Class of 1979

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Aug, 2024

Orlando C. Kirton, chair and surgeon-in-chief in the department of surgery at Jefferson Abington Hospital, has been appointed president of the Philadelphia Academy of Surgery. In addition to these roles, he also serves as professor of surgery at Thomas Jefferson University and has held positions in the U.S. Army Reserve Medical Corps, the Society of Black Academic Surgeons, the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, and the Society of Critical Care Medicine. He has received numerous teaching awards and has published more than 200 peer-reviewed manuscripts, book chapters, and abstracts on surgical critical care, trauma, and surgical education.

Jan, 2024
Image of Bob Krumenaker

Bob Krumenaker writes: “After 41+ official years as a ranger, biologist, manager of natural resource programs, and park superintendent, I retired from the National Park Service on July 15, 2023. It’s actually 46 years since I first started with the NPS as a volunteer, taking off the second semester of my sophomore year at Brown. I am now living in Carlsbad, New Mexico, where my partner is the superintendent of Carlsbad Caverns National Park. While my principal goal for a while is spending time woodworking and doing home improvement, I remain involved in conservation and land management, most notably with This is the effort to revive the long-dormant and very important goal of seeing Congressional designation of wilderness for the undeveloped areas of Big Bend National Park. Keep Big Bend Wild recently received the NPS national award for wilderness stewardship by a non-NPS partner organization. I am also (selectively) available and interested in consulting or contract work where my experience and expertise can make a difference in land management or conservation.”

Jan, 2024

Todd Berman and his wife Kristen Shepherd have moved to Bend, Ore. He can be reached at bermantodd@gmail.

Nov, 2023

Aleeka Kay Morgan, the executive director of the Women’s Fund of Hawai’i, organized a fundraiser event, Super Sheroes of Philanthropy, featuring three accomplished former alumnae: the vice president of enterprise commercial inclusion strategy at the Walt Disney Company Anastasia Ali, the First Lady of Hawaii Jamie Kanani Ushiroda Green ’99, and the former attorney general of Hawaii Margery S. Bronster ’79. 


Nov, 2023

Brian Muni completed his clinical doctorate on the utilization of music in occupational therapy. An article about his musical journey was published by Chatham University. 

Nov, 2023

Eric Evans is a senior fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Nov, 2023

Mark your calendar! Reunion 2024 will take place May 24-26. It’s essential to confirm that your alumni profile has the correct email address for updates regarding Reunion Weekend, which will be sent via email. Simply visit and follow the instructions provided to access your profile.

Aug, 2023

Mitchell R. Lester ’83 MD writes: “I retired from the private practice of allergy/immunology at the end of 2022. I haven’t completely left it behind as I remain active in various professional organizations, including the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, and as vice chair of the American Board of Allergy and Immunology. After schlepping it around the country for 40 years, I dusted off my saxophone and am relearning how to play (it is NOT like riding a bicycle). I’m also dabbling in Spanish and American history and plan to learn to construct crossword puzzles. I would love to hear from old friends:”

Aug, 2023
Empowered Investing
Venture capital for Latinx entrepreneurs Read More
Jul, 2023
From the Archives: The Brown Connection at America’s Cup
Read More
Jun, 2023

Robert Schwartz writes: “The Class of 1970 lost its 50th reunion to the pandemic and those of us in the hockey crowd hadn’t been together since 2015. We held a mini-reunion in Jupiter, Florida, at the home of Nancy and Bill Gilbane. We gathered on Feb. 14 for food and beverage and the following day we went out on the Gilbanes’ boat for a few hours’ cruise up the Intracoastal Waterway to Stuart, Florida, where we had lunch together, returning to the Gilbanes’ home for more time together into the late hours. Five teammates who were unable to travel to Florida joined us on Zoom that evening: Curt Bennett, Frank Sacheli, John Vukelich, Dave Patterson ’72, and Tom Echeverria ’68. Mike Edwards and Jimmy Bennett ’79 were able to join us on Tuesday only and not for the rest of the reunion. Additional alums in attendance were: Lynne and John Abbott ’68, Gerry Boyle ’67, Mark Burns ’69, Bill Coakley ’72, Tom Coakley ’68, Al Cusick, Kaye Blatman Ferriter ’72 and Rick Ferriter ’72, Bob Gilbane ’71, Larry Heller ’77, Dave McCay ’72, Bonny and Don McGinnis, Rich McLaughlin, and Lou Reycroft ’72.”


Robert Schwartz ’70 & hockey teammates
Apr, 2023

Greg Small writes: “Classmate Ed Miskevich recently reminded me of the organization Richard Ivry ’80 and I started on campus in 1977: Straight Students for Gay Rights. The moniker sounds decidedly parochial now but our intentions were pure. We didn’t have much tangible effect but did gather almost 1,000 signatures supporting a Providence anti-discrimination ordinance, which included protection based on ‘sexual preference.’ Shamefully, that clause was dropped before the ordinance was passed… Such was the slow evolution of gay rights. I was thrilled, though, that Ed had a copy of the petition. If your signature is on it, please accept my renewed thanks! My wonderful wife, Adrienne Lavine, and I just celebrated our 40th anniversary, which gratifies me beyond words. We have two bright, sweet, and decidedly unconventional sons who make us very proud. Adrienne will soon retire as professor of engineering at UCLA, while I am a screenwriter and, to my astonishment, have had some of my best career years these past crazy two. I credit no small bit of my storytelling muscle to Professor St. Armand’s class on Edgar Allen Poe. We welcome hearing from classmates at”

Apr, 2023

Jonathan Greene is proud to announce that a computer chip designed by his team at Microchip Technology and deployed in NASA’s DART mission has stopped working after DART collided (intentionally) with the asteroid Dimorphos. Jonathan retired from Microchip and is now a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley.

Nov, 2022

Dorothy Powe Holinger writes: “My book, The Anatomy of Grief (Yale University Press, 2020), was released in paperback. The color of the cover is different and it has a subtitle: The Anatomy of Grief: How the Brain, Heart, and Body Can Heal after Loss. Here is a link to the website:” (see Fact, Fiction & Verse, pg. 56)

Nov, 2022

Classical pianist John Davis ’79 has been awarded the prestigious 2022 Rolland Rome Prize.  His project is titled Keys to the Highwa

Jun, 2022

On Feb. 28, Craig Waters retired after 35 years working as a lawyer and communications director at the Florida Supreme Court. Craig is best known as the public spokesperson for Florida’s highest tribunal during the tumultuous Bush v. Gore presidential election cases in 2000. He announced major court decisions in cases that helped determine the outcome of the disputed 2000 election. But his work involved much more. First Amendment groups describe his career as a groundbreaking advancement of open government and transparency that serves as a national model. He was an early pioneer for the idea of courts around the nation using high-tech means of communications like the web, live-streaming legal arguments, and social media to better inform the public. This body of work earned Waters the 2022 Pete Weitzel/Friend of the First Amendment Award from the First Amendment Foundation.

Craig Waters ’79
Jun, 2022

Nanette Veilleux writes: “I have been granted a Fulbright award to teach computer science at the Fulbright University in Vietnam (FUV). Fulbright is a liberal arts institution, somewhat of a novelty outside of the U.S. My students are engaging and enthusiastic. They are working on a project to implement an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system in various Vietnamese dialects. The FUV students have weekly Zoom meetings with Simmons University students (my home institution), who are implementing an ASR system for Amharic (the official language of Ethiopia). It’s great to see this international collaboration. Ho Chi Minh City is a wild, high-octane, cosmopolitan place.”

Jun, 2022

Bernard Langs released “Sacred and Profane Love” on SoundCloud ( The piece is an 18-minute “literary” rock and experimental music operetta. “Sacred and Profane Love” was developed for a May staging at a theater “so far off Broadway you’ll be sitting in the Hudson River” and in the summer as a choreographed piece in Woodstock, N.Y. Bernie has also decided that after self-publishing more than 20 novellas on the Amazon Kindle Store, he will retire from fiction and have a go at cultural and political essays. He is always in search of collaboration with others in music, music video, and other artistic genres. His final book, The Plot, can be found at:

Apr, 2022

Mark Gould and his wife, Allison, successfully completed a yearlong project of throwing a wedding for their daughter, Caroline, during the middle of the plague. Frank Fuerst ’79 also attended the outdoor affair, which was blessed with perfect late October weather. Although he is looking forward to retirement someday, Mark remains very busy as a solar energy and commercial real estate attorney in Atlanta.

Jan, 2022

Jeffrey Graham writes: “I’m honored to be class vice president for the foreseeable future. I’m in touch with Jay McCulloch, who is teaching a memoir class in France, and I’ll be an attendee again in January of her Todos Santos Writers Workshop. I’m advisory board chair for the Center for Council (, led by Jared Seide ’85, working for social and criminal justice through programs in prisons; law enforcement agencies; social service, nonprofit, and community-based organizations; schools; and private companies. Three Brown undergrads interned this summer and one continues with the work. They did great.”

Jan, 2022

RSG 3-D, founded by Ken Calligar, is quickly becoming seen as the leading building material for disaster resilience and energy efficiency, Ken writes. The company won the National Association of Home Builders 2020 Global Innovation Award for Leadership Product. It has been featured on FOX, CNBC, and CNN, and in TIME magazine and the Wall Street Journal. RSG 3-D buildings have survived California wildfires and hundreds of hurricanes. Projects range from the Four Seasons resort to multifamily and suburban homes. The company also offers the only disaster-resilient accessory dwelling units in North America and homeless shelters called “eco-modules.”

Aug, 2021
In the news

Brown’s Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Barbara D. Chernow ’79 retired at the end of summer 2021. Among her many accomplishments in her six years in the role was partnering with Provost Richard M. Locke to implement a zero-based budgeting process, helping create Brown’s net-zero sustainability plan, and, on another note,  breaking a Guinness World Record in 2018, when she directed staff teams that stuffed 3,000 backpacks with school supplies for Rhode Island children. Chernow’s six years at Brown follow more than 30 years in educational administration. At the NYC Board of Education in the early 1980s, she supervised a system of school buses serving more than half a million students daily. She served as vice president of the NYC School Construction Authority before transitioning to higher education in 1998, when she joined Stony Brook University. She left the role of senior vice president for administration there to come to Brown in 2015. “Leaving the University twice—once after being a student, and now again after serving as an administrator—will truly be bittersweet,” Chernow said. “Barbara’s last day will be in September, but her impact at Brown will be felt for generations,” President Christina Paxson said. 

Apr, 2021

Jon Land (see Augustus White III ’57).

Mar, 2021
Getting Through It
How do some people thrive despite adversity? Read More
Nov, 2020

A. Benjamin Goldgar writes: “In October 2019, I was appointed chief judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois. I’ve been a judge on the court since 2003.”

Aug, 2020
In the news

The Mount Sinai Health System announced the creation of a new Institute for Health Equity Research (IHER) to understand the effects of health issues, including COVID-19, affecting at-risk communities. The disproportionate impact in underserved populations has highlighted the importance of rigorously studying disparities and translating discoveries into sustainable, scalable initiatives and policies that benefit communities in New York and the nation. Richard A. Friedman ’79 will chair the IHER Task Force that will guide, publicize and inform on the research underway. Other Task Force members include Brian A. Benjamin ’98, Senator for the 30th District of the New York Senate and Senior Assistant Majority Leader of the Senate.

Aug, 2020

Barbara Smith (see Ellen Arnold Lloyd ’52).

Aug, 2020

Dorothy P. Holinger’s book The Anatomy of Grief was published on Sept. 1 with Yale University Press. The book is for everyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one, those who have been unable to mourn in traditional ways, those who must prepare for loss, and anyone who wants to understand and help someone who is grieving.

Aug, 2020

Julia Burbank Chin reports on how she is faring in the days of the coronavirus. “The uncertainty of the whole thing is so challenging. I feel as if I am in eternal limbo. I spend my time caring for my mother, tending my garden and chickens, and enjoying the beautiful outdoors in Maine.”

Aug, 2020

Elizabeth Andrews Byers (see Barbara Kirk Hail ’52).

Aug, 2020

Since 2018, Fred Baumgarten has been living in western Massachusetts and running the grants office at Mount Holyoke College. Recently, he produced the book The Western Minstrel: Voyages through the Life of Anthony Philip Heinrich (published by the Dvorak Society), based on his research into the life of the man called the “Beethoven of America” and into Heinrich’s relationship to John and Lucy Audubon. Contact Fred at

Aug, 2020

Ellen Arnold Lloyd is living in The Quadrangle, a retirement community founded by the Quakers of Haverford College, not far from where she grew up in Lancaster, Pa. She writes that she feels very fortunate to be able to be safe and cared for when so many others are in distress. She is required to take her temperature every day and report it to the community’s administration. No one can visit her but her groceries come to her door through a choice of vendors. She notices her garden more and the birds at her feeder. Every Friday evening at 6 p.m. she shares a Zoom cocktail party with family and friends. She finds that even with long stretches of time on her hands, certain projects—like organizing family pictures stored in shoe boxes—remain undone. Her eldest daughter, Barbara Smith ’79, a Presbyterian minister in Myersville, N.J., presents sermons on YouTube now. Her grandson’s wedding planned for June has been postponed for a year. Two other grandsons completed college coursework with online study from a vacation cottage in East Orleans on Cape Cod. And her daughter Ellie, a librarian in Toronto, is struggling with the protocols for opening Toronto’s libraries safely.

Aug, 2020

Class president Barbara Kirk Hail reports: “I have been in touch with several classmates to ask how they are faring during their coronavirus pandemic isolation. The virus has created a new reality for all of us. For our age group particularly, perhaps it is not all bad. It gives us time to think over, appreciate, and put in order, the experiences of our long lives. May we all come together in 2022 at Brown reunion and share our collective wisdom. All my hopes for good health for all of our classmates, and for the world.

