Class of 1987

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Oct, 2024
“Today” Show dawns on Brown’s Campus
From the Archives Read More
Jun, 2024
A letter from the Editor Read More
Apr, 2024
Talking Cure
A podcast by two sisters helps Black women navigate healthcare. Read More
Feb, 2024
Invisible Champions
Women’s basketball won Brown’s first Ivy title. But the accolades did a disappearing act. Read More
Jan, 2024

Sarah Grace and Jared Schober were married on August 13, 2022 in Boston. Quite a few Brown alumni were in attendance, including Samuel Brebner, Ross Dispenza, Loren Dowd, Norman Grace ’58, Robert Grace ’84, Stephanie Grace ’87, Corey Holman, James Janison, Natasha Nelson, Perry Rosenberg, Barbara Anderson Rotger ’86, Jose Rotger ’86, Miriam Grace Silverman ’66, Celina Stewart, Alice Sun, Amy Sung ’14, Caleb Tower ’85, Edith Dede” Tower ’85, and Klara Zimmerman ’15. Jared and Sarah met on the first day of college at Brown—they were neighbors in Perkins Hall. They currently reside in Berkeley, Calif. 

Jan, 2024

Stephanie Grace (see Sarah Grace ’16).

Nov, 2023

Edward Krigsman’s podcast series, Power of Place—Stories of the Pacific Northwest, honors places that matter in his beloved corner of the country, as well as the people who steward, protect, or celebrate them. Recent guests include geologist David B. Williams, Black travel movement influencers Anthony and Marlie Love, novelists Jim Lynch and Mary Lane Potter, publisher Eric Reynolds of Fantagraphics, cartoonist Susanna Ryan, marine salvager Matt McCauley, and graphic artist Art Chantry. The series has also included owners/leaders of Seattle’s Blue Moon Tavern, Orcas Island’s North Beach Inn, as well as Ray Gibson’s Caballeros Club and The B&I Circus Store, both of Tacoma, Wash.


Edward Krigsman ’87
Nov, 2023

Eliot Schreiber writes: “Our son, Henry, married Uttara Sivaram in a multi-day wedding event consisting of separate Hindu and Jewish ceremonies and wedding receptions, in Los Gatos, California. They met when both were at Stanford. The officiant was Rabbi Serena Eisenberg ’87, who was not only the executive director for Stanford Hillel, but previously executive director for Brown Hillel. Our daughter, Abigail Schreiber ’11, was best woman.”

Aug, 2023

Finn-Olaf Jones summited Mount Everest in May of 2022 and Vinson Massif in Antarctica in January 2023, completing his goal of climbing the tallest mountain on each of the seven continents. Finn writes: “All those secret ascents of campus buildings and the Crook Point drawbridge while at Brown proved to be great training. Though I had the advantage of a lot more blood thinners back then.”

Finn-Olaf Jones ’87
Aug, 2023

Renee Inomata was named a 2023 Thomson Reuters Stand-out Lawyer by Casner and Edwards, LLP for improving client satisfaction, increasing client advocacy, and strengthening the company’s brand.

Jun, 2023

Jennifer Don Apy writes: “As a parent of a Scripps College student, I was invited to a reading with Pulitzer Prize winner Andrew Sean Greer ’92 at an event hosted by the new Scripps College President Suzanne Keen ’84, ’86 AM. The three of us did not realize we were all Brown alums until we met that night! Excellent event, I am now inspired to read more Pulitzer-Prize winning books celebrating American authors who write about American life.”


Jun, 2023
Rest Easy
An expert on why good sleep often eludes us Read More
Apr, 2023
A Lawyer and Seeker of Justice
Stephanie L. Robinson ’87, ’88 AM, A Lawyer and Seeker of Justice obituary Read More
Jan, 2023
Quite the Plan B
How Ryan Broussard ’19 MFA pivoted from professional baseball to coveted television roles Read More
Jan, 2023
The Party Is On
Funk Night returns to Brown Read More
Nov, 2022
Baked-in Memories
How food transports us to people and places Read More
Oct, 2022
Whole Hog
Ping Ho ’00 left NYC corporate life to create a food empire in Detroit Read More
Oct, 2022
Home Cooked & High Tech
Lasagna Love volunteers deliver warm meals on a global scale Read More
Aug, 2022

Merriam Sarcia Saunders writes: “My fourth book, Mindfulness Meditations for ADHD (Rockridge) was published. This is my first adult nonfiction following three books for young readers: Trouble with a Tiny T (Capstone), My Whirling, Twirling Motor (Magination Press), and My Wandering, Dreaming Mind (Magination Press)—all featuring characters with ADHD, which is my speciality as a psychotherapist. A fifth book, A CBT Workbook for Negative Emotions, releases fall ’22 and I feel so lucky that someone seems to want to read what I write. Between patients and writing, I fit in a side gig as adjunct professor in the graduate counseling psychology program at Dominican University teaching psychopathology and law and ethics, and hope I’m not torturing the students.”

Aug, 2022
Free and Fair Elections
New Jersey Secretary of State investigates fraud Read More
Jun, 2022
Access to Capital
The new Dream Exchange, the first Black-owned stock market, aims for diversity and inclusion Read More
Jun, 2022

Edisa Weeks headlined the 2022 Motion State Dance Festival in Providence. She performed her solo work-in-progress 3 RITES: Liberty before it tours nationally. The Motion State Dance Festival introduces Rhode Island audiences to the latest in contemporary dance. Local and national artists converge to share their boundary-pushing creative explorations with a growing Rhode Island dance audience. Edisa Weeks is a choreographer, educator, curator, and founder of DELIRIOUS Dances. She creates multimedia interactive work that explores our deepest desires, darkest fears, and sweetest dreams. Her work has been performed in a variety of venues including the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Works & Process at the Guggenheim Museum, and Mount Tremper Arts. She has performed with Annie-B Parson’s Big Dance Theater, Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Co., Dance Brazil, Homer Avila, Jane Comfort, Jon Kinzel, Muna Tseng, Reggie Wilson/ Fist & Heel Performance Group, Sally Silvers, and Spencer/Colton Dance, among others. In addition, she danced in the 2016 “Bessie” award-winning performance by the Skeleton Architecture. She is on the board of directors for Movement Research and is an associate professor of dance and acting chair of the Department of Drama, Theatre, and Dance at Queens College.

Jun, 2022

Jonathan Scherl received an MBA from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in December. Jonathan is an orthopedic surgeon and also has an administrative role with a company called TeamHealth overseeing several orthopedic hospitalist programs. He lives in New Jersey with his wife of 27 years.

Apr, 2022
Cashing Out
Digital currencies are on the rise, says Eswar Prasad ’86 AM in his new book Read More
Apr, 2022

Doug Mayer coauthored Trail Running Illustrated, an expert introduction to this rapidly growing sport. “It is the perfect partner for runners interested in turning off the tarmac and experiencing the solitude and adventure that comes with running on trails.” It is available at

Jan, 2022

Mia Aplin Rollins and Samuel Sebastian Pihan were married on Oct. 3, 2020, in a tiny ceremony at Mia’s grandfather’s retirement community in Exeter, N.H. In attendance were Mia’s parents Beth Aplin Conrad ’89 and Phillip Kent Rollins ’87, her grandfather, Richard Aplin, and Seb’s parents, Dr. Maria Vivaldi and Dr. German Pihan. Seb and Mia met the first day of their freshman orientation in the kitchen of Champlin where Mia was baking chocolate chip cookies. Mia writes: “Turns out we had ‘relation-chip’ goals.”

Mia Rollins ’17 wedding photo
Jan, 2022

Katherine Oxnard Ellis writes: “My short story, ‘Cabin,’ won Honorable Mention (second prize) in this year’s december magazine Curt Johnson Prose Awards, having appeared in the November 2021 issue under my pen name: K.W. Oxnard. After submitting to literary contests for more than 30 years, I’m thrilled to have finally won $500 and be featured alongside the other winners (two in fiction, two in nonfiction). My husband, Blake Ellis (Sewanee ’89), and I are now empty nesters, having sent our son Drew off to Vanderbilt University and given away the last of four lockdown chickens. Our daughter Jax is a senior at Bryn Mawr College and hopes to head to Kazakhstan after graduation. I’m still flipping houses with my brother Tom Oxnard (University of Georgia ’05) and also acquiring rental properties around Savannah, Georgia. The biggest family news is that my sister Robbie Oxnard Bent (Barnard College ’87) and her husband Dave Bent (Duke University ’86) just bought a house around the corner from us and plan to spend seven to eight months of the year in Savannah. We’re amassing quite the little family enclave in the SAV, which is fun and makes pandemic socializing a bit less stressful. Here’s to the medical miracle of vaccines, herd immunity, and the end of the COVID crisis worldwide in 2022.”

Nov, 2021
In the news

PR Newswire reported that the first Black-owned stock exchange, Dream Exchange, hired experienced exchange architect and software industry veteran Bruce Trask ’87 as chief technology officer. He previously worked as a senior architect at the NASDAQ stock exchange and prior to that as CEO and CTO of MDE Systems. He brings more than 30 years of key technical and managerial software experience to the position, including finance and market technology.

Nov, 2021
Marketing Justice
Bill Marks ’75, CMO for social change Read More
Aug, 2021
Tokyo, 2020: Olympics canceled due to COVID. Tokyo, 1940: Olympics canceled due to WWII. Star sprinter Ken Clapp ’40 had hoped to be there. Read More
Jun, 2021
A Sense of Community
How mentoring has cemented the TEAK program Read More
Apr, 2021
In the news

At press time, these alums were appointed or awaiting appointment to the Biden administration: Jennifer Daskal ’94, deputy general counsel (cyber & technology), Department of Homeland Security; Elisabeth Donahue ’86, chief of staff, Council of Economic Advisers;  Marc Etkind ’87, associate administrator for communications, NASA; Ruby Goldberg ’17, special assistant, Office of Land and Emergency Management,  Environmental Protection Agency; Suzanne Goldberg ’85, deputy assistant secretary for strategic operation, U.S. Dept. of Education ; Roberta Jacobson ’82, coordinator, U.S. Southern Border, National Security Council; Jennifer Klein ’87, cochair, White House Gender Policy Council; Daniel Kohl ’87, director of government relations, AmeriCorps; Letise Houser LaFeir ’00, senior advisor, NOAA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce ; Emma Leheny ’92, principal deputy general council, U.S. Dept. of Education; Suzan Davidson LeVine ’93, interim political head, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Dept. of Labor; Sean Manning ’18, press assistant, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Dept. of Commerce ; Ben Miller ’07, senior advisor to the chief of staff, U.S. Dept. of Education; Melanie Nakagawa ’02, senior director, climate and energy, National Security Council; Victoria Nuland ’83, undersecretary of state for political affairs, State Dept.; Daniel Parnes ’10, special assistant to the ASD for energy environment & installations, Office of the Secretary of Defense; Tanya Sehgal ’06, special advisor and senior counsel,  U.S. Dept. of Personnel Management; Stefanie Tompkins ’93 ScM, ’97 PhD, director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; Christina Tsafoulias ’04, supervisory congressional liaison specialist, Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs, USAID; Janet Yellen ’67, Secretary of the Treasury; Todd Zabatkin ’10 MPP,  deputy director for research (White House Communications Dept.) ; and Maria Zuber ’83 ScM, ’86 PhD, cochair, President Biden’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

Apr, 2021

Danny Givertz released his first album of original indie folk rock music Night into Day. Danny wrote the lyrics, cowrote the music and performs as lead singer. He collaborated with a talented band, including Bay Area jazz guitar luminary Terrence Brewer and Grammy Award winning violinist Mads Tolling. The album explores themes of aging, spirituality, nature, healing and community. Night into Day is on all major streaming sites under the name Danny Givertz (Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, et al). Givertz’s debut album, Dolores Park, released in 2013, was a cover album reinterpreting indie rock and world music. He can be reached at He is a psychotherapist in private practice in San Francisco.

Apr, 2021

Scott Krigsman and his wife Brooke Pinkham, along with their seven-year-old son Abraham Albie Krigsman, welcomed their second son, Joachim Antone Krigsman, on Simchat Torah, Oct. 11. They live happily in Seattle. 

Mar, 2021
The Man Who’s Everywhere
Read More
Mar, 2021
Listen Well
10 Podcasts by Brown alums Read More
Jan, 2021

Jonathan Franklin writes: “Escaping COVID on the remote coast of Chile with my wife, Toty, and my seven daughters, writing books about extreme survival. I am also branching into the realm of how-to books on child raising. My next book 7 Daughters Later, A Guide to Raising Healthy Mammals is set for publication in 2022. Anyone coming to Chile, look me up.”

Jan, 2021
Use of Force
A conversation about police reform with Chicago’s new deputy inspector general for public safety Read More
Jan, 2021
Not Just “Another Mural”
The fearless work of Jibade-Khalil Huffman ’05 MFA Read More
Nov, 2020

Micah Solomon published Ignore Your Customers (and They’ll Go Away): The Simple Playbook for Delivering the Ultimate Customer Service Experience with HarperCollins Leadership. Micah is a customer experience consultant and speaker and a senior contributor at Forbes. He is enjoying life on Bainbridge Island, Wash., with his wife, two kids, four dogs, cat, and outdoor goldfish. Contact him at; (434) 343-5881.

Oct, 2020
Digital Pioneers
A decades-deep computer art collection Read More
Aug, 2020
Safe Space
Astronaut Jessica Meir ’99 on being at zero gravity and zero risk of COVID-19 Read More
Aug, 2020
Brown alums on this year’s nationwide demands for racial justice & the urgent need for lasting change Read More
Aug, 2020
Walking the Labyrinth
For Heidi Kim ’87, combating racism is a lifelong practice deeply rooted in her Christian faith Read More
Aug, 2020

Alex Weiner’s daughter, Livia Joan Weiner, has been accepted to Brown as a member of the Class of 2024. She is a member of the graduating class of 2020 from Croton-Harmon High School in Croton-on-Hudson, New York.

Aug, 2020

Lisa Sosa Solomon writes: “I’m a hospice social worker living in Staten Island.  I work, make dinner, and take walks. It’s a lovely simple life.”

Aug, 2020

Gary Schwartz writes: “Many of us are home all day trying to stay on top of what is going on with the COVID-19 pandemic. The main person that CBS goes to for economic and financial perspective is Jill Schlesinger. She’s been in this role with CBS for a while now but is getting a lot more airtime because of what is going on. She gives a really nice perspective on the economics behind it all.”

Aug, 2020
Ready to Pivot
Leading R.I.’s fight against COVID-19 Read More
Jun, 2020

Benjamin Filene has been appointed the new Associate Director for Curatorial Affairs at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.

Jun, 2020

Ilana Cass has taken over as the chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center after 20 years in Los Angeles. She is joined on this New Hampshire adventure by her husband Robert “Bear” Barnes ’86 and their tenth grader, Leo. The move brings the family much closer to daughter Roxanne ’21, at Brown, as well as middle daughter Leila, who thought, incorrectly, that enrolling at Vassar would get her far away from her parents. Ilana writes: “We’re very new in town and would love to hear from ’86 or ’87 classmates.” Contact Ilana at

Jun, 2020
Share the Wealth
A new business accelerator aims to help co-ops succeed Read More
Jun, 2020
College Prep
A new school serves high-achieving juniors and seniors in Zimbabwe Read More
Apr, 2020
Mentoring Matters
A little personal attention got Carlos Lejnieks ’00 to Brown, then Goldman Sachs. He’s paying it forward. Read More
Jan, 2020

“I’m at the Big House! After dropping my oldest daughter Sara off in Nashville to launch her music career, I headed to Ann Arbor to visit my other daughters, Liv ’21 and Mary ’23, at the University of Michigan.”

Jan, 2020
Brown has spent 50 years ahead of the curve in higher education. What innovations will mark the next 50? Read More
Jan, 2020
Open Minds
For 50 years, Brown’s Open Curriculum has produced innovative leaders. What’s the next Big Idea? Read More
Jan, 2020
The Brotherhood/Sister Sol hits 25 Read More
Nov, 2019

John Tiedemann writes: “After a painful breakup in 2014, I decided it was time for some major changes, so after 18 years I sold my Greenwich Village nightclub and started work for The Ali Forney Center as a residential youth counselor at a group home for homeless LGBTQ youth. Fast forward to May 2018 and I graduated from Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College with a master’s in social work. Upon graduation, I have continued working weekends at Ali Forney while also working part-time as a mental health and substance abuse counselor at New Alternatives for LGBT Homeless Youth.


Nov, 2019

Benjamin Filene edited Tobe: A Critical Edition: New Views on a Children’s Classic, which was published by UNC Press in October.


Nov, 2019
Fast Food Nation
Meet Greg Flynn ’86, king of chain restaurants Read More
Sep, 2019

Dylan Morrissey works with The Civics Center, which was founded last fall by Laura Brill ’87, who is a lawyer in Los Angeles and former clerk to Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Dylan writes: “After graduating, I became the nonprofit’s first employee and have been building it from the ground up under the direction of Ms. Brill. We met through Brown alumni networking channels and have had a great relationship starting this nonprofit. I wanted to share my op-ed that was published in the Sacramento Bee ( A letter to the editor written by Laura was also published in the New York Times last fall.”


Sep, 2019

Christopher Jarvinen was awarded a Fulbright grant and served as the inaugural senior specialist at the Bankruptcy Law and Restruturing Research Center of the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing, China.


Sep, 2019

Russell Pierce claims to be the only member of the Class of 1953 to march in the 251st Commencement procession. “I was especially proud that our family now has three generations of Brown graduates, including my wife Anne Guerry Pierce ’58, our daughter Betsy Pierce Dallapé ’86, and son Russell B. Pierce Jr. ’87 and his wife Lisa Strauss Pierce ’87, and their son Ethan G. Pierce ’19. Two other grandsons, Charles Dallapé ’22 and James Dallapé ’23, round out our family list. I ponder whether our family will end up with more Brown degrees than the original Brown family!”


