to come back to campus to celebrate our time together and to share our post-Brown lives. Contact class copresident George Armiger or class co–vice president Sharon Drager if you’re willing to join in this effort.”
Elizabeth Feroe Bakst and Sidney Okashige have been coordinators of courses at the Lifelong Learning Collaborative, a nonprofit, peer-led organization. Elizabeth writes: “If you live in or around Providence, go online and join a lively bunch of inquiring minds.”
Mary Stephania Shimkus Conrad and her family went skiing in Jackson Hole, Wyo., for Christmas. Her daughter, Christina Conrad, has a business selling “boobypacks.” Stephania writes: “Watch for her on Shark Tank this season.”
Elaine M. Decker and her husband, Jagdish Sachdev, moved into a condominium in River Highlands, a golf club in Cromwell, Conn. She writes: “It’s quite an adjustment from living on the East Side of Providence for more than 20 years. We don’t plan to take up golf, but we’re enjoying the quiet and the views. We’re also collecting stray golf balls—so far, no broken windows.” Jagdish still owns Spectrum-India on Thayer Street, and they return to Providence at least twice a month.
Jeffrey Goldman writes: “I have three grandchildren: two little boys in Boulder, Colorado, and a little girl in D.C. All are under four years old.”
Fraser Lang was appointed to the board of Rhode Island Public Radio and serves on the advisory board of the Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting. His daughter, Cameron Lang ’14 MD, graduated from the Alpert Medical School.
Ron Leavitt writes: “I am now a full-time Floridian. I am working part-time, enjoying life, and in good health. I escaped the Florida summer by spending four weeks in Central Asia and four weeks cycling in Eastern Europe.”
Wayne Pasanen writes: “I’m proud to have my grandson, Nikko Pasanen, as a member of the class of 2017. His father, Mark Pasanen, graduated in the class of 1986. My other son, Zachary Pasanen, graduated in the class of 2006.”
Saul Rothman announces the June 16 birth of his twin granddaughters, Stella June Bird and Charlotte June Bird.
Jane Golin Strom celebrated her granddaughter Helena’s bat mitzvah in London in November. Jane writes: “After a dry-run vacation of all 11 of us in Juan-les-Pins, France, in August, Joel and I rejoiced in Helena’s event.” In attendance was Helena’s aunt, Jessica Strom Rutherford ’94. Helena is also the great-granddaughter and namesake of Helen Herman Golin ’42.
From the November/December 2014 Issue
William D. Baird Jr. (see Sarah Broadhead Baird ’03).
Elaine Decker congratulates Sidney Okashige for receiving this year’s Nan Tracy Award. Elaine writes: “As a former class president and a recent board member of the Brown Association of Class Leaders, among other roles, Sid certainly earned this award. If you’ve recently been honored by some organization or entity for your service or accomplishments, bring your light out from under that bushel basket. We’ll post it on our class website
( ) and on our class Facebook page ( ).”
From the September/October 2014 Issue
Communications chair Elaine M. Decker writes: “Thank you to the more than 30 classmates who participated in this year’s virtual event ‘Brown ’67 in the Great Outdoors.’ I’ll be posting the photos on our class website as soon as I’m settled in our new digs. Your class officers are already exploring ideas for our 50th reunion activities. One theme that has emerged is the creative side of so many of you. We’re defining creative broadly. If you have a creative claim to fame, please e-mail me a short description and a website link, if appropriate.”
Ricker Winsor’s second book, The Painting of My Life, was published by Mud Flat Press and is now available on Amazon. Two of the chapters take place on the Brown campus in 1964-65. Ricker lives in Bali and teaches at the Bali Center for Artistic Creativity in Ubud. He is a writer and an exhibiting painter. Empty Mirror Books and Reflets du Temps in France publish his stories and essays online. His website is
From the July/August 2014 Issue
Brown ’67 National Chair of Regional Events and Facebook coordinator Sidney Okashige reports: “We’d like to see more members of Brown ’67 sign up for our closed and therefore private class Facebook page. It’s one of the key ways we share class information. You don’t need to post any messages, photos, or comments. You just need to have a free Facebook account. You can set one of those up without having to share a lot of personal information. Here’s the link to our class Facebook page: . We had 72 members as of the end of April. Our goal is to more than double that to reach 150 by New Year’s 2015. We also encourage you to get free e-mail for life from Brown. It’s another way to be sure you get messages from the class. Find more information at . Those who are less computer-engaged will continue to receive our USPS mailing once a year.”
Ricker Winsor’s book, The Painting of My Life, published by Mud Flat Press, is available at Amazon. Two chapters, “Reefer Madness” and “Breaking Away,” take place on the Brown campus. Visit .
From the May/June 2014 Issue
Class copresidents George Armiger and Brian Murphy write: “Brown class of ’67 pride is running high in 2014 with the accomplishments of two of our classmates in totally different areas. In the world of finance, Janet Yellen has officially taken over as the first woman to chair the Federal Reserve Board. Her appointment has been met with acclaim and high hopes for where she’ll be steering our economy. In entertainment, Tony Award winner James Naughton, fresh off his featured role in the TV show Hostages, opened the American Songbook series at Lincoln Center, singing Randy Newman tunes. The program also aired on Live from Lincoln Center on PBS in April. We know there are many newsworthy items among our diverse classmates, so send your own points of pride to our class communications chair and we’ll post them on our class website, and on our class Facebook page, .”
Wendy Hanford Arundale writes: “After working for a nonprofit outpatient clinic for the last five years, I have opened my own practice in clinical psychology in Fairbanks, Alaska. My husband, Bob, who retired to become professor emeritus from the Univ. of Alaska at Fairbanks two years ago, is helping out as business manager while he continues his work on a book for Oxford Univ. Press as well as on other writing projects. Our daughter, Amy (Haverford ’07), finished her doctorate in physical therapy at Duke and, after working two years in the Raleigh-Durham area, is starting a PhD in biomechanics at the Univ. of Delaware. Our son, Robert, graduated from the Univ. of Michigan in May 2013 and started the master’s program at the Cleveland Institute of Music.”
Marilyn Danzig retired after 36 years as a school psychologist in the Montclair, N.J., public schools. Her husband, Lawrence Green, also retired after 42 years as a psychiatric social worker. He has written a memoir, Once upon a Wounded Heart, which recounts his traumatic hospital confinement, isolation, and loneliness due to rheumatic fever. The book is available at and
Ronald W. Dunlap is president of the Massachusetts Medical Society.
Marjorie Marks writes: “This former avid snow bunny might have morphed into a snowbird, having spent January to March on the ocean in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I love the sun and warmth. I hope to find a Brown community nearby. New to the area, so all help gratefully accepted.”
Ellen Shapiro McDonald writes: “My husband, Forrest McDonald, and I are leaving our farm after 37 years and moving to an apartment in Tuscaloosa. We are both fully retired. Forrest is 87. He was a history professor at Brown from 1959 to 1967.”
Susan Kantor Zepeda writes: “I visited nine of our ten grandchildren this year. I am proud that the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, of which I am CEO, was selected as a federal social innovation fund site. I am also proud that our funding for health polling and health advocacy has contributed to a robust policy conversation in Kentucky. My son, Simon, completed a bachelor’s at Metropolitan Denver State Univ., and my daughter, Paloma, has moved to Houston, where she is an attorney with Ahmad, Zavitsanos, Anaipakos, Alavi & Mensing. Paloma is newly engaged to Moses Gomez, also of Houston.”
From the March/April 2014 Issue
As spring is upon us, our thoughts turn to Brown’s class of 1967 annual virtual event. Because our members are in such impressive shape, the theme for this year’s event will be Brown ’67 and the Great Outdoors. We’re holding it the weekends of April 26-27 and May 3-4, 2014. Send us a picture of whatever you’re doing on one of those weekends, whether it’s biking or hiking, a picnic or some other favorite outdoor activity. Be sure to tell us where you were when the photo was taken and please identify all the members of Brown ’67 in the picture. Last year we had about 50 classmates participate in our virtual birthday party. We’d love to have 70 or more photos to share this year. All the photos will be posted on our class website http://Alumni.brown.educlasses/1967/ . We know you kept in shape all winter so why not show it off? Selections will also appear on our class Facebook page 67/
David N. Chichester writes: “Hilde and I finished a three-week trip east, including weddings in Michigan and New Jersey, visits with Mom (95 years young), kids, and grandkids, a five-day walking tour of the five boroughs of New York City, and three days in Providence for alumni weekend, time with classmates, and a Sports Foundation board meeting. I also had the pleasure of some time with Christina Paxson in Seattle and introduced her at an alumni event.”
Margaret B. Henderson writes: “Working against climate change and loving being a grandma.”
Mary Stephania Shimkus Conrad writes: “My amazing daughter, Christina Conrad, owner and creator of , has built her artist mom a website. Check out .”
Judith Wolder Rosenthal writes: “After a lengthy career as a biology professor at Kean Univ. in Union, New Jersey, I am happily retired. Our 50th class reunion is quickly approaching and I vividly remember standing on the steps of Angell Hall talking to a classmate as we waited for a biology lab when we heard the news that President Kennedy was shot and killed. With the radio on, we still had lab.”
Elias Safdie writes: “I have officially retired and am starting a tour company with my wife, JoAnn (Wheaton ’69), doing guided tours in Provence, where we also have a villa we rent out. For more information visit . I am looking forward to catching up with classmates on either side of the pond.”
From the January/February 2014 Issue
Class copresident Brian Murphy writes: “Brown ’67 class leaders have already started planning for our 50th reunion on May 26–28. One of our goals is to engage all our classmates in this process. What will get you to come back to Brown for our 50th reunion? Sharon Drager and Sidney Okashige will head the effort to connect with Pembroke ’67. Brian Murphy, George Armiger, David Chichester, Rick Smith, and Glen Mitchell will be doing outreach to affinity groups such as fraternities and sports teams. Bill Turner and Paula Allemang Turner will be spearheading the development of the programs and activities for the reunion weekend. E-mail addresses are missing for a lot of you. Please update yours with Brown so you can take part in the conversation via the Alumni Directory at or call Brown’s Help Line: (401) 863-9662.”
Douglas J. Blatz writes: “My youngest son joined my sports medicine practice. My oldest son is the attorney for the group running all of the surgicenters. My middle son works for the U.S. State Department. I guess that’s a doctor, a lawyer, and an Indian chief.”
Carlyle A. Thayer retired at the end of 2010. He was honored with an appointment as emeritus professor at the Univ. of New South Wales at the Australian Defense Force Academy. Since then he has been invited to deliver academic papers at more than 30 international conferences. He continues to supervise PhD students and to research, write, and publish.
Ricker Winsor writes that he lives in Bali, in Denpasar close to Sanur, which has a five-kilometer walking path along the beach. He teaches with Bruce Sherratt, the founder of the Bali Center for Artistic Creativity in Ubud, and is helping with the Ubud Writers Festival. Ricker plays tennis three times a week, as well as golf, and will also perform with his guitar at an Italian restaurant called Proffito. Ricker’s short story “Riding with Sebastiano 1964” was published by Empty Mirror Books.
From the November/December 2013 Issue
Copresidents George Armiger and Brian Murphy write: “What we went through together our first winter in Providence included an introduction to New England snowfalls and an exposure to some of the most significant events in our lifetime, both profound and sublime. On Nov. 22, 1963, Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as the 36th president after the assassination of President Kennedy. On Nov. 24, 1963, we watched live TV as Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. On Dec. 26, 1963, the Beatles released ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand’ in the U.S. Whose hand were you holding on campus that winter? On Jan. 8, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson declared a War on Poverty. How did that influence your studies at Brown and the development of your social conscience? Share your thoughts with the class in our Countdown to Our 50th Reunion. Read what others have to say on our class website— —and on our class Facebook page:
Robert Elliott is a pediatrician serving kids in inner-city Los Angeles. He writes: “My own kids are grown. My son lives here in L.A., and my daughter in San Francisco. My wife, Barbara, works at Santa Monica College. We’ve been happily married for 35 years. It’s hard to imagine that this year is our 50th high school reunion!”
Ricker Winsor writes: “We are settling into our new life in Bali, a very intriguing place which will take a lot of interesting effort to learn. It is very obviously a wonderful place with warm, welcoming Balinese Hindu people. Despite all the foreigners like me, they retain their culture and identity as they have for hundreds of years. Empty Mirror Books continues to be interested in my writing and painting, giving me a good global audience. This artist path has always been the priority for me, and I gave up fatherhood and a lot of wives to keep it on track. Now it really feels worthwhile after plenty of struggle. Take a look at my new work ( ) and let me know what you are doing. Terima Kasi Untuk Waktuna. Thank you for your time.”
From the September/October 2013 Issue
Copresident George Armiger writes: “Fifty years ago we arrived on the Brown campus as mostly clueless freshmen. Only months from our first days in Providence, President Kennedy was assassinated. That was just the first of many tumultuous events that we went through together during our four years at Brown. As we approach our 50th reunion, let’s share the memories of those years and celebrate the way Brown changed our lives. Tell us what (or who) you remember most about your first months on campus, why it was so memorable, and how it influenced your life after Brown. We’ll share this information on our class website, . As we get closer to our actual 50th celebration, we plan to use these memories as a touchstone for our reunion activities. Share your thoughts and ideas with the class by sending or e-mailing them to me.
Clarke Cochran retired in March from Covenant Health in Lubbock, Tex., where he served as vice president of mission integration. He and his wife, Anne, continue to reside in Lubbock.
Allen R. Dyer ’70 MMSc writes: “After three years as senior health advisor for the International Medical Corps working on the Iraq Mental Health Initiative, as well as a variety of disaster responses in Sichuan, China; Haiti; and Sendai, Japan, I took a new position as professor of psychiatry and global health at George Washington Univ., seeing patients and teaching medical students and residents. My areas of interest are global health and mental health, ethics and professionalism, and cancer survivorship. I have a chapter on war, conflict, and complex emergencies in the new textbook Global Mental Health. My newest book, One More Mountain to Climb: What My Illness Taught Me About Health, has just been published and is available on and”
Michael Fahey (see Engagements & Weddings, Laura Mogulescu ’04).
Michael J. Hutter was elected president of the Albany County Bar Association.
Mark B. Lefkowitz closed his clinical practice in November 2007, but writes: “I continued to see a few patients to assure that I would have small-group health insurance until Medicare age. The health care system in our country is eroding—both financially and clinically. I missed only my second class reunion (2002) due to knee problems. The bilateral knee replacement that followed was not a simple mending process. Jane Brody, the exceptional health journalist for the New York Times, wisely advised, “If you’re thinking of a knee replacement—don’t!’”
Joseph Toscano (See Engagements & Weddings, Nadia Diamond-Smith ’06).
Ricker Winsor is teaching painting at the Center for Artistic Creativity in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. His story, The Neighborhood, about two rough years living on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn (1968–1970), was recently published by Empty Mirror Books, . His website is
From the May/June 2013 Issue
George Armiger writes: “Several Class of ’67 officers were on campus on Jan. 26 at the Assoc. of Class Leaders Summit to learn best practices for engaging classmates. Brent Grinna ’04 gave an informative presentation on Mobile and Social Technology. One key takeaway: We want all of you to join our class Facebook page: You must request to join this closed group. We use it to share all types of news about Brown and our class. It’s sort of the HuffPo of Brown ’67. You don’t have to actively participate. You can just be a lurker. But be there!”
Ruth Anne Hutchinson Barker writes: “I retired after 20 years from my school administrator position. I look forward to gardening, cooking, interior design, art, and music. I am also going to learn bridge scoring. I have had both knees replaced and a recent bout with skin cancer forced a reverse facelift. My husband, an arborist, continues to climb trees. My son and daughter, both married, have given us three granddaughters. Life is good!”
A. Lynn Hickey ’69 AM writes: “I had a wonderful visit from Lenore Wisney Horowitz in September and was able to show her some beautiful Vancouver Island scenery. We hadn’t seen each other since 1982. Lenore’s photography and poetry are amazing. The enjoyment of her visit almost made up for not being able to attend our 45th reunion, but I will try harder for the 50th.”