As for myself, I am self-isolating in my condo in Warren, Rhode Island, but the adjacent bike path allows a physical and emotional release with walks along the river and opportunities to observe ospreys perched on their nests before darting down to scoop up fish to feed their young. My daughter, Cindy Andrews Elder ’13 MPA, fills my grocery list weekly and disinfects all boxes, cans, fresh vegetables, and fruit before delivering it to my refrigerator. My son, Clinton Andrews ’78, a professor at Rutgers, had to master the new art of teaching a seminar in urban planning by Zoom. My daughter, Elizabeth Andrews Byers ’79, is working from home in Elkins, West Virginia, through webinars and Zoom with her fellows at the State DEM. Elizabeth’s husband, Alton, is home writing proposals for their next trip to Nepal, where they study glacial melting. Their son, Daniel Byers ’08, is studying filmmaking at Columbia University and finished his academic year on Zoom while living with his parents. For the first two weeks after arriving home, his parents sealed off a section of the house for him and served him his dinner on a stump outside his door. It is a quiet household, all three of them in their separate corners, online, working hard. At 5 p.m. they break and go for a long walk six feet apart with masks on. The new reality.”

Jun, 2020

Bill Woodson writes: “Finishing up my first year as a Sarasota resident and dean and chief diversity officer at the New College of Florida. I’m putting my recently awarded PhD in organizational leadership from the University of Minnesota to work! Feeling particularly connected to Brown after attending the September 2018 All Class Black Reunion, and our 40-year class reunion in May 2019. Really good to see Al Glenn, Honey Goldberg, Kevin Guynn, Marc and Marcia Band McReynolds, and Sylvia Ortiz, and way too many more classmates to name at our 40th and I’m already talking to those who missed out about making the 45th. If you’re passing through SRQ (Sarasota), an email will likely get you a lunch!” Contact Bill at

Nov, 2019
“You Belong Here”
The Third World Transition Program celebrates 50 years Read More
Sep, 2019

Abby Colella married Dan Davidson ’11 and the following people were in attendance: father of the bride, Jay Colella ’79; man of honor, James Anglin Flynn ’11; aunt of the bride, Kim Colella DeMagistris ’81; Matthew Aks ’11; Michael Bleicher ’11; Skylar Fox ’15; Jenny Gorelick ’14; Natan Last ’12; Kelly Mallahan ’11; Jessie Medofer ’13; Kate Monks ’13; Meredith Mosbacher ’11; Luke Rohde ’11; Sam Schmerler ’11; Christiana Stephenson ’11; Adam Wyron ’13; and Leandro Zaneti ’12.


Sep, 2019

Doug Dykaar’s wife, Donna Strickland, won the Nobel Prize in Physics.


Jul, 2019

Rick Stockwell has written a Christian fantasy novel entitled The Wall. Rick writes: “The book is primarily based in Connecticut, but features several scenes from Brown. The takeaway for Brunonians is that each of us needs to figure out where we’ll go when we die. It’s fine to plan for retirement, but we need to plan for post-retirement as well.”


Jul, 2019

Amy Ross Scheinerman published a two-volume book entitled The Talmud of Relationships, and it is a National Jewish Book Award finalist.


Jul, 2019

Lino Lipinsky was sworn in as a judge on the Colorado Court of Appeals on Jan. 9. Prior to his appointment to the bench, Lino was a partner at Dentons US LLP, where he chaired the firm’s Colorado litigation practice group. He continues to serve as the first vice president of the Denver Bar Association, a member of the board of governors of the Colorado Bar Association, and a board member of the Colorado Judicial Institute. Lino is also a member of the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct committee.


Jul, 2019

Doug Dykaar writes: “My wife, Donna Strickland, won the Nobel Prize in physics.”


May, 2019
Forever Light
The sun will trace an infinity symbol on a new campus sundial Read More
Mar, 2019

Johanna Bergmans Musselman and Bob Sussman report: “It is time to start thinking about our 40th reunion coming up May 24 -26, 2019.  Get your party shoes on and join us for our opening dinner on Friday night in Sayles Hall followed by the always magical Campus Dance.  Saturday’s lunch, ‘Hobnob with Kabobs,’ will be followed by a class forum. Saturday evening’s event will include a Rhode Island style clam boil and dancing to the sounds of Donna Summer, Blondie, and Toto (to name a few). Join our Facebook group Brown Class of 1979 and watch for email updates. And of course, we will gather on Sunday morning to process down College Hill with our fellow alumni and celebrate the Class of 2019. Be sure to log in to Brunonia and update your profile with your latest contact information so that you don’t miss out. If you have reunion questions, please reach out to us.

Mar, 2019

Sid Baumgarten is still actively practicing law. He moved to the Woolworth Building near City Hall (NYC), which is now close enough to walk to work. He is currently president of the Financial District Lions Club, vice chair of the New York County Lawyers Committee on law-related education, and chairman of New York Therapeutic Communities, Inc., a premier drug rehab program he has been involved with for 41 years. He is also an arbitrator for the court-administered program for fee disputes. He writes: “As long as I am still upright, I enjoy hunting deer, ducks, pheasants, whatever, always joined by my son Roger ’82. My brothers, Joel ’59 and Sam ’65, and my two sons, Fred ’79 and Rog, are all doing well.”

Jan, 2019
In the news

Teri Williams Cohee ’79, president of OneUnited Bank, the largest black-owned bank in the county, was awarded the Black Owned Media Alliance Champion of the Year award for her commitment to go above and beyond the call to support and advocate for equality in the media and support for the South Florida Black community.

Jan, 2019

Stephen Ziobrowski and his wife Anne moved to Providence. He writes: “Our younger daughter Hannah is a PhD candidate at Brown’s School of Public Health, so this was a chance to live close to her and her dog. We have already connected with some Brown friends in Providence, including Stephen Yan ’80 and his sister Donna Yan. If there are other Brown friends lurking in the Providence area, I would be delighted to hear from them.”

Nov, 2018
Working Smarter
Operational excellence may not always grab headlines. But when it builds community... we’re all rewarded. Read More
Nov, 2018

Ed Miskevich ’79 and Scott Westerfield ’79 are celebrating their 40th anniversary by taking a long-dreamt-about trip to Tahiti and Mo’orea in November. They also look forward to seeing friends at their 40th class reunion in 2019.

Nov, 2018
Wrap It Up
Our 12th annual holiday gift guide. Read More
Sep, 2018
Fresh Ink
New books by Eric Jay Dolin '83, Dawn Raffel '79 and Alan Stern '75 & David Grinspoon '82 Read More
Sep, 2018

Marc and Marcia Band McReynolds celebrated their 40th anniversary in April with four days of hiking and kayaking in Southern California. Marc writes: “Looking forward to our next ‘40th’ in May 2019 in Providence.”


Sep, 2018
Weather Warrior
Dispatches from the front lines of climate-change adaptation Read More
Jul, 2018

Ernesto Renda (see Ernie Renda ’79).


Jul, 2018

Sophia Schein Renda (see Ernie Renda ’79).


Jul, 2018

Mary Frates was promoted to professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School in July 2017. She is an assistant director of ultrasound in the department of radiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and is married to John Parziale ’79.


Jul, 2018

Margaret E. Thomas completed the Providence CVS Downtown 5K for the ninth year in a row. She entered a new age group this year and finished 12th out of 77 women in the 60 to 69 group.

Jul, 2018

Ernie Renda and Louisa Schein live in Somerset, N.J. Louise began her 25th year as a professor at Rutgers Univ., with joint appointments in Anthropology and Women and Gender Studies, after receiving her doctorate from UC Berkeley. Ernie, a graduate of Georgetown Law, has a solo law practice in Bridgewater, N.J. Their daughter, Sophia Schein Renda ’15, completed her master’s in education at the Univ. of Pennsylvania and teaches in the Philadelphia public schools. Their son, Ernesto Renda, Brown-RISD ’18, completed the joint program and is a past student head of the Brown Arts Initiative.

Jul, 2018

Orlando Kirton writes that he has been surgeon-in-chief and chairman of the general surgery division at Abington Hospital–Jefferson Health in Abington, Pa.; vice chairman of the Jefferson Health enterprise; and professor of surgery at Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson Univ. in Philadelphia.


Jul, 2018

Jeanne McCulloch is publishing a memoir, All Happy Families, this August. This is her first book after a lifetime on the other side of the desk as an editor at the Paris Review and Tin House.

May, 2018

William G. Woodson completed a PhD this May and is returning to Providence for his 40th reunion in May 2019. He writes: “Never too early to plan ahead.”


May, 2018

Martha Smith McManamy writes: “I’m enjoying my new post-retirement career in speech-language pathology with a specialty in voice issues. I’m using French and Spanish in my work but still have not found a specific use for the Italian language skills I gained reading Dante at Brown. It sure was fun, though.”


May, 2018

Sheryl Jacobs writes: “My husband, Stephen Shorofsky ’78, and I continue to live and work in Baltimore. I have a private practice as a clinical psychologist in Pikesville, while Steve works in the cardiology department of the Univ. of Maryland as head of electrophysiology. Our oldest son, Michael, is a pediatric cardiology fellow at the Univ. of Virginia, while our younger son, Benjamin, works in Chicago at the Delta Institute on environmental sustainability.”


Apr, 2018
Graffiti Archaeology
Senior administrator Russell Carey ’91 was touring Wilson Hall, currently under renovation, when he spotted this graffiti in the eaves. Read More
Jan, 2018

John Parziale, clinical associate professor of orthopedics at Brown’s Warren Alpert Medical School, was named 2017 Distinguished Clinician by the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at its annual assembly in Denver, Colo., on Oct. 14. John has been a member of the Brown faculty since 1986. He has clinical interests in occupational medicine, nerve compression syndromes, and golf-related injuries, and is a senior mentor for medical students. He lives with his wife, Mary Frates ’81, ’85 MD, in Sharon, Mass.

Jan, 2018

Gilbert A. Neiger was named a Fellow of the Intel Corporation in January 2017. He has worked there since 1994.

Jan, 2018

Bill Lichtenstein received a special recognition award from the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health for his work as a journalist and Peabody award-winning documentary producer, including his “leadership in promoting public awareness and courage and generosity in sharing family experiences to light the path for others.” Bill was honored at the dinner along with Congressman Joseph Kennedy III.

Jan, 2018

Robin Hazard Ray writes: “Many Brown folks turned out to hear me talk about my historical mystery novel, The Strangers’ Tomb, at the Watertown Public Library in Massachusetts. I was delighted to see Constance Ahlstrom ’79, Randall Albright ’78, Diana Ensor ’79, and H. Parker James ’78.”

Jan, 2018

Glenn Bower writes: “ My wife, Suzanne Griffiths Bower ’53, was suffering from Alzheimer’s and confined to a nursing home, so we could not attend the reunion. My daughters Pamela L. Bower-Basso ’77 and Priscilla S. Smyth ’87 were there. Pam has a daughter in the class of 2018. Our other two daughters, Elizabeth A. Hudgins ’79 and Emily Bower ’ 83, also were not able to be there, but Sue’s brother, Andrew Griffiths ’62, did attend. Sue’s father was in the class of 1927, so we have a lot of Brown connections. I was an Alpha Delt. I believe our survivors are down to three, Ralph Crosby, Norm Steere, and me.”

Dec, 2014
Fresh Ink
New books by alumni and faculty inclues a thriller about a stalker and a road-trip conversation about art and life. Read More

From the November/December 2017 Issue


From the July/August 2017 Issue


David Hart and Ann Morris Hart returned to campus in May for their daughter’s graduation. They write: “Elizabeth Hart ’17 has enjoyed four wonderful years at Brown.”

Pamela Dakin Harwood writes: “After 28 years in Cumberland, Maine, Hugh and I have sold our alpaca farm. We are in the process of moving a 45-foot 1932 Bridge Deck Cruiser that has spent the past four years being restored. We are working right along with the boat builders and hope to launch sometime this summer. See what we’ve been up to at and if you are within hailing distance of the intracoastal waterway so we can get together. We don’t have a plan, and we’re stickin’ to it.”

Johanna B. Musselman writes: “My husband, David, and I returned to the Boston area in July 2016. We are living in Cambridge while Dave pursues a master’s in urban studies at MIT. Our daughter, Sara, got married in January. She, her husband, and their 10-month-old daughter live about 45 minutes south of Boston. We are excited to see our granddaughter, Avery, on a regular basis.”

Abby Van Voorhees was elected to the American Academy of Dermatology’s officers and board members.

From the May/June 2017 Issue

Frederick Baumgarten (see Sidney Baumgarten ’54).

Wendi Sloane writes: “Lots of exciting news. My oldest, Alix Weitman, is engaged, and the wedding is this Memorial Day Weekend. My stepson, Jason Field, is also engaged and getting married in November. My daughter Drew Weitman ’15 and my son, Matt, both live in Brooklyn, so my trips to New York City are increasing. I continue to run marathons and head the intellectual property practice at Barack Ferrazzano in Chicago. My husband, Steve, and I split our time between Chicago and Fort Collins, Colorado.”

A. Benjamin Goldgar has been reappointed to a second term as a judge on the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Chicago.

From the March/April 2017 Issue

Mitchell R. Lester writes: “I continue to practice allergy and immunology in lower Fairfield County, Connecticut, having left academia 17 years ago. I continue my active involvement in the New England Society of Allergy and was recently elected to the Board of Regents of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. My daughter Beth will graduate from Elon University in May with an honors degree in Industrial Design Studies. Her thesis project was the design of a walker with two ‘smart elements’—a distance sensor and an automatic braking system for going downhill. My wife, Jill, is busier than any of us with her practice as a school psychologist. In addition, she fills every second of spare time as a board member of A Better Choice Westport, Earthplace, and activities with the League of Women Voters and ‘Play with Your Food.’”

Johanna Bergmans Musselman returned to the Boston area after two years in Princeton, N.J. She writes: “My husband, David, is attending MIT for a one-year master’s program. We are living in Cambridge and enjoying a more urban lifestyle. Our daughter and 6-month-old granddaughter are also in the Boston area.”

Carolyn R. Spencer writes: “I recently celebrated my 20th year working at the University of Michigan Law School. Although I started out teaching the first-year research and writing class, for the past 17 years I’ve been an Attorney-Counselor in the Office of Career Planning. I’d love to hear from old friends. Go Bruno and Go Blue!”

Stephen Ziobrowski is still living in Sudbury, Mass., and working as a tax lawyer in Boston with Day Pitney LLP. His older daughter, Emily, is married, living in Arlington, Va., and teaching kindergartners. His younger daughter, Hannah Ziobrowski, just started a PhD program in public health at Brown.”