Jul, 2019

Laura Thompson writes: “I joined a group of Bay Area social justice and healthcare leaders on a pilgrimage to Alabama to learn more about the racial disparities in economic opportunity and healthcare there. I was astounded to learn that two of our wonderful hosts, Tamera Coyne-Beasley ’87 and Morissa Ladinsky ’85, were both proud Brown alumnae! Three members of Brown’s Office of the Chaplains and Religious Life, Jeremy Ogunba, Ulli K Ryder, and Rabbi Michelle Dardashti, were also meaningful members of our group. I continue to be amazed by the powerful work being done by Brown staff and alumni across the globe.”


Laura Thompson ’09
May, 2019
Dystopia Calling
Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, as retold on Hulu by Bruce Miller ’87, is having a moment. Read More
May, 2019

Matthew Frye Jacobson ’87 AM, ’92 PhD published The Historian’s Eye: Photography, History, and the American Present in May with University of North Carolina Press.

May, 2019

Ariana Cannavo and Jack Murphy ’11 were married July 28 in Providence. In attendance were: Libby Boghossian ’09, Marc Bergschneider ’73, Mark Dee ’11, Daniel Deisley ’11, Casie Horgan ’11, Misha Joukowsky ’87, Allan Just ’05, Lawrence Livornese ’11, Lindsay McAlpine ’09, Luke McGee ’01, Portia Johnson McGee ’01, Phoebe Manzella Murphy ’82, Victoria Nguyen, Serin Seckin ’11, Catherine Starr ’05, and Deborah Dryer Vo ’06. Professor Barrett Hazeltine was also at the wedding.

Ariana Cannavo ’08 and Jack Murphy ’11 wedding photo
May, 2019

Rebecca Hardin and her husband, Arun Agrawal, are working at the University of Michigan building next-generation tools for teaching and research in the field of sustainability science. Learn more at

May, 2019

Lee Jamieson Englert writes that in keeping with Brown’s ongoing commitment to support first-generation students, Tom and Kate Egan Gilbane ’97 hosted an event in Boston in conjunction with The Steppingstone Foundation, a college access nonprofit supporting underserved students in the Boston area. Assistant Dean of the College for International Students and Associate Director of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program at Brown, Dr. Asabe Poloma, was the guest speaker.

Mar, 2019
Continental Scale
Beth Conover ’87 heads up a new policy center with far-reaching conservation goals Read More
Mar, 2019

Charlotte Morgan writes: “Last year my husband Dave and I welcomed our second son, Dashiell Dean, who is now 19 months old, running, climbing, and jabbering in a weird mix of baby talk and Spanish. Brother Finn alternates between being annoyed and wanting to play with him. Our robotics and global recruiting business is doing well as both industries continue to grow. I would love to be in touch with ’86 or ’87 classmates.”

Mar, 2019

Linda Liau-Bergsneider was elected to the National Academy of Medicine on Oct. 15.

Mar, 2019

Kaia Miller Goldstein and Jono are still living in Back Bay, Boston, with their two daughters. Kaia writes: “I have somehow managed to hang on to my international economic development career while raising our  now teenage daughters. A favorite client country has been Rwanda, where I have been involved for almost 20 years. I love to see old friends from Brown. Visit Rwanda, it’s an amazing little country.”


Jan, 2019

Gordon M. Sayre teaching at the University of Oregon, where Brook Muller ’87 and Phil Scher ’87 are also on the faculty. Gordon’s son Joshua is a sophomore at Cornell Univ. and his daughter, Hannah is a junior at South Eugene High School.


Jan, 2019

Benjamin Filene writes: “Having spent the last dozen years teaching history/museum studies at UNC Greensboro, I’ve taken a position as chief curator at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh. I’m excited to be working in a museum again. Meanwhile, our nest has emptied, with one daughter a sophomore at Lawrence University in Appleton—hanging out with Dave Kuplic’s family—and the other having graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill and moved to Denver, where she’s been warmly welcomed by Judy Altenberg’s family. From January-May 2019, my wife and I will be headed to Finland on Fulbright fellowships. I’ll be in Helsinki working with the City Museum and would love to connect with any Brunonians coming that way.”


Nov, 2018
Wrap It Up
Our 12th annual holiday gift guide. Read More
Sep, 2018

Mark Rogers, Dominique Shelton ’88, and Michael Zuraw ’84 gathered for a photo during a conference on compliance and ethics, privacy, risk management, and corporate social responsibility in Velké Karlovice, Czech Republic, in April. Michael Zuraw directs the global enterprise risk management function for ON Semiconductor, Mark Rogers is a senior vice president at ON Semiconductor in the law department, and Dominique Shelton is a partner at Perkins Coie LLP, advising clients on privacy and cybersecurity.


Sep, 2018
Rights, Now
Former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards ’80 says there’s never been a better time to fight for change. Read More
Sep, 2018
Roots and Rites
Conceptual choreographer Edisa Weeks ’87 Read More
Jul, 2018
Reunion Skeptic No More
Brown culture transcends class year. On coming home Read More
May, 2018
Peering Inside the Body
A new device could revolutionize medical imaging. Read More
Apr, 2018

Jeff Toussaint is the dean of students at Thayer Academy Middle School in Braintree, Mass., where Daveed Diggs ’04 addressed the students after a screening of Wonder.

Apr, 2018

Matthew Riven was appointed deputy commissioner of finance and management by Vermont Gov. Phil Scott in August.

Apr, 2018
What Do You Think?
Readers comment on animal rights, diversity at Brown, and athletic achievements. Read More
Jan, 2018

Todd Weir won the 2016 Jacques Barzun Prize for Cultural History for his book Secularism and Religion in Nineteenth-Century Germany: The Rise of the Fourth Confession, published by Cambridge University Press. This prestigious prize is awarded annually by the American Philosophical Society, the oldest scholarly society in the United States, founded in 1743 by Benjamin Franklin. Weir, who is a professor of religious history at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, will travel to Philadelphia to receive the prize in April.

Jan, 2018

Judy Goldfarb of Newton, M ass., a realtor with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage’s Boston office, has been recognized with the International President’s Elite award. The honor is awarded to the top 2 percent of approximately 87,000 sales associates worldwide.

Jan, 2018

Glenn Bower writes: “ My wife, Suzanne Griffiths Bower ’53, was suffering from Alzheimer’s and confined to a nursing home, so we could not attend the reunion. My daughters Pamela L. Bower-Basso ’77 and Priscilla S. Smyth ’87 were there. Pam has a daughter in the class of 2018. Our other two daughters, Elizabeth A. Hudgins ’79 and Emily Bower ’ 83, also were not able to be there, but Sue’s brother, Andrew Griffiths ’62, did attend. Sue’s father was in the class of 1927, so we have a lot of Brown connections. I was an Alpha Delt. I believe our survivors are down to three, Ralph Crosby, Norm Steere, and me.”

From the November/December 2017 Issue

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Roberto Donati writes: “At age 52, I became a professional athlete. For a few years I kept hearing about pickleball, a new sport that’s a hybrid of tennis, paddle tennis, and ping-pong. But the silly name kept me away, until I tried it. It’s tremendously fun and a great workout. After winning a few tournaments, I was invited to join the Professional Pickleball Federation, and I have won more than 16 medals and trophies around the country, including Nationals and the U.S. Open. If you don’t know what the sport is, you will soon. There are over three million registered players in the United States and courts absolutely everywhere. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in learning more about the game.”

Ernest Green Jr. writes: “On May 10, 2017, I was appointed by Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy to be one of 13 new Superior Court judges. I graduated from the UConn School of Law in 2002 and clerked for one year with the Hon. Christine S. Vertefeuille, associate justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court, before joining the Connecticut Division of Public Defender Services in September 2003. I worked as an assistant public defender in Danielson, Connecticut, and was promoted to senior assistant public defender in June 2014. I was confirmed by the General Assembly on May 30 and assigned to the Criminal and Motor Vehicle Court in New London, Connecticut, where I have been presiding since June 26. Although I was a little preoccupied by being in the middle of the process, I did make it to Alumni Field Day during our 30th reunion weekend. It was great to see and catch up with old friends from Brown. I live in Norwich, Connecticut, with my husband, John Benbow; two cats, Beaker and Bunsen; and our two rescue Labs, Sadie and Bear.”

From the September/October 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at

Class president Pam Gerrol reports: “By now the mud has been cleaned off our boots and the ’80s tunes are no longer running through our heads, but our memories of reunion weekend will remain with us. What a great weekend of laughs, hugs, dances, and chats with old friends, acquaintances, familiar faces, and some unfamiliar ones. We had a great turnout of more than 300 classmates and a weekend full of fun snapping photos, sharing meals, listening to talks, singing to Dave Binder, collecting our limited edition band buttons, updating our Brown wardrobes, and of course marching in the Commencement procession. A definite highlight was watching several classmates hug their graduating children as they walked down the hill on Sunday. With great weather, bright smiles, and lots of enthusiasm, we passed through the Van Wickle gates together yet again . . . , and we get to do it all over again in 2022. Remember to put May 27–29, 2022, on your calendars for the 35th reunion. Check out and post photos from the weekend and years past on our photo-sharing site: . ” 

From the July/August 2017 Issue

Send your news to  the BAM at

Sam Borodach (see Ardell Kabalkin Borodach ’57).

Tamara Coyne-Beasley was elected president of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, which is committed to improving the physical and psychosocial health and well-being of adolescents and young adults through advocacy, clinical care, health promotion, professional development, and research. 

Jim Governale writes: “My-Tien Vo has written a book for entrepreneurs, The Founder’s Manifest. Dean Barrett Hazeltine wrote the foreword and Sarah Baldwin edited. Greg Baldwin ’90 and Jim Sutton ’64 read drafts and provided valuable insights. The book is available at Amazon and at . C

From the May/June 2017 Issue

Send your news to the BAM at

Jonathan Brandt writes: “I walked in through the Van Wickle gates this March, two months shy of the 30th anniversary of my first having marched out through them, as a member of the inaugural cohort of Brown’s Executive Master’s program for Science and Technology Leadership. My undergraduate concentration was in theater arts. I think my classmates and friends will agree that lifelong learning is, indeed, lifelong.”

Pamela Gerrol writes: “Greetings from reunion headquarters. Hoping to see you on campus May 26–28 for our big 30th reunion. Look for our tables at Campus Dance; join us at Field Day on Saturday; line up with us for the commencement procession Sunday morning at 9:30, and check the website for registration details and links to other events and info: . Also visit our class Facebook page at: and use hashtags #Brown87 and #BrownReunion on Twitter for information and news.”

Ellen Zieselman (see Jerry Zieselman ’57).

From the March/April 2017 Issue

Class president Pam Gerrol reports: “We’re only two months away from returning to College Hill for our 30th reunion, May 26–28. Look for information in your e-mail in mid-March regarding registration and dorm housing. Please also check our class Facebook page at  (while you’re there, why not post a few fun photos you have from our college years or past reunions?). We are also updating our class website: . If you haven’t heard from Brown by late March, please contact Alumni Relations at  or our class leaders at Looking forward to seeing you in May.”

Christopher A. Jarvinen was named one of 30 new Fellows in the 28th class of the American College of Bankruptcy. Christopher is a corporate restructuring partner with Berger Singerman LLP in Miami.

From the January/February 2017 Issue

Pam Gerrol reports: “Planning for our 30th reunion is under way, and we are looking forward to seeing you on campus May 26–28. Info on dorm housing will be sent in the spring, but if you are planning to stay in a hotel, now is the time to reserve. Please be sure your contact info in the Brown Alumni directory is up-to-date (, and be sure to check the “Undergraduate Class News” option under e-news preferences (left sidebar on Profile summary page) so you’ll receive class communications. If you want to contact old friends and unit mates to see if they’re coming, the directory is a great resource. You may need to update your login information if you haven’t done so recently. Most information will also be posted to our Facebook group’s page: groups/4988644073/ . Please contact us at  if you’d like to host a pre-reunion event in your city, to join our committee, or to ask anything. Hope to see you in May!”

From the November/December 2016 Issue

Class leaders report: “Planning for our 30th reunion is underway, and we are looking forward to seeing you Memorial Day weekend. Please plan to join us on campus May 26–28, 2017. Please be sure your contact info in the Brown Alumni directory is up-to-date ( ) and you’ve chosen to receive class e-mails so you’ll receive class communications. You may need to update your log-in information if you haven’t done so since the Brown website conversion. Most information will also be posted to our Facebook group’s page: . Please contact us at  to volunteer or if you have any suggestions/comments/questions or if you’d like to host a pre-reunion event in your city. Hope to see you in May.”

Heidi Wood has been appointed L-3 Communications’ vice president and chief analytics officer. She worked for 20 years on Wall Street as global head of equities in Aerospace/Defense and was ranked tops in her field. She then joined Spirit AeroSystems as head of Strategy, M&A, and IR before joining L-3.

From the September/October 2016 Issue

George W. Born earned his PhD in American and New England Studies from Boston Univ. in May. He wrote his dissertation on the designation of local historic districts in Boston from the 1950s to the 1980s. He teaches at Bridgewater State Univ. and serves as the preservation officer of the New England chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians.

From the May/June 2016 Issue

Asli Giray Akyunak became the first Turkish member of the International Alliance for Women in Music (IAWM). Her article “Weaving a Creative Life Between East and West: From Stage to Classroom, From Writing Desk to Recording Studio” recounts the situation of women musicians based on her personal experiences in Cyprus, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and was published in IAWM Journal (Vol. 21, No. 2).

Ilene Goldman writes: “As a member of the Children’s Service Board, I was honored to cochair the 59th and 60th Gold Coast Fashion Award Shows benefitting the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. The most recent show raised a record $1.1 million for the hospital. Women’s Wear Daily covered the event.”

Joseph Jacobson was formally inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in May. He is among 16 monumental individuals whose innovations have not only changed the way we live today but also set the standard for American ingenuity. Jacobson will be recognized for his invention of Electronic Ink, alongside his colleagues and fellow inventors Jonathan J.D. Albert and Barrett Comiskey.

Holly Peterson’s cookbook and outdoor entertaining book, Smoke and Fire: Recipes and Menus for Entertaining Outdoors, is being released May 24 from Assouline. She writes: “It’s filled with menus from well-known chefs and creative ideas for casual outdoor affairs.”

John Tiedemann writes: “After 18 years as owner/operator of Bar 13, a popular nightclub in New York City’s Greenwich Village, I decided it was time for a change. I sold the club in January 2015 and spent the rest of the year volunteering as a peer counselor at NYC’s LGBTQ Center and in a variety of positions at New Alternatives for LGBT Homeless Youth.” John now works full-time as a youth counselor for the Ali Forney Center’s Sunset Park, Brooklyn, shelter for LGBTQ homeless teens, and is working towards his master’s degree at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College. “I’m eager to hear from any Brunonians in social work who might have advice or words of encouragement to share as I begin this exciting new chapter of my life.”

From the March/April 2016 Issue

Cori Lopez-Castro writes: “I feel very old to have dropped off a child at Brown. Maria Hornbacher ’19, my oldest daughter, started in September and is thrilled. I saw some other members of the class of ’87 doing the same thing. The campus looks better than ever.”

Lisa Donohue writes: “Enjoying my sixth year as CEO of Starcom USA and newly appointed president of Milton (Mass.) Academy’s board of trustees.  I enjoy seeing Chris Denniston, Jen Ogden, and Eileen Cates Stone.

Rich Russey, a four-time All-East selection at Brown, was inducted into the Collegiate Water Polo Assoc. Hall of Fame during the 2015 CWPA Championship on Nov. 20–22 at MIT. 

From the January/February 2016 Issue

Michael Chorost writes: “I’m working on my third book (on linguistics and cognitive science), planned to come out in 2017. I’m living in Washington, D.C., with my wife, and am enjoying being the photographer of her style blog on how female lawyers can dress stylishly for court and office. Check it out at .”

Sarah Cleveland lives with her family in New York and teaches international law and human rights at Columbia Law School. In 2014, she was elected U.S. member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, which takes her to Geneva, Switzerland, for three months each year.

Alik Farber was promoted to professor of surgery and radiation at the Boston Univ. School of Medicine. He is also chief of the division of vascular and endovascular surgery at the Boston Medical Center.

Amy Ramos writes: “In September, my husband, Tom (Cornell ’91 PhD), and I attended the 50th birthday celebration of Stefan Oppers in Amsterdam, which involved a whole weekend of festivities, including a cruise through the city’s iconic canals, dinner at an elegant old hotel, and a waterfront brunch for the international guests. Stefan attended Brown only for the 1983–84 academic year, but we were inseparable that year. It was wonderful to celebrate his milestone with his family and friends.”

Stephanie Robinson ’88 AM writes: “In January, I’ll begin working in Mexico City for a year. I hope to take full advantage of escaping Washington, D.C., and with any luck I may revive my travel blog  and learn a little about the Mexican film world. Would love to hear from Brown alums who live (or have lived) in Mexico and friends who are visiting. Keep in touch!”

From the November/December 2015 Issue

Anne Morgan Spalter was one of 25 artists chosen for the 2015 Lumen Prize Global Exhibition (dubbed “the world’s pre-eminent digital art prize” by the Guardian Culture Blog). Anne writes: “The 2015–16 global tour will kick off in Shanghai, China; move to New York City; then London, England; and finish at Wales’s iconic Caerphilly Castle in March 2016. I am also in the running for the final prizes and will give a presentation at the Gala Event in London.”

Charles Weiland writes: “2014 was a tough year with the passing of my mother, Alice Phillips Weiland ’55, on Mother’s Day, followed by losing our puppy to cancer. 2015 is moving in the right direction with a new job as program manager at Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART). Happy 50th birthday to all my classmates!”

From the September/October 2015 Issue

Joseph Copeland writes: “I am on a long-anticipated sabbatical year, which encompasses a stint in West Africa for Doctors Without Borders, as well as recurring work in the Canadian Arctic. I’ve also planned time with friends from Brown and visits to Vancouver, Canada, when I return in the fall.”

From the May/June 2015 Issue

Lise Pontbriand Hasegawa writes that her oldest son, Brian Hasegawa ’18, walked onto the crew team and has been running the Providence hills and getting blisters. They welcomed a frosh rower from New Zealand to enjoy their American Thanksgiving. Lise writes: “Fun to compare and contrast our Brown experiences.”

