Colors of Confinement edited by Eric L. Muller ’84 (University of North Carolina). Most
pictures of Japanese internment camps are the work of documentarians
and military photographers. These were taken by a mechanic named Bill
Manbo, who was among the 10,000 Japanese Americans moved to Heart
Mountain Relocation Center in Wyoming. Using newly invented 35mm
Kodachrome film and a makeshift tripod, Manbo portrays his family and
friends. He poses his toddler son in a tiny pilot’s leather jacket,
cap, and goggles eating an ice cream cone. In a less sanguine portrait,
the boy grasps a barbed-wire fence.

Matryoshka by John Andes ’62, edited by Judith Wessells ’62, cover designed by Helene Schwartz Kenvin ’62 (iUniverse).
Goodbye to All That by Judith Arnold (pen name of Barbara Keiler ’76 AM) (Bell Bridge Books).
Cut to Wagstaff by Jim Berkin ’85 (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform).
American Caliphate by William Doonan ’87 (Dark Oak Mysteries).
Out Beyond the Verrazano by Terrence Dunn ’79 (Lulu.com).
When America First Met China: An Exotic History of Tea, Drugs, and Money in the Age of Sail by Eric Jay Dolin ’83 (Liveright Publishing Corporation).
The Springs of Namje: A Ten-Year Journey from the Villages of Nepal to the Halls of Congress by Rajeev Goyal ’01 (Beacon Press).
Exodus to Shanghai: Stories of Escape from the Third Reich by Steve Hochstadt ’75 AM, ’83 PhD (Palgrave Macmillan).
Robert Duncan, The Ambassador from Venus: A Biography by Lisa Jarnot ’94 MFA (University of California).
Future Perfect: The Case for Progress in a Networked Age by Steven Johnson ’90 (Riverhead Books).
The Doctor Dissected: A Cultural Autopsy of the Burke and Hare Murders by Caroline McCracken-Flesher ’86 AM, ’89 PhD (Oxford University Press).
Scotland as Science Fiction by Caroline McCracken-Flesher ’86 AM, ’89 PhD (Bucknell University Press).
Asperkids: An Insider’s Guide to Loving, Understanding, and Teaching Children with Asperger’s Syndrome by Jennifer Cook O’Toole ’97 (Jessica Kingsley Publications).
Among the Creationists: Dispatches from the Anti-Evolutionist Front Line by Jason Rosenhouse ’95 (Oxford University Press).
Mapping Europe’s Borderlands: Russian Cartography in the Age of Empire by Steven Seegel ’00 AM, ’06 PhD (University of Chicago Press).
Sailor Twain or The Mermaid in the Hudson by Mark Siegel ’89 (First Second Books).
The $10 Trillion Dollar Prize: Captivating the Newly Affluent in China and India by Michael J. Silverstein ’76, Abheek Singhi, Carol Liao, and David Michael (Harvard Business Review Press).
Madness is Civilization: When the Diagnosis was Social, 1948–1980 by Michael E. Staub ’81 AM, ’87 PhD (University of Chicago).
Dropping the Gloves: Inside the Fiercely Combative World of Professional Hockey by Roger Vaughan ’59 and Barry Melrose (McClelland & Stewart).
Moving Beyond Repair: Perfecting Healthcare edited by Karen Wolk Feinstein ’97, Susan Elster, and Colleen M. Bbrin (Pittsburg Regional Health Initiative).
We Kick Balls: True Stories from the Youth Soccer Wars by Dan Woog ’75 (Woog’s World Books).
Coney Detroit by Katherine Yung ’93 and Joe Grimm (Wayne State University Press).
Hands Around the Library: Protecting Egypt’s Treasured Books by Susan L. Roth and Karen Leggett Abouraya ’72 (Penguin Young Readers).
The Open Door: One Hundred Poems, One Hundred Years of Poetry Magazine edited by Don Share ’78 and Christian Wiman (University of Chicago Press).
Cultural Foundations of Learning: East and West by Jin Li (Cambridge University Press).
All in the Family: The Realignment of American Democracy Since the 1960s by Robert O. Self (Farrar, Straus & Giroux).
A Reason to Read: Linking Literacy and the Arts by Eileen Landay and Kurt Wootton ’97 MAT; foreword by Shirley Brice Heath (Harvard Education Press).