From the January/February 2017 Issue

Todd Richman left the corporate world and embarked on a second career as a college consultant. He spent a year earning his certificate in educational consulting and launched Achieve Admissions to support high school students and parents through college planning, search, and admissions. Todd writes: “I love helping students and student-athletes navigate what many of you know has become an incredibly complex, competitive, and stressful process to find a college where they can thrive. Our motto is ‘Don’t Panic.’ Thanks to technology I work with students here in Massachusetts and as far away as California. Our older son, Bryan, is a senior at Northwestern, where his experience in a Big 10 marching band is just slightly different from my time in the Brown Band. Our younger son, Matt, is at Colby College, where he’s playing football and there is no marching band. Meanwhile, my wife, Susan Porter Richman, continues to teach eighth grade math at our local middle school with an abundance of skill and patience. I enjoy staying in touch with Brown friends in person and online.”

From the November/December 2016 Issue

John Sweney was honored by the local chapter of the Public Relations Society of America as their CEO Communicator of the Year. See the writeup at: . John writes: “I am in good company, as the previous honorees have been Houston mayors and CEOs of Shell, Imperial Sugar, and Chevron Phillips Chemicals. Also, my partner of 32 years, Mike Stargel, and I were married at our home in Texas in January.”

From the September/October 2016 Issue

Amy Davidoff and Steve Gore (Yale ’78) hosted the Aug. 2 wedding of their daughter Alena Davidoff-Gore ’10 to Alvaro Morales Salto-Weis. In attendance were Alena’s brother, Sam Davidoff-Gore ’15; numerous friends of the bride from the class of 2010; and Steve and Amy’s friends Sheryl Jacobs; Steve Shorofsky ’78; Julie Deutsch Gottlieb; Steve Gottlieb ’77, ’81 MD; and Eliza Strode.

From the July/August 2016 Issue

Michael Lewitt published his book, The Committee to Destroy the World: Inside the Plot to Unleash a Super Crash on the Global Economy, in March. He writes: “It builds on the work in my widely read financial newsletter, ‘The Credit Strategist,’ to describe the economic challenges facing the United States and the world.”

Martha McManamy writes: “After 30 years in the field of affordable housing, I took a dive into a new career and will be receiving my master’s in speech-language pathology this spring. In many ways, it’s a return to my Brown studies in psycholinguistics and my love of language. I often think of those psychology classes in the old Hunter Lab. Learning next to kids the same age as my son Evan McManamy ’15 is the best antidote to an aging mind that I know!”

From the May/June 2016 Issue

Fred Baumgarten (see Sidney Baumgarten ’54).

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Shawn Cherry is finishing his dissertation and plans to graduate in May with a PhD in educational psychology from UConn.

David Kalla writes: “My family is looking forward to graduation weekend, when Ryan Kalla ’16 will graduate.”

Johanna Bergmans Musselman writes: “I moved to Princeton, New Jersey, for my husband’s job in 2014. Princeton is such a nice area. I’m starting to network for a new job after being home with my daughter for 12-plus years.”

James Ryan (see Blythe Crane ’08).

From the January/February 2016 Issue

Todd Berman moved to Los Angeles, as his three children are living in California. He writes that he is advising early stage technology companies in the United States and Europe and would enjoy hearing from anyone living in the area.

Ruthanne Schwartz Fuller writes: “Great being a third-term alderman in Newton, Massachusetts. Local issues range from density and development to schools, sewers, road investments, and finding funding for pensions and retiree health care.”

On July 1, McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, the law firm where Lino Lipinsky worked as a partner, merged with Dentons US LLP. Lino is a litigation partner in Dentons’ Denver office, where he represents clients in a wide range of commercial cases. He continues to serve on the board of governors of the Colorado Bar Association and the board of directors of the Colorado Judicial Institute. Lino’s wife, Diana DeGette, was elected last November to her 10th term in the U.S. House of Representatives, where she is a Democratic Chief Deputy Whip. Their daughter Raphaela Lipinsky DeGette ’11 is in her third year of the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program. Their younger daughter, Francesca, is a political science major at Colorado College (Diana’s alma mater).

Johanna Bergmans Musselman has moved to Princeton, N.J. She recently had lunch with classmates Ken and Carol Dill Herts.

Wendi Sloane writes: “We watched my daughter Drew Weitman ’15 graduate with honors in comparative literature and walk through the Van Wickle Gates. The day before, my son, Matthew, graduated from Sarah Lawrence College. And, the week before that, my daughter Alix received her graduate degree from Washington Univ. in the Brown School of Social Work and Public Health in St. Louis. I continue to head the intellectual property practice group at Barack Ferrazzano in Chicago and look forward to running the Chicago Marathon in October (my 25th marathon) and spending Christmas in Paris. My husband, Steve, and I are spending as much time as we can at our home in Fort Collins, Colo., avoiding rattlesnakes.”

Trish Todd (see Andrew Blauner ’86). 

From the November/December 2015 Issue

Anthony Ritaccio, J. Spencer Standish professor of neurology and neurosurgery and vice chairman of the department of neurology at Albany Medical College, was selected as a Fulbright Scholar for his role in the development and dissemination of advanced brain mapping techniques in the United States and Italy. 

From the September/October 2015 Issue

Lars Erickson (see Marilyn Tarasiewicz Erickson ’57).

Anthony Ritaccio, the J. Spencer Standish professor of neurology and neurosurgery and vice chairman of the department of neurology at Albany Medical College, has been selected as a Fulbright Scholar for his role in the development and dissemination of advanced brain mapping techniques here and in Italy.

From the March/April 2015 Issue

Martha Smith McManamy writes: “I pulled my three kids, including Evan McManamy ’16, out of school and took an unusual gap year trip, living simply in the global south, learning Spanish and volunteering in Bolivia, Guatemala, and Kenya.” Her book, The Big Trip: A Family Gap Year, chronicles the experience.

From the January/February 2015 Issue

H. Cheryl Rusten writes: “I started working at the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, an affiliation of some of the world’s best cancer centers. I also tutor a Russian-speaking scientist in English. He is brilliant and never satisfied with just the right answer. I have consequently learned more about English grammar and vocabulary than I ever thought possible.”

From the November/December 2014 Issue

A. Benjamin Goldgar has been appointed by Chief Justice John Roberts to the Judicial Conference’s Advisory Committee on Bankruptcy Rules. He has been a judge on the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Chicago since 2003.

Abby Halperin, daughter of Doug Halperin ’79 ScM, married Peter Macfarlane, son of Christiana Geffen Macfarlane ’78 and Sandy Macfarlane ’76 and brother of Noble Macfarlane ’10, at Greens Restaurant at Fort Mason in San Francisco on Aug. 16.

The National Park Service has chosen Bob Krumenaker as the next acting superintendent of Everglades and Dry Tortugas national parks. He has been the superintendent of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin since 2002. This will mark his 37th year with the Park Service.

From the May/June 2014 Issue [35th]

Richard Breslow (see Don Breslow ’54).

David Hart and Ann Morris Hart write: “Our daughter, Elizabeth Hart ’17, loved her first semester at Brown. It has been fun for us to relive our alma mater through her. Michael is graduating from Northeastern Univ. School of Law. We look forward to celebrating with him in Boston and attending our Brown reunion on the same weekend. Our eldest, John, is 28 and still lives at home. For a guy with moderate to severe autism, his quality of life is pretty high.”

Abby Jennis writes: “Our son, Brian Sokolow ’13, had a great four years at Brown and gave me the opportunity to enjoy visiting campus again. My husband, Steve Sokolow (Penn ’77), and I work in New York City and live in Tenafly, N.J. I am an attorney at CUNY. Our daughter, Becky, is a junior at Penn. Looking forward to our 35th reunion!”

Robert Kotloff is moving to Cleveland to become chair of the department of pulmonary medicine at the Cleveland Clinic after 26 years at the Hospital of the Univ. of Pennsylvania.


From the March/April 2014 Issue [35th]

Mike Offit writes: “My first novel, Nothing Personal, was published on Feb. 11 by St. Martin’s Press/Thomas Dunne Books. It’s a literary financial thriller set in the ’80s, and the protagonist, oddly enough, went to Brown. I spent 20 years on Wall Street and retired in 1999 as a managing director at Deutsche Bank after stints as the senior trader of commercial mortgages and asset-backed securities at Goldman and First Boston.”

From the January/February 2014 Issue

Bernard Langs was promoted to director of research and prospect management in the development office at Rockefeller Univ., where he has been for 11 years. His wife, Joanne, is a law librarian, and his daughter, Jordan, is a sophomore at New Providence High School in New Jersey, where they live. He continues to act as a fund-raising consultant, to record music, and to write novellas. He often collaborates with Curtis Kendrick ’80. Bernie also continues to get advice on music composition via e-mail from Gerald Shapiro, the professor who taught him recording techniques in 1979. Bernie would love to hear from friends, musicians, and writers.

James Lawson writes: “While attending the 30th reunion, a group of us went to dinner at Rue de L’Espoir. Lisa Cobb and I had a chance to share stories that evening and have been seeing each other ever since. Sometimes those reunion tales are real! We look forward to seeing friends at the 35th.”

Karen Olcott was one of five finalists in the 2013 Microsoft Alumni Foundation Integral Fellows award for her leadership in ending human trafficking. The awards were announced on the evening of Nov. 1 at the foundation’s annual celebration. Karen is the mother of Alyssa Olcott Garrett ’15.

A. Wayne Williams has been practicing forensic pathology for 20 years. He moved to Miami and, as of February 2013, has been working as an assistant medical examiner for the Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner Department, where he trained 20 years ago. He writes: “Medical examiner work is very interesting—just check out all the forensic programs on television. Dr. G., as seen on TV, is a fellow Dade County–trained medical examiner. My daughter Alexa, 18, is now in college, premed, in Virginia.”

From the November/December 2013 Issue

Bruce Alterman has written a new detective thriller based on his real experiences as a private investigator. Now available through Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

David Sherman (see p. 53, Engagements & Weddings, Julia Riddle Winter ’08).

David Whitford writes: “Twenty-four years after it was first published by Macmillan (and reviewed by BAM), my book, A Payroll to Meet: A Story of Greed, Corruption & Football at SMU, is being reissued this fall by Univ. of Nebraska Press.”


From the September/October 2013 Issue

Elizabeth Castelli was named the Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Religion at Barnard College, where she has taught since 1995.

Jerry Coker published First Among Men, a fictionalized World War II drama about the costly invasion of Attu Island in the North Pacific in 1943.

David Parmelee’s first novel, The Sea Is a Thief, has been published by Sunbury Press. Set on Chincoteague Island, Virginia, during the Civil War, it chronicles the dangerous courtship between a Union sailor and a young Chincoteague wildlife artist. David writes: “I would enjoy and appreciate opinions and reviews from readers.”

From the May/June 2013 Issue

The class of 1979 officers write: “Attention class of 1979! Our 35th reunion is just a little over one year away. Please mark your calendars for Reunion Weekend 2014: May 23–25. As it will coincide with the 250th anniversary of Brown, your class officers are working diligently to make this reunion a memorable one. Hope to see you all there.”

David Hart and Ann Morris Hart write: “We are delighted to say that our daughter, Elizabeth Hart, was accepted into Brown’s class of 2017. Our son Michael is a law student at Northwestern Univ. John, our eldest, lives at home and does fairly well for a guy with moderate-to-severe autism.” Dave is one of the founding partners at Trust Radius, and Ann continues to volunteer for the Autism Society affiliate in Austin, Texas.

Johanna Bergmans Musselman writes: “In 2012, my family moved to Hanover, Massachusetts, on the south shore. My daughter, Sarah, is now a junior in high school.”


From the March/April 2013 Issue

Jeanne Cushman writes: “I recently completed my doctor of physical therapy degree through the Rocky Mountain Univ. of Health Professions online graduate program. As president of the Vermont chapter of the American Physical Therapy Assoc. for the next two years, it will be interesting as we finally move toward a single-payer healthcare program.”

David Kalla is now living and practicing ob-gyn in Norwich, Conn. His son, Ryan ’16, is enjoying his freshman year at Brown.

Margaret E. Thomas writes: “Gilbert Pemberton II ’56 and I returned from a Panama Canal cruise. I am still running my advertising and public relations agency, Strategic Marketing.”

From the January/February 2013 Issue

Neal McBurnett is teaching Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, his first course ever, at the Univ. of Colorado. He writes that he enjoys academia, but it is hard work. He has also been busy in recent years leading efforts to audit elections in Colorado and getting the best audit law in the nation adopted, though it won’t fully take effect for another few years. Other activities since retiring from Bell Labs have included volunteering with Ubuntu and editing Wikipedia. He still lives in Boulder, Colo., with his wife, Holly Lewis. 



From the November/December 2012 Issue



Julie Petruzzelli joined Baker & McKenzie as a partner in Washington, D.C. Julie’s daughter, Emily P. Schnell, is a member of the class of 2016.

From the September/October 2012 Issue

Nancie Spector writes: “Our older son, Jonathan Spector ’10, is engaged to Lianna Lipton ’10. They met at a Brown send-off party before their first year at Brown. Jonathan is currently working as a management consultant for Boston Consulting Group, and Lianna is a medical student at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. Our daughter, Rachel, received a master’s degree in music from UMass–Amherst in May. She is the music teacher at the White Mountain School, in Bethlehem, N.H. Our younger son, Ethan, just completed his sophomore year at Wesleyan and is working as an intern for the economics department this summer.”

Mark Travis writes: “My love of history, shaped at Brown, has found expression in my first novel, Pliney Fiske: A Civil War Mystery. Classmates interested in learning more can visit It is my second book, and its publication is a happy moment in my recovery from leukemia. I am doing well, as is our family: wife Brenda, son Ben (a mechanical engineer), and daughter Leanna, a high school senior-to-be.”

From the May/June 2012 Issue

Stephanie Burns (see Dennis Fish ’58).

Marc McReynolds and Marcia Band McReynolds write: “It took a few decades, but we finally made it to Tasmania for a visit with Ken Suber and his wife, Margot. They treated us to hiking, kayaking, kangaroos, and, of course, some Frisbee throwing. We even caught the end of the Sydney Hobart yacht race, with catamarans crossing the finish line to the sound of cannon fire right in front of the CSIRO facility where Ken works.”