Matthew F. Medeiros writes: “After 42 years as a trial lawyer in business litigation, I retired at the end of 2012 to kick back and enjoy antique toy collecting and a thousand other interests.”
Wayne Pasanen is proud to announce that his oldest grandson, Nicholas Pasanen ’17, will be attending Brown in the fall. His father is Mark Pasanen ’86.
From the March/April 2013 Issue
Copresidents George Armiger and Brian Murphy report: “Brown ’67 turns 68! Most of the members of the class of 1967 will turn 68 this year. Since we’re scattered all over the globe, we’ve planned a ‘virtual’ celebration of our mutual birthday. What better time to do this than a virtual Spring Weekend (or two)? Wherever you are on the weekends of April 20 or 27, join us in raising a glass to toast Brown ’67 turning 68 and have someone in your party take a photo. E-mail the photo to our class communications chair. Please be sure to identify all Brown alumni in the photo and tell us where it was taken. Letting us know what you were drinking (and how much) is optional! Feel free to reminisce about an actual Spring Weekend when we were at Brown. We’ll post the photos and notes on the class of 1967 website. Cheers!”
Patricia Sutin Dowse writes: “My little arty handbag business now is represented in about 1,200 ‘mom-and-pop’ stores, high-end galleries, airport boutiques, and national park stores. I also have a second grandchild about to appear, and a husband who has begun phased retirement. Anyone know someone creative who wants their very own empire?” Visit .
Alexander Filipp continues to practice comprehensive ophthalmology full-time with Ophthalmology Consultants of the Capital Region, with an interest in dry eyes and ocular allergies. He especially loves his rural satellite office in Cobleskill, N.Y., where he has been going for 20 years. His daughter, Larissa A. Filipp ’00, is a social worker.
Jeffrey S. Goldman writes: “In two years, Judith and I have had three grandchildren: two boys and a girl. My two sons have relocated to Boulder, Colo., and Washington, D.C. We spend our time flying between D.C. and Boulder. Judi runs a national charity.”
Peter D. Johnson Jr. writes: “My kids are still in college. Long story. My learning curve still up, while brain is shrinking. Late bloomer. I am hoping to die in the classroom clutching the chalk tray. I am a professor of mathematics at Auburn Univ. I have high hopes for Obama. I voted for him in 2008 as well and was not disappointed, due to realistically low expectations.”
Robert Kissam (See Engagements & Weddings, Barry Schuster ’73).
Ronald Leavitt writes: “A lot of changes in my life: new spouse in January 2013, new home in December 2012, new job in October 2012 working part-time in the winter season doing office hand surgery in Fort Myers, Fla. Still enjoying life as a snowbird, playing golf, tennis, cycling, gardening, and doing home projects.”
Marjorie J. Marks writes: “I enjoy all New York City has to offer, including dance, music, theater, opera, museums, and restaurants. I took a trip to Cuba in January. Classmates Margery Bletcher Colloff, Susan Salms-Moss, Paula Allemang Turner, and Sally Sevcik will be doing the ‘ladies who lunch’ thing at my place. Expect much laughter as we all anticipate the impossibility of a 50th college reunion. No way!”
Myra Rufo (See Engagements & Weddings, Matthew Rufo ’03).
Jane Golin Strom writes: “I had a glorious vacation in October. I attended the dedication of Hadassah’s new hospital tower and Centennial Celebration in Israel as a member of the National Board. Joel and I donated the cardiology on-call room. We were joined by our daughter Rebecca and her husband and three children for some touring. It was great to see Israel through the eyes of our grandchildren.”
Raymond Viault retired six years ago after more than 35 years in the food business in the United States and Europe. He has lived in New York, California, Minnesota, and Zurich. He is now serving on two Fortune 500 boards and splitting time between Florida and New York. He has three children (two girls and a boy) and five grandchildren, including twin boys born in February 2012.
John D. Whitmeyer retired at the end of August after 41 years as a trust and estate lawyer at Nixon Peabody in Rochester, N.Y. His wife, Laurie, retired in April after 20 years as director of a small hospice home. He continues with board work at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, as well as the Sunset House Hospice. Their son and two grandsons live in North Carolina, and their daughter and her son and daughter live in Rochester, so John and Laurie enjoy splitting their time between Rochester and their home on Oak Island, N.C. John writes: “On to the next phase!”
From the January/February 2013 Issue
Elaine M. Decker writes: “The class of ’67 was well represented at Brown’s Leadership Weekend and the presidential inauguration in October. Four previous Brown ’67 class presidents were on campus for the events: David Chichester, Elaine Decker, Fraser Lang, and Sidney Okashige. Current class officers attending included our copresidents, George Armiger and Brian Murphy, and vice president Glenn Mitchell. The group met over breakfast in the Ratty to begin planning our 50th reunion. It’s not too soon to mark your calendar for Memorial Day weekend, May 26–28, 2017. This year’s reunion attendees rated the Commencement procession one of the most memorable reunion events. We hope you’ll be among those marching in our 50th. Be sure to keep your contact information updated with Brown.”
Harry Peden III (See Births & Adoptions, Sean Peden ’04).
From the November/December 2012 Issue
Elaine Decker writes: “New officers took office in July, after our 45th reunion. Our 45th reunion was a great success, thanks in large part to the hard work of outgoing class president Sidney Okashige. (Thanks, Sid!) You can see pictures from the weekend on our class website, Be sure to click on the reunion tab and scroll down to the numbered version of our class photo.
Watch your email for messages from our new copresidents, George Armiger and Brian Murphy. Your officers have ideas for keeping us connected from now until our 50th reunion. In Brian’s words: ‘Our four years at Brown were tumultuous ones. Let’s remember what we went through together and celebrate where it’s led us today.’ Keep up with class news at our website and on Facebook: and send your own news to BAM or to the class communications officer.”
From the May/June 2012 Issue [45th]
William R. Barrett Jr. writes: “I’m still in the investment management business, in my 11th year as president and CEO of Fiduciary Trust of California. My wife, Barbara, and I continue to be active in the not-for-profit world. I sit on five boards and chair one. Barbara sits on three. We have both found our work to be very gratifying and are happy we discovered it several years ago. With our sons, daughters-in-law, and grandsons spread from Los Angeles to Dallas to Brooklyn, we have reestablished our East Coast roots with a house on Cape Cod.”
Elaine M. Decker has published Retirement Sparks: Reigniting the Passion for Life—Irreverent Observations on Retirement. It’s available at, on Kindle, and in print at the Brown Bookstore and other locations on the East Side of Providence.
Marjorie J. Marks writes: “Looking forward to our 45th, even though I still feel 21 years old. I have a deluxe room at the Marriott and will share it if anyone’s looking for lodging for reunion weekend.”
Susan Salms-Moss would like to hear from friends. Though her name is hyphenated, her email address is not hyphenated.
From the March/April 2012 Issue
Bob and Wendy Hanford Arundale’s daughter, Amy, graduated from Duke in May with her doctorate in physical therapy. She also received the Student Achievement Award for her class. She is employed by Balance Physical Therapy of Carrboro and Durham, N.C. In June, Bob retired from 32 years of teaching at the Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks as emeritus professor of communication.
David Cranmer continues as a professor of humanities and social sciences at New England Institute of Technology (R.I.). He is treasurer of the northeast region of the Two-Year College English Association. David continues in his 12th year as a minister of music at Hope Congregational Church in East Providence and as secretary of the R.I. Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
Jim Davenport has become program manager for the Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Program at the Department of Energy after 32 years at Brookhaven National Lab on Long Island.
Alexander Filipp writes: “I continue to practice comprehensive ophthalmology with Bailey, Filipp & Wakil Eye Physicians and Surgeons in Albany, New York. Our daughter Larissa A. Filipp ’00 works as a social worker. We continue to enjoy our retreats in Orleans, Mass., and Sandgate, Vt.”
David Fowler (see Engagements & Weddings, Katie Barry ’04).
Cheryl Adams Gherardini is happily retired from Barrington (R.I.) High School. She is the proud grandmother of Megan Rose, daughter of Mary Catherine and Jon Gherardini ’98.
Les R. Greene is “still having fun as a clinical psychologist, writing in the areas of group dynamics, editing a professional psychotherapy journal (International Journal of Group Psychotherapy), and currently running for president of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. Looking forward to reconnecting with Brown friends and classmates after all these years.”
Ronald Leavitt writes: “I am retired from orthopedic surgery practice, wintering in Sanibel, Florida, and spending summers in Shelburne, Vt. I trekked to Forest Base Camp this past spring. I am enjoying a good life and good health.”
Norman Loewenthal has retired after 37 years as administrator at the Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the last 12 of which he was director of the William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education. He is moving on to other activities involving his own continuing education, vocal music, synagogue, children and grandchildren, travel, and new projects.
Richard Meiners has established a winter home in Cape Coral, Fla., and will continue to spend summers on the lake in Wales, Me. Three of his kids are now involved in the family business, Pinetree Garden Seeds.
Glenn W. Mitchell ’69 ScM, ’75 MD, writes: “Jane and I are restoring an 1860 brick farmhouse in Carlisle, Pa., in preparation for my planned retirement at the end of 2012. I am enjoying my role as chief medical officer for Mercy Health in St. Louis, but I am looking forward to fly fishing instead of managing change!”
R. Lawrence Philbrick Jr. writes: “My daughter Rachel Philbrick has just started working toward a PhD in classics at Brown.”
Saul A. Rothman is living and practicing divorce law in Stamford, Conn. His daughter Maggie is living in Westport and is engaged to be married in March. His significant other of 11 years lives upstairs, and they alternate driving for long weekends away. Saul has practiced law with Lawrence Lapine for 25-plus years.
Susan Salms-Moss writes: “After 35 years singing opera and raising a family in Europe, I have returned to the Big Apple. Still experiencing culture shock on occasion but loving it.”
John Witmeyer writes that he recently completed 40 years at Nixon Peabody LLP and will continue as senior counsel until he figures out what to do next. John writes: “We have four grandchildren, two here in Rochester and two in North Carolina, where we’re spending more time enjoying our place in the Cape Fear area. My wife, Laurie, has directed a small hospice home for 20 years and is working on her succession plan.”
From the Janaury/February 2012 Issue
Linda Smith Chaffee has written Built from Stone: the Westerly Granite Story, along with John B. Coduri and Ellen Madison, for the Babcock-Smith House Museum in Westerly, R.I.
Karen Wolk Feinstein writes: "I am chief executive officer of the Jewish Healthcare Foundation and its two affiliates, the Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative (PRHI) and Health Careers Futures. We think of ourselves as a 'think, do, teach, and give' tank! Appointed the foundation's first CEO in 1990, I lead a team focused on patient safety, healthcare quality, and workforce issues, as well as aging and women's health. Our work in bringing industrial engineering principles to health care has led to national and international speaking invitations as well as teaching and coaching opportunities. I have authored regional and national publications on quality and safety, have served as the editor of the Urban & Social Change Review, and am editing Beyond Repair: Transforming Health Care. Additionally, I have served on the faculties of Boston College, Carnegie Mellon Univ., and the Univ. of Pittsburgh, as well as many nonprofit and corporate boards. I have a master's from Boston College, and a doctorate from Brandeis Univ. I have been married to Steven Feinstein for 44 years and have three children and four grandchildren. We live in Pittsburgh, where my grandchildren are the fifth generation living within a five-block radius. I keep in regular touch with my Pembroke roommates Brenda Hubbard Roggeveen and Susan Haas Bralove. We connect with Marjorie Rines and Karen Burr Bolles for intimate reunions."
Marjorie Marks writes: "Looking forward to our 15th (+30) reunion. At the last 15th (+ 25), I discovered that two of our classmates live in the same co-op as I in New York City, and about two hours away from me in Colorado. I wonder what serendipity will spring up in May. If anyone is looking for reunion weekend lodging, I'd welcome a roommate at the downtown Marriott. They provide a shuttle bus to and from campus, so no car is required."
Gene Newman writes: "The Kappa Sigma class of 1967 held its annual reunion Oct. 2–5 in Napa Valley, Calif. The reunion this year was hosted by Gail and David Olson. The venue was the Elm House Inn, a bed and breakfast in the heart of Napa Valley. In addition to David and Gail, others attending were George Armiger and Pilar Diaz; Kim and Frank Langworth; Mary and Sherill Moyer; Brian and Terry Simon Murphy '69 MAT; Gene Newman and Janet Ezrapour; Heidi and Jim Rooney; Karla and Mike Rubinger; Joe and Helaine Benson Palmer Ruma '68; Leigh and Jim Van Blarcom; Inglis and Steve Wiley; and Suzie and Jim Willey. Lynn and Don Nelson '64 were special guests. Sunday's dinner at the Elm House Inn was reminiscent of the Haven Brothers food truck parked in downtown Providence on weekend evenings. In lieu of hot dogs and burgers, Mexican fare was served through a take-out window. Monday featured a hike or tour of the Meadowood Reserve Winery. Lunch at the Meadowood Grill followed, with dinner at an Italian restaurant. On Tuesday morning there was a tour of the Rutherford Hill Winery, and dinner was at the Brix Restaurant, where the brothers regaled each other with Kappa Sigma stories of years past, which seemed like only yesterday. In a reunion tradition, brothers who have passed away (Scott Hensel and Howard Zeskind) were fondly remembered. Food, wine, and brotherhood were enjoyed for three days. Nothing could have been better."
Alan Scarritt is an artist on the faculty of the School of Visual Arts in New York City. He has exhibited in many galleries and museums in the United States and Europe, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Denver Art Museum, the Berkeley Museum, and the Skulpturenmuseum in Germany. His exhibition "Under the Big Black Sun" appeared at the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art in October.
From the November/December 2011 Issue
Interim class communications officer Elaine Decker reports: "Our 45th reunion will soon be here. Mark your calendar and make your travel plans now for Memorial Day weekend 2012. Be sure to book your hotel room early, since they go fast. Reunion activities will take place from Friday afternoon, May 25, through Sunday afternoon, May 27. The traditional march down College Hill now occurs on Sunday, with no activities on the Monday holiday. Due to the extraordinary fitness of our class of 1967 treasury, major events will be offered at discounted prices. Our 45th Reunion Information Headquarters is on Facebook. Anyone may access this public web page for information about our reunion by subscribing to Facebook, unlike the members-only Brown Class of 1967 Facebook Group page. Subscribing allows you to disclose very little personal information. Check this page frequently for detailed updates and information as we approach the May reunion. Go to Facebook and search for Brown Class of 1967 Reunion. You can also check the following BAA web page for general information on hotels and dorm rooms (an especially nostalgic experience!): For those updating personal e-mail addresses please go to the alumni directory at If you have any other questions, please contact the Brown Alumni Online Help Desk at or call between 10 am and 4 pm EST at (401)863-9662. The reunion committee has begun planning but has a few more openings for executive volunteer positions. Please e-mail Sidney Okashige if you are interested in participating."
Elaine Decker has retired from her position in nonprofit management following a career in marketing. She's been blogging for over a year at Selections from her posts are now appearing in Prime Time, a monthly newspaper in Rhode Island. Elaine writes: "Plans are to downsize to Vermont, if I ever find a buyer for the house. I've been enjoying commiserating with classmates on Facebook about the real estate process and retirement in general. Once the dust settles, I plan to develop web projects that have long been on the back burner, most of which involve writing. I've stepped in as interim class communications officer for our 45th reunion. We're hoping to create an online yearbook. Send your submissions to me."
From the July/August 2011 Issue
Wendy A. Cooper recently curated the major loan exhibition "Paint, Pattern and People, Furniture of Southeastern Pennsylvania, 1725-1850" at the Winterthur Museum in Delaware. She also coauthored the accompanying publication of the same title. This exhibition will run until Jan. 8, 2012.
Mark Lefkowitz closed his clinical practice in November 2007. He writes: "I have referred to my retirement as an extended sabbatical of unknown duration. From walking through the Van Wickle Gates to signing up for Medicare—the days go slowly, the years flash by."
Wayne Pasanen is still vice president of medical affairs at Lowell General Hospital, in Massachusetts, and medical director for several Habitat OPCO addiction treatment programs. He's also president of OptiGolf New England, "the world's most sophisticated and fun golf simulator."