From the March/April 2015 Issue

Jaime Kline writes: “I spent six months in Paris with my two children: Maggie, 14, and Ethan, 11. They attended the Paris Public School, and I worked on my French. It was a great experience for everyone.”

From the November/December 2014 Issue

Asli Giray Akyunak married Ilhan, a choral conductor and vocal coach, on June 29, 2013. She moved to Izmir, Turkey, and is now working as senior instructor in the music department at Yasar Univ. She is pursuing her second doctorate, this time in music (her first was in communication and media studies). She writes: “Everyone is welcome to visit!”

Brad Deutsch, after more than 10 years of service at the Federal Election Commission, has joined the law firm of Garvey Schubert Barer in its D.C. office, where his practice will focus on public policy, lobbying, and political law, as well as on communications, media, and information technology.

Ed Sweet was ghostwriter of A Dance to Freedom by Sylvie Shene, a topless dancer who turned her life around by reading the works of Alice Miller. The memoir/self-help book discusses the powerful impact of childhood traumas and how to overcome them.

From the September/October 2014 Issue

Matthew Cohen (see Stafford I. Cohen ’56).

Roberto Donati, Victor Pisante, and Jose de Castro ’89 surprised Carlo Sant’Albano in London for his 50th birthday. Roberto writes: “Although some time was spent catching up, most of our conversations were about our ‘Amadeus’ parties at our Euro-house on Euclid…. Ah, the good ole days.”

From the July/August 2014 Issue

Cori Lopez-Castro has been practicing law in Miami at Kozyak, Tropin, and Throckmorton for 24 years and counting. She has three daughters—Maria, Lucy, and Ava—and has been married to Brad Hornbacher for 20 years. 

From the May/June 2014 Issue

Chuck Adler ’89 ScM, ’92 PhD, writes: “My first book, Wizards, Aliens, and Starships: Physics and Math in Fantasy and Science Fiction, is now in print from Princeton Univ. Since graduation, I have become a professor of physics. I am department chair at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. In other news, I have been married to Karen Lehr ’89 AM for 17 years and am the proud father of two children, Alex and Casey.”

J.H. Lawrence moved to southern California this year.

Valerie Tutson ’90 AM writes: “A conversation with Professor J.O. Barnhill after our 25th reunion led me to a sabbatical year. What a rejuvenating, restorative time it was! I stayed home, caught up with family and friends over lunches and long teas, and then traveled for three months. I took the train across the United States, spent a month in Bali and another three weeks in South Africa. I am looking forward to seeing how life unfolds in 2014 now that I have returned to Rhode Island. Contact me if you are in Providence!” 


From the March/April 2014 Issue

Carolyn Coughlin and her family returned from a year in New Zealand, where she was helping build Cultivating Leadership with her Kiwi and U.S. partners. Carolyn is now running its U.S. office in New Jersey. She regularly sees Lynn George Josephs, Kristen Simmons Murray, Colleen McGuire Reed, Rebecca Parker Sorensen, and Susan Myers Woods. Carolyn would love to hear from other classmates.

David Doyle writes: “Our tapas restaurant/book and record store, Tres Gatos, made Boston Magazine’s Top 50 Restaurant list for the second year in a row. We turned three in February.”

Wesley Jones (see Nancy Dawn Zarker Jones ’56).

From the January/February 2014 Issue

Christopher Wood (see Bob Wood ’58). 


From the November/December 2013 Issue

Johnny Manzon-Santos (see p. 53, Births & Adoptions, Luna Han ’97).

Irine Margolin Schweitzer received a PsyD in marriage and family therapy and is still working on her PsyD in psychoanalysis, which will take a few more years. Visit her website . She and her husband, Victor Schweitzer ’88, write that they are proud to have their oldest, Aaron, begin Penn in the fall; daughter Hasya is starting high school.


From the September/October 2013 Issue

Russell Sternlicht is back in the United States after more than five years in Paris. He has three children and is beginning the college search. He would love to hear from old friends and Brunonians in the Boston area.

From the January/February 2013 Issue

David Newfeld writes: “I am enjoying life in north Texas with my wife, Megumi, and two sons, Noah, 10, and Kai, 8. Noah is on the WOGA gymnastics team (home of Nastia Liukin and Carly Patterson). Kai and I are working towards our black belts in kung fu. Megumi makes it all run smoothly and keeps our kids bilingual!”


From the November/December 2012 Issue

William Doonan announces the publication of his archaeological mystery, American Caliphate (Oak Tree Press). Based on excavations he worked on in northern Peru, the novel takes on the question of Moors in colonial Peru and the impact they could have on the Islamic world. William writes: “Twenty-five years after studying the spy novel at Brown, I’ve finally written my own spy novel.” His book is available through Amazon and, he writes, “in some of the larger archaeological-mystery bookstores near you.”

From the September/October 2012 Issue

Class president Ralph Wolf writes: “Thank you for making our 25th reunion so special. I was deeply moved many times during reunion weekend by the warmth and generosity of our class. My term as class president is over, and I want to share how much the past five years have meant to me. I was able to attend class alumni events in Miami; Washington, D.C.; Los Angeles; San Francisco; Seattle; Colorado; New York City; and, of course, Providence. Attendance ranged from more than 400 alumni at our 25th reunion in Providence to just me at a restaurant on a mountaintop in Vail. I am grateful for the old friends I was able to see and the new friends I made. I am always impressed by our individual accomplishments and how much we give back to our respective communities. Three of our classmates presented  to President Simmons a check for almost $98 million on behalf of our class and the University community and got hugs from Ruth, whom we will all miss. On a personal note, these past five years brought my wife, Hannah, and baby Ruby into my life, both tremendous assets to our class network. Reunion was great. Highlights for me were dining at a restaurant with friends where I once washed dishes, and leading the class through the Van Wickle Gates in top hat and tails carrying a baton and cheering. I know the yoga class, storytelling, and just hanging out in the class lounge were highlights for many, too. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be the class president for the past five years. It has been a privilege.”

Roberto Donati’s feature documentary Gringos at the Gate had its world premiere on June 27 at the Kicking and Screening Film Festival in New York City. The film explores the unique soccer rivalry between Mexico and the United States, its implications and the consequences of an improved U.S. squad. More info at

Leslie Hale (see Roger Hale ’56).

Michael Spalter was elected chairman of the RISD’s board of trustees. He has been a member of the Museum Board of Governors since 2008. He and his wife, Anne Morgan Spalter, have created one of the world’s largest digital art collections, lending to venues such as London’s Victoria and Albert Museum and New York City’s Museum of Modern Art.

From the May/June 2012 Issue

Class officer Pam Gerrol writes: “The countdown continues to our upcoming 25th reunion, May 25–27. Can’t wait to see you! While online registration has closed, we’ll be accepting walk-in registrations for those events that have not reached capacity. Please come Friday or Saturday to the registration tent on Wriston Quad. For more information see our class website at or check out the Brown Class of 1987 Facebook group. We’ll be posting links to popular restaurants you might want to check out before attending our fabulous dessert and dance party on Saturday, May 26. Look for our 25th reunion tables at Campus Dance on Friday night and our 25th reunion tent at field day on Saturday afternoon, and be sure to join us for the march down College Hill on Sunday morning too!”

Reunion gift cochairs Todd Fisher, Holly Peterson, and Matt Sirovich report: “The class of 1987 is exceeding all expectations with its collective gift to the Brown Annual Fund in honor of our 25th. Between now and reunion weekend, a small group of generous classmates will be matching all new annual fund gifts of $1,000 or more, up to $250,000 total. To make your gift (with twice the impact!), visit or contact our staff liaison, Rachel Spaulding ’00. Help us surpass our ambitious $2 million goal and announce the most generous gift possible to President Simmons during Reunion Weekend.”

James Bernard writes: “I’m really sad that I won’t be at our reunion—such a milestone for all of us. Jefferson, 11, 
started travel baseball, and I’m learning we aren’t expected to have a life. Margarita and I still live in Park Slope, Brooklyn, with Hayden, 8, and Myla, 4. Have a blast. Send pics.”

Elizabeth Conover has accepted a new position with the Denver-based Gates Family Foundation as a senior program officer.

From the March/April 2012 Issue

Michael Benfante (see Joe Hollander ’81).

From the November/December 2011 Issue

Vice president Pam Gerrol reports: "The countdown to our 25th reunion, to be held May 25–27, 2012, has begun. It's not too early to start planning your travel. We'll be sending most info via e-mail, including hotel information, so please make sure we have your current e-mail address and that you've checked the box to receive undergraduate class news. Log in at to edit your personal profile. Once there, find the checkbox by clicking 'eNews preferences' on the left. Please contact Alumni Relations at (401) 863-9662 with any login problems or questions. Our reunion chair, Trinita Brown, and I would love to hear from you if you'd like to be involved with any aspect of reunion planning. Please also contact one of us if you'd like to host a mini-reunion in your area during the year. See you in May!"

Meredith Brown (see John Brown '58).

Jill Hamburg Coplan will be lecturing as a Fulbright Scholar in China for the 2011-2012 academic year, teaching journalism at Beijing Foreign Studies Univ. Her sons, who are 8 and 11, will attend the British School of Beijing, and her husband, David Coplan, an actuary, is on leave from Verisk Analytics.

From the July/August 2011 Issue

Class vice president and communications cochair Pam Gerrol reports: "The countdown to our 25th reunion has begun! Please mark your calendars for May 25–27, 2012, so you won't miss out on any of the fun. Class treasurer John McDermott has secured a block of rooms at the Renaissance Providence Downtown Hotel for Friday and Saturday nights. Reservations may be made by calling and requesting the Brown University Class of 1987 reserved block. This information, along with periodic updates, will be posted on our class website,, as well as on our Facebook page (Brown University Class of 1987). E-mail will be the primary mode of communication this time around so please check your online Alumni Directory profile at to make sure we've got your current info. The Alumni Relations office —(401) 863-3307,—can help if you're not sure how to access it online. The class of '87 holds the record for highest attendance ever at both the 15th and 20th reunions—let's keep it going for our 25th. We're building momentum by holding mini-reunions around the country this year.  Look for info soon about parties being planned in Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, New York City, and Washington, D.C."

Alexes Hazen '96 MD is living in Brooklyn, N.Y., with her husband, David; children, Spencer, 14, and Sydney, 8: and two puppies. She is going to India for a medical mission with Women for Women.

From the May/June 2011 Issue

Michael Chorost moved from San Francisco to Washington, D.C., in 2009 and in October 2010 married Victoria Nugent (Wesleyan '91, Georgetown '98 JD) in Washington, D.C. His second book, World Wide Mind: The Coming Integration of Humanity, Machines, and the Internet, was published by Free Press in February. Mike now works full-time as a science writer for magazines such as Wired and for blogs at websites for such publications as Psychology Today. Victoria is a partner in consumer law at Cohen Milstein Sellers Toll. They're planning a November trip to Italy, where he'll give talks to publicize the Italian edition of his first book, Rebuilt: How Becoming Part Computer Made Me More Human. Check out his website at

John Delhagen '92 MD (see Larry Delhagen '58).

William Doonan published a new mystery novel, Mediterranean Grave. He writes: "Mediterranean Grave explores crime on the high seas and establishes a valiant and original protagonist. Henry Grave is an investigator for the Association of Cruising Vessel Operators. A World War II POW, Henry is as cunning as he is charming, and, at 84 years of age, he fits right in with his fellow passengers."

Stephanie Robinson writes: "Several members of the classes of '86 and '87 are planning an all-class a cappella singers reunion to be held during the 25th reunion of the class of '86, May 27–29. Anyone who sang in an a cappella group at Brown is welcome to join, and of course we hope the Brown community will come out to enjoy! Contact me on Facebook to be added to the Facebook planning group or to get information.

Also, please look at my travel blog for African-Americans abroad: AA Abroad,, featured in the April edition of More magazine. Many thanks to my contributor, Evan Russell '06.


From the March/April 2011 Issue

Class president Ralph Wolf reports: "Please send class notes to the BAM and join our class Facebook page so that we can keep in touch ... especially as our reunion approaches. Our class currently holds the record for attendance at a 20th reunion and we want to break the 25th-reunion record, too. The 25th-reunion record currently stands at 401. We are approaching 300 Facebook members on the Brown University class of 1987 page.

"Recently, I spent time with James Bernard, Robert Mandelbaum, Mark Peters, Alexandra Edwards, and Pam Gerrol in New York City and Providence. Additionally, I ran into Megan Golden at a terrific Boldly Brown event at the Javits Center, where it was exciting to hear President Ruth Simmons speak of exceeding the five-year, $1.4 billion campaign goal.

"On a personal note, I popped the question and am getting married in the spring. That miraculous event happened somewhere on the West Coast between fun gatherings with Suzy Saferstein, Lisa Kors, and Eric Rosen in Los Angeles, and My-Tien Vo, Sarah Smith Bernard, and Charles Weiland in San Francisco."

Ilene Goldman has headed back east after 21 years in Chicago. She writes: "We've settled in Brookline, Mass., for my husband's job. Our daughter, Charlotte, will be attending the International School of Boston. I'm looking forward to being back in touch with local Brunonians."

Matt Riven was hired as the director of budget and management for the state of Vermont in October. He lives in Waitsfield, Vt., with his wife, Courtenay, and daughters Chloe, 11, and Isabelle, 9.

Stephanie Robinson '88 AM lives in northern Va. and works at the U.S. Department of State. She bumped into Sarah Grolnic-McClurg '86 at the wedding of Charlotte Erwin '87 in North Carolina. Stephanie writes: "Please keep an eye out for coverage of my travel site, AA Abroad: the indispensable travel guide for African Americans abroad (, in the February edition of MORE magazine. Evan Russell '06, currently an MD/PhD candidate at Hopkins, has been an invaluable contributor. Anyone interested in contributing, sponsoring, or partnering with AA Abroad, write her at"

From the January/February 2011 Issue

Class reunion chair Trinita Brown writes: "We encourage classmates to host mini-reunions in their area as we gear up for our 25th in 2012. Be sure to take pictures of your alumni events and post them on our Brown Class of 1987 Facebook page.

She also reports that Pam Gerrol, former class president and current vice president, was selected by the Brown Alumni Association to receive the Alumni Service Award at this year's Alumni Fall Weekend awards ceremony on Sept. 25. Pam, the Class of 1987 appreciates your service to Brown and thanks you for your tireless efforts on behalf of our class.

Class president Ralph Wolf met with classmates in Los Angeles and San Francisco on a recent visit to Calif. He hopes to return for mini-reunions being planned in both cities."

Elizabeth H. Conover writes that she is happily living in her home region and has edited a book of 40 essays from leading journalists and policymakers, How the West Was Warmed, about responses to climate change in the Rocky Mountain West. Find further information at Her consulting practice focuses on strategy, policy, and program development for sustainability.

John Delhagen '92 MD (see Larry Delhagen '58).

Roberto Donati writes: "This year my ranking shot up to top 10 in U.S. paddle tennis. This summer I got to the semifinals of the U.S. Open in Venice, Calif., in singles and to the semifinals of the Nationals in St. Augustine, Fla., in doubles. Not bad for a 45-year-old!"

Katherine Oxnard Ellis (see Engagements & Weddings).

Ed Hu (see Engagements & Weddings, Yvette Wild '99).

From the May/June 2010 Issue

Karl Jacoby (see Jean Braucher '72).

Mark Rogers has been named a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. He writes: "I am very happy about (and a bit surprised at and humbled by) the recognition." He currently serves as associate general counsel, assistant secretary, and global compliance officer of Insight Enterprises Inc., a Fortune 500 provider of hardware, software, and IT services to businesses around the world. Last year he met with Bill Shutkin after giving a speech in Phoenix on sustainable development issues.

From the January/February 2010 Issue

Kim Birkenfeld writes: "While advocating in the New Zealand legal system from 2004 to 2009, I learned the judges in New Zealand are not required to give reasons for judgments. This is in violation of 4.2 M New Zealanders' Right to a Fair Hearing under Art. 14 of the 1CCPR. See more at"

Sam Borodach (see Gerold Borodach '55).

Brian Delaney (see George Delaney '57).

Gyneth Sick edits Aspenia, Italy's highly regarded journal on international relations. She has been living in Rome for more than 20 years with her husband, James, and her children, Gordon, 12 and Saskia, 9.

Andrew Young (see Phyllis Baldwin Young '45).

From the November/December 2009 Issue

Meredith Brown (see John Brown '58).

William Doonan, a professor of anthro-pology at Sacramento City College, announces the publication of his first mystery novel, Grave Passage. The novel follows the exploits of a maritime detective who solves crimes on cruise ships. Visit

Thomas Pickard (see Mary Bailey Pickard '57).

From the September/October 2009 Issue

Connect with us at the Brown University Class of 1987 Facebook page.

Steven Lewis (see David Lewis '57).

Sarah Poston moved with her family to Tulsa, Okla., this summer. She writes: "For my husband this will be going home; for me, it will be a break after almost 11 years of private law practice, a chance to look for the next professional adventure, and more time to spend with my sons, Mac and Nate."

From the July/August 2009 Issue

William Ankenbrandt '90 MD writes: "Bill Cartwright and I celebrated 23 years together with a beach bonfire."

From the May/June 2009 Issue

Amy Chang Lee and her family have been living in Beijing for a little over a year while she serves as the resident legal adviser to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. A few months ago she spoke to the Brown Club of China about her work on rule of law in China.

Harry Smith and Elizabeth Costa moved back to Boston after a two-year early retirement in Oaxaca, Mexico. Their three girls, Liliana, 11, Elena, 10, and Isabel, 6, are happy to be back. Liz works as a school-adjustment counselor in a Somerville, Mass., K-8 school, and Harry freelances with various community organizations.

Andrew Skoler's family and friends gathered in Boston on the first anniversary of his untimely death to celebrate his life by endowing a financial aid fund in his memory. The event, hosted by Andrew's wife, Vicki, and Rob Adler, raised more than $100,000. Andrew loved Brown, and he will live on in the hearts of those who love him and the students whom his fund will support in perpetuity.