Stacey Leigh Spector lives in Philadelphia and was remarried last April to Ira Brind. Two years ago she established an immigration “boutique” law firm, the Rudnick Spector Firm. Her daughter, Nicole, is working in New York City in the online marketing field, and her son, Peter, is a junior at the Univ. of Rochester. 


From the March/April 2012 Issue

Julie Iselin Turjoman has relocated to Chicago after 11 years in the Bay Area.

Scott Westerfield and fellow alumni have founded Brown’s newest alumni chapter, the Brown Club of Orange County. Check them out on Facebook.

From the January/February 2012 Issue

Fred Baumgarten (see Sid Baumgarten '54).

John Harkavy has opened up his own law practice in Wellesley, Mass., where he is concentrating in business and personal injury litigation. John writes: "My oldest daughter, Ali, just started her freshman year at the Univ. of Richmond, where she had an earthquake, a hurricane, and an Obama sighting in her first three weeks."

Tony Miller and Cecilia Melin are still in Asia. Tony is a partner of PAG, a large Asia-based private equity hedge fund and real estate investment alternative asset manager, and Cecilia is a "real hedge fund manager, picking stocks for her fund management firm, Asia Technology Advisors." Tony writes: "We celebrated our 20th anniversary this year with a big party on an island off the west coast of Sweden, and we continue to love living in Tokyo, possibly the most civilized city in the world. Hopefully our daughters Magda, 15, and Olivia, 11, will be able to get into colleges in the United States based on their sheer diversity as Jewish-American-Swedish girls born in Hong Kong, growing up in Japan, and speaking Japanese, Chinese, English, and a little Swedish. Classmates are very welcome to visit us in Japan, where we are learning to windsurf."

From the November/December 2011 Issue

David A. Gross lives in his hometown of Los Angeles, where he publishes the website

Martha J. Sack and her husband, Daniel Hyman, attended the Commencement of their son, Benjamin Hyman '11, who graduated with honors in comparative literature. Also present was sister Emily (Penn '14), and extended family, including grandfather Alan L. Sack '49. Ben now works in book publishing in New York City. Martha, a pathologist in suburban Philadelphia, and Dan, chief quality officer at Children's Hospital Colorado, enjoy the challenges of living in two time zones.

From the July/August 2011 Issue

David and Ann Morris Hart live in Austin, Tex. Dave is still at Convio, and Ann continues to volunteer full-time for the Autism Society. Son John, 25, uses his iPad for communication and recreation; Michael, 22, graduated from college in May; and Elizabeth, 16, is half way through high school and looking forward to getting her driver's license.


From the May/June 2011 Issue


Richard Breslow (see Donald Breslow '54).

From the March/April 2011 Issue

Leota Susan Branche writes: "Great seeing everyone at Alumni Weekend and Black at Brown. Stay in touch."

James Rennert writes that he is alive and well and has switched from clinical psychiatry to mental-health advocacy. He teaches classes with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (, which provides support to patients and their family members.

Edward C. Thompson been appointed a junior Foreign Service officer. He entered service with the 159th A-100 orientation class in February. He writes: "I'm looking forward to joining the state department and working overseas again."

Anthony Ritaccio is the J. Spencer Standish professor of neurology and neurosurgery, and director of the epilepsy and human brain mapping program, at Albany Medical College. In November, video footage of his work on brain mapping was a part of the exhibition "Brain: The Inside Story," at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. His greater work, Madeline Ritaccio, is a member of class '14.

From the January/February 2011 Issue

Shawn R. Cherry is working as a research assistant at the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented and also working on his PhD in educational psychology and counseling at UConn.

Hope Ford Murphy's daughter, Abby Murphy '10 MAT, is enjoying her first year of teaching at the Montrose School in Medfield, Mass. Hope writes: "It was wonderful to be back at Brown this summer for Commencement and to see all the changes and growth that have occurred since the late '70s!"

Julie Iselin Turjoman's book, Brave New Knits: 26 Projects and Personalities From the Knitting Blogosphere, was published in Aug. It features both patterns and in-depth interviews with many of the knitting community's celebrities, including Norah Gaughan '81, for whom the Internet provides a marketplace and a creative home.

From the September/October 2010 Issue

Christopher Charyk (see Dylan Brown '03).

Alice Lichtenstein's second novel, Lost, was published by Scribner in March (see the Arts & Culture section). People magazine cited it as a "great read," and the Boston Globe called it a "page-turner." Find more information on Alice's website:

From the Juy/August 2010 Issue

Dave Hart and Ann Morris Hart have lived in Austin, Tex., for almost 15 years. Dave works at Convio and Ann is the volunteer president of the Autism Society of Greater Austin. They write: "John, 24, has aged out of school; Michel, 21, is a junior at Trinity Univ. in San Antonio; and Elizabeth, 14, is in the ninth grade. The family schedule currently revolves around Elizabeth's volleyball team."

Richard Vespucci and his wife, Olga, celebrated the eight-month anniversary of his successful liver transplant. He writes: "Now that I'm healthy again, I'm relearning the value of friendship and fellowship I learned at Brown. I'm taking suggestions for careers now that it looks like I'll have a life. So far, it's a 'rockstar.'"

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Amy Wallerstein Friedman is sorry that she missed the 30th reunion. However, she and her husband, Glenn Friedman, will be at the graduations of their son, Benjamin Friedman '10, and their daughter, Nicole Friedman '12. They continue to reside in Calif.

From the March/April 2010 Issue

Chet Kerr (see Allen S. Kerr '50).

Burton H. Lee has been appointed by Irish Prime Minister David Cowen to serve on Ireland's National Innovation Taskforce. Burton leads Stanford Engineering school's program on European Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Susan E. Birnbaum writes: "Since July 15, I've been proud to serve the Obama Administration as director of the Minerals Management Service."

Robert J. Falb is now the director of government affairs for Teva Pharmaceuticals, the world's largest manufacturer of generic drugs. He lives with his wife, June, and 9-year-old twins in Bethesda, Md.

Johanna Bergmans Musselman has been living in Shrewsbury, Mass., for six years and says she loves being in New England. Her daughter, Sarah, is in eighth grade and Johanna shuttles her to singing and drama commitments. Johanna continues her involvement in local and civic political organizations.

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Fred Baumgarten (see Sid Baumgarten '54).

In August, Bernard Langs celebrated eight years in the development department at Rockefeller Univ. in New York City. His daughter, Jordan, 11, is in school in New Providence, N. J.; his wife, Joanne, continues her career as a law librarian; and Bernard records songs on his Apple computer; he just did a version of a tune by Curtis Kendrick '80. He recently celebrated his band's 30-year reunion with friend and drummer Dermot Conley '79. To check out their music, go to, Bernard says he would love to collaborate with other Brown musicians via e-mail.

From the September/October 2009 Issue

Connect with us at the Brown University Class of 1979 Facebook page.

David and Ann Morris Hart continue to live in Austin, Tex. David works at Convio, and Ann's volunteer work with the Autism Society of Greater Austin has turned into an unpaid part-time job. John, 23, has aged out of public school; Michael, 20, attends Trinity Univ. in San Antonio, Tex.; and Elizabeth, 14, will start high school in the fall.

W. Barry Blum writes that he and his wife, Lori P. Blum (John Hopkins '80 MD), are proud that their son, Jeffrey, is a member of the class of 2012. They live in Miami, where Barry is Of Counsel to the Minneapolis-based law firm Krass Monroe, P.A. He is also a mediator and arbitrator.

From the May/June 2009 Issue [30th]

Alice Lichtenstein sold her second novel, Lost, to Scribner. It will be released in March 2010.

James Rennert is divorced with two teenage kids and lives near San Francisco.

H. Cheryl Rusten writes: "After six months of unemployment, I began a new position at Fox Chase Cancer Center, one of the world's premier research and treatment facilities dedicated solely to cancer. My job as manager of research and evaluation in the health communications and health disparities department is interesting, and I am grateful to have it in these difficult times."

From the January/February 2009 Issue [30th]

Doug Clough writes: "I hope to attend our 30th reunion in June. I saw Kevin Kluge and Phil Budinger in New York City last year, and they both looked great. I live in the San Francisco Bay area with my wife, Erin; son, Ryan, 16; and daughter, Sophia, 13. Hope everyone is well. Turning 50 was only moderately traumatic!"

Bradford Lingham writes: "At age 44, I found an opportunity to follow my heart and work with my hands after 15 years in the world of corporate high tech. As a carpenter I am able to end each day seeing my accomplishments. My wife, Christina (we met through her brother, William Chapman '80), is tickled to have a daughter graduated from her alma mater, Smith College. We have a second daughter at Boston Univ. and a third in high school."

From the September/October 2008 Issue [30th]

Michael Oshima and his wife, Chiaki Tanaka, are thrilled to announce the February 26 birth of their daughter, Alice Grace Sakura Oshima. Alice arrived five weeks early, and, although her parents were not fully prepared, everyone is fine. Michael is the deputy general counsel of Safe Horizon Inc., the nation's leading provider of victim assistance services, and Chiaki is a clinical pharmacologist at Novartis Pharmaceuticals in New Jersey.

Nancie Spector just completed two weeks of team training at Canine Companions for Independence (, an organization that trains service dogs for the physically disabled, the hearing-impaired, and children with special needs. She writes: "Beginning in 2000, I started working with a therapy dog in my practice, and after she died in 2006 was waiting to receive a 'new assistant.' I now have a certified facility dog, Rand, who is seeing my patients with me. He is a yellow lab/golden retriever mix. My daughter, Rachel, graduated from New England Conservatory (classical vocal performance) and will be starting a master's degree in music at UMass Amherst. All three kids were home this summer (Rachel was doing an opera program in NYC, Jonathan '10 did an internship at Northwestern Insurance, and Ethan was doing web design in a lab at Yale) so we had a full house with three dogs as well!"

Craig Waters was portrayed in the HBO Movie Recount, which had its broadcast premiere May 25, by Los Angeles actor Alex Staggs. Staggs reprised Waters's role as spokesman for the Supreme Court of Florida during the 2000 presidential election appeals known to history as Bush v. Gore. Waters, now an administrator and communications counsel to the Court, manages its Office of Public Information and still serves as official court spokesman. This fall he will publish an insider's account of the 2000 dispute, titled "Technological Transparency: Appellate Court & Media Relations after Bush v. Gore," in the Journal of Appellate Practice & Process.

From the July/August 2008 Issue

Rachel Grossman Koplow (see Rebecca Spielfogel Polivy '02).

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Fred Baumgarten is finishing a book chapter on the obscure American composer Anthony Philip Heinrich, once dubbed "the Beethoven of America," and his relationship to the artist and naturalist John James Audubon, for a collection of essays on Audubon to be published by the Univ. of Kentucky Press. Following a 20-year career with the National Audubon Society, Fred now works in the development office at Bard College. He writes: "My daughters, Abbey, 9, and Ella, 5, are both avid readers and skiers, and my wife, Jenny Hansell, recently had a photography show at the Sharon Historical Society depicting scenes from the life of our little New England town from her daily photo blog"

Amy Davidoff writes: "I have enjoyed celebrating this big birthday year with lots of Brown friends (Julie Deutsch Gottlieb, Sheryl Jacobs, and Francie Durkin, to name a few), as well as my family—husband, Steve Gore (Yale '78), and daughters Alena '10, Shoshana, and my son, Sam. I am looking forward to another 50!"

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Karen Klein was named administrator of awards for the American Medical Writers Association. She has worked for Wake Forest Univ. Health Sciences for 16 years as the assistant director for grant and publication development in the University's office of research, where she edits grant applications and manuscripts for faculty members.

Lloyd Minor '82 MD (see Meena Seshamani '98).

Martha Sack and her husband, Daniel Hyman, are thrilled that their son, Ben Hyman '11, is enjoying his freshman year. Grandfather Alan L. Sack '49 is particularly proud of his third generation Brunonian.

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Sita Liane Chakrawarti ’89 AM is currently in her second year of studying Arabic at the Foreign Service Institute. After a year in Washington, D.C., she is continuing her work at the Field School in Tunis, Tunisia. Upon completion of this year, she will become the public affairs officer/director of the American Cultural Center at the U.S. Consulate in Casablanca, Morocco. She joined the U.S. Information Agency in 1999 after working for several years as an engineer and pursuing a master’s in German, a masters in French, and doctoral work in German and comparative literature. Her first assignment was in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and she has also served in New Zealand and Niger. She is hoping to attend the 30th reunion and looks forward to catching up with classmates.

Kate Flanagan writes: “Richard and I are really enjoying living in London. Citibank transferred me here in spring 2006, and Richard got a job at Abbey Bank/Santander. Old friends, do call if you pass through town.”

Cary Honig ’84 MAT, Stephen Martin ’99 AM and Christina Baker McKenrick (see Jennifer Borman ’85).

Julie A. Petruzzelli is a partner at Venable LLP, practicing in the area of intellectual property, and has been named to Best Lawyers in America.

From the September / October 2007 Issue

Cynthia Chong was recognized as an outstanding physician by the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) during National Doctors' Day, Friday, March 30, 2007. HHC honored her for significantly advancing patient safety in implementing the hospital's rapid-response team and patient-centered scheduling. Cynthia has been director of medicine at North Central Bronx Hospital since July 2006. She and her husband, Thomas Tong, live in Westchester County, N.Y. They have one child, Scott, 16.

Elizabeth Evans and Neil Mufson welcomed Maeve Shao Xi Mufson to their family on November 6, 2006. Maeve was born in Gaozhou, China, on September 14, 2005, and joins her big brother, Charlie, who is now 10. The Mufsons have lived in Easton, Md., since 1990.

Michael Oshima writes: "After nineteen years in private practice, including ten as a partner in Arnold Porter LLP's New York City office, I decided to move to a nonprofit organization. I have been working since May as the deputy general counsel of Safe Horizon, the nation's leading victim-assistance organization, which serves more than 350,000 persons each year who have been touched by violence. I deal with a wide variety of legal issues daily, and it has been a very gratifying experience.

Frederick R. Stockton '53 PhD (see Doris Skillman Stockton '58 PhD).

From the July / August 2007 Issue

Ricardo A. Anzaldúa-Montoya has joined the Hartford Financial Services Group as senior vice president, associate general counsel, and director of corporate law.