Carolyn Laughlin Vandam spent the month of April in Paris, and her former roommate Meg Van de Graaf Shannon and husband Rob Shannon '65 joined her for two weeks. Their other former roommate, Linda Erikson Houghton, and her husband, David Houghton '66, were at the Shannons' in Palm Beach Gardens dog sitting, playing golf, and enjoying the warm weather. Carolyn writes: "This is teamwork!"
From the May/June 2011 Issue
Jeff Heidt joined Verrill Dana's Boston office as partner and chair of the health care group.
Alan C. Levine is chief counsel at the Office of Tax and Revenue in Washington, D.C., where he has worked for five years after a 35-year career as chief counsel with the IRS. He is also an adjunct professor at Georgetown Univ. Law Center, where he teaches tax practice and procedures. His son Max '05, who received his J.D. at Georgetown, is a tax lawyer with Dewey & Leboeuf in Manhattan. Son Daniel works for a hedge fund. Alan writes: "Life is good and we are all enjoying ourselves."
Thomas A. Mennell retired from banking in 2009. He is a nine-year cancer survivor (multiple myeloma).
Albin Moser received the 2010 John J. Carlin Service Award, given to an individual who has made significant and outstanding commitments in support of rowing. Albin writes: "It was an honor to accept my award along with Bill Engeman '61, whom USRowing declared the 2010 Man of the Year. It is our experience at Brown that helped inspire us to dedicate a portion of our lives to this wonderful sport."
Margery Attwater Mosher and Keith Mosher both continue to work and enjoy grandparenthood. They have five grandchildren and one step-granddaughter.
Wayne E. Pasanen works full-time as vice president of medical affairs at Lowell General Hospital in Massachusetts. He also serves as medical director of several methadone programs in eastern Mass.
Neut Strandemo has practiced law for 31 years. He writes: "The majority of my time is spent representing the infirm, the impaired, and the disabled against their various oppressors. There is no shortage of work."
Ronald Verri writes: "For 35 years I have managed Gem Craft Inc., a domestic manufacturer of costume jewelry. One of our customers is the celebrated designer Oscar de la Renta. It was a pleasant surprise to learn that his stepdaughter and son-in-law are both Brown alums. Collaborating with them and the jewelry design team for the runway shows has been a lot of fun."
Latifa Wellman Weinman has lived in New Mexico for more than 30 years when not visiting Morocco for studies and grandmotherly duties. She writes: "My husband, Abd al-Hayy, and I recently enjoyed a memorable visit to the Brown campus. Our very helpful guide was R. David Coolidge '01, Brown's Muslim chaplain. Later, I wondered how many other Brown alumni are out there who converted to Islam at Brown or, like myself, in the years since graduation? I'd love to hear your stories."
Susan Kantor Zepeda's daughter Sofia completed two years with Teach for America and is studying for a master's degree at the Univ. of Arizona. Daughter Paloma graduated from Harvard Law School and now works for a D.C. law firm. Paloma and Claudio Simpkins (Harvard Law '09) were wed on Jan. 16.
From the March/April 2011 Issue
Clark E. Cochran retired as professor of political science at Texas Tech after 37 years. He then accepted a position in health care administration with Covenant Health System. He and his wife, Anne, celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary last August. They have four children and eight grandchildren.
Paul Cohen is still a full-time pediatrician. His wife, Jane, works for Hospice of Boulder, and their son, Joel, graduated from college and is employed at Charles Schwab.
Jane de Solms writes that she enjoys living in Williamsburg, Va. She volunteers at Colonial Williamsburg and her local church, and enjoys playing golf.
Michael E. Diffily was named president of Daniel Webster College in Nashua, N.H., on Dec. 8 and began his new position in Jan. He was previously vice president for academic and student affairs at Lincoln College of New England, in Southington, Conn. Prior to that he was vice president for academic and student affairs at Gibbs College in Cranston, R.I.; associate dean of the graduate school at Brown; and vice president and dean of student affairs and a special assistant to the president at Labouré College in Boston.
Mike Fahey got together with Greg Donaldson '68, Willis Goldsmith '69, and John Mogulescu '68, at Fordham Univ.'s Rose Hill campus to witness a victory by the Brown men's basketball team on Nov. 12. Greg is a professor at John Jay College; his most recent book is Zebratown: The True Story of a Black Ex-Con and a White Single Mother in Small-Town America. John is a dean at CUNY. Willis is a corporate lawyer. Mike is a happily retired lawyer.
James Fanning is in his 40th year as a State Farm agent in Newburgh, Ind. He writes: "My older son, a confirmed bachelor, was married in October in Austin, Tex. He's 36, so not quite the 40-year-old virgin of movie fame." James has no plans to retire at present. "My wife, Mary, has become an accomplished bagpipe player, so my hearing has become suspect, but we march along."
Janet Levin Hawk writes that she divides her time between Austin, Tex., in the winter and Bristol, R.I., in the summer. They stayed in Bristol through December this year to help daughter Wendy and son-in-law Paul with granddaughter Sophie, 5, and new grandson, Liam. Wendy works at Brown and Paul at RISD. Daughter Amanda '97 has relocated to New York City with Heineken USA.
Lillian Jackson is in her 13th year as a professor of social work at Castleton State College, in Utah. She recently visited with her roommate and lifelong friend, Kay Shibley, and her husband, Paul Francis, in Annandale, Va. Lillian hopes to get together with Sophia Gergely and Olivia Bernard in western Mass. this year.
Stuart Kleeman retired from his pediatrics practice after 32 years in Middletown, N.Y. He and his wife, Terry, have settled in Belmont, Mass., to be close to their daughter, Jennifer Kleeman Wall '96, and grandson, Zachary.
Fraser Lang stepped down as chair of Brown's library advising council. His fellow members honored his service by establishing an endowed book fund in his name. Fraser also reports the birth of his first grandchild, Cormac Baird Rigualts Lang. His daughter, Cameron Lang '14 MD, has begun her first year at Brown's Alpert Medical School.
Ronald Leavitt has retired and is enjoying hiking, cycling, and playing golf and tennis. He is a trustee of Burlington College and the Mary Haas Foundation. He is planning a three-week trek to Everest Base Camp in Nepal this spring.
Terry Mood Leopold and her husband, John, made a 10-day visit to Florence, Italy, to attend the 25th wedding anniversary celebration of some Italian friends. Terry writes: "Despite 10 days of almost constant rain, the visit was delightful. Florence is always a wonderful place to be, even in the rain."
Marjorie J. Marks confesses to being confounded by Facebook, but welcomes college friends to contact her via regular old-fashioned e-mail. She writes: "I played in New York City much of the winter as problems with my knees and an impending wrist fusion kept me off the slopes for yet another year. I'm beginning to think I have to try life in Florida while I can still enjoy it. If anyone wants to swap an oceanfront condo with either my house in Vail or my New York apartment, let me know. Anywhere Palm Beach to Miami Beach is my target.
"The second annual Brownbroker Brunch was held on Dec. 4 in my New York City apartment. Sally Sevcik, Irene Buchman, Elaine Decker, and Susan Salms-Moss attended. Ann Redmon Martin '64 and Rhoda Nagin Cahan Rudick '64 represented the class of '64. Laughter was in great supply."
Ross and Suzanne Bourgault Marlay have both retired from Arkansas State Univ. They hope to continue living in Arkansas and are planning trips to Alaska and Argentina in 2011.
Richard Osborne is retiring this month after 35 years in medicine. He plans to move east and build a retirement home.
After 38 years at Providence's Tillinghast Licht, David T. Riedel has joined Adler Pollock & Sheehan, another Providence law firm.
Ray Risner and his wife, Judy, are proud of their first granddaughter, Eden, and believe she could be a contender for class of '31.
After 34 years of teaching, Carlyle Thayer retired as emeritus professor. He taught at the Australian Defense Force Academy, the Royal Military College, and the Univ. of New South Wales.
Ricker Winsor's book, Pakuwon City, Letters from the East, published by Claytonworks of Olympia, Wash., is available at
From the January/February 2011 Issue
Laura Cerf Dahl's paintings have become more visible in the Chicago art scene, where she was in three gallery shows during October 2010. Her work is at
Bruce Noble writes: "We have moved to marvelous Manhattan. Look us up when you're in town."
Jane Golin Strom is entering her second year as president of the Florida Central Region of Hadassah. Her region extends from Tallahassee to Naples. She has been traveling, including two trips to Israel. Her next trip is to Conn. to visit Jessica Strom Rutherford '94.
Stephen Zwarg has retired after 42 years of professional work for government and big companies. His most recent position was with AIG Global Services as vice president of global communications infrastructure. His plans are to do a lot of sailing out of his home port of Stonington, Conn., and to travel and do volunteer work. He would enjoy hearing from classmates with similar interests.
From the September/October 2010 Issue
George D. Parker writes: "The time has come for me to retire and pursue new activities." After their marriage in the summer of 1967, he and his wife, Marjorie Beth Ainscough, moved to California, where he earned his PhD in mathematics at UC San Diego under the direction of Ted Frankel (one of George's professors at Brown in 1963-65). In the fall of 1972 he joined the faculty at Southern Illinois Univ. Carbondale, where he spent the next 38 years. Besides teaching and conducting research in differential geometry, he worked for 10 years on an interdisciplinary project modeling the impact of proposed environmental legislation on the coal industry. For the past 16 years he has been vice chair of the mathematics department. He coauthored three textbooks, two of which are still in print after 30 years, and was honored three times as his college's outstanding teacher. Margie has spent the past 21 years as director of a local food pantry and working on various peace and justice projects. She has used her math degree as treasurer of several organizations. They look forward to more frequent trips to visit their two children and three grandchildren in the Baltimore area.
From the May/June 2010 Issue
Allen R. Dyer '70 MMS is working with the International Medical Corps, based in Washington, D.C., and Baghdad. Allen deals with issues of global health and global mental health.
From the January/February 2010 Issue
Dorothy Levis Bacon (see Laura Martin '04).
Wayne Pasanen is no longer practicing emergency medicine after 32 years, but continues to serve as vice president of medical affairs at Lowell General Hospital in Lowell, Mass. He is also medical director of several methadone programs in eastern Mass.
Jane Golin Strom was elected president of the Florida Central Region of Hadassah, representing 8,100 women and male associates. She is visiting Israel in January and March. She and her husband, Joel, celebrated their grandson's bar mitzvah in London in December. Also attending was Jessica Strom Rutherford '94.
Doug Sweeny published his first book, THINK Before You Leap: Strategic Leadership in a World of Chaos, which is available on Amazon and at select bookstores. It presents a unique framework for integrating innovative strategy, agile execution, and market-based measures based on a program Doug developed at the Harvard Business School. He writes that the book draws on decades of "Big Blue" experience, during which he was IBM's vice president of strategy and helped architect one of the most celebrated transformations in business history. Doug and his wife, Susanne, see David Fowler and his wife, Susie, frequently between Vero Beach, the Jersey Shore, and Cape Cod.
John Witmeyer stepped down as a partner at Nixon Peabody LLP this year and became senior counsel after 38 years as a trust and estate lawyer. He has been a member of ACTEC (American College of T&E Counsel) and has been listed in Best Lawyers and Super Lawyers. He recently returned from Budapest, Vienna, and Prague. He is looking forward to spending winters on the North Carolina coast, traveling, and spending more time with his wife, Laurie, and their son, daughter, and three grandsons.
From the November/December 2009 Issue
Elaine Decker (see Joan Hoost McMaster '60).
From the September/October 2009 Issue
Michelle Benoit received an MFA in costume technology from the Univ. of Fla. School of Theatre and Dance in 2007. Her husband is a math professor there, and her daughters are in San Francisco and Seattle. She writes: "The youngest is at UMass Amherst, so we have the four corners of the U.S. covered."
David Chichester writes: "I was delighted to have a visit with close friend and classmate George Armiger at my home in Bainbridge Island, Wash., this past April. We relived some moments on the soccer field and lacrosse field and shared Navy stories. I haven't been spending much time at home since beginning an interim CFO assignment with Paradigm Corp. in Concord, Calif., last December." David also writes that his daughter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren are happy and healthy living in Pa.
Stephania Shimkus Conrad writes: "It's been a most difficult year grieving the loss of my husband, Donald Conrad, who passed away in Aug. 2008. I thank all who have sent their kind condolences." Stephania is returning to sculpting, drawing, painting, and traveling as much as possible, including commuting between New York City and Palm Beach, Fla.
Susan Goldberger Jacoby writes that her son Jonathan Jacoby (Occidental College '96) married Janna Weinstein (New York Univ. '95) in New York City in June. Alumni present to help celebrate were: Laura Cerf Dahl, Susan Heller Conder, Alan Stuart '59, Stephen Goldberger '64, James Stuart Jr.'85, Jessica Winston Danzinger '88, Mary Stuart '91, Lenny Blum '92, and Ari Kardasis '01.
Alan Levine has been named chief counsel at the Office of Tax and Revenue in Washington, D.C., where he has worked since Apr. 2006, when he retired after 35 years in the chief counsel's office at the I.R.S. He teaches tax practice and procedure litigation at Georgetown's graduate law program. His son Max '05 is getting his J.D. From Georgetown. His wife, Anita, is an elementary school art teacher. His other son, Daniel, lives in New York City with his wife.
Neil Miller's most recent book, Kartchner Caverns: How Two Cavers Discovered and Saved One of the Wonders of the Natural World, received the 2009 Arizona Book Award for best book of the year. It was also named a Southwestern Book of the Year. Neil teaches journalism and nonfiction writing at Tufts and lives in Somerville, Mass., with his partner, Paul Brouillette.
Gene Newman (see Scott Newman '00).
Ray Risner announces that his eldest daughter, Juliet, gave birth on Apr. 7 to his first grandchild, Eden Pearl Jamtgaard; and his daughter Mariel married Trey Sivley on May 9.
Peter Staley (see Sarah Staley '03).
John D. Witmeyer writes that at the end of 2008 he stepped down as partner at Nixon Peabody LLP, where he had practiced since graduation from Georgetown Law in 1971. As senior counsel, he says he has more flexibility to spend time with family (three grandsons 9, 8, and 2) and at his winter home on the N.C. coast. His wife, Laurie, continues as the volunteer director of a small hospice house they helped start 20 years ago.
From the July/August 2009 Issue
William A. Bachman and his wife, Jane, recently traveled to Vietnam and Cambodia, his first return trip in nearly 40 years. They have supported many Vietnamese charities and orphanages over the years, and he writes that it was gratifying to see some of the results of those efforts.
Ruth Anne Hutchinson Barker has her first grandchild, Harper Elena Lyon Hamann. Ruth's daughter, Sarah Lyon, a professor of anthropology at the Univ. of Kentucky, delivered the healthy baby girl on Inauguration Day—Jan. 20, 2009.
Peter Billings writes: "I am a grandfather. My son, David Billings '02, produced Theo Billings. Class of 2032?"
Doug Blatz is now the orthopedic consultant to a professional women's soccer team in the Bay Area after years of experience taking care of athletes.
Sharon Drager married Wyit Wright (Harvard '67) in Jan. 2007. They originally met at Brown in the summer of 1966 when they were both students at a National Science Foundation Summer Program for high school students. She writes: "We reconnected (via the Internet) in the mid-'90s and finally got together in real life in 2002." Wyit has an IT consulting business in Fayetteville, Ark., and splits time between there and our home in Berkeley, Calif." Sharon continues to practice vascular surgery in the Bay Area.
Alexander Filipp continues to work with cataract/intraocular lens implant surgery in his Albany, N.Y., practice, Bailey, Filipp, and Wakil Eye Physicians & Surgeons PLLC. His wife, Susan, supervises student teachers for St. Rose College. They are enjoying their cabin in Sandgate, Vt., near Arlington. Their daughter, Larissa '00, received her MSW at SUNY–Albany and works as a social worker in Schenectady, N.Y.
Jeffrey F. Hitz writes that he was laid off in Nov. and is looking for a job, but has a new granddaughter and is in good health.