From the March/April 2009 Issue

Jon Offenkrantz (see Ron Offenkrantz '58).

My-Tien Vo (see Kevin Epstein '92).

From the January/February 2009 Issue

Sarah Baldwin-Beneich (see Joanna Grossman '03).

Jennifer Drake is an associate professor of English and director of the Woodrow Wilson Indiana Teaching Fellows program at the Univ. of Indianapolis. She and her husband, John Guichelaar, have a 6-year-old daughter named Jaye whom they adopted as an infant. Jennifer writes: "Jaye and I spent a great fall weekend in Boston with Anita Kostecki and her daughter Hannah. It's always a pleasure to travel back east."

Anne Cottrell Patin announces the May 1 birth of son Andre Thomas. Andre joins big brother Nicholas, 6. Anne is a litigation partner at Seward & Kissel in New York City. Her brother-in-law, Zachary Lazar '90, published a new book, Sway, in January. Little Brown will publish his next book, Evening's Empire, in March. Zach and Anne's sister, Sarah Cottrell Lazar '90, lives in Southampton, N.Y., where she is an ob/gyn physician.

John Tiedemann writes: "I spent six weeks on the road this past summer traveling from New York City to Idaho, driving over 6,000 miles through 23 states, seven national parks, 11 national monuments, 20 national historic landmarks, and more Taco Bells than I care to remember. Due to a departure delay in New York City, I missed, by just a few days, meeting my sister Cathy Tiedemann Squasoni '84 and her husband, Douglas (Boston College '82), and kids in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. I live on 15th St. near Union Square in NYC with boyfriend Charles Caselli (Columbia '05). I have owned and managed 13 for over 12 years now on the corner of 13th St. and University Place ("

From the November/December 2008 Issue

George Born returned to New England after 12 years in Key West, Fla., to become executive director of the Providence Preservation Society.

David Eligator and Margherita Soule announce the May 21, 2008, birth of Benjamin Crane Eligator, who joins big brother Adam, 3. David practices litigation at Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold in San Francisco and loves hearing from fellow Brunonians.

Amy Ramos is finishing a fellowship at the Miller-McCune Magazine, which focuses on social policy. She is also excited to be the managing editor of a start-up scholarly journal called KALFOU, which will be an interdisciplinary ethnic studies journal.

Becky Rosenfeld writes that her previous announcement of the April 13, 2008, birth of Lazlo neglected to mention that she also has an older daughter named Sarah, who is 4.

Lincoln Shlensky (see Caren Zilber '93).

Hugh Siegel (see Caren Zilber '93).

From the September/October 2008 Issue

Jennifer Drake is an associate professor of English at the Univ. of Indiana and is taking on new responsibilities as director of the university's Woodrow Wilson Indiana Teaching Fellowship program. The program is one of four in the nation designed to encourage college graduates to enter careers teaching math and science.

Maeve Donovan Duncan (see John Sunder '00).

Michael Fitzpatrick, Miriam Gonzales (see Benjamin Fitzpatrick '96).

Josue Ramirez PhD '02 writes: "I want to let all my friends know that my book, Against Machismo: Young Adult Voices in Mexico City, will be released this fall by Berghahn Books. It is an ethnography of young people in Mexico City and their changing attitudes regarding gender and relationships. It presents a more realistic picture of ordinary life in Mexico than we usually get from the media. This past summer I relocated to New York City, my hometown, to pursue research on trends in American urban culture. If you're an alum living in Brooklyn, I want to interview you."

Becky Rosenfeld and partner Efat Azizi are happy to announce the April 13 birth of Lazlo Azizi Rosenfeld. Becky writes, "Efat started her training to be an MD mid-career and is plowing away as a medical resident. I am veering off from my years as a public defender and law teacher and plan to continue in clinical teaching or public-interest advocacy (job referrals welcome!). We are ensconced in Manhattan with side trips to Vermont and Washington, D.C. We had a great visit from still-best-friend and 'goddess-mommy' Jill Esbenshade '86 who lives in San Diego with her husband, Julio, and kids Timo and Noe."

From the July/August 2008 Issue

Helen Barold writes: "I just had a baby! Rachel Simcha Barold was born on February 12, 2008. During my last month of pregnancy, I hosted the Jabberwocks and it was a huge success. Even my unborn child enjoyed it. If you are in the Washington, D.C., area, let me know."

Kimberly Birkenfeld is working on a campaign to help reduce global warming. She writes: "Act with humanity. Just say no to the new youth Olympic games. For background, see"

Lauren M. Christman is happy in Seattle with her husband, Richard, and son, Asher. She's been a massage practitioner since 1994 and teaching advanced techniques regionally since 1996. She writes: "Teaching is a great balance to my practice, which focuses on therapeutic work for adults and children. This year's projects include a professional Web site with my husband and remodeling our garage into a studio for my writing and artwork. Contact from friends is always welcome!"

Catherine Day-Carlson writes: "In January 2006, while finishing my master's in education at Bank Street College of Education in New York City, I started a Katrina relief organization. I'm loving our new life in the city! A high schooler, a middle schooler, and an elementary student keep us busy!"

Judy Goldfarb writes: "I am enjoying post-litigator life as a residential real estate broker with Coldwell Banker's Back Bay Boston office. I was recently awarded top three percent of all agents internationally and welcome more Brown alumni clients. I am fortunate to regularly see classmates Tori Stuart Guiliano (founder of Zoe Foods), Sarah Eaton Stuart (in-house counsel for Reebok), and Taylor Hare Wells (co-owner of Prana Power Yoga studios)."

Ed Hu (see Miriam Shapira '01).

Cori Lopez-Castro writes: "I am the proud mother of three daughters: Ava, 3, Lucy, 9, Maria, 10, and I've been happily married for 15 years to Brad Hornbacher. I have been practicing law for 18 years in the area of bankruptcy. I am proud to have served as president of the Cuban American Bar Association."

Rima Youakim Mullins is living in Miami with her husband, Ed, and four children: Bailey, 15; Casey; 13, Riley, 10; and Connor, 6.

Romey Pittman writes: "After a couple of master's degrees and a few years teaching history in a public school, I had two daughters, now 14 and 15, and in 1988 I founded Fairhaven School, a democratic school (like the Sudbury Valley School, in Massachusetts.). After remarrying and giving birth to my third daughter, now 4, I am tutoring and serving as contractor/partial builder of our massive renovation to our log cabin (now a state-of-the-art example of green building) and planning my next career move. I'd love to hear from old friends."

Anne-Marie Prabulos writes she had a wonderful time at the 20th reunion last May, especially spending time with her friends Jessica Lieber Smolar, Gwendolyn Coen Basinger, and Jean Lachowicz. "We are all married and mothers to boys of the same ages who enjoyed hanging out together, too! Like mothers, like sons!"

Dana Shiller writes: "I've gone over to the dark side temporarily and am finishing the third year of a four-year stint as associate dean of the faculty at Washington & Jefferson College (Pa.). When my term is up, I plan to return to civilian life as an English/gender and women's studies professor! On the home front, my husband, Tom Marshall, and I have two lovely and energetic little girls: Isabel, 6, and Sophie, 3. One of these days, my head will explode, but for now we are all thriving."

Jodie Raccio Small writes: "Michael Small and I recently spoke to Peter Murphy, brother of Brian Murphy, who as many recall died of cancer about 10 years after graduation from Brown. There is a locker dedicated to Brian at Brown, as he was an outstanding athlete as well as a scholar. His brother and several of Brian's friends from high school have started a foundation in his name to support scholar/athletes at Brian's former high school. They sponsored an event on April 4 on Long Island, but also welcome contributions at any time so that they can continue to give financial support to outstanding scholar/athletes in Brian's honor. If you are interested in lending any support, please call."

Susan McAuliffe Wiczynski writes: "Sonny, who attended our 20th reunion 'embryonically,' joined our family on December 6, 2007. Kate, 3, loves her baby brother when she isn't attempting to smother him with her bear. Can't wait till the 25th!"

From the May/June 2008 Issue

Thano Chaltas writes: "I am settled in Stamford, Conn., with my wife, Alison, and children, BJ, 8, and Katherine, 6. I am currently vice president of marketing for UST Inc. here in Stamford. I continue in the Jabberwocks tradition singing both in our church choir and with the Acoustic Daddies, an acoustic guitar, vocal duo."

Antonio Hernandez-Conte has relocated from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to Los Angeles. After 12 years of living and working in the hurricane belt, he has decided to try his luck in the earthquake zone. Dr. Hernandez Conte has joined General Anesthesia Specialists Partnership (G.A.S.P.) and is working at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. He would love to hear from alumni in the Los Angeles area.

Kaia Miller Goldstein writes: "My husband, Jon Goldstein, and I have two girls, Annika, 4, and Skylar, 2. I am still working as an advisor to developing countries on economic growth strategies. I was recently honored to be invited to the advisory council of the president of Rwanda—a country with which I've been working for several years."

Stephanie Grace (see Christine Gray '99 AM).

Karen Berkelhamer Harrison writes: "I've been with J. Walter Thompson (now called JWT) in New York City for close to 14 years and have just started recruiting for the company. All résumés welcome!"

Harry Matternas writes: "After a four-year period involving two relocations for business, we have landed in Des Moines, Iowa, and what a perfect place to land! The Matternas family—Harry, Julie, Matthew, 10, and Maggie, 6, are at home and enjoying the many offerings of Iowa and the midwest."

Richard Russey writes: "We celebrated the June 10, 2007, birth of our son, Alexander. He joins sister Avery, 3, in the Russey household."

Irine Margolin Schweitzer writes: "I recently started a PhD program in psychoanalysis and am really enjoying the process. I am also in private practice and trying to balance work with family and being a mom to two kids, ages 9 and 14. I would love to hear from old friends."

From the March/April 2008 Issue

Dan Aronson writes: "Beth Parks Aronson '85 and I welcomed Katherine Grace Aronson '29(?) into the world on November 12, 2007. Katie, whose Hebrew name is Reena Bracha, weighed 7 lbs., 9 oz. and is growing in size, beauty, and wisdom with each new day. Mom, Dad, and big brother Jacob, 14, are all doing well and loving Katie to bits. Katie's baby naming was held on the seventh night of Chanukah, our second anniversary, according to the Hebrew calendar. We look forward to introducing her to all of our Brown friends. Beth is slowly getting back into the swing of things with Who Loves Ya, Doggie? (, her thriving pet care business, and also maintains a small private psychology practice. Jacob thrives as a high school freshman. Meanwhile, I continue in my professional work as director of annual giving and special events at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and enjoy freelance rabbinic work and bar/bat mitzvah tutoring in my not-so-free time."

Whitney Crothers Dilley's second book, The Cinema of Ang Lee: The Other Side of the Screen, was published in September and has been listed as a best-seller on Amazon. Foremost Chinese film specialist Chris Berry calls it "the first major study of a director who deserves much more attention.... Essential reading for any scholar of either contemporary Chinese or American film."

Jeffrey A. Hirsch writes: "I can't believe it has been over 20 years. Who would have thought I would marry a conservative rabbi, live in Los Angeles with our three children—Emet, Eden, and Alia—and still find time to connect with friends? I'm so proud of my wife, Sherre Zwelling Hirsch (Northwestern '91), who will publish her first book, We Plan, God Laughs (Doubleday), in April. Only problem is that she reads the Brown Alumni Magazine before I can get my hands on it. "

Elizabeth Leuthner (see Leo Kobayashi '94).

Jane Root and Robert Leizman (Tufts '87) announce the May 23, 2007, birth of their twins, Jack Cooper Leizman and Sarah Ellie Leizman.

From the January / February 2008 Issue

Scott Buchanan and his wife, Kirsten, welcomed their fourth child in September 2007. Nathaniel joins Avery, Ella, and Cole.

Ben Phillips writes: “After more than ten years with Catholic Relief Services, the last four and a half in Uganda, I have switched employer and continent—taking a position as Central Asia Director of Save the Children. I’m based in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, which is quite a change, but my wife, Lorena Alvarez, and our girls, Laura, 7, and Carmen, 4, are adjusting reasonably well; the girls really like their new school. I’m still learning about my environment, but it’s a fascinating blend of Islamic, post-Soviet, and Western influences washed down with a healthy dose of vodka. I am struggling to learn a bit of Russian, and all of us are a bit nervous about the prospect of winter after the last 14 years spent living in tropical latitudes. Any alumni who happen to pass through while traveling down the old Silk Road are welcome to stop by.”

Valerie Tutson ’90 AM (see Justin Green ’48).

From the November / December 2007 Issue

Timothy Farley writes: “I see James K. Smith ’36 at least once a month. We got together most recently on the 4th of July for our neighborhood children’s parade. He’s doing quite well and sends his regards to his classmates.”

From the September / October 2007 Issue

David Alden was inducted into the Northfield Mount Hermon School Athletic Hall of Fame on June 9.

Mary Sarah Bilder (see Sally Robbins Bilder ’62).

Matthew Riven and his wife, Courtenay, moved to Waitsfield, Vt., in January along with their two daughters, Chloe and Isabelle. Matt works for the state budget office in Montpelier.

From the July / August 2007 Issue

Brian Berns writes: “In celebration of our class’s twentieth reunion, I’ve published a set of photos taken during our undergrad days. You can find them by searching for ‘brianberns’. Personally, my wife, Helen, and I just celebrated our thirteenth wedding anniversary. We’ve been living in Bethesda, Md. (just outside of Washington, D.C.), for the past ten years. These days most of my photographic efforts are directed at our two boys, Ellis, 11, and Anson, 6.”

Herminio Delgado and Alicia Zbehlik ’86 married in Aug. 1988, and have a beautiful daughter, Artemisia Rose Delgado, born Oct. 19, 2001.

Eric Dobson reports that Danielle Parks ’88 and Bill Meredith (Univ. of Toronto) were married on Oct. 15, 2006, at Ancaster Mill in Ancaster, Ontario. The couple lives in Oakville, Ontario, and Danielle is an associate professor in the classics department at Brock Univ. Guests included William Biers ’61, Eric Dobson, Kurt Andrews, Jan Crosbie Taylor, and Andrew Weinschenk ’89.

David Doyle writes: “I’m starting a nonprofit this year whose mission will be to create a memorial park (anywhere from a city block to 200 acres in size) for every U.S. soldier killed in Iraq. Aside from serving as living memorials, the parks, through an aggressive tree-planting program, will help combat climate change, prevent sprawl and erosion, protect watersheds, and beautify communities. Some of the larger parks may host renewable energy projects, as well as sustainable farming and forestry operations. I welcome the support of interested alumni.”

Ilene Goldman writes: “My 22-month old daughter recently flew through her second open heart surgery. She’s recovering beautifully and keeping us on our toes. Please visit her at As for me, I’ve returned, for the moment, to academics and am teaching at the Univ. of Illinois, Chicago. Please be in touch if you’re in Chicago!”

Mark Goodman writes: “After getting married in July 2005 to Melinda Stone (Univ. of Washington ’94), I am happy to announce the March 28, 3:27 A.M., birth of our daughter, Miriam Rose Stone Goodman. She is beautiful and we are very happy welcoming this new life into our lives. We are living in Seattle, and I welcome contact from old friends.”

Michelle Madansky (see Phyllis Baldwin Young ’45).

Kathryn Martin writes: “In an effort to squeeze everything in before our twentieth reunion, I married my longtime boyfriend (John Brewer, Morehouse ’88) in Las Vegas last Apr. Tonya Tuggle and Trina Parker Chen came to join in the festivities. John and I became parents to a beautiful baby girl in Aug. (Carol Brewer). When I’m not struggling with the challenges of being a new mom, I head the Washington, D.C., office of an international telecom-consulting firm that I co-founded.”

Hank Schwartz (see Melisa W. Lai ’94).

Graham Schwass is the director of the Supported Housing Program in the Mental Health Agency, located in Boston.

Andrew Young (see Phyllis Baldwin Young ’45).

From the May / June 2007 Issue

Looking forward to seeing you all in Providence for our 20th reunion, May 25-27! Check out See You Soon!

Catherine Rubin Kermorgant lives in Paris with her husband, Thomas, and two children, Mathilde and Eva. Catherine writes: “I have put documentary filmmaking on hold, and am working on a book. I’ll be at the reunion this spring. ”

Ed Sweet writes: “My new business is keeping me busy. I’m doing my best to popularize Sour Salt, a seasoning that adds a tart, tangy taste to foods and beverages. It belongs on every dining room table! And Cocktail Kick, my extra sour mixer, belongs in every bar. It really livens up drinks.”

Joshua Goldstein (see Isabel Jackson Freeman ’69).

From the March / April 2007 Issue

Trina Parker Chen and her husband, Pin, are thrilled to announce the August 12, 2006, birth of their son, Tao Parker Chen. Trina writes: “He is a wonderful baby, and we are thoroughly enjoying him. I hope to introduce him to my classmates at our 20th reunion. We live in Pasadena, Calif., and would love to have old friends visit.”

Debbie Falb (see Susan Rosenfeld ’64).

Danny Warshay writes: “In addition to my start-ups, I’m also now back in the Brown classroom teaching the core entrepreneurship course in the new undergraduate concentration called Commerce, Organizations & Entrepreneurship (COE). Scott Friend is a regular featured guest when we do a case about his successful start-up, and this year, to reinforce the class of ’87 theme, Eric Hjerpe and Tori Stuart generously agreed to be guests, as did Dan O’Keefe ’97 and Paul Margolis ’75. Part of my teaching also includes the entrepreneurial finance module in a new Brown masters program in innovation, management, and entrepreneurship. And this past summer, I received a Brown-Israel faculty exchange fellowship to teach a condensed version of my core course in the Tel Aviv University executive MBA program. I had not expected to be teaching in the middle of a war, but it was a phenomenal experience. One interesting highlight was being interviewed by Globes, Israel’s equivalent to the Wall Street Journal, about my entrepreneurial advice to businesses in the north trying to recover from the war. My wife and classmate, Deb Herman, continues to enjoy her work as a clinical psychologist in R.I. Hospital’s internal medicine department, her teaching duties on the Brown Medical School faculty, and her recently opened private practice. Gabrielle is now 11, Matthew is 8, and Marin is 6. We all look forward to seeing everyone at our 20th!”