Lino S. Lipinsky de Orlov was elected to the national board of directors of McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP. Lipinsky, who leads the firm’s litigation practice group in Denver, will serve a two-year term on the sixteen-member board. The 400-lawyer firm has offices throughout the United States, as well as in Brussels. Scott Epstein was appointed dean for educational affairs at the Tufts Univ. School of Medicine. He received his MD from Tufts in 1984 and is currently professor of medicine there. His wife, Beverly Loudin, is completing an MPH at the Harvard School of Public Health. Nicholas, 17, is a junior at the Northfield Mount Hermon School in Gill, Mass. Sophia, 14, is at the Buckingham Browne and Nichols School, and Rachel, 14, is at the Cambridge Friends School, both in Cambridge, Mass.

Johanna Bergmans Musselman writes: “In Oct. 2006, I had the pleasure of attending the beautiful wedding of Sue Kahn ’78. Many Brown friends were there including Nancy Czapek. I’m keeping busy with municipal finance as I complete my first year on Shrewsbury’s Finance Committee.”

Nancie Spector writes: “Our youngest son, Ethan, will be attending Middlesex School in Concord, Mass., next year which means we will have no children at home after twenty-two years! It will be nice to have all three near each other (Jonathan ’10 at Brown and Rachel in Boston at New England Conservatory). My husband, David started a new job last fall as special assistant to the dean of Yale College.”

From the May / June 2007 Issue

Susan Jaworowski writes that after nineteen years at the Hawaii state legislature, most recently as both Senate majority attorney and director of the Senate majority office, she has joined academia as an assistant professor of, and the program director for, legal education at Kapiolani Community College in Honolulu. She is fond of double-barreled challenges, as she demonstrated at Brown by graduating with a double major in music and comparative literature. She continues to avoid monotony through a position that includes teaching, administration, and producing a popular TV show, You and the Law. She is up to her ears in lesson plans at the moment, but is taking a break to wave to classmates and to her brothers from AD Phi.

Karen Potvin Klein writes: “I was elected a fellow of the American Medical Writers Association in fall 2006 and am serving as workshop coordinator for that group’s annual conference in 2007. I continue as a grants guru at Wake Forest University Health Sciences. This January, I reviewed grants for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the first time.”

Anthony Ritaccio writes that his work in collaboration with Timothy Lynch ’94, ’98 MD has put Albany Medical Center on the cutting edge of epilepsy treatment and research. The center has been granted membership into the National Association of Epilepsy Centers.

Jim Rosenbluth (see Tom Pepinsky ’01).

From the March / April 2007 Issue

Lino Lipinsky’s elder daughter, Raphaela, will join Brown’s class of 2011. Raphaela has already met a number of her classmates through the Brown Class of 2011 group on In November, Lino’s wife, U.S. Representative Diana DeGette, won election to her sixth term representing Colorado’s First District. Diana starts her second decade on the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Lino remains chair of McKenna Long & Aldridge’s Denver litigation department. In addition, he recently completed a one-year term as board chairman of the Colorado ACLU and is a co-founder of the Colorado Lawyers’ Chapter of the American Constitution Society. Lino’s younger daughter, Francesca, is a busy seventh-grader.
Lizanne Landsman Rosenzweig writes to thank so many of you who comforted and supported her and her late husband, Jeffrey, as he battled pancreatic cancer. He lost his valiant fight on June 12. Lisa and Eric Rosenfeld, Lizanne’s and Jeffrey’s dear friends and neighbors, were there every step of the way. Jeff leaves behind three sons—Steven, a senior at Yale; Kenny, a freshman at the University of Michigan; and 13-year-old David.

Danny Rubin reports that his screenplay, Groundhog Day, was recognized by the Writers Guild of America as number twenty-seven on its list of the top 101 screenplays of all time. Danny writes: “I’m still working in Hollywood, currently on a feature film for DreamWorks Animation, and living in Santa Fe, N.M., with wife, kids, and dogs. Not bad.”

From the January / February 2007 Issue

Cheryl Rusten writes: “After seventeen years, my partner, Margaret Ouderkirk, and I decided to have a formal commitment ceremony. Most of our friends and family were there and it was a most joyous occasion.”

Richard Schlesinger writes: “Oddly enough, the broad strokes of my life remain much the same as in my college years—I’m still running off to Paris every chance I get. I spent most of the past year there, writing a very controversial French-language television drama called Djihad about the current war in Iraq—it aired in France in November on Canal Plus. By fortunate happenstance, my wife, the French actress Myriam Blanckaert, who was in the finale of Sex and the City, was performing in France at the same time. The year prior was my Toronto year—I produced three Sci-Fi Channel original TV movies there—killer wasps, what a hoot! And next year? Tierra del Fuego anyone? As we say in French, la suite au prochain 8EpisodeC9

Aaron Schuman works for Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Sunnyvale, Calif., managing a team of engineers who develop newer and better launch equipment.

Rick Vespucci writes: “I have been happily married to Olga Nunez Vespucci for the last five years and building custom homes in the Atlanta area. Please e-mail and let me know how you are doing!”

Dr. Albert W. Williams moved to New Jersey after one year in Washington, D.C. Albert writes: “Didn’t work out personally and professionally. Now working as an assistant medical examiner in Bergen County, N.J. Hello, class of ’79.”

From the September / October 2006 Issue


Kate Burton writes: “I am moving to Los Angeles from New York City in September. My husband is the artistic director of the Mark Taper Forum and Ahmanson Theatre. My son, Morgan Richie ’10, will be a freshman at Brown. My daughter, Charlotte, will be starting third grade in Los Angeles. Best of all I will be with my oldest, closest friend, Karen Krygier.”

Lisa Kane DeVitto was named director of advocacy and public policy by the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County in Florida. Lisa will coordinate the board’s public policy and advocacy initiatives and will serve as a liaison with other governmental entities.

Johanna Bergmans Musselman writes: “In 2006 my volunteer activities moved beyond school and church to the formation of a grassroots group called Citizens for a Better Shrewsbury. This group is taking a fact-based, analytical look at municipal and town finances and important spending proposals. We’ve got our own Web site and local cable TV show. I recently bumped into Mike Stefani at Shrewsbury’s annual town meeting.”

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Carolyn Greenberg writes: “I married Uwe Schwersky on Dec. 31, 2005, at the Charles Hotel in Cambridge, Mass. Celebrating with us were the following fellow Brunonians: my brother Stephen Greenberg ’85, my sister Janet Greenberg Razulis ’77, my brother-in-law James Razulis ’78, Mary Shaffer Wakeman, John Wakeman ’83 ScM, Nathalie Dana Thompson, and David Stein. My husband and I will be living in Berlin. If you will be in the area, please let us know!”

Alan M. Shoer and Mary Lou Wernig are back in Rhode Island after four years in Washington, D.C., and are living in East Greenwich with their two girls Leah, 11, and Sarah, 9. Alan has joined the Providence-based law firm of Adler Pollock and Sheehan as partner and chief of the firm’s energy and telecommunications group. Mary Lou is teaching English to seventh and eighth graders at St. Michael’s Country Day School in Newport.

Ken Suber (see Phyllis Eldridge Suber ’52).

From the March / April 2005 Issue

Fred Baumgarten writes: “Last month I had the great privilege of attending the ceremony at Hyde Park at which President Ruth Simmons received the Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal. This prestigious award is given to individuals who embody the spirit of dedication and public service that characterized the great First Lady. President Simmons shared the medal on this day with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Kitty Carlisle, the well-known entertainer and arts ambassador, among others. Past recipients have included the late Christopher Reeve. As on several occasions lately, I saw President Simmons give a great, inspiring speech, far and away the best in this distinguished group. If nothing else, as a spokeswoman not only for Brown, but also for a larger vision of education, equality, and the pursuit of excellence, President Simmons is simply awesome. She is the finest leader for Brown that I have known.”

Karen Potvin Klein is now the grants editor for all faculty at Wake Forest Univ. Health Sciences. She was also named the 2004–05 administrator for publications for the American Medical Writers Association, a 5,000-member organization based in Rockville, Md.

Linda Schofield MacAyeal was named a senior attorney at the Northern Trust Co. of Chicago. She previously worked for Stein Roe Investment Counsel as principal, senior vice president, general counsel, and CCO. She also served as vice president and associate general counsel at Van Kampen Investments, as a staff attorney for the Fossett Corp., and as an associate for Lord, Bissell & Brook. Linda is a member of the Chicago and Illinois bar associations.

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Jonathan Fried and Deena Soshkes have a new CD, titled All Things to You. They met at Brown and formed their band, the Cucumbers, which remained popular through the 1980s. They took a hiatus from music to raise two children. The group reemerged in 1993 with a new outlook on life and music, which is reflected in the new CD.

Charles Giancarlo has been named the chief technology officer of Cisco Systems. He joined the company in 1994 and served as the coleader of network switching and several other advanced technologies.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

George Hogeman (see Robert Conley ’53).

Eric Rosenfeld has joined the board of directors of ADOPT Technologies Inc. He is the president and chief executive officer of Crescendo Partners, a New York investment firm.

From the July / August 2004 Issue

Fred Baumgarten is leading a tour from Paris to Nantes along the Loire Valley July 15–25 to celebrate the bicentennial of John James Audubon’s departure. The celebration also includes a special exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History.

Lizanne Landsman Rosenzweig wrote this spring: “I am planning to attend our reunion and am looking forward to seeing old friends. Eric Rosenfeld and Dave Stein will also be there. I have three sons—Steven, 18, who is a freshman at Yale; Kenny, 15, who is a sophomore in high school; and David, 10, who is in fifth grade. I would love for old friends to contact me.”

Nancie Spector writes: “Rachel will be attending the New England Conservatory (affiliated with Tufts) next year as a vocal performance major. The Emotionally Intelligent Manager, written by my husband, David Caruso, is on the shelves and doing well. Our son Jonathan is loving Phillips Exeter Academy. There are a number of Brown alums at Exeter—the assistant head of school and the school pediatrician, among others.”

Julie Iselin Turjoman writes: “My daughter Rachel became a bat mitzvah in April, bringing together far-flung family and friends, including Herbert Iselin ’42, Diane Iselin ’81, and Flo Clark.”

Richard Vespucci wrote this spring: “I married my ‘high school sweetheart’ on New Year’s Eve after a twenty-five-year separation. I couldn’t be happier. I also got a dog, two cats, and a 15-year-old boy. After giving up my law practice in 1997, I’ve been happily and busily building custom homes. Hope to see some friends from the Mutants at the reunion.”

From the May / June 2004 Issue

The class reunion committee reports: “The time to hesitate is through. Make your plans now to attend our 25th reunion on May 28–31 in Providence. We’ll eat together, play together, dance together, and talk together about our time at Brown and the many things that have happened as twenty-five calendars have turned. Please consider staying to walk with us in the Commencement procession on Monday, May 31. The time for registering for on-campus housing is running short, so act soon to reserve your West, oops, Keeney Quad room. For more information, contact alumni relations at (401) 863-9495. We’ll have the most fun if you are with us. See you on College Hill!”

Bernie Langs, of New Providence, N.J., writes that he is an assistant director in the development department of Rockefeller Univ. He also acts as a fund-raising consultant. He is married to Joanne Murphy, a law librarian, and they have a six-year-old daughter, Jordan.

Johanna Bergmans Musselman writes: “I returned to New England in September after living in Ohio since 1985. My husband took a new job in Marlboro, Mass., and we built a house in Shrewsbury. Our daughter, Sarah, 8, is enjoying second grade at her new school. I’ve been in touch with Nancy Czapek, Kate Griffin, Julie Evans, Todd Richman, and Joel Dworetzky. I look forward to seeing many others in Providence for our 25th reunion.”

From the March / April 2004 Issue

The calendar says 2004, and that means our 25th reunion is just around the corner. A committee of your classmates is busy creating a program that will allow you to spend time with old friends and make new ones, too. We want to see you! So please save the dates May 28–31 and make plans to come back to College Hill.

Ellen Fischer Dawidowicz (see David Parker ’69).

Martin A. DeFrancesco and Carolyn Kozuch DeFrancesco ’81 were married on Dec. 28, 2002, in Lincoln, R.I., with Marty’s four children in attendance. Carolyn writes: “We were reunited after twenty-two years, thanks to Jon Land, who attended the wedding, as did John King and his wife, P.J., and University chaplain Janet Cooper-Nelson. Marty and I were set up my freshman year by Julie Evans and Ron Frantz. We live in Burlington, N.C., where Marty has a medical practice, specializing in gynecology. I have traded in the courtroom and Brown’s development office to be a soccer mom to Maria, 14, Anna, 12, Marty Jr., 10, and Olivia, 8. Marty’s first wife, Barbara, passed away in 2001 after a long battle with cancer.”

Tom Lawton became general counsel at the Univ. of North Carolina at Asheville. He previously had been an assistant attorney general in the education section of the North Carolina Department of Justice.

Gil Neiger and Lisa Karplus announce the Oct. 16 birth of Maxann Carlin Neiger.

Karen Triedman (see Ron Markoff ’71).

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Report from reunion headquarters: “Mad Max. Disco. Ayatollah Khomeini. Sid Vicious. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Three Mile Island. The Village People. At least at first glance, the world was a very different place in 1979. After all, it was nearly twenty-five years ago. Yes, a quarter century! (Anyone feeling old yet?) That means it’s time to make plans to attend your 25th reunion. Come see how the years have changed Brown. Come share your stories of how the world has changed you, or better yet, how you have changed the world. The alumni office and your reunion committee are hard at work to ensure that the reunion, May 28–31, will be our best ever, so please start making your plans to attend. You can keep track of reunion news on our class Web site:”

Ruth Barach Cox writes: “Greetings to all classmates and professors. Best of wishes for next year.”

Lisa Moore Kurek writes: “We have been in Ann Arbor, Mich., for more than seven years. I have been living life as an entrepreneur for six of those years, as a partner in Biotechnology Business Consultants. Max is almost 15 and Sophie is 13.”

Lino Lipinsky writes that he received two awards for his work in the Denver legal community. On Sept. 20 the ACLU of Colorado presented Lino with the Edward Sherman Award for his pro bono work as counsel in the “Spy Files” case, which challenged the Denver Police Department’s practice of monitoring and creating criminal intelligence files on peaceful political activists. On Oct. 3, the Colorado Bar Association’s litigation section honored Lino as coauthor of the best civil litigation article published in Colorado Lawyer during the previous year. In November 2002, Lino’s wife, Diana DeGette, was elected to her fourth term as U.S. Representative from Colorado’s First Congressional District. Lino and Diana have two children, Raphaela, 13, and Francesca, 9.

