Starting in Fall 2018, members of Brown Esports (BEST) began the painstaking process of creating a digital version of Brown’s College Hill campus in Minecraft, the video game. They were still working on it when COVID-19 caused the real campus to shut down this March. So, with help from Geopipe, a company cofounded by Thomas Dickerson ’16 ScM, ’19 PhD that creates 3D models of cities, BEST opened the virtual campus on March 22 and invited Brunonians, past and present, to help add details. As of May 1, 157 had joined in.“By being able to work on this with the rest of the community, you get to be part of something that brings people together after all,” said BEST copresident Griffin Beels ’21.
Science & Tech
Minecraft campus
A digital version of Brown’s College Hill brings the community together during COVID-19
By BAM Staff / June–August 2020
June 3rd, 2020

Isaac Kim ‘23