From the January / February 2007 Issue

James Bernard lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Margarita, and their two sons, Jefferson, 6, and Hayden, 3. Since graduation, James earned a degree from Harvard Law School (’91), started the two largest hip-hop magazines (The Source and XXL), was a public policy consultant for the Rocke feller Foundation, ran the third-largest voter registration campaign, and landed a seat on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominating committee. Right now, he helps lead a national union organizing campaign. He writes: “I can’t wait to see everyone.”

Sally Campbell-Lee writes: “I have recently been appointed medical director, transfusion medicine, for the University of Illinois at Chicago. My husband, Charles, and our children, Christopher, 6 and Shelby, 15 months, have relocated from Maryland and are adjusting to the cooler autumn Illinois offers. I look forward to hearing from any Brown alumni in the area.”

Cate Cavanagh married Joseph Peter Krensavage (U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis ’87) on June 10 at the Stanford University Memorial Church in Palo Alto, Calif. Participating in the ceremony were Judith S. Warner and David R. Haase ’88. The couple recently bought a new house in Menlo Park, Calif., where they live with their four-month-old jet-black shih tzu, Baxter. Cate graduated in 1995 from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. For the past eleven years she has worked in venture capital in Silicon Valley.

Melissa Crow writes: “In September 2005, I married Victor Katz and inherited two great stepkids (Lauren, 13, and Michael, 10), along with a Shetland sheepdog named Wesley. We reside in Gaith ersburg, Md., where Victor practices veterinary medicine. I recently started a new job as the Gulf Coast policy attorney with the National Immigration Law Center, where I focus on post-Katrina issues.”

Bill Douglas (see Jennifer Greenwood Ragsdale ’98).

David Newfeld writes: “I’m busy traveling as a software consultant for NetIQ (now Attachmate), but enjoying my weekends with family in Dallas. My two boys are pushing 3 and 5 and are fairly bilingual in English and Japanese. Drop me a line; I may be coming to a city near you!”

Debra Karp Skopicki ’90 MD and her husband, Hal, announce the birth of their third beautiful girl, Madeline Eve, on Oct. 13. She joins big sisters Hannah Rose and Natalie Charlotte. Debra writes: “We couldn’t be happier.”

Douglas Smith writes: “I am an associate professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Wyoming. Vanessa and I have two daughters, Imogen Mei Ying, 5 and Gemma Fu Ai Yi, 2. Both are adopted from China. We are all planning on attending my 20th next May.”

Carol Snow’s first novel, Been There, Done That, was released by Berkley/Penguin in August 2006. The story centers on a reporter who goes undercover at a New England liberal arts college to investigate an alleged prostitution ring. (HmmC9where did she get that idea?) The book is available at Barnes & Noble, Borders, and Target, and through Carol’s Web site, www.carolsnow. com. Carol lives in Fullerton, Calif., with her husband, Andrew Todhunter, and their two children.

Christina Haverl Tamburro writes: “My interest in 19th-century American history has landed me in the midst of an overwhelming renovation project—my house! My husband, Frank, and I purchased a 1840 farmhouse near where I grew up and tolerated some of its most glaring flaws for the past nine years. We spent the past year making it more livable and learned that we never want to do this again! Our other big project has been raising our three children, the youngest of whom was 7 months old when the renovations started. Were it not for my experience living in the continuous chaos of Brown’s Milhaus co-op, I don’t think I would have made it through. Frank is a music teacher in nearby Bristol. I am a stay-at-home mom these days, after a stint as a high school math teacher and later in sales for a start-up venture. I’d love to hear from any fellow Brunonians, especially friends from Milhaus.”

From the September / October 2006 Issue


Linden Hu ’90 MD and his wife, Susie (Penn ’93), announce the Feb. 6 birth of Madeline Hu. She joined her big sister, Amanda Linden. Linden is associate chief for research in the division of infectious diseases at Tufts-New England Medical Center and is an associate professor in the microbiology and immunology departments at Tufts Univ., where he studies Lyme disease. Susie is an assistant professor at Brown in the division of nephrology. They would love to hear from old friends and classmates.

From the May / June 2006 Issue

Kimberly Birkenfeld writes: “I’m involved in an international proceeding in the High Court of New Zealand. For updates, see”

Jennifer Callahan (see Isabel Jackson Freeman ’69).

Sally A. Campbell-Lee writes: “2005 was a busy year for our family. Our daughter, Shelby, was born in June and joined her big brother, Christopher, 6. My husband, Charles (Coppin ’88), continues with the U.S. Treasury and the ink program for U.S. currency. I am still at Johns Hopkins as an assistant professor in the department of pathology, division of transfusion medicine. Baltimore has seemingly become the new Providence—two of the residents in the pathology residency program are Brown alumni, Hubert Fenton ’96 and Ashlie Burkhart ’98, and I also work with Donna Neale ’86, who recently came to Hopkins and is now a research colleague. One of my clinical colleagues is also a Brown parent, as are many other faculty at Hopkins. I am looking forward to our 20th reunion next spring.”

Tim Farley writes: “My wife, Mimi, and I announce the birth of our daughter, Winter Rose Farley. She is our first child and was well worth waiting for. She is perfect in every way.”

Bruce Douglas Gardner writes: “My wife, Michelle, and I are settling into our new home we had built earlier this year—fifteen miles from Providence and Brown, which we enjoy visiting (especially for Brown men’s hockey games!). We are busy raising our two boys, Brady, 5, and Brian, 4, while maintaining our careers at IBM. We feel blessed with all the good fortune we have in our lives, hope everyone had a happy holiday season, and look forward to seeing friends at our 20th reunion!”

Lise Hasegawa was appointed vice president of MetLife Auto and Home in the company’s financial area. As the chief reserving actuary she has oversight over the loss reserves for the company.

Andrew W. Krantz writes: “Laura and I had a great time in Hawaii (without kids) with Mindy Wiser-Estin and David Estin celebrating all of our 40th birthdays and are looking forward to our trip to Puerto Rico with the Estins in February (with kids). We also just saw Deb Meyer Cohen and Andy Cohen following the passing of Deb’s grandmother and hope to see them and other ’87 classmates under happier circumstances.”

Jonathan Offenkrantz writes: “Taking full advantage of my background in homebuilding and lawyering, I’ve taken a position as transactional counsel at Toll Brothers Inc., just north of Philadelphia. Been here just a few months and loving it. Cheese-steaks three meals a day. Commuting home to Connecticut on the weekends for now, but Deborah, Eli, 10, Noah, 7, and the two Labradors are all doing well and will follow soon. Looking forward to hearing from some of my old Brown quadigenarian friends.”

Peter Pritchard writes: “Since I have been so bad at keeping BAM informed, now is the time to let you know that Carmie and I have been married for eleven years this past October. We have two beautiful children, Marcus, 8, and Guiliana, 5. We love living in the capital region of New York State (even the winters!).”

Irine Schweitzer writes that she and Victor Schweitzer ’88 are doing well: “We live in Los Angeles raising our two children, Aaron, 11, and Hasya, 6. Victor is a radiation oncologist practicing in Simi Valley. I started a private practice in psychotherapy and am also running a nonprofit organization dedicated to Jewish education for women.”

Sue Metcalfe Speno writes: “I am still teaching in Cincinnati. After five years teaching first grade and nine years in kindergarten, I feel like a fixture in the school. Erin is 9 1/2, Benjamin is 61/2, and both are full of energy and life. Andy is teaching third grade and has taken up running. I am dabbling in yoga and scrapbooking and am amazed that it’s already been almost twenty years!”

From the March / April 2005 Issue

Eric Lowery Love writes: “I’ve had a remarkable year: I received tenure at the Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, got married (Bill Doonan was best man). In November, my book Race Over Empire: Racism and U.S. Imperialism, 1865 to 1900 (UNC) was published.”

Neil Roth writes: “I would like to announce the Jan. 14, 2004, birth of my daughter Hannah Michelle Roth. Hannah is a tremendous source of love and joy—and darn cute, too: Album13.html.”

From the November / December 2004 Issue

Jennifer Bouras Morrissey and her husband, Nicholas, announce the July 2 birth of James Evan and Andrew Nicholas. They join brother Thomas, 2.

From the September / October 2004 Issue

Daniel Aronson writes: “I’m still living in suburban Philadelphia and working at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. I became director of annual giving and special events after serving as dean of admissions and recruitment for five years. It was time for a change. My son Jacob will be 11 this September and is loving life. Meanwhile, his mother and I separated in the fall of 2003, and thanks to the great support of friends, family, and an awesome therapist, I, too, have been loving life. Send all referrals of nice, single Jewish women to me!”

Margaret Linvill has been named to the Minneapolis–St. Paul Business Journal’s “Forty Under 40” list for 2004. The annual list honors business leaders in the Twin Cities’ corporate and entrepreneurial communities. She is president of Linvill Properties Inc., one of the oldest real estate companies in Minnesota.

Madelynn Orr writes: “We’re happy to announce the May 25 birth of Alexandra Jillian. Lexi joins big brother Timmy, 6, and big sister Lainey, 3. We’ve relocated from Kansas City to Denver, where I work as an attorney for the Comptroller of the Currency.”

Josue Ramirez ’02 PhD reports that he has accepted a teaching position at UMass Dartmouth, starting in the fall. After two years as an adjunct at colleges around Boston and falling behind on his rent and his bills, he is hugely relieved to have an appointment. He has lots of advice for other recent graduates.

Therese Stowell is one of four artists selected to represent the U.S. at the Artiade, the Olympics of Art, in Athens, Aug. 12 to Sept. 29. From more than 4,500 applications, 172 artists from 82 Olympic-participating countries were selected. Theresa writes: “My piece Command Module is a six-foot-tall rotating lightbox pyramid, representing the engine that runs America. Its references range from the Masonic symbolism on the dollar bill to the conical tip of lunar spacecraft. The piece suggests that an oligarchy is truly in control of the U.S., and that the engine driving America is a mélange of capitalism, industry, religion, and a belief in technology, progress, and the possibility of reinvention.” More information is at www. and

Marivi Lerdo de Tejada gave birth to Elena Victoria on Feb. 19. Marivi works for OnPR, a San Francisco public relations agency specializing in enterprise software, wireless/telecom, and consumer technology. Marivi also serves on the local boards of ACT One, which raises MFA scholarship funds for the American Conservatory Theater; the National Society of Hispanic MBAs; and the San Francisco Latino Film Festival. “Being a single mom is harder than I thought,” she writes. “Luckily, Elena’s father is both unemployed and devoted, so he is able to take care of her while I’m at work.”

From the July / August 2004 Issue

Whitney Crothers Dilley, twentieth-century comparative-literature specialist and assistant professor of English at Shih Hsin Univ. in Taiwan, has been profiled in Who’s Who in the World 2004. Whitney is cited for her contributions to comparative literature and feminist literary studies, including the 2002 publication of her book Feminism/Femininity in Chinese Literature, coedited with Dr. Peng-hsiang Chen. She has lived in Taiwan for nearly ten years. She is now working on her second book, a study of globalization and cultural identity in the films of Taiwanese-born director Ang Lee.

David Doyle writes: “In addition to running a bookstore, I’m working on a screenplay with a strong environmental theme. Seeking contacts in the film industry.”

Bill Hayes Jr. (see William B. Hayes ’59).

Linden Hu ’90 MD and Susie Hu (Penn ’93) welcomed the Dec. 21 birth of Amanda. Linden is an associate professor of immunology at Tufts Univ. School of Medicine and associate chief for basic research in the Division of Infectious Diseases at New England Medical Center, where his laboratory researches Lyme disease. Susie is an assistant professor in the Division of Nephrology at Rhode Island Hospital.

Dominic Smith and Annik Gagnon Smith announce the Oct. 17 birth of Elliot Russell Smith. Elliot joins a two-year-old English Pointer named Rocket. The family lives in the Philadelphia area.

Valerie Tutson ’90 AM writes: “After twenty years in Providence, I finally bought a house. It’s a big Dutch colonial in historic Elmwood and has plenty of room for visitors. I was the local coordinator for the twenty-first annual National Black Storytelling Festival (NABS ) in Providence last November. More than 300 storytellers got to experience Rhode Island, and Rhode Island got to experience NABS.”

Cecilia Van Hollen, of Fayetteville, N.Y. has joined the Maxwell School of Syracuse Univ. as an assistant professor of anthropology. Cecilia has also been an assistant professor at Notre Dame. She received a Fulbright research award for her project “AIDS, Medicine, and Gender: How Pregnant Women Negotiate Options to Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Tamil Nadu, India,” which she is initiating in India this year. Cecilia has also published in Medical Anthropology Quarterly and Reproductive Health Matters.

From the May / June 2004 Issue

Daniel Alegi and Daniela Alegi are living in Sweden with their two children, Nelson, 9, and Emma, 7. Daniel is a filmmaker and film consultant. His Web site is

Michael Blackman ’97 MD (see Karen Grace ’94).

Randall Dunn was appointed the new head of the Roeper School, beginning July 1.

Debra Herman (see Shelby Freedman ’00).

Jaime Kline writes that she has moved to Maine, where she works part-time as a radiologist and full-time as a mother to Maggie, 3, and Ethan, 1.

Martha Loughridge writes: “To my surprise I’m still living in Cleveland after moving back here in 1997 to attend graduate school at Case Western Reserve. I received an master’s in nonprofit organization management in 1999 and then discovered Satyananda yoga. I recently received my level-one accreditation to teach it after studying in India, Australia, and Cleveland over the past four years. Now I’m helping to found the Satyananda Yoga Academy for North America.”

Katie Livingston Vale writes: “In October, I had our second child, a daughter named Zoe. I will be receiving a doctorate from Boston Univ. this year and am leading an educational technology consultancy at MIT.”

Daniel Warshay (see Shelby Freedman ’00).

Andrew Young (see Margaret Ajootian Layshock ’45).

From the March / April 2004 Issue

Christoph Cox and Molly Whalen celebrate the Nov. 14 birth of Aengus Biko Whalen Cox. Aengus joins Lukas, 6, Tristan, 3, and Livia, 3. Christoph is associate professor of philosophy at Hampshire College. His anthology Audio Culture: A Reader in Modern Music (Continuum) will be published this summer.

Jennifer Foss has joined the Boise, Idaho, office of Holland & Hart as an associate in their bankruptcy and corporate finance practice groups. Holland & Hart is the largest law firm in the Rocky Mountains. She previously was an associate in the New York City office of White & Case.

Phil Locke is leaving Oracle Corporation and pursuing an internship at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. He also runs Kuma-chan Records, an independent record label. To learn more, visit

Jonathan Scherl writes that he ran the New York City Marathon on Nov. 2 in four hours, thirteen minutes.

Michelle Gorchow Sobel writes: “After many fun years working with Harry Gottlieb ’88 at Jellyvision, I left to start a company called Rightfield Solutions with my husband, David. We produce interactive patient education that supports the informed-consent process. We have two children, Willa, 4, and Lucy, 2.”

Katie Livingston Vale writes: “In October I gave birth to daughter Zoe Juliet. She joins big brother Riley. After maternity leave I’ll be returning to work leading an educational software design group at MIT and finishing my doctoral dissertation.”

From the January / February 2004 Issue

Gayle Grossman-Alweiss writes: “Gary and I have two great boys—Ryan, 6, and Max, 4. I am working part time as an ophthalmologist. We live in New Jersey and I see classmates Emily Ceisler and Sandy Zabar once a month.”

Kassie Striegel Gada writes: “I have been living in Tucson the past three years with my husband, Will, and kids Nickolaus, 3, and Grace, 2. I enjoyed visits from Svetlana Bekman ’88 and Rachel Anderson while I was undergoing chemotherapy last winter.”

Gersh Kuntzman writes that he has been named Brooklyn bureau chief of the New York Post. For the past three years he had been writing weekly columns for the Post and as a freelancer—an arrangement that gave him lots of time to at least appear to be doing a good job raising his daughter, Jane, with his wife, Julie Rosenberg. It also led to a book, Hair! Mankind’s Historic Quest to End Baldness, and a well-received Off-Broadway play, An Evening of Semi-Autobiographical, Self-Indulgent Theater, cowritten with Lawrence Goodman, husband of Kate Miller ’90.

Ben Phillips writes: “I am living in Kampala, Uganda, along with my wife, Lorena Alvarez, and our daughters Laura, 3, and Carmen, who was born in March. I am a country representative for Catholic Relief Services, overseeing HIV/AIDS prevention, microenterprise, agriculture, peace-building, emergency response, and water-sanitation programs. We live on the outskirts of town near the shores of Lake Victoria. I have been in recent e-mail contact with Alec Brindle, who despite having moved back to Seattle is still expressing solidarity with us native New Englanders by rooting for the Red Sox.”

Lauren Resnick has joined Baker & Hostetler following ten years at the U.S. Department of Justice. She was the lead prosecutor in the retrial of Lemrick Nelson Jr. for the racially motivated, fatal stabbing of Yankel Rosenbaum during the 1991 riots in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. She also prosecuted New York City police officers Justin Volpe and Charles Schwarz for their roles in the 1997 sexual assault of Abner Louima.

Henry Schwartz (see Scott Paley ’95).

Donald Andrew Webster and Aurea Hernández-Webster ’88 are still a bit stunned at the Aug. 13 arrival of their twins. Nicolas Avery and Leila Josephine join their older brothers Max, Julian, and Tomás to make a big, loud, and happy crew. Andy is the Upper School director at the Berkeley Carroll School in Park Slope, Brooklyn, and Aurea is busy with the kids.

From the November / December 2003 Issue

Misha Joukowsky (see Marshall Cohen ’54).

J. George Reilly was elected chair of the board of trustees of Catholic Charities, the behavioral health care and social services agency of the Diocese of Trenton, N.J.

From the May / June 2003 Issue

Alexandra S. Handago writes: “My husband, Andrew Rudzinski, and I had a baby girl, Natalie Abigail, on Jan. 23, 2002. We thoroughly enjoyed our first year of parenthood! I am still working at Penn, and Andrew is in charge of marketing and research at Insignia/ESG for the Philadelphia region.