Peter Lowitt has been elected president of the American Planning Association’s Massachusetts chapter. He is director of the Devens Enterprise Commission.

Eric Rosenfeld has been appointed to the Sierra Systems Group Inc. board of directors. Eric is president and CEO of Crescendo Partners, an investment firm based in New York City.

Adam Schultz writes: “After twelve years in the United Kingdom, I’ve repatriated to Oregon State University, where I am a professor in the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences. Friends passing through the Pacific Northwest are welcome to visit us, particularly those who appreciate the practical benefits of being situated in the midst of a vineyard of pinot noir and pinot gris.”

Nancie Spector writes: “Jonathan is a sophomore at Phillips Exeter Academy, Rachel is applying early review to Oberlin, and David is writing a book with Peter Salovey, who is the dean of graduate studies at Yale.”

Beverly Yashar (see Alyson Yashar ’89).

From the November / December 2003 Issue

Richard Breslow (see Don Breslow ’54).

Ron Frantz has been appointed district sales manager of KI’s Los Angeles territory.

Adam Schultz writes: “I have left my job as head of the School of Earth, Ocean, and Planetary Sciences in Cardiff, Wales, to join the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State Univ. as a professor. My wife, Donna, son Jeremy, and our assorted menagerie of fish and mammals relocated with me this summer.”

From the May / June 2003 Issue

Christina Belew has been named assistant general counsel of NiSource, Inc., a Fortune 500 electric and natural gas public utility.

Diane Citrino has been appointed regional director of the Ohio Civil Rights Commission’s Akron office. Diane and her husband, Daniel Warren ’78, live with their children, Ezra, 17, and Amanda, 14, in Solon, Ohio.

Neil and Elizabeth Evans Mufson write with deep sadness of their daughter Amelia, 7, who died on Sept. 28 after a sixteen-day battle with myocarditis. They write: “Born in Chung-joo, Korea, on April 6, 1995, Amelia arrived in Easton, Md., on Oct. 11, 1995. Although her life was short, Amelia lived it to her fullest. She loved riding her bike, reading, going to school, giving hugs, doing art projects, swimming, and playing with friends and her 5-year-old brother, Charlie.”

Nancie Spector writes: “Jonathan is in the ninth grade at New Canaan Country School and is applying to schools for next year. Rachel is a junior at Northfield Mt. Hermon, so we are starting the college application process for her. Ethan is thankfully only in fifth grade, so we don’t have to do anything for him yet!”

Stephen Ziobrowski writes: “I moved to the Boston office of Day, Berry & Howard, where I continue to practice law. I live in Sudbury, Mass., with my wife, Anne; and two daughters, who are 14 and 12; and a dog and two cats. We’re still waiting for the Red Sox to win the Big One.”

From the March / April 2003 Issue

Robert Pordy ’82 M.D. has been promoted to vice president of Pharma Development Medical Science (PDM) in the cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary areas at Hoffman-LaRoche Pharmaceuticals. He joined the company in 1989. Robert lives in Ardsley, N.Y., with his wife, Cathryn Devons, and their children, Rachel, 2, and twins, Jessica and Matthew, 10 months.

From the November / December 2002 Issue

Patrick T. Clark writes: "The Delt Foundation is holding another meeting on Nov. 9, before and after the Yale game, for all Delts and friends, young and old. The Delta Tau fraternity has nearly two hundred members worldwide. We will meet Nov. 9 for a new beginning following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, which killed four of our members."

Kate Flanagan writes: "My husband, Richard, and I live in the heart of New York City and love it. I work for the Latin America division of Citibank, so I get to travel all the time for work and have added some imperfect Spanish to my passable French.

Lori Simon Gordon, of Chicago, writes that she was married in August 2001. She recently published Rest Assured: The Sabbatical Solution for Lawyers (American Bar Association).

From the September / October 2002 Issue

Fred Baumgarten writes: "Jenny Hansell and I announce the May 14 birth of Ella Rose Hansell-Baumgarten. She joins Abbey, 3. I am still working for Audubon and living on an idyllic wildlife sanctuary in the northwest hills of Connecticut."

Beth Cody writes: "I haven't seen a lot of people since the reunion in 1994, so I am looking forward to being in Providence again and seeing friends at the 25th. My husband, Scott Mooney, and I married on Aug. 5, 1996, after knowing each other for just nine days! We both worked in legal publishing for West Group, a Thomson company. In 1999 we went to Sydney, Australia, where Scott was director of sales for Asia Pacific, and I launched and ran the Westlaw academic program in the law schools of Australia and New Zealand. We came back to the United States in June 2001 and are living in Denver, where I am a regional sales manager for West Group."

Amy Ross Scheinerman writes: "Our daughter, Naomi, became a bat mitzvah this past May. Rachel,19, just completed her freshman year at Yale. Danny, 16, is in high school, and Jonah, 10, is in elementary school. I am the rabbi of Beth Shalom Congregation in Taylorsville, Md. Ed is the chair of the mathematical sciences department at Johns Hopkins."

From the July / August 2002 Issue

Valerie Davis, of River Forest, Ill., has published Great Sex for Moms: Ten Steps to Nurturing Passion While Raising Kids (Fireside Books).

Peter Kretzmer writes that he is senior economist at Bank of America, where he heads the U.S. macroeconomic research effort. Pete and Deborah and daughters Nina, 10, and Joni, 8, invite visitors to their new home.

Johanna Bergmans Musselman writes: "I've enjoyed living near Columbus, Ohio, for the past eighteen months. My husband, David (Albion College '83), is a corporate attorney for American Electric Power. Daughter Sarah, is a busy first-grader and enjoys swimming and Brownies."

Don Wright writes: "I enjoyed witnessing the Brown men's basketball team defeat both local rivals, Providence College and University of Rhode Island, for the first time since 1954."

From the May / June 2002 Issue

All Delta Tau alumni are asked to return to Brown on May 27 to join the Commencement procession in memory of the Delts who were heroes and victims of September 11: Chuck Margiotta, Dave Laychak '83, Ray Rocha '95, and Paul Sloan '97. A Delt reunion is also planned for Friday, May 24.

Ellen Alberding has been elected as president of the Joyce Foundation. Ellen, who joined the organization in 1989, has managed Joyce's investments and directed grant making in its culture program. Previously Ellen worked for the Chicago Children's Museum.

Alice-Diane "Lece" Lohr is a vice president of design and merchandising for The Limited Too in Columbus, Ohio. Lece writes: "I have recently gone back to get my M.B.A. after twenty-three years of being out of school."

John Rosario-Perez writes that he joined the Tufts University Counseling Center last fall as a staff psychologist. In addition, he began analytic training at the Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis. He has a part-time private practice in Newton, Mass.

From the November / December 2000 Issue

Eric Cohen, of San Francisco, writes: “After twenty-one years of silence, I finally have news that prompts me to communicate with my classmates at large. My wife, Patty Moncada, and I announce the birth of our son, Maxwell Moncada Cohen, who entered the world on May 26 with a belly full of fire. I am overwhelmed with the emotions and the joy of fatherhood, despite arriving somewhat late to the game.

Adam Schultz writes: “After an enjoyable nine years at the Institute of Theoretical Geophysics at the University of Cambridge, I have accepted the chair of marine geosciences in Cardiff. Links to our activities may be found at, and friends finding themselves in Wales or the West Country are welcome to visit.”

Michael Zimbalist (see David Shrier ’95).

From the September / October 2000 Issue

Roland Greene has written Unrequited Conquests: Love and Empire in the Colonial Americas (University of Chicago Press). He is a professor of comparative literature and English at the University of Oregon.

John Saillant ’79, ’89 Ph.D. (see (Glenn Hendler ’84).

Angela Stone writes that she sold her business, Golden Golf, after eighteen years of hard labor and is now officially retired "for as long as I can afford to be." She adds: "I intend to spend my time visiting with friends and catching up on home projects between trips to the Virgin Islands, where I work and play as the cook and first mate aboard the Grand Oasis, a beautiful sixty-foot trimaran charter boat."

From the July / August 2000 Issue

David and Ann Morris Hart write that they live in Austin, Tex., with their three children: John, 14, Michael, 11, and Elizabeth, 41Ú2. Dave, a software developer, recently entered a master’s program in software engineering at the University of Texas. Ann is a stay-at-home mom looking forward to Elizabeth’s entering kindergarten. Ann met Bette Pearlin, Pam Howland, and Flo Clark in the San Jose, Calif., area to attend the baptism of Pam’s twins, Tammy and Scott. Ann and Flo are the proud godmothers.

Jim Hopkins writes: "Whoo-eee, do I love San Francisco! I recently moved here from Louisville, Ky. (after earlier work-related tours of Boise, Idaho, and Little Rock, Ark.), to live with my partner, Jim Chace. I’ll soon be working for USA Today, reporting on small-business entrepreneurs, including those in the Bay Area. I’d like to hear from former classmates, especially David Brock."

Susan Landess, of Beltsville, Md., is executive director of the Kathy Harty Gray Dance Theatre in Alexandria, Va.

Daniel Warren writes that he became chair of the business litigation practice group at Thompson, Hine & Flory in Cleveland. He and his wife, Diane Citrino, a public-interest lawyer at Housing Advocates, live in Solon, Ohio, with their two children, Ezra and Amanda, and their dog, Earl.

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Lece Lohr Albanese (see Jim Lohr ’56).

Pamela Stenning Caudill writes: "I am associate director for research services at the University of Pennsylvania. I live in Jackson, N.J., with my husband, Cmdr. Charles ‘Chuck’ Caudill Jr., and my two children, John, 13, and Beth, 11. We live about two miles from Six Flags/Great Adventure."

Diane Citrino writes that Ohio Lawyers Weekly selected her as one of ten attorneys of the year. She also received a leadership award from the Ohio Civil Rights Commission. Diane is senior attorney at the Housing Advocates, a not-for-profit fair-housing organization in Cleveland.

Robert Pordy ’82 M.D. and his wife, Cathryn Devons (Barnard ’82, Sackler School of Medicine ’88), announce the birth of Rachel Miriam (Brown 2022) on Feb. 4. Bob continues to develop pharmaceuticals at Hoffmann-La Roche, where he is senior cardiovascular expert. Cathy is chief of geriatrics at Phelps Memorial Hospital in Westchester, N.Y., and continues to be an assistant professor at Mount Sinai Hospital. Bob and Cathy are moving to the suburbs (lower Westchester), but will keep their Manhattan apartment.

William D. Wharton ’81 A.M. writes: "I live with my wife, Danae Cotsis Wharton, and our children, Rhea, 11, and Michael, 9, in Needham, Mass. In July I will become head of school at Commonwealth School, a small, independent high school in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood. Danae teaches Spanish at the Tenacre Country Day School, an independent school for pre-kindergarten through sixth grade in Wellesley, Mass."

From the March / April 2000 Issue

Peter Gorman writes that he recently ran the Marine Corps Marathon, his first 26.2-mile race, in the respectable time of four hours and fifteen minutes. He is on sabbatical from his job as associate professor of neurology at the University of Maryland and is working within the human cortical physiology section at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.

George Hogeman writes: “We have moved from Virginia to Taipei, where I am studying Chinese before joining the American Institute in Taiwan.”

Jacob Asher ’78 writes: “Cornelius Jansen has joined me in the practice of head and neck surgery at Kaiser Permanete in Fremont, Calif.”

Mitchell R. Lester ’83 M.D. writes: “I’ve moved from academic medicine back to private practice. I’m now with Fairfield County Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Associates in Norwalk, Stamford, and Greenwich, Conn. My wife, Jill Greenberg, is a child psychologist with special expertise in school and developmental problems. We’ve moved to Westport, Conn., and are learning our way around our new community. My daughter, Beth, just turned 5 and has settled in at her new school. I look forward to hearing from friends in Fairfield County.”

Laurie Margolies, of Woodbridge, Conn., writes: “I have been back to Brown a lot recently to see my son, Eliot ’03. Visiting brings back a lot of memories, and Eliot is even taking some of the same classes I took. My daughter, Lynn, 13, misses her brother a lot. I am chair of the radiology department at a community hospital in Connecticut, and am enjoying becoming computer literate (Eliot is a computer-science major).”

Eric B. Shultz coauthored King Philip’s War: The History and Legacy of America’s Forgotten Conflict (Countryman Press). The book is an account of an early New England skirmish between colonists and Native Americans. Eric is chairman of an information-logistics company.

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Laura Grover, of Los Angeles, reports that she works for Sony Music's Columbia and Legacy labels, and is also active in the art world via the Mendenhall Gallery in Pasa- dena, Calif.

Paul Jester writes: "Wow, twenty years. I couldn't make the reunion, but I did peruse memorabilia and contact a few Brown friends. There are many people whom I would have loved to see again: my D-Phi brothers (wallball, fingermoose, 2-11 run, trop- ical night, hog towel), my roommates, the 'Inn at Castle Hill' and the Andrews Hall gang, and my fellow engineers. I encourage you all to contact me and let me know where you are. I moved to San Diego in 1984. I am husband to my wonderful wife, Karen, and 'dada' to my sons, Kyle, 6, and Nathan, 4. I think of Brown, and all of you, often."

Jacques Lord writes: "I have resigned from the Bechtel Group after more than thirteen years of being a 'white-collar migrant' environmental scientist and geologist. I have joined Environmental Business Solutions, a small consulting firm serving greater San Diego. I am a senior project geologist and am enjoying the soup-to-nuts work ethic of a small, high-quality team. My wife, Marcyn, and four daughters are thrilled we won't be moving from San Diego anytime soon. After years of cubicles, motel rooms, and site trailers, I am grateful for a corner office with real furniture and shelves for my rock and journal collections. I hope to hear from friends and Phi Delts passing through San Diego. The first fish taco and local microbrew are on me."

