Class of 1986

Brenda Barbour writes: “Laton O’Neal Palmer and I are enjoying the freedom of having launched our children and left our full-time gigs. After 15 years managing a communications team at the World Bank, I am thrilled to announce the release of my latest venture—the Body Wealth podcast. My sister and I have both experienced medical challenges that have taught us about the unique issues Black women face when navigating the healthcare system. So we created a podcast to gather and share lessons and inspiration. Each week we chat with one Black woman to hear about what she is doing to work toward her best mental or physical health. At the time of this writing, an episode with Krista Rimple Bradley is scheduled for October. Join the conversation to laugh, learn, and be inspired. You can listen on all major podcast platforms or at, and connect with us on IG @bodywealthsisters.”

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Class of 1986

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