Edward Krigsman, an associate broker for John L. Scott–Belltown Real Estate, has placed in the top 1 percent of the entire company for the second consecutive year. Edward ranked 10th overall out of the company’s 3,000 real estate agents.

Merriam Sarcia Saunders announces the Sept. 26 birth of Tabitha Devan. She joins Sabrina, 5, and Maclean, 2.

From the March / April 2003 Issue

Class president Pam Gerrol writes: “I hope you have had a chance to visit our class Web site at Please write to me if you would like to have your news posted there. I am still working on getting all the reunion photos up. Photos taken by Jen Don Apy and Sarah Smith Bernard are posted as well.

Donald and Jen Don Apy announce the Aug. 19, 2002, birth of Marissa Grace. She joins big brother Andrew. They moved into a new home in Fremont, Calif. Keep your news coming!”

“Class vice president Lisa Baker ’90 M.D. and her husband, Steven, announce the June 29 arrival of James Drew Gelman. They write: ‘We seem to be stuck in our fabulous Park Slope, Brooklyn, neighborhood and are both enjoying our jobs as pediatricians.’

Grant Dorfman wrote this fall: ‘I regret that I was unable to attend our 15th reunion. But at least I had a good excuse. On May 7 Texas Gov. Rick Perry appointed me judge of the 129th District Court of Harris County of Houston, Tex. It is a state civil court, but that covers a fairly wide range of matters. After winding up my law practice, I took the bench on May 23—the day before reunion. In order to retain my position, I will have to win election this November, so I have also had to mount my first political campaign.’

Anne-Marie Prabulos is working part-time at the Univ. of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington as a perinatalogist. The rest of the time she is a mom and wife.

Kirk Bernstein announces the April 29, 2002, birth of Nathan Paul Nahar and Samuel Joseph Nahar. They join sisters Hannah, 6, and Hadas, 4.

Mark D. Bradford joined the law firm of Fulbright & Jaworski.

Thano Chaltas writes: “On April 9, 2002, Alison and I welcomed our daughter, Katherine Flora. She joins big brother B.J., 2. After nine years, I’m remarkably still working at Kraft Foods, running the kids cereal business and beginning to really understand little ones after all.”

Shari-Lynn Umlas Odzer ’90 M.D. and her husband, Ari, announce the Oct. 27 birth of Michael Noah. He joins big sisters Nicole, 4, and Jamie, 6.

From the November / December 2002 Issue

Kevin Antram was appointed vice president and general manager of aCRM, a unit of software company MapInfo. Previously, he was vice president of sales at 180Commerce.

Gwendolyn Coen Basinger writes: "David and I are happy to report the May 28 birth of Nicholas Paul. Big brother Andrew is so delighted that he has requested five more babies."

Joseph Copeland writes: "I've finished my term as associate director of residency with the Univ. of Toronto, and I am now working in the Canadian Arctic through early October. You can contact me through my alumni e-mail."

Jill Malkin writes that she married Geoffrey J. Addeo in November 1996. They live in New York City and have two children, Ben, 3, and daughter Ryan, 2. Geoff is a producer on Late Night with Conan O'Brien and Last Call with Carson Daly. Jill is selling residential real estate with Insignia Douglass Elliman.

Nat Moss writes: "My wife, Becca, and I live in the Kensington neighborhood of Brooklyn with daughter Nina, 4, and son Isaac, born in June. A film I cowrote with Alfredo de Villa, Washington Heights, took honorable mention at the Tribeca Film Festival in May, claimed the best picture prize at the New York International Latino Film Festival, and won the audience award for best narrative feature at the Los Angeles Film Festival."

Susan Weiss Orenstein writes that she has developed workshops for students and their parents to ease the transition to college life. Susan has also developed a new book and organizing tool, College Companion: The Ultimate Organizer for College Life. Susan is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Chapel Hill, N.C., and specializes in working with young adults and their families. For more information visit

From the September / October 2002 Issue

Margaret Berger Cassady writes that she married Daniel Cassady in 1993 and is now the mom of Colin, 4 and Virginia, 1. After ten years as a travel consultant, tour guide, and Webmaster for Rick Steves' Europe through the Back Door, she left to devote herself to raising her kids and volunteering. As president of the board of Wonderland Developmental Center, a nonprofit for developmentally delayed babies and toddlers, she'd love to hear from any Seattle-area alumni who'd like to volunteer or learn more about the center's programs.

Serena Eisenberg has graduated from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, Pa. She previously worked as a lawyer and social worker.

Josue Ramirez '02 Ph.D. wrote in May: "I am receiving my Ph.D. at Brown in anthropology this month. It is also my 15th reunion. I am overjoyed."

Laura Woodlief and Alma Prins '86, of Berkeley, Calif., write that they are taking great joy in their son, Teo Forrest Woodlief, who was born Oct. 25, 2001. Andrew Young (see Phyllis Baldwin Young '45).

From the July / August 2002 Issue

Helen Barold writes: "I recently quit private practice to work at the Food and Drug Administration with Eva Rorer. I'm also in the middle of getting a master's in public health from Johns Hopkins. Tony Hernandez-Conte is still my best friend. He lives in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and was one of the physicians for the U.S. Olympic skating team."

Jonathan Brandt writes: "My wife, Kim, keeps busy with our three children, ages 5, 3, and 7 months. I write software for the publishing industry, occasionally publish a humor column in the local paper, and am a contributing writer to the sci-fi e-zine Electric Velocipede. Sorry I missed the reunion."

Micah Solomon writes: "I'm still enjoying CD manufacturing and the music biz. I was delighted to be voted Executive of the Year by the Washington Area Music Association this past month. My company, Oasis CD Duplication,, moved to a new facility in June."

Maggie Zellner writes that she is working as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, continuing graduate studies in neuropsychology, and reading the New Yorker cover-to-cover every week on the subway.

From the May / June 2002 Issue

Class secretary Pam Gerrol reports: "We hope you have already made plans to come to our reunion, but it's not too late to register. Check out and look for the link to Reunion 2002. While you are there, check out our class Web site and send news, photos, or comments to me. For those of you who won't be able to attend, reunion photos will be posted there sometime in June. If you haven't received your reunion registration mailing, please contact reunion headquarters at (401) 863-1947; reunions"

Gersh Kuntzman and his wife, Julie Rosenberg (U of Wisconsin, '88), announce the October birth of their baby girl, Jane. Gersh writes: "Jane is so wonderful, I'm even enjoying things I never thought I would, like changing diapers, trying to get my work done on 45 minutes of sleep, and calling my wife 'Mommy' all the time." Gersh continues to work as a columnist for the New York Post and

Tori Stuart, president of the Newton, Mass.-based Zoe Foods, has been named as one of Fast Company's "Fast 50" innovators. She developed a flax and soy granola cereal that helps "provide relief of menopausal symptoms and promotes hormonal balance in women."

Edisa Weeks has started Enwrapture, a dance company, which performed three of Edisa's works in February at the Merce Cunningham Studio in New York City.

From the November / December 2000 Issue

Daniel Alegi writes that he is an independent filmmaker and film instructor in Los Angeles, where he lives with his wife, Daniela, and their two children, Nelson, 5, and Emma, 3. Daniel’s most recent short film, Czar of Make Believe, has toured several international festivals, including the Rhode Island International Film Festival in Providence in August. The film is free on the Internet at

Asli Giray writes that she has won a Chevening scholarship from the British high commission for postgraduate study and has been admitted to the master’s program in music at the University of York in England. She planned to start the one-year program in October.

Mark and Lisa Lebow Kaufman ’88, of Baltimore, announce the birth of Lucy Merrill on March 19. Lucy joins big sister Caroline, 2H. Lucy was delivered by Alan Tapper ’61 and is the granddaughter of Larry Kaufman ’52.

Amy Chang Lee and her husband, Terrence, of Greenbelt, Md., announce the birth of their first child, Hannah Chang Lee, on June 14. Linda Ko and her new husband, Paul Ferrigno, were among Hannah’s first visitors.

Rick Perera writes: “I’ve made the leap across the Atlantic, leaving CNN for a job as European correspondent for IDG News Service. I’m covering the high-tech beat—a new challenge for a failed computer-science concentrator (doesanyone remember pascal?)—for a group of magazines including Computerworld, Infoworld, and PC World. I am delighted to be living in exciting, ever-changing Berlin, and would welcome visits from any Brunonians passing through.”

Merriam Sarcia Saunders and her husband, Greg, announce the patriotic birth of Maclean James on July 4. He joins big sister Sabrina, 2H.

Ken Shapiro (see David Shrier ’95).

Alex Tilles and Anne Kearney (Stanford ’88), of Seattle, announce the birth of Naomi Samara Kearney Tilles (class of 2022) on July 21. Angie DeMichele Gross is Naomi’s godmother. Alex’s improv theater group recently celebrated its 10th anniversary.

Edisa Weeks was involved in a two-week October residency at the Massachusetts International Festival of the Arts. She planned to create a new work for high school students at the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts School. The new work, set to music by Miles Davis, was to be performed live by the high school jazz ensemble. Jodi Falk ’86 teaches and directs the dance program at the arts school.

Howell Yee (see Wendy Ng ’97).

From the September / October 2000 Issue

David Estin and Mindy Wiser-Estin announce the birth of Joshua Philip on April 16. Samantha, 2, is adjusting well.

Benjamin Filene has published Romancing the Folk: Memory and American Roots Music (University of North Carolina Press).

Gersh Kuntzman joined, a political Web site, as editorial director after six and a half years as a reporter and columnist for the New York Post. A Film Bulletin alum, he writes: "I’m a newspaper guy who doesn’t really know anything about the Internet, but they tell me it’s here to stay, so I’d better get up to speed." He lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., with his wife, Julie Rosenberg (University of Wisconsin ’88).

Ed Sweet writes that this fall he is shooting his second feature film, a thriller called The Sleepwalker, in Marblehead, Mass.

Roger Vann left his job as president of the Connecticut National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to become the membership-drive director of the national NAACP. According to the Hartford Courant, he was to move to Baltimore in mid-July.

Monica Vega and Francisco Geraldes announce the birth of Monica Margarita on May 12.

Charlie Weiland (see Allegra Hosford Scheirer ’95).

From the July / August 2000 Issue

Trina Parker Chen writes: "I married Pin Chen (UC Berkeley ’91, Cal Tech ’99 Ph.D.) on Dec. 31 in a small ceremony with our families at my parents’ home in Cornwall, N.Y. Following the ceremony we welcomed in the new century. After more than eight years in the San Francisco Bay Area, Pin and I now live in Boulder, Colo. I always enjoys hearing from classmates."

Mark OMalley writes: "After finishing a Ph.D. at Berkeley in 1997, I left academia for a more satisfying career in reference publishing. I edited Africana, an encyclopedia of Africa and the African diaspora jointly published by Microsoft on CD-ROM and Perseus Books in print. I’ve moved to Chicago for a job as editor at Encyclopaedia Britannica."

John Plansky joined the management team of NerveWire, a business-to-business Internet professional-services firm, as a vice president of operations for the eastern region.

Ted Silverman was named vice president of retention and metrics at DealTime, an online comparison-shopping service. Ted was previously executive director of network marketing and retention at iVillage.

Michael S. Small was promoted to project executive at Gilbane Building Co. After joining Gilbane in 1986, Michael served as senior project engineer, project manager, and most recently, senior project manager. Michael lives in Madison, Conn., with his wife, Jodie.

Micah Solomon writes: "I’m living in rural Virginia and having a great time. Along with my wife, Vandy, I still run my company, Oasis CD & Cassette Duplication, which manufactures CDs and CD-ROMs for musicians, record labels, and the software industry. Don’t hold your breath, but I also seem to be coming close (finally) to finishing my first CD of original songs. I would love to hear from old friends and other Brunonians in the music, media, and computer industries."

John and Abby Rich Weiss, of Arlington, Mass., announce the arrival of Olivia Hart Weiss on March 10. Olivia joins big brother Jesse, 6, and big sister Hallie, 4. John writes that he recently left his consulting job to test the entrepreneurial waters, starting a company that combines new technology with old-fashioned forms of entertainment for kids.

From the May / June 2000 Issue

Margaret Trostel Ayers writes: "On Oct. 2, I married Kevin Ayers in Falls Church, Va. My sister, Kim Trostel ’82, was our best woman. Lori Schack was a brideswoman, and Claire Pouncey was such a great ceremony coordinator that the minister offered to hire her (too bad she’s in Philadelphia collecting advanced degrees). Other guests included David Mermin, who is Lori’s husband, with baby Molly; Edisa Weeks with Darryl Hamlett; and my uncle, Andy Martin ’56. Kevin is from Los Angeles; I am from Minneapolis; and we’ve settled in an in-between climate in Arlington, Va., living the life of policy wonks. I’d love to hear from friends."

Samuel Borodach was elected a principal in the New York City office of Fish & Richardson, where he had been an associate. As a member of the firm’s electrical and Internet groups, Samuel provides patent prosecution, opinions, and patent litigation services to clients in the electrical and mechanical fields, with particular focus in semiconductor processing and fabrication, and in computer hardware and software.

Sarah Boyce Lum Borzilleri and John Borzilleri ’81 write: "We are happy to say that two alumni who missed each other at Brown by a year finally caught up with each other and were happily joined in marriage on Nov. 13 in Newport, R.I. Guests at Sarah and John’s wedding included Nancy Bowdring Mino ’81, Patricia Godoy ’81, Karen Emmett Coleman ’81, Ted Tracy ’81, Chuck McCoy ’81, Mary Kondon Toth ’81, Regis Shields ’81, Angelo Lobosco ’81, Charlie Meister ’81, Ross Goldstein ’81, Jennifer Foss, and Don Wilcoxon ’81. Kristina Hamm Reed and Mac Reed ’81 sent regrets, as they were busy welcoming their first child, Cooper Joseph."

Thano Chaltas and his wife, Alison, announce the birth of William James Hornsby Chaltas on Feb. 13 in Stamford, Conn. Proud uncles include Basil Chaltas ’84. Thano writes: "Inheriting genes from both parents, B.J. was in quite a rush to enter the world. Seven weeks early, our teeny guy weighed three pounds, eight ounces, but is now wonderfully strong and healthy. I am still in marketing at Kraft Foods in Rye Brook, N.Y. After stints at Post Kids Cereals and Kool-Aid, I was promoted to category business director, running the Breyers Yogurt and Handi-Snacks businesses. In my dwindling spare time I am president of the Jabberwocks Alumni Association and anticipate being the father of a class of 2022 jabberwock."

Liz Costa and Harry Smith belatedly announce the birth of their daughter, Elena, who has now passed her first birthday. They live in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston, where Harry is the community organizing director of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corp., which builds low-income housing and promotes community-based economic development. Liz returned to school at the University of Massachusetts at Boston for a master’s in counseling, with the goal of becoming a school guidance counselor. Other than school and work, Liz and Harry spend time chasing around Elena and big sister Liliana. Friends and babysitters are welcome to visit.

Mark Deitcher and Nancy LeClair announce the birth of Emmett LeClair Deitcher on Aug. 6. Nathan, 4, and Owen, 2, welcomed Emmett to the City of Brotherly Love.

Deborah Long Erb, of Mt. Gretna, Pa., writes: "After having four sons, my husband and I were pleased to welcome a daughter, Sian Rebecca, born in November. Our lives are very busy, but we enjoy every moment with the children."

Dana Erikson and his wife, Christine, announce the birth of Kurt Anders, on Aug. 27. Kurt joins Gus, 4, and Annie, 2.

Mary Lou Jepsen ’96 Ph.D. writes: "Well, I’ve moved back, again, to San Francisco. I just can’t seem to stay away from this city. I’m consulting at the company I cofounded a few years ago (, which is doing great, and writing a book about all I’ve learned about hormones since my brain surgery. I’ve lost ninety pounds in the last year by engineering for myself the perfect metabolism and the perfect pituitary gland. I had to do it because mine was surgically removed four years ago (just before I completed my Ph.D.). I used to hum that line from the Ramones song, ‘Gonna get my Ph.D., I’m a teenage lobotomy,’ while I was writing my dissertation. I’ve learned the hard way that everything I think and feel is controlled by the amounts of hormones I combine daily. It’s been a fascinating and intimate exploration of my mind and body. San Francisco is the perfect place to continue that exploration, if I continue to have the confidence. I see lots of Brown people of the ’80s and ’90s in New York City, Providence, and San Francisco."

Megan McCreery writes: "In September, I moved to Tokyo with my husband, Rob, and sons, Max, 4, and George, 3. We welcome friends who want to visit this part of the world."

Nat Moss writes: "I live in Brooklyn, N.Y., with my wife, Rebecca, and our daughter, Nina, 11Ú2. My script Little Angel (written with my partner, Alfredo de Villa) was accepted into the January Sundance Screenwriters Lab."

Chris Newman moved to Columbus, Ohio, in the fall to work as finance director for Victoria’s Secret Catalogue. He spends workdays surrounded by life-size posters of scantily clad models, but insists his concentration and productivity are uncompromised. He writes: "Off hours are happily and chaotically spent with my wife, Abby Margolis Newman (Duke ’83), a freelance writer, and our three sons – Jonah, 6, Aaron, 5, and Henry, 1 – in our New Albany home."

Rebecca Pearlman writes that she has a new name, Rebecca Pearlman Sy; a new husband, Ismael Gaviola Sy; a new daughter, Pauline Pearlman Sy; and a new address.

Katie Livingston Vale, of Arlington, Mass., writes: "In August, I gave birth to our son, Riley. ‘Uncle’ Evan Fox ’85 has already taught him the Brown Band marching cadences."

Andrew Young (see Phyllis Baldwin Young ’45).

From the March / April 2000 Issue

Karen Berkelhamer Harrison and Steve Harrison announce the birth of their first child, Ben Matthew, on Nov. 1. Karen writes: “We’re having fun with Ben in New York City. Proud grandpa Lester Berkelhamer ’52 visits often. I work at J. Walter Thompson, and Steve is at MasterCard International.”

