Donald C. Dowling ’58

Donald C. Dowling ’58, of Boynton Beach, Fla.; Apr. 12. He was a lawyer whose criminal and civil career spanned 52 years and three countries. In 1961, he became a field research associate of the American Bar Foundation, studying law and procedures concerning the commitment and discharge of the mentally ill. He then moved to Chicago and entered private practice, specializing in trial work, until accepting an appointment as the National Defender Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School. A position with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to work on aspects of the Portuguese penal code in Lisbon followed. After returning to the U.S., he worked at GTE International in New York City, then practiced for 33 years as chief trial attorney and head of the Capital Division in the office of the Public Defender in Palm Beach County, Florida. He started his own civil and criminal practice and then later became a partner at Spinner, Dittman, Federspiel & Dowling. He is survived by his wife, Andree Marie-Therese; three children and their spouses, including Luc Dowling ’98; five grandchildren; a sister; two brothers; and several nieces and nephews. 

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Class of 1958

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