Alan Levine has been named chief counsel at the Office of Tax and Revenue in Washington, D.C., where he has worked since Apr. 2006, when he retired after 35 years in the chief counsel's office at the Internal Revenue Service. He also teaches tax practice and procedure (litigation) at Georgetown's graduate law program. His son Max '05 (third generation Brown graduate) is getting his J.D. from Georgetown. Alan's wife, Anita, is an elementary school art teacher. His other son, Daniel, lives in New York City with his wife.
Marjorie Marks recently had her knees replaced and is expecting to be back to her routine of mountaineering, biking, and skiing soon. Until then, she is splitting her time between Vail Valley and New York City. She writes that she would love to hear from classmates, especially those who also enjoy athletics and cultural activities.
Glenn Mitchell '69 ScM, '75 MD has been named chief medical officer at the Sisters of Mercy Health System in St. Louis after helping set up a patient safety center. Glenn writes: "I hope to take an active role in revamping our nation's health care system."
David T. Riedel has moved to another Providence law firm, Adler Pollock & Sheehan, after 38 years practicing law with Tillinghast Licht LLP.
Dennis H. Sheahan writes that he is still receiving visitors and will reply to any correspondence, e-mail or snail mail.
Rula Patterson Shore writes: "Graduation was amazing this year. I watched my son William Thomas Shore '09 receive his ScB with a double concentration in mathematics and economics, and his ScM in mathematics. He was elected into Phi Beta Kappa junior year and graduated magna cum laude and heads to MIT next fall to pursue a doctorate in economics. Furthermore, he received the David Howell Premium for Excellence in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy and was the only Brown student to receive a certificate of honorable mention on the 69th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. What made this graduation doubly special is that Billy is the fourth consecutive generation of my family to graduate from Brown. The earliest was my grandfather Irving Patterson, class of 1909. My father was Irving W. Patterson Jr. '42, and my mother was Priscilla Thomas Patterson '44. Billy graduated exactly 100 years after his great-grandfather!"
Eric C. Smith writes: "After 30 years in the ditch digging business, I retired on June 1, 2009. Our last son, Ian, is getting married in Aug. After that Nancy and I will be free to do whatever we want. Life is good."
In March Carolyn Laughlin Vandam visited Rob Shannon '65 and Meg Vandegraaf Shannon in Palm Beach Gardens, along with David Houghton '66 and Linda Erikson Houghton.
Ron Verri writes: "Recently a retrospective of Kenneth Jay Lane's work was held at RISD Museum. Mr. Lane is a RISD graduate and a renowned costume jewelry designer. Many of the styles exhibited were made in our factory, Gem Craft, a 60-year-old family business. My Brown engineering background has been valuable in a business where style, mechanics, finish, and human factors all converge."
Stephen Chandler Visher moved to the San Francisco suburb of Orinda last summer. He writes that the weather and schools are better than in the city.
From the March/April 2009 Issue
Rick Ferrell writes: "I rolled up my solo real estate advisory practice with five others to form Realty Capital Solutions, a distressed-asset advisory firm. With the current economic situation, we have too much work. Son Ian is a junior at Dartmouth, where he plays middle on the lacrosse team, and daughter Jenna has graduated from Denison Univ. and is now teaching in Aspen."
Susan Jacoby (see Seth Goldberger '99).
Carlyle A. Thayer writes: "I spent all of 2008 on sabbatical leave. During the first half of the year I was the Inaugural Frances M. and Stephen H. Fuller Distinguished Visiting Professor of Southeast Asian Studies at the Center for International Studies at Ohio Univ. in Athens, Ohio. In midyear my wife and I vacationed in Botswana. In July, after we returned to Australia, I was a visiting fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National Univ., in Canberra. I am now back at my permanent job with the Univ. of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy. Visitors to Australia are always welcome!"
From the January/February 2009 Issue
H. Seth Finn celebrated 40 years of marriage to Olja Finn, whom he first met visiting Yugoslavia during the summer of 1966 while on the Brown Ambassador Abroad Program. His wife was profiled in the August 15, 2008, edition of Science.
Leslie Kramer has moved to Cape Cod after teaching printmaking for 26 years at Elmira College in upstate New York. She would like to hear from classmates and old friends.
From the November/December 2008 Issue
B. Frederick Helmkamp has retired after 24 years as head of gynecological oncology at the Fairfax Hospital in Fairfax, Va. He writes that he looks forward to travel, golf, bridge, painting, and all other nonmedical endeavors. His wife, Jenny, is the curator of U.S. Embassy fine and decorative arts around the world; his daughter, Casey, is just starting her career in adolescent/pediatric psychiatry and forensics in Denver; and his son, Mark, is with a computer consulting firm in Thousand Oaks, Calif.
Joan Becker Kleinman (see Sybil Pilshaw Gladstone '43).
Thomas C. O'Keefe III (see Megan O'Keefe Manzo '98).
From the September/October 2008 Issue
Stan Cummings Jr. (see Jean Bruce Cummings '40).
Fraser Lang, along with Joan Wernig Sorensen '72 and William Twaddell '63, hosted some 80 members of the Brown community at a dinner in the Reading Room of the John Hay Library. The event was held to raise awareness about the proposed $500,000 renovation to this historic space. Guests were treated to chamber music, a performance by The Brown'sTones, and a speech on John Hay's life and legacy by Brown Library visiting researcher Jan Cigliano. For more information on reclaiming the John Hay Reading Room, visit:
Chuck Primus '75 PhD and Romana Strochlitz Primus write that they consider themselves to be Brown parents now, since their oldest son, Richard, married Eve Brensike '97 last year. Both Richard and Eve teach law at the Univ. of Michigan. In March, Chuck and Romana added Lincoln-Mercury and Mazda to their automobile dealership in New London, Conn., so now it is the Whaling City Ford Lincoln Mercury Mazda.Romana is president of the Jewish Federation of Eastern Conn. and continues to chair the education committee of the American Society for Yad Vashem.
From the July/August 2008 Issue
Allen F. Browne and his wife, Nancy, are moving to Columbus, Ohio, where Allen will be on the Ohio State Univ. faculty and will work as a pediatric surgeon at Nationwide Children's Hospital.
Judy Marks Hershon (see Rebecca Spielfogel Polivy '02).
Elias Safdie writes: "My son, Juston Michael Safdie '00, got married April 12 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to Gretchen Sponburgh of Oakland, Calif., where they reside. My other son, Joshua Nathan Safdie '95, teaches architecture at the Boston Architectural College in Boston. JoAnn and I are spending more time at our place in France ( and are looking forward to splitting our years between Avignon and Providence."
From the May/June 2008 Issue
Brian Barbata (see Victoria Barbata '03).
Martha A. Burgess's new Web site is posted with her schedule of southwestern native foods for the spring and summer, and her gallery of watercolors can also be viewed at
Clarke Cochran writes: "After 37 years as a professor of political science at Texas Tech Univ., I retired in January 2008 to accept the position of vice president, mission integration at Covenant Health System in Lubbock, Tex., a radical and exciting career change. Anne and I celebrated 40 years of marriage in August of 2007. We have four grown children and eight grandchildren."
Keith R. Mosher writes: "After 3¬Ω months of being 'retired' from fund-raising, I am back in banking."
Brian Murphy (see Anna Murphy Deutmeyer '99).
Larry Title writes: "Having missed the last reunion, I pledge to be at the 2012 reunion. My daughter, Becca, was admitted early to the class of 2012 so it'll be a 'twofer.'"
Jim Van Blarcom (see Anna Murphy Deutmeyer '99).
Susan Kantor Zepeda married Dr. Fred Seifer, a neurologist in private practice with Neuroscience Associates in Louisville, Ky., on Feb. 17, 2008. Susan is executive director of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, also based in Louisville. Their combined offspring count is eight children, ten grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
From the March/April 2008 Issue
Richard F. Brennan writes; "After teaching for 38 years, mostly in private schools, I returned to New England and retired. For the last four years I've been teaching part-time in the classics department at Phillips Exeter Academy and loving it!"
David Chichester writes: "Life on Bainbridge Island, Wash., is good. This past summer I hosted classmate and fraternity brother John Telfer Barrett Jr. and his wife and brother. I see the Barretts several times a year in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, but this was their first time visiting the Northwest. They were appropriately wowed by the view of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains, especially at sunset sitting on my deck with the cocktail pennant gently blowing in the breeze. In the fall Harry Savage '65 and Peter Hendricks '66, also fraternity brothers, visited the same weekend. I hope to see more classmates this year when they visit the Northwest. The door is always open. On another note, I attended the wedding of Lynn and Steve Hazard's son, Ned, in Stonington, Conn."
James Daniels reports that he is semiretired in Orange County, Calif., working for one developer and the R.C. Bishop of Orange. Jim retired after 35 years with Latham & Watkins and is now working about 60 percent time while doing pro bono work with his wife, Gail, for various charities and arts organizations. He is spending more time in the Palm Desert area playing golf, enjoying the desert, and traveling as much as possible. He planned a February wedding for his youngest daughter.
John Hall received the Person of the Year award from the Society of Fire Protection Engineers in September 2007.
Jane Walker Ledbetter's older son graduated from law school in June 2007 and was married a week later to a classmate. Her younger son is in his last year at the Univ. of Colorado, Boulder.
Bruce Noble moved to Manhattan to be closer to work and the city's cultural life.
Rula Patterson Shore writes: "Being president of the Brown Club of Kent County here in Rhode Island has been wonderful! Last year was a learning experience, and this year I feel so comfortable on campus. Having my son, Bill '10, there also makes me feel connected on another level. This combination has energized my University volunteering commitment. The events and activities are really amazing!"
Eric Smith is proud to announce the arrival of his two new grandsons, William Travers Smith Bain, Oct. 25, and Finnegan Edward McShane Smith, Oct. 29. Everyone is doing well, especially the grandparents.
From the January / February 2008 Issue
Elizabeth Feroe Bakst writes: “I am sorry I missed our 40th reunion. I got caught up in planting my garden and in finishing end-of-the-year work as a teacher in an independent elementary school in East Providence, and reunion time just slipped right on by. The teaching work I do at the Gordon School is engaging and rewarding. The school is a leader in multicultural education and in teaching for social justice. And, yes, I am still married to M. Charles Bakst ’66, and, yes, he still writes for the Providence Journal. And, yes, I will try to get to our 50th; I am sorry I missed the 40th.”
Allen Dyer ’70 ScM, a psychiatrist at the James H. Quillen College of Medicine at East Tennessee State, spoke as the only doctor from the United States at a major continuing medical education conference in northern Iraq. He was joined by three psychiatrists from the United Kingdom. The conference was focused on the psychological effects of long-lived trauma among soldiers and civilians in war.
Margaret Blanke Henderson writes: “I enjoyed an excellent Brown Travelers tour to the Dordogne region of France this past October. It was intellectually, artistically, and culturally stimulating in the Brown tradition.”
Marilyn Friedman Hoffman ’71 AM writes: “Since 1994 I have been guiding museums during executive transitions and recruiting executive directors, curators, and educators. My firm, Museum Search & Reference, has grown rapidly; I now have three employees. My husband, Alan, and I remain near Manchester, N.H., where I retired from the Currier Museum of Art as executive director. I enjoy executive search—it’s another way to help American museums. Our son, Adam, is 23, a graduate of Endicott College in Beverly, Mass., and works in Manchester. Our daughter, Elena, is 20 and a junior in sports and events management at Johnson & Wales Univ. in Providence, which means I return to Providence frequently. Alan, while still a practicing attorney in Boston, has a book out, Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825. The second printing just appeared. Visit to follow the book tour.”
Carlyle A. Thayer writes: “In 2005 I was appointed the C. V. Starr Distinguished Visiting Professor in Southeast Asian Studies at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins. In 2007 I was presented with the Rector’s Excellence in Teaching Award for my contribution to postgraduate distance education at the Australian Defense Force Academy. This year I will take up the inaugural Frances M. and Stephen H. Fuller Visiting Professorship at the Center of Southeast Asian Studies at Ohio Univ.”
From the September / October 2007 Issue
Alexander Filipp writes: “I am continuing to work hard doing cataract and intraocular lens-implant surgery. Susan supervises student teachers for a local college, serves on several community boards, and sings with a community choral group. Larissa ’00 finished her MSW degree from the Univ. at Albany and teaches in a Head Start program in downtown Albany.”
From the July / August 2007 Issue
Alan C. Levine writes that after a thirty-five-year career as chief counsel at the IRS he retired in Apr. 2006, and is now assistant general counsel in the D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue. Son Max ’05 is a first-year law student at Georgetown. Older son Daniel has just married and is completing his MBA at Harvard. Alan’s wife, Anita, is enjoying teaching elementary school art. Alan is an adjunct professor at Georgetown Univ. Law Center, teaching tax practice and procedure (litigation).
Norman Loewenthal and Sonna Miller Loewenthal announce the birth of their first grandchild, River Alden Loewenthal Lewis, son of their daughter Lena and her husband David Lewis, who live in Charlottesville, Va. In addition to his work as director of the Friday Center for Continuing Education at UNC, Chapel Hill, Norman is president of Judea Reform Congregation in Durham and a lay cantor in that synagogue. Sonna writes: “After thirty years in local government, including over twenty-two years as assistant town manager in Chapel Hill, I retired. Since then I have earned an MA in teaching English as a second language and I am now teaching children in grades K through 5. It’s wonderful to have another chance at another career!”
Robert C. O’Day retired in July, 2005, after seventeen years as principal at Plymouth South High School in Plymouth, Mass.
Leslie Brickner Roth (see Todd Waldman ’97).
Shirley Smith retired from her immigration-policy post at the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, in June 2005. She is still consulting on immigration issues as well as enjoying master gardening and traveling with husband, David Gottlieb. Their son Stuart Gottlieb (MWC ’03) is a GIS and cartography specialist working in Va. Their son Mike (Princeton ’06) recently rowed to a second victory at the Henley Royal Regatta and is now an environmental engineer working on the Earth Scope project in California.
Lawrence Title writes: “After forty years, I visited Brown for two days in Apr. with my eleventh-grade daughter, Rebecca. Her favorite school among the five Ivies and three other colleges visited? Brown. While on campus, we hooked up with Mike Natelson and his recently admitted daughter Danielle ’11.”
From the May / June 2007 Issue
Lynn Mooney Hickey ’69 AM writes: “My husband, Cliff ’77 PhD, and I have both retired now and moved last June from Edmonton, Alberta, to Ladysmith, British Columbia, a beautiful community on the east coast of Vancouver Island. Our condo has a lovely view of Ladysmith Harbour. Cliff is enjoying getting to play golf more or less year round, and I have found a fun community band where I can play my clarinet. One of our sons is in the Canadian Navy based in Victoria, while the other remains in Edmonton. We recently heard from Stan O. Davis ’65, who now lives in Tucson, Ariz. I would enjoy hearing from old friends at Brown."
Marsha Hurst (see Oliver Hurst-Hiller ’98).
From the March / April 2007 Issue
Class president Elaine Decker writes: “Our class celebrates its 40th reunion May 25. We’re already hearing from those who plan to join us. Mark your calendar and check the class Web site for news and details on a full and provocative weekend. Contact me with questions, ideas, and to informally RSVP. Watch your mail for official material from Brown, and be sure we have your current e-mail!”
Gerry Boyle and his wife, Barbara, celebrated their first Christmas as grandparents. Barbara is a school principal in Cambridge, Mass.; Gerry is self-employed and enjoys work and the freedom for vacations and golf. He writes: “Our adult children are all healthy and independent. Chris is an investment banker in New York City; Jen departed in January for a volunteer year in Kenya; and Mike is a grad student in California.”
David Chichester writes: “I have lots of good news. Daughter Whitney and son-in-law Ted now have two daughters: Finley, 2, and Harper, 4 months. Grandparenthood is really fun! I have also been blessed with a wonderful lady, Lisa Sullivan, who entered my life this past summer. We are both residents of Bainbridge Island, Wash., and welcome Brown friends on their visits to the Seattle area. I currently serve as co-chair of our reunion gift committee and look forward to seeing many classmates at our reunion this May.”