Lisa Kors writes: “I completed my feature-film debut, the romantic comedy Dinner and a Movie. We shot for four weeks in the Berkshires last fall and took great advantage of the long Indian summer. John Casey came from Boston every weekend to help. I’m back in Los Angeles now, finishing post-production and fending off calls from distributors eager for a sneak peek.”

Kevin J. Leo writes: “After six years in Texas (four and a half spent working at Dell Computers), I have moved to the Seattle area to work for Microsoft. It’s quite a change professionally and meteorologically. I’m learning the names of Justice Department personnel, and I’m learning to love my windshield wipers’ steady syncopation in the rain. If any classmates are around, I’d love to hear from you.”

Patrick Lynch has joined the Providence law firm of Tillinghast, Licht & Semonoff as an associate of the governmental-relations and litigation groups. He previously worked for six years as a special assistant attorney general for the State of Rhode Island, where he handled three major murder trials and obtained five convictions in gang-related offenses. He lives in Rumford, R.I., with his wife and two children. He is a member of the boards of St. Raphael Academy and the Friends of Brown Basketball.

Robin Cruz McClearn and her husband, Cam (Middlebury College ’87), announce the birth of Katharine Scott McClearn on Nov. 13. The family lives in Cambridge, Mass.

Amanda McGovern and her husband, Victor Raul Ortegon, whom she met during her junior year abroad in Barcelona, announce the birth of their son, Gabriel Joseph, in January 1999. Amanda writes: “I became a partner in my law firm, Kenny Nachwalter et al., where I have been hiding out for the past seven years. The firm practices complex commercial litigation, which can be hectic with the baby. We plan to bring Gabriel for the first time this December to the ‘heartland’ ­ not mom’s in Minnesota, but dad’s in Boyaca, Colombia. Life in Miami is good, especially since our home reflects two cultures and languages, which is quite normal here.”

Anne Marie Prabulos and her husband, Chris Morkan (St. Anselm ’87), have a son, Riley, 21?2. Anne is a maternal fetal-medicine specialist at the University of Connecticut Health Center.

From the January / February 2000 Issue

Scott Buchanan married Kirsten Rossner (Colby '90) in Charlottesville, Va., last October. Daniel Laskowitz '87 was the best man. Scott will be finishing fellowships in cardiothoracic and vascular surgery in 2001. He writes, "They said no more school. Guess I'll have to get a real job."

Leon A. and Tamora Carter Bynoe '88 announce the birth of Evan Carter Bynoe on May 27. Leon writes: "Kaela McKay, 212, adores her little brother and is very protective of him. In July, we moved to south Florida, where I work in private practice in vitreoretinal surgery. Tamora took some time off after Evan's birth and plans to return to work part-time as an anesthesiologist."

Benjamin Filene and Rachel Seidman (Oberlin '88) announce the birth of Hazel Cecelia Filene on Aug. 17 in St. Paul, Minn. She joins sister Eliza, 3. Benjamin works in the exhibits department of the Minnesota Historical Society.

Ilene S. Goldman, daughter of Paul '53, has been named senior marketing consultant at the e-tailing group, an e-commerce consulting firm in Chicago ( She writes: "The e-tailing group helps clients build a comprehensive electronic-commerce strategy. Our work includes building e-commerce sites and improving existing e-commerce."

Susannah Hill writes: "Big changes: divorcing and starting a business with M.I.T. graduate-school classmates. I hope to hear from classmates traveling through Silicon Valley. I'd be happy to take you out to dinner on University Avenue in Palo Alto, where even the homeless wear Sun Microsystems Java T-shirts."

John H. Lawrence III, of Lexington, Ky., and his wife, Dana, announce the birth of Josephine Emma on Sept. 2. John writes: "Dana graduated from the University of Kentucky Law in May and is taking time off to be with our daughter. I am on the University of Kentucky's biomedical engineering faculty."

Katya Lezin has published Finding Life on Death Row: Profiles of Six Inmates (Northeastern University Press).

Fred Mock and his wife, Cindy, announce the birth of Phoebe Alexandra on June 17. Fred writes: "For the past five years I have been general counsel to Nye Lubricants in Fairhaven, Mass."

Lauren Resnick and David Coonin '85, of Harrison, N.Y., announce the birth of their third (and probably last) child, Allie Nicole, on April 9. She joins big brother Jake, 4, and big sister Ariel, 2. Lauren writes: "There is a lot of activity and noise in our household, and Allie just takes it all in. She is a classic third child: easygoing, mellow, and always in a good mood. Also, our friends Nell Mermin and Bryan Goluboff (N.Y.U. '88) had a baby girl, Rachel, on July 21. They are thrilled with the whole experience of parenthood."

Matt Riven and Courtenay Good (Goucher '88) announce the adoption of their daughter, Chloe Yang Riven. Chloe was born May 5 in Kwangju City, South Korea, and brought home Aug. 13.

Marjorie Stadele and Christopher King '86, of Seattle, were married in a sequoia grove on Aug. 14. Guests included Rachel King '85, Harry Gottlieb '88, Michael Lawton '86, Mark Goodman, and Caitlyn Conley '86.

John C. Tiedemann writes: "I left Rolling Stone to launch the U.S. edition of FHM, which is England's largest men's magazine. I live in New York City with my boyfriend, Salvador Garibay. I own 13, a popular New York City nightclub at East 13th Street and University Place."

Pamela Wasserman and her husband, Daniel Adcock, announce the birth of Samuel Abraham on Sept. 2. Pam writes: "I have gotten sage advice from moms Madelynn Orr and Melissa Birch Glerum. I am director of education at ZPG in Washington, D.C."

From the September / October 1999 Issue

Jeff Fernandez married Tracy Harrington, (Moravian College '94) on April 10 in Key West, Fla. Joe Osborne and Mike "Harry" Benfante were co-best men for the sunset wedding that attracted Brown grads from five different classes. Jeff writes: "Friendships forged in Providence brought many alums to the Key West home of Ernest Hemmingway for a week of tropical wedding festivities. As a Louisiana zydeco band rocked the wedding, a plane flew over the reception toting a banner that read 'Thete Will Never Die,' compliments of Theta Delta Chi brother Steve Trautwein '84. Sincere thanks to everyone for remaining such wonderful friends." J

Marc H. Friedberg '91 Ph.D., '93 M.D., Milton, Mass., has joined Neurosurgical Consultants and the medical staff of Caritas Norwood Hospital. Previously he was chief resident in neurosurgery at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and New England Medical Center, both in Boston.

Eric Love writes: "I have received a postdoctoral fellowship from the Ford Foundation, which will give me the 'luxury' of one year of research and writing. I am taking it back to Princeton (from which I received my Ph.D. in 1997), where I will finish revising my first book. Race Over Empire: Racism and United States Imperialism, 1865-1920 will be published next year by the University of North Carolina Press. Finally, I have accepted an assistant professorship at the University of Colorado at Boulder and will begin the job in the fall of 2000.

Patrick Moynihan, Providence, has been named the 1999 Culver Legion Young Alumnus of the Year. The award is given annually to a Culver Academies graduate who is younger than thirty-four. The award focuses on the graduate's personal achievements and contributions since leaving Culver. Patrick is director of the Haitian Project, which offers a tuition-free secondary boarding school and orphanage for gifted children from the lowest-income areas of Haiti (see BAM, Sept./Oct. 1998).

From the July / August 1999 Issue

Kirk "Avi" Bernstein-Nahar is academic director of adult learning and assistant professor of Jewish thought at Hebrew College in Boston. He writes: "I'm happy to be returning to Boston after being gone for a couple of years, and am even more happy to be able to introduce my two girls, Hannah, 3, and Hadas, 1, to the joys of Beantown. I'd love to reconnect with old friends in the Boston area."

Andrea Feldman (see Robert Feldman '58).

Nancy Rafalko would love to hear from friends.

Marcy Miller Schaffir and Jonathan Schaffir, Manhasset, N.Y., announce the birth of Noah Benjamin on Jan. 8. Jonathan writes: "Along with big sister Alison, we now have all the parts covered for the family quartet." Marcy has returned to Saks Fifth Avenue as vice president of product development. Jonathan is still in practice at North Shore University Hospital.

Mark Schindler and Lilli de Brito Schindler announce the birth of David Bram on Nov. 12. David joins big sister Heather, 3.

From the May / June 1999 Issue

Class secretary Pam Gerrol reports: "I spent an afternoon with Judy Altenberg and her husband, Bruce Plotkin, while in Denver in February. A high point of the trip was meeting Gabrielle Eve, their new daughter. She was born on Jan. 24, just in time to help big brother Jeremy cheer on the Broncos in the Super Bowl. Judy shared the good news that Lisa Baker is engaged to Steve Gelman. A September wedding is planned. "I also saw Kathy Bartlett Maher and Bill Maher when they hosted a Brown mini-reunion at their home in Newton, Mass. Maria Oliveira Evonsion and her husband, Gary, were visiting from Atlanta with their children, Alexander and Megan. Nancy Erban Carpenter '89 and husband Ken were also there. Kathy and Bill have returned to New England after several years in California. Bill has joined the Department of Medicine at the West Roxbury V.A. Hospital, and Kathy is taking time off from the legal profession to be at home with sons Patrick and Joseph. Also seen in Newton recently were Suzie Bavly Greenwald '89 and her husband, Jeff Greenwald. I also ran into Bill Rodriguez '85 at Brigham & Women's Hospital, where he is finishing his chief residency year in medicine before starting a year as an HIV Fellow. Those who know Bill will not be surprised to hear that he is planning to attend the 1999 World Ultimate Frisbee Club Championships in Scotland in August. I look forward to hearing more news from classmates."

Daniel R. Davis, Newton, Mass., joined Biopure Corp. as chief financial officer in December. For three years, Daniel worked in acquisitions and business development for Knowledge Universe.

Keith Gruen and Regine Mund announce the birth of Aaron, who arrived on Jan. 28. Keith has founded Kappa IT Ventures, a venture capital company based in Munich, Germany, that finances information technology start-ups on both sides of the Atlantic. Any Brown grads who have started their own high-tech companies and need financing and coaching should send him a business plan.

Karl Jacoby and Marie Lee '86 are back at Brown. After getting his Ph.D. from Yale and teaching one year at Oberlin College, Karl is happy to be at the Brown history department. Marie spent the first year of marriage as a Fulbright Scholar in Korea and is glad to be back with Karl in Providence, home of their first date (at the Cable Car!).

Bill Kraus, Ridgefield, Conn., and his wife, Laura, announce the birth of Julia Elise on Jan. 14. She joins Nicholas, 3, and Maria, 1. Bill is a vice president in GE Capital's Equity Capital Group.

Sarah W. Poston has joined the law firm of Zeldes, Needle & Cooper, where she focuses on general litigation. Previously she was law clerk to the Honorable Janet C. Hall of the U.S. District Court in Connecticut.

Daniel Rothenberg published With These Hands: The Hidden World of Migrant Farmworkers Today (Harcourt Brace). He decided to write the book after spending several years as an advocate for migrant farmworkers' legal rights. In the book stories of migrant farmworkers bridge the social space that often renders workers invisible to those who benefit from their labor.

Edisa Weeks has a dance company based in New York City called Avila/Weeks Dance. The company of eight dancers is premiering Seat of Dreams, an evening-length work about childhood and dreams playing June 10-13 at Pace Downtown Theater, New York City.

From the March / April 1999 Issue

Report from Class Secretary Pam Gerrol: "I enjoyed seeing Judy Altenberg and her son, Jeremy, on a visit to Denver in October. They and Jeremy's dad, Bruce Plotkin, are doing well and enjoying life near Judy's family. Speaking of kids, there are many new ones to report. Steve Schaepe and Karen Govertsen of Newburyport, Mass., had a daughter, Julia, in June. She joins big brother Trevor, 2.

"It was great bumping into Judy Hellerstein for the second Thanksgiving in a row. This year she was accompanied by her baby, Gabriel. After a brief maternity leave, she is back at work as a professor of economics at the University of Maryland. I also bumped into Jon Weiss and Abby Rich and company over the holiday weekend at a rest stop somewhere between Maryland and New England. They are living in Arlington, Mass. Also in the new arrivals department, David Block and his wife, Sandy, have a new baby and a new home.

"Paul Bechta and Sarah Wolk Bechta '88 moved to the Boston area with their son, James, in March 1998. Sarah is a pediatrician in Webster, and Paul is vice president of engineering for Rand Technologies in Wayland.

"Belated congratulations to Peter Landesman on his award-winning first novel, The Raven (Baskerville Press, 1995; Penguin paperback, 1997). The book received the 1996 Kaufman Prize for First Fiction.

Amy Grillo Angell's note from the November/December issue should have stated that she got her master's degree, worked on her doctorate, and began working for Bennington College all within the first eight years after graduation.

Carolyn Coughlin and her husband, Jim Harris, announce the birth of Abigail Coughlin Harris, on Jan. 14, 1998. Carolyn, Jim, and Abby recently moved from Houston, where they lived for five years, to Jim's hometown area of Hightstown, N.J. Carolyn works for McKinsey and Co. in New York City, and Jim is director of counseling at the Peddie School in Hightstown. Carolyn keeps in contact with Sue Myers Woods and Becky Parken Sorensen and had a great time with Colleen McGuire Reed, Lynn George Josephs, Kristen Simmons Murray, Kelly Shanahan, and Lisa Doherty at Becky's wedding in Napa Valley on Sept. 12.

Ilene S. Goldman has joined the marketing department at United States Gypsum Interiors after six months in the corporate communications department at United States Gypsum Corp. Ilene says that her office in the Chicago Loop "has a lovely view of the Sears tower." She continues to write and publish on Latin American and U.S. Latino visual media and has an article about U.S. Latinos on daytime soap operas in the most recent issue of Spectator. Over Thanksgiving, Ilene met Erica Tachera Calise's baby, Sophia Marie; Andy Krantz's son, Jonathan; and Mindy Wiser-Estin's and David Estin's baby, Samantha. Ilene writes: "Dean Blackketter '88 and Kathleen Wydler recently welcomed an addition to their family - Zella Wydler Blackketter."

Louis Nosce has been named the new Webmaster at California University of Pennsylvania, where he will also work on the layout and design of university publications. He was previously the Webmaster, art director, and marketing coordinator for EZPower Systems Inc. He lives in Pittsburgh with his wife, Rachel.

John L. So and Grace Yue '88 have completed their sixth year in Hong Kong. "Our kids - Ashley, 5, and Chloe, 2 - along with work at Jardine Fleming and Bristol-Myers Squibb and a bit of travel here and there make the days fly by," John writes.

Alex Tilles married Anne Kearney (Stanford '88, Michigan '97 Ph.D.) on Sept. 6 in an outdoor ceremony in Moscow, Idaho. Many Brown alums attended the wedding, including groomsmen, Angie DeMichele Gross and Brian Berns. Alex is writing a book on software-team management, and Anne is a professor at the University of Washington.

From the January / February 1999 Issue

Jennifer Don Apy and Donald Apy announce the arrival of Andrew Wiseburn Apy '20 on Sept. 30. Mom and Dad feel as if they have traveled to a new land where day is night and night is day. They are loving every minute.

Darlene R. Currie writes: "Since our 10th class reunion, I have both moved and extended my work in law and education by leaving the classroom to pursue philanthropic work focused on reforming New York City Public Schools. After eight years of teaching courses in English, history, and law; mentoring young people; presenting papers; and seeking research grants, my shift to the other side - as grantmaker - is an expansion of my commitment to youth development, advocacy, and educational reform. The After-School Corporation, an organization founded by George Soros's Open Society Institute, has as its mission to advance the quality and availability of in-school after-school programs and to make them a public responsibility within five years. I am directing the research, evaluation, and educational policy that emerges from our programs."

Report from the class secretary, Pam Gerrol: "I am thrilled with all the news I am receiving about fellow classmates in this non-reunion year. Sean McDevitt, Boston, is traveling extensively as a principal with Cambridge Strategic Management Group and is busy with his daughter when in town.

"I bumped into Jill Zuckman in Back Bay in September. She has relocated from the Washington bureau of the Boston Globe to cover the governor's race and now the 2000 presidential campaign.

"The Brown Club of Boston welcomed President Gee at a September reception at the Park Plaza Hotel. Judy Goldfarb was pivotal in planning this event, thanks to her new position in alumni relations. Also present were Scott Johnston and Karen Stanger Johnston, who moved to the Boston area with their son Hunter, 21Ž2, so that Scott could take a job as market-risk officer with BankBoston. They send regards to all.

"It was fun to see a nice Brown contingent at a benefit party for the Make-a-Wish Foundation in October: Dave Lavallee is a vice president in the technology group at Credit Suisse First Boston Corp., and Bruce Weinstein '88 is in private practice after finishing an internal medicine residency at Brigham and Women's Hospital in June. Mike Tempero was also there. Mindy Wiser-Estin and David Estin gave birth to Samantha in May. They recently moved to Wayside, N.J., an hour outside New York City, where Mindy will be in private practice as an ob/gyn. Dave is a neurosurgeon in private practice with an academic appointment at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. They are happy to be back near Mindy's family in New Jersey."

Elizabeth Wilen Halpern, Chicago, announces the birth on April 12 of Noah David Halpern, who joins big sister Samantha. Elizabeth stays home with the kids but tries to continue her estate-planning legal practice on the side.

Karl Jacoby and Marie Lee '86 report that after more than a decade away from College Hill, they are once again living in Providence. Karl has begun a tenure-track position as an assistant professor in American history at Brown. Marie spent a year in Korea on a Fulbright Fellowship and is at work on her next book.

Wes Jones (see Nancy Dawn Zarker Jones '56).

Peter Landesman, a writer and artist living in New York City, has published his second novel, Blood Acre (Viking Penguin). He has also been writing for the New Yorker and Harper's.

Jacques LeBoeuf was named a partner at the Oakland, Calif., law firm of Crosby, Heafey, Roach & May. He joined the firm in 1993 after serving for a year as law clerk to Judge Albert J. Engel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Since joining the firm, he has written more than thirty appellate briefs and writ petitions, several of which have resulted in published opinions. He currently serves as cochair of the Alameda County Bar Association's appellate practice section. Anne Siegenthaler Loucks and David Loucks (Yale '88) announce the birth on Sept. 5 of John Hattery, who joins Olivia, 3. The family has moved from San Francisco to Winnetka, Ill., where they hope to catch up with Brown friends in the Chicago area.