Stanley P. Maximovich has published 101 Ways to Feel and Look Great! A Plastic Surgeon's Guide to Improve Your Life From the Inside Out (Biddle House). Stanley practices in Hinsdale, Ill. Learn more at htp://

From the September / October 1999 Issue

Monica Mills Bauer reports that she and her husband, Neil Bauer '78, have settled in Denver, where she has a tenure-track position as a political science professor. Their daughter, Joanna, graduated from the Denver School of the Arts and will be attending Hampshire College in the fall. Neil now telecommutes for his job as a senior software developer for a New York company. Monica is under contract with Wadsworth Press to produce an innovative American government textbook, which will be published next spring. The Bauers invite any friends who are passing through the Rockies to say hello.

James S. Bennett, of Narragansett, R.I., has been elected chairman of the board of the Rhode Island Convention Center Authority. James is president and founder of the Warwick, R.I., Mitkem Corp. In 1998 he was the endorsed Republican Party candidate for general treasurer, winning nearly 45 percent of the vote. Previously he was an investment banker, founding his own brokerage firm and the Ceimic Corp., an environmental-testing laboratory. He sold the company in 1991 and moved to California, where he was C.E.O. of a leading environmental testing lab.

David Blumenthal has published The Banality of Good and Evil: Moral Lessons from the Shoah and Jewish Tradition (Georgetown University Press). David is the Jay and Leslie Cohen Professor of Judaic Studies at Emory University.

Cleveland's Commission on Women named Diane Citrino one of ten "outstanding Cleveland women in the law." Diane is an adjunct professor of law at Cleveland-Marshall, where she teaches a clinical law course. A senior attorney for the Housing Advocates, she also participates in the Cleveland Bar Association's committee to aid the homeless. She was presented with the Housing Advocate of the Year award in 1998. She was previously an associate with the Chicago law firm of D'Ancona and Pflaum, as well as a senior attorney with the Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago.

Ed Gould and his wife, Lynn, live in the North Woods of Bangor, Maine, with their four children, Katy, Andy, Matt, and Kelly. Ed is a partner at the law firm Gross, Minsky, Mogul & Singal, and Lynn is a kindergarten teacher.

John Harkavy is a partner concentrating in civil litigation with the firm of Bernkopf, Goodman & Baseman in Boston. He writes: "I am married to Leslie and have two children, Ali, 6, and Amanda, 4. I'm still playing tennis, occassionally teaming up with Lawrence G. Rose '78."

Mark S. Holmes joined the Washington, D.C., law firm of Farkas & Manelli as a partner in March, primarily practicing patent litigation.

C. Kyle Simpson, of McLean, Va., left the service of the Clinton administration after five years. In 1997 he was named C.E.O. of Morgan Meguire, an energy project-development and consulting firm. He writes: "Janet and I and our daughters are living happily in northern Virginia. We would love to hear from you."

From the July / August 1999 Issue

Ricardo Anzaldua has been elected partner of the law firm Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton in Washington, D.C. He writes:"I am greatly enjoying my practice, which consists primarily of international financing and other transactions in Latin America (mostly Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, and Chile) and advising Latin American governments on trade negotiations with the United States. My daughter Leonora, 19, starts college in the fall. I relented and let her choose Yale. My son Ricardo, 17, will be starting his senior year in high school. I'd love to get news from classmates, colleagues, and Third World Coalition friends."

Fred Baumgarten and his wife, Jenny Hansell, announce the birth of Abigail Ann Hansell-Baumgarten on Jan. 27. Fred writes: "Abbey enjoys being taken for long walks in the country and listening to Gershwin. We live on an Audubon sanctuary in beautiful northwest Connecticut. Visitors are welcome. I am working for the Audubon Society and taking flying lessons."

Barry Blum, Miami, has been named general counsel for Burger King Corp. North America. He joined the company in December 1997 after fifteen years in private practice. Barry and his wife, Dr. Lori Plotkin Blum, have two sons, Jeffrey, 9, and Brian, 6, and a daughter, Mallory, 2.

Judith Robinson Butler is a stuttering specialist. She writes: "I organized the second annual convention of FRIENDS, a national organization for children who stutter and their families. The convention was in Milford, Mass., July 30-31. Please contact me for a brochure or more information about stuttering."

Lisa Cobb hoped to make the reunion. She writes: "I recently visited with Fred Cooper, who keeps me updated about who is doing what. I would love to hear from more classmates. I am currently seeking, by request of John Adams, the whereabouts of Jennifer MacLeod Shireling (a.k.a. 'La Jolla'). John would like to catch up with you. He is a commercial director working through my company, Concrete Productions. Please forward any information to me. I am still based in Dallas, but I don't spend much time here. Just got back from Bangkok and Capetown shooting commercials for Saatchi and Saatchi, New York. As I travel frequently, it would be fun to hear from and be able to see some of the ol' gang." Bob Dreher (see Kathleen Duffy Pannozzi '78 A.M.).

Laurel Ellson Martinez and George Martinez report the birth of Jillian Kendra on Nov. 11, 1997. She joins Lindsay, 4, and Genevieve, 2. The Martinez family has relocated to the East Coast.

John H. Meister, River Forest, Ill., was elected vice president of USG Corp. He was also named president and chief executive officer of USG Interiors. He joined the company in 1979, most recently serving as president and chief executive officer of L&W Supply Corp., a Chicago-based USG subsidiary. John is also a governing member of the Brookfield Zoo and serves on its marketing committee. He and his wife, Jean, have three children.

From the May / June 1999 Issue

John Andersen Jr. (see John Andersen '53).

Todd Berman is back in high school.

From the March / April 1999 Issue

The class is looking for you to attend reunion weekend 1999! Our 20th will be held May 28-31, and we hope you will be able to join classmates back at Brown. It will be a great weekend for family and friends, so please make every effort to attend. Please reply as soon as possible to the registration information that will be coming to you soon. If you are not receiving reunion mailings, please call reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947.

Larry Goldstein is a radiologist with Advanced Radiology in Baltimore. He lives with his wife, Diane, and two golden retrievers, Kong and Chardonnay. "Baltimore is a great place to live," he writes.

Shelley Longmuir has been named senior vice president for governmental, regulatory, and international affairs at United Airlines. She assumes overall responsibility for the company's relations with executive and legislative branches of the U.S. government, state and local governing bodies, and foreign governments around the world. She joined United in 1993. She has previously held senior positions in the Bush Administration and at the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Judith Rabinowicz is living in Stamford, Conn., with her husband, Robert Raymond, and two children, Samuel and Sarah. Her consulting firm, which is in its ninth year, focuses on developing recruitment and retention strategies for large corporations and on conducting executive searches. Sam is commuting to New York City for his freshman year at Ramaz High School, and Sarah is in the seventh grade at BiCultural Day School in Stamford.

Alexis Ward (see Catherine Vuozzo Ventura '74).

From the January / February 1999 Issue

David Alvarez married Robin Stemen in Ocean Grove, N.J., on Oct. 17. David and Robin have known each other for three years.

Reed Baer received his M.Div. from Andover Newton Theological School in May, was ordained a minister in the United Church of Christ in September, and is pastor and teacher at West Parish of Barnstable in West Barnstable, Mass. Reed married Christine Burns in June. The couple lives in East Sandwich, Mass., with daughters Katie, 8, and Julia, 5.

Ted Ewing, San Diego, has been appointed manager of the Moonlight Amphitheatre and the Avo Playhouse in Vista, Calif. He was also recently elected president of the San Diego chapter of Vietnam Veterans of America.

Laura Foster writes: "Greetings to the old gang from the Ratty and third-floor Wriston Quad. I am living in South Florida, am married to Terry Smith, M.D., and am mother to Ian, 4. I work as an anesthesiologist at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach - enjoying the combination of private practice and teaching residents and fellows."

Amy Goldin and Nancy Lu announce the birth of Rebecca Florence Lu Goldin on Aug. 18. Rebecca joins big brother Joseph Stanley Lu Goldin.

Gil Neiger married Lisa Karplus (Yale '80) in Berkeley, Calif., on July 26. Many Brown alumni were in attendance. The couple resides in Portland, Oreg.

Martha Sack, Ft. Washington, Pa., has left her position at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center to work part-time as a pathologist at Abington Memorial Hospital. Martha; her husband, Daniel Hyman; and children Ben, 9, and Emily, 6, are delighted with the change.

Bob Schiff is legislative counsel for Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, whom he advises on campaign-finance reform and telecommunications issues.

From the November / December 1998 Issue

Your reunion planning committee wants you to save the dates, May 28-31, for our 20th! A fall mailing will be reaching you soon. If you have any questions or changes to your address please contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947 for all the latest information.

Ken Herts and Carol Dill Herts '79 live in Brussels, Belgium, with their children Kate, 12; Julianne, 9; and James, 6. Ken is the publisher of the Wall Street Journal Europe.

Robert M. Kotloff was promoted to associate professor of medicine in the pulmonary and critical care division at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. He also serves as director of the program for advanced lung disease and lung transplantation at Penn. Robert lives in Elkins Park, Pa., with his wife, Debbie, and three sons, Eric, 12; Brian, 8; and Ethan, 4.

Bob Krumenaker has left Shenandoah National Park, where he was chief of natural and cultural resources, for Philadelphia. Bob remains with the National Park Service and is now the deputy associate regional director for planning, resource stewardship, and science. "I am now the chief natural resource person for all national park areas from Maine to Virginia, except for the parks in and around Washington, D.C. ," he writes. "I am also coordinating a national initiative for the director of the park service to increase professional natural resource capability and science-based decision-making in all 376 parks across the country," he writes.

Jonathan D. Leffert and his wife, Carla, announce the birth of Catherine Christine on May 5, 1997. She joins Caroline, 5. "We recently moved into a new house, which is spacious and wonderful," Joanthan writes. "I am still in solo practice of endocrinology and having a great time. Carla is the greatest partner for me and mother to our daughters, and keeps us all headed in the right direction." Jonathan is looking forward to seeing everyone at the 20th reunion.

Peter C. Lowitt, Acton, Mass., was named the 1998 Environmentalist of the Year by the New Hampshire Business and Industry Association for his work in pioneering an ecological industrial park for the town of Londonderry, N.H., where he is director of planning and economic development. In 1998, Peter was elected vice chairman of the economic development division of the American Planning Association, and was the recipient of an award from the New Hampshire office of state planning for best plan of the year for Londonderry's orchard and open space preservation plan. Peter is excited about his efforts to make Londonderry one of the first municipalities in the U.S. to become ISO 14001 certified (adopting an environmental management system to reduce risk from the products and services provided by the town). Peter invites friends and interested parties to drop by his web site at

Steven Oliveira was named vice president for development of the Darden School Foundation, a nonprofit that supports the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration of the University of Virginia. Previously he was co-director of development at Brown. Stephen joined Brown in 1984 as planned giving officer and associate director of capital giving. Prior to his fund-raising career at Brown, Steven was an attorney for the American Transportation Insurance Co. in Boston from 1983 to 1984, and was a trust and estate manager for Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City.

From the September / October 1998 Issue

Laura Grover took six months off last year. She drove across the country and lived in Southampton, N.Y., for five months. Laura is now a director of marketing at A&M Records in Los Angeles.

Shelley A. Longmuir was appointed to the board of directors of the American Judicature Society, a national organization that promotes improvements in the courts. Shelley is vice president of government and legislative affairs for United Airlines, Washington, D.C.

Marcia Band McReynolds and Marc McReynolds celebrated their 20th anniversary on April 2. They continue to enjoy life in Fountain Valley, Calif., with their son, Joey, 12.

Anthony M. Miller is living on the peak in Hong Kong with his wife, Cecilia, and their daughter, Magda Rebecca. Anthony is managing director of the Hong Kong office of the U.S. merchant bank the Carlisle Group.

Durward W. Parkinson is a founding partner in the new law firm of Bergen & Parkinson in Kennebunk, Maine. He specializes in litigation. Previously, Durward was a shareholder with Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer & Nelson.

Richard Pryor, New Brunswick, N.J., and his wife, Elizabeth Smith-Pryor (Harvard '84), announce the arrival of their first child on April 1. Richard writes: "We've named him Richard III, despite the looming Shakespearean connotations. I'm practicing law as in-house counsel for Summit Bank and making art when I have a spare second (those seconds are dwindling as of late). Liz is researching her dissertation in American history at Rutgers. Both she and Richard are as healthy and happy as one can expect, given the roundelay of feedings and sleepless nights."

From the July / August 1998 Issue

R. Gordon Huckins (see Robert G. Huckins '48).

Mitchell R. Lester lives in Lexington, Mass., with wife Jill Greenberg and 3-year-old daughter Beth. He is still at Children's Hospital, where he serves as clinical director of the division of immunology and director of the pediatric asthma center.

Tony Miller has joined the Carlyle Group of Washington, D.C., as managing director of their new direct-investment operations in Hong Kong. He previously worked in Asia for four years, doing deals for Bear Stearns and Asian Investment Partners. His new job "means we will be in Asia a good while longer, which is very fine by us," Tony writes. "Our daughter, Magda, just turned 2 and we should probably think about creating some siblings for her (other than our beloved dogs, of course). My wife, Cecilia, loves her work and is so successful at raising money for telecommunications companies in the Philippines that when we visit, a marching band meets us at the airport. (This is only a slight exaggeration.) Asia is fabulous and fascinating, and we encourage all to come visit."

Robert Schiff serves as legislative counsel to U.S. Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) and still lives and sings in Washington, D.C.

Robert C. Waters has been the guiding force behind the Florida Supreme Court's use of technology. The Court's was the first judicial site on the Web and the only one in the world to broadcast oral arguments live. Robert is executive assistant to Chief Justice Gerald Kogan.

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Glenn Grayson joined the law firm of Wallace, Saunders, Austin, Brown, & Enochs in Overland Park, Kans. He is practicing mainly in the area of employment law. Glenn, his wife, Carolyn, and two daughters have been living in Kansas for almost four years and "really love it here," Glenn reports.

George Hogeman lives in Falls Church, Va., with his wife, Geri, and their children, Ted and Ellie. He works on overseas refugee assistance for Southeast Asia at the State Department.

Alice-Diane Lohr is looking forward to hearing from old friends and getting together at the 20th reunion.

Mary Mazzocco and Jonathan Austin announce the birth of Alleana Ruth Austin, born Jan. 21. "Everyone is doing fine," Mary writes. Through mid-July, she is on leave from her job as books editor for the Contra Costa (Calif.) Times.