Robert Conta and Barbara Saunders Conta (see Jonathan Conta ’97).
Joel M. Goldberg writes: “I recently got together with classmates Ron Leavitt and Bruce Noble. We’re looking forward to joining other classmates at our 40th reunion. In 2002 New York City Mayor Bloomberg reappointed me to serve a third term as a criminal court judge. I have been a judge for nineteen years, fourteen of them in the state supreme court, where I preside over criminal cases.”
Lynn Mooney Hickey retired last May, and she and her husband moved to Ladysmith, B.C., on Vancouver Island. She would love to hear from classmates and welcomes visitors.
Mark Lefkowitz writes: “After some surgical interventions and other medical matters, it’s on to the last—and hopefully, best and longest—life adventure. In Germany this summer for World Cup soccer.”
Marjorie J. Marks writes: “After living in Colorado, which I adore, but missing New York City, I’m currently in the interminable and annoying process of buying a small pied-à-terre on the Upper West Side. By reunion-40 time I should again be (semi) bicoastal.”
Ray Risner writes: “During 2006 our oldest daughter, Juliet, was married and also received her doctorate in materials engineering from Stanford. Our youngest daughter, Mariel, graduated from Georgia State Law School and has passed the Georgia Bar.”
Rula Patterson Shore’s son Bill has matriculated as a Brown freshman, class of 2010.
Jane Golin Strom writes: “In June our daughter Jessica Strom Rutherford ’94 and her husband, Jason, had their second child, Nina Louise. Will she become a fourth generation Brunonian in our family by entering with the class of 2027, or will her older sister, Melanie, be part of the class of 2025? Their great-grandmother, the late Helen Herman Golin, was class of 1942.”
From the January / February 2007 Issue
Jane deSolms is enjoying retirement—golf, gardening, and the good life—in Williamsburg.
Carolyn Kolb Grafton writes: “In June my husband, Robert Pearson, and I traveled to Peru as guests of the Amazon Herb Company. The high point of our trip was meeting with the Shipibo indigenous people, who harvest herbs for AHC. These people live along the Ucayali River and are full partners in our company. The wild-grown herbal formulas and natural rain-forest skin-care products make the rain forest more valuable alive than dead. I love helping people here balance their bodies, knowing that I am also impacting the rain forest and global warming. My husband and I live in Fairfax Station Va., where we are also working locally to elect political candidates who will work for the environment and ‘cool cities.’ This is an exciting change for me after many years as a software and systems engineer.”
Fraser Lang and his wife, Betty, sold their publishing company last year and bought the Block Island Times from Royal Bruce Montgomery ’61.
Glenn W. Mitchell ’69 ScM, ’75 MD writes: “Jane and I have been providing medical care on the Navajo reservation in the Four Corners area of Arizona since I retired from the Army in March 2005. We love the beauty of the high desert but are appalled at the poverty and lack of opportunity among these people. Please e-mail me if you would like to help.”
From the September / October 2006 Issue
Rula Patterson Shore (see Eunice Bugbee Manchester ’52).
Stan Cummings’s novel, Behind the Hedge, has been published by Xlibris.
From the November / December 2004 Issue
Rula Patterson Shore (see Martin Malinou ’55).
Julie Ann Thayer ran for state representative in Orange District 1 (Chelsea, Corinth, Orange, Vershire, Washington, and Williamstown) in Vermont. She ran as a Democrat against two Republican incumbents.
From the September / October 2004 Issue
Karen Brecher Alschuler has been elected to the American Institute of Certified Planners’ College of Fellows. She is a principal and director of planning and urban design for SMWM, a multidisciplinary design firm.
Joseph F. Campbell Jr. was named an all-star analyst by Fortune magazine in its annual top-ten list of Wall Street analysts. In 2003 he earned a 16-percent return on his recommendations.
Michael J. Hutter chairs the board of directors of New York’s Capital Defender Office (CDO), a state-funded entity that provides counsel for those charged with capital crimes in New York. The board oversees the CDO’s operations. Serving with Mike is Fred Jacobs ’78. Mike also reports that his daughter Lynne, a third-year student at Albany Law School, interned this past year with federal judge David R. Homer ’69, Mike’s Delta Tau Delta fraternity brother.
Eugene Parrs has opened a branch office of his Rochester, N.Y., law firm, Parrs & Perotto, in Hilton Head, S.C. He is also of counsel for tax and estate planning matters with Harvey & Battey, P.A., in Beaufort, S.C. Gene practices in New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida.
From the July / August 2004 Issue
Jonathan Cole and his law firm, Edwards & Angell, have donated $30,000 in legal services to the Glacier Society to restore Adm. Byrd’s flagship, the USS Glacier, and to place her in service in the Arctic. He, along with Glacier Society founder Ben Koether ’59 and Capt. Philip W. Porter Jr. ’41, is planning to sail the ship into Providence flying the Brown flag sometime in the near future.
Rula Patterson Shore writes: “I reconnected to Brown’s academic environment in a joyful way via my son. Billy’s passion always has been math. At 14 he qualified to take a math course at Brown, so he enrolled in Honors Linear Algebra with Professor Rosen last semester. The challenging class at Barus-Holley and the demanding homework were a dream come true. Billy’s enthusiasm kept him at the top of his class. Intermediate calculus (physics/engineering) with Professor Liu is just as thrilling this semester. My mother, Priscilla Thomas Patterson ’44, is proud of her grandson’s accomplishments. I know my grandfather Irving W. Patterson Sr. ’09 and late father, Irving W. Patterson Jr. ’42—both civil engineering majors—would share her sentiment. On the paternal side, the late Albert L. Shore ’30, who possessed a sharp mathematical mind, would have been thrilled to see his grandson turn 15 while studying math at Brown. As a sophomore on his Rocky Hill School team, Billy won the Rhode Island 2004 United States Academic Decathlon Gold Medal in math. I feel fortunate to be a link in the evolution of our family’s academic involvement in the great halls of Brown.”
From the May / June 2004 Issue
Bob Blackburn (see Nancy Schuleen Helle ’55).
Richard Patt (see Joshua Patt ’96).
From the January / February 2004 Issue
Stephen Cantrill received the Outstanding Teaching Award at Denver Health’s annual medical staff dinner in October. He is associate director of emergency services at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. He also serves on the Colorado governor’s emergency epidemic response committee.
Gene Newman (see Alisa Newman ’96).
Judith Wolder Rosenthal writes: “I am in my thirtieth year as a professor of biological sciences at Kean University in Union, N.J. I teach biology in both English and Spanish and have published several books dealing with bilingualism. I remain good friends with Nancy Slifkin Scher Billig, who lives in Rockville, Md., and works for the Food and Drug Administration.”
Jane Golin Strom writes: “I am the alumni association chair here in west central Florida, a job I did for four years on Long Island.” (See also Jessica Strom ’94).
From the November / December 2003 Issue
Fraser Lang, president of Manisses Communications Group, Inc., has been elected to the board of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.
From the March / April 2003 Issue
David Cranmer was promoted to professor of humanities and social science at the New England Institute of Technology, where he is assistant chairman of the department. He has been at New England Tech since early 1984, shortly after he returned from Sierra Leone, where he served for four years as a Bible translation consultant with United Bible Societies.
From the November / December 2002 Issue
Matthew Medeiros writes that he, John Rallis '69, and Rich Muratori '71, '73 Sc.M. all play in the Rhode Island Men's Senior Baseball League. Matt is a pitcher, John is a third baseman, and Rich is a shortstop. They played in the Senior League World Series in Phoenix, Ariz., last November.
John M. Robinson has been appointed chief executive for equal employment opportunity and diversity at the Internal Revenue Service. John was senior policy adviser to the secretary of the U.S. Energy Department. A former dean of student life at Brown, John began his career in government service in 1991, when the governor of Rhode Island appointed him to head the state's Department of Employment and Training.
William C. Sternfeld '69 M.M.S., of Toledo, Ohio, was installed in May as the 2002-03 president-elect of the Ohio State Medical Association. He has a general surgery practice in Toledo.
From the May / June 2002 Issue
Reunion committee chair Elaine M. Decker reports: "If you're reading this before Commencement but you aren't coming back to campus, join us via our virtual reunion. Details on how to reach class members on campus will be posted on the class Web site. If you're reading this after Memorial Day weekend and you didn't make the reunion, catch up on all the details on the class site. If we have any reunion memorabilia left over, you'll be able to buy it on the site, too. Access the class Web site through the alumni reunion page or visit
Barbara Landis Chase (see Katherine Chase '97).
David Chase '69 A.M. (see Katherine Chase '97).
Chandler Visher writes: "My wife, Deborah, and I had a baby girl, Linnea, on July 26, 1999. My daughter, Natalie Snyder, had a baby girl, Sydney, in March 2000 and a baby boy, Weston, in January. My parenting and grandparenting duties keep me busy."
From the November / December 2000 Issue
Bob Cohen lives in Upper Montclair, N.J., with his wife, Maryann, who is director of consumer marketing at Hoffman La Roche. Bob’s musical, Suburb, recently received the 2000 Richard Rodgers Award; it was scheduled to be performed starting Sept. 14 at the Alleyway Theatre in Buffalo and is scheduled to open off-Broadway at the York Theatre in New York City on March 1, 2001. “Never give up your dream,” he writes.
Stanley Cummings (see Jean Cummings ’40).
Joseph M. Toscano writes: “I married Christine Adkins, my partner for ten years, last summer in Berkeley, Calif. We met in 1988 while traveling in Nepal. At the time, Christine, an acupuncturist, was working and studying in Japan and I was working in Hong Kong. Christine graduated from UC Santa Cruz and the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco. We recently moved from the Washington, D.C., area to Washington State; we love the Pacific Northwest.”
From the July / August 2000 Issue
Elias Safdie writes: "The Safdies have returned to Brunonia; we now live at 89 President Ave. on the East Side of Providence. Our son, Joshua ’95, is completing his master’s at R.I.S.D. and our son, Justin ’99, will finish his five-year dual-degree program in May. All returning alumni are encouraged to stop by or call."
From the May / June 2000 Issue
Eric W. Richardson writes that, having completed his third international move in the past two years, he is now senior adviser on conflict prevention, mitigation, and response at USAID’s regional office in Nairobi, Africa. It is his second tour in Kenya, where he began his international career as a Peace Corps volunteer in the mid-1970s. He was named conflict adviser after serving two years in the Balkans.
The family of Neal S. Weinstock, who died Nov. 29 (see Obituaries, March/April BAM) can be reached at the address of his daughter, Rebecca. Rebecca says that her father, who was a lawyer, was a board member of Temple Emanuel in Newton, Mass., and a past president of its brotherhood. He enjoyed playing racquetball, tennis, and basketball, and also loved to read, travel, and spend time with his family. His former wife is Jane Dashef Weinstock ’69.
From the March / April 2000 Issue
Rick Ferrell, of Denver, writes: “Six years ago we left California and moved to Colorado so that my wife, Janis, could attend medical school at the University of Colorado. She is now Dr. Ferrell and is working her way through an anesthesiology residency. Our children, Jenna and Ian, are 14 and 12. In addition to my consulting company, which provides financial, real-estate, and litigation advice, I have taken on a substantial share of the parenting duties. The entire family enjoys skiing, fishing, and hiking.”
Meg Van De Groof Shannon writes that she and her husband, Robert ’65, visited David and Linda Erickson Houghton at their house in Orleans, Mass., in August. Carolyn Laughlin and her husband, Rick Leavitt, joined them for a long weekend of fun that included boating, eating lobster, and touring Cape Cod. Rob has retired from the advertising business, and Meg has become “of counsel” to her law firm so that they can spend half the year at their house in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., and the warmer part of the year in Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.
From the January / February 2000 Issue
James Naughton (see Michael Brown '94).
Ricker Winsor writes that he received a grant from the Fundacion Valparaiso in Almeria, Spain, for a month's residency at its center near Mojacar, on the Mediterranean, to continue his work in landscape painting. He has also completed a guitar-and-vocal CD, Mama Don't Worry, in which he sings and plays country blues in the style of John Hurt and Mance Lipscomb. He performs at coffee houses and festivals in the Seattle area. Ricker is art department chairman at Charles Wright Academy and director of the Brown Center for the Visual Arts in Tacoma, Wash.
From the November / December 1999 Issue
Carlyle A. Thayer is on a three-year leave from the Australian Defense Force Academy in Canberra. He is now working with the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies as a professor of southeast Asia security studies. The center, located in Honolulu, is a U.S. Department of Defense institution that promotes dialogue on comprehensive security issues among senior defense and military officials from the Asia-Pacific region.
From the September / October 1999 Issue
Lewis de Seife was promoted to vice president of trade marketing at the Guild Group, a sales-promotion agency in White Plains, N.Y. He works with companies such as Kraft, Lever, Nabisco, and Warner Home Video in developing programs to increase retail sales with food, drug, and mass-merchandise retailers. His wife, Linda, is a category marketing director for Pharmaton, a division of Boehringer-Ingleheim.
Dorothy Gross Nadosy and her husband, Alan, flew from Minnesota to Ohio as the surprise guests for the fiftieth birthday of Claudia MacDonald '69. Claudia's husband, former Brown faculty member Ivan Waldbauer, made the arrangements.
William Charles Sternfeld, a surgeon, has been elected fourth district councillor of the Ohio State Medical Association. He will represent nine counties at meetings of the medical association council, which acts as the group's board of trustees. He has served as president of the Academy of Medicine of Toledo and Lucas County, as an Ohio delegate to the American Medical Association, and as governor at large for the Ohio chapter of the American College of Surgeons.
From the July / August 1999 Issue
Willy Adams works for General Bank in the heart of beautiful downtown Los Angeles. He writes: "If you want a loan, just give me a call. I live in Topanga Canyon, which is also the home of Haight-Ashbury denizens who drifted south. But happily it is also the home of wildcats, hawks, coyotes, and falcons. We have separate guest quarters that are always available for itinerant alums. Y'all come."
Douglas Franke works for Lucent Technologies in Red Bank, N.J. His eldest son, Brian, is in his second year at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. His youngest son, Paul, is a sophomore in high school.
From the May / June 1999 Issue
Allen F. Browne (See Ginger Anne Browne '96).
Albert Dalmolen is professor of political science and chair of the history and political science department at Mansfield University in Pennsylvania. In recent summers he has guest-lectured at universities in Switzerland. Every July is still reserved for Chatham, Mass.
Michael J. Hutter was one of seven people submitted as candidates to New York Governor George E. Pataki for the position of associate judge of the New York State Court of Appeals. Mike is a professor of law at Albany Law School and is special counsel to the law firm Thuillez, Ford, Gold & Johnson, where he maintains an active appellate practice, handling appeals in New York State and federal appeals courts.
M. Arthur Johnson (see Ginger Anne Browne '96).
Robert Kotanchik (see Jennifer Kotanchik '91).
John Kwoka, professor of economics at George Washington University, writes: "My daughter, Margaret, is in her first year at Brown and reports that 'Brown is the perfect place for me.' She is making the most of the no-longer-so-new curriculum, dorm life, the Brown Orchestra, and Providence, and I have enjoyed returning to campus as well."
Elaine Cesaretti Prior writes: "Child-less after thirty years of my own and foster children, I'm finding other constructive uses of my time besides my job as a special education teacher aide, which supports my farming habit. In the summer I run farmer's markets in Providence, Central Falls, and Woonsocket, and grow herbs and specialty crops at our farm in Foster, R.I. Husband Dave '66 is still in the Rhode Island attorney general's office prosecuting child molesters, rapists, and various other people you wouldn't want to know. Our daughter, Katy, is an animal tech at North Carolina State University Veterinary School. She married a computer person from Yale, whose family sang Yale songs at the wedding with different lyrics for Katy's enjoyment. Our son is a tankerman aboard a tug, moving hazardous materials on barges along the East Coast."
From the March / April 1999 Issue
Marsha Hurst writes: "Our son Caleb Hurst-Hiller '02 has joined his brother Oliver '99 at Brown this year. Richard '66 continues to practice law in New York City, and I have recently become the director of the health advocacy graduate program at Sarah Lawrence College. It's always nice to have yet more reasons to visit Brown."