Bruce Miller (see Stanford Miller '54).

Lynn Bell Norton '90 M.D. and her husband, John, are living in Mississippi with their four children, ages 6 months to 7 years. "We can't believe how friendly everyone is in the South," Lynn writes, "and the kids love playing outside year-round! John is running a medical psychiatry unit at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and loves teaching the students and residents. I'm taking a break from academic medicine after passing my ob/gyn boards. I'm loving the chance to be home full-time with the kids. I'll probably start back part-time this coming year. I'd love to hear from old classmates."

Ken Weintraub, his wife, Amanda (Tufts University '87), and their daughter, Rachel, 3, have recently moved to Nashua, N.H. Ken just completed an orthopedic sports medicine fellowship in Cincinnati and has begun a job as an orthopedist with the Hitchcock Clinic in Nashua and Manchester. Ken and Amanda are expecting their second child in February.

Maggie Zellner writes: "I spent most of my twenties working hard at becoming grown-up. Now, I finally seem to have discovered my calling: I am in psychoanalytic training at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis, have a part-time psychotherapy practice, and have just taken on a staggering student loan to get a master's in developmental psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. Studying neuropsychology and spending time with infants are my favorite ways to make it to the millennium, though I'm afraid I'm not going to get much sleep until then. I'd love to hear from lost friends, particularly Roy Carvalho '89, Nick Mayper '87, and Lisa Smith '89."

From the November / December 1998 Issue

Amy Grillo Angell spent the first eight years after Brown living in Cambridge, Mass., working on a master's in counseling. She pursued a doctorate in education at Harvard, and then helped run Bennington College's summer program for high school students. "I moved to Townshend, Vt., to finish writing my dissertation, and I never left," she writes. "Last summer I married Sam Angell (Cornell '87). Many Brown alumni were at the wedding. I am currently dean of students and on the psychology faculty at Marlboro College. Sam is an attorney at Fitts, Olson and Giddings in Brattleboro. We live at the top of a quiet, dead-end, dirt road surrounded by ponds, trails, and woods, and we'd love to see Brown friends headed up this way to ski, or who are just in search of fresh air."

David Estin and Mindy Wisek-Estin announce the arrival of Samantha Rachel on May 26. "We have moved from Boston to New Jersey," Mindy writes. "David has finally finished training in neurosurgery, and has taken a position with Columbia-Presbyterian, working at a satellite in Monmouth County." T

Wes Jones and his wife, Kim, have moved to Chesapeake, Va., with their son Connor, 4, and their daughter Taylor, almost 2. "After eleven years and three moves with Chubb and Son Insurance, we're used to relocating," Wes writes. "One extra bonus with this relocation is that classmate Aldon Collier '87 is the kids' pediatrician."

Jill Schlesinger (see Elaine Rakatansky '66).

Gary Schwartz stayed with Jenny Polli Lancaster; her husband, Jeff; and their two beautiful children, Jeffrey and Mary, while in San Francisco sitting for his ophthalmology boards. Gary writes: "While there, I also met up with Becky Parken, Susan Myers Woods and her husband, Cliff, and son, Connor (who, for the sake of fairness, is just as beautiful as Jenny's kids)."

Shari-Lynn Umlas Odzer '90 M.D. and her husband, Ari (Univ. of Florida '87), announce the birth of Nicole Brooke on June 15. She joins big sister Jamie, 21é2. "I am working hard as an oncologic and breast-imaging radiologist at Mt. Sinai Cancer Center in Miami Beach, and loving my job. Ari is still with the NBC affiliate station in Miami," Shari-Lynn writes.

From the September / October 1998 Issue

Amy Chang, Greenbelt, Md., married Terrence Lee (UC-Davis '87, UCLA '90 M.P.H.) on March 28 in Bethesda, Md. Brown alumni in attendance included bridesmaid Linda Ko. After spending her honeymoon hiking in New Zealand and scuba diving in Australia, Amy returned to her job at the Department of Justice.

Mark Deitcher and Nancy LeClair announce the birth of Owen Kean Deitcher on Nov. 13, 1997. Owen joins his brother Nathan.

Katie Livingston married Marshall Vale (Univ. of Rhode Island) "after a whirlwind nine-year romance," Katie writes. The reception was held at the Brown Faculty Club, and Brunonians Evan Fox '85 and Kirsten Robinson were among those celebrating the happy event. Katie is director of the New Media Center at M.I.T. She recently caught up with Ed Hutchinson '88, Greg Galer '89, Doug Mayer, Heidi Pasternak '89, and Monica Brady '89 at a Boston-area WBRU reunion.


Gary Mason and his wife, Thea (Univ. of Pennsylvania '86, Wharton '91), announce the birth of Jessica Sophia on Feb. 20. Gary writes: "Thea and I are soon to celebrate our sixth anniversary. Last year, I made partner at my law firm, Cohen, Milstein, Hawfeld & Zoll, where I am head of the products liability section. My wife does finance for Mobil Corp. I regularly see Nick , who is about to celebrate his first wedding anniversary."

Madelynn Orr and Todd Allcock announce the birth of Timothy Jay Allcock on April 5. Madelynn is enjoying her leave from the Office of the Comptroller of Currency in Kansas City. Tim recently met his mom's classmate Pam Wasserman, and Madelynn looks forward to hearing from other Brown friends.

Merriam Sarcia Saunders and her husband, Greg Saunders (Harvard Business School '90), announce the birth of Sabrina Merriam on Christmas Eve. Merriam took a year off as business manager for the Ansel Adams Trust but resumed her position part-time in April.

Angela E. Taylor and Carolyn M. Robinson '86 announce the birth of their first child, Jordan Reid Taylor, on March 30. His godparents, Rebecca Hensler '91 and Derek Livingston '89, were in attendance for the naming ceremony in early May.

From the July / August 1998 Issue

Joseph Copeland was working for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in Botswana, Africa, until early June.

Joan Cummins married Paul Sternberger in New York City on May 2. Joan is still working on her Ph.D., but she started a new job in June at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, where she is curator of Indian, Himalayan, and Southeast Asian art.

Andrea Feldman (see Robert Feldman '58).

Pam Gerrol, class secretary, writes: "I received a note from Kim Haroz Murphy, who is in the Washington, D.C., area working for the State Department after spending four years overseas (two years in Poland and two in Cameroon) with the Foreign Service. Her husband, Michael, is also with the Foreign Service. Kim sent news about Miriam Gonzales and Michael Fitzpatrick, who had a baby girl in March. Kim also reported that Anne Frattali Eder had a daughter last fall." Pam has recently joined the genetic counseling group in the ob-gyn department at Brigham and Women's Hospital. "I am also still compiling pictures from the reunion," she writes. "I encourage classmates to be active in alumni activities in their communities. For those in the Boston area, please contact me to become involved with the Brown Club of Boston. We are looking forward to an event featuring President Gee on September 17 and we hope you will join us."

Miriam Gonzales (see preceding note) decided to put her research on education policy into practice by entering the classroom, where she is teaching fifth grade in the Alexandria (Va.) public schools. Michael Fitzpatrick moved from the White House to the U.S. Attorney's Office, where he is working as an assistant U.S. attorney.

Anne Cloutier Kaminski, Holden, Mass., is enjoying life as a stay-at-home mom to Peter, 1, and a 14-year-old canine, Gretchen. Anne, husband Ken, and Peter traveled to Seattle earlier this year to visit Margaret Berger Cassady. Margaret and her husband, Don, are expecting their first child in late July.

Todd A. Murray and Kristen Simmons Murray, Cleveland, announce the birth of Gus William on July 30, 1997. He joined big sister Kelsey, 3. Todd is vice president of franchise operations for Pearle Vision. Kristen enjoys her full-time duties as a stay-at-home mom and coaches a high-school lacrosse team in the spring.

Ivette Pena and husband Daniel Juárez live in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., a coastal city twenty-five miles south of Los Angeles. They have been married nearly seven years and had their first child, Diego Cuauhtemoc Juárez, in December. Ivette writes: "After working in a variety of places, I have finally settled into Miller Brown & Dannis, a law firm that represents school districts and other public agencies throughout California. I really enjoy my job and have the added benefit of a short and lovely commute - a rarity in southern California."

Diana Reeves Tejada and husband Marco announce the birth of Daniel Enrique on Feb. 12; he joins sister Cristina. The family lives in New York City.

From the May / June 1998 Issue

Pam Gerrol, class secretary, urges classmates to keep her posted on their news.

Gwendolyn Coen Basinger writes: "After ten years in Chicago, I've finally accepted the fact that I'm a transplanted New Yorker. The first eight years in Chicago were spent at Leo Burnett and at the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management. For the last two years, I've run business development at DDB Needham, where I manage our new business activities. In September my Chicago status became permanent when I married David Basinger, also an ad guy. We live in the city with his son, Josh, and our two cats, Maui and Lily."

Paul Bechta '88 Sc.M. and Sarah Wolk Bechta '88, '92 M.D., Colorado Springs, Colo., announce the birth of James Wolk Bechta on Feb. 7. James's early visitors included Kristi Erdal '88, who also lives in Colorado Springs.

Nitya Datwani Bharany writes: "We have moved back to our family home in Greater Kailash, New Delhi. Mahesh and I have our hands full with our sons, Maanit, 4, and Nirvaan, 15 months. We would love to hear from long-lost friends now that we have finally succumbed to the joys of e-mail. (Rafael and Andrés, please write soon!)"

Jim Biek and his wife, Marie-Thérèse, are celebrating the second anniversary of their move to London from New York. Their first child, Lucie Alba Lorraine, was born in July. Jim is an associate in the architecture firm Munkenbeck & Marshall and "will jump into the media with an installation at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City this winter," he writes. "We bought a loft shell, which realized my first independent design on British soil. We know only too well that London is a convenient arrival point for international travelers. We've gotten quite good at entertaining drop-ins."

Sally A. Campbell-Lee will complete her residency in anatomic and clinical pathology at the University of Maryland in June. She graduated from Albany Medical College in 1993 and completed her internship in internal medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. Sally will begin her fellowship in blood banking and transfusion medicine at Johns Hopkins University Hospital. In April 1997, Sally married Charles D. Lee (Coppin State '87), a chemist who works for the U.S. Department of the Treasury in the bureau of engraving and printing. Lisa Wade '88 was maid of honor.

Maria Oliveira Evonsion and her husband, Gary, of Alpharetta, Ga., announce the arrival of Megan Lurdes Evonsion. She was born Dec. 30 and joins her brother, Alexander Carl, 21/2.

Leigh Hare Griswold and Andy Griswold announce the birth of their first child, Madison Leigh, born Sept. 6. Leigh is taking a yearlong leave of absence from her doctoral program in clinical psychology. Andy, recently promoted to first vice president at Merrill Lynch, is working fewer hours in order to spend time with Madison.

Lisa Jaycox recently moved to Santa Monica, Calif., to work as an associate behavioral scientist at RAND. Lisa writes, "I am a clinical psychologist, happily married to Andrew Morral (Swarthmore '85), and looking for classmates in the L.A. area."

Andrew Krantz writes: "December was a great month. My law office moved into a grand Victorian building off the Navesink River in Red Bank, N.J.; Laura and Isigned a contract to buy a new home; and, best of all, our son Jonathan was born on the 21st. We're all doing great."

Sarah Lum writes: "After five years working at Brown on a two-way video link I have taken a yearlong leave to study at that lesser-known school up North. I'm earning an M.P.A. with a concentration in corporate and international philanthropy." Gilberto Maymí and Hildren Francis have been busy raising their daughters, Natalia Celeste, 5, Viviana del Mar, 4, and Paola Antonia, 2. Gilberto is practicing law at a local firm, and Hildren has taken a leave from lawyering and is considering doing something "more creative and fun."



Jun, 2024

Royce T. Johnson ’87, of Oakland, Calif.; Dec. 30. He was a procurement and sourcing manager for VeriSign, Inc. In addition to enjoying his position at VeriSign, he also liked to travel around the world and spend time with family and friends. He is survived by his husband, Marcus James Dawson; his mother; a sister; and nieces and nephews. 

Apr, 2024

Amanda M. McGovern ’87, of Coral Gables, Fla.; Apr. 22, of cancer. She graduated from the University of Miami Law School and for 15 years worked as a trial lawyer at Kenny Nachwalter in both federal and state court in commercial litigation and securities arbitration. The following eight years she was a litigation partner at Rivero Mestre in Coral Gables and litigated multiple high-stakes trials and business matters, domestically and internationally, including representing the proclaimed Bitcoin creator. The Daily Business Review recognized her as its 2022 Attorney of the Year. She is survived by three children, her parents, four siblings and their spouses, and nine nieces and nephews.

Oct, 2021

Ann-Eve Pedersen ’87, of Tucson; May 28. She began her career as a receptionist at the Tucson Citizen and eventually became the city editor of the Arizona Daily Star as well as its Employee of the Year. She won numerous awards for her coverage of the courthouse and, while on that beat, met her future husband, who was a public defender. Outraged at how poorly funded the schools were when her son began attending public schools, she founded the Arizona Education Network, drafted a proposition to restore a robust tax base for Arizona schools, and raised funds to place it on the ballot in 2012. She later took a post as executive director of the Southwestern Foundation, a charitable nonprofit that has supported such organizations as the San Xavier del Bac Mission, the Amerind Foundation, and the Arizona State Museum. She was always an advocate for the disadvantaged. She is survived by her husband, Peter; a son; three brothers; and several nieces and nephews.

Sep, 2020

John Blassingame Jr. ’87, of New Haven, Conn.; Mar. 21. He taught at Kaplan preparing students for the LSAT test and tutoring college-bound students for the SAT exams. He is survived by his mother, a sister, and aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Apr, 2020

Peter Zidlicky ’87, of Larchmont, N.Y.; Oct. 7. After graduating from Columbia Business School, he worked with both large and boutique investment companies, including Solomon Brothers, Donaldson Lufkin Jenrette, and Atlantic Pacific Capital, before forming his own company in 2004, Sound Shore Advisors. At Brown he was a member of Kappa Sigma and both the football and lacrosse teams. Later in life he enjoyed coaching his daughters’ lacrosse teams, eventually founding Black Paw Lacrosse. He also enjoyed spending time with family in Virginia and on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. He is survived by two daughters; his mother; brother Paul ’89; five nieces and nephews; and his former wife, Jennifer Ogden ’87.


Nov, 2019

Janice Nichols Harper ’87, of Lithonia, Ga., formerly of Brooklyn, N.Y.; July 31. She earned two master’s degrees from Columbia University Teacher’s College and began her career as an elementary education teacher in Brooklyn. She then founded Harper Education Support Services, an educational consulting business that provided innovative comprehensive services to public and private schools, and community-based organizations in areas of curriculum, instruction, and assessment, to improve the learning outcome of students. Over the course of her career she launched an alliance with Spelman College to prepare students as service leaders for a community literacy project; organized and implemented individualized reading and math curricula for students with diverse learning needs; designed and implemented multicultural reading and after-school programs for diverse urban primary and secondary students; and performed staff development trainings to support best practices in curriculum design. Her passion for education included both national and international speaking and teaching engagements, including two trips to South Africa, where she was a delegate in the People to People Program and then a presenter at the International Literacy Association conference. She received numerous awards throughout her lifetime. She was active with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the National Council of Teachers of English, the International Literacy Association, and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She is survived by her husband, Darren ’80; a daughter; two sons; five grandchildren; three brothers; two brothers-in-law; her mother-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.


May, 2019

Amy P. Chang ’87, of Saratoga, Calif.; July 21, of cancer. She graduated from UC Hastings College of the Law and started her legal career as a corporate attorney at McCutcheon Doyle. She also raised a family and helped run a family business. As a citizen activist, she spearheaded educational school choice for Chinese American students in the landmark case Ho v. SFUSD in San Francisco and then promoted economic development in Oakland as an urban planner for the City of Oakland. She was an active member of the Saratoga Federated Church and enjoyed travel, Thai food, the redwood trees of California, and time spent with family. She is survived by her husband, Harrison Chow; three sons; two sisters; and an aunt.

Sep, 2018

Lawrence B. Gardner ’87, of New York City; Mar. 27, of lymphoma. He was associate professor of medicine and associate professor of biochemistry and molecular pharmacology at NYU Langone Medical Center. He attended patients, performed research, and taught students. He was a fellow at Johns Hopkins Univ. and the head of the hematology oncology fellowship at NYU. Phi Beta Kappa. He is survived by a daughter, his mother, a sister, and a brother.


May, 2018

William H. Perry ’87, of Franklin, Mass., formerly of Westport, Conn.; Dec. 11, of cancer. He was the retired CEO of Standard Life Investments North America. Under his tutelage the American office was voted a top-three financial services workplace for three consecutive years by Investor Magazine. Playing Brown football, he earned two first-team All-Ivy defensive tackle titles, was named to All-American  and All-Decade teams, and was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame. An annual award recognizing the best defensive lineman was created and named in his honor. He helped found the Brown football mentor program and in 1991 earned the Joslin Award. He is survived by his wife, Rosalie; three sons; two sisters; a brother; a niece; and 10 nephews.

Apr, 2018

Claudia F. Yellin ’87, of Providence; Oct. 31. She was a psychologist in private practice and at Bradley Hospital. She also held leadership positions in several professional organizations and was a member of Temple Emanu-El in Providence. She enjoyed reading, canoeing, listening to folk music, and being outdoors. She is survived by her spouse, Navah Levine; a son; her parents; a sister; a stepbrother; and two nephews.

Feb, 2018

Gwendolyn Coen Basinger ’87, of Las Vegas; Aug. 5, of ovarian cancer. She was senior vice president and director of business development at DDB Needham in Chicago and an account executive at Leo Burnett (Chicago) for eight years before becoming president of the Basinger Group, an executive search company. She is survived by her husband, David, and two sons.

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