Lauren A. McDonald was appointed president of the medical staff of St. Paul Medical Center in Dallas. An associate attending physician on staff at St. Paul since 1990, she is the first woman and youngest appointee to serve as president. Lauren is associated with Dallas Nephrology Associates, where she serves as medical director of the Mockingbird Dialysis Center.

Aaron Schuman develops software for ultrasound medical instruments at Acuson Computed Sonography in Mountain View, Calif.

Eliza Strode, who has managed consumer cooperatives for fifteen years, graduated with a B.A. in conflict resolution and violence prevention from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1997. She also received a master's in social work (clinical) from Smith College the same year. "Seven classmates and I went skydiving as our rite of passage," Eliza writes. "Not bad for someone who has a fear of heights." In Guatemala this spring for a Spanish-language immersion program, she will live and work in Massachusetts upon her return. Her interests include photography, victim-sensitive victim-offender dialogue, and volunteer work with prison inmates through the Alternatives to Violence Program.

From the March / April 1998 Issue

Leota Susan Branche and Douglas V. Holloway (Emerson '76) announce the arrival of Marcus Shaw on July 30. He joins brother Douglas Jesse, 21/2.

David G. Brock, a neurointensivist, was recently appointed to the staff of the Jefferson Stroke Center at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia; assistant professor of neurology, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University; and medical director of the neurosensory program/neuro-intensive care unit at Wills Eye Hospital. Previously David was medical director of the neurologic intensive care unit at Pennsylvania Hospital and assistant professor of clinical neurology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine.

Julie A. Iselin writes: "Apologies to those omitted from the recent marriage announcement. Also in attendance were Herbert M. Iselin '42, Diane C. Iselin '81, and Florine L. Clark, my `best woman' par excellence."

Lisa Moore Kurek has moved to Ann Arbor, Mich., and started Biotechnology Business Consultants to assist entrepreneurial technology companies. Lisa writes: "Max is 8, Sophie is 6, and it is great in Ann Arbor."

Lauren McDonald is a nephrologist in Dallas and president of the medical staff at St. Paul Medical Center. "I completed my first marathon in December 1996," she writes. "Alex is 6, and Adrianna is 4."

Linda Rowley Tawfik writes: "I returned to the United States last year to begin a Ph.D. in population dynamics at Johns Hopkins after an incredible adventure living and working for two years in Egypt, four years on the border of Afghanistan setting up health services, and nine months in Bangladesh. My daughter, Karima, 10, and son, Sherif, 5, love the States even after riding horses in the Himalayas and ferrying to islands of Thailand and Malaysia." Linda met her husband, Dr. Youssel Tawfik, at Harvard in 1983 when they were completing master's degrees in public health.

Rodney Wong and Ruby Ming '81 live in Monte Sereno, Calif., with their sons Kelly, 10, Patrick, 8, Hunter, 41/2, and Dillon, 13/4. "They're all happy, healthy, `above average,' and look like clones of Rod - they even like golf," Ruby writes. Rod has an orthopedic practice and enjoys tennis and golf. Ruby is an art docent and successfully avoids golf.

Pat Wooley has been promoted to Midwest regional sales manager of Easco Aluminum in Girard, Ohio. He will be responsible for all sales and customer-service personnel at the company's facilities in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.



Aug, 2024

Steven L. Herring ’79, of Mobile, Ala.; Mar. 25. He enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania and completed his master’s in international relations at the Wharton School of Business in 1981. His professional career started in Washington and took him to Saudi Arabia, New York City, and San Francisco before he retired to Mobile. He never stopped learning or traveling worldwide and enjoying museums and libraries. He is survived by his mother, a brother, and a sister-in-law. 

Aug, 2024

Lawrence E. Berkman ’79, of Norwich, Conn.; Jan. 22. He was a dentist, practicing in Hope Valley, R.I., for 35 years with his hygienist wife, who predeceased him. He was a coin collector and enjoyed writing, planetary geology, astronomy, history, and family genealogy. He is survived by a daughter, a brother and sister-in-law, a niece, and an aunt and uncle. 

Nov, 2023

T. Stevens Spruth ’79, of Minneapolis; Mar. 9, of lung cancer. For 20 years he worked in start-up and development of health care ventures that led into a second career of 20 years teaching at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. His focus was on entrepreneurship, strategic management, and nonprofit management. He enjoyed biking, cross country skiing, yoga, running, cooking, and traveling. He is survived by his wife, Frances X. Durkin ’79; two sons; a sister; and a brother. 

Nov, 2023

Neil M. Goodman ’79, of Chevy Chase, Md., and West Boothbay Harbor, Me.; May 8. After Brown, where he was a member of the crew team, he went on to law school at Columbia University, graduating in 1983. After a clerkship for Judge Frank Battisti on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, he became an associate at the law firm Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C., eventually becoming a partner in 1991. He retired in 2021. He was an avid runner, competing in seven marathons. He also enjoyed exploring the country’s national parks, skiing, boating, and tracking birds. He served on the board for Nature Bridge. He is survived by his wife, Emily; three children; and a sister.


Aug, 2023

Christina Baker McKenrick ’79, of Seekonk, Mass.; Feb. 14, after a 12-year battle with breast cancer. She met her future husband during Brown’s orientation week and they married after graduation. She worked as an administrative assistant for a typing instruction company prior to joining the staff at Brown. She first worked for the Brown University Admission Office as the computer systems coordinator and then for the Brown University Management Information Services department. She took a few years off to raise a family and returned to the workforce teaching math and science at School One in Providence. She was involved with numerous boards, committees, and missions. Her mission work led her to multiple trips to Haiti. Subsequently, she enjoyed spending time with her husband traveling to England, Italy, Paris, Normandy, and later in life to the West Coast to see family and friends, though her “happy place” was Briggs Beach in Little Compton, R.I. In addition to raising her family, she welcomed a foster son and extended her home to countless family members and exchange students. She also enjoyed dancing and gardening. She is survived by her husband, Ross ’79; three children; a foster child; two grandchildren; and two brothers.

Aug, 2023

Marcia F. Katz ’79, of Winter Park, Fla., formerly of Houston; Mar. 26, after a three-year battle with pancreatic cancer. She was associate dean of clinical affairs at University of Central Florida College of Medicine before retiring in 2020 with the title of UCF professor emerita. During her tenure, she worked closely with UCF hospitals and the community to build an academic clinical service system. Prior to moving to Florida, she served as Baylor College of Medicine’s associate chair of medicine for clinical affairs and medical director of the department of medicine. In addition, she was the chief of adult medicine at Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women and spearheaded the development of Baylor’s lung institute. She had a powerful impact on the cystic fibrosis community. She was the medical director of the Baylor Maconda Brown O’Connor Adult CF Center and sat on the Center Committee of the CF Foundation. She also served as the coprincipal investigator of the CF Therapeutic Development Center in 2012. She was awarded the Ben and Margaret Love Foundation Bobby Alford Award for Academic Clinical Professionalism, Baylor’s highest award given to a medical school faculty member, recognizing her outstanding humanism. Marcia faced cancer without missing a beat by continuing to travel the world with her husband, visiting Rwanda, Botswana, and Namibia. She took a bike and river cruise on the Rhine with her twin sister and some of her best friends, and biked over 100 miles. During her last few years, she became an avid gardener and birder. She is survived by her husband, Asher; two daughters, including Rebecca Wolinsky ’14; two stepdaughters; her mother; three sisters; two brothers-in-law; and a nephew.


Jun, 2023

Marlyn Lowe Woodard ’79, of St. Peters, Mo.; Oct. 28, of breast cancer. She is survived by a daughter and three sisters.

Jun, 2023

Emily A. Gibbs ’79, of Salem, Ohio; Dec. 26. She worked at Kilobaud Microcomputing in Rindge, N.H., after graduating and then worked at Coolidge Bank and Trust in Watertown, Mass., before moving back to her hometown of Salem.

Jun, 2022

Frederick J. Watts ’79, of Summit, N.J.; Dec. 23, from complications of multiple myeloma. After spending a year in a law firm, he was appointed to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, which began a career that lasted for more than 30 years, including developing and teaching courses for prosecutors, and culminated in becoming the executive assistant district attorney for finance and administration in 2007. He retired in 2014 to assume leadership of the Police Athletic League as executive director. He is survived by his wife, Celia; two sons; a sister; a niece; and a nephew.

Oct, 2021

Jane Fergusson Griffin ’79, of Providence; May 21. After Brown, she went on to receive a master’s in public health/epidemiology from Yale and started a consulting company in Rhode Island, MCH Evaluation, conducting and publishing studies in the field of maternal and child health. Additionally, she was an associate professor at Brown. She is survived by her husband, Patrick; a son; a stepson; three sisters; two brothers; in-laws;  and nieces and nephews.

Oct, 2021

Frederick R. Dewey ’79, of Santa Monica, Calif.; June 2, from complications of prostate cancer. He helmed Beyond Baroque from 1996 to 2010. During his tenure, he founded the literary press Beyond Baroque Books and was involved in the creation of the World Beyond Poetry Festival, which was launched in 2000 and ran for several years. He was instrumental in the creation of Venice Beach Poet’s Monument. He served on the graduate faculty of Pasadena’s ArtCenter College of Design and published his writings in the New Statesman and the Los Angeles Times. He also published The School of Public Life in 2014. He is survived by a sister and a brother.

Aug, 2021

Davina Parmet ’79, of Williamsburg, Va.; Mar. 25, of lung cancer. She worked in public television and later was a freelance writer. In 1992, she published The World of Ballet. Later in her career she earned a master’s degree in social work from the College of William & Mary and served as a court appointed special advocate (CASA), advocating for children victimized by abuse and neglect. In recognition of her tireless work, she was named CASA Volunteer of the Year in 2005. She is survived by her husband, Paul; two daughters; a son-in-law; and a granddaughter.

Jun, 2021

Terrence M. Dunn ’79, of New York City; Jan. 18. He graduated from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law and was a founding partner of the law firm Einbinder and Dunn. He was an active member of the ABA Forum on Franchising. He wrote a self-published novel, Out Beyond the Verrazano, and maintained an active blog where he posted thoughtful and heartfelt reflections. He was an avid runner and completed several half-marathons. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; a daughter; a son; a brother and sister-in-law; and a niece and nephew. 

Jun, 2021

Brian J. Buckley ’79, of Worcester, Mass.; Dec. 25, after a long battle with progressive supranuclear palsy. A former member of Brown’s crew and rugby teams, he graduated from Suffolk University Law School and he was an assistant district attorney in Worcester County and an associate at Seder and Chandler. In 1989, he and his father John started the Buckley Law Firm. In 1997, Brian joined Fletcher Tilton PC and practiced law for the next 25 years. He dedicated his time and leadership talents to many local organizations, including the Worcester Public Library, Massachusetts Bar Association, Worcester Regional Research Bureau, St. John’s Food for the Poor, and Worcester Jewish Community Center. He was also involved with the Brown Club of Worcester, the Judicial Nominating Council Executive Committee, and the Worcester Civic Center Commission. He is survived by his wife, Ann Marie; three children; sisters Martha Rizzoli ’80 and Eirinn J.B. Campaniello ’89; a brother-in-law; and many nieces and nephews.

Apr, 2021

Cynthia M. Sheldon ’79, of North Kingstown, R.I.; Oct. 27. She was a property/casualty actuary for 40 years with the Metropolitan Insurance Company. She was also an active member of East Greenwich United Methodist Church. She enjoyed biking and skiing and took part in bicycling tours in Europe and throughout North America, and for many years she took regular ski trips to Killington Mountain in Vermont. She was formerly part of a crew team that sailed out of Newport, R.I., and an avid fan of the Boston Red Sox. She is survived by parents, two sisters, a brother, a brother-in-law, and several aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Jan, 2021

Heather Ohlin ’79, of Elgin, Ill.; June 23. Over the course of her career, she worked in management positions at Ohlin Consulting, Sears Holdings Corp., Manugistics, and Pacific Import/Export. She is survived by her sister, Janet McCandless ’70; a sister-in-law; and a brother-in-law.

Jan, 2020

Jean-Francois Hibbert ’79, of New York City; Sept. 1. He was an emergency medicine physician. He enjoyed playing tennis, skiing, and cycling. He is survived by his wife, Jocelyne; two daughters; a son-in-law; his mother; and seven siblings.


Mar, 2019

Patricia Heard Symonds ’79, ’84 AM, ’91 PhD, of Providence; Nov. 6. While her youngest children were still at home she enrolled at Brown through the RUE program to obtain her degrees in anthropology. She also played on the varsity women’s tennis team as an undergrad. With support from her husband, she did extensive research in the late 1980s in a Hmong village in northern Thailand. Her ethnographic study Calling in the Soul; Gender and the Cycle of Life in a Hmong Village was later published as a book by the University of Washington. She joined Brown’s faculty in 1992 as an adjunct associate professor in the anthropology department. During her tenure she taught courses in her areas of expertise and mentored several students who remained close friends and colleagues. She is survived by her husband, Alan Symonds ’04; six children; three grandchildren, including Marco A. Steinsieck ’08; two great-granddaughters; and a brother.


Mar, 2019

Robert Deschene ’79, of North Attleboro, Mass.; Aug. 13. He worked for many years in the private banking sector before obtaining a law degree from the Univ. of Maine School of Law in 1990. After law school, he worked as a judicial law clerk at the Maine Supreme Judicial Court in Portland and followed with a federal court clerkship at the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston. He is survived by four siblings and nieces and nephews.


Nov, 2018

Victoria J. Lewis ’79, of Cambridge, Mass.; June 11. She was most recently deputy director of Judicial Education, Executive Office of the Trial Court Judicial Institute of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Previously she worked at Greater Boston Legal Services in immigration and family law. She is survived by a daughter; her parents; a sister; two brothers, including James Lewis ’84; a niece; and two nephews.


Feb, 2018

Frank H. Buntin II ’79, of Charlemont, Mass.; Aug. 30. He retired in 2015 after 33 years with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. During his tenure he received many accolades, including the director’s Supervisor of the Year Award and the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Commissioner’s Council. At Brown, he was a member of the 1976 championship football team. He enjoyed spending time with his family and doing landscaping work. He is survived by his wife, Cathleen; a daughter; a son; his father; a sister; two brothers; and nieces and nephews.

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