Deborah Campbell Taylor has moved to Peterborough, Ontario, where her husband, Graham D. Taylor, has been appointed academic vice president and provost of Trent University.
From the January / February 1999 Issue
Irene Buchman writes: "Tippecanoe and sailboats too: Seven Pembrokers from our class met at Nancy Kennedy Bergeron's Mendun Lake house in New Hampshire the weekend of July 11. Dan Bergeron '66 was allowed to deliver corn and lobsters to Karen Brecher Alschuler, Irene Buchman, Pat De Cou La Mountain, Sonna Miller Loewenthal, Kenje Ogata, and Marcia Paullin, as we celebrated our thirty-five years of friendship - and our senior moments - with talk, laughter, walks, lobsters, laughter, canoeing, laughter, sailing, swimming, and more talk and laughter."
Antoinette Tingley Schleyer and her husband, Jack, have moved to Foxborough, Mass., halfway between Toni's job as production director at the American Mathematical Society in Providence and Jack's as an architect at Camp, Dresser, McKee in Cambridge.
Ron Stowe is vice president of government relations worldwide for Eli Lilly and Co.
Jane Golin Strom writes: "In July we had a second grandchild, Mira Naomi Hadassah Trenner. Present for her Simchat Bat were her aunt Jessica Strom '96 and her great grandmother Helen Herman Golin '42. We moved in March to 1368 Ridge Rd., Laurel Hollow, N.Y. 11791, and Joel took a new job as chief of cardiology at Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn."
Arlan Palestine Wise lives on Martha's Vineyard, Mass. She works as an astrologer, writes an astrology column for the Martha's Vineyard Times, and is the newsletter editor for PROSIG, the organization for professional astrologers.
From the November / December 1998 Issue
Allen R. Dyer '70 M.M.S., Gray, Tenn., was awarded the Dean's Distinguished Teaching Award in clinical sciences from East Tennessee State University (ETSU) in June. He has been a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences since 1992 at ETSU. Previously he was a professor and interim chair in the department of psychiatry at Albany (N.Y.) Medical College, and psychiatrist-in-chief at Albany Medical Center Hospital. Allen is a member of many professional organizations, including the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the Society for Health and Human Values. He has served as a reviewer, guest editor, and a member of the editorial advisory board for a number of professional journals. He enjoys masters swimming, running, and triathlons. Allen and his wife, Susan, an assistant professor of English at ETSU, have two sons, Will and Cliff.
David and Janet Levin Hawk's daughter, Wendy, married Paul Ross Virgadamo Jr. on May 24. Both the bride and groom went to RISD, and Paul is the son of Paul Ross Virgadamo '65, and grandson of Louis Virgadamo '35 and Walter Ploettner '25. Maid of honor was the bride's sister, Amanda Hawk '97, and Kenji Kono '91 was a groomsman. "A few weeks before the wedding Paul's mother was going through some old memorabilia and came across a 1971 Brown Alumni Monthly," Janet writes. "She had saved it because it contained Paul's birth announcement among the class notes. On the following page, in the class of '67 notes, was the announcement of Wendy's birth."
Edmund Round has been appointed a U.S. administrative law judge after more than twenty years as a trial attorney with the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. He is assigned to the Social Security administration office of hearings and appeals in Cleveland. Edmund and his wife, Rita Steffen, live in Shaker Heights, Ohio, with their son, Ian.
From the November / December 1998 Issue
Allen R. Dyer '70 M.M.S., Gray, Tenn., was awarded the Dean's Distinguished Teaching Award in clinical sciences from East Tennessee State University (ETSU) in June. He has been a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences since 1992 at ETSU. Previously he was a professor and interim chair in the department of psychiatry at Albany (N.Y.) Medical College, and psychiatrist-in-chief at Albany Medical Center Hospital. Allen is a member of many professional organizations, including the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the Society for Health and Human Values. He has served as a reviewer, guest editor, and a member of the editorial advisory board for a number of professional journals. He enjoys masters swimming, running, and triathlons. Allen and his wife, Susan, an assistant professor of English at ETSU, have two sons, Will and Cliff.
David and Janet Levin Hawk's daughter, Wendy, married Paul Ross Virgadamo Jr. on May 24. Both the bride and groom went to RISD, and Paul is the son of Paul Ross Virgadamo '65, and grandson of Louis Virgadamo '35 and Walter Ploettner '25. Maid of honor was the bride's sister, Amanda Hawk '97, and Kenji Kono '91 was a groomsman. "A few weeks before the wedding Paul's mother was going through some old memorabilia and came across a 1971 Brown Alumni Monthly," Janet writes. "She had saved it because it contained Paul's birth announcement among the class notes. On the following page, in the class of '67 notes, was the announcement of Wendy's birth."
Edmund Round has been appointed a U.S. administrative law judge after more than twenty years as a trial attorney with the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. He is assigned to the Social Security administration office of hearings and appeals in Cleveland. Edmund and his wife, Rita Steffen, live in Shaker Heights, Ohio, with their son, Ian.
From the September / October 1998 Issue
Jon Turk will publish Cold Oceans: Adventures in Kayak, Rowboat, and Dogsled (HarperCollins) this fall. In the book, Jon chronicles his explorations of some of the world's most challenging landscapes. A chemist and adventurer who has written numerous environmental and earth science textbooks, he also works for The North Face, the outdoors gear and clothing manufacturer, where he is involved in product development and promotional work. 1968 News from the 30th Our 30th reunion was an energizing weekend of reconnection with friends, pure enjoyment, perfect weather, and thoughtful engagement with the Brown of today. We were especially delighted to be on hand to welcome E. Gordon Gee as the 17th president of Brown. Those who attended look forward to returning and seeing even more of our classmates at the 35th! - Dick Trull, cochair; Margaret French Gardner, cochair; Ancelin Vogt Wolfe; John Wolcott; and Buzz DiMartino
- 30th Reunion attendees included: John Adamiak, David Barry, Sharon Barry, Penelope Baskerville, William Bazzy, Karen Maziarz Bell, John Bentz, Stephen Bieneman, Ann Wenig Billock, Alan Bogdanow, Karen Henry Briggs, Richard Brodsky, Lance Brunner, Daniel Cain, Jan Lee Cantrill, Richard Carpenter, Kenneth Chernack, Robert Cohen, Leigh Dickerson Davidson, Jim Dickson, Arthur DiMartino, John Donaldson, David Ennis, Darryl Fanelli, Shelley Fidler, John Fowler, Kenneth Galdston, Linda Gallant, Margaret Gardner, Judith Ginsberg, Richard Gouse, Judith Andrews Green, Eric Green, Terry Gross, Andrew Halvorsen, Eva Benes Hanhardt, Maggie Harrer, Jerry Hausman, Rose Swol Henderson, Judith Hofrichter, Robert Hogan, Sally Kusnitz Horn, Alan Johnston, David Jollin, Deborah Mulcare Jones, Jesse Jupiter, John Keane, Garrett Keenan, Nancy Gowen Keil, Donald Kent, Victoria Aldridge Kingslien, Richard Klaffky, Marcia Knight, Seth Kurn, Jean Trescott Lambert, Richard Landau, Roger Leo, Paul Linton, Anthony Lioce, Marcia Lloyd, Mary Lovering, Mary Sherman Lycan, Constance Berkley Margolin, Susan Van Wiggeren Markowitz, Robert Martin, Elliot Maxwell, Sandra Mertens McClaskey, Janet McLaughlin, Bernicestine McLeod, Terry Robertson Migliore, John Mogulescu, Martin Mueller, Kristan Fee Munson, Eugene Nelson, Edwin Noel, Leonard O'Donnell, Philip Osborne, Helaine Benson Palmer, Gay Parrish, Richard Payne, Fredi Pearlmutter, David Permar, Judith Pulver, Mary Ravitch, Suzanne Riggs, Kathryn Schreiner, Nancy Carlson Schrock, Susan Semonoff, Carol Eygnor Shipley, Malcolm Shookner, Marie Baker Spaulding, Henry Stevens, Larry Strongoski, Christine Hardy Sudell, A. David Sydney, Susan Primm Thel, Richard Trull, Karen Van Riper, Janet McClendon Vaskas, Carol McCue Verratti, Terry Ann Peake Vigil, Peter Voss, Susan Jolley Waldrop, Jeffrey Walters, Frank Ward, James Wich, Robin Newsome Wittusen, John Wolcott, Ancelin Vogt Wolfe, Harold Woodcome, Dennis Woods, and Lois Tingley Wyatt.
John M. Barry was awarded the Francis Parkman Prize from the Society of American Historians for his book Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America (Touchstone). The book was recently released in paperback.
Peter Bruno, Glendive, Mont., writes: "So far in 1998, I've made the transition from being a clinical director to a minister and professional speaker. Ordained in February, I've just completed a twenty-four-city speaking tour on the 'Ten Essentials to a Successful Marriage.' Celebrating our 22nd anniversary and the possibility of becoming a community college professor are on the immediate horizon."
Thom Park has been named treasurer of the executive committee for the Florida Sports Foundation. He is a vice president for investments for Dean Witter Reynolds Inc., in Tallahassee.
Barbara Sundy Smith published a second edition of her book, The Beginning Shepherd's Manual (Iowa State University Press), last spring.
From the July / August 1998 Issue
Roger M. Firestone, Oakton, Va., was elected and installed as grand master of Cryptic Masons in Washington, D.C., on March 20. The Cryptic Masons are a group within the York Rite of Freemasonry; Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest fraternal organization. The grand master is the presiding officer of the grand council of a jurisdiction and is the highest position in Cryptic Masonry in a state or district. Roger has also been composing and arranging music; the Vienna (Va.) Community Band has premiered several of his arrangements in the past two years, with more pending for next season. Roger is employed by Teknowledge Corporation. He occasionally runs into Robert G. Munck at business meetings.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Deborah Cooney (see John J. Cooney Jr. '41).
Nelson Martins (see Tara Brennan '92).
Melora Pond Mirza's son, Taric, graduated from Trinity College in May 1997 and is a software engineer at TVisions in Cambridge. Her younger son, Adam, is a sophomore at Williams College. Melora, who lives in Atlanta, is head of reference and an assistant professor at DeKalb College, Dunwoody campus. She is working on her second master's degree at Agnes Scott College and teaching in several continuing education programs. Her husband, Usman, is "an entrepreneur, investment banker, and the family chef," she reports.
Chuck Primus and his wife, Romana Strochlitz Primus, have renovated the family business, Whaling City Ford, which is the largest Ford dealership in southeastern Connecticut. Chuck writes, "Romana's recovery after being run over by a car on August 1, 1996, has been miraculous." In June President Clinton appointed Romana to a five-year term as a member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council. She chairs a committee planning a 1999 conference in Washington on Jewish life in the D.P. camps after World War II. Chuck and Romana's older son, Richard, will graduate from law school in June. Their twin daughters, Ida and Lisa, are both in medical school. Their younger son, Aryeh, works for a computer company near Boston.
Carlyle A. Thayer was given a personal chair and promoted to full professor in the school of politics, University College, Australian Defence Force Academy. Carlyle just completed a three-year term as head of school and coordinator for the graduate program in defense studies. He is spending 1998 on sabbatical as a visiting fellow at the Strategic and Defense Studies Centre in Canberra, working on post-Cold War security issues in Southeast Asia.
From the May / June 1998 Issue
Deborah Cooney (see John J. Cooney Jr. '41).
Nelson Martins (see Tara Brennan '92).
Melora Pond Mirza's son, Taric, graduated from Trinity College in May 1997 and is a software engineer at TVisions in Cambridge. Her younger son,Adam, is a sophomore at Williams College. Melora, who lives in Atlanta, is head of reference and an assistant professor at DeKalb College, Dunwoody campus. She is working on her second master's degree at Agnes Scott College and teaching in several continuing education programs. Her husband, Usman, is "an entrepreneur, investment banker, and the family chef," she reports.
Chuck Primus and his wife, Romana Strochlitz Primus, have renovated the family business, Whaling City Ford, which is the largest Ford dealership in southeastern Connecticut. Chuck writes, "Romana's recovery after being run over by a car on August 1, 1996, has been miraculous." In June President Clinton appointed Romana to a five-year term as a member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council. She chairs a committee planning a 1999 conference in Washington on Jewish life in the D.P. camps after World War II. Chuck and Romana's older son, Richard, will graduate from law school in June. Their twin daughters, Ida and Lisa, are both in medical school. Their younger son, Aryeh, works for a computer company near Boston.
Carlyle A. Thayer was given a personal chair and promoted to full professor in the school of politics, University College, Australian Defence Force Academy. Carlyle just completed a three-year term as head of school and coordinator for the graduate program in defense studies. He is spending 1998 on sabbatical as a visiting fellow at the Strategic and Defense Studies Centre in Canberra, working on post-Cold War security issues in Southeast Asia.
From the March / April 1998 Issue
Denise Huttmann Gorham and her husband, Robert, hosted a cocktail party/fund- raiser for the Doug Ulman ('99)Wellness Fund (see "Going for the Gold,"BAM, September/ October). In attendance were Dag '68 and Robin Newsome Wittusen '68, who flew in from Oslo, Norway, for the party; and Steven Vanze '74, the architect and designer of the pool setting where the party was held. Brown alums and current students who came to support Doug and his foundation included Ulle Viiroja Holt '66, '92 A.M., Hans Wittusen '98, and Jake Perlman '98. The event raised close to $5,000 for the Ulman Fund.
Frank Langworth and his wife, Kim, hosted Kappa Sigma fraternity members from the class of 1967 at a dinner at their home in Chappaqua, N.Y., in October. Some of those present had not seen each other since graduation. Members present were Brian Murphy, Dave Robinson, Mike Rubinger, Jim Willey, Butch Wilder, Gene Newman, David Deutsch '66, Bob O'Day, and George Armiger. Any members of the class of 1967 or of Kappa Sigma fraternity who wish to contact this group can call Frank or Gene.
Barbara Lazarus '69 A.M. wrote Journeys of Women in Science and Engineering: No Universal Constants (Temple University Press) with other researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, where she is associate provost. The book is a collection of first-person profiles of women who have pursued careers in the fields of engineering and science.
Letitia Anne Peplau received the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award given by the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex. Anne was honored for her research on close relationships, including studies of gay and lesbian couples. Anne is a professor of psychology at UCLA and lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Steve Gordon, and their son, David.
Eric W. Richardson has begun a three- to four-year tour of duty in Skopje, Macedonia, as a democracy and governance officer for USAID. "We're finding Skopje far more attractive than anticipated," Eric writes. "We expected a hunkered-down bunker mentality with Serbia next door. Instead, the city is lively and clean, with friendly people and incredibly expensive and good restaurants."
Dennis H. Sheahan III finished the second half of his student teaching and should receive his teaching credentials later this spring. A special education teacher for the last four years, he spent two years working with severely emotionally disturbed students. For the last two years he has taught a critical-skills curriculum to a class of trainable mentally handicapped students in Banning, Calif. "I intend to continue in this field and will start a program leading to a master's degree and a severely-handicapped teaching credential," Dennis writes. He and his wife, Mary, live in Moreno Valley, Calif.
Hugh G. Bingham ’67, of Greenwood Village, Colo.; Jul. 26. He was a trial lawyer for 20 years before leaving to form a business with his wife helping those who needed a secure financial settlement plan for their futures. After retiring, he worked as a docent for 10 years at the Denver Art Museum. He is survived by his wife, Gina; three children and their spouses; and four grandchildren.
Peter W. Billings ’67, of Salt Lake City; Jun. 29, from metastatic prostate cancer. After Brown, he received a Samuel T. Arnold Fellowship to King’s College in Cambridge. While there he played tennis and rowed. After Cambridge, he graduated from Harvard Law and moved to Washington, D.C., to practice law. In 1974, he moved to Salt Lake City to manage Wayne Owens’s U.S. Senate campaign and joined Fabian & Clendenin, where he practiced law for more than 45 years, 25 of them as president of the firm. Throughout his career he served in various leadership positions that included Brown University trustee, chairman of the Utah Liquor Commission, chairman of the Utah Democratic Party, and president of Salt Lake Country Club. His children taught him how to ski and appreciate the outdoors, which included hiking, snowshoeing, and biking through the mountains and deserts. He in turn taught his grandchildren how to drive (a golf cart) and play pickleball. He is survived by his wife, Margaret “Marney”; a daughter and son-in-law; son David ’02; a daughter-in-law; three grandchildren; and brothers John ’69, Thomas ’73, and Stuart ’77.
Shawn K. Smith ’67, of Horseshoe Bay, Tex., formerly of Massachusetts; May 19. After graduating from Brown, where he excelled on the basketball court and baseball field, he began a business career at Kidder Peabody in Boston, followed by 37 years of employment at Merrill Lynch. He later was involved with nonprofit work as chair of the board at Huggins Hospital (N.H.) and was instrumental in the construction and expansion of a critical access hospital to serve the community. He served on the board of Brewster Academy and Bald Peak Colony Club before moving to Horseshoe Bay in 2011. There, he served as chancellor with the Knights of Columbus and was president of the Men’s Golf Association. He is survived by his wife, Carol; four daughters; three sons-in-law; a son, Shawn II ’05 and daughter-in-law; and 10 grandchildren.
Nelson D. Martins ’67, of Greenville, R.I.; Apr. 18. He received his PhD in psychology from UConn and for many years worked as a school psychologist for the City of Providence. He also maintained a private practice and owned Oaklawn Psychiatric Associates. For the past ten years, he maintained his clinical practice at Butler Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Bernice; two sisters, including Mary Brennan ’79 AM; and 15 nieces and nephews, including Tara B. Primis ’92.
Carl “Kit” Casper ’67, of Rangeley, Me.; Apr. 19. He taught English for two years at Moses Brown School, then served the Menominee Indians in Wisconsin for two years as a VISTA volunteer. In 1971 he moved to Rangeley and managed the properties at Haines Landing. He worked seasonally at Saddleback starting as a lift attendant, then director of the cross-country center, followed by a position as full-time alpine instructor. In 1975, he became director of the ski school, a position he held until 1998. During the last five years of directorship, he and his wife Linda owned the Ski Learning Center and operated it as a concession. After giving the ski school back to the mountain, he continued teaching until retirement. Additionally, he and Linda and her son, Mike, owned and operated First Farm on Gull Pond Road in the Dallas Plantation area for 28 years. There they grew organic food and flowers and raised livestock. He had a passion for writing and for many years was a columnist for the Rangeley Highlander. He served on the board of directors of the Rangeley Region Chamber of Commerce, as well as on the Budget Committee, and was moderator for Dallas Plantation. He also served on various boards and committees for Rangeley Congregational Church. He is survived by his wife, Linda; her son and daughter-in-law; a granddaughter; and a sister and brother-in-law.
Ronald J. Verri ’67, of Warwick, R.I.; Feb. 4. He was an engineer by trade and began working with his father at Gem-Craft Inc., the family jewelry business, in 1973. He worked closely with his father making Gem-Craft what it is today, a creator of beautiful jewelry designs for many well-known fashion companies and fashion designers. He continued working up until his death. He is survived by his wife, Carol; three daughters; two sons-in-law; five grandchildren; two brothers, including Robert ’68; three sisters-in-law; and a brother-in-law.
Peter H. Staley ’67, of Henrico, Va.; Feb. 21. After Brown, he earned an MBA from NYU and had a successful career at IBM for 46 years. He held various executive positions both in the U.S. and Europe and traveled extensively. He was a board member for more than 51 years of the former IBM Credit Union. He excelled at trivia, puzzles, cards, and sports and in 1974 was on the 11th Annual Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions. He also enjoyed playing golf at the Dominion Club and once played at Pebble Beach. He is survived by his wife, Roberta; two sons; two stepchildren; two grandchildren; and a brother.
John F. Norwell ’67, of Walpole, Mass.; Feb. 17. A well-known hockey player in his high school, he continued playing for Brown’s men’s hockey team and in his sophomore year made it to the “Frozen Four.” In his senior year he was part of the team that won the All Ivy championship. After graduating, he continued his hockey career playing in the New England League for the Walpole Sweepers, the Framingham Pics, and the Lowell Chiefs. In 1970, he partnered with a colleague to purchase and operate the Sunoco Gas Station on Route 1A in Walpole Center. In 1973 he changed career paths, taking a sales position with Sentry Insurance. He opened his own insurance agency, partnering with his brother Peter to form Norwell and Norwell Insurance Agency in 1984. He continued skating in men’s leagues and regularly organized tournaments throughout the country. He enjoyed playing golf and was a lifelong member at Walpole Country Club, winning the title of club champion in 1980, and in the same year winning the Boston Globe Golf Tournament. He also enjoyed snow skiing. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; a daughter and son-in-law; a son; two grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law; and nieces and nephews.
David M. Holbrook ’67, of Cincinnati; Mar. 21. He was a retired real estate broker and small business owner. He enjoyed sailing, fast cars, and old movies. He is survived by his wife, Sharon; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; six grandchildren; and a brother.
Peter C. Rutan ’67, of Eatontown, N.J.; Dec. 14, of metastatic prostate cancer. He was a neuropsychologist and cognitive therapist. He maintained a private practice in Red Bank, N.J., for 30 years. Previously, as a school psychologist, he was a member of child study teams in various schools in Monmouth County, N.J. He was a member of the American Psychological Association, National Academy of Neuropsychology, and Reitan Society, where he was a member of the Reitan Knights of the Round Table. He enjoyed sailing along the Atlantic coastline, hiking, mountain climbing, camping, and reading. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; a daughter and son-in-law; a son and daughter-in-law; five grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Alice Swartzman Englander ’67, of Pacific Grove, Calif.; Sept. 8.
Ann Whitney Cleaves ’67, of San Pedro, Calif.; Jul., 7, 2022. She was an award winning cartoonist. Her work appeared in the Palisadian Post, Random Lengths News, and La Prensa San Diego. Her cartoons have also appeared in The Washington Post, the Pasadena Star-News, and the Temple Daily Telegram. She began cartooning as a Peace Corps volunteer in Liberia. Then as a volunteer in Fiji she illustrated school books for the Fiji Ministry of Education. She worked at her studio at Angels Gate Cultural Center for more than 15 years as a full-time cartoonist. She was a member of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists. She is survived by her husband, Courtland ’65.
R. Bruce Gillie ’67, of Westerly, R.I.; Oct. 21. He was a family physician and endocrinologist for more than 40 years in the Westerly-Pawcatuck area. In addition, he was medical director of Watch Hill Manor and Apple Rehab Clipper Home. He lectured and published research articles in Scientific American and Nature. He enjoyed spending time with family on Damariscotta Lake in Maine. He is survived by his wife, Polly; a daughter and son-in-law; a son; two grandsons; and a brother.
Alan B. Scarritt ’67, of Albany, N.Y.; July 1. An artist, he had a decades-long career in San Francisco and New York City. He was known for his mixed-media works on paper, sound, video, photography, sculpture, performance, and installation work. Throughout his career, he had 27 solo shows, 59 group shows, and numerous performances. His work can be found in the New York Museum of Modern Art; the New York University Library; the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive; and the Denver Art Museum. He taught at the School of Visual Arts, Mercersburg Academy, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, San Francisco State University, and San Francisco Art Institute. In 1979 and 1980, he was honored with a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship award. Other honors include the Curatorial Fellowship Award at Richmond Art Center, California Arts Council Grant, Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, and New York State Council for the Arts Grant. He was passionate about many things in life including writing, philosophy, music, cinema, books, playing tennis, and global travel. He is survived by four siblings, including brother John ’73; a sister-in-law; a brother-in-law; and nieces and nephews, including Gabriela Scarritt ’09.
Robert N. Nead ’67, of Bethlehem, Pa.; June 7. He served his country as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy in Vietnam and was a Naval instructor at Oregon State University. Upon discharge from the military, he settled in New York City and worked at American Express International Bank. He had a passion for the theater and the arts. He was an avid bridge player, trivia participant, reader, and history buff. Later, he completed a creative writing program at New York University. As a volunteer for the Rainbow Youth Organization, he mentored and counseled numerous LGBTQ teenagers. He enjoyed traveling. He is survived by his husband, Tom Augusta; a brother and sister-in-law; a niece; and two nephews.
Mary Auten Psarras ’67, of Stratford, Conn.; Apr. 9. Upon graduation, she joined the Peace Corps and taught in Brazil from 1967 to 1969. After returning to Stratford, she worked for many years as an English as a Second Language teacher in the Bridgeport School system. She also taught GED preparation for adult women at Mercy Learning Center. She is survived by two sons, a granddaughter, and a brother.
George J. Pandapas Jr. ’67, of Concord, Mass.; Mar. 12. While at Brown, he played on the rugby team and attended classes at RISD, expanding his love of painting and fine art. He went on to spend many years in New York City working as an engineer for Con Edison and NASA. He also invented and patented Musifax—a slide rule for music composition and arrangement used by musicians. Eventually, he moved with his family to Massachusetts and worked as a software programmer. He enjoyed hiking and photographing the New England wilderness with his daughter. He is survived by his daughter and son-in-law, a stepdaughter, three grandchildren, a sister, and three brothers.
John M. Skonberg ’67, of Berkeley, Calif.; Dec. 13, just two weeks shy of retirement. He graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law, having interrupted his legal education to serve as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Army for three years. He then spent two years in New Orleans as a trial attorney for the National Labor Relations Board before moving to California, where he spent 46 years with the worldwide labor and employment law firm Littler Mendelson. During his tenure, he served as a cochair of the Traditional Labor Practices Group and was a member of the International Employment Law Practice Group. Over the years he mentored countless new associates and was known for his high standards in grammar; he coached many colleagues to become stronger writers and deeper thinkers. For 15 years, he served as a coach for the Albany Berkeley Girls Softball League and Soccer Club. He was dedicated to environmental conservation efforts and was a supporter of many environmental nonprofits. Before his passing he was beginning to volunteer with Friends of the Urban Forest to plant trees in San Francisco. He was active in social and political issues and served as a board member of the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. He is survived by his wife, Jane; daughter Christina Skonberg ’12; and Jane’s daughter and son-in-law and three grandchildren.
Thomas G. Ramsey ’67, of Brookfield, Wisc.; Dec. 30. Upon graduating from Brown he was drafted into the U.S. Marine Corps and served until 1970. He then worked in the insurance industry and met and married his wife. In 1984, he enrolled at Concordia Seminary and became a Lutheran pastor. He served in congregations in Nebraska, Oklahoma, California, and Florida, where he continued to serve until 2019. He was a lifelong sports fan and enjoyed walking and reading. He is survived by his wife, Peggy; two sons; a daughter-in-law; five grandchildren; two sisters; and a brother.
Joseph H. Santarlasci Jr. ’67, of Brooklyn, N.Y., formerly of Barrington, R.I.; Oct. 29. At Brown he was a member of ROTC, the men’s hockey team, and Delta Phi. After Brown, he served in the U.S. Navy as a lieutenant from 1967 to 1971 with two tours of duty in Vietnam and was awarded the Vietnamese Medal of Honor. He was the duty officer during the recovery of the Apollo 11 astronauts when they splashed down in the Pacific in 1969. He then attended and graduated from the University of Virginia and began working as an investment banker at First Chicago. He later moved to New York City, where he specialized in mergers and acquisitions at several investment banks, including Smith Barney. He moved to Washington, D.C., in 1985 to cofound the turnaround management firm Whitby, Santarlasci & Co., Inc. There, he married and started a family before moving to Barrington in 2013 to teach entrepreneurial finance at Bryant University. After he stopped teaching, he stayed in touch with his students and continued to help them along their journeys. In 2018, he was instrumental in the founding of the Brown University Veterans Alumni Council and served as its copresident. He and his wife moved to Brooklyn in 2021 to join their sons. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; two sons; a brother and sister-in-law; two nieces; and a nephew
Christopher Sanderson Spang ’67, of Bryan, Tex.; Aug. 25, after suffering a fall. In addition to Brown, she also attended RISD pursuing a degree in fashion design. In 1967, she married and moved to Calgary, Alberta, where her husband served as a professor of geology and they had a son. In 1980, the family moved to Bryan–College Station and shortly after arriving, Chris started her successful interior design company, Christopher Designs. After she closed her company, she continued to advise friends and clients on design issues. In 1984, she and a group of women who were concerned about health care for pregnant women from low-income families in Brazos County worked to establish a facility. In December 1985, the Prenatal Clinic opened its doors. She was a longtime member of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Bryan and contributed her talents and energy to several nonprofit organizations, including Voices for Children. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, three grandchildren, a brother and sister-in-law.
Thomas A. Mennell ’67, of Dallas; Sept. 18, after a 20-year battle with multiple myeloma. He had a 40-year career in banking and financial management, retiring in 2008 as senior vice president and managing director at Guaranty Bank. While at Brown, he was a place kicker and earned the name “Toe,” and he was honored to be named to Brown’s ’60s All-Decade Football Team for his accomplishments. He served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam and earned a Bronze Star and Army Commendation Medal. He is survived by his wife, Glenda; four children; six grandchildren; and a sister.
Ann Haigler Rittenbaum ’67, of St. Louis, Mo.; June 25. She earned a PhD in classics at Washington University and taught at both Washington University and Ladue Horton Watkins High School. She had an insatiable curiosity for learning, reading newspapers and books, and quoting Latin, and would always correct incorrect grammar. She also enjoyed walking in Queeny Park with her husband and dog. She is survived by her husband, James; three daughters, including Elizabeth Park ’99; six grandchildren; a sister; and two nieces.
Joyce Widland Weinberg ’67, of Asheville, N.C., formerly of Northfield, Ill.; June 7. She was a certified public accountant and volunteered with several organizations in the education, arts, and gardening communities. After moving to Asheville in 2003, she was an active volunteer with the Buncombe County Master Gardeners and the North Carolina Arboretum. Together with her husband, they enjoyed traveling the world and sharing numerous adventures. She is survived by her husband, Bob; a daughter and son-in-law, a son and daughter-in-law; two grandchildren; a sister and brother-in-law; and brother James Widland ’74.
Peter M. Taft ’67, of La Mesa, Calif.; Apr. 16, of pancreatic cancer. After completion of his internship at UC San Diego University Hospital, he served two years as a general medical officer at the Naval Communication Station in Sidi Yahia, Morocco. Upon returning to San Diego, he completed his surgical residency then joined the department of surgery at Kaiser Permanente. He had a nearly 30-year general and vascular surgical practice in addition to serving three terms as chief of the department. He was instrumental in the establishment of a vascular lab at Kaiser, and he worked with various committee members to create and implement HealthConnect, Kaiser’s electronic medical record. He was also a member of Kaiser’s ethics committee. He enjoyed traveling, music, sports, and art, especially photography and taking photo workshops throughout the country. He is survived by his wife, Thayer, two sons, two granddaughters, and two brothers.
James L. Rooney ’67, of Vero Beach, Fla.; Mar. 13, of complications of lymphoma. He was a captain in the Air Force, which afforded him the opportunity to live in several places, including Germany. After returning to the United States, he and his family moved to Tampa, Fla., and he began a career in investments at Merrill Lynch. While working full-time, he earned an MBA from the University of Tampa and taught night classes. He retired from Merrill Lynch in 2012. He was an active member of both the Exchange Club of Tampa and the Rotary Club of Vero Beach. He is survived by his wife, Heidi; two daughters; a son-in-law; four grandchildren; a sister; and a brother.
Howard M. Miller Jr. ’67, of Lincoln, Neb.; Mar. 13, of cancer. He had a successful career in hospital administration and consulting. He was an exercise enthusiast and enjoyed weightlifting, the outdoors, carpentry, and reading. He is survived by his wife, Sharon; three daughters; a son; four grandchildren; a sister; and a brother.
Carl H. Boudreau ’67, of Iowa City, Iowa; Feb. 14. He is survived by a sister, a brother, and many nieces and nephews.
Robert G. Munck ’67, of Denver, N.C.; Sept. 15, from complications of myelodysplastic syndrome. For the last 10 years he was a self-employed consultant in the development of complex web-enabled applications. Previously, he worked as a software and system engineer for government contractors. He was an avid science fiction reader. He is survived by his wife, Christine Braun ’70.
Peter D. Adams ’67, of Ashfield, Mass.; Dec. 24, from Parkinson’s disease. He was director of admissions and financial aid at Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Conn., which he had attended, and then completed a master’s from Harvard and opened his own educational counseling practice in 1981. He cofounded I-Way, a consulting firm in Germany that helped European students experience American independent schools and colleges. He retired in 2011. He was a member of numerous boards, including the Ben Bronz Academy and the Cobb School. He enjoyed helping people, spending time with family, and the outdoors. He is survived by his wife, Nancy Henderson; two daughters; two sons; a son-in-law; two sisters; and two brothers.
Stanley Cummings ’67, of Port Townsend, Wash.; July 13, of injuries sustained in an accident while riding his bicycle. After Brown, he obtained an MAT from Wesleyan University and a PhD from Stanford University. He was dean of faculty and president for the Yosemite National Institutes, where he developed curriculum content and residential field experiences for students and adults in cooperation with the U.S. National Park Service. In 1980, he was hired as executive director/president of the Orange County Marine Institute in Dana Point, Calif., which later became the Ocean Institute. He held the top leadership post for 20 years. He moved to Port Townsend in 2007 after accepting the position of executive director for Northwest Maritime Center. During his tenure, he oversaw a capital campaign that constructed the Chandler Maritime Education Building and the Heritage Building. He retired in 2010 and remained active in the Port Townsend community and with the Maritime Center. He was an active member of Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and was elected to their endowments committee. During the pandemic, he served as a Sunday services video editor, making online services possible. He was instrumental in the development of a finance plan that enabled the fellowship to build a columbarium and memorial circle. He was the recipient of the 1995 Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Maritime Education from the National Maritime Historical Society and the 1996 Sea Education Program of the Year Award from the American Sail Training Association. A scholarship fund has been started for emerging marine scientists in his memory through the Ocean Institute based in Dana Point. He is survived by his wife, Sigrid; two daughters and sons-in-law; four grandchildren; sister Cathryn Cummings Nunlist ’70 and a brother-in-law; a brother and sister-in-law; and five nieces and nephews.
Charlene A. Morgan ’67, of El Prado, N. Mex.; Mar. 22. She served her community as a counselor specializing in conscious dying and grief. She was a lifetime member of Lama Foundation and a follower of Murshid Samuel Lewis. She enjoyed nature and gardening and is survived by a son, four grandchildren, and five siblings.
Martha Gates Hays ’67, of San Francisco; Apr. 23, of esophageal cancer. She worked at Young & Rubicam in New York City, IBM in London, and Francis Ford Coppola’s American Zoetrope in San Francisco as a TV commercial producer. She worked tirelessly producing “Save our Ballet” television commercials to assist in helping the San Francisco Ballet which, at the time, was near bankruptcy. She pursued a second career in education and earned a master’s degree from Mills College, subsequently teaching eighth grade English at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in San Francisco. At the age of 35, within a month of giving birth to her second son, she was stricken with bilateral brain aneurysms that left her both physically and cognitively disabled. She fought back and persevered for the next 40 years with courage, grace, optimism, and warmth. No longer able to work or teach, she put her all into raising her two sons. She also pursued her passion for painting, creating many works and collaborating for years with San Francisco-based artist Kim Frohsin. She is survived by her husband, Christopher ’64; two sons; sister Caroline Gates Anderson ’71; brothers-in-law Brian Hays ’61 and Richard L. Anderson ’66; and niece Nicole Anderson ’05.
William C. Bieluch Jr. ’67, of Darien, Conn.; May 3. He was a retired attorney. He worked for several years at the American Stock Exchange and then practiced law at the firm of Hall, McNicol, Marrett & Hamilton before practicing from his own office in Darien. He also served on the Planning & Zoning Commission for the Town of Darien. He enjoyed trips to Las Vegas and staying up to date on current events by reading several newspapers cover to cover. He is survived by three sons, a daughter-in-law, three granddaughters, a sister, and a brother and sister-in-law.
Paul R. Peller ’67, of Menomonie, Wisc.; Feb. 15. He was a retired workplace inspector with the State of New York. He was an avid reader and liked to crochet. He is survived by a sister and brother-in-law and a niece.
Mollie E. Harris Farmer ’67, of Kingston, Pa.; Jan. 9. After Brown, she continued her studies at the Université de Poitiers in Tours, France. She began her teaching career at College Misericordia and later joined the faculty of King’s College as adjunct instructor in the department of foreign languages and literature. In 2001, she became director of King’s College Study Abroad Program, a position she held until her retirement in 2014. She volunteered for many years, focusing mainly on the arts and tutoring, and was named Volunteer of the Year by the Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce. She is survived by a daughter, a son, three grandchildren, her mother, three siblings, and nieces and nephews.
Edward C. Arnn ’67, of Winston-Salem, N.C.; Nov. 1. He was a television anchor for WKTV in Utica, N.Y., for 13 years and a radio newscaster in the New York area for 25 years. Additionally, he taught science and math to children with special needs for 10 years. He is survived by his wife, Pam; a son; and two stepdaughters.
James D. Willey ’67, of Burlington, Mass., formerly of Ridgewood and Franklin Lakes, N.J.; Apr. 12. He began working at Procter & Gamble, eventually settling in Ridgewood and Franklin Lakes, where he owned several businesses. He was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church in Ridgewood and taught Sunday school, worked with the youth groups, and served as an usher. Upon retiring, he moved to Burlington. He is survived by his wife, Susan; a daughter; a son; five grandchildren; two brothers; a sister-in-law; and four nephews.
William E. Donnelly ’67, of Lansdowne, Va.; Feb. 25, of pancreatic cancer. He earned a law degree from Georgetown Law School and practiced in both the private sector and local government sector. His specialty was land use law. He enjoyed fly-fishing in the Shenandoah, woodworking, and carving. He is survived by his wife, Denise; two sons; and five grandchildren.
Richard T. Flood ’67 MAT, of Jamestown, R.I.; Oct. 30. He was a teacher, coach, and mentor at Pomfret School in Pomfret, Conn.; at Charterhouse School in Godalming, England, where he was a Fulbright Scholar; and for more than 20 years at Noble and Greenough School in Dedham, Mass. In 1988 he was appointed headmaster at Salisbury School in Salisbury, Conn. After retiring from Salisbury, he created Dick Flood Education Services, inspiring young educators to find jobs in independent schools. He was a Hall of Fame hockey coach who led the Nobles for more than 30 years. He founded the Summer Europa Cup, which graduated several NHL and Olympic athletes. He also enjoyed gardening and nature. He is survived by three children and their spouses, seven grandchildren, and a brother.
Jeffrey C. Foster ’67, of St. Louis, Mo.; Nov. 9, of pancreatic cancer. He spent most of his career at Bell Laboratories providing contributions to the developing field of computer-aided design, and retired as vice president from AT&T. He then formed his own company, Twin-Bridge Consulting, and worked for five years as a consultant for several Fortune 500 companies and for Duke University Medical School. He also taught classes as an associate professor at Stevens Institute of Technology. He enjoyed river cruising, playing golf, and spending time with family, especially each summer on the coast of Maine. He is survived by three children, including Karen de Foy ’94; seven grandchildren; sister Linda Henry ’63; and his former wife, Muriel McCormick Foster ’67.
Marvin A. Brookner ’67, of Berkeley, Calif.; Oct. 16, of pancreatic cancer. After receiving his JD from George Washington Law School, he moved to Berkeley and began working as a criminal defense attorney in the Public Defender’s Office of Solano County. He worked his way up to chief public defender in the Felony Department. He was known to wear bow ties and defend those without the means for legal counsel. In 2004 he retired. He was an avid cyclist, bird watcher, and gardener. He enjoyed crossword puzzles, the Los Angeles Angels and Raiders, and traveling. He is survived by his partner, Phylee; two daughters; two stepdaughters; a son-in-law; two grandchildren; and his brother Edward ’64.
Edward Branigan ’67 of Bellingham, Wash.; June 29, of acute myeloid leukemia. After graduating from Brown, he earned a JD and PhD in film studies from the University of Wisconsin. He joined the film and media studies faculty at UC Santa Barbara in 1984 and taught until his retirement in 2012. From 1989 to 1994 he served as chair of the department and later was instrumental in the design and implementation of the doctoral program in film and media studies at the school. He authored numerous books and articles. He enjoyed fishing, reading philosophy, watching sports, and photography. He is survived by his partner, Ellen Rabinowich; his mother; four sons; three sisters; a brother; and his former wife, Roberta Kimmel.
Carol Schweitzer Kovall ’67, of New York City; Dec. 18, 2018. She is survived by her husband, Geoffrey; two sons; and a sister.
Saul A. Rothman ’67, of Stamford, Conn.; July 13, following a long illness. Following law school, he began his law career with F.D. Rich and went on to clerk for the Hon. John J.P. Ryan. He mentored new lawyers entering the profession and in 1981, he became a sole practitioner specializing in the practice of family law. He was an active member and participant in the Connecticut and Fairfield County Bar Associations and took pride in his work with the Special Master’s Program in the Stamford and Bridgeport Superior Courts. He received special recognition for his work with the Regional Family Trial Docket in Middletown Superior Court and he handled cases on a pro bono basis for Connecticut Legal Services in Stamford. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, two granddaughters, a sister and brother-in-law, and a brother.
Nancy L. Goodwin ’67, of Cambridge, Mass.; Jan. 5. A recently retired architect, she helped further the institutional and commercial commitment to both preservation and the expanding role of women in the design and construction field. After graduating from Brown, she spent a year in Nevada as a VISTA volunteer and then attended the graduate architecture program at MIT. She gained several years of work experience with architectural firms, including Stull and Lee, prior to joining Finegold Alexander Architects in Boston in 1977, where she became the first female principal. With a focus on historical renovation, she was most proud of her conversion of a former historic Cambridge police station into the Alice K. Wolf Municipal Center—a project which received a Preservation Award from the Cambridge Historical Commission. Her numerous projects included Harvard University, Vassar and Bryn Mawr colleges, Milton Academy, Berkshire School, Eliot School in Boston, and projects at Brown, including the Andrews Courtyard project on the Pembroke Campus. She had served as chairman of the Mid Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District Commission since 2009, having been a member since 1999, and she was one of the first architects at Finegold to achieve LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). She received numerous awards, including the 2014 Paul Tsongas Award honoring Women in Preservation from Preservation Mass. She enjoyed reading, museums, and classical concerts. She is survived by a sister, brother Don ’57, two stepchildren; and two nephews.
Thomas C. O’Keefe ’67, of Natick, Mass.; Feb. 11. He was a practicing attorney for more than 40 years and in 1983 established the law office of O’Keefe & Gale in Natick. He enjoyed fishing, boating, the New England Patriots, and a good cigar. He is survived by his fiancée and partner of 24 years, Claudia Greene; daughter Megan O. Mano ’98; two sons, including Daniel ’97; a daughter-in-law; a son-in-law; and four grandchildren.
Colby L. Burbank III ’67, of Mooresville, N.C.; Mar. 10. He had a career in finance at Westinghouse and was a senior vice president with Barclays Bank and SunTrust Bank. He volunteered at Mooresville Soup Kitchen and served as board member/treasurer. At Brown he was a member of the track and field team and Phi Delta Theta. He enjoyed spending time with family and attending children/grandchildren sporting events. He is survived by his wife, Carol; three sons and their spouses; seven grandchildren; a sister; two brothers; and 15 nieces and nephews.
Judith Wolder Rosenthal ’67, ’71 PhD, of Edison, N.J.; Jan. 4. She taught biology at Kean University in Union, N.J., for more than 35 years and served as an administrator in 1995. She received a master’s degree in bilingual education in 1995 and at the time of her death was studying to become proficient in Yiddish and working on publishing her third book, Early Jewish Women Lawyers c.1900. She was involved with the Washington State Jewish Historical Society and was a member of a Spanish language book club. She was a collector of indigenous and tribal masks and enjoyed traveling the world. She is survived by a daughter, two sisters, and a brother.
Robert M. Reymers ’67, ’68 ScM, of Cary, N.C.; Dec. 18. After graduating with a master’s in engineering, he joined Westinghouse Nuclear, then EDS Nuclear, which then launched a 45-year career with Impell Corp. He worked in sales and marketing as senior business development manager. He enjoyed sports, especially rugby and tennis, and was a rock guitarist, jazz enthusiast, and singer with his local Doo Wop Club. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; two daughters and their spouses; and three grandchildren.
Lynn Taylor ’67, of Seattle; June 21, following a battle with systemic sclerosis. She was the director of Harbor Development at the Port of Seattle from 1980 to 1990. In 1990 she left the Port and started her own firm, Taylor Consulting, where she focused on strategic consulting in a range of public policy areas. She served on the Seattle City Club board, including two terms as president; sang with Seattle Pro Musica; volunteered at FareStart preparing and delivering food for shelters, while also helping to develop a curriculum to assist students in gaining employment. She enjoyed playing golf, reading, birdwatching, and spending time with family at their Black Butte Ranch home in Central Oregon. She is survived by her husband, G. Douglas Hurley ’71; a daughter; a son; a daughter-in-law; a grandson; a sister; and a brother-in-law.
Linda Mansfield Pointer ’67, ’69 AM, of East Falmouth, Mass., formerly of Lawton, Okla.; May 28, of cancer. She worked for many years with the U.S. Department of Energy and as an economist at McKinsey & Company, traveling extensively to serve clients and address matters of oil and gas supply models. In 2004 she left Oklahoma and moved to East Falmouth, where she was an avid watercolor painter and supporter of the Falmouth Artists Guild. She served as treasurer of the Guild, assisted in marketing efforts, and wrote grant proposals. She enjoyed sailing. She is survived by her husband, Ronald; a sister; a brother; a sister-in-law; and a brother-in-law.
Gene F. Armstrong ’67, of Pawtucket, R.I.; Apr. 18. She was a self-employed computer consultant, an avid yoga enthusiast, and an experienced mediator. She is survived by a brother.
William G. O’Donnell ’67, of Chicago; Dec. 30. He worked at Lind-Waldock in Chicago, where he became president and opened the London office in 1990s. He is survived by his wife, Judith; a sister; a brother; and 10 nieces and nephews.
Richard G. Whipple ’67, of Louisville, Ky.; Nov. 15. He worked in New York City at Chase Manhattan Bank and European American Bank before joining Citizens Fidelity Bank (PNC Kentucky) in 1985. In 1999, he joined Fifth Third Bank and retired in 2012. He was treasurer of the board of trustees for Summit Academy (Ky.) and served on the board of directors and executive committee for Kentucky Opera. He was a longtime supporter of the Fund for the Arts, the Speed Art Museum in Louisville, and the Community Foundation of Louisville. A distance runner, he completed several New York City marathons. He is survived by his wife, Heather; a brother; and nieces and nephews.
Julie B. Lovins ’67, of Mountain View, Calif.; Jan. 26, of brain cancer. She taught Japanese phonology for eight years at Tokyo universities, then engineered software at Silicon Valley firms and consulted on computational linguistics. She is survived by a brother.
Robert H. Hammel ’67, of Canonsburg, Pa.; Jan. 1. He was the owner of the House of Robert Hammel Furniture Store in McMurray, Pa. He is survived by his wife, Mary; two children; two grandchildren; and a sister.
Neil Bromberg ’67, of St. Louis, Mo.; Sept. 25, of complications due to Parkinson’s. He was a math professor at Rochester Institute of Technology from 1975 to 1980 and then worked at GE Healthcare until his retirement in 2003. In retirement, he tutored in the Milwaukee city schools. He is survived by his wife, Susan Kahn Bromberg ’68; a daughter; a son, Kenneth Bromberg ’93; a son-in-law; a granddaughter; and